Stirling (original) (raw)
- استيرلينغ (بالإنجليزية: Stirling) هي مدينة تقع في المملكة المتحدة في جيمس ستيرلنغ. يقدر عدد سكانها بـ 45,750 نسمة . (ar)
- Historické město Stirling (ve skotské gaelštině Sruighlea), v minulosti hlavní město Skotska, se nachází severozápadně od města Edinburgh a severovýchodně od města Glasgow na řece Forth. Ze skotských měst, které mají postavení samostatné správní oblasti, je nejmenší. Město je známo svými historicko-turistickými atrakcemi a lehkým průmyslem. (cs)
- Stirling (en gaèlic escocès: Sruighlea en scots: Stirlin) és una ciutat d'Escòcia al Regne Unit era un antic burgh d'Escòcia i es troba al centre del . La ciutat està envoltada per la fortalesa del i és al costat del riu Forth. Va ser estratègicament important com la via d'entrada a les Terres Altes ("Gateway to the Highlands"). El 2008 tenia 33.710 habitants És una de les ciutats menys poblades d'Escòcia.. Va ser fundada com a burg reial (Royal burgh) pel rei David I d'Escòcia l'any 1130. El 2002,com a part del jubileu d'or de la reina Elizabeth II, Stirling obtingué l'estatus de ciutat del Regne Unit. Va ser la capital d'Escòcia i té la Gran Sala (Great Hall, restaurada el 1999) i el Palau Renaixentista (Renaissance Palace, restaurat completament el 2011). També compta amb una església medieval (Church of the Holy Rude) on el rei Jaume va ser coronat rei dels escocesos el 29 de juliol de 1567. (ca)
- Stirling (schottisch-gälisch Sruighlea, Scots Stirlin) ist eine nordwestlich von Edinburgh gelegene schottische Stadt mit 36.142 Einwohnern. Die heute noch erhaltene mittelalterliche Altstadt entwickelte sich um die große Burg (Stirling Castle) herum, die immer noch das Stadtbild beherrscht. Stirling war in früheren Jahrhunderten schon einmal (als Burgh) eine Hauptstadt von Schottland, in der Gegenwart ist es ein Verwaltungs- und Handelszentrum mit wenig Industrie. Trotz seiner Bedeutung in der Geschichte erhielt es erst anlässlich des 50-jährigen Thronjubiläums von Königin Elisabeth II. im Jahr 2002 die heutigen Stadtrechte. Die Stadt gibt einem schottischen Verwaltungsbezirk den Namen: Stirling Council Area. (de)
- Το Στέρλινγκ (αγγλικά: Stirling, σκωτικά: Stirlin, σκωτικά γαελικά: Sruighlea) είναι πόλη στην κεντρική Σκωτία, 42 χιλιόμετρα βορειοανατολικά της Γλασκόβης και 60 χιλιόμετρα βορειοδυτικά της πρωτεύουσας της Σκωτίας, Εδιμβούργο. Η πόλη με την αγορά, περιτριγυρισμένη από εύφορα χωράφια, μεγάλωσε συνδέοντας το βασιλικό κάστρο, τη μεσαιωνική παλιά πόλη με τους εμπόρους, την παλιά γέφυρα και το λιμάνι. Κτισμένο στον ποταμό Φορθ, το Στέρλινγκ είναι το διοικητικό κέντρο για την περιοχή του συμβουλίου του Στέρλιγκ και είναι παραδοσιακά η έδρα της κομητείας του Στέρλιγκσαϊρ. Παρομοίως είναι η στρατηγικά σημαντική «Πύλη προς τα Χάιλαντς». Έχει ειπωθεί ότι «το Στέρλιγνκ, σαν μια τεράστια καρφίτσα κρατάει τα Χάιλαντς και τα Λόουλαντς μαζί». Παρομοίως, αναφέρεται «αυτός που κατέχει το Στέρλινγκ, κατέχει τη Σκωτία». Η στρατηγική θέση του Στέρλινγκ ως το χαμηλότερο σημείο γεφύρωσης του ποταμού Φορθ προτού διευρυνθεί προς το κόλπο του Φορθ το έκανε εστιακό σημείο για ταξίδια βόρεια ή νότια. Όταν το Στέρλινγκ ήταν προσωρινά υπό αγγλοσαξονική κυριαρχία, σύμφωνα με έναν θρύλο του 9ου αιώνα, δέχθηκε επίθεση από Δανούς εισβολείς. Ο ήχος ενός λύκου ξύπνησε έναν φρουρό, ωστόσο, ο οποίος προειδοποίησε τη φρουρά του, η οποία ανάγκασε τους Βίκινγκ να υποχωρήσουν. Αυτό οδήγησε στον λύκο να υιοθετηθεί ως σύμβολο της πόλης όπως φαίνεται στην κούπα του Στέρλινγκ, του 1511. Η περιοχή είναι σήμερα γνωστή ως Γούλφκρεγκ. Ακόμα και σήμερα ο λύκος εμφανίζεται με ένα διπλοσάινο στον θυρεό του συμβουλίου. Κάποτε πρωτεύουσα της Σκωτίας, το Στέρλινγκ κυριαρχείται οπτικά από το κάστρο του Στέρλινγκ. Το Στέρλινγκ έχει επίσης μια μεσαιωνική ενοριακή εκκλησία, την Εκκλησία του Τιμίου Σταυρού (Holy Rude), όπου, στις 29 Ιουλίου 1567, το βρέφος Ιάκωβος Στ΄ χρίστηκε Βασιλιάς των Σκωτσέζων από τον Άνταμ Μπόθγουελ, Επίσκοπο του Όρκνεϊ, με τη λειτουργία να ολοκληρώνεται μετά από ένα κήρυγμα του Τζον Νοξ. Ο ποιητής Βασιλιάς εκπαιδεύτηκε από τον Τζωρτζ Μπιουκάναν και μεγάλωσε στο Στέρλινγκ. Αργότερα στέφθηκε επίσης Βασιλιάς της Αγγλίας και της Ιρλανδίας στις 25 Ιουλίου 1603, φέρνοντας εγγύτερα τις χώρες του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου. Το σύγχρονο Στέρλινγκ είναι κέντρο τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης, τριτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης, τουρισμού, λιανικής και βιομηχανίας. Η εκτίμηση της απογραφής στα μέσα του 2012 για τον πληθυσμό της πόλης είναι 36.440 κάτοικοι. Η ευρύτερη περιοχή του συμβουλίου του Στέρλινγκ έχει πληθυσμό περίπου 93.750. Ένα από τα κύρια βασιλικά οχυρά του Βασιλείου της Σκωτίας, το Στέρλινγκ δημιουργήθηκε βασιλικό κάστρο από τον βασιλιά Δαβίδ Α΄ στο 1130. Το 2002, ως μέρος του Χρυσού Ιωβηλαίου της Βασίλισσας Ελισάβετ, το Στέρλινγκ έλαβε το καθεστώς πόλης. (el)
- Stirling (gaelalingve Sruighlea, skote Sterlin) estas malnova urbo de Skotlando lokita ĉe la , almonte de Edinburgo. Stirling etendiĝas ĉirkaŭ la impona kastelo de Stirling kaj sia malnova urbocentro, kiu datiĝas de Mezepoko. Ĝi plie estas administra, komerca kaj industria centro. La urbo havis laŭ la censo de 2001 proksimume 45 000 loĝantojn. Malnovtempe ĉefurbo de la reĝlando de Skotlando, Stirling havis la titolon Royal Burgh ĝis 2002, kiam ĝi akiris la statuton de urbo de la Unuiĝinta Reĝlando. La ponto de la urbo estis la loko, kie okazis inter la skotoj de William Wallace kaj la angloj en 1297. Pli sude okazis cetere la batalo de Bannockburn en 1314. (eo)
- Stirling (en escocés: Stirlin, en gaélico escocés, Sruighlea /ˈs̪t̪ruʝlə/) es una ciudad ubicada en la región central de Escocia, en el Reino Unido. Es un antiguo burgo, ubicado alrededor del Castillo de Stirling y del antiguo centro medieval. Es considerado un área industrial especializada en la industria eléctrica, comercial y de gobierno. Antigua capital del Reino Escocés, Stirling fue conocida como Burgo Real hasta 2002, cuando, como parte del Golden Jubilee ("Aniversario Dorado", celebración que conmemora los 50 años de un monarca en el trono) de la Reina Isabel, se le otorgó el estatus de ciudad. (es)
- Stirling (Eskoziako gaeleraz: Sruighlea, eskozieraz: Srivling) Eskoziako seigarren hiririk populatuena da, 45.750 biztanle zituen 2012an. (eu)
- Stirling (Sruighlea en écossais (gd), Srivling en scots (sco)) est une cité écossaise, située dans le council area du même nom dont elle constitue le siège et dans la région de lieutenance de Stirling and Falkirk. Elle était aussi la capitale administrative de la Central Region, entre 1975 et 1996, ainsi que du district de Stirling au sein de cette région. C'est un ancien burgh, lové autour d'un château imposant et d'une vieille ville datant du Moyen Âge. C'est également un centre administratif, de commerce de détail et d'industrie légère. (fr)
- La ville de Stirling est une localité située dans l’Île du Sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande. (fr)
- Stirling dans le Stirlingshire était un Burgh royal qui a élu un Commissaire au Parlement d'Écosse et à la Convention des États. Le Parlement d'Écosse a cessé d'exister avec l'Acte d'Union de 1707, et le commissaire de Stirling , a été l'un de ceux qui ont été au premier Parlement de Grande-Bretagne. À partir des élections générales de 1708, Culross, Dunfermline, Inverkeithing, Stirling et Queensferry ont formé le district de , envoyant un membre au Parlement . (fr)
- Seanchathair stairiúil i gComhairle Shruighlea is ea Sruighlea (Béarla: Stirling). Is é an chuma atá ar Shruighlea inniu ná gur cruinneagán tithíochta atá ann timpeall an tseanchaisleáin agus an cheantair mheánaoisiúil atá suite i gcroílár na háite. Sa bhliain 2001, bhí 41,243 duine ina gcónaí sa chathair. Bhí Sruighlea ina príomhchathair ar Ríocht na hAlban fadó, agus í ina buirg ríoga go dtí an bhliain 1975. Sa bhliain 2002, nuair a bhí an Bhanríon Éilís ag ceiliúradh a hiubhaile leathchéad bliain, bronnadh stádas na cathrach ar Shruighlea. (ga)
- Stirling ialah sebuah kota di tengah Skotlandia. Kota ini pernah menjadi ibu kota Kerajaan Skotlandia. Dalam bahasa Gaelik Skotlandia, nama kota ini adalah Sruighlea. Stirling dahulu amat penting karena menjadi pusat Skotlandia. Kota ini adalah saksi bisu Pertempuran di Bannockburn dan Jembatan Stirling. Terdapat sebuah di kota ini. (in)
- Stirling (/ˈstɜːrlɪŋ/; Scots: Stirlin; Scottish Gaelic: Sruighlea [ˈs̪t̪ɾuʝlə]) is a city in central Scotland, 26 miles (42 km) northeast of Glasgow and 37 miles (60 km) north-west of Edinburgh. The market town, surrounded by rich farmland, grew up connecting the royal citadel, the medieval old town with its merchants and tradesmen, the Old Bridge and the port. Located on the River Forth, Stirling is the administrative centre for the Stirling council area, and is traditionally the county town of Stirlingshire. Proverbially it is the strategically important "Gateway to the Highlands". It has been said that "Stirling, like a huge brooch clasps Highlands and Lowlands together". Similarly "he who holds Stirling, holds Scotland" is often quoted.Stirling's key position as the lowest bridging point of the River Forth before it broadens towards the Firth of Forth made it a focal point for travel north or south. When Stirling was temporarily under Anglo-Saxon sway, according to a 9th-century legend, it was attacked by Danish invaders. The sound of a wolf roused a sentry, however, who alerted his garrison, which forced a Viking retreat. This led to the wolf being adopted as a symbol of the town as is shown on the 1511 Stirling Jug. The area is today known as Wolfcraig. Even today the wolf appears with a goshawk on the council's coat of arms along with the recently chosen motto: "Steadfast as the Rock". Once the capital of Scotland, Stirling is visually dominated by Stirling Castle. Stirling also has a medieval parish church, the Church of the Holy Rude, where, on 29 July 1567, the infant James VI was anointed King of Scots by Adam Bothwell, the Bishop of Orkney, with the service concluding after a sermon by John Knox. The poet King was educated by George Buchanan and grew up in Stirling. He was later also crowned King of England and Ireland on 25 July 1603, bringing closer the countries of the United Kingdom. Modern Stirling is a centre for local government, higher education, tourism, retail, and industry. The mid-2012 census estimate for the population of the city is 36,440; the wider Stirling council area has a population of about 93,750. One of the principal royal strongholds of the Kingdom of Scotland, Stirling was created a royal burgh by King David I in 1130. In 2002, as part of Queen Elizabeth's Golden Jubilee, Stirling was granted city status. (en)
- 스털링(Stirling)은 스코틀랜드 스털링의 도시이다. 인구는 45,750명(2012)이다. (ko)
- Stirling (in gaelico scozzese Sruighlea, in scots Srivling; 32 230 abitanti nel 2004) è una città del Regno Unito, capoluogo dell'area amministrativa omonima, in Scozia. (it)
- Stirling (Schots-Gaelisch: Sruighlea,Schots: Stirlin) is een (voormalige) royal burgh, tegenwoordig met de officiële titel van city, in Schotland. Het is een moderne stad gelegen op de aanslibbingsvlakte van de rivier de Forth, rond een steile rots waarop zich een kasteel en het oude stadscentrum bevinden. Door zijn centrale ligging heeft Stirling een belangrijke rol in de geschiedenis van Schotland gespeeld, die het de naam "Poort naar de Hooglanden" heeft opgeleverd. De stad heeft een populatie van 41.243. (nl)
- スターリング(英語: Stirling、スコットランド・ゲール語: Sruighlea、 スコットランド語: Stirlin)は、イギリス・スコットランドの都市。歴史上では歴代のスコットランド王の勅許を得た自治都市として有名である。 かつてのスコットランド王国の首都であり、スターリングは1975年まで自治都市の地位にあり、2002年にはエリザベス2世の即位50周年の一環として「都市(City)」の地位を与えられた。街はスターリング城と中世の市街(オールド・タウン)の周囲に居住区が集まる形で構成されている。2011年の国勢調査によれば人口は45,750人で、スコットランドにおける最も小さな「都市(City)」であり、スターリング(カウンシル・エリア)の中心地である。 (ja)
- Stirling (gael. Sruighlea, wym. [ˈs̪t̪ruʝlə]; scots Stirlin) – miasto w środkowej Szkocji, położone nad rzeką Forth, ośrodek administracyjny jednostki Stirling, historycznie stolica hrabstwa Stirlingshire. 45 000 mieszkańców (2001). (pl)
- Сте́рлинг (англ. Stirling, скотс Stirlin, Strivelin, гэльск. Sruighlea [ˈs̪t̪ruʝlə]) — город в центральной части Шотландии. Административный центр округа Стерлинг, а также один из старейших городов и бывшая столица Шотландского королевства. Население — 37,4 тыс. жителей (2016). Стерлинг является самым маленьким из семи «сити» (city) Шотландии. (ru)
- Stirling (skotsk gaeliska: Sruighlea) är en stad i Skottland mellan Glasgow och Edinburgh. Staden ligger runt det stora Stirling Castle och en medeltida stadskärna. Stirling är centrum för Stirlings kommun, detaljhandel och lättare industri. Centralorten hade 33 060 invånare år 2006, med totalt 45 460 invånare i hela tätortsområdet, inklusive de närbelägna orterna Bannockburn och Bridge of Allan. Som tidigare huvudstad för Skottland var Stirling en kunglig burgh till 1975. Under 2002, som en del av drottning Elizabeths 50-årsjubileum som drottning, fick Stirling stadsrättigheter. Staden är idag mest känd för sitt universitet Stirling University, slottet Stirling Castle, Stirling County Rugby FC, Stirling Council och trakten med dess närliggande bryggerier och olika whisky-distellerier. (sv)
- Stirling (em gaélico escocês: Sruighlea, em Scots: Stirlin) é uma cidade e um antigo burgh, na Escócia e é onde localiza-se a sede da council area de Stirling. A cidade está agrupada em torno do Castelo de Stirling e da antiga cidade medieval. É o centro do governo local, da educação superior, do comércio e da indústria local. Sua população no censo de 2001 era de 41 243 habitantes. Uma das principais fortalezas do Reino Unido, Stirling foi criada como um burgh real por Davi I em 1130, tornando-se depois parte do condado de Stirlingshire até 1975 quando este foi transformado, junto com outros, na antiga Região e depois na council area de Stirling. Stirling foi palco de uma batalha entre escoceses e ingleses no século XIV, onde o exercito de William Wallace (Escócia) saiu vencedora, esta foi uma batalha que fortaleceu a confiança escocesa e que marcou a cidade. (pt)
- Сте́рлінг (англ. Stirling, шотл. Stirlin, шотл. гел. Sruighlea) — місто в центрі Шотландії, адміністративний центр області Стерлінг. Населення міста становить 33 060 осіб (2006). (uk)
- 史特靈(英語:Stirling,蘇格蘭蓋爾語:Sruighlea)是英国蘇格蘭中部城市,2002年后是蘇格蘭六個指定市之一。该市也是史特靈議會區的行政中心。 在過去史特靈原本是一個圍繞著史特靈城堡的中古時代城鎮与古老自治城鎮。在愛丁堡之前,它曾一度是以前蘇格蘭王國的首都與政治、商業與工業中心,擁有(Royal Burgh)的地位。苏格兰与英格兰合并后,其特殊地位大大降低。但在2002年英國女王伊莉莎白二世(Golden Jubilee)時獲得證書授與,而升格成為指定市。根據2001年的普查,史特靈市的人口為41,243人,为苏格兰最小的城市。 (zh)
- dbr:Callander
- dbr:Cambusbarron
- dbr:Cambuskenneth
- dbr:Ben_Cleuch
- dbr:Princes_Street_drill_hall,_Stirling
- dbr:Provost_(civil)
- dbr:Prudential_plc
- dbr:Prussia
- dbr:Queen_Elizabeth_The_Queen_Mother
- dbr:Robert_Renwick
- dbr:Robert_Sibbald
- dbr:Robert_the_Bruce
- dbr:Ross_Murdoch
- dbr:Royal_Burgh
- dbr:Royal_Regiment_of_Scotland
- dbr:Scotland
- dbr:Scotland_in_the_Wars_of_the_Three_Kingdoms
- dbr:Scotland_national_football_team
- dbr:Scots_language
- dbr:Scottish_English
- dbr:Scottish_Gaelic
- dbr:Scottish_Green_Party
- dbr:Scottish_Highlands
- dbr:Scottish_League_Two
- dbr:Scottish_Lowlands
- dbr:Scottish_National_Party
- dbr:Scottish_Parliament
- dbr:Scottish_Premiership_Division_One
- dbr:Scottish_Women's_Premier_League
- dbr:Ben_Vorlich_(Loch_Lomond)
- dbr:Moderator_of_the_General_Assembly
- dbr:M80_motorway
- dbr:M9_motorway_(Scotland)
- dbr:Stirling_railway_station,_Scotland
- dbc:Stirling_(city)
- dbr:Battle_of_Bannockburn
- dbr:Battle_of_Sauchieburn
- dbr:Battle_of_Stirling_(1648)
- dbr:Battle_of_Stirling_Bridge
- dbr:Bede
- dbr:Ben_Ledi
- dbr:Bill_Forsyth
- dbr:Billy_Bremner
- dbr:Blair_Drummond_Safari_Park
- dbr:Boece
- dbr:Bridge_of_Allan
- dbr:David_I_of_Scotland
- dbr:Delbert_Mann
- dbc:County_towns_in_Scotland
- dbr:Apse
- dbc:Large_burghs
- dbr:Holyrood_Palace
- dbr:House_of_Commons_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:John_Paton_(VC)
- dbr:John_Rhys-Davies
- dbr:Julian_C._Richards
- dbr:List_of_town_defences_in_Scotland
- dbr:Patrick_Simson
- dbr:Penda_of_Mercia
- dbr:Perth,_Scotland
- dbr:Research_and_development
- dbr:River_Forth
- dbr:United_Kingdom
- dbr:University_of_Stirling
- dbr:Veere
- dbr:Victoria_Cross
- dbr:David_L._Cunningham
- dbr:Duke_of_Mar
- dbr:James_VI
- dbr:Köppen_climate_classification
- dbr:Lieutenancy_areas_of_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_kings_of_the_Picts
- dbr:List_of_places_in_Scotland
- dbr:Jacobite_risings
- dbr:ONS_coding_system
- dbr:Postcodes_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Kecioren
- dbr:March_(territorial_entity)
- dbr:Scottish_Conservative
- dbr:Commuting
- dbr:Cornton
- dbr:Cowane's_Hospital
- dbr:Crag_and_tail
- dbr:Cricket
- dbr:Cricket_Scotland
- dbr:Croy_Line
- dbr:Mauchline
- dbr:McGill's_Scotland_East
- dbr:Medieval
- dbr:George_Buchanan
- dbr:Low_Countries
- dbr:Lowest_bridging_point
- dbr:Newhaven,_Edinburgh
- dbr:Oceanic_climate
- dbr:Ochil_Hills
- dbr:Ordnance_Survey_National_Grid
- dbr:Royal_burgh
- dbr:Ælla_of_Northumbria
- dbr:Quartz-dolerite
- dbr:Church_of_the_Holy_Rude
- dbr:City_status_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Clackmannan
- dbr:Elizabeth_II
- dbr:Elizabeth_II_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Frank_Beattie
- dbr:Frankie_Brown
- dbr:Gary_Caldwell
- dbr:George_VI
- dbr:Gillies_Hill
- dbr:Glasgow
- dbr:Glasgow_Airport
- dbr:Glasgow_Queen_Street_railway_station
- dbr:Golden_Jubilee_of_Elizabeth_II
- dbr:Gordon_Reid_(tennis)
- dbr:Granton,_Edinburgh
- dbr:Mirren_Mack
- dbr:Mugdock_Country_Park
- dbr:Muir_Mathieson
- dbr:Municipal_Buildings,_Stirling
- dbr:Brythonic_languages
- dbr:Osberht_of_Northumbria
- dbr:2019_United_Kingdom_general_election
- dbr:Andy_Murray
- dbr:Anna_Sloan
- dbr:Anne_of_Denmark
- dbr:Antiquarian
- dbr:Archaeologist
- dbr:Argyll's_Lodging
- dbr:Lecropt
- dbr:Lieutenant_colonel_(United_Kingdom)
- dbr:Liverpool
- dbr:Loch_Lomond
- dbr:London_King's_Cross_railway_station
- dbr:Lübeck
- dbr:Magnus_Magnusson
- dbr:Manchester_United_F.C.
- dbr:Cambuskenneth_Abbey
- dbr:Siege_of_Stirling_Castle_(1746)
- dbr:Singapore
- dbr:Smithfield,_London
- dbr:St_Mary's_Church,_Stirling
- dbr:St_Modan's_High_School
- dbr:Stenhousemuir
- dbr:Stephen_Kingsley
- dbr:Steven_Caldwell
- dbr:Stirling_(Scottish_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Stirling_(council_area)
- dbr:Stirling_Albion_F.C.
- dbr:Stirling_Castle
- dbr:Stirling_County_RFC
- dbr:Stirling_High_School
- dbr:Stirling_Knights
- dbr:Stirling_Old_Bridge
- dbr:Stirling_Tolbooth
- dbr:Stirling_railway_station_(Scotland)
- dbr:Stirlingshire
- dbr:Frank_Barnwell
- dbr:Piece_to_camera
- dbr:Science_park
- dbr:Macrobert_Arts_Centre
- dbr:Stirling_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Stirling_City_Choir
- dbr:Stirling_Sill
- dbr:Michael_Hay
- dbr:Middle_Welsh
- dbr:BBC_Radio_4
- dbr:Baltic_region
- dbr:Bank_of_Scotland
- dbr:Bannockburn
- dbr:Britain's_Lost_Routes_with_Griff_Rhys_Jones
- dbr:British_Summer_Time
- dbr:Bronze_Age
- dbr:Broomridge
- dbr:Bruges
- dbr:Adam_Bothwell
- dbr:Administrative_centre
- dbr:Centre_of_Scotland
- dbr:Throsk
- dbr:Tide
- dbr:To_End_All_Wars
- dbr:Wallace_High_School,_Stirling
- dbr:Wars_of_the_Three_Kingdoms
- dbr:Welsh_language
- dbr:Westminster_Abbey
- dbr:William_Wallace
- dbr:Willie_Carson
- dbr:Gail_Honeyman
- dbr:Iron_Age
- dbr:Joan_Blaeu
- dbr:File:Woman_Clasping_the_Bible.jpg
- dbr:List_of_Church_of_Scotland_parishes
- dbr:Local_government
- dbr:Scottish_Institute_of_Sport
- dbr:2014_Winter_Olympics
- dbr:Abbey_Craig
- dbr:Aberdeen_railway_station
- dbr:Alexander_Beith
- dbr:Allister_Hogg
- dbr:Alloa
- dbr:Alloa_Swing_Bridge
- dbr:Alloa_railway_station
- dbr:Alyn_Smith
- dbr:Cumbernauld
- dbr:Cumbernauld_Airport
- dbr:Dan_Jones_(writer)
- dbr:Danny_MacAskill
- dbr:Danzig
- dbr:Dumyat
- dbr:Dunblane
- dbr:Dunblane_massacre
- dbr:Dunblane_railway_station
- dbr:Duncan_Ferguson
- dbr:Duncan_Scott_(swimmer)
- dbr:Dundee_railway_station
- dbr:Dunedin,_Florida
- dbr:Dunfermline
- dbr:Edinburgh
- dbr:Edinburgh_Airport
- dbr:Edinburgh_Castle
- dbr:Edinburgh_Waverley_railway_station
- dbr:Edinburgh–Dunblane_line
- dbr:Eve_Muirhead
- dbr:Falkirk
- dbr:Firth_of_Clyde
- dbr:Firth_of_Forth
- dbr:Float_(nautical)
- dbr:Ford_(crossing)
- dbr:Forth_Valley_College
- dbr:Forthbank_Stadium
- dbr:Forthside_Bridge
- dbr:Brooch
- dbr:No._43_Squadron_RAF
- dbr:Norman_MacCaig
- dbr:Norman_McLaren
- dbr:North_Sea
- dbr:Northern_goshawk
- dbr:Outlaw_King
- dbr:Central_Belt
- dbr:Carlisle,_Cumbria
- dbr:Floodplain
- dbr:Golf_course
- dbr:File:Cattle_-_Joseph_Denovan_Adam_(1841–1896).jpg
- dbr:KJB:_The_Book_That_Changed_the_World
- dbr:Ravelston
- dbr:Retail
- dbr:Urban_renewal
- dbr:Gregory's_Two_Girls
- dbr:Hamburg
- dbr:Hanseatic_League
- dbr:Harold_Barnwell
- dbr:Henry_Campbell-Bannerman
- dbr:Highland_Main_Line
- dbr:Inverness_railway_station
- dbr:Iranian_Embassy_siege
- dbr:Irvin_Iffla
- dbr:Jacobite_rising_of_1715
- dbr:Jacobite_rising_of_1745
- dbr:James_Guthrie_(minister)
- dbr:James_III_of_Scotland
- dbr:James_IV_of_Scotland
- dbr:James_I_of_England
- dbr:Jamie_Murray
- dbr:Hydronym
- dbr:Argyll_and_Sutherland_Highlanders
- dbr:Athletics_(sport)
- dbc:Cities_in_Scotland
- dbc:Highland_Boundary_Fault
- dbc:Ports_and_harbours_of_Scotland
- dbc:Royal_burghs
- dbr:Albert_Halls,_Stirling
- dbr:Jockey
- dbr:John_Bellenden
- dbr:John_Colquhoun_(footballer)
- dbr:John_Grierson
- dbr:John_Joseph_Jolly_Kyle
- dbr:John_Knox
- dbr:John_McAleese
- dbr:Kenny_Logan
- dbr:Kidnapped_(1971_film)
- dbr:Labour_Party_(UK)
- dbr:Latin
- dbr:Lauren_Mayberry
- dbr:Bill_Macnaught
- dbr:Bishop_of_Orkney
- dbr:Black_Bond
- dbr:Summerside,_Prince_Edward_Island
- dbr:Syria_(region)
- dbr:Highland_Boundary_Fault
- dbr:Tourism
- dbr:Tripoint
- dbr:Witness_(altar)
- dbr:Dorothy_Angus
- dbr:Dougie_Brown
- dbr:Mar's_Wark
- dbr:Margaret_of_Denmark,_Queen_of_Scotland
- dbr:Mary,_Queen_of_Scots
- dbr:Bonnie_Prince_Charlie
- dbr:Special_Air_Service
- dbr:Cist
- dbr:City
- From top, left to right: Skyline of Stirling; the Stirling Old Bridge, Stirling Castle, tower of the Wallace Monument, Stirling railway station, Stirling Great Town Hall, cityscape of Stirling (en)
- Margaret Brisley (en)
- Chris Kane (en)
- Douglas Dodds (en)
- Council Leader (en)
- Provost (en)
- Depute Council Leader (en)
- استيرلينغ (بالإنجليزية: Stirling) هي مدينة تقع في المملكة المتحدة في جيمس ستيرلنغ. يقدر عدد سكانها بـ 45,750 نسمة . (ar)
- Historické město Stirling (ve skotské gaelštině Sruighlea), v minulosti hlavní město Skotska, se nachází severozápadně od města Edinburgh a severovýchodně od města Glasgow na řece Forth. Ze skotských měst, které mají postavení samostatné správní oblasti, je nejmenší. Město je známo svými historicko-turistickými atrakcemi a lehkým průmyslem. (cs)
- Stirling (Eskoziako gaeleraz: Sruighlea, eskozieraz: Srivling) Eskoziako seigarren hiririk populatuena da, 45.750 biztanle zituen 2012an. (eu)
- Stirling (Sruighlea en écossais (gd), Srivling en scots (sco)) est une cité écossaise, située dans le council area du même nom dont elle constitue le siège et dans la région de lieutenance de Stirling and Falkirk. Elle était aussi la capitale administrative de la Central Region, entre 1975 et 1996, ainsi que du district de Stirling au sein de cette région. C'est un ancien burgh, lové autour d'un château imposant et d'une vieille ville datant du Moyen Âge. C'est également un centre administratif, de commerce de détail et d'industrie légère. (fr)
- La ville de Stirling est une localité située dans l’Île du Sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande. (fr)
- Stirling dans le Stirlingshire était un Burgh royal qui a élu un Commissaire au Parlement d'Écosse et à la Convention des États. Le Parlement d'Écosse a cessé d'exister avec l'Acte d'Union de 1707, et le commissaire de Stirling , a été l'un de ceux qui ont été au premier Parlement de Grande-Bretagne. À partir des élections générales de 1708, Culross, Dunfermline, Inverkeithing, Stirling et Queensferry ont formé le district de , envoyant un membre au Parlement . (fr)
- Seanchathair stairiúil i gComhairle Shruighlea is ea Sruighlea (Béarla: Stirling). Is é an chuma atá ar Shruighlea inniu ná gur cruinneagán tithíochta atá ann timpeall an tseanchaisleáin agus an cheantair mheánaoisiúil atá suite i gcroílár na háite. Sa bhliain 2001, bhí 41,243 duine ina gcónaí sa chathair. Bhí Sruighlea ina príomhchathair ar Ríocht na hAlban fadó, agus í ina buirg ríoga go dtí an bhliain 1975. Sa bhliain 2002, nuair a bhí an Bhanríon Éilís ag ceiliúradh a hiubhaile leathchéad bliain, bronnadh stádas na cathrach ar Shruighlea. (ga)
- Stirling ialah sebuah kota di tengah Skotlandia. Kota ini pernah menjadi ibu kota Kerajaan Skotlandia. Dalam bahasa Gaelik Skotlandia, nama kota ini adalah Sruighlea. Stirling dahulu amat penting karena menjadi pusat Skotlandia. Kota ini adalah saksi bisu Pertempuran di Bannockburn dan Jembatan Stirling. Terdapat sebuah di kota ini. (in)
- 스털링(Stirling)은 스코틀랜드 스털링의 도시이다. 인구는 45,750명(2012)이다. (ko)
- Stirling (in gaelico scozzese Sruighlea, in scots Srivling; 32 230 abitanti nel 2004) è una città del Regno Unito, capoluogo dell'area amministrativa omonima, in Scozia. (it)
- Stirling (Schots-Gaelisch: Sruighlea,Schots: Stirlin) is een (voormalige) royal burgh, tegenwoordig met de officiële titel van city, in Schotland. Het is een moderne stad gelegen op de aanslibbingsvlakte van de rivier de Forth, rond een steile rots waarop zich een kasteel en het oude stadscentrum bevinden. Door zijn centrale ligging heeft Stirling een belangrijke rol in de geschiedenis van Schotland gespeeld, die het de naam "Poort naar de Hooglanden" heeft opgeleverd. De stad heeft een populatie van 41.243. (nl)
- スターリング(英語: Stirling、スコットランド・ゲール語: Sruighlea、 スコットランド語: Stirlin)は、イギリス・スコットランドの都市。歴史上では歴代のスコットランド王の勅許を得た自治都市として有名である。 かつてのスコットランド王国の首都であり、スターリングは1975年まで自治都市の地位にあり、2002年にはエリザベス2世の即位50周年の一環として「都市(City)」の地位を与えられた。街はスターリング城と中世の市街(オールド・タウン)の周囲に居住区が集まる形で構成されている。2011年の国勢調査によれば人口は45,750人で、スコットランドにおける最も小さな「都市(City)」であり、スターリング(カウンシル・エリア)の中心地である。 (ja)
- Stirling (gael. Sruighlea, wym. [ˈs̪t̪ruʝlə]; scots Stirlin) – miasto w środkowej Szkocji, położone nad rzeką Forth, ośrodek administracyjny jednostki Stirling, historycznie stolica hrabstwa Stirlingshire. 45 000 mieszkańców (2001). (pl)
- Сте́рлинг (англ. Stirling, скотс Stirlin, Strivelin, гэльск. Sruighlea [ˈs̪t̪ruʝlə]) — город в центральной части Шотландии. Административный центр округа Стерлинг, а также один из старейших городов и бывшая столица Шотландского королевства. Население — 37,4 тыс. жителей (2016). Стерлинг является самым маленьким из семи «сити» (city) Шотландии. (ru)
- Сте́рлінг (англ. Stirling, шотл. Stirlin, шотл. гел. Sruighlea) — місто в центрі Шотландії, адміністративний центр області Стерлінг. Населення міста становить 33 060 осіб (2006). (uk)
- 史特靈(英語:Stirling,蘇格蘭蓋爾語:Sruighlea)是英国蘇格蘭中部城市,2002年后是蘇格蘭六個指定市之一。该市也是史特靈議會區的行政中心。 在過去史特靈原本是一個圍繞著史特靈城堡的中古時代城鎮与古老自治城鎮。在愛丁堡之前,它曾一度是以前蘇格蘭王國的首都與政治、商業與工業中心,擁有(Royal Burgh)的地位。苏格兰与英格兰合并后,其特殊地位大大降低。但在2002年英國女王伊莉莎白二世(Golden Jubilee)時獲得證書授與,而升格成為指定市。根據2001年的普查,史特靈市的人口為41,243人,为苏格兰最小的城市。 (zh)
- Stirling (en gaèlic escocès: Sruighlea en scots: Stirlin) és una ciutat d'Escòcia al Regne Unit era un antic burgh d'Escòcia i es troba al centre del . La ciutat està envoltada per la fortalesa del i és al costat del riu Forth. Va ser estratègicament important com la via d'entrada a les Terres Altes ("Gateway to the Highlands"). El 2008 tenia 33.710 habitants És una de les ciutats menys poblades d'Escòcia.. (ca)
- Stirling (schottisch-gälisch Sruighlea, Scots Stirlin) ist eine nordwestlich von Edinburgh gelegene schottische Stadt mit 36.142 Einwohnern. Die heute noch erhaltene mittelalterliche Altstadt entwickelte sich um die große Burg (Stirling Castle) herum, die immer noch das Stadtbild beherrscht. (de)
- Το Στέρλινγκ (αγγλικά: Stirling, σκωτικά: Stirlin, σκωτικά γαελικά: Sruighlea) είναι πόλη στην κεντρική Σκωτία, 42 χιλιόμετρα βορειοανατολικά της Γλασκόβης και 60 χιλιόμετρα βορειοδυτικά της πρωτεύουσας της Σκωτίας, Εδιμβούργο. Η πόλη με την αγορά, περιτριγυρισμένη από εύφορα χωράφια, μεγάλωσε συνδέοντας το βασιλικό κάστρο, τη μεσαιωνική παλιά πόλη με τους εμπόρους, την παλιά γέφυρα και το λιμάνι. Κτισμένο στον ποταμό Φορθ, το Στέρλινγκ είναι το διοικητικό κέντρο για την περιοχή του συμβουλίου του Στέρλιγκ και είναι παραδοσιακά η έδρα της κομητείας του Στέρλιγκσαϊρ. Παρομοίως είναι η στρατηγικά σημαντική «Πύλη προς τα Χάιλαντς». (el)
- Stirling (gaelalingve Sruighlea, skote Sterlin) estas malnova urbo de Skotlando lokita ĉe la , almonte de Edinburgo. Stirling etendiĝas ĉirkaŭ la impona kastelo de Stirling kaj sia malnova urbocentro, kiu datiĝas de Mezepoko. Ĝi plie estas administra, komerca kaj industria centro. La urbo havis laŭ la censo de 2001 proksimume 45 000 loĝantojn. Malnovtempe ĉefurbo de la reĝlando de Skotlando, Stirling havis la titolon Royal Burgh ĝis 2002, kiam ĝi akiris la statuton de urbo de la Unuiĝinta Reĝlando. (eo)
- Stirling (en escocés: Stirlin, en gaélico escocés, Sruighlea /ˈs̪t̪ruʝlə/) es una ciudad ubicada en la región central de Escocia, en el Reino Unido. Es un antiguo burgo, ubicado alrededor del Castillo de Stirling y del antiguo centro medieval. Es considerado un área industrial especializada en la industria eléctrica, comercial y de gobierno. (es)
- Stirling (/ˈstɜːrlɪŋ/; Scots: Stirlin; Scottish Gaelic: Sruighlea [ˈs̪t̪ɾuʝlə]) is a city in central Scotland, 26 miles (42 km) northeast of Glasgow and 37 miles (60 km) north-west of Edinburgh. The market town, surrounded by rich farmland, grew up connecting the royal citadel, the medieval old town with its merchants and tradesmen, the Old Bridge and the port. Located on the River Forth, Stirling is the administrative centre for the Stirling council area, and is traditionally the county town of Stirlingshire. Proverbially it is the strategically important "Gateway to the Highlands". (en)
- Stirling (em gaélico escocês: Sruighlea, em Scots: Stirlin) é uma cidade e um antigo burgh, na Escócia e é onde localiza-se a sede da council area de Stirling. A cidade está agrupada em torno do Castelo de Stirling e da antiga cidade medieval. É o centro do governo local, da educação superior, do comércio e da indústria local. Sua população no censo de 2001 era de 41 243 habitantes. (pt)
- Stirling (skotsk gaeliska: Sruighlea) är en stad i Skottland mellan Glasgow och Edinburgh. Staden ligger runt det stora Stirling Castle och en medeltida stadskärna. Stirling är centrum för Stirlings kommun, detaljhandel och lättare industri. Centralorten hade 33 060 invånare år 2006, med totalt 45 460 invånare i hela tätortsområdet, inklusive de närbelägna orterna Bannockburn och Bridge of Allan. (sv)
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is dbo:location of
- dbr:Princes_Street_drill_hall,_Stirling
- dbr:Scottish_Political_Archive
- dbr:Braes_of_Doune_Wind_Farm
- dbr:Bridgehaugh_Park
- dbr:Annfield_Stadium
- dbr:Walter_Alexander_Coachbuilders
- dbr:Corbiewood_Stadium
- dbr:Croy_Line
- dbr:Church_of_the_Holy_Rude
- dbr:Municipal_Buildings,_Stirling
- dbr:Dalnair_Castle
- dbr:Loch_Drunkie
- dbr:St_Mary's_Church,_Stirling
- dbr:Stirling_Castle
- dbr:Stirling_Knights_B.C.
- dbr:Stirling_Tolbooth
- dbr:Stirling_University_RFC
- dbr:Touch_House
- dbr:HM_Prison_Cornton_Vale
- dbr:Edinburgh–Dunblane_line
- dbr:Forthbank_Park
- dbr:Forthbank_Stadium
- dbr:Forthside_Barracks
- dbr:Scottish_Environment_Protection_Agency
- dbr:Bloody_Scotland
- dbr:Mar's_Wark
- dbr:Old_Viewforth
- dbr:Thistles_Centre
- dbr:Water_Industry_Commission_for_Scotland
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Cairneyhill
- dbr:Caledonia_Reds
- dbr:Caledonian_Railway
- dbr:Callum_Davidson
- dbr:Cambus,_Clackmannanshire
- dbr:Cambusbarron
- dbr:Cambuskenneth
- dbr:Cameron_Bryce
- dbr:Cameron_Coles
- dbr:Capital_punishment_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Cardowan
- dbr:Carnasserie_Castle
- dbr:Carsbreck_railway_station
- dbr:Castlecary
- dbr:Behemoth_(Hobbes_book)
- dbr:Princes_Street_drill_hall,_Stirling
- dbr:Prison:_First_&_Last_24_Hours
- dbr:Prudential_plc
- dbr:Pure_Strength
- dbr:Queen_Victoria_School
- dbr:Robert_McIntyre_(politician)
- dbr:Robert_Pont
- dbr:Robert_Stevenson_(civil_engineer)
- dbr:Robert_Stuart_(explorer)
- dbr:Robert_the_Bruce
- dbr:Robroyston
- dbr:Ronnie_Sinclair
- dbr:Rowecord_Engineering
- dbr:Roxburgh
- dbr:Royal_Regiment_of_Scotland
- dbr:Royal_Scots_Greys
- dbr:Sam_McAdam
- dbr:Scarborough_Beach_Road
- dbr:Scotch_on_the_Rocks
- dbr:Scotland
- dbr:Scotland_in_the_High_Middle_Ages
- dbr:Scotland_in_the_Wars_of_the_Three_Kingdoms
- dbr:Scotland_national_football_team_results_(unofficial_matches)
- dbr:Scotland_national_quadball_team
- dbr:Scotland_women's_national_football_team_results_(1972–1999)
- dbr:Scotland_women's_national_football_team_results_(2000–2009)
- dbr:Scots_Trad_Music_Awards
- dbr:Scott_Severin
- dbr:Scottish_Basketball_Championship_Men
- dbr:Scottish_Highlands
- dbr:Scottish_National_Party
- dbr:Scottish_Political_Archive
- dbr:Scottish_Women's_Premier_League
- dbr:El_Sistema
- dbr:Endrick_Water
- dbr:England_and_King_David_I
- dbr:English_invasion_of_Scotland_(1296)
- dbr:List_of_U.S._places_named_after_non-U.S._places
- dbr:List_of_Ultimate_teams
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_Parliament_constituencies_(1885–1918)_by_region
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_county_name_etymologies
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_flags
- dbr:List_of_art_museums_and_galleries_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_battalions_of_the_Argyll_and_Sutherland_Highlanders_(Princess_Louise's)
- dbr:List_of_battles_between_England_and_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_battles_involving_the_Kingdom_of_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_breweries_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_burghs_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_bus_stations_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_campus_radio_stations
- dbr:List_of_career_achievements_by_Andy_Murray
- dbr:List_of_castles_in_Stirling_(council_area)
- dbr:List_of_census_localities_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_central_purchasing_bodies_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_cities_with_defensive_walls
- dbr:List_of_city_chambers_and_town_halls_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_civil_parishes_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_college_towns
- dbr:List_of_counties_and_boroughs_of_the_unreformed_House_of_Commons_in_1800
- dbr:List_of_counties_of_Scotland_1890–1975
- dbr:List_of_cricket_grounds_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_curling_clubs_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_dialling_codes_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_dinosaur_parks
- dbr:List_of_districts_in_Budapest
- dbr:List_of_equestrian_statues
- dbr:List_of_events_during_the_Silver_Jubilee_of_Elizabeth_II
- dbr:List_of_family_seats_of_Scottish_nobility
- dbr:List_of_former_cathedrals_in_Great_Britain
- dbr:List_of_further_education_colleges_in_Scotland
- dbr:Mercat_cross
- dbr:Michael_Bruce_(minister,_born_1635)
- dbr:Miser
- dbr:New_English_Bible
- dbr:Paul_Raphael_Montford
- dbr:M80_motorway
- dbr:M9_motorway_(Scotland)
- dbr:Menstrie_Castle
- dbr:Park's_Motor_Group
- dbr:Park_and_ride_bus_services_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Vennel
- dbr:1928_in_Scotland
- dbr:1932_UK_&_Ireland_Greyhound_Racing_Year
- dbr:1932_in_Scotland
- dbr:1940_in_Scotland
- dbr:1949–50_Celtic_F.C._season
- dbr:2007_UEFA_European_Under-19_Championship_qualification
- dbr:2007_World_Women's_Curling_Championship
- dbr:2007–08_Hibernian_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Ayr_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Everton_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2009_Rally_Scotland
- dbr:2009–10_Ayr_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2009–10_British_and_Irish_Cup
- dbr:2009–10_Dundee_F.C._season
- dbr:2009–10_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2010_Rally_Scotland
- dbr:2010_Sobeys_Slam
- dbr:2010_UEFA_European_Under-17_Championship_qualifying_round
- dbr:2010–11_Coventry_City_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Dundee_F.C._season
- dbr:2010–11_Preston_North_End_F.C._season
- dbr:2011_Edinburgh_International
- dbr:2011_Radisson_Blu_Oslo_Cup
- dbr:2011_Swiss_Cup_Basel
- dbr:2011–12_Cowdenbeath_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Dundee_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_East_Fife_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_East_of_Scotland_Football_League
- dbr:2011–12_Preston_North_End_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2011–12_Scottish_Second_Division
- dbr:2012_Mercure_Perth_Masters
- dbr:2012_Radisson_Blu_Oslo_Cup
- dbr:2012_Scottish_Men's_Curling_Championship
- dbr:2012_Scottish_local_elections
- dbr:2012_Stirling_Council_election
- dbr:2012_Summer_Olympics_torch_relay
- dbr:2012–13_British_and_Irish_Cup
- dbr:2012–13_East_of_Scotland_Football_League
- dbr:2012–13_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2012–13_Scottish_Third_Division
- dbr:2013_AMJ_Campbell_Shorty_Jenkins_Classic
- dbr:2013_Baden_Masters
- dbr:2013_Cactus_Pheasant_Classic
- dbr:2013_China_Open_(curling)
- dbr:2013_Continental_Cup_of_Curling
- dbr:2013_Curlers_Corner_Autumn_Gold_Curling_Classic
- dbr:2013_Fort_Wayne_Summer_Cash_Spiel
- dbr:2013_Glynhill_Ladies_International
- dbr:2013_Manitoba_Liquor_&_Lotteries_Women's_Classic
- dbr:2013_Mercure_Perth_Masters
- dbr:2021–22_curling_season
- dbr:2022–23_curling_season
- dbr:Barnet_Center_Historic_District
- dbr:Basil_Spence
- dbr:Battle_of_Bannockburn
- dbr:Battle_of_Dunbar_(1650)
- dbr:Battle_of_Falkirk_Muir
- dbr:Battle_of_Flodden
- dbr:Battle_of_Glen_Fruin
- dbr:Battle_of_Hieton
- dbr:Battle_of_Inverkeithing
- dbr:Battle_of_Kilsyth
- dbr:Battle_of_Linlithgow_Bridge
- dbr:Battle_of_Prestonpans
- dbr:Battle_of_Sauchieburn
- dbr:Battle_of_Sheriffmuir
- dbr:Battle_of_Stirling_(1648)
- dbr:Battle_of_Stirling_Bridge
- dbr:Battle_of_the_Winwaed
- dbr:Beinn_Tulaichean
- dbr:Ben_Nevis
- dbr:Benjamin_Franklin
- dbr:Billy_Bremner
- dbr:Bishopbriggs
- dbr:Blackford,_Perth_and_Kinross
- dbr:Blair_Drummond
- dbr:Blair_Drummond_Safari_Park
- dbr:Blairhall
- dbr:Blairlogie
- dbr:Blanefield
- dbr:Blanefield_railway_station
- dbr:Blue_Angels_Motorcycle_Club
- dbr:Bob_Gray_(footballer,_born_1872)
- dbr:Bob_McCutcheon
- dbr:Bonnybridge
- dbr:Braes_of_Doune_Wind_Farm
- dbr:Braveheart
- dbr:Brian_Binnie
- dbr:Brian_Ross_(footballer)
- dbr:Bridge_of_Allan
- dbr:Bridge_of_Allan_railway_station
- dbr:Bridge_of_Tilt
- dbr:Bridgehaugh_Park
- dbr:David_Arnot_(bishop)
- dbr:David_Brewster
- dbr:David_Bruce_(microbiologist)
- dbr:David_Davidson_(Scottish_politician)
- dbr:David_Goodwillie
- dbr:David_Graham_(footballer,_born_1983)
- dbr:David_I_of_Scotland
- dbr:David_Livingstone
- dbr:David_Murdoch
- dbr:David_Nickson,_Baron_Nickson
- dbr:David_O'Brien_(footballer)
- dbr:David_O._McKay
- dbr:David_Panter
- dbr:David_Robertson_(minister)
- dbr:David_S._Baxter
- dbr:David_Scott_(rugby_league)
- dbr:David_Symon
- dbr:Dead_or_American
- dbr:Deirdre_Borlase
- dbr:Dejan_Jović
- dbr:Demography_of_Scotland
- dbr:Dennis_Canavan
- dbr:Dennis_Setterington
- dbr:Dennyloanhead
- dbr:Derek_Acorah's_Ghost_Towns
- dbr:Alloa_witches
- dbr:Andrew_Greig
- dbr:Andrew_McLellan
- dbr:Andrew_Moray
- dbr:Andrew_Stewart,_1st_Lord_Avandale
- dbr:Anne_Lyon,_Countess_of_Kinghorne
- dbr:Annfield_Stadium
- dbr:Anti-Scottish_sentiment
- dbr:April_1914
- dbr:Archdeaconry_of_Lothian
- dbr:Archdiocese_of_St_Andrews
- dbr:Archibald_Bennie
- dbr:Archibald_Campbell,_4th_Earl_of_Argyll
- dbr:Archibald_Campbell,_9th_Earl_of_Argyll
- dbr:Archibald_Campbell_Craig
- dbr:Archibald_Douglas,_4th_Earl_of_Douglas
- dbr:Archibald_Hunter_(hydrotherapist)
- dbr:House_of_Fraser
- dbr:Hugh_McLaughlin_Sr.
- dbr:Hugh_Monteith
- dbr:Hurricane_Bawbag
- dbr:John_Paton_(VC)
- dbr:John_Philliben
- dbr:John_Rennie_Short
- dbr:John_Segrave,_2nd_Baron_Segrave
- dbr:John_Shaw_(footballer,_born_1954)
- dbr:Johnny_McPhee
- dbr:Joseph_Wightman_(general)
- dbr:Josh_Henderson_(rugby_union)
- dbr:Julian_Smith_(politician)
- dbr:Julie_Fleeting
- dbr:List_of_British_royal_residences
- dbr:List_of_Corbett_mountains
- dbr:List_of_Donald_mountains
- dbr:List_of_Graham_mountains
- dbr:List_of_Munros_in_Scotland_by_Section
- dbr:List_of_National_Hockey_League_players_born_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_Protestant_martyrs_of_the_Scottish_Reformation
- dbr:List_of_Stirling_Albion_F.C._seasons
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_Parliament_constituencies_(2005–2010)
- dbr:List_of_cities_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_demonstrations_against_corporate_globalization
- dbr:List_of_earthquakes_in_the_British_Isles
- dbr:List_of_football_stadiums_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_least_used_railway_stations_of_Great_Britain
- dbr:List_of_licensed_and_localized_editions_of_Monopoly:_Europe
- dbr:List_of_onshore_wind_farms_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_people_from_Stirling
- dbr:List_of_radio_stations_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_1807
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_August_1872
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_December_1876
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_February_1831
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_February_1844
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_February_1864
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_July_1840
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_June_1833
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_March_1865
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_May_1850
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1825
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1847
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_November_1850
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1845
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_October_1857
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_in_September_1869
- dbr:List_of_sites_of_the_Dominican_Order
- dbr:List_of_titles_and_honours_of_George_VI
- dbr:List_of_town_defences_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_women's_international_rugby_union_matches_without_test_status
- dbr:Little_Fictions
- dbr:Patrick_Clason
- dbr:Patrick_Simson
- dbr:Paul_Mactire
- dbr:Paul_McHale_(footballer)
- dbr:Paul_McMullan_(footballer,_born_1996)
- dbr:Paul_Methuen_(reformer)
- dbr:Peace_Child_International
- dbr:Peckham's
- dbr:Penda_of_Mercia
- dbr:Perfect_Square
- dbr:Perth,_Scotland
- dbr:Perthshire
- dbr:Richard_Brinsley_Sheridan
- dbr:Richard_Murphy_(architect)
is dbp:birthPlace of
- dbr:Sam_McAdam
- dbr:David_S._Baxter
- dbr:John_Paton_(VC)
- dbr:Death_of_Dr._Michael_Meenaghan
- dbr:Matt_McGrandles
- dbr:Chris_Sawyer
- dbr:Fraser_Lyle
- dbr:Gareth_Flockhart
- dbr:George_Horsburgh
- dbr:Grant_Gilchrist
- dbr:Muir_Mathieson
- dbr:Malcolm_Caldwell
- dbr:Stevie_McCrorie
- dbr:Harriette_Campbell
- dbr:Stuart_Campbell_(game_journalist)
- dbr:Thomas_Strahan
- dbr:Tom_McLaren
- dbr:William_Bolton_(rugby_union)
- dbr:Glen_Mason_(singer)
- dbr:Isabella_McHutcheson_Sinclair
- dbr:Allister_Hogg
- dbr:Barbara_Gott
- dbr:James_Broom_Millar
- dbr:John_Joseph_Jolly_Kyle
- dbr:John_Macansh
- dbr:John_Menzies_Macfarlane
- dbr:Kari_Anderson
- dbr:Kay_Adams_(curler)
- dbr:Kevin_McKenzie_(rugby_union)
- dbr:Kieron_Achara
- dbr:Mark_McMillan
- dbr:Sophie_Ogilvie
- dbr:Mike_Adamson_(rugby_union)
- dbr:Sean_Marsden
- dbr:Shaun_MacDonald_(rugby_union)
- dbr:Robert_Burns_Dick
is dbp:city of
- dbr:University_of_Stirling
- dbr:St_Modan's_High_School
- dbr:Statue_of_Robert_the_Bruce,_Stirling_Castle
- dbr:Air3_Radio
- dbr:Wallace_High_School,_Stirling
- dbr:Forth_Valley_College
is dbp:curlingClub of
- dbr:2017_European_Masters_(curling)
- dbr:2021_Euro_Super_Series
- dbr:2021_European_Curling_Championships
- dbr:2021_The_Challenger_(curling)
- dbr:2022_Alberta_Curling_Series:_Event_3
- dbr:2022_Scottish_Curling_Championships
is dbp:stadium of
- dbr:Scotland_women's_national_football_team_results_(1972–1999)
- dbr:Scotland_women's_national_football_team_results_(2000–2009)
- dbr:2007_UEFA_European_Under-19_Championship_qualification
- dbr:2007–08_Hibernian_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Ayr_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2008–09_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2009–10_Ayr_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2009–10_British_and_Irish_Cup
- dbr:2009–10_Dundee_F.C._season
- dbr:2009–10_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2010_UEFA_European_Under-17_Championship_qualifying_round
- dbr:2010–11_Dundee_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Cowdenbeath_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Dundee_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_East_Fife_F.C._season
- dbr:2011–12_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2012–13_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:List_of_women's_international_rugby_union_matches_without_test_status
- dbr:1887–88_Dumbarton_F.C._season
- dbr:1890–91_Dumbarton_F.C._season
- dbr:1901–02_East_Stirlingshire_F.C._season
- dbr:1931–32_East_Stirlingshire_F.C._season
- dbr:1995–96_Scottish_Challenge_Cup
- dbr:1962–63_East_Stirlingshire_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Dundee_F.C._season
- dbr:2018–19_Falkirk_F.C._season
- dbr:2019_UEFA_Women's_Under-19_Championship
- dbr:2020_UEFA_European_Under-17_Championship_qualification
- dbr:1996–97_Scottish_Challenge_Cup
- dbr:1998_UEFA_European_Under-16_Championship
- dbr:1998_UEFA_European_Under-21_Championship_qualification_Group_4
- dbr:1998–99_Hibernian_F.C._season
- dbr:1999_FIFA_Women's_World_Cup_qualification_(UEFA)
- dbr:1999–2000_Scottish_Challenge_Cup
- dbr:2000–01_Hibernian_F.C._season
- dbr:2000–01_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2002_Fiji_rugby_union_tour_of_British_Isles
- dbr:2005–06_Hibernian_F.C._season
- dbr:2006–07_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2006–07_Scottish_First_Division
- dbr:UEFA_Women's_Euro_1995_qualifying
- dbr:UEFA_Women's_Euro_1997_qualifying
- dbr:UEFA_Women's_Euro_2001_qualifying
- dbr:2013–14_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2013–14_Scottish_League_One
- dbr:2014–15_Ayr_United_F.C._season
- dbr:2014–15_Scottish_Challenge_Cup
- dbr:2014–15_Scottish_Cup
- dbr:2015–16_Livingston_F.C._season
- dbr:2016–17_Falkirk_F.C._season
- dbr:2016–17_Scottish_League_Cup_group_stage
- dbr:2016_Scottish_Women's_Cup
is rdfs:seeAlso of