Academic Publishing Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Sin dalla loro prima apparizione nel corso del Diciassettesimo secolo periodici e bollettini sono stati al centro della fabbrica dell’universo scientifico. Il Journal des sçavans (Parigi, 1665) e il Philosophical Transactions of the Royal... more
Sin dalla loro prima apparizione nel corso del Diciassettesimo secolo periodici e bollettini sono stati al centro della fabbrica dell’universo scientifico. Il Journal des sçavans (Parigi, 1665) e il Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (Londra, 1665) sono stati gli ignoti e operosi capostipiti di un modello di comunicazione scientifica che in forme nel tempo quasi inalterate ha laboriosamente e senza clamore sostenuto lo sviluppo della scienza galileiana. Le riviste sono diventate velocemente un importante veicolo della comunicazione scientifica perché hanno consentito agli autori di condividere più velocemente con i loro pari i risultati della propria ricerca e allo stesso tempo di affermare pubblicamente la paternità delle proprie idee, dei propri argomenti e delle proprie scoperte, in definitiva del proprio valore (Gross, Harmon, Reidy 2002; Meadows 1980; Guédon 2001). Oggigiorno i periodici scientifici (peer-reviewed journal) sono irritualmente al centro dell’attenzione. Autori, lettori, istituzioni di ricerca e decisori istituzionali soppesano, valutano e comparano journal quasi che il ‘vettore di trasporto’ sia più importante dei suoi ‘passeggeri’. I periodici scientifici sono al centro del dibattito sulle cause, le conseguenze e le soluzioni della ‘crisi dei prezzi dei periodici’ (serials crisis). Allo stesso modo, i journal sono i protagonisti del dibattito sulle evoluzioni delle forme di letteratura scientifica: le monografie sopravvivranno come genuina forma di comunicazione scientifica? Sempre le testate scientifiche sono il campo di battaglia del vivace confronto di forze e d’idee che contrappone gli strumenti bibliometrici alla peer review nella valutazione della produzione scientifica e delle carriere. I periodici scientifici, infine, sono il caso di studio, l’esempio d’elezione, del modello dell’accesso aperto (open access) alla letteratura scientifica. Un modello di comunicazione scientifica in cui i risultati della ricerca sono gratuitamente, immediatamente e completamente accessibili e allo stesso tempo non limitati nell’uso da parte dei lettori (Budapest 2002; Bethesda 2003; Berlin 2003).
Se dice que las empresas y organizaciones son tan eficientes como lo son sus procesos, la mayoría de estas han reaccionado ante la ineficiencia que representan las organizaciones departamentales, con sus nichos de poder y su inercia... more
Se dice que las empresas y organizaciones son tan eficientes como lo son sus procesos, la mayoría de estas han reaccionado ante la ineficiencia que representan las organizaciones departamentales, con sus nichos de poder y su inercia excesiva ante los cambios, potenciando el concepto del proceso, con un foco común y trabajando con una visión de objetivo en el cliente.
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci yetiştiren akademisyenler ile eğitim alan öğrenciler için temel bir başvuru kitabıdır.
2013 yılının Mayısı ayında yayımlanan DSM-5 ölçütlerine göre ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili sunulan bilgilerin güncellemesinin de yapıldığı bu kitap, tüm dünyada pek çok üniversitenin psikiyatri ve psikoloji bölümlerinde ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır.
Kitabın her bölümünde, ilk olarak ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili vakalar sunulmakta, daha sonra bozuklukların klinik tanıları yapılmakta ve DSM-IV-TR’den farklı olan DSM-5’te yapılan değişikliklere yer verilmektedir. Ayrıca, DSM-5’teki tanı ölçütleri, bozuklukların etiyolojisi ve epidemiyolojisi, bozukluklar üzerinde kalıtımın ve çevrenin etkileri, biyolojik ve sosyal ve kültürel etkiler, en güncel araştırmalardan elde edilen verilerle harmanlanarak sunulmaktadır. Ruhsal bozuklukların tedavisinde etkili olacak terapi yaklaşımları ve ilaçla yapılan tedaviler hakkında da bilgiler veren kitap, sahip olduğu zengin içeriği ile eşsiz bir kaynaktır.
Anormal Psikoloji kitabının; profesyoneller ve öğrenciler için önemli bir rehber olacağına, yardıma ihtiyaç duyan insanların sorunlarının çözümüne, ruhsal bozuklukların tanı ve tedavisinde önemli katkılar sağlayacağına inanıyoruz.
Toen Saskia Grotenhuis in de jaren '70 van de vorige eeuw samen met Mieke Aerts in Londen een Summer University bezocht en daar kennismaakte met het tijdschrift Feminist Studies ontstond het plan voor een Nederlandstalige tegenhanger.... more
Toen Saskia Grotenhuis in de jaren '70 van de vorige eeuw samen met Mieke Aerts in Londen een Summer University bezocht en daar kennismaakte met het tijdschrift Feminist Studies ontstond het plan voor een Nederlandstalige tegenhanger. 'Wij dachten toen, zoiets hebben we eigenlijk ook nodig in Nederland,' vertelde Grotenhuis in het interview met Conny Roggeband in het eerste nummer van dit jaar. 'Wij wilden graag vrouwenstudies als vakgebied op de kaart zetten en verder uitdiepen en we wilden een tijdschrift dat daar een platform voor zou bieden' (Roggeband, 2020).
В статье анализируются основные проблемы, существующие в научной издательской деятельности, которые не позволяют в полной мере удовлетворять таким требованиям, как широкий охват аудитории, актуальность, полнота представляемой для... more
В статье анализируются основные проблемы, существующие в научной издательской деятельности, которые не позволяют в полной мере удовлетворять таким требованиям, как широкий охват аудитории, актуальность, полнота представляемой для опубликования информации и пр. Как возможный путь их решения предлагается использование издательской программной системы с открытым исходным кодом Open Journal System. Показаны основные ее особенности и преимущества по отношению к другим подобным системам.
Już w chwili powstania Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej (IPN) w połowie 2000 r. było pewne, iż jego działalność powinna wykraczać poza granice Polski. Możliwość aktywności na forum międzynarodowym została zapisana wprost w ustawie o Instytucie... more
Już w chwili powstania Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej (IPN) w połowie 2000 r. było pewne, iż jego działalność powinna wykraczać poza granice Polski. Możliwość aktywności na forum międzynarodowym została zapisana wprost w ustawie o Instytucie z grudnia 1998 r. W art. 28 jest mowa o tym, że prezes IPN może zwracać się do wszelkich osób lub instytucji zagranicznych o pomoc w udostępnianiu dokumentów. Z kolei w art. 53 odnoszącym się do funkcji badawczych i edukacyjnych zapisano, iż Instytut " upowszechnia w kraju i za granicą wyniki swojej pracy oraz badań innych instytucji, organizacji i osób nad problematyką stanowiącą przedmiot jego działania ". W efekcie w latach 2000–2015 IPN podpisał kilkadziesiąt bilateralnych umów o współpracy z partnerami zagranicznymi, starał się reagować na opinie krzywdzące Polaków i pomniejszające ich wkład w budowę demokratycznego ładu Europy, zorganizował szereg międzynarodowych konferencji naukowych, prezentował za granicą publikacje i wystawy, prowadził akcje edukacyjne i aktywnie wspierał Polonię. Istotnym aspektem międzynarodowej aktywności IPN były inicjatywy podejmowane przez pion archiwalny. Aby jednak z perspektywy ostatnich kilkunastu lat dokonać ich przynajmniej wstępnego bilansu, należy najpierw określić, jak kształtowały się główne kierunki działań Archiwum Instytutu w tym zakresie w latach 2000–2015. Jeśli za podstawowe kryterium zostanie przyjęty sformalizowany i planowy charakter współpracy międzynarodowej, realizowany głównie na podstawie zawartych umów i porozumień, to należy wymienić trzy podstawowe obszary takiej aktywności Archiwum IPN: 1) bilateralna współpraca naukowa; 2) pomoc w zabezpieczeniu polskich zbiorów archiwalnych za granicą; 3) wymiana i pozyskiwanie kopii dokumentów z archiwów zagranicznych.
A Science investigation has uncovered a smorgasbord of questionable practices including paying for author’s slots on papers written by other scientists and buying papers from online brokers
As an academic writer, in each article you write you should include references for any work in your writing, whether indirectly quoted (paraphrased) or directly quoted. This will allow your readers to follow up on your work and to also... more
As an academic writer, in each article you write you should include references for any work in your writing, whether indirectly quoted
(paraphrased) or directly quoted. This will allow your readers to follow up on your work and to also use your research to speed up their own through the sources that you have so diligently discovered. The
American Psychological Association (APA) reference style uses the Author-Date format. If you are in any doubt about your referencing, you can also refer to the rules of APA Style detailed in the Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition) available at <>. That being said, here is a quick rundown of the basics of APA formatting that you will need to take note of as you write.
Open access (OA) journals are a growing phenomenon largely of the past decade wherein readers can access the content of scientific journals without paying for a subscription. The costs are borne by authors (or their institutions) who pay... more
Open access (OA) journals are a growing phenomenon largely of the past decade wherein readers can access the content of scientific journals without paying for a subscription. The costs are borne by authors (or their institutions) who pay a fee to be published, thus allowing readers to access, search, print, and cite the journals without cost. Although the OA model, in and of itself, need not diminish scientific rigor, selectivity, or peer review, the "author pays" model creates an inherent conflict of interest: it operates with the incentive on the part of the journal to publish more and reject less. This is coupled with cost containment measures that affect the journals' ability to engage experienced editors and professional staff to scrutinize data, data analyses, and author conflicts of interest. While some OA journals appear to be comparable to their print competitors, others are "predatory" and have no legitimacy at all. Two recent "scams"-one recently published in Science-highlight the urgency of addressing the issues raised by OA publication so that OA does not lose its credibility just as it begins to gather substantial momentum. High-quality journals develop their reputations over time, and OA outlets will be no exception. For this to occur, however, the OA audience will need to be satisfied that OA can deliver high-quality publications utilizing rigorous peer review, editing, and conflict of interest scrutiny. Academic tenure and promotion committees that review scholarly credentials are understandably skeptical of publications in unrecognized journals, and the large number of new OA outlets contributes to this urgency from their perspective as well.
In this Research Commentary, we describe 3 journal metrics–the Web of Science's Impact Factor, Scopus's SCImago Journal Rank, and Google Scholar Metrics' h5-index—and compile the rankings (if they exist) for 69 mathematics... more
In this Research Commentary, we describe 3 journal metrics–the Web of Science's Impact Factor, Scopus's SCImago Journal Rank, and Google Scholar Metrics' h5-index—and compile the rankings (if they exist) for 69 mathematics education journals. We then discuss 2 paths that the mathematics education community should consider with regard to these citation-based metrics of journal quality: either working within the system to enhance our positioning or resisting or modifying the system itself.
An overview is presented of resources and web analytics strategies useful in setting solutions for capturing usage statistics and assessing audiences for open access academic journals. A set of complementary metrics to citations is... more
An overview is presented of resources and web analytics strategies useful in setting solutions for capturing usage statistics and assessing audiences for open access academic journals. A set of complementary metrics to citations is contemplated to help journal editors and managers to provide evidence of the performance of the journal as a whole, and of each article in particular, in the web environment. The measurements and indicators selected seek to generate added value for editorial management in order to ensure its sustainability. The proposal is based on three areas: counts of visits and downloads, optimization of the website alongside with campaigns to attract visitors, and preparation of a dashboard for strategic evaluation. It is concluded that, from the creation of web performance measurement plans based on the resources and proposals analysed, journals may be in a better position to plan the data-driven web optimization in order to attract authors and readers and to offer the
The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the social shaping of practices of collaborative authoring in doctoral programs which have led to the achievement of aca-demic excellence in the natural sciences and in education.... more
The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the social shaping of practices of collaborative authoring in doctoral programs which have led to the achievement of aca-demic excellence in the natural sciences and in education. Toward that end, we inter-viewed 9 leaders of Finnish national centers of excellence doing science research and 12 Finnish and European leaders of educational research communities both of whom were engaged in supervising article-based doctoral dissertations consisting of international refereed articles co-authored by students and their supervisors. Qualitative analyses of the interviews revealed various ways that supervisors socially facilitate academic activity of their students. Their methods, which are expanding from natural to such social sciences as education, included guiding students in structuring articles, selecting publication forums, framing their investigations according to journal-specific requirements, and addressing review feedback collectively. Despite receiving a great deal of support, doctoral students were usually first authors of their articles. While doctoral students needed much support in the first article, their contribution became increasingly central in subsequent ones. Because of rising academic standards, however, senior researchers’ support continued to be important in later articles. Intellectual socialization to shared academic knowledge practices effectively boosts the development of academic competence allowing doctoral students gradually to make more productive contribution to joint knowledge-creation efforts.
Riffs: Experimental writing on popular music is an emerging and exciting postgraduate journal at Birmingham City University, offering postgraduates at BCU and beyond a creative and experimental space for writing and thinking about popular... more
Riffs: Experimental writing on popular music is an emerging and exciting postgraduate journal at Birmingham City University, offering postgraduates at BCU and beyond a creative and experimental space for writing and thinking about popular music, in addition to an online forum for the publication and hosting of high calibre postgraduate research in the area of popular music studies.
- by Sarah Raine and +5
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- Popular Music Studies, Popular Music, Hip-Hop/Rap, Experimental Music
In this research, we examine the hypothesis that gender disparities in international research collaboration differ by collaboration intensity, academic position, age, and academic discipline. The following are the major findings: (1)... more
In this research, we examine the hypothesis that gender disparities in international research collaboration differ by collaboration intensity, academic position, age, and academic discipline. The following are the major findings: (1) while female scientists exhibit a higher rate of general, national, and institutional collaboration, male scientists exhibit a higher rate of international collaboration, a finding critically important in explaining gender disparities in impact, productivity, and access to large grants. (2) An aggregated picture of gender disparities hides a more nuanced cross-disciplinary picture of them. (3) An analysis of international research collaboration at three separate intensity levels (low, medium, and high) reveals that male scientists dominate in international collaboration at each level. However, at each level, there are specific disciplines in which females collaborate more than males. Further (4), gender disparities are clearly linked with age. Until abo...
The aim of this research is to discover the views, practices and advice of experienced doctoral educators on how doctoral students in the fields of business and management may be encouraged and supported to write for publication, in order... more
The aim of this research is to discover the views, practices and advice of experienced doctoral educators on how doctoral students in the fields of business and management may be encouraged and supported to write for publication, in order to promote their development as future academics. The data used in the study came from an online questionnaire survey completed by 54 individuals worldwide, who teach and/or supervise on doctoral business/management programmes. The job titles of the survey participants include dean, director of doctoral programmes, full/titled/chaired professor, and associate professor. Our survey participants unanimously agree that it is imperative for doctoral students who intend to pursue an academic career in higher education to achieve publications before they graduate, and that institutions and supervisors should share the responsibility to equip students with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to become effective and successful academic authors. The paper concludes with recommendations for students, institutions and supervisors/advisors. To our knowledge, this is the first international study that has explored the attitudes and practices of experienced doctoral educators to doctoral publishing, in the contexts of student development for an academic career, and doctoral supervisors acting as career mentors alongside their supervisory role.
The study focuses on the acquisition of English prepositions among students of Iraqi secondary school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Participants in the study were (20) students all of them at sixth level. The researchers studied the... more
The study focuses on the acquisition of English prepositions among students of Iraqi secondary school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Participants in the study were (20) students all of them at sixth level. The researchers studied the students’ responses to the given test to investigate the problematic prepositions of English language that Iraqi English as foreign language (EFL) learners have in their everyday and academic usage; and investigate the way that EFL Iraqi learners differentiate between using English and Arabic prepositions. The major finding in this study is that the main reason for all the errors is the dominance of the mother tongue (MT) on English language (EL), especially with Arabic language having a syntactic structure when imposed on EL that too with Arabic meaning on EL. The dominance and influence of one’s MT is a major challenge in using the EL in the right way by Iraqi EFL learners. In a subconscious manner, Iraqi EFL learners tend to use or impose their MT’s synt...
Klassisches akademisches Publishing ist so langsam wie die königliche Postkutsche. Es gilt allerhand Traditionen zu beachten und das Schreiben eines Dokumentes erfolgt mit einem Federkelch, der be-hutsam in Tinte getaucht wird. Die Pferde... more
Klassisches akademisches Publishing ist so langsam wie die königliche Postkutsche. Es gilt allerhand Traditionen zu beachten und das Schreiben eines Dokumentes erfolgt mit einem Federkelch, der be-hutsam in Tinte getaucht wird. Die Pferde kommen angesichts der schlecht ausgebauten Wege nur langsam voran und müssen aufwen-dig gestriegelt werden. Bis die Post befördert ist, vergehen Wochen, ja Monate, aber das stört niemanden weil die Menschen auf dem Lande viel Zeit haben.
En los últimos años, se está dando un importante cambio en las formas de editar publicaciones. Formatos, soportes, modos de producción y distribución se encuentran en un proceso de transformación constante. En esta investigación, surgida... more
En los últimos años, se está dando un importante cambio en las formas de editar publicaciones. Formatos, soportes, modos de producción y distribución se encuentran en un proceso de transformación constante. En esta investigación, surgida de un seminario dictado en la carrera de Edición (UBA) en 2014, se pretende reflexionar sobre el estado de la edición de las publicaciones digitales en la actualidad: cómo son esas publicaciones y cuál es su modo de producción. A su vez, se tomará como modelo un sistema de gestión de revistas científicas.
Resumo A Primavera Acadêmica se refere aos recentes movimentos entre acadêmicos e cientistas em favor do acesso livre e contra as políticas das editoras comerciais acadêmicas. O artigo apresenta um panorama dos custos envolvidos na... more
Resumo A Primavera Acadêmica se refere aos recentes movimentos entre acadêmicos e cientistas em favor do acesso livre e contra as políticas das editoras comerciais acadêmicas. O artigo apresenta um panorama dos custos envolvidos na editoração comercial de periódicos científicos, bem como das justificativas de editores e acadêmicos que sustentam ou rejeitam o processo de publicação com fins lucrativos da literatura acadêmica. Defende a formulação de alternativas de comunicação científica e consolidação do movimento de acesso aberto, alheio às interferências de grandes conglomerados comerciais.
A presentation on the paths and processes of getting your book published, covering: knowing your readership / know your publisher; prepare the proposal / write the book; the review process; engaging with critical comments; notes on types... more
A presentation on the paths and processes of getting your book published, covering: knowing your readership / know your publisher; prepare the proposal / write the book; the review process; engaging with critical comments; notes on types of publisher; substance and style; the paperwork and the acronyms; what happens in production; and sales, e-products, and beyond.
Critical feminists have argued that research on women and gender is not sufficiently 'global' in its representation of scholars and perspectives. We draw on these works to argue that the scholarship on women, gender and politics does not... more
Critical feminists have argued that research on women and gender is not sufficiently 'global' in its representation of scholars and perspectives. We draw on these works to argue that the scholarship on women, gender and politics does not sufficiently consider the effects of the global order in the Global South. We propose the adoption of a 'global lens' to address this gap. We further examine the representation of South-based scholars by analysing leading women, gender and politics journals, and find that they are severely under-represented as authors. We propose steps to address this underrepresentation and to decolonise the scholarship.
- by Peace A. Medie and +1
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- African Studies, Publishing, Gender, Feminism
This study presents a sociolinguistics of academic publishing in historical as well as in contemporary times. From the perspective of Swedish academia, it unites a wide range of scholarly knowledge, including perspectives from the... more
This study presents a sociolinguistics of academic publishing in historical as well as in contemporary times. From the perspective of Swedish academia, it unites a wide range of scholarly knowledge, including perspectives from the sociology of science, history of science and ideas, and research policy. The study focuses on publishing practices in the empirical realities of two disciplinary fields, history and psychology. Drawing on facts and figures from publishing practices as well as interviews, the study argues that English is currently making inroads into the field of history, in line with and aided by the field-external power of new regimes of research evaluation and performance-based funding impinging on the university field at large. In the field of history, unlike in psychology, the English language is thus currently a weapon since it provides access to international publishing markets where new forms of scientific authority can be obtained. This option seems to be most compelling for junior scholars seeking to enter the field. Following Bourdieu, publishing in English is here interpreted as pertaining to a social strategy, enacted in pursuit of investing differently, so as to subvert the order of the historical field.
This study joins the emerging de-Westernization discourse within communication studies and empirically compares the diversity of Ibero-American, Western, and regional journals at three different levels: authorship, editorial board... more
This study joins the emerging de-Westernization discourse within communication studies and empirically compares the diversity of Ibero-American, Western, and regional journals at three different levels: authorship, editorial board membership, and citations. Our findings show that through low geopolitical diversity and high regional shares in authorship, editorial board membership, and citations, the Ibero-American region uses its structural, linguistic, and cultural resources to offer an alternative universe to mainstream English-based communication research. The article argues that the process of trailblazing the pathways to de-Westernizing communication scholarship is best accomplished when it is actively led by peripheral regions.
Schwab, Michael. 2018. ‘Peer-Reviewing in the “Journal for Artistic Research”’, in Evaluating Art and Design Research. Reflections, Evaluation Practices and Research Presentations, ed. by Walter Ysebaert and Binke Van Kerckhoven... more
Schwab, Michael. 2018. ‘Peer-Reviewing in the “Journal for Artistic Research”’, in Evaluating Art and Design Research. Reflections, Evaluation Practices and Research Presentations, ed. by Walter Ysebaert and Binke Van Kerckhoven (Brussels: VUBPRESS), pp. 52–59.
This book explores all aspects of social research methods and methodologies. It contains twelve from choosing a topic, writing a literature review and research proposal to all aspects of research (qualitative and quantitative... more
This book explores all aspects of social research methods and methodologies. It contains twelve from choosing a topic, writing a literature review and research proposal to all aspects of research (qualitative and quantitative methodologies, documentary research and narrative research). It has a chapter on the ethical aspects of doing research and how to publish your research. The book is designed for students at bachelor or master's degree level or for researchers in the community. Each chapter has a list of key points at the end and exercises. It is written in easy accessible language.