List of battleships of France (original) (raw)
Seznam francouzských bitevních lodí zahrnuje bitevní lodě počítane historicky první pancéřovanou válečnou lodí La Gloire, barbetové lodě, věžové bitevní lodě, predreadnoughty, dreadnoughty, superdreadnoughty až po moderní bitevní lodě tříd Richelieu a poslední již nerealizovanou třídu Alsace.
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dbo:abstract | Seznam francouzských bitevních lodí zahrnuje bitevní lodě počítane historicky první pancéřovanou válečnou lodí La Gloire, barbetové lodě, věžové bitevní lodě, predreadnoughty, dreadnoughty, superdreadnoughty až po moderní bitevní lodě tříd Richelieu a poslední již nerealizovanou třídu Alsace. (cs) Between 1889 and 1949, the French Navy built a series of pre-dreadnought, dreadnought, and fast battleships, ultimately totaling thirty-four vessels: twenty-three pre-dreadnoughts, seven dreadnoughts, and four fast battleships. Another seven—five dreadnoughts and two fast battleships—were cancelled in various stages of construction (one of which was converted into an aircraft carrier while being built) and seven more were cancelled before work began. The first battleship construction program followed a period of confusion in strategic thinking in France over the optimal shape of the fleet. At the time, the French naval command consisted of competing factions, with one that favored building fleets of capital ships, continuing the program of traditional ironclad warships that had dominated the fleet in the 1860s and 1870s. The other major faction preferred the Jeune École doctrine, which emphasized the use of cheap torpedo boats to destroy expensive capital ships. During the period, naval construction decisions often depended on the Minister of the Navy in office at the time. A pair of ironclad battleships were cancelled by Admiral Théophile Aube, an adherent of the Jeune École, but one of the two was redesigned as the pre-dreadnought Brennus following Aube's departure. By the end of the decade, the British Naval Defence Act of 1889 that considerably strengthened the Royal Navy provided the justification the battleship faction needed to embark on a similar naval expansion program. The French replied with the Statut Naval (Naval Law) of 1890 that projected a total force of twenty-eight battleships. The initial program ordered four ships, with a fifth added during the design process: Charles Martel, Carnot, Jauréguiberry, Masséna, and Bouvet. These were experimental ships, built to different designs but all to the same broad specifications; they were all characterized by pronounced tumblehome and a lozenge arrangement of a mixed-caliber main battery. All five proved to be disappointments, owing to poor stability and poor resistance to underwater attacks. The navy then began a series of standardized ships designed by a single architect; these were the three Charlemagne class and the derivatives Iéna and Suffren. The initial series of French battleships saw relatively little activity, being primarily occupied with training activities through the 1890s and 1900s. They alternated between the Northern and Mediterranean Squadrons before being withdrawn from front-line service at the end of the first decade of the 20th century as more modern battleships entered service. In 1900, the French government passed a new Statut Naval to counter growing German naval strength, which resulted in the two République- and four Liberté-class battleships; they were very similar but differed in their secondary battery. These vessels proved to be much more successful than the earlier battleships of the French fleet, and they formed the backbone of the Mediterranean Squadron when war came in 1914. A new Statut Naval in 1906 brought about the construction of the six Danton-class battleships and the seven dreadnoughts of the Courbet and Bretagne classes. The Dantons were pre-dreadnought vessels built after the launch of the British "all-big-gun" HMS Dreadnought rendered such vessels obsolescent, though the French at that time preferred the higher rate of fire of the lighter secondary guns. Convinced of the need to follow suit with dreadnoughts of their own, the French ordered the four Courbets in 1910 followed by three Bretagnes in 1912. These would be the last battleships completed for two decades, as World War I forced the French to cancel the Normandie and Lyon classes (ordered for the 1913 and 1915 programs) as industrial and financial resources were diverted to the French Army and financial limitations after the war prevented further construction. During the war, the bulk of the French fleet was occupied with guarding the southern end of the Adriatic Sea to contain the Austro-Hungarian Navy, while older vessels were used elsewhere, particularly during the Dardanelles campaign, where Bouvet was sunk in 1915. After the war, the surviving pre-dreadnoughts were either scrapped or reduced to secondary roles. By the mid-1930s, the French again embarked on a naval construction program to counter the German and Italian fleets, resulting in the two Dunkerque-class battleships and four Richelieu-class battleships; of the four Richelieus that were planned, two were cancelled by the start of World War II, and only one was completed in time to see action during the war. A final design, the Alsace class, was authorized in 1940 after the war began but were cancelled following France's defeat in the Battle of France. The two Dunkerques saw limited action during the war, with Dunkerque being sunk during the British attack on Mers-el-Kébir to prevent her from being seized by the Germans. Bretagne and Provence were also sunk there, and the third member of the class, Lorraine, was seized by the British and turned over to the Free French Naval Forces. Refloated and returned to Toulon, Dunkerque and Provence were later scuttled there with the former's sister ship Strasbourg when the French intentionally scuttled the fleet to prevent German soldiers from capturing the vessels. Richelieu meanwhile was overhauled in the United States and served with the Free French from 1943. Jean Bart, with only one main battery gun turret operational, briefly engaged United States forces during Operation Torch in November 1942, and was eventually completed in the late 1940s. Both she and Richelieu served as training ships before eventually being decommissioned in 1968. (en) Ceci est la liste des cuirassés de la Marine française entre 1859 et 1945. Les dates indiquées sont les dates de lancement des navires. (fr) A Marinha Nacional Francesa construiu uma série de couraçados entre as décadas de 1890 e 1940. O comando naval francês no final do século XIX era formado por duas facções: a primeira defendia a construção de navios capitais, enquanto a segunda enfatizava o uso de embarcações menores. A saída de oficiais membros desta segunda facção no final da década de 1880 permitiu que um couraçado pré-dreadnought fosse construído, o Brennus. O Reino Unido iniciou uma grande expansão naval em 1889, que serviu de justificativa para os franceses embarcarem em um programa de expansão próprio. Quatro embarcações foram encomendadas no ano seguinte, com uma quinta adicionada no processo de projeto: Charles Martel, Carnot, Jauréguiberry, Masséna e Bouvet. Estes eram navios experimentais construídos com projetos diferentes, mas sob as mesmas especificações. Todos foram considerados decepções pela Marinha Nacional. Seguiu-se uma série de couraçados padronizados projetados por um único arquiteto naval. Estes foram os três navios da Classe Charlemagne, mais seus derivados Iéna e Suffren. A primeira leva de couraçados franceses teve uma atuação limitada que envolveu principalmente atividades de treinamento no decorrer das décadas de 1890 e 1900. Eles alternaram serviços entre as Esquadras do Norte e Mediterrâneo até serem removidos do serviço ativo no final da primeira década do século XX, enquanto embarcações mais modernas entravam em atividade. O governo francês iniciou a construção de uma nova leva de couraçados depois de 1900 com o objetivo de fazer frente à recente expansão naval da Alemanha, o que resultou em dois navios da Classe République e quatro da Classe Liberté; estes eram muito similares entre si, diferindo principalmente em suas baterias secundárias. Estas embarcações foram mais bem-sucedidas e formaram o núcleo da Esquadra do Mediterrâneo até 1914. A construção de seis couraçados da Classe Danton foi aprovada em 1906. Entretanto, estes foram construídos após o lançamento do britânico HMS Dreadnought, que revolucionou a construção naval, o que fez com que os navios fossem obsoletos antes de entrarem em serviço. A França ficou convencida de que necessitava construir couraçados dreadnought próprios, assim encomendou quatro embarcações da Classe Courbet, sucedida por três da Classe Bretagne. Estes seriam os últimos navios do tipo construídos por duas décadas, pois o início da Primeira Guerra Mundial em 1914 forçou os franceses a cancelarem as Classes Normandie e Lyon, quando recursos financeiros e industriais foram desviados para o Exército de Terra e limitações orçamentárias impediram mais construções. A maior parte da frota francesa se concentrou na patrulha da extremidade sul do Mar Adriático a fim de conter avanços da Marinha Austro-Húngara, enquanto os pré-dreadnoughts foram empregados em outros locais, especialmente na Campanha de Galípoli, onde o Bouvet e Masséna foram afundados em 1915. Os pré-dreadnoughts sobreviventes após a guerra foram desmontados ou colocados em funções secundárias. Os franceses retomaram seu programa de construção naval na década de 1930 a fim de fazer frente à Alemanha e Itália, o que resultou em dois couraçados da Classe Dunkerque e quatro da Classe Richelieu. Entretanto, dois membros da Classe Richelieu foram cancelados depois do início da Segunda Guerra Mundial em 1939, com apenas um sendo finalizado em tempo para atuar na guerra. Um último projeto, a Classe Alsace, foi autorizado em 1940, porém cancelado logo depois da derrota francesa na Batalha da França. Os membros da Classe Dunkerque tiveram serviço limitado, com o Dunkerque e o Provence sendo seriamente danificados no Ataque a Mers-el-Kébir, durante o qual o Bretagne foi afundado. O Lorraine foi tomado pelos britânicos e entregue para as Forças Navais Francesas Livres. O Dunkerque, Provence e Strasbourg foram deliberadamente afundados em 1942 para que não fossem tomados pelos alemães. O Richelieu foi modernizado nos Estados Unidos e serviu com a França Livre a partir de 1943, enquanto o Jean Bart permaneceu incompleto e só foi finalizado na década de 1950. Estes dois últimos serviram com a Marinha Nacional até a década de 1960, sendo desmontados. (pt) 法國海軍曾在1889年至1948年期間陸續地建造一系列的前無畏艦、無畏艦、超无畏舰和高速戰列艦,最终共有34艘戰艦完工,其中包括24艘前無畏艦、4艘無畏艦、3艘超无畏舰和4艘高速戰列艦等。在這段建造期間,法國海軍曾取消9艘超無畏艦及2艘高速戰列艦建造方案,其中1艘超無畏艦被改裝為航空母艦,即法国第一艘航空母舰贝阿恩号。另有6艘在開工前即取消。在法國海軍首艘前無畏艦建造批准前,曾經歷過一段動盪的時期,主要是因為1880年代的法國海軍內部對艦隊組成要素分成兩組派系,其中一派推崇大艦巨砲主義,該流派主張建造主力艦;另一派則傾向於綠水學派,主張建造大量且低廉的魚雷艇來摧毀價格昂貴的戰艦。在此期間,海軍建造項目往往取決於時任的傾向;例如海軍上將傾向於綠水學派,因此在他任內期間曾取消2艘鐵甲艦建造計畫,但在奧比離任後,繼任者同意將其中一艘鐵甲艦的設計加以改造,使其成為法國首艘前無畏艦布倫努斯號。 英吉利海峽對岸的英國於1889年通過《》,開始大量建造戰艦來擴充皇家海軍實力;然而這同時刺激了法國海軍,主張大艦巨砲主義者鼓吹必須跟隨英國展開海軍擴張計劃,否則法國海軍的實力將會落後於英國皇家海軍,最終司令部同意了該主張。為了確保法國海軍實力能與英國皇家海軍並駕齊驅,法國議會通過《1890年海軍建造法案》,授權法國海軍可增加24艘艦隊裝甲艦(法語:Cuirasses d'escadre)。第一批計劃原預定建造4艘戰艦,但在設計時決定增加至5艘,這5艘準同型艦分別為查理·馬特號、卡諾號、若雷吉貝里號、馬塞納號、布韋號。這5艘艦偏向實驗性質,儘管主要規格皆相同,但在細部方面則是按照不同的設計者有所區分。在這5艘艦之中,其共同特點分別為擁有明顯的結構,採用2種不同口徑的火炮當主砲,以及在主砲塔配置上採菱形佈局等。由於這5艘準同型艦在穩定性及水下防禦能力上較差,整體性能上來說是令人失望的。 鑒於早期在戰艦設計上的失誤,法國海軍開始標準化船艦規格,採用一位設計師的設計案來建造一系列的戰艦,這包括3艘查理曼級戰艦以及衍生出來的耶拿號和蘇弗朗號。最初系列的法國戰艦執勤活動相對較少,主要集中於1890年代至1900年代間的演習操練上,並在北方分艦隊(Escadre du Nord)與之間交替執勤。隨者次型戰艦在1900年代後期陸續投入服役,早期的戰艦開始逐漸退居二線。1898年,德意志帝國通過《1898年海軍法》,開始與英國展開軍備競賽,然而這項舉動激起了法國的警覺心,為了能與德國相抗衡,法國政府在1900年通過《1900年艦隊法案》,從而延伸出2艘共和級與4艘自由級的建造計畫。共和級與自由級的設計非常相似,這主要是自由級的設計基礎來自共和級,但在副砲口徑尺寸上自由級採用的是口徑較大的方案,因此自由級戰艦有時被認為是共和級的亞型艦。這兩級別的設計跟早期法國戰艦比起來要成功得多,而且當第一次世界大戰於1914年爆發後,這些軍艦立刻成為地中海分艦隊的骨幹之一。 法國政府在1906年批准艦隊法案第二期,並開始建造6艘丹東級戰艦,之後開始進入無畏艦時代和超无畏舰时代,也陸續建造4艘孤拔級戰艦及3艘布列塔尼級戰艦。相較其他國家而言,法國海軍在進入無畏艦的時間比較晚,這主要是因為在世界上首艘無畏艦無畏號於1906年2月10日首次下水時,丹東級首艦丹東號才開始建造。儘管法國人曾爭論丹東級是否該更改設計,依照無畏艦標準改採全巨砲設計(all-big-gun)及蒸汽渦輪發動機等,但在決策者多加考量後,除了通過蒸汽渦輪發動機方案外,當時的法國人還是覺得口徑較小的輕裝火炮在射速上較快,投射火力效率較高,加上海軍部規定丹東級在設計排水量不得超過18,000公噸(18,000長噸),因此決定不採納全巨砲設計,但這也導致丹東級戰艦完工後,與英國無畏號等無畏艦相比下較為遜色。1909年以後,法國海軍司令部才認知到無畏艦在火力性能上較優,因此決定跟上步伐,開始研發國產無畏艦,4艘孤拔級戰艦在1910年起陸續開始建造,但随即也步入了超无畏舰时代,3艘布列塔尼級戰艦也在1912年後開始建造。接下來20年間,法國還建造5艘諾曼第級戰艦,另外還預計在1915年時建造4艘里昂級戰列艦,但因為第一次世界大戰於1914年爆發,工業資源與金援全轉投入法國陸軍,導致所有海軍建造計畫被推遲,加上法國政府在大戰結束後又面臨財政困境,使得後兩級別的建造計畫被迫取消,而先前7艘已完工的無畏艦則成為法國海軍接下來20年間的主力艦艇。在第一次世界大戰期間,法國海軍主力幾乎全調派到亞得里亞海南端,其主要任務為防守當地海域,阻止奧匈帝國海軍勢力突破至地中海。比較舊型的前無畏艦則轉投入其它海域,其中包括於1915年達達尼爾海峽的戰事;不過法國海軍在達達尼爾海峽的戰事受挫,布韋號甚至還在作戰中觸雷沉沒。第一次世界大戰過後,法國海軍逐步將倖存的前無畏艦轉為後備役,或是直接報廢。 直到1930年代中期,法國人才再次啟動海軍建造計劃,以便能對抗日漸擴張的德國海軍和義大利艦隊,這時期的代表為2艘敦克爾克級與4艘黎塞留级战列舰。4艘黎塞留级战列舰當中,有2艘在第二次世界大戰爆發沒多久就取消建造,只有1艘在戰爭期間及時完工並投入作戰任務。法國人還在1940年提出阿爾薩斯級戰艦的設計方案,該方案是法國海軍至今為止最後一個建造方案,但因法國陸軍在1940年的戰役落敗,使得大批領土淪陷,阿爾薩斯級建造案也被迫取消。在第二次世界大戰期間,2艘敦克爾克級的行動受到限制,這是由於法國海軍在1940年6月以後分裂成維琪法國和自由法國兩個派系,而2艘敦克爾克級位在維琪法國派系內。法國投降後,前盟友英國皇家海軍擔心法國軍艦被軸心國徵收,在凱比爾港勸降法國海軍失敗後發動攻擊,導致普羅旺斯號及敦克爾克號幾乎癱瘓無法運作,布列塔尼號甚至被擊沉,僅有史特拉斯堡號逃過一劫;另外駐紮在亞歷山卓的洛林號被英國皇家海軍解除武裝,直到轉交給後才再度投入作戰序列。重創的敦克爾克號及僥倖逃離的史特拉斯堡號最終都回到土倫,並在德軍發動佔領維琪法國時及時鑿沉,避免德軍奪取這些軍艦。另外,原屬於維琪法國的黎胥留號在美國發動火炬行動後於1943年開始服役於自由法國。讓·巴爾號在1940年代末期才完工,並成為世界上最後一艘完工服役的戰艦,不過2艘黎塞留级在戰爭結束後皆轉為訓練艦,並在1968年時從法國海軍。 (zh) Список лінійних кораблів Франції — перелік лінійних кораблів, які перебували на озброєнні Військово-морських сил Франції. У період між 1889 і 1949 роками французький флот побудував серію пре-дредноутів, дредноутів та швидких лінкорів, загалом налічуючи тридцять чотири бойові кораблі цього класу: 23 пре-дредноути, 7 дредноутів та 4 швидкі лінкори. Ще 5-7 дредноутів і два швидких лінкори — були скасовані на різних стадіях будівництва (один з яких був перероблений під авіаносець під час побудови), а ще 7 будівництво було скасовано ще до початку робіт. Перша програма будівництва лінкорів розпочалася після періоду плутанини у стратегічному мисленні у Франції щодо оптимальних розмірів флоту. У той час французьке військово-морське командування складалося з конкуруючих фракцій, одна з яких виступала за будівництво флоту капітальних кораблів, продовжуючи програму традиційних панцерних військових кораблів, які домінували у флоті у 1860-70-х роках. Інша фракція їхніх опонентів віддавала перевагу доктрині «Молода школа», яка наполягала на розвитку та будівництві дешевих міноносців для протистояння коштовним капітальним кораблям. Протягом цього періоду рішення про морське будівництво часто залежали від на той час. (uk) |
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rdfs:comment | Seznam francouzských bitevních lodí zahrnuje bitevní lodě počítane historicky první pancéřovanou válečnou lodí La Gloire, barbetové lodě, věžové bitevní lodě, predreadnoughty, dreadnoughty, superdreadnoughty až po moderní bitevní lodě tříd Richelieu a poslední již nerealizovanou třídu Alsace. (cs) Ceci est la liste des cuirassés de la Marine française entre 1859 et 1945. Les dates indiquées sont les dates de lancement des navires. (fr) Between 1889 and 1949, the French Navy built a series of pre-dreadnought, dreadnought, and fast battleships, ultimately totaling thirty-four vessels: twenty-three pre-dreadnoughts, seven dreadnoughts, and four fast battleships. Another seven—five dreadnoughts and two fast battleships—were cancelled in various stages of construction (one of which was converted into an aircraft carrier while being built) and seven more were cancelled before work began. The first battleship construction program followed a period of confusion in strategic thinking in France over the optimal shape of the fleet. At the time, the French naval command consisted of competing factions, with one that favored building fleets of capital ships, continuing the program of traditional ironclad warships that had dominated t (en) A Marinha Nacional Francesa construiu uma série de couraçados entre as décadas de 1890 e 1940. O comando naval francês no final do século XIX era formado por duas facções: a primeira defendia a construção de navios capitais, enquanto a segunda enfatizava o uso de embarcações menores. A saída de oficiais membros desta segunda facção no final da década de 1880 permitiu que um couraçado pré-dreadnought fosse construído, o Brennus. O Reino Unido iniciou uma grande expansão naval em 1889, que serviu de justificativa para os franceses embarcarem em um programa de expansão próprio. Quatro embarcações foram encomendadas no ano seguinte, com uma quinta adicionada no processo de projeto: Charles Martel, Carnot, Jauréguiberry, Masséna e Bouvet. Estes eram navios experimentais construídos com projetos (pt) Список лінійних кораблів Франції — перелік лінійних кораблів, які перебували на озброєнні Військово-морських сил Франції. У період між 1889 і 1949 роками французький флот побудував серію пре-дредноутів, дредноутів та швидких лінкорів, загалом налічуючи тридцять чотири бойові кораблі цього класу: 23 пре-дредноути, 7 дредноутів та 4 швидкі лінкори. Ще 5-7 дредноутів і два швидких лінкори — були скасовані на різних стадіях будівництва (один з яких був перероблений під авіаносець під час побудови), а ще 7 будівництво було скасовано ще до початку робіт. Перша програма будівництва лінкорів розпочалася після періоду плутанини у стратегічному мисленні у Франції щодо оптимальних розмірів флоту. У той час французьке військово-морське командування складалося з конкуруючих фракцій, одна з яких виступа (uk) 法國海軍曾在1889年至1948年期間陸續地建造一系列的前無畏艦、無畏艦、超无畏舰和高速戰列艦,最终共有34艘戰艦完工,其中包括24艘前無畏艦、4艘無畏艦、3艘超无畏舰和4艘高速戰列艦等。在這段建造期間,法國海軍曾取消9艘超無畏艦及2艘高速戰列艦建造方案,其中1艘超無畏艦被改裝為航空母艦,即法国第一艘航空母舰贝阿恩号。另有6艘在開工前即取消。在法國海軍首艘前無畏艦建造批准前,曾經歷過一段動盪的時期,主要是因為1880年代的法國海軍內部對艦隊組成要素分成兩組派系,其中一派推崇大艦巨砲主義,該流派主張建造主力艦;另一派則傾向於綠水學派,主張建造大量且低廉的魚雷艇來摧毀價格昂貴的戰艦。在此期間,海軍建造項目往往取決於時任的傾向;例如海軍上將傾向於綠水學派,因此在他任內期間曾取消2艘鐵甲艦建造計畫,但在奧比離任後,繼任者同意將其中一艘鐵甲艦的設計加以改造,使其成為法國首艘前無畏艦布倫努斯號。 (zh) |
rdfs:label | Seznam francouzských bitevních lodí (cs) Liste des cuirassés français (fr) List of battleships of France (en) Lista de couraçados da França (pt) Список лінійних кораблів Франції (uk) 法国海军战列舰列表 (zh) |
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