The Encyclopedia of Arda - Rohan (original) (raw)

Indexes: Alphabetical: R Lands, Realms and Regions About this entry: Updated 14 March 2004 Updates planned: 34 The wide land of the Rohirrim Map of RohanThe white lines shown on this map mark the western and eastern borders of the realm of Rohan. The white lines shown on this map mark the western and eastern borders of the realm of Rohan. Originally the Gondorian province of Calenardhon, the land north of the White Mountains was gifted by Steward Cirion to Eorl of the Northmen in III 2510. Eorl had led his men through great hardship from the far North to the aid of Gondor, and Cirion gave him the wide green lands of Calenardhon in recognition of his aid, swearing eternal friendship between old Gondor and the new land of Rohan. Rohan's history was one of conflict and war; with the Orcs of the White Mountains, the Dunlendings to the west, and ultimately with Saruman in Orthanc, whose stronghold stood on Rohan's northwestern borders. Nonetheless, the line of the Kings of Rohan stretched from Eorl's time to the War of the Ring and beyond. The Kings sat in the Golden Hall of Meduseld in Edoras, built by Eorl's son Brego. At the time of Gondor's greatest need, they kept the Oath of Eorl, and rode to the aid of their ancient allies at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. See also... Aldburg, Aldor the Old, Alfirin, Amon Anwar, Amon Dîn, Aragorn Elessar, Aragost, Arahad II, Araw, Arod, Badgers, Banakil, Barahir, Battle of the Field of Celebrant, Battle of the Hornburg, [See the full list...]Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Battles of the Fords of Isen, Beacons of Gondor, Belecthor I, Black Men, Black Serpent, Black Speech, Boar of Everholt, Boars, Brego, Brytta Léofa, Calenardhon, Calenhad, Captain of Sauron, Captain of the Dúnedain of Arnor, Caverns of Helm’s Deep, Ceorl, Chieftain of the Dúnedain, Chronicle of Cirion and Eorl, Cirion, City of the Corsairs, Combe, Common Language, Company of the Ring, Crossings of Isen, Crossings of Poros, Dark Door, Dark Plague, Days of Dearth, Deeping-stream, Déor, Dol Baran, Door of the Dead, Dúnharg, Dúnhere, Éadig, Eagle of the Star, East Anórien, East Dales, East Wall of Rohan, East-mark, Eastemnet, Eastfold, Ednew, Edoras, Egalmoth, Eilenaer, Elendil, Eleventy, Elfhelm, Elfhild, Elfstone, Elfwine, Elven-cloaks, Entwade, Entwash Vale, Entwood, Eofor, Éoherë, Éomer Éadig, Éomund, Éomund of Eastfold, Eorl, Éothain, Éothéod, Éowyn, Ered Nimrais, Erelas, Everholt, Evermind, Fallohides, Fangorn Forest, Fastred, Fastred, Felaróf, Fengel, Fenmarch, Fire-hilltop, Firefoot, Firien Wood, Firien-dale, Firienfeld, Firienholt, Folca, Folcred, Folde, Forbidden Door, Fords of Poros, Forgoil, Fourth Age, Fréa, Fréaláf Hildeson, Fréawine, Freca, Free Folk, Full Muster, Gálmód, Gamling, Gap of Rohan, Gate of Gondor, Gate of the Dead, Gimli Elf-friend, Glanhír, Gléowine, Goblin-men, Goldwine, Gondorians, Gram, Great Hall of Feasts, Great Orcs, Great People of the West, Great Road, Great West Road, Greyhame, Greymantle, Gríma Wormtongue, Grimslade, Grond, Guthláf, Gúthwinë, Haleth, Halifirien, Halifirien Wood, Hallas, Hallows of Minas Tirith, Háma, Háma, Harding, Harondor, Harrowdale, Hasufel, Haudh in Gwanûr, Helm Hammerhand, Helmingas, Helm’s Deep, Herefara, Hild, Hildeson, Hill of Anwar, Hill of Awe, Hill of the Eye, Hithaeglir, Hobbit-speech, Holbytlan, Horn, Horn of the Mark, Hornburg, Horse-boys, Horse-country, Horse-lords, Horse-men, Horsebreeders, Horsemen of Rohan, Horsemen of the North, Horses, Ingold, Isildur, King of Calenardhon, King of Rohan, King of the Éothéod, King of the Mark, King of the Mark of the Riders, King of the Second Line, Kingdom of the Rohirrim, King’s Company, King’s Host, King’s Lands, King’s Riders, Kûd-dûkan, Kuduk, Lady of Rohan, Lady of the Shield-arm, Lady of the Wood, Láthspell, Legolas Greenleaf, Léofa, Long Winter, Lord of Deeping-coomb, Lord of Harrowdale, Lord of Isengard, Lord of Rohan, Lord of the City, Lord of the Éothéod, Lord of the Fields of Rohan, Lord of the Glittering Caves, Lord of the Mundburg, Lords of the West, Lothíriel, Man of Skill, Mark-warden, Marshal of the East-mark, Marshal of the Mark, Mearas, Meduseld, Men of Bree, Men of Darkness, Men of Dunland, Men of Rhûn, Men of Rohan, Men of the Éothéod, Men of the North (in the Third Age), Men of the Riddermark, Men of the Twilight, Meriadoc ‘Merry’ Brandybuck, Mering Stream, Min-Rimmon, Mistress of Magic, Misty Mountains, Morgul-lord, Moro Burrows, Morwen Steelsheen, Mound of Elendil, Mound of the Riders, Mounds of Mundburg, Mountains of Gondor, Mouths of Onodló, Mundburg, Muster of Rohan, Muster of the East-mark, Muster of the West-mark, Muster of Westfold, Nazgûl Lord, Nina Lightfoot, North-borders, North-South Road, North-way, Oath of Cirion, Oath of Cirion and Eorl, Oath of Eorl, ‘Old Words and Names in the Shire’, Orald, Orc-hunters, Orc-men, Orcs of the White Hand, Parth Celebrant, Prince of Belfalas, Rangers of the North, Ras Morthil, ‘Reckoning of Years’, Red Arrow, Riddermark, Riders of Eorl, Riders of Rohan, Riders of the Mark, Riders of the North, Riders of Théoden, River Adorn, River Anduin, River Entwash, River Langflood, River Lefnui, River Limlaith, River Limlight, River Limliht, River Limlint, River Onodló, River Snowbourn, Robbers of the North, Rochallor, Rochan, Rochand, Rochann, Róg, Rógin, Rohirrim, Ruler, Ruling Steward, Saruman, Scatha, Seal of the Stewards, Shadowfax, Shieldmaidens, Silent Hill, Silver Swan, Simbelmynë, Sons of Eorl, Sorceress of the Golden Wood, Stair of the Hold, Steelsheen, Steward of Gondor, Stoningland, Stormcrow, Strawheads, Stybba, Súthburg, Tale of Cirion and Eorl, The Burg, The Courts, The East, The Mark, The Old, The Plague, The Questioner, The Riders, The Rock, The Starkhorn, The Three Hunters, The Thrice-renowned, The Wold, The Young, Théodred, Théodwyn, Third Age, Third Marshal of the Riddermark, Thorongil, Tomb of Elendil, Tombs of the Kings, Towers of Gondor, Túrin II, Udalraph, Udûn, Underharrow, Underking, Upbourn, Úrui, Uruk-hai, Walda, Wall of the Pelennor, War of the Ring, West Marches, West of Middle-earth, West Road, West-march of Rohan, West-mark, Westemnet, Western Muster, Westfold, Whispering Wood, White Horse, White Horse upon Green, White Lady, White Lady of Rohan, White Mountains, Wídfara, Wild Lands, Wild Men of the Woods, Wilimar Bolger, Wingfoot, Wood of Anwar, Woodwoses, Worm, Woses, Wraith-king, Wulf, Yule Indexes: Alphabetical: R Lands, Realms and Regions About this entry: Updated 14 March 2004 Updates planned: 34 For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. 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