Mesh generation (original) (raw)
- La generació de malla és la pràctica de crear una malla, una subdivisió d'un espai geomètric continu en cel·les geomètriques i topològiques discretes. Sovint aquestes cèl·lules formen un . Normalment, les cel·les particionen el domini d'entrada geomètric. Les cèl·lules de malla s'utilitzen com a aproximacions locals discretes del domini més gran. Les malles es creen mitjançant algorismes informàtics, sovint amb guia humana a través d'una GUI, depenent de la complexitat del domini i del tipus de malla desitjada. Un objectiu típic és crear una malla que capti amb precisió la geometria del domini d'entrada, amb cel·les d'alta qualitat (ben formades) i sense tantes cel·les com per fer els càlculs posteriors intractables. La malla també ha d'estar bé (tenir petits elements) a les zones que són importants per als càlculs posteriors. Les malles s'utilitzen per a la representació a una pantalla d'ordinador i per a com l'anàlisi d'elements finits o la dinàmica de fluids computacional . Les malles estan formades per cel·les simples com els triangles perquè, per exemple, sabem com realitzar operacions com ara càlculs d'elements finits (enginyeria) o traçat de raigs (gràfics per ordinador) sobre triangles, però no sabem com realitzar aquestes operacions directament en espais complicats. i formes com un pont de carretera. Podem simular la força del pont, o dibuixar-lo a la pantalla d'un ordinador, fent càlculs a cada triangle i calculant les interaccions entre triangles. Generadors de malla més comuns: * Generadors de malla de codi obert/gratuït * Generadors de malla comercial i de domini públic * * ANSYS * i * Comet Solutions * Biblioteca d'Algoritmes de Geometria Computacional del CGAL * Generació de malla * Triangulacions i malles conformes 2D * Generació de malla 3D * CUBIT * Gmsh * Malles hextremes * MeshLab * Programari MSC * Omega_h Adaptabilitat Tri/Tet * Generació i conversió de malla FOAM oberta * Mòdul Salome Mesh * * TetWild * TRIANGLE Generació de malles i triangulació Delaunay Visualitzadors de malla més comuns: Paraview, Blender, . (ca)
- Mesh generation is the practice of creating a mesh, a subdivision of a continuous geometric space into discrete geometric and topological cells.Often these cells form a simplicial complex.Usually the cells partition the geometric input domain.Mesh cells are used as discrete local approximations of the larger domain. Meshes are created by computer algorithms, often with human guidance through a GUI , depending on the complexity of the domain and the type of mesh desired.A typical goal is to create a mesh that accurately captures the input domain geometry, with high-quality (well-shaped) cells, and without so many cells as to make subsequent calculations intractable.The mesh should also be fine (have small elements) in areas that are important for the subsequent calculations. Meshes are used for rendering to a computer screen and for physical simulation such as finite element analysis or computational fluid dynamics. Meshes are composed of simple cells like triangles because, e.g., we know how to perform operations such as finite element calculations (engineering) or ray tracing (computer graphics) on triangles, but we do not know how to perform these operations directly on complicated spaces and shapes such as a roadway bridge. We can simulate the strength of the bridge, or draw it on a computer screen, by performing calculations on each triangle and calculating the interactions between triangles. A major distinction is between structured and unstructured meshing. In structured meshing the mesh is a regular lattice, such as an array, with implied connectivity between elements. In unstructured meshing, elements may be connected to each other in irregular patterns, and more complicated domains can be captured. This page is primarily about unstructured meshes.While a mesh may be a triangulation, the process of meshing is distinguished from point set triangulation in that meshing includes the freedom to add vertices not present in the input. "Facetting" (triangulating) CAD models for drafting has the same freedom to add vertices, but the goal is to represent the shape accurately using as few triangles as possible and the shape of individual triangles is not important. Computer graphics renderings of textures and realistic lighting conditions use meshes instead. Many mesh generation software is coupled to a CAD system defining its input, and simulation software for taking its output. The input can vary greatly but common forms are Solid modeling, Geometric modeling, NURBS, B-rep, STL or a point cloud. (en)
- 計算格子(英: computational mesh/grid)または単に格子とは、数値解析における離散化のために用いられる、解析領域(2次元または3次元の幾何形状)を有限個に分割した部分領域のことである。構造解析分野では要素とも言う。 計算領域を格子に分けることを格子生成(英: mesh generation)または格子分割と言う。 各計算格子は番号付けにより識別され、その幾何学的形状は節点(nodes)の座標値により規定される。また、節点には要素節点番号と呼ばれる要素内での節点の番号を付ける。 (ja)
- Geração de malha (em inglês: mesh generation ou grid generation) é a prática de gerar uma malha poligonal ou poliédrica que se aproxima de um domínio geométrico. Os usos típicos são para renderização em uma tela de computador ou para simulação física, tais como no método dos elementos finitos ou dinâmica dos fluidos computacional. A forma do modelo de entrada pode ser bem variada, mas as fontes comuns são desenho assistido por computador (CAD), NURBS, (B-rep), ou uma nuvem de pontos. O campo é altamente interdisciplinar, com contribuições encontradas em matemática, ciência da computação e engenharia. Malhas tridimensionais criadas para análise de elementos finitos precisam consistir de tetraedros, pirâmides, prismas ou hexaedros. Aquelas usadas para o método dos volumes finitos podem consistir em poliedros arbitrários. Aquelas usadas para o método das diferenças finitas geralmente precisam consistir de matrizes estruturadas por partes de hexaedros conhecidas como malhas estruturadas de múltiplos blocos. Uma malha é, de outra forma, uma discretização de um domínio existente em uma, duas ou três dimensões. (pt)
- dbr:Prism_(geometry)
- dbr:Pyramid_(geometry)
- dbr:Scott_A._Mitchell
- dbr:Electromagnetism
- dbr:Mesh
- dbr:Polygon_mesh
- dbr:Types_of_mesh
- dbr:Mesh_parameterization
- dbr:Meshfree_methods
- dbr:Ruppert's_algorithm
- dbr:Algorithmica
- dbc:Triangulation_(geometry)
- dbr:Hodge_star_operator
- dbr:Hyperbolic_partial_differential_equation
- dbr:Vorticity
- dbc:Mesh_generation
- dbr:Delaunay_triangulation
- dbr:International_Journal_for_Numerical_Methods_in_Fluids
- dbr:Polyhedron
- dbr:Spatial_twist_continuum
- dbr:Two-dimensional_space
- dbr:Construction
- dbr:Mathematics
- dbr:STL_(file_format)
- dbr:Elliptic_partial_differential_equation
- dbr:Geometric_modeling
- dbr:OFF_(file_format)
- dbr:Wavefront_.obj_file
- dbr:Efficiency
- dbr:Elsevier
- dbr:Engineering
- dbr:Equilateral
- dbr:GUI
- dbr:Gmsh
- dbr:Boundary_layer
- dbr:Orthogonality
- dbc:Geometric_algorithms
- dbr:Logic
- dbr:MSC_Software
- dbr:Simplex
- dbr:String_theory
- dbr:Computational_Geometry_(journal)
- dbr:Computational_fluid_dynamics
- dbr:Computational_geometry
- dbr:Computer-aided_design
- dbr:Computer_graphics
- dbr:Computer_science
- dbr:Density
- dbr:File:Example_finite_element_mesh,_for_illustrating_the_concept.png
- dbr:Parallel_computing
- dbr:Poisson's_equation
- dbr:Polygon
- dbr:Steady_flow
- dbr:Marching_cubes
- dbr:CGAL
- dbr:Adaptive_mesh_refinement
- dbr:Three-dimensional_space
- dbr:Jonathan_Shewchuk
- dbr:Lattice_graph
- dbr:ANSA_Pre-processor
- dbr:ANSYS
- dbr:Accuracy
- dbc:3D_computer_graphics
- dbc:Computer-aided_design
- dbc:Numerical_analysis
- dbr:Curl_(mathematics)
- dbr:Dual_graph
- dbr:Finite_difference_method
- dbr:Finite_element_analysis
- dbr:Finite_volume_method
- dbr:Fluid_dynamics
- dbr:Numerical_analysis
- dbr:Overflow_(software)
- dbr:Partial_differential_equation
- dbr:Partial_differential_equations
- dbr:Differential_equation
- dbr:Diffusion
- dbc:Mesh_generation_people
- dbr:Flux
- dbr:Fortune's_algorithm
- dbr:Graph_theory
- dbr:Isogeometric_analysis
- dbr:Journal_of_Computational_Physics
- dbr:Simplicial_complex
- dbr:Principles_of_grid_generation
- dbr:Regular_grid
- dbr:Rendering_(computer_graphics)
- dbr:Harmonic_function
- dbr:Astronomy_and_Computing
- dbr:Jacobian_matrix_and_determinant
- dbr:Tetrahedron
- dbr:File:Cubit_mesh_generation_logo_facsimile.png
- dbr:ACM_Transactions_on_Graphics
- dbr:ACM_Transactions_on_Mathematical_Software
- dbc:Computational_fluid_dynamics
- dbc:Mesh_generators
- dbc:Numerical_differential_equations
- dbr:Laplace
- dbr:Laplace's_equation
- dbr:Hexahedron
- dbr:Triangulation_(geometry)
- dbr:Divergence
- dbr:Arbitrary
- dbr:CD-adapco
- dbr:CW_complex
- dbr:Point_set_triangulation
- dbr:Grid_(spatial_index)
- dbr:Grid_classification
- dbr:Symposium_on_Geometry_Processing
- dbr:Siemens_Digital_Industries_Software
- dbr:Voronoi_diagram
- dbr:Tessellation_(computer_graphics)
- dbr:Eurographics
- dbr:Cell_(geometry)
- dbr:Dimensions
- dbr:Discrete_and_Computational_Geometry
- dbr:IEEE_Transactions_on_Visualization_and_Computer_Graphics
- dbr:Solid_modeling
- dbr:Octree
- dbr:Stretched_grid_method
- dbr:Point_cloud
- dbr:Subsurface_scattering
- dbr:Multigrid_method
- dbr:Polycube
- dbr:Integrals
- dbr:International_Journal_of_Computational_Geometry_&_Applications
- dbr:TetGen
- dbr:Tetragonal_trapezohedron
- dbr:Unstructured_grid
- dbr:Symposium_on_Computational_Geometry
- dbr:Parallel_mesh_generation
- dbr:B-rep
- dbr:Interpolation_function
- dbr:North-Holland_Publishing_Company
- dbr:Physical_simulation
- dbr:Hexahedra
- dbr:Computational_grid
- dbr:NURBS
- dbr:International_Journal_for_Numerical_Methods_in_Engineering
- dbr:Advances_in_Engineering_Software
- dbr:Advancing_front_algorithm
- dbr:American_Institute_of_Aeronautics_and_Astronautics_Journal
- dbr:Applied_Computational_Electromagnetics_Society_Journal
- dbr:Applied_Numerical_Mathematics
- dbr:Backward_difference_method
- dbr:Computational_Mathematics_and_Mathematical_Physics
- dbr:Computer-Aided_Design_(journal)
- dbr:Computer_Aided_Geometric_Design_(journal)
- dbr:Computer_Methods_in_Applied_Mechanics_and_Engineering
- dbr:Engineering_with_Computers
- dbr:File:Algebraic_methods_1.png
- dbr:File:Algebraic_methods_2.png
- dbr:Finite_Elements_in_Analysis_and_Design
- dbr:International_Journal_for_Numerical_Methods_in_Biomedical_Engineering
- dbr:Journal_on_Numerical_Analysis
- dbr:Journal_on_Scientific_Computing
- dbr:Lecture_Notes_in_Computational_Science_and_Engineering
- dbr:File:Catmull-Clark_subdivision_of_4_planes.png
- dbr:File:Approx-3tori.svg
- dbr:Computer_Graphics_Forum
- dbc:Triangulation_(geometry)
- dbc:Mesh_generation
- dbc:Geometric_algorithms
- dbc:3D_computer_graphics
- dbc:Computer-aided_design
- dbc:Numerical_analysis
- dbc:Mesh_generation_people
- dbc:Computational_fluid_dynamics
- dbc:Mesh_generators
- dbc:Numerical_differential_equations
- 計算格子(英: computational mesh/grid)または単に格子とは、数値解析における離散化のために用いられる、解析領域(2次元または3次元の幾何形状)を有限個に分割した部分領域のことである。構造解析分野では要素とも言う。 計算領域を格子に分けることを格子生成(英: mesh generation)または格子分割と言う。 各計算格子は番号付けにより識別され、その幾何学的形状は節点(nodes)の座標値により規定される。また、節点には要素節点番号と呼ばれる要素内での節点の番号を付ける。 (ja)
- Mesh generation is the practice of creating a mesh, a subdivision of a continuous geometric space into discrete geometric and topological cells.Often these cells form a simplicial complex.Usually the cells partition the geometric input domain.Mesh cells are used as discrete local approximations of the larger domain. Meshes are created by computer algorithms, often with human guidance through a GUI , depending on the complexity of the domain and the type of mesh desired.A typical goal is to create a mesh that accurately captures the input domain geometry, with high-quality (well-shaped) cells, and without so many cells as to make subsequent calculations intractable.The mesh should also be fine (have small elements) in areas that are important for the subsequent calculations. (en)
- Geração de malha (em inglês: mesh generation ou grid generation) é a prática de gerar uma malha poligonal ou poliédrica que se aproxima de um domínio geométrico. Os usos típicos são para renderização em uma tela de computador ou para simulação física, tais como no método dos elementos finitos ou dinâmica dos fluidos computacional. A forma do modelo de entrada pode ser bem variada, mas as fontes comuns são desenho assistido por computador (CAD), NURBS, (B-rep), ou uma nuvem de pontos. O campo é altamente interdisciplinar, com contribuições encontradas em matemática, ciência da computação e engenharia. (pt)
- Mesh generation (en)
- Generació de malla (ca)
- 計算格子 (ja)
- Geração de malha (pt)
- freebase:Mesh generation
- wikidata:Mesh generation
- dbpedia-ca:Mesh generation
- dbpedia-ja:Mesh generation
- dbpedia-pt:Mesh generation
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Algebraic_methods_1.png
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Algebraic_methods_2.png
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Catmull-Clark_subdivision_of_4_planes.png
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Cubit_mesh_generation_logo_facsimile.png
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Example_finite_element_mesh,_for_illustrating_the_concept.png
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Approx-3tori.svg