Virgilio Ilari | Catholic University of Milan (original) (raw)

Italian Society of Military History by Virgilio Ilari

Research paper thumbnail of Jeremy BLACK (Ed.), Cavalry Warfare from ancient times to today (Fvcina di Marte No. 18)

Jeremy Black (Ed.), Cavalry Warfare from ancient times to today, 2024

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of (2023) ILARI The Indiskij Pochod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde (enB translated)

The Indijskij Pokhod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde par terre

The Indijskij Pokhod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde par terre The Indian Expedition ... more The Indijskij Pokhod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde par terre The Indian Expedition of Paul I (1801) in the context of the first Franco-Russian alliance against Britain 1 by Virgilio Ilari «I won't die before I drive the Turks out of Europe, break China's pride and open trade with India»2. Caterina II, 1787 «Paul Ier est mort dans la nuit du 24 au 25 mars !!! L'escadre anglaise a passé le Sund le 31 !!! L'histoire nous apprendra les rapports qui peuvent exister entre ces deux événemens !!!» Gazette nationale ou Le Moniteur universel, N. 207, 27 germinal an 9 (17 aprile 1801), p. 869. Ermordung Pauls Suvorov, the film by Vsevolod Ilarionovič Pudovkin (1893-1953) released in January 19413, opens with the Russian triumph of November 1794 over Tadeusz Kościuszko's revolt against the second partition of Poland4. But apart from this smug allusion to the new Soviet-Hitler partition, the film does not engage in a socialist, let alone geopolitical, reinterpretation of Russian strategy during the first anti-French coalition, and is instead all about the predictable contrast between the heroic Coriolanus and the moody Emperor Paul I.

Research paper thumbnail of Jeremy Black (Ed.), The Practice of Strategy: A Global History

Jeremy Black (Ed.), The Practice of Strategy: A Global History, 2024

Most writing on strategy deals with theory, or what presents itself sometimes as military science... more Most writing on strategy deals with theory, or what presents itself sometimes as military science. Indeed much of it in effect is a meditation on Clausewitz and a search for alternatives, including, sometimes, the author of the piece in question. Such work has its interest, notably for intellectual thought, and its value as a source and means of reflection. Nevertheless, the extent to which strategic theory or science offers much as a guidance to what choices are made and how they are implemented is problematic. Indeed, this argument rests more on assertion than hard evidence. The classic medieval example of this is the frequent assertion that medieval commanders were influenced by Vegetius, the late Roman writer. Vegetius was much copied (by monks), but there is no evidence that he was read by generals

Research paper thumbnail of History and Epistemology of Strategic Studies. A Bibliography

History and Epistemology of Strategic Studies. A Bibliography, 2023

A basic research for a collective book on history, epistemology and teaching of security studies

Research paper thumbnail of 2nd Military History School (MHS) at Montecuccolo Castle, 1-3 September, 2023. Program

2nd Military History School (MHS) at Montecuccolo Castle, 1-3 September, 2023. Program, 2023

An initiative for the self-education in military and war history research for undergraduate and d... more An initiative for the self-education in military and war history research for undergraduate and doctoral students organised by ArmaVirumque and Casus Belli, the alumni associations of the Turin and Bologna universities and supported by the Italian Society of Military History (SISM).

Research paper thumbnail of (2023) ILARI The Indiskij Pochod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde (enB translated)

The Indiskij Pochod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde, 2023

The Indijskij Pokhod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde par terre The Indian Expedition ... more The Indijskij Pokhod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde par terre The Indian Expedition of Paul I (1801) in the context of the first Franco-Russian alliance against Britain 1 by Virgilio Ilari «I won't die before I drive the Turks out of Europe, break China's pride and open trade with India»2. Caterina II, 1787 «Paul Ier est mort dans la nuit du 24 au 25 mars !!! L'escadre anglaise a passé le Sund le 31 !!! L'histoire nous apprendra les rapports qui peuvent exister entre ces deux événemens !!!» Gazette nationale ou Le Moniteur universel, N. 207, 27 germinal an 9 (17 aprile 1801), p. 869. Ermordung Pauls Suvorov, the film by Vsevolod Ilarionovič Pudovkin (1893-1953) released in January 19413, opens with the Russian triumph of November 1794 over Tadeusz Kościuszko's revolt against the second partition of Poland4. But apart from this smug allusion to the new Soviet-Hitler partition, the film does not engage in a socialist, let alone geopolitical, reinterpretation of Russian strategy during the first anti-French coalition, and is instead all about the predictable contrast between the heroic Coriolanus and the moody Emperor Paul I.

Research paper thumbnail of Buduščaja vojna. Jan Bloch, Russian General Staff and the First Hague Peace Conference by Virgilio Ilari

Future Wars. Quaderno SISM 2016, Rome, 2016

"what I know and am prepared to prove is, that the real Utopians who are living in a veritable re... more "what I know and am prepared to prove is, that the real Utopians who are living in a veritable realm of phantasy are those people who believe in war"1. "Among many military theorists who appeared in those years (1870-1914), one was outstanding, namely I. S. Bloch, because he got down to the roots of the war problem. S. Bloch, because he got down to the roots of the war problem'2 .

Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare (NAM) Fascicolo 15 Storia Militare Moderna, a cura di Virgilio Ilari

Nuova Antologia Militare Anno IV Fascicolo 15, 2023

NAM IV, issue 15, Modern Military History, edited by Virgilio Ilari

Research paper thumbnail of . CARBONE (cur), Forza alla legge Studi storici su Carabinieri Gendarmerie e polizie armate (Fvcina N. 14)

Forza alla lergge. Studi storici su Carabinieri, gendarmerie e polizie armate, 2023

Studies on Carabinieri, Gendarmeries and other Armed Policies, edited by Flavio Carbone, coordina... more Studies on Carabinieri, Gendarmeries and other Armed Policies, edited by Flavio Carbone, coordinator of the SISM Research Group on History of Armed Policing

Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare Fascicolo 14 Storia Militare Antica

Nuova Antologia Militare, IV, 2023, No. 14 Storia Militare Antica, 2023

This is the NAM IV, 2023, issue 14 Ancient Military History, edited by Marco Bettalli & Elena Fra... more This is the NAM IV, 2023, issue 14 Ancient Military History, edited by Marco Bettalli & Elena Franchi

Research paper thumbnail of Jeremy Black's Appeal for Papers on the History of Cavalry

History of Cavalry, 2024

For publication in 2024, there will be a special issue of NAM (Nuova Antologia Militare-Fvcina di... more For publication in 2024, there will be a special issue of NAM (Nuova Antologia Militare-Fvcina di Marte)1 edited by Jeremy Black. The focus is on the significance of cavalry in military history, a significance that has been generally underrated in part due to misleading theses about military capabilities, relevance, and modernisation, all in favour of infantry.

Research paper thumbnail of Jeremy BLACK (Ed.), Global Military Transformations: Changes and Continuity 1450-1800 (Fvcina di Marte No. 12)

Transformations: Changes andJeremy BLACK (Ed.), Global Military Transformations: Changes and Continuity 1450-1800 (Fvcina di Marte No. 12), 2023

The supposed Military Revolution of the early modern period is the most important instance of a k... more The supposed Military Revolution of the early modern period is the most important instance of a key concept in military history, that of military revolutions. This collection takes a critical look at the example and thereby asks broader questions about the nature of military revolutions and indeed about the conceptualisation, methodologies and historiography of military history as a whole. The original thesis was Euro-only and its subsequent development was Westerncentric. This collection both reexamines the thesis in its European heartland, not least by drawing on important perspectives that were long underplayed, but als adds valuable African and Asian approaches. So also with chronological looks to the periods before and after.

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of 2022 MESA CORONADO Las fuerzas terrestres del reino de Sicilia 1663-1700. Fvcina di Marte N. 11

Las fuerzas terrestres del reino de Sicilia 1663-1700. Fvcina di Marte N. 11, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of . 2022 SCOTONI Da Port Arthur a Port Arthur 1905-1945

Giorgio Scotoni, Da Port Arthur a Port Arthur. La guerra incompiuta e il riscatto sovietico in Estremo Oriente, 2022

Fvcina di Marte Vol. No. 10, SISM Series

Research paper thumbnail of 2022 ILARI CASTELLI Life and Times of Colonel Forbes (1808-1892)

Vita e Tempi del colonnello Forbes (1808-1802), 2022

Vita e Tempi del colonnello Forbes (1808-1802). Un inglese italianissimo tra risorgimento e gUerr... more Vita e Tempi del colonnello Forbes (1808-1802). Un inglese italianissimo tra risorgimento e gUerra Civile americana
An italianissimo Englishman between Italian Risorgimento and American Civil War

Research paper thumbnail of MILITARY HISTORY SCHOOL Montecuccolo 2-4 September 2022

Self-training summer school for undergraduates and doctoral students in military history. Organiz... more Self-training summer school for undergraduates and doctoral students in military history. Organized by the university groups "Arma Virumque" (Turin) and "Casus Belli" (Bologna) with the support of the Italian Society of Military History (SISM andf "Nuova Antologia Militare" (NAM)). ITALY MATTERS IN INTERNATIONAL MILITARY HISTORY.
Scuola di Autoformazione per laureandi e dottorandi in Storia Militare. Organizzata dai Gruppi universitari "Armavirumque" (Torino) e "Casus Belli" (Bologna) col sostegno della Società Italiana di Storia Militare (SISM)

Research paper thumbnail of NAM Fascicolo n. 10 Storia militare antica a cura di Marco Bettalli ed Elena Franchi

Research paper thumbnail of 2017 ILARI Vaincre la mer par la terre 1775-1815

Virgilio Ilari, "'Vaincre la mer par la terre', 1793-1815", in Ilari e Della Torre (cur,), Economic Warfare. Quaderno SISM 2017, pp. 125-154, 2017

Economic warfare, in the form of blockades or sanctions, is primarily a war on trade and a war on... more Economic warfare, in the form of blockades or sanctions, is primarily a war on trade and a war on neutrals. Its primary purpose is not so much to overthrow an opponent who has a large enough background, but above all to force neutrals to take sides and not defect. In a historical phase in which the West seems increasingly oriented towards creating a commercial bloc around a large part of Eurasia, it is useful to re-read the analogous experience of the continental bloc proclaimed by Napoleon and which was, in the final analysis, the real due to the 'Spanish Ulcer' and the Beresina, and the collapse of the First French Empire.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022 BERI (cur.) Dal Mediterraneo alla Manica. Contributi alla Storia Navale di età moderna. Fvcina di Marte N.

Emiliano Beri (cur.), Dal Mediterraneo alla Manica. Contributi alla storia navale di età moderna , 2022

Contributi alla storia navale dell'età moderna

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of 2022 COLOMBO Avxilia and Legiones. The Roman Infantry in the 4th Century CE

Maurizio Colombo, Avxilia e Legiones. La fanteria rimana nel IV secolo, Collana Fvcina di Marte N. 5, Roma, SISM, Nadir Media, 2022, 2022

The result of years of research, this book profoundly innovates the historiography on the institu... more The result of years of research, this book profoundly innovates the historiography on the institutional and strategic evolution of the Roman army, and in particular of the legionary and auxiliary infantry, from Diocletian to Theodosius I. A process of empirical evolution and pragmatic adaptation interrupted by crucial discontinuities such as the creation of the late antique auxilia and the establishment of the comitatenses. Innovations not determined by strategic needs but by Constantine's personal and contingent needs in the conquest and conservation of absolute power. Despite the inherent fragility and the Adrianople disaster, the new army of Constantine and his dynasty functioned until the dawn of the fifth century, also thanks to the Valentinian I's structural reforms, which suitably adapted the infantry of the Constantinian comitatenses and ripenses to the diminished availability. of legionary infantry along the Roman limites. Unfortunately, the beginning of the great invasions, the military policy of Theodosius I, the internal instability of the West and the chronic stasis of the East severely undermined the shallow foundations of the Constantinian army. The degeneration of the infantry in the East starting from Theodosius I constitutes a separate and aberrant segment in the centuries-old history of the Roman army; the scutati of Vegetio and the σκουτάτοι of Mauritius are the pale shadow of the Constantinian legiones and auxilia. The infantry of the western comitatenses, before the Vandali Asdingi, Vandali Silingi, Suebi and Alani triggered the precocious and rapid agony of the West on 31 December 406, proved to be still adequate for its tasks in two very serious crises. Pollentia and Faesulae, even if subsequent events made the effects of both battles ephemeral, prove that the strategic turning point of Adrianople and the definitive triumph of the barbarian knights over the Roman infantrymen are unfounded fantasies of modern scholars; the pedites of Stilicone were very different from the pedites of Diocletian, but the whole of the infantry continued to form the backbone of the regular troops.

Research paper thumbnail of Jeremy BLACK (Ed.), Cavalry Warfare from ancient times to today (Fvcina di Marte No. 18)

Jeremy Black (Ed.), Cavalry Warfare from ancient times to today, 2024

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of (2023) ILARI The Indiskij Pochod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde (enB translated)

The Indijskij Pokhod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde par terre

The Indijskij Pokhod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde par terre The Indian Expedition ... more The Indijskij Pokhod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde par terre The Indian Expedition of Paul I (1801) in the context of the first Franco-Russian alliance against Britain 1 by Virgilio Ilari «I won't die before I drive the Turks out of Europe, break China's pride and open trade with India»2. Caterina II, 1787 «Paul Ier est mort dans la nuit du 24 au 25 mars !!! L'escadre anglaise a passé le Sund le 31 !!! L'histoire nous apprendra les rapports qui peuvent exister entre ces deux événemens !!!» Gazette nationale ou Le Moniteur universel, N. 207, 27 germinal an 9 (17 aprile 1801), p. 869. Ermordung Pauls Suvorov, the film by Vsevolod Ilarionovič Pudovkin (1893-1953) released in January 19413, opens with the Russian triumph of November 1794 over Tadeusz Kościuszko's revolt against the second partition of Poland4. But apart from this smug allusion to the new Soviet-Hitler partition, the film does not engage in a socialist, let alone geopolitical, reinterpretation of Russian strategy during the first anti-French coalition, and is instead all about the predictable contrast between the heroic Coriolanus and the moody Emperor Paul I.

Research paper thumbnail of Jeremy Black (Ed.), The Practice of Strategy: A Global History

Jeremy Black (Ed.), The Practice of Strategy: A Global History, 2024

Most writing on strategy deals with theory, or what presents itself sometimes as military science... more Most writing on strategy deals with theory, or what presents itself sometimes as military science. Indeed much of it in effect is a meditation on Clausewitz and a search for alternatives, including, sometimes, the author of the piece in question. Such work has its interest, notably for intellectual thought, and its value as a source and means of reflection. Nevertheless, the extent to which strategic theory or science offers much as a guidance to what choices are made and how they are implemented is problematic. Indeed, this argument rests more on assertion than hard evidence. The classic medieval example of this is the frequent assertion that medieval commanders were influenced by Vegetius, the late Roman writer. Vegetius was much copied (by monks), but there is no evidence that he was read by generals

Research paper thumbnail of History and Epistemology of Strategic Studies. A Bibliography

History and Epistemology of Strategic Studies. A Bibliography, 2023

A basic research for a collective book on history, epistemology and teaching of security studies

Research paper thumbnail of 2nd Military History School (MHS) at Montecuccolo Castle, 1-3 September, 2023. Program

2nd Military History School (MHS) at Montecuccolo Castle, 1-3 September, 2023. Program, 2023

An initiative for the self-education in military and war history research for undergraduate and d... more An initiative for the self-education in military and war history research for undergraduate and doctoral students organised by ArmaVirumque and Casus Belli, the alumni associations of the Turin and Bologna universities and supported by the Italian Society of Military History (SISM).

Research paper thumbnail of (2023) ILARI The Indiskij Pochod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde (enB translated)

The Indiskij Pochod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde, 2023

The Indijskij Pokhod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde par terre The Indian Expedition ... more The Indijskij Pokhod and the Projet d'une expédition dans l'Inde par terre The Indian Expedition of Paul I (1801) in the context of the first Franco-Russian alliance against Britain 1 by Virgilio Ilari «I won't die before I drive the Turks out of Europe, break China's pride and open trade with India»2. Caterina II, 1787 «Paul Ier est mort dans la nuit du 24 au 25 mars !!! L'escadre anglaise a passé le Sund le 31 !!! L'histoire nous apprendra les rapports qui peuvent exister entre ces deux événemens !!!» Gazette nationale ou Le Moniteur universel, N. 207, 27 germinal an 9 (17 aprile 1801), p. 869. Ermordung Pauls Suvorov, the film by Vsevolod Ilarionovič Pudovkin (1893-1953) released in January 19413, opens with the Russian triumph of November 1794 over Tadeusz Kościuszko's revolt against the second partition of Poland4. But apart from this smug allusion to the new Soviet-Hitler partition, the film does not engage in a socialist, let alone geopolitical, reinterpretation of Russian strategy during the first anti-French coalition, and is instead all about the predictable contrast between the heroic Coriolanus and the moody Emperor Paul I.

Research paper thumbnail of Buduščaja vojna. Jan Bloch, Russian General Staff and the First Hague Peace Conference by Virgilio Ilari

Future Wars. Quaderno SISM 2016, Rome, 2016

"what I know and am prepared to prove is, that the real Utopians who are living in a veritable re... more "what I know and am prepared to prove is, that the real Utopians who are living in a veritable realm of phantasy are those people who believe in war"1. "Among many military theorists who appeared in those years (1870-1914), one was outstanding, namely I. S. Bloch, because he got down to the roots of the war problem. S. Bloch, because he got down to the roots of the war problem'2 .

Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare (NAM) Fascicolo 15 Storia Militare Moderna, a cura di Virgilio Ilari

Nuova Antologia Militare Anno IV Fascicolo 15, 2023

NAM IV, issue 15, Modern Military History, edited by Virgilio Ilari

Research paper thumbnail of . CARBONE (cur), Forza alla legge Studi storici su Carabinieri Gendarmerie e polizie armate (Fvcina N. 14)

Forza alla lergge. Studi storici su Carabinieri, gendarmerie e polizie armate, 2023

Studies on Carabinieri, Gendarmeries and other Armed Policies, edited by Flavio Carbone, coordina... more Studies on Carabinieri, Gendarmeries and other Armed Policies, edited by Flavio Carbone, coordinator of the SISM Research Group on History of Armed Policing

Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare Fascicolo 14 Storia Militare Antica

Nuova Antologia Militare, IV, 2023, No. 14 Storia Militare Antica, 2023

This is the NAM IV, 2023, issue 14 Ancient Military History, edited by Marco Bettalli & Elena Fra... more This is the NAM IV, 2023, issue 14 Ancient Military History, edited by Marco Bettalli & Elena Franchi

Research paper thumbnail of Jeremy Black's Appeal for Papers on the History of Cavalry

History of Cavalry, 2024

For publication in 2024, there will be a special issue of NAM (Nuova Antologia Militare-Fvcina di... more For publication in 2024, there will be a special issue of NAM (Nuova Antologia Militare-Fvcina di Marte)1 edited by Jeremy Black. The focus is on the significance of cavalry in military history, a significance that has been generally underrated in part due to misleading theses about military capabilities, relevance, and modernisation, all in favour of infantry.

Research paper thumbnail of Jeremy BLACK (Ed.), Global Military Transformations: Changes and Continuity 1450-1800 (Fvcina di Marte No. 12)

Transformations: Changes andJeremy BLACK (Ed.), Global Military Transformations: Changes and Continuity 1450-1800 (Fvcina di Marte No. 12), 2023

The supposed Military Revolution of the early modern period is the most important instance of a k... more The supposed Military Revolution of the early modern period is the most important instance of a key concept in military history, that of military revolutions. This collection takes a critical look at the example and thereby asks broader questions about the nature of military revolutions and indeed about the conceptualisation, methodologies and historiography of military history as a whole. The original thesis was Euro-only and its subsequent development was Westerncentric. This collection both reexamines the thesis in its European heartland, not least by drawing on important perspectives that were long underplayed, but als adds valuable African and Asian approaches. So also with chronological looks to the periods before and after.

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of 2022 MESA CORONADO Las fuerzas terrestres del reino de Sicilia 1663-1700. Fvcina di Marte N. 11

Las fuerzas terrestres del reino de Sicilia 1663-1700. Fvcina di Marte N. 11, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of . 2022 SCOTONI Da Port Arthur a Port Arthur 1905-1945

Giorgio Scotoni, Da Port Arthur a Port Arthur. La guerra incompiuta e il riscatto sovietico in Estremo Oriente, 2022

Fvcina di Marte Vol. No. 10, SISM Series

Research paper thumbnail of 2022 ILARI CASTELLI Life and Times of Colonel Forbes (1808-1892)

Vita e Tempi del colonnello Forbes (1808-1802), 2022

Vita e Tempi del colonnello Forbes (1808-1802). Un inglese italianissimo tra risorgimento e gUerr... more Vita e Tempi del colonnello Forbes (1808-1802). Un inglese italianissimo tra risorgimento e gUerra Civile americana
An italianissimo Englishman between Italian Risorgimento and American Civil War

Research paper thumbnail of MILITARY HISTORY SCHOOL Montecuccolo 2-4 September 2022

Self-training summer school for undergraduates and doctoral students in military history. Organiz... more Self-training summer school for undergraduates and doctoral students in military history. Organized by the university groups "Arma Virumque" (Turin) and "Casus Belli" (Bologna) with the support of the Italian Society of Military History (SISM andf "Nuova Antologia Militare" (NAM)). ITALY MATTERS IN INTERNATIONAL MILITARY HISTORY.
Scuola di Autoformazione per laureandi e dottorandi in Storia Militare. Organizzata dai Gruppi universitari "Armavirumque" (Torino) e "Casus Belli" (Bologna) col sostegno della Società Italiana di Storia Militare (SISM)

Research paper thumbnail of NAM Fascicolo n. 10 Storia militare antica a cura di Marco Bettalli ed Elena Franchi

Research paper thumbnail of 2017 ILARI Vaincre la mer par la terre 1775-1815

Virgilio Ilari, "'Vaincre la mer par la terre', 1793-1815", in Ilari e Della Torre (cur,), Economic Warfare. Quaderno SISM 2017, pp. 125-154, 2017

Economic warfare, in the form of blockades or sanctions, is primarily a war on trade and a war on... more Economic warfare, in the form of blockades or sanctions, is primarily a war on trade and a war on neutrals. Its primary purpose is not so much to overthrow an opponent who has a large enough background, but above all to force neutrals to take sides and not defect. In a historical phase in which the West seems increasingly oriented towards creating a commercial bloc around a large part of Eurasia, it is useful to re-read the analogous experience of the continental bloc proclaimed by Napoleon and which was, in the final analysis, the real due to the 'Spanish Ulcer' and the Beresina, and the collapse of the First French Empire.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022 BERI (cur.) Dal Mediterraneo alla Manica. Contributi alla Storia Navale di età moderna. Fvcina di Marte N.

Emiliano Beri (cur.), Dal Mediterraneo alla Manica. Contributi alla storia navale di età moderna , 2022

Contributi alla storia navale dell'età moderna

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of 2022 COLOMBO Avxilia and Legiones. The Roman Infantry in the 4th Century CE

Maurizio Colombo, Avxilia e Legiones. La fanteria rimana nel IV secolo, Collana Fvcina di Marte N. 5, Roma, SISM, Nadir Media, 2022, 2022

The result of years of research, this book profoundly innovates the historiography on the institu... more The result of years of research, this book profoundly innovates the historiography on the institutional and strategic evolution of the Roman army, and in particular of the legionary and auxiliary infantry, from Diocletian to Theodosius I. A process of empirical evolution and pragmatic adaptation interrupted by crucial discontinuities such as the creation of the late antique auxilia and the establishment of the comitatenses. Innovations not determined by strategic needs but by Constantine's personal and contingent needs in the conquest and conservation of absolute power. Despite the inherent fragility and the Adrianople disaster, the new army of Constantine and his dynasty functioned until the dawn of the fifth century, also thanks to the Valentinian I's structural reforms, which suitably adapted the infantry of the Constantinian comitatenses and ripenses to the diminished availability. of legionary infantry along the Roman limites. Unfortunately, the beginning of the great invasions, the military policy of Theodosius I, the internal instability of the West and the chronic stasis of the East severely undermined the shallow foundations of the Constantinian army. The degeneration of the infantry in the East starting from Theodosius I constitutes a separate and aberrant segment in the centuries-old history of the Roman army; the scutati of Vegetio and the σκουτάτοι of Mauritius are the pale shadow of the Constantinian legiones and auxilia. The infantry of the western comitatenses, before the Vandali Asdingi, Vandali Silingi, Suebi and Alani triggered the precocious and rapid agony of the West on 31 December 406, proved to be still adequate for its tasks in two very serious crises. Pollentia and Faesulae, even if subsequent events made the effects of both battles ephemeral, prove that the strategic turning point of Adrianople and the definitive triumph of the barbarian knights over the Roman infantrymen are unfounded fantasies of modern scholars; the pedites of Stilicone were very different from the pedites of Diocletian, but the whole of the infantry continued to form the backbone of the regular troops.

Research paper thumbnail of STORIA DELLO SPIONAGGIO

L’Intelligence militare italiana - L’Intelligence elettronica - L’Intelligence cinese

Research paper thumbnail of Review ILARI, Clausewitz in Italy and other essays on military history (A. Polegato)

Nuova Antologia Militare issue 3, 2020

A review by Andrea Polegato of Virgilio Ilari, Clausewitz in Italia e altri scritti di storia mil... more A review by Andrea Polegato of Virgilio Ilari, Clausewitz in Italia e altri scritti di storia militare, in Nuova Antologia Militare, issue 3, 2020.

Research paper thumbnail of 2019 ILARI Clausewitz in Italy and other essays on military history. Review by Emanuele Farruggia Here you can find a ... more Here you can find a complete index and the introduction. Articles are 1 "Clausewitz in Italy", 2 "La storia delle battaglie tra histoire-bataille e storia militare", 3 Notre histoire n'est pas notre code, 4 Le trappole di Tucidide. La guerra del Peloponneso nella retorica politica americana, 5. Introduzione allo studio degli scrittori militari italiani dell'età moderna, 6. Lomonaco, Foscolo e Tibell. 7, Le frontiere della Naval History. 8. Roman Seapower: l'emersione di un tema storiografico. 9. L'utilità e il danno della strategia per la guerra. 10. Strategia della storia. 11. L'ossimoro di Erasmo. 12. Per una epistemologia della storia militare. Postfazione di Luigi Loreto (Storia militare quale storia delle idee)

Research paper thumbnail of 2018 ILARI BOERI Velletri 1744. The failed Austrian reconquest of the Two Siciles, Review by Roberto Sconfienza

Published online in Nuova Antologia Militare, Supplemento 1/2020

Research paper thumbnail of 2018 ILARI BOERI Velletri 1744. The failed Austrian attempt to reconquest the Kingdom of Naples

Velletri 1744. La mancata riconquista austriaca delle Due Sicilie ISBN 9788894132588, 2018

Central Italy's people between Panaro and Garigliano, two thousand savage hussars, two thousand B... more Central Italy's people between Panaro and Garigliano, two thousand savage hussars, two thousand Bourbon or Habsburg miquelets, a lot of would be spies and conspirators, a poor Pope, a cadet King, some poor Spanish and Austrian generals, between the contending Queens ( Elisabetta Farnese of Spain and Maria Theresia of Hungary), road clothes and food scarcity, cunctatio strategy and the decisive weight of the denial of the British Seapower. A new point of view about the Central Italian campaigns of the war of the Austrian Succession

Research paper thumbnail of ILARI CROCIANI PAOLETTI Storia militare dell'Italia Giacobina (1796-1802)

Storia militare dell'Italia Giacobina (1796-1802), 2001

Research paper thumbnail of 2019 ILARI The Affaire Dreyfus: The Third Man

Il terzo uomo dell'affaire Dreyfus, 2019

Among the forgotten protagonists of the affair Dreyfus, who shook the Third French Republic betwe... more Among the forgotten protagonists of the affair Dreyfus, who shook the Third French Republic between 1894 and 1904 and continues to arouse wide interest, there was Maurice-Henri Weil, an exponent of the Jewish middle class in rapid social ascent, as well as a great military historian of Napoleonic Italy finished under the magnifying glass of the Italian secret services. His adventurous biography offers the cue to outline a singular cross-section of European society - from massacre of the Communards to the French intelligence officers, from horse-race to anti-Semitic persecution - just before of the European catastrophe.

Research paper thumbnail of 2010 ALGISI Intervista a Ilari Storia militare della Prima Repubblica

Storia militare della Prima Repubblica (1943-1993), 2a ed., Invorio, Widerholdt Frères, 2008, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of 2018 ILARI BOERI Velletri 1744. The failed Austrian reconquest of the Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily

Virgilio Ilari e Giancarlo Boeri, Velletri 1744. La mancata riconquista austriaca delle Due Sicilie.Nadirmedia, Roma, 2018, 2018

Part of the War of Austrian Succession.The first detailed historical-military reconstruction of t... more Part of the War of Austrian Succession.The first detailed historical-military reconstruction of the failed Spanish attempt to recover the Duchy of Parma and Lombardy and the failed Spanish attempt to recover the Kingdoms of Naples and Sicily. An analysis of the cunctatio as a typical strategy of what Jeremy Black defined the era of "Plotting Power". The decisive role of Sea Power in the conduct of the "peninsular wars".The Role of the Other Italian States (Kingdom of Sardinia, Papal States, Duchy of Modena, Grand-Duchy of Toscana, Venetian Republic)
La prima dettagliata ricostruzione storico-militare del fallito tentativo spagnolo di recuperare il Ducato di Parma e la Lombardia e del fallito tentativo spagnolo di recuperare i Regni di Napoli e Sicilia. Una analisi della cunctatio come strategia tipica di quella che Jeremy Black ha definito l'epoca del "Plotting Power". Il ruolo determinante del Sea Power nella conduzione delle "guerre peninsulari". Il ruolo degli altri stati italiani (Sardegna, Stato Pontificio, Ducato di Modena, Granducato di Toscana, Repubblica di Venezia, domini italiani dell'Austria).

Research paper thumbnail of 2018 ILARI BOERI Velletri 1744. The Austrian failed attemp to resume the Kingdom of Naples.pdf

Velletri 1744. La mancata riconquista austriaca delle Due sicilie , 2018

17x24 cm, 344 pp.,euros 36. Order Italy was involved in the war of Austrian ... more 17x24 cm, 344 pp.,euros 36. Order Italy was involved in the war of Austrian succession (1740-1748) by the Spanish attempt to reconquer the Lombardy lost in 1708. The Spanish expedition of Montemar (1742-43) was rejected on the Panaro by the Austrians thanks to the intervention of the army Piedmontese, and Austria took advantage of it to try in turn to resume the Kingdom of Naples, which ten years before had been conquered by Charles of Bourbon, son of the Royals of Spain. In the summer 1744, the Austrian pursuit of the Spanish retreat, stopped in front of the entrenched camp created in Velletri by the Spanish and Neapolitan armies commanded by King Charles. Since neither Austrians nor Bourbons wanted to risk a field battle, there followed a long standstill, hardly paid by the population, with various diplomatic background and Austrian attempts, partly supported by English ships and by reactionaries hostile to King Charles's reformism, to win indirectly (first with a raid in Abruzzo, then with a coup against Velletri for the purpose, failed by a whisker, to capture the king). The campaign ended with the Austrian retreat in Rimini and the solemn entrance of King Charles to Rome, celebrated by the pope. Based on an impressive bibliography, the work reconstructs the context and details of the campaign in a new way, analyzing the Fabian strategy (cunctatio) aimed at wearing down the opponent with the maneuver and its auxiliary elements (seapower, logistics, propaganda, intelligence, diplomacy, treatment of civilians); as well as the itineraries and events between the Po and the Liri-Garigliano and between the Adriatic and the Tyrrhenian Sea; the relations between the military and civilians; the composition of the Staffs; the recruitment; the organization, the armament and the uniforms and flags of the three armies (Austrian, Spanish and Neapolitan). The work is richly illustrated with 70 full-page pictures (portraits of the protagonists, original maps of the routes and fights, and uniforms and flags based on a new research).

Research paper thumbnail of 2017 Mariano Gabriele Recensione a "La Marina napoletana di Gioacchino Murat", di V. Ilari, P. Crociani, G. C. Boeri e L. Ombrato.pdf

History of the Neapolitan Navy during the "Decennio francese" (1806-1815) and the rule of Joseph ... more History of the Neapolitan Navy during the "Decennio francese" (1806-1815) and the rule of Joseph Bonaparte and Joachim Murat. Book Review on Rivista Marittima, November 2017

Research paper thumbnail of 2016 Mariano Gabriele Recensione a "Le marine ligure, toscana e romana di Napoleone", di V. Ilari e P. Crociani

Little "Italian" navies (Ligurian, Tuscan and Roman) during the Napoleonic rule 1800-1814

Research paper thumbnail of Quaderno Sism 2017 Economic Warfare.pdf

by Virgilio Ilari, giuseppe della torre, Gregory Alegi, Ferdinando Angeletti, Roberto Barazzutti, Gastone Breccia, Giampaolo Conte, Rebecca Chemello, Augusto De Toro, Thomas Victor Conti, Ezio Ferrante, Giuseppe Gagliano, Matteo Giurco, marco leofrigio, A. Roberta La Fortezza, Luigi Martino, simone pasquazzi, Giovanni Punzo, Giangiuseppe Pili, Ferdinando SANFELICE di MONTEFORTE, Laura Quadarella Sanfelice di Monteforte, and Antonino Teramo

History of the Economic Weapon in war and in peace. Includes a Chrono-bibliography 1900-2016.

Research paper thumbnail of 2017_Index of Quaderno Sism 2017 Economic Warfare. Storia dell'arma economica

Research paper thumbnail of Quaderno Sism 2016 Future Wars

Research paper thumbnail of 2011 ILARI Italian Military Writers 1285-1799. A-Z

A bio-bibliographical dictionary 1,500 Authors, 6.000 books

Research paper thumbnail of Quaderno Sism 2016. Future Wars. Storia della distopia militare

by Gregory Alegi, Virgilio Ilari, Immacolata Eramo, Balazs Juhasz, Emilio Gin, marco leofrigio, Teresa Silverio, Enrico Silverio, Mark D Mandeles, Giangiuseppe Pili, Stefano Rapisarda, Ferdinando Angeletti, Claudio Nardi, Maurizio Zinni, Riccardo Cappelli, Viviana Castelli, ENzo de Ianni, Gian Piero Siroli, and Raffaele Moncada

VVirgilio Ilari (Ed.). Contributors: Gregory Alegi, Mathias André, Ferdinando Angeletti, Christop... more VVirgilio Ilari (Ed.). Contributors: Gregory Alegi, Mathias André, Ferdinando Angeletti, Christopher Bassford, Jeremy Black, Mehdi Bouzoumita, Riccardo Cappelli, Viviana Castelli, Paolo Cau, Lucio Ceva, Giuseppe Ciampaglia, Linda Roland Danil, Enzo de Ianni, Giuseppe della Torre, Augusto De Toro, Basilio Di Martino, Germano Dottori, Antulio J. Echevarria II, Immacolata Eramo, Dario Fabbri, Marco Formisano, Mariano Gabriele, Giampiero Giacomello, Emilio Gin, Matteo Giurco, Virgilio Ilari, Carlo Jean, Juhász Balázs, Marco Leofrigio, Mark Mandeles, Wojciech Mazur, Riccardo Masini, Sergio Masini, Andrea Molinari, Claudio Nardi, Elena Piana, Giangiuseppe Pili, Giovanni Punzo, Stefano Rapisarda, Stefano Ruzza, Wilder Alejandro Sanchez, Aldo A. Settia, Enrico Silverio, Teresa Silverio, Gian Piero Siroli, Donato Tamblé, Germana Tappero Merlo, Eric Robert Terzuolo, Ubong Essien Umoh, Maurizio Zinni

Research paper thumbnail of Quaderno Sism 2015 War Films. Interpretazioni storiche del cinema di guerra

by Virgilio Ilari, Andrea Argenio, Giuseppe Ghigi, Eric Terzuolo, Matteo Giurco, Giovanni Punzo, Elio Frescani, Maurizio Zinni, Marco Merlo, Lorenzo Cuccoli, and STEFANO CAMBI

Quaderno Sism 2015, a cura di Stefano Pisu. Società Italiana di Storia Militare Acies Edizioni Mi... more Quaderno Sism 2015, a cura di Stefano Pisu. Società Italiana di Storia Militare Acies Edizioni Milano, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Quaderno SISM 2014 Naval History

Research paper thumbnail of Quaderno Sism 2012-2013 American Legacy. La Sism ricorda Raimondo Luraghi

Quaderno 2012-2013 della Società Italiana di Storia Militare. A cura di Virgilio Ilari

Research paper thumbnail of Sulle pretese testimonianze documentarie italiane di armi da fuoco anteriori al 1326 (e su una spingarda perugina costruita nel 1320)

in «Nuova Antologia Militare», n. 3, 2022, fasc. 9, gennaio 2022 (Storia militare medievale, numero monografico a cura di Marco Merlo, Antonio Musarra, Fabio Romanoni e Peter Sposato), ed. in formato digitale, pp. 165-184

Research paper thumbnail of Megatrends. The illusion of anticipate history

Research paper thumbnail of Il Regno di Sardegna nelle guerre napoleoniche e le legioni anglo-italiane (1799-1815)

Research paper thumbnail of Storia militare del Regno Italico (1802-1814). Volume II: Il Dominio dell'Adriatico

Research paper thumbnail of Storia miliare dell'Italia giacobina (1796-1802). Tomo I: La guerra continentale

Research paper thumbnail of Dizionario biografico dell'Armata Sarda. Seimila biografie (1799-1821)

Research paper thumbnail of Dizionario biografico dell'Armata Sarda. Seimila biografie (1799-1821)

Research paper thumbnail of Storia militare del Regno Italico (1802-1814). Vol. I: L'Esercito Italiano. Tomo I: Il contesto politico, l'amministrazione militare, lo stato maggiore

Research paper thumbnail of Markiz Paulucci. Filippo Paulucci delle Roncole (1779-1849)

Research paper thumbnail of I crimini di guerra e l'immagine internazionale dell'Italia

Research paper thumbnail of Storia militare della prima Repubblica, 1943-1993

... la Biblioteca Civica “Farinone-Centa” di Varallo), quest'opera riflette anche precedenti ... more ... la Biblioteca Civica “Farinone-Centa” di Varallo), quest'opera riflette anche precedenti contributi storiografici dell'autore (e specialmente la sua Storia del servizio militare in Italia in cinque volumi, 1989-91) nonché l'esperienza diretta del modo di fun-zionare delle istituzioni ...

Research paper thumbnail of 2021 ILARI Col. Forbes vs 'Dagger John'. Exporting Roman Republic and Britism Radicalism in 1850 New York.o

Col. Forbes vs 'Dagger John'., 2021

among Irish Catholics, Protestant nativists, Mazzinian Italians, Abolitionists & Workingmen. Chap... more among Irish Catholics, Protestant nativists, Mazzinian Italians, Abolitionists & Workingmen. Chapter Seven of the Life and Times of Col. Hugh Forbes (1808-1893), the First Garibaldi Englishman and the the author of a revolutionary war manual that fascinated John Brown.

Research paper thumbnail of Dizionario biografico dell'Armata Sarda. Seimila biografie (1799-1821)

Research paper thumbnail of “Italianissimo but not simpatico”. Hugh Forbes nella rivoluzione italiana del 1848-49

Nuova Antologia Militare, Anno 2, N.7 (giugno 2021), 2021

Official history knows Hugh Forbes (1808?-1892) as the author of a minor guerrilla textbook and a... more Official history knows Hugh Forbes (1808?-1892) as the author of a minor guerrilla textbook and a player of bit parts in Garibaldi’s retreat from Rome (1849), the John Brown’s Harpers Ferry raid (1857-1859) and the Expedition of the Thousand in Sicily (1860). At a closer scrutiny, however, he turns out to be an intriguing, even baffling character, whose comings and goings through Britain, Europe and the States left an amazing trail of documentary evidence from which we are building up his biography. In this paper we propose a reconstruction of Forbes’ early life and an analysis of the role he played in the Italian revolution of 1848-49. A role which helps to illuminate Lord Palmerston’s policy towards Italian and, above all, Sicilian independence. And a biography in which the history of armed international radicalism and the genesis of the First Edwardian Globalization and the Anglo-Franco-Italian Proto West are strongly intertwined.

Research paper thumbnail of Denise Aricò, Review Virgilio Ilari, Scrittori Militari Italiani 1410-1799

Nuova Antologia Militare No. 2 fasc. 7 (giugno), 2021

A Book review by Denise Aricò of Virgilio Ilari's Italian Modern Military Writers, A bio-bibliogr... more A Book review by Denise Aricò of Virgilio Ilari's Italian Modern Military Writers, A bio-bibliographical dictionary 1410-1799 (Rome, 2021)

Research paper thumbnail of Storia militare del Regno Italico (1802-1815). Volume I. L'Esercito Italiano. Tomo II: Armi e corpi dell'Esercito

Research paper thumbnail of Storia militare del Regno Murattiano (1806-1815). Tomo II. Armi e Corpi dell'Esercito

Research paper thumbnail of Stathis Birtachas, Ricciotti Garibaldi and the last expedition of the Italian Garibaldini volunteers to Greece (1912).

Italy on the Rimland: Storia militare di una penisola eurasiatica, vol. 1: Intermarium, ed. Virgilio Ilari, Società Italiana di Storia Militare – Nadir Media Edizioni, Roma 2019, pp. 207-222., 2019

The article examines the presence of the Italian Garibaldini volunteers in the Greek irredentist ... more The article examines the presence of the Italian Garibaldini volunteers in the Greek irredentist struggles of the period 1866-1912. This participation falls within the framework of a long tradition of military volunteerism by the Italians, which had commenced in the 1820s and was founded upon the concepts of the Mediterranean solidarity at first and of the Greco-Latin subsequently, as well as within the climate of constituting a “Liberal International” at that time. Principal agent and embodiment of the renewed philhellenic movement during the period of the Risorgimento’s major successes was Giuseppe Garibaldi, who assimilated the ideas and the projects of the democratic and Mazzinian movement, as well as the radical ideas of 1848.
First, Garibaldi’s relations with Greece and the Balkans are examined, and the profile of the Garibaldini volunteers is sketched. The discussion then focuses on the volunteers’ last mission to Greece, during the First Balkan War. Explored in this context are: the conditions of forming and sending a volunteer corps to Greece, on the initiative of Ricciotti Garibaldi (1912); its perception by the Italian political parties and public opinion, its reception in Greece and the oppositions within it; and its participation jointly with Greek and other Red Shirts in the battle of Driskos. Assessed next are the contribution of the Italian Garibaldini at an operational level, as well as the internationalization and publicizing of the Greek campaign; the impact of their activity on the – at that time complicated – Greek-Italian interstate relations; their further usefulness and the possibilities of keeping their myth alive within the political, ideological and geopolitical clime emerging in Europe and the Mediterranean on the eve of the First World War. Last, issues of memory of the Italian Garibaldini volunteers in modern Greece are raised as well, while the lacunae in research and the research prospects for the issue investigated are noted.

Research paper thumbnail of 1996 ILARI Inventarsi una Patria (Inventing a Motherland). A radio debate between Lucio Caracciolo, Carlo Jean, Saverio Vertone and Virgilio Ilari

1996 11 13 ILARI Presentazione di Inventarsi una Patria. Radio Riadicale

Research paper thumbnail of 2019 ILARI MORO Venice and Russia, the impossible partnership (1760-1797). The Anglo-Russian collision and the closure of the "Porta d'Oriente".

I geniali della Moscovia, in Italy on the Rimland, I: Intermarium, 2019

The legal quérelle between the Republic of Venice and the Kingdom of Naples about the "domination... more The legal quérelle between the Republic of Venice and the Kingdom of Naples about the "domination of the Adriatic" also reverberated in their relations with Russia. While Naples was able to take advantage of the Russian conquest of Crimea by becoming Russia's first trading partner and contributing to the foundation of Odessa, Russian-Venetian relations continued to be blocked both in the Baltic and in the Black Sea not only from Austria but above all from the growing collision of empires between Great Britain and Catherine II.

Research paper thumbnail of Maurice-Henri Weil. Storia militare e Affaire Dreyfus

Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers on Ancient Military History 2024 and 2025

Call for Papers on Ancient Military History 2024 and 2025, 2023

We are inviting submissions of original papers and book reviews to be considered for publication ... more We are inviting submissions of original papers and book reviews to be considered for publication in the fifth and sixth NAM issues specialized in Ancient Military History.

Research paper thumbnail of Second SISM Military History School (Montecuccolo Castle, 1-3 September, 2023))

Second Military History School, 2023

Second Edition of the SISM Military History School for young scholars, both independent and acade... more Second Edition of the SISM Military History School for young scholars, both independent and academic, graduates and undergraduates organized in collaboration with the alumni self-organized research groups of the Turin and Bologna universities, with their fellows from some other Italian universities. These groups (ArmaVirumque and Casus Belli) aims to make up for the overall lack of interest for the scientific and critical study of military history, with a bottom-up initiative, aimed at internationalising, coordinating and improving Italian military-historical research. Since 2020, the Italian Military History Society (SISM) has launched an international journal for this purpose (Nuova Antologia Militare, NAM) and a series (Fvcina di Marte) and supports, with its means, albeit very artisanal, this initiative, hoping for the expansion of the network of coordinate and shared self-education at other universities, at Italian young scholars forced to emigrate to foreign universities and at foreign scholars who want to help our efforts by writing articles and reviews for NAM and Fvcina, entirely self-financed by the 500 SISM Members with a 30 euros annual fee.

Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare Fascicolo N. 14 Storia Militare Antica a cura di Marco Bettalli ed Elena Franchi

NAM IV, 2023, N. 14 Storia Militare Antica, 2023

NAM IV 2022 issue 14 Ancient military Historu, edited by Marco Betalli and Elena Franchi

Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare Fascicolo 13 Storia Militare Medievale. Febbraio 2023

Nuova Antoilogia Militare, Fascicolo 13, 2023

This is issue 13 pf Nuiova Antologia Militare (Medieval Military History)

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare Issue N. 12 Storia Militare Contemporanea 2022 a cura di Piero Cimbolli Spagnesi

Nuova Antologia Militare Anno III, N. 12, Novembre 2022 , 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare Special Issue 2 2022 Military Cartography (ed. by Mirela Altic)

NAM Special Issue 2 2022 Military Cartography (ed. by Mirela Altic), 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare Special Issue 1 2022 Ottoman-Venetian Wars (Ed. by Stathis Birtachas)

Nuova Antologia Militare Special Issue Ottoman-Venetian Ears (ed. by Stathis Birtachas) , 2022

NAM Special issue 2022 No. 1 Ottoman-Venetian Wars, edited by Stathis Birtachas

Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare Issue No. 11 2022 Storia Militare Moderna

by Virgilio Ilari, Piero Crociani, Vladimir Shirogorov, Tomaso Vialardi di Sandigliano, Marko Richter, Stefano Cattelan, Mario Corti, Marco Merlo, Giancarlo Boeri, Emanuele Pagano, and Giovanni Punzo

Nuova Antiologia Militare No 11 2022, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of NAM N. 10. 8. ROY Terror Gallicus Gallic Warriors and Captive Enemies in Roman Visual Culture

Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare Issue N. 10 2022 Storia militare antica a cura di Marco Bettalli ed Elena Franchi

by Virgilio Ilari, Vincenzo Micaletti, Alessandro Carli, Alessandro Perucca, Emiliano Antonio Panciera, FABIANA ROSACI, Enrico Silverio, Han Pedazzini, Alyson Roy, Paulo Donoso, Matteo Zaccarini, and Giorgia Proietti

Nuova Antologia Militare (NAM), Anno III, Marzo 2022 Storia militare anticapng 2022, No. 10 Ancient Militasry History , 2022

Nuova Antologia Militare (NAM), Year III, Spring 2022, No. 10 Ancient Militasry History

Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers NAM No 14 Ancient Military History (Spring 2023)

Call for Papers NAM No 14 Ancient Military History (Spring 2023), 2022

We are inviting submissions of original papers and book reviews to be considered for publication ... more We are inviting submissions of original papers and book reviews to be considered for publication in the next issue of NAM, which will be published in spring 2023. Papers should deal with warfare in the ancient world, with particular attention to the Greek and Roman worlds, and may cover different aspects: tactics; strategy; armour; political, economic and social aspects of war; memory of conflict and commemoration; anthropology of conflict.

Research paper thumbnail of Call for papers Medieval Military History 2023 (NAM No. 13)

Call for Papers, 2023

Call for papers deasdlinre 30 September 2023 Nuova Antologia Militare. NAM No. 13 Medieval Milita... more Call for papers deasdlinre 30 September 2023
Nuova Antologia Militare. NAM No. 13 Medieval Military History
Edited by Marco Merlo, Antonio Musarra, Fabio Romanoni, Peter Sposato

Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare NAM Issue No. 9 Medieval Military History

Nuova Antologia Militare, 2022

NAM, III, Issue No 9, January 2022, edited by Marco Merlo, Antonio Musarra, Fabio Romanoni and Pe... more NAM, III, Issue No 9, January 2022, edited by Marco Merlo, Antonio Musarra, Fabio Romanoni and Peter Sposato. Articles by Sergio Masini, Sandro Tiberini, Marco Merlo, Massimo Corradi, Claudia Tacchella, Tucker Million, Nicolò Maggio, Riccardo Masini, Mattia Caprioli, Federico Landini, Marco Franzoni, Giovanni Coppola, Francesco Angelini, Lorenzo Mercuri, Marco Conti, Nicolò Maggio, Sara Serenelli, Giovanni Mazzini, Emanuele Brun, Filippo Vaccaro, Andrea Raffaele Aquino .

Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare NAM Issue No 8 Contemporary Military History (ed. by Piero Cimbolli Spagnesi)

Nuova Antologia Militare, 2021

This is the No. 8 Issue of Nuova Antologia Militare. Summary: Articles. 1 Aspects militaires de ... more This is the No. 8 Issue of Nuova Antologia Militare. Summary: Articles. 1 Aspects militaires de l’exil religieux en Belgique (1901-1914) par Jean-Baptiste Murez p. 7. - 2 Prima di Pola. Un inedito progetto italiano di architettura navale del 1915 per un mezzo d’assalto di superficie di Piero Cimbolli Spagnesi p. 33. – 3 ‘Arma novella di barbarie antica’. Le mazze ferrate austro-ungariche sul fronte italiano (1915-1918) di Francesco Cutolo p. 57. - 4 L’assistenza religiosa ai prigionieri e agli internati austro-ungarici in Italia (1916-1918), di Balazs Juhasz p. 87. - 5 La Regia Marina all’Esposizione Aviatoria di Amsterdam (1919) di Andrea Rizzi p. 113. - 6 La cooperazione militare italo-sovietica negli anni Trenta. Un inedito diario della missione navale sovietica del 1932 di Igor O. Tyumentsev p. 159. - 7 Diplomazia aeronautica ed esportazioni. Il ruolo delle missioni estere della Regia aeronautica di Basilio Di Martino p. 187 – 8 Greece and the Defense of Crete by Georges Yiannikopoulos p. 241. – 9 Dead and missing Slovenes in the Italian armed forces and as prisoners of war during the Second World War: questionnaires on sources, numbers, names by Irena Uršič p. 271. – 10 L’ultima vittoria della difesa contraerei: fronte del Golan, 1973 di Riccardo Cappelli p. 291. – 11 The Turan Army. Opportunities for a new military cooperation led by Turkey by Dávid Biró p. 333. – 12 The legal regime of the exclusive economic zone and foreign military exercises or maneuvers by Eduardo Cavalcanti De Mello Filho p. 361. Documents: 1 Le insidie dei palloni aerostatici di Filippo Cappellano e Livio Pierallini p. 391. – 2 The Italian Army in the Second World War: A Historiographical Analysis by, Simon Gonsalvesp. 407. Book Reviews: 1 Charles E. White, Scharnhorst. The Formative Years 1755-1801 [by Martin Samuels] p. 433. 2 Basilio Di Martino, Paolo Pozzato, Elvio Rotondo, La zampata dell’orso. Brusilov 1916 [di Gastone Breccia] p. 437. 3 Elizabeth Cobbs, The Hello Girls. The America’s First Female Soldiers [di Paolo Pozzato] p. 443. 4 Ignaz Miller, 1918. Der Weg zum Frieden [di Paolo Pozzato] p. 447. 5 Ezio Ferrante, Il grande ammiraglio Paolo Thaon di Revel [di Marcello Musa] p. 451. 6 Pierpaolo Battistelli, La guerra dell’Asse. Strategie e collaborazione militare di Italia e Germania, 1939-1943 [di Filippo Cappellano] p. 455. 7 Richard Carrier, Mussolini’s Army Against Greece [di Piero Crociani] p. 465. 8 E. Di Zinno e Rudy d’Angelo, I Generali italiani di Rommel in Africa Settentrionale [di Luigi Scollo] p. 473. 9 Magnus Pahl, Monte Cassino 1944. Der Kampf um Rom und seine Inszenierung. [di Paolo Pozzato] p. 479. 10 S. L. A. Marshall, Uomini sotto il fuoco [di Paolo Pozzato] p. 483. 11 Claretta Coda e Giovanni Riccabone, La Battaglia di Ceresole Reale 1944 [di Roberto Sconfienza] p. 487. 12 Claretta Coda, Helpers & POW. I prigionieri di guerra alleati [di Roberto Sconfienza] p. 495. 13 Thomas Edwin Ricks, The Generals. American Military Command from World War Two to Today [di Matteo Mazziotti di Celso] p. 501. 14 Carmelo Burgio, Da Aosta alla Sicilia [di Antonino Teramo] p. 505. 15 Giuliano Luongo (cur.), Neutralità e Neutralità armata [di Giulia de Rossi] p. 509. 16 Leonardo Tricarico e Gregory Alegi, Ustica, un’ingiustizia civile [di Virgilio Ilari] p. 513.

Research paper thumbnail of 3rd Quarter Report to NAM Scientific Council on the Activity and Planning in 2021/22

Report on Nuova Antologia Militare (NAM)., 2021

Nuova Antologia Militare (NAM). II (2021)

Research paper thumbnail of NAM Special Issue 2021 Military Intelligence  (ed. by Gérald Arboit)

NAM Fascicolo Speciale 2021. Intelligence militare, guerra clandesrina e operazioni specioali, 2021

A "Nuova Antologia Miitare" (NAM) Special Issue, September 2021 (II), edited by Gérald Arboit on ... more A "Nuova Antologia Miitare" (NAM) Special Issue, September 2021 (II), edited by Gérald Arboit on History of Military Intelligence, clandestine warfare and Special Operations. Book Review edited by Giangiuseppe Pili and Virgilio Ilari

Research paper thumbnail of The Bible and the Manual. Hugh Forbes and John Brown (1857-1859)

La Bibbia e il Manuale. Hugh Forbes e John BrownH, 2021

SUMMARY. I. The engagement (March-November 1857). II. Despair and threats (December 1857-June 185... more SUMMARY. I. The engagement (March-November 1857). II. Despair and threats (December 1857-June 1858). III. Patents and Straits (September 1858-June 1859). IV. Return to London (October-November 1859). Attachments: I. The Duty of A Soldier (Tabor, September 1857). II. Letter to Dr. Howe / May 14, 1858). III. Origin and History of the Plot (October 25, 1859)

Research paper thumbnail of Nuova Antologia Militare (NAM) Issue No. 7-2021: Modern Military History

Nuova Antologia Militare, No 2, fascicolo 7 (giugno 2021), Storia Militare Moderna , 2021

A collection of 13 articles and 10 book-reviews. 1 Venetia rules the Rivers. La geo-strategia ... more A collection of 13 articles and 10 book-reviews.
1 Venetia rules the Rivers. La geo-strategia fluviale veneziana (1431-1509),
2 Razmysl, il misterioso “ingegnere” di Ivan il Terribile,
3 The Military Status of the Ionian Islands in 1589 based on the Report by
Giovanni Battista del Monte, by KOSTAS G. TSIKNAKIS
4 Letteratura di viaggio e osservazioni militari a cavallo fra Cinque e Seicento.
Gli scritti di Filippo Pigafetta, Leonardo Donà e Silvestro Querini
5 La pensée militaire du duc Charles V de Lorraine et ses sources,
6 Defending the Regno di Morea. Antonio Jansic and the Fortress of Modon,
7 Fortificazione campale e ordini di battaglia. Un esempio piemontese del 1743,
8 Metamorfosi di un condottiero. Castruccio Castracani da Machiavelli ad Algarotti,
9 Les ressources de l'Europe contre les ressources du monde? La marine de
Napoléon contre la Royal Navy, par NICOLA TODOROV
10 Milano città militare in età napoleonica (1800-1814),
11 L’esercito dissolto: la IV Divisione Val di Noto e il suo sventurato comandante nella
rivoluzione siciliana del 1820-21, di GIACOMO PACE GRAVINA
12 “Italianissimo but not simpatico”. Hugh Forbes nella Rivoluzione
Italiana del 1848-49, di VIVIANA CASTELLI e VIRGILIO ILARI
13 Paolo Solaroli di Briona. Un sarto novarese tra India e Risorgimento,

Recensioni / Reviews
1 VIRGILIO ILARI, Scrittori Militari Italiani dell’età moderna.
Dizionario bio-bibliografico 1410-1799 [di DENISE ARICÒ]
2 MICHEL PRETALLI, Penser et dire la ruse de guerre. De l’Antiquité à la
Renaissance [di WILLIAM BONACINA]
3 IOANNA IORDANOU, Venice’s Secret Service. Organizing Intelligence in the
Renaissance [di FRANCESCO BIASI]
4 FRÉDÉRIC CHAUVIRÉ, The New Knights: The Development of Cavalry
in Western Europe, 1562-1700 [di LUCA DOMIZIO]
5 ILYA BERCOVICH, Motivation in War The Experience of Common Soldiers
in Old-Regime Europe [ROBERTO SCONFIENZA]
6 LUCA GIANGOLINI, L’esercito del papa. Istituzione militare,
burocrazia curiale e nobiltà nello Stato della Chiesa (1692-1740)
7 ELINA GUGLIUZZO e GIUSEPPE RESTIFO, Una battaglia europea.
Francavilla di Sicilia 20 giugno 1719 [di MARIAGRAZIA ROSSI]
8 ARON WEISS MITCHELL, The Grand Strategy of the Habsburg Empire,
1700-1866. A Study In Interstitial Time Management
9 MARIO CORTI, Italiani d’arme in Russia. Artigiani, ingegneri, ufficiali
in un esercito straniero (1400-1800) [di VIRGILIO ILARI]
10 CRISTIANO BETTINI, Come progettavano i velieri. Alle origini
dell’architettura moderna di navi e yacht [di MARIO ROMEO]

Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers per il Secondo Fascicolo NAM di Storia Militare Medievale (gennaio 2022

NAM Call for Papers for 2nd NAM Issue on Medieval Military History , 2021

Verso la metà del secolo scorso, i fondatori delle Annales, Marc Bloch e Lucien Febvre, utilizza-... more Verso la metà del secolo scorso, i fondatori delle Annales, Marc Bloch e Lucien Febvre, utilizza-rono l'espressione «histoire-bataille» in senso spregiativo, con l'obiettivo di stigmatizzare l'erudizione imperante negli studi storici. Tale connotazione è sopravvissuta nel tempo, confondendosi, sull'onda di certe interpretazioni estremistiche della Nouvelle Histoire, con finalità politiche, sino a bollare come militarista ogni approccio alla storia militare in senso stretto. In realtà, l'intenzione dei due storici era quella di sottolineare la superficialità d'una ricerca avulsa dal contesto-economico, sociale, culturale-, tesa a trascurare le strutture. Non a caso, qualche tempo dopo, Fernand Braudel proponeva di recuperare il discorso militare attraverso lo studio della realtà sociale. Il che, tuttavia, non voleva dire abbandonare i fatti, cui egli dedicava parte della propria opera più celebre. Oggi possiamo dire che di fatti, di avveni-menti v'è ancora bisogno; ch'essi rappresentano il punto culminante, emergente, di sommovimenti lon-tani. La data, la battaglia, la trattativa sono parte d'un contesto sociale, culturale, religioso, politico, eco-nomico da cui non è possibile astrarre. Fare storia militare senza studiare le operazioni militari risulta, dunque, limitativo. Non è possibile comprendere un sistema militare senza analizzarne i risultati pratici. Ciò non significa, naturalmente, privilegiare i fatti rispetto alle strutture; tantomeno anteporre i "fatti" alle "interpretazioni". Nel momento in cui lo storico mette su carta il proprio lavoro si costringe a rian-nodare i fili d'un ordito sfuggente-perfino strappato, se si considerano i documenti perduti, di cui non si verrà mai a conoscenza-, caratterizzato da maglie apertissime. Ma, certo, l'avvenimento rimane pur sempre la schiuma; per citare Jacques Le Goff, «la pointe de l'iceberg», il segnale di qualcosa di più profondo, talvolta impercettibile. Come il precedente (,%202021.pdf), anche questo secondo fascicolo di NAM dedicato alla storia militare medievale intende porsi quale luogo di dibattito rispetto a ogni aspetto della storia militare del Medioevo, accogliendo contributi interdisciplinari riguardanti le seguenti aree: pensiero strategico/militare; ope-razioni militari; guerra, istituzioni e società; cultura della guerra; eserciti e tattiche; tecnologia e armamenti; geo-politica; guerra navale; medievalismi. Il comitato scientifico ricerca contributi in vista della pubblicazione del fascicolo II, previsto per il 1° febbraio 2022. Si sollecita, pertanto, l'invio di brevi abstract (500 caratteri spazi inclusi) come manifestazione d'interesse entro il 30 aprile 2021. Si sollecita la consegna dei contributi entro il 30 settembre 2021 al seguente indirizzo di posta elettronica: Gli articoli (in italiano, inglese, francese o spagnolo) devono essere compresi tra 40k e 80k battute (6/12k parole), con abstract, parole chiave e bibliografia finale. Si prega di digitare in "maiuscolo" i cognomi degli Autori citati in note e bibliografia. Titoli di articoli o capitoli di libri in caratteri romani tra "corporazioni"; titoli di riviste in corsivo, immagini sono ben accette, anche se originali, di pubblico dominio o espressamente licenziate. Puoi trovare ulteriori criteri edi-toriali qui: I contributi che non rispettano queste linee guida non saranno presi in considerazione per la pubblicazione. Roma, 31 marzo 2021 Direttore NAM: Virgilio Ilari. Curatori del fascicolo: Marco Merlo e Antonio Musarra

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Research paper thumbnail of Report to NAM Scientific Council about the Activity in the First Quarter of 2021

Activity and Planning of Nuova Antologia Militare (NAM), the interdisciplinary and international ... more Activity and Planning of Nuova Antologia Militare (NAM), the interdisciplinary and international journal of the Italian Society of Military History (SISM), in the First Quarter 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Convegno "Guerra e Pace. Dalla vittoria dell'Intesa alla crisi post-bellica". 21 novembre 2018, Aula Foa, Università di Salerno

Promosso e organizzato dal Comitato per il Centenario di Salerno il convegno intende tracciare le... more Promosso e organizzato dal Comitato per il Centenario di Salerno il convegno intende tracciare le linee di politica interna ed estera, nonché quelle economiche e militari, che hanno caratterizzato il periodo che va dalle ultime fasi della guerra alle prime conferenze sul disarmo. E’ questa una prospettiva che va oltre l’analisi dell’ultimo anno di guerra per delineare i nuovi assetti geopolitici mediterranei e mondiali.

Ore 10.30
Saluti istituzionali
Ore 11.00
Prima parte: L’Italia di Vittorio Veneto
Virgilio Ilari, Le cause asiatiche della grande guerra e il superamento della storiografia eurocentrica
Roberto Parrella, Dopo la vittoria. Crisi e caduta del governo Orlando
Andrea Ungari, I movimenti patriottici e militari e l'impresa di Fiume
Maria Rosaria Pelizzari, Donne, famiglia e ruoli di genere. Persistenze e mutamenti nel primo dopoguerra
Alfonso Conte, Intellettuali italiani prima e dopo la “conflagrazione europea”: il caso di Carlo Alberto Alemagna

Ore 14.30
Seconda parte: L’Europa e i nuovi assetti geopolitici
Giuseppe Della Torre, Il ruolo finanziario-economico e, per tale via, militare del Tesoro americano sul fronte italiano, 1917-1919
Roberto Rossi, L'Industria Italiana e la Grande Guerra, tra intervento pubblico e iniziativa privata: il caso Ansaldo
Juhasz Balazs, L'Ungheria nell'assetto imperiale allo scoppio della pace
Mazzetti Alessandro, La Regia Marina tra operazioni militari e la nuova politica degli Alleati non amici!
Beatrice Benocci, Le istanze dei popoli del centro Europa e la futura conferenza di pace: la MittelEuropa

Modera: Emilio Gin

Comitato Scientifico: Roberto Parrella, Maria Rosaria Pelizzari, Beatrice Benocci, Alessandro Mazzetti
Segreteria organizzativa: Beatrice Benocci, Alessandro Mazzetti

Research paper thumbnail of NAM N. 14. Rec. 2. Luigi Loreto La Grande Strategia della Repubblica Romana (Emiliano Antonio Panciera)

Nuova Antologia Militare, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Carli A., 2022, review of Rahe P., Sparta's Second Attic War. The Grand Strategy of Classical Sparta, 446-418 B.C.