Video game design (original) (raw)
- تصميم لعبة (بالإنجليزية: Game design) (فرع من تطوير اللعبة) هو عملية تصميم المحتوى والقواعد للعبة في مرحلة ما قبل الإنتاج، وتصميم طريقة اللعب، البيئة، القصة والشخصيات أثناء عملية الإنتاج. (ar)
- Video game design is the process of designing the content and rules of video games in the pre-production stage and designing the gameplay, environment, storyline and characters in the production stage. Some common video game design subdisciplines are world design, level design, system design, content design, and user interface design. Within the video game industry, video game design is usually just referred to as "game design", which is a more general term elsewhere. The video game designer is very much like the director of a film; the designer is the visionary of the game and controls the artistic and technical elements of the game in fulfillment of their vision. However, with very complex games, such as MMORPGs or a big budget action or sports title, designers may number in the dozens. In these cases, there are generally one or two principal designers and many junior designers who specify subsets or subsystems of the game. As the industry has aged and embraced alternative production methodologies such as agile, the role of a principal game designer has begun to separate - some studios emphasizing the auteur model while others emphasizing a more team oriented model. In larger companies like Electronic Arts, each aspect of the game (control, level design) may have a separate producer, lead designer and several general designers. Video game design requires artistic and technical competence as well as sometimes including writing skills. Historically, video game programmers have sometimes comprised the entire design team. This is the case of such noted designers as Sid Meier, John Romero, Chris Sawyer and Will Wright. A notable exception to this policy was Coleco, which from its very start separated the function of design and programming. As video games became more complex, computers and consoles became more powerful, the job of the game designer became separate from the lead programmer. Soon, game complexity demanded team members focused on game design. Many early veterans chose the game design path eschewing programming and delegating those tasks to others. (en)
- Projektowanie gry komputerowej – rzemiosło związane z tworzeniem gier komputerowych, którego celem jest zbilansowanie elementów artystycznych oraz funkcjonalnych danego utworu interaktywnego. Do opracowania projektu gry komputerowej wymagane jest sporządzenie dokumentacji, którą w anglojęzycznych opracowaniach określa się mianem game design documents. Projektowanie gier może być ukierunkowane na potencjalnego gracza (a więc mieć na celu uprzyjemnianie rozgrywki oraz umożliwienie wczucia się w rolę sterowanego awatara) lub być po prostu aktem ekspresji twórców, którzy chcą wyrażać określone treści. Zazwyczaj projekt gry jest opracowywany w zespołach, a więc podatny na ciągłe zmiany. Wśród osób związanych z projektowaniem gier zazwyczaj wyróżnia się między innymi następujące zawody: * główny projektant (lead designer) – odpowiedzialny za ogólny projekt gry i spójność jej zasad, określany niekiedy „strażnikiem wizji” (keeper of the vision); * projektant gry (game designer) – odpowiedzialny za określenie oraz dokumentację działania gry, w szczególności mechaniki (gameplay); * projektant poziomów (level designer) – odpowiedzialny za wdrożenie elementów gry opracowanych przez projektantów wyższych rangą i za konstrukcję poszczególnych poziomów oraz modelowanie obiektów; * scenarzysta (writer) – odpowiedzialny za słowne opracowanie fikcjonalnej zawartości gry: intro, opowieść wprowadzającą do głównej rozgrywki, dialogi, przerywniki filmowe; * reżyser artystyczny (art director) – odpowiedzialny za zarządzanie produkcją wizualnych elementów gry: modeli, tekstur, animacji, elementów interfejsu; * reżyser dźwiękowy (audio director) – odpowiedzialny za produkcję dźwiękowych elementów gry: muzyki, odgłosów, efektów, dialogów. (pl)
- O design de jogos eletrônicos é o processo onde se projeta o conteúdo e as regras de um videogame no estágio de pré-produção, bem como o desenvolvimento da jogabilidade, da ambientação, do enredo e dos personagens no estágio de produção. Pode-se dizer que designer de um jogo é muito parecido com o diretor de um filme; O designer é o visionário do jogo e controla os elementos artísticos e técnicos a fim de efetuar sua visão. O design de videogames requer competência artística e técnica, além de habilidades de escrita. À medida que a indústria maturou e adotou metodologias de produção alternativas, como o Desenvolvimento ágil de software, a função do designer de jogos principal começou a se dividir - alguns estúdios passaram a enfatizar o modelo mais focado na visão do autor principal enquanto outros no modelo mais orientado para o talento da equipe como um todo. Na indústria de videogames, o design de videogames é geralmente chamado de "game design (design de jogos)", que é um termo mais abrangente quando usado fora dela. Nos primórdios da indústria, muitos programadores de jogos eletrônicos chegavam a compor toda a equipe de design. Esse é o caso de designers famosos como Sid Meier, John Romero, Chris Sawyer e Will Wright. Uma notável exceção a essa política foi a empresa Coleco, que sempre dividiu as funções de design e programação. Conforme os jogos se tornaram mais complexos e os computadores e consoles se tornaram mais poderosos, o trabalho do designer de jogos eletrônicos foi se separando do de programador principal. Logo a complexidade e a vasta dimensão dos games exigiu que os membros da equipe se concentrassem no design do jogo. Muitos dos veteranos, como os citados anteriormente, escolheram o caminho do design, dispensando a programação e a delegando a outros profissionais. Em games extremamente complexos, como MMORPGs, ou games de ação ou de esporte com grande orçamento, a quantidade de designers podem chegar às dezenas. Nesses casos, geralmente, há um ou dois designers principais e muitos designers juniores que ficam responsáveis por subconjuntos ou subsistemas do game. Em empresas maiores, como a Electronic Arts, cada aspecto do game (controle, design de níveis) pode ter um produtor separado, o designer principal e vários designers gerais. Eles também podem participar ativamente da elaboração da trama do game. (pt)
- 电子游戏设计是指,在电子游戏预制作阶段设计主题和规则,以及在制作阶段设计游戏性、环境、情节和角色的过程。游戏设计师和电影导演颇为相似;设计师构想游戏,并监督游戏艺术和技术要素满足他们的构想。电子游戏设计除了艺术和技术能力外,还要求文学技巧 。在电子游戏业,电子游戏设计常简称为更通用的术语“游戏设计”。 电子游戏设计师则是专门从事电子游戏设计的职业,是游戏性的设计者,构思设计游戏规则与体系。在中國,遊戲設計師又名為游戏策划。戴有「遊戲設計師」這個頭銜的人在電子遊戲中負責策劃、設計、甚至製作,是遊戲開發小組的核心成員。他們主要負責建立一個電玩的佈局、概觀及遊戲性(Gameplay)。這些工作通常包含编写故事、制定游戏规则、遊戲版圖設計、设计游戏交互环节、編寫遊戲詳細規格、计算游戏公式、輸入和調較數值,以平衡遊戲性、以及整个的一切细节等。一名遊戲設計師會为遊戲開發商工作,而開發商亦可能同時為遊戲的發行商。 许多设计师的职业生涯从测试部门、其他开发职务或课堂情境中开始,可以直接看出其他人的错误。在外國,遊戲設計師通常有很多寫作經驗,有可能擁有寫作或相關的學位(如英語)。由於他/她的工作主要是編寫遊戲內容,所以越有寫作經驗者越能勝任該工作。而擁有藝術和編寫程式的技能亦有助於這份工作,但這些技能並不是必須的。除此之外遊戲設計師亦會鑽研相關的博雅教育如心理學、社會學、戲劇、美術及哲學。由於遊戲設計過程中的複雜性逐漸增加,很多新進的設計師亦可能會有計算機科學或電腦工程等其他的背景。 (zh)
- dbr:Quake_(video_game)
- dbr:List_of_books_about_video_games
- dbr:Menu_(computing)
- dbr:John_Romero
- dbr:Journey_(2012_video_game)
- dbr:United_States_dollar
- dbr:Unity_(game_engine)
- dbr:Unreal_Engine
- dbr:Video_game_development
- dbr:Video_game_industry
- dbr:Game_genre
- dbr:Construct_(game_engine)
- dbr:Chris_Crawford_(game_designer)
- dbr:Chris_Sawyer
- dbr:Coleco
- dbr:Electronic_Arts
- dbr:Gamasutra
- dbr:GameMaker_Studio
- dbr:GameSpot
- dbr:Game_engine
- dbr:Game_mechanics
- dbr:Gameplay
- dbr:Godot_(game_engine)
- dbr:Myst
- dbr:Level_(video_gaming)
- dbr:Level_designer
- dbr:Sid_Meier
- dbr:Will_Wright_(game_designer)
- dbr:Game
- dbr:Game_art_design
- dbr:Game_balance
- dbr:Game_design
- dbr:Game_design_document
- dbr:Game_feel
- dbr:HUD_(video_gaming)
- dbr:Aeon_(digital_magazine)
- dbr:Agile_software_development
- dbc:Video_game_design
- dbr:Eric_Zimmerman
- dbr:Educational_video_game
- dbr:Katie_Salen
- dbr:Video_game_console
- dbr:Video_game
- dbr:Video_game_publisher
- dbc:Video_game_development
- dbr:Tetris
- dbr:The_Escapist_(magazine)
- dbr:Codebase
- dbr:Home_computer
- dbr:Narrative_Designer
- dbr:YouTube
- dbr:Massively_multiplayer_online_role-playing_game
- dbr:Minimum_viable_product
- dbr:Scripting_language
- dbr:Voice_acting
- dbr:Eurocom
- dbr:List_of_video_game_designers
- dbr:Narratology
- dbr:Rules_of_Play
- dbr:Systems_design
- dbr:First_playable_demo
- dbr:Sound_effects
- dbr:Japanese_video_game
- dbr:List_of_video_gaming_topics
- dbr:File:Edge_(video_game)_level_layout.png
- dbr:File:UnrealCharacter.png
- dbr:File:Video_Game_Design_on_Paper_at_Game_Jam.jpg
- dbr:Rules_of_Play_(2004)
- dbt:Authority_control
- dbt:Citation_needed
- dbt:Cite_book
- dbt:Cite_web
- dbt:Clarify
- dbt:Cquote
- dbt:Curlie
- dbt:Design
- dbt:External_links
- dbt:Further
- dbt:Main
- dbt:Original_research_inline
- dbt:Portal
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:See_also
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:USD
- dbt:Webarchive
- dbt:Who
- dbt:Wikiversity
- dbt:GBP
- dbt:Game_design
- dbt:Video_game_industry
- تصميم لعبة (بالإنجليزية: Game design) (فرع من تطوير اللعبة) هو عملية تصميم المحتوى والقواعد للعبة في مرحلة ما قبل الإنتاج، وتصميم طريقة اللعب، البيئة، القصة والشخصيات أثناء عملية الإنتاج. (ar)
- Video game design is the process of designing the content and rules of video games in the pre-production stage and designing the gameplay, environment, storyline and characters in the production stage. Some common video game design subdisciplines are world design, level design, system design, content design, and user interface design. Within the video game industry, video game design is usually just referred to as "game design", which is a more general term elsewhere. (en)
- Projektowanie gry komputerowej – rzemiosło związane z tworzeniem gier komputerowych, którego celem jest zbilansowanie elementów artystycznych oraz funkcjonalnych danego utworu interaktywnego. Do opracowania projektu gry komputerowej wymagane jest sporządzenie dokumentacji, którą w anglojęzycznych opracowaniach określa się mianem game design documents. Projektowanie gier może być ukierunkowane na potencjalnego gracza (a więc mieć na celu uprzyjemnianie rozgrywki oraz umożliwienie wczucia się w rolę sterowanego awatara) lub być po prostu aktem ekspresji twórców, którzy chcą wyrażać określone treści. (pl)
- O design de jogos eletrônicos é o processo onde se projeta o conteúdo e as regras de um videogame no estágio de pré-produção, bem como o desenvolvimento da jogabilidade, da ambientação, do enredo e dos personagens no estágio de produção. Pode-se dizer que designer de um jogo é muito parecido com o diretor de um filme; O designer é o visionário do jogo e controla os elementos artísticos e técnicos a fim de efetuar sua visão. O design de videogames requer competência artística e técnica, além de habilidades de escrita. (pt)
- 电子游戏设计是指,在电子游戏预制作阶段设计主题和规则,以及在制作阶段设计游戏性、环境、情节和角色的过程。游戏设计师和电影导演颇为相似;设计师构想游戏,并监督游戏艺术和技术要素满足他们的构想。电子游戏设计除了艺术和技术能力外,还要求文学技巧 。在电子游戏业,电子游戏设计常简称为更通用的术语“游戏设计”。 电子游戏设计师则是专门从事电子游戏设计的职业,是游戏性的设计者,构思设计游戏规则与体系。在中國,遊戲設計師又名為游戏策划。戴有「遊戲設計師」這個頭銜的人在電子遊戲中負責策劃、設計、甚至製作,是遊戲開發小組的核心成員。他們主要負責建立一個電玩的佈局、概觀及遊戲性(Gameplay)。這些工作通常包含编写故事、制定游戏规则、遊戲版圖設計、设计游戏交互环节、編寫遊戲詳細規格、计算游戏公式、輸入和調較數值,以平衡遊戲性、以及整个的一切细节等。一名遊戲設計師會为遊戲開發商工作,而開發商亦可能同時為遊戲的發行商。 (zh)
is dbo:occupation of
- dbr:Brian_Howarth
- dbr:David_Braben
- dbr:Dean_Hall_(game_designer)
- dbr:Josh_Scherr
- dbr:Cliff_Bleszinski
- dbr:Grant_Wilson
- dbr:Shoji_Meguro
- dbr:Jason_D._Anderson
- dbr:Alexey_Pajitnov
- dbr:American_McGee
- dbr:Hidemaro_Fujibayashi
- dbr:Tom_Hall
- dbr:Rachel_Bernstein
- dbr:Gregg_Mayles
- dbr:Yoot_Saito
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Caesar_IV
- dbr:Call_of_Juarez
- dbr:Call_of_Juarez:_Gunslinger
- dbr:Call_of_Juarez:_The_Cartel
- dbr:Call_of_Juarez_(video_game)
- dbr:Ben_Brode
- dbr:Power_Drive_Rally
- dbr:Pretty_Soldier_Sailor_Moon_(arcade_game)
- dbr:Robert_Marriner-Dodds
- dbr:Robotrek
- dbr:Rockstar_Dundee
- dbr:Rogue_Galaxy
- dbr:Rogue_Trip:_Vacation_2012
- dbr:List_of_cancelled_X68000_games
- dbr:BattleWheels
- dbr:Battle_Realms:_Winter_of_the_Wolf
- dbr:Becker_College
- dbr:Benton_Harbor_High_School
- dbr:Bill_Roper_(video_game_producer)
- dbr:Blood_Bros.
- dbr:Brenda_Laurel
- dbr:Brenda_Romero
- dbr:Brian_Allgeier
- dbr:Brian_Howarth
- dbr:David_Braben
- dbr:Deadlight
- dbr:Dean_Hall_(game_designer)
- dbr:Detroit:_Become_Human
- dbr:Devil_May_Cry_(video_game)
- dbr:Jon_Van_Caneghem
- dbr:Josh_Scherr
- dbr:Julian_Gollop
- dbr:Religion_and_video_games
- dbr:Rob_Pardo
- dbr:Ultra_Vortek
- dbr:University_of_Skövde
- dbr:Val_d'Isère_Skiing_and_Snowboarding
- dbr:Verytex
- dbr:Video_game_writing
- dbr:Video_games_in_Japan
- dbr:Volition_(company)
- dbr:Dwarfs_(video_game)
- dbr:Incunabula_(video_game)
- dbr:Game_developer
- dbr:Stereoscopic_video_game
- dbr:Crash_Boom_Bang!
- dbr:Matthue_Roth
- dbr:Takashi_Nishiyama
- dbr:Seb_McKinnon
- dbr:Chrono_Trigger
- dbr:Cliff_Bleszinski
- dbr:Clue_(1998_video_game)
- dbr:Enad_Global_7
- dbr:Frank_Cirocco
- dbr:Game_Maker's_Toolkit
- dbr:Gamergate_(harassment_campaign)
- dbr:George_S._Middleton_High_School
- dbr:Glossary_of_video_game_terms
- dbr:Gordo_106
- dbr:Gorf
- dbr:Granada_(video_game)
- dbr:Grant_Wilson
- dbr:Missile_Command_3D
- dbr:Mortal_Kombat_II
- dbr:Myth_III:_The_Wolf_Age
- dbr:The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Fellowship_of_the_Ring_(video_game)
- dbr:The_Lord_of_the_Rings:_The_Two_Towers_(video_game)
- dbr:The_Sacred_Mirror_of_Kofun
- dbr:The_Settlers
- dbr:The_Settlers:_Heritage_of_Kings
- dbr:The_Settlers:_Rise_of_an_Empire
- dbr:The_Settlers_(1993_video_game)
- dbr:The_Settlers_7:_Paths_to_a_Kingdom
- dbr:The_Settlers_II
- dbr:The_Settlers_III
- dbr:The_Settlers_II_(10th_Anniversary)
- dbr:The_Settlers_IV
- dbr:Angel_Beats!
- dbr:Antoine_Bauza
- dbr:Lual_Mayen
- dbr:MDK
- dbr:MDK2
- dbr:Mad_Stalker:_Full_Metal_Forth
- dbr:Magic_Carpet_2
- dbr:Malibu_Bikini_Volleyball
- dbr:Bob_Whitehead
- dbr:Shivers_(video_game)
- dbr:Shoji_Meguro
- dbr:Sliver_(film)
- dbr:Star_Fleet_I:_The_War_Begins
- dbr:Compulsion_loop
- dbr:Josh_Holmes_(video_game_designer)
- dbr:STEAM_fields
- dbr:Strategy_video_game
- dbr:Axelay
- dbr:Bubsy_in_Fractured_Furry_Tales
- dbr:Burning_Rangers
- dbr:Tony_Corbin
- dbr:Toru_Iwatani
- dbr:True_Crime:_Streets_of_LA
- dbr:Truxton_(video_game)
- dbr:Turok_3:_Shadow_of_Oblivion
- dbr:Twin_Hawk
- dbr:Where_in_Space_Is_Carmen_Sandiego?
- dbr:Wildlife_Tycoon:_Venture_Africa
- dbr:William_Crowther_(programmer)
- dbr:Game_art_design
- dbr:Game_design
- dbr:Game_design_document
- dbr:Gamification_of_learning
- dbr:Jason_D._Anderson
- dbr:Lindsay_Grace
- dbr:List_of_Brooklyn_College_alumni
- dbr:System_15000
- dbr:Steve_Polge
- dbr:20th_century
- dbr:4th_&_Inches
- dbr:Alexey_Pajitnov
- dbr:American_McGee
- dbr:Curse_of_Enchantia
- dbr:Dan_Paladin
- dbr:Dark_Chronicle
- dbr:Dark_Cloud
- dbr:Dark_Fall
- dbr:Dark_Fall:_Lost_Souls
- dbr:Dark_Fall_II:_Lights_Out
- dbr:Dragon_Age_Legends
- dbr:Dune_II
- dbr:Ed_Logg
- dbr:F-Zero_X
- dbr:F.E.A.R.
- dbr:F.E.A.R._(video_game)
- dbr:F.E.A.R._2:_Project_Origin
- dbr:F.E.A.R._3
- dbr:F.E.A.R._Extraction_Point
- dbr:F.E.A.R._Perseus_Mandate
- dbr:Fight_for_Life_(video_game)
- dbr:Final_Fantasy_II
- dbr:Nintendo_Entertainment_Analysis_&_Development
- dbr:Nordic_Game
- dbr:Grand_Theft_Auto_clone
- dbr:Hitscan
- dbr:Kazuhiko_Aoki_(video_game_designer)
- dbr:Video_game_developer
- dbr:X-COM:_Genesis
- dbr:Video_game_producer
- dbr:Guido_Henkel
- dbr:Gun_Frontier_(video_game)
- dbr:Gururin
- dbr:Heather_Kuzmich
- dbr:Hidemaro_Fujibayashi
- dbr:Islanders_(video_game)
- dbr:Tales_of_Phantasia
- dbr:Technology_Student_Association
- dbr:Terry_Cavanagh_(developer)
- dbr:Thatgamecompany
- dbr:The_Amazing_Spider-Man:_Web_of_Fire
- dbr:The_Art_Institutes
- dbr:The_Da_Vinci_Code_(video_game)
- dbr:The_Godfather_(2006_video_game)
- dbr:The_Godfather_II_(video_game)
- dbr:The_Golden_Compass_(video_game)
- dbr:The_Hobbit_(2003_video_game)
- dbr:The_Humans_(video_game)
- dbr:The_Idolmaster
- dbr:The_Idolmaster_(video_game)
- dbr:Around_the_World_in_80_Days_(video_game)
- dbr:Aalto_Media_Lab
- dbr:Adrian_Chmielarz
- dbr:Champions_of_Anteria
- dbr:Chihiro_Fujioka
- dbr:Alan_Miller_(game_designer)
- dbr:Kabu_Trader_Shun
- dbr:Bill_Williams_(game_designer)
- dbr:Blackroom_(video_game)
- dbr:Super_Mario_Kart
- dbr:Super_Mario_Maker
- dbr:Switchblade_(video_game)
- dbr:Syndicate_(Internet_personality)
- dbr:Takashi_Tezuka
- dbr:Thais_Weiller
- dbr:Tom_Hall
- dbr:Rachel_Bernstein
- dbr:Universe_of_The_Legend_of_Zelda
- dbr:Doctor_Hauzer
- dbr:Dogyuun
- dbr:Donkey_Kong_(video_game)
- dbr:BAFTA_Fellowship
- dbr:Manticore_(2022_film)
- dbr:Bushnell's_Law
- dbr:Pikmin_2
- dbr:Spartan:_Total_Warrior
- dbr:Gregg_Mayles
- dbr:I_Am_Alive
- dbr:Kirby_&_the_Amazing_Mirror
- dbr:Knuckle_Bash
- dbr:Kojima_Productions
- dbr:Koronis_Rift
- dbr:Metal_Warriors
- dbr:Michael_Stout
- dbr:Mighty_Bomb_Jack
- dbr:Mike_Disa
- dbr:Mimimi_Games
- dbr:New_media
- dbr:Raiden_(video_game)
- dbr:Rebecca_Heineman
- dbr:Script_(video_games)
- dbr:Serious_Sam_Double_D
- dbr:Shadow_Squadron
- dbr:Shadow_of_the_Colossus
- dbr:Shigeru_Miyamoto
- dbr:Christina_"Phazero"_Curlee
- dbr:Yoot_Saito
- dbr:Martin_Hollis_(video_game_designer)
- dbr:SHODAN
- dbr:Warp_(video_games)
- dbr:Tech_camp
- dbr:Computer_game_designer
- dbr:ID_Tech_Camps
- dbr:Ian_Bogost
- dbr:List_of_video_game_genres
- dbr:List_of_video_game_industry_people
- dbr:List_of_video_games_notable_for_negative_reception
- dbr:Ludic_interface
- dbr:Scooby-Doo!_Mystery_of_the_Fun_Park_Phantom
- dbr:Secondary_education_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Wizard's_Crown
- dbr:Video_game_programmer
- dbr:The_Sumerian_Game
- dbr:Outline_of_video_games
- dbr:PC_game
- dbr:Screenwriting
- dbr:École_nationale_supérieure_d'informatique_pour_l'industrie_et_l'entreprise
- dbr:The_Art_of_Computer_Game_Design
- dbr:Tanya_X._Short
- dbr:Virtual_Heroes
- dbr:Vision_Tech_Camps
- dbr:Tutorial_(video_games)
- dbr:Video_game_designer
- dbr:Videogame_designer
- dbr:Video_Game_Designer
- dbr:Creating_computer_games
- dbr:Computer_game_design