Bibliometrics Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Felieton dotyczy tak zwanej bibliometrii. Korzystając z faktu, że ten właśnie felieton zajmował 1001 miejsce na liście artykułów napisanych przez autora - podjęta została dyskusja na temat wartościowania dorobku (dowolnego: naukowego,... more

Felieton dotyczy tak zwanej bibliometrii. Korzystając z faktu, że ten właśnie felieton zajmował 1001 miejsce na liście artykułów napisanych przez autora - podjęta została dyskusja na temat wartościowania dorobku (dowolnego: naukowego, popularyzatorskiego, publicystycznego itp.) Wskazano, że sama liczba publikacji nie stanowi właściwej miary wartości wkładu intelektualnego określonego autora, gdyż ważne jest, czy napisane książki, artykuły czy nawet tylko felietony - miały jakiś oddźwięk u czytelników. Miarą tego oddźwięku jest liczba cytowań. Jeśli jakaś praca jest często cytowana, to znaczy że silnie oddziałała na czytelników. Miarą ilości i stabilności cytowań jest tzw. indeks Hirscha. W momencie pisania artykułu (2010 rok) indeks ten był w Polsce mało popularny, więc wyjaśnienie jego znaczenia w przedstawianym artykule było ważne i potrzebne.

Analysis of a random sample of bibliographic records from OCLC WorldCat finds that the great majority of items in WorldCat are held by very few participating library, and that a power law relationship exists between the number of... more

Analysis of a random sample of bibliographic records from OCLC WorldCat finds that the great majority of items in WorldCat are held by very few participating library, and that a power law relationship exists between the number of libraries holding an item and the number of items with a given level of shared holdings. The findings provide a context for interpreting holding levels in WorldCat with regard to the proportion of widely shared items and the characteristics of items at various ranges of holdings. Used with other quantitative and evaluative measures, these findings will assist librarians in assessing their collections.

A citation index is a bibliographic database that provides citation links between documents. The first modern citation index was suggested by information scientist Eugene Garfield in 1955 and created by him in 1964, and it represents an... more

A citation index is a bibliographic database that provides citation links between documents. The first modern citation index was suggested by information scientist Eugene Garfield in 1955 and created by him in 1964, and it represents an important innovation to knowledge organization and information retrieval. This article describes citation indexes in general, considering the modern citation indexes, including Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, Crossref, Dimensions and some special citation indexes and predecessors to the modern citation index like Shepard’s Citations. We present comparative studies of the major ones and survey theoretical problems related to the role of citation indexes as subject access points, recognizing the implications to knowledge organization and information retrieval. Finally, studies on citation behavior are presented and the influence of citation indexes on knowledge organization, information retrieval and the scientific information ecosystem is recognized.

A library without digital resources is like a king without a kingdom. But sad stories continue in most of the developing countries specially the night mares is a reality for the libraries of Bangladesh. Most of the libraries (including... more

A library without digital resources is like a king without a kingdom. But sad stories continue in most of the developing countries specially the night mares is a reality for the libraries of Bangladesh. Most of the libraries (including national, public, academic, special) in Bangladesh have no electronic/digital resources or very limited resources. In this reality, aims of this paper are to explore the present status of digital resources in different types of libraries and as expected the findings were shocking. As this paper was based on secondary resources, the findings shows that there were no digital or electronic resources available at the collections of national and public libraries, some digital resources were found in case of special libraries and a notable number of resources were found in the academic and university libraries though still the collections need to be increased in numbers, in that regard this paper concludes with some specific guidelines to increase digital resources in university libraries.

Researchers across the health sciences are engaged in a vigorous debate over the role that the concepts of “race” and “ethnicity” play in health research and clinical practice. Here we contribute to that debate by examining how the... more

Researchers across the health sciences are engaged in a vigorous debate over the role that the concepts of “race” and “ethnicity” play in health research and clinical practice. Here we contribute to that debate by examining how the concepts of race, ethnicity, and racism are used in medical–anthropological research. We present a content analysis of Medical Anthropology and Medical Anthropology Quarterly, based on a systematic random sample of empirical research articles (n =283) published in these journals from 1977 to 2002. We identify both differences and similarities in the use of race, ethnicity, and racism concepts in medical anthropology and neighboring disciplines, and we offer recommendations for ways that medical anthropologists can contribute to the broader debate over racial and ethnic inequalities in health.

The project aims to study the Microsoft Academic Graph, a scholarly citation database, by comparison with three competitors in the field: Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Openness, transparency of data gathering and processing,... more

The project aims to study the Microsoft Academic Graph, a scholarly citation database, by comparison with three competitors in the field: Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Openness, transparency of data gathering and processing, and completeness of data including the global unique identifiers has been researched in each of the four datasets. The analysis has been conducted using a set of 75 institutional affiliations, 6 randomly selected authors from the and 639 documents published by these authors. The coverage of total research output in MAG of the six selected authors had reached 76.0%, hence being on-par with coverage of Google Scholar (76.2%) and significantly better than that of Scopus (66.5%) and Web of Science (58.8%). The overall results indicate that Microsoft Academic Graph can be an interesting source of information for bibliometric or scientometric analysis. However, no definite conclusions regarding the scope of MAG can be drawn due to the small size of the sample. Furthermore, problems with affiliation and author disambiguation in MAG have been highlighted. Finally, studies focusing on the disciplinary coverage of the datasets in greater detail are proposed.

The purpose of this study was to explore the trends of publication patterns in Library and Information Science research using bibliometric review. The areas of the Bibliometrics review are contributions of current research, use of... more

The purpose of this study was to explore the trends of publication patterns in Library and Information Science research using bibliometric review. The areas of the Bibliometrics review are contributions of current research, use of citations, length of articles, use of illustrations, authorship patterns, geographical and chronological distribution of contributions, etc. Two national journals were selected as source journals, i.e. IASLlC Bulletin and Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS). A structured schedule had been prepared to record data through content analysis of the articles published during the years 2010-2014. All issues of the journals have been collected and examined methodically. The remit of the study can help the stakeholders in this field to understand the patterns of current research.

In early December 2019, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) causing a cluster of pneumonia of unknown etiology originated from Wuhan, China, and spread rapidly throughout the world. The WHO (World Health Organization) changed the status of... more

In early December 2019, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) causing a cluster of pneumonia of unknown etiology originated from Wuhan, China, and spread rapidly throughout the world. The WHO (World Health Organization) changed the status of COVID-19 outbreak from epidemic into pandemic on March 11, 2020. →What this article adds: Since the emergence of COVID-19, the number of publications on this topic has dramatically grown. About 84% of COVID-19 documents are open-access. The focus of COVID-19 literature in terms of countries, journals, institutions, terms, and keywords which all were discussed in detail sets out the research hotspots and important topics in this field.

DB - Scopus **Journals statistics by** Petroleum Science: H Index - 21; Citations per document - 2.3 (2018 year); SJR - 0.598 (2018); Total Cites/Self-Cites (2018) 463/47; Cited documents/Uncited documents (2018) 145/49; %... more

DB - Scopus
**Journals statistics by**
Petroleum Science:
H Index - 21; Citations per document - 2.3 (2018 year); SJR - 0.598 (2018); Total Cites/Self-Cites (2018) 463/47; Cited documents/Uncited documents (2018) 145/49; % International Collaboration (2018) - 10%; Q2 in economic geology
Neftyanoe khozyaystvo - Oil Industry
H Index - 13; Citations per document - 0.44 (2018 year); SJR - 0.25 (2018); Total Cites/Self-Cites (2018) 438/114 [(2014) 192/128]; Cited documents/Uncited documents (2018) 228/765; % International Collaboration (2018) - 4.15%; Q3 in energy engineering and power technology
### Resume:
Russian journal "Neftyanoe khozyaystvo - Oil Industry" have a lot of well cited publications, but citation and collaboration are lower when compare to China "Petroleum Science".
**The most issues are:**
- not all articles have translation of full texts to English
- not transparency in management (fee)
- low level of collaborations
- regional editorial board
"Petroleum Science" is Open Access journal and has support from industry - CNPC, Sinopec and CNOOC

Biomedical informatics lacks a clear and theoretically grounded definition. Many proposed definitions focus on data, information, and knowledge, but do not provide an adequate definition of these terms. Leveraging insights from the... more

Biomedical informatics lacks a clear and theoretically grounded definition. Many proposed definitions focus on data, information, and knowledge, but do not provide an adequate definition of these terms. Leveraging insights from the philosophy of information, we define informatics as the science of information, where information is data plus meaning. Biomedical informatics is the science of information as applied to or studied in the context of biomedicine. Defining the object of study of informatics as data plus meaning clearly distinguishes the field from related fields, such as computer science, statistics and biomedicine, which have different objects of study. The emphasis on data plus meaning also suggests that biomedical informatics problems tend to be difficult when they deal with concepts that are hard to capture using formal, computational definitions. In other words, problems where meaning must be considered are more difficult than problems where manipulating data without regard for meaning is sufficient. Furthermore, the definition implies that informatics research, teaching, and service should focus on biomedical information as data plus meaning rather than only computer applications in biomedicine.

Background: As a result of low numbers and diversity in study type, occupational health intervention studies are not easy to locate in electronic literature databases. Aim: To develop a search strategy that facilitates finding... more

Background: As a result of low numbers and diversity in study type, occupational health intervention studies are not easy to locate in electronic literature databases. Aim: To develop a search strategy that facilitates finding occupational health intervention studies in Medline, both for researchers and practitioners. Methods: A gold standard of articles was created by going through two whole volumes of 19 biomedical journals, both occupational health specialty and non-occupational health journals. Criteria for occupational health intervention studies were: evaluating an intervention with an occupational health outcome and a study design with a control group. Each journal was searched independently by two of the authors. Search terms were developed by asking specialists and counting word frequencies in gold standard articles.

Despite increased attention to methodological rigor in education research, the field has focused heavily on experimental design and not on the merit of replicating important results. The present study analyzed the complete publication... more

Despite increased attention to methodological rigor in education research, the field has focused heavily on experimental design and not on the merit of replicating important results. The present study analyzed the complete publication history of the current top 100 education journals ranked by 5-year impact factor and found that only 0.13% of education articles were replications. Contrary to previous findings in medicine, but similar to psychology, the majority of education replications successfully replicated the original studies. However, replications were significantly less likely to be successful when there was no overlap in authorship between the original and replicating articles. The results emphasize the importance of third-party, direct replications in helping education research improve its ability to shape education policy and practice.

Проблемы экономики и управления нефтегазовым комплексом 8/2018 32 УДК [303.6.+303.7]:001.8 ТЯЖЕЛАЯ НЕФТЬ: НЕКОТОРЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ БИБЛИОМЕТРИЧЕСКОГО АНАЛИЗА ДЛЯ ВЫЯВЛЕНИЯ ПЕРСПЕКТИВНЫХ НАУЧНЫХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ Б.Н. Чигарев (Институт проблем нефти и... more

Проблемы экономики и управления нефтегазовым комплексом 8/2018 32 УДК [303.6.+303.7]:001.8 ТЯЖЕЛАЯ НЕФТЬ: НЕКОТОРЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ БИБЛИОМЕТРИЧЕСКОГО АНАЛИЗА ДЛЯ ВЫЯВЛЕНИЯ ПЕРСПЕКТИВНЫХ НАУЧНЫХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ Б.Н. Чигарев (Институт проблем нефти и газа РАН (ИПНГ РАН)) Работа выполнена в рамках государственного задания ФАНО (тема "Фундаментальный базис инновационных технологий нефтяной и газовой промышленности", № ААА-0139-2018-0006). Увеличение стоимости исследовательских работ по разработке технологий для освоения запасов тяжелой нефти делает ак-туальным выявление перспективных научных тем. Для этого проведен библиометрический анализ научных публикаций, проиндексированных в базе Web of Science за период 2003-2018 гг. по теме инновационных исследований, связанных с добычей тяжелой нефти. Дана общая картина направлений научных работ по указанной теме. Выявлено недостаточное международное сотрудничест-во российских ученых в рамках рассматриваемых в данной статье задач. Ведущими исследовательскими центрами по рас-сматриваемой тематике являются Альбертский университет, Университет Калгари (Канада), Китайский нефтяной универси-тет. Активно публикуются университеты Ирана. Кратко разобран пример выявления перспективной темы научных исследований, ориентированной на повышение эффектив-ности извлечения тяжелой нефти. Согласно библиометрическому анализу научных публикаций, ионные жидкости, являющие-ся солевыми расплавами, имеющими точку плавления ниже 100 °C, могут рассматриваться как перспективная альтернатива сурфактантам при использовании химических методов доизвлечения тяжелой нефти. Данные результаты, полученные из анализа публикаций в Web of Science, согласуются с результатами из базы публикаций OnePetro. Показана эффективность использования бесплатных программных продуктов при проведении библиометрических иссле-дований. Ключевые слова: библиометрический анализ; базы публикаций; перспективные научные исследования; тяжелая нефть; ионные жидкости; бесплатное программное обеспечение.
The increase in the cost of research work on the development of technologies for the extraction of heavy oil resources makes it urgent to identify promising scientific topics. A bibliometric analysis of scientific publications indexed in the Web of Science database for the period 2003-2018 on the topic of innovative research related to the extraction of heavy oil was carried out. The general picture of the directions of scientific works on this topic is given. The insufficient international cooperation of Russian scientists in the framework of the problems considered in this article was revealed. Leading research centers on the subject are Albert University, University of Calgary (Canada), Chinese Petroleum University. The universities of Iran are actively publishing. The example of revealing the perspective theme of the scientific researches focused on increase of efficiency of extraction of heavy oil is briefly examined. According to the bibliometric analysis of scientific publications, ionic liquids, which are salt melts with a melting point below 100 °C, can be considered as a promising alternative to surfactants when using chemical methods for extracting heavy oil. These results, obtained from the analysis of publications in the Web of Science, are consistent with the results from the OnePetro publications database. Keywords: bibliometric analysis; bases of publications; advanced scientific research; heavy oil; ionic liquids; free software. Введение Запасы тяжелой нефти и битума превышают тради-ционные запасы [1]. В России они достигают 6-7 млрд т, однако их извлечение требует разработки новых тех-нологий, опирающихся на фундаментальные научные исследования [2]. Если еще 30-40 лет назад можно было встретить утверждение, что легче провести эксперименты зано-во, чем найти результаты в научной литературе, то сейчас, при наличии огромных баз научных публика-ций и развитых методов поиска и анализа текстов, подбор необходимой научно-технической информа-ции становится экономически более оправданным. Еще одним важным фактором является увеличение стои-мости проводимых научных исследований-трудно-извлекаемая нефть требует еще более "трудных" экс-периментов, поэтому актуальными являются вопросы: В какие научные темы инвестировать деньги?, Нет ли повторных инвестиций в задачи, которые не дали результатов?. Ответить на эти вопросы без автомати-зации работы с большими объемами научно-техниче-ской информации не представляется возможным. У экспертов, оценивающих проект или научную тему,

Open access publication for public funded research has been a demand by scholarly community. Studies shows about the growing publishing trend in open access from Indian scholars. The current study evaluates about the open access... more

Open access publication for public funded research has been a demand by scholarly community. Studies shows about the growing publishing trend in open access from Indian scholars. The current study evaluates about the open access publication trend of top 5 central universities of India in the period from 2011 to 2015. The top 5 central universities were identified from the National Institutional Ranking Framework, published by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India for the year 2016. Study was limited to items published as article or review only in journals which are indexed in the Scopus database. The findings of the study show low share (only 14.37% of total items) of open access published contents from the top 5 universities during the period. Also an analysis of impact of the published contents via citation count reveals that even though the share of open access contents in the published literature were less but the rate of citation of the OA content were higher than that of the paid access contents. Average citation rate to the open access articles from the universities were 6.85 per article, while the same for the paid access items were 5.41 citations per article. 30.69% of published OA contents had foreign collaboration and out of those 30.69%, 62.38% had collaboration with USA, which proves the strong influence of USA collaboration in the OA contents of top Indian universities.

To survive worldwide competitions of research and development in the current rapid increase of information, decision-makers and researchers need to be supported to find promising research fields and papers. Finding a suitable data in too... more

To survive worldwide competitions of research and development in the current rapid increase of information, decision-makers and researchers need to be supported to find promising research fields and papers. Finding a suitable data in too heavy flood of information is like looking for a needle in a haystack. We aim to find leading papers of the next generation rapidly with bibliometric approach. The analyses in this work consist of two parts: the citation network analysis and the time transition analysis. The bibliographic information of papers about cryptology is collected from Thomson Reuters' Web of Science. In the citation network analysis, each citation network is made from citation relations and divided into clusters. In the time transition analysis, the features of the leading papers are extracted, and we find that the degree centralities of the leading papers are obviously increasing over several years. Thereby, we exemplify some promising papers from some intriguing clusters. This work will contribute to find the leading paper, and it is useful for decision-makers and

In this article, we review 25 years of sociological scholarship published in Sociology of Health and Illness on medical technologies. We divide the literature into three theoretical perspectives: technological determinism views medical... more

In this article, we review 25 years of sociological scholarship published in Sociology of Health and Illness on medical technologies. We divide the literature into three theoretical perspectives: technological determinism views medical technology as a political force to shape social relationships, social essentialism emphasizes how medical technologies are neutral tools to be interpreted in social interactions, and technology-in-practice highlights the dialectic relationship between technology and its users in health care. While the technology-in-practice orientation allows social scientists to critique the high hopes and dire warnings embedded in medical technologies, we argue that the logical next step of this paradigm is to move beyond criticism and influence the creation and implementation of medical technologies.

A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is protected by encryption, making counterfeiting or double-spending practically impossible. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks built on blockchain technology, which is... more

A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is protected by encryption, making counterfeiting or double-spending practically impossible. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks built on blockchain technology, which is a distributed ledger enforced by a network of computers. Cryptocurrencies are distinguished by the fact that they are typically not issued by any central authority, making them potentially impervious to government meddling or manipulation. This study used the Scopus database to gain a thorough grasp of the Applicability of Bibliometric Laws and the Pattern of Growth Productivity in Cryptocurrency Research.

In this paper, citation analysis of the doctoral dissertations of the Electronics and Communication Engineering (E.C.E.) department of National Institute of Technology Durgapur (N.I.T. Durgapur), West Bengal, India, were analysed to... more

In this paper, citation analysis of the doctoral dissertations of the Electronics and Communication Engineering (E.C.E.) department of National Institute of Technology Durgapur (N.I.T. Durgapur), West Bengal, India, were analysed to understand the citation trends of the scholars. For this study, 47 doctoral dissertations available in the library are chosen as the study sample. These dissertations contain 6476 references referred from different kinds of literature. Journals are the most preferred literature with 3934 (60.75%) of the whole, followed by conference proceedings with 1572 (24.27%) and books with 675 (10.44%) references. 231 (3.57%) were referred from other resources, while 64 (0.99) could not find. IEEE has received maximum journal citations to 1572 (39.96%) of the total journals' citations followed by Elsevier B.V. and American Physical Society to 413 (10.50%) and 222 (5.64%) respectively. The rest of the journals references were from other publishers. Scholars cited 754 journals out of these IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation has received maximum occurrence to 337 followed by Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics by A.P.S. and Electronics Letters by I.E.T. to 108 and 107 times respectively. The U.S.A. is the top publishing country with 318 Publications. Followed by the United Kingdom, Netherlands & India with 134, 94,44 & 40 publications, respectively.

Este artigo apresentou como objetivo uma revisão bibliométrica com o propósito de fazer um estudo descritivo, identificação de autores e publicações relevantes sobre o tema. Como metodologia, utilizaram-se as bases de dados científicas do... more

Este artigo apresentou como objetivo uma revisão bibliométrica com o propósito de fazer um estudo descritivo, identificação de autores e publicações relevantes sobre o tema. Como metodologia, utilizaram-se as bases de dados científicas do Google Acadêmico, Bon e Science Direct, de modo a localizar estudos existentes sobre a temática até maio de 2021. Para isso, foram encontrados como resultado: 15065 trabalhos científicos que abordam o referido tema, escritos por mais de 500 autores pertencentes a diversas instituições de países diferentes. Em desfecho, pôde-se, com isso, constatar que ao sintetizar as informações referentes às publicações científicas do tema, possibilitou a construção de um arcabouço teórico que serve de incentivos para que novas pesquisas sejam realizadas.

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses synthesize data from existing primary research, and well-conducted reviews offer clinicians a practical solution to the problem of staying current in their fields of interest. A whole generation of... more

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses synthesize data from existing primary research, and well-conducted reviews offer clinicians a practical solution to the problem of staying current in their fields of interest. A whole generation of secondary journals, pre-appraised evidence libraries and periodically updated electronic texts are now available to clinicians. However, not all systematic reviews are of high quality, and it is important to be able to critically assess their validity and applicability. This article is an illustrated guide for conducting systematic reviews. A clear understanding of the process will provide clinicians with the tools to judiciously appraise reviews and interpret them. We hope that it will enable clinicians to conduct systematic reviews, generate high-quality evidence, and contribute to the evidence-based medicine movement.

Mucilage (sea saliva) is a thick, sticky substance produced by almost all plants and some microorganisms. It is formed by the combination of many biological and chemical conditions. It plays various roles in plants such as storing water... more

Mucilage (sea saliva) is a thick, sticky substance produced by almost all plants and some microorganisms. It is formed by the combination of many biological and chemical conditions. It plays various roles in plants such as storing water and food, germination of seeds and membrane thickening. Although there are many different reasons, it is possible to talk about three main factors in the formation of Marine Mucilage, which is on the agenda of our country with the situation in the Sea of Marmara recently: Sea temperatures exceeding the average temperatures, increase in the pollution rate in the seas, and the sea being stagnant. It is known that if these three situations occur, Marine Mucilage increases as some plankton species start to multiply rapidly. This study focuses on the general features of scientific research on sea saliva. In the study, the interdisciplinary nature of the research on sea snail is revealed with a data-based analysis. While it was observed that Zoology, Plant Sciences, Oceanography, Marine & Freshwater Biology, Limnology, Fisheries, Environmental Sciences and Ecology carried out joint studies in these studies with a high collaboration pattern, Italy, France, China, Croatia and the USA were among the countries that attracted attention in terms of the number of publications. While the frequency of studies on the northern Adriatic Sea as a geographical area draws attention, Univ Bologna, Univ Gottingen, Univ Melbourne, Univ Genoa and Istanbul University are among the universities that attract attention in terms of institutional publications.

Motivado pelas possibilidades oferecidas pela Ciência dos Dados aos serviços e sistemas de saúde, essa comunicação objetivou realizar uma análise bibliométrica sobre as aplicações da Ciência dos Dados no âmbito das organizações... more

Motivado pelas possibilidades oferecidas pela Ciência dos Dados aos serviços e sistemas de saúde, essa comunicação objetivou realizar uma análise bibliométrica sobre as aplicações da Ciência dos Dados no âmbito das organizações hospitalares. Tendo em vista a contemporaneidade desse tópico na literatura científica, o recorte temporal selecionado considera 2015 a 2019. A base de dados utilizada foi a Web of Science (WoS), dada sua característica pluridisciplinar, sendo referência na indexação de periódicos científicos e demais bibliografias de circulação internacional.

Background: It is well established that Libya is lagging behind its peers in biomedical research. The aim of this study is to analyse all the original biomedical publications affiliated with Libya from 1973 to 2007. Methods: PubMed and... more

Background: It is well established that Libya is lagging behind its peers in biomedical research. The aim of this study is to analyse all the original biomedical publications affiliated with Libya from 1973 to 2007. Methods: PubMed and the Science Citation Index Expanded were searched for 'original research' biomedical studies affiliated with Libya. The generated data were hand searched and 329 'original research' studies were included in the analysis. Results: The first study was published in 1973. Publication rate peaked to an average of 15.2 studies per year during 1986-1996 and dropped to an average of 8.8 studies per year during 1997-2007. Of 166 first authors; 41% were Libyans and 59% were expatriates. The latter contributed 104 studies between 1986 and 1996 and 36 studies between 1997 and 2007, while the Libyans contributed 63 and 61 studies in the two respective periods. Authors affiliated with Benghazi produced 67% of the published studies, while authors from Tripoli produced 30% and other medical schools, hospitals and research centres from other Libyan cities produced only 3%. Conclusion: This study showed a decline in biomedical research publication in Libya. We propose that the lack of a research culture among the Libyan medical professionals is one of the factors contributing to this decline, which coincided with the departure of expatriate doctors from Libya. Raising awareness of the importance of research and improving research skills among Libyan medical professionals may help to reverse the current trend.

PurposeThe current review aims to examine the growth trajectory, most influential documents, intellectual and conceptual structure of the literature regarding gender issues in family business research.Design/methodology/approachThe... more

PurposeThe current review aims to examine the growth trajectory, most influential documents, intellectual and conceptual structure of the literature regarding gender issues in family business research.Design/methodology/approachThe bibliometric analysis was performed using 224 documents from 1991 to 2020 extracted from the Web of Science database.FindingsThe review finds that this field's knowledge grew exponentially during the last three decades, mainly after 2003 and the last several years. Based on the co-citation analysis, three major research lines are identified: “Women's challenges and opportunities in the family business”, “Gender diversity in the family business corporate board”, and “Gender and family SMEs management.” The temporal co-word analysis reveals that “Gender diversity in the family business corporate board” is the latest research line.Originality/valueBy reviewing prominent cited references and documents that cited them, the authors provide the landscape...

Bibliometric studies have the particularity of analyzing the performance of a research field/area. The present study, following this premise, will map the works of a Postgraduate program at a Brazilian Federal University. For this... more

Bibliometric studies have the particularity of analyzing the performance of a research field/area. The present study, following this premise, will map the works of a Postgraduate program at a Brazilian Federal University. For this purpose, text mining and clustering techniques are used to analyze 609 works, including theses and dissertations. The use of text mining techniques and visualization of similarities provided the indication of groupings of knowledge areas. The similarity analysis indicates the little interaction between the fields of knowledge, characterizing the existence of “conceptual islands”. This result may have been impacted by the way the data was extracted in the similarity analysis. The analysis also made it possible to verify which themes arouse greater interest in the program in relation to the research being carried out.

This paper seeks to provoke debate about the workings of tourism enquiry as a knowledgegenerating system through its critical accounting of the sub-field of tourism gender research. This accounting includes a gender-aware bibliometeric... more

This paper seeks to provoke debate about the workings of tourism enquiry as a knowledgegenerating system through its critical accounting of the sub-field of tourism gender research. This accounting includes a gender-aware bibliometeric analysis of 466 journal papers published during 1985-2012, which categorises the sub-field's prevailing themes and methodologies and identifies the most prolific authors and popular journals. It determines that, despite three decades of study and a recent sharp increase in papers, tourism gender research is marginal to tourism enquiry, disarticulated from feminist and gender-aware scholarship and lacks the critical mass of research leaders, publications, citations and multiinstitutional networks, which characterise other tourism sub-fields. The paper identifies two possible futures for gender-aware tourism research: stagnation or ignition.

To summarize empirical evidence relating to stressors that may affect patients' psychosocial health following colostomy or ileostomy surgery during hospitalization and after discharge. Data Sources: An extensive search was performed on... more

To summarize empirical evidence relating to stressors that may affect patients' psychosocial health following colostomy or ileostomy surgery during hospitalization and after discharge. Data Sources: An extensive search was performed on the CINAHL ® , Cochrane Library, PubMed, PsycINFO, Scopus, Science Direct, and Web of Science electronic databases. Data Synthesis: Eight articles were included with three qualitative and five quantitative research designs. Most studies were conducted in Western nations with one other in Taiwan. Following colostomy or ileostomy surgery, common stressors reported by patients during hospitalization included stoma formation, diagnosis of cancer, and preparation for self-care. After discharge, stressors that patients experienced encompassed adapting to body changes, altered sexuality, and impact on social life and activities. Conclusions: This review suggests that patients with stomas experience various stressors during hospitalization and after discharge. Additional research is needed for better understanding of patient postoperative experiences to facilitate the provision of appropriate nursing interventions to the stressors. Implications for Nursing: To help patients deal with stressors following stoma surgery, nurses may provide preand postoperative education regarding the treatment and recovery process and encourage patient self-care. Following discharge, nurses may provide long-term ongoing counseling and support, build social networks among patients with stomas, and implement home visit programs. Knowledge Translation: Stoma surgery negatively affects patients' physical, psychological, social, and sexual health. Postoperative education programs in clinical settings mostly focus on physical health and underemphasize psychological issues. More pre-and postoperative education programs are needed to help patients cope with stoma stressors.

SCI mago is the Journal and Country Ranking database available freely on the internet. We have accessed the required data from 2008 to 2017 from this database and evaluated the research productivity of SAARC countries and citations in the... more

SCI mago is the Journal and Country Ranking database available freely on the internet. We have accessed the required data from 2008 to 2017 from this database and evaluated the research productivity of SAARC countries and citations in the field of social science subject. This article studied SAARC countries publications, citations, citations per document, self-citations and degree of self – citations. The study revealed that on an average 6054 articles are published during the study period. India is the only country to publish more than the average
citations publications during the ten years of study. India received 78% of citations and stood 1st rank in the study, whereas Pakistan and Bangladesh got 8% and 6% citations and stood 2nd and 3rd rank. Nepal got highest 76% of citations per document and stood 1st rank among the SAARC countries in the last ten years from 2008 to 2017. Further, it is found that the degree of self-citation is 0.24, which is very lowest. Since all the SAARC countries are underdeveloped so it is suggested that the government of SAARC countries has to encourage more and more publications, then only their socio-economic level may increase. Individuals, as well as organisations, should take more interest to publish their research articles in high impact journals both at national and international level.

This working paper presents findings from analyses of Russian nanotechnology outputs in publications and patents focusing on developments over the period 1990 through to 2012. The investigation draws on bibliometric datasets of scientific... more

This working paper presents findings from analyses of Russian nanotechnology outputs in publications and patents focusing on developments over the period 1990 through to 2012. The investigation draws on bibliometric datasets of scientific journal publications and patents and on available secondary English-language and Russian sources.

The present study reports the results of the bibliometric analysis of Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS) for the period from 2004 to 2013. The data collection was done by downloading the contents from the website of the... more

The present study reports the results of the bibliometric analysis of Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS) for the period from 2004 to 2013. The data collection was done by downloading the contents from the website of the journal. The analysis covers mainly the number of articles, authorship pattern, geographical distribution of contributions, types and forms of documents cited, length of the contributions etc. The study shows a trend of growth in the number of contributions every year. Out of the total number of 323 contributions, 120 (37.15%) are contributed by single authors while the remaining 203 (62.85%) are join authors' contributions. The study further finds that most of the contributions are from India (87.31%).

Objective To explore bibliometric markers in a worldwide sample of emergency physician investigators to define global, continental and individual patterns over time. Methods We evaluated the number of papers published, citations received,... more

Objective To explore bibliometric markers in a worldwide sample of emergency physician investigators to define global, continental and individual patterns over time. Methods We evaluated the number of papers published, citations received, cumulative impact factor and h-index of editorial board members of six international emergency medicine journals. We calculated the individual values for every year of each author's career to evaluate their dynamic evolution. We analysed the results by researcher world area and growth rate. Results We included 107 researchers (76 American, 21 European and 10 Australasian; 46 slow-rate-group C-, 43 medium-rate-group Band 18 fast-rate growth-group A-). The median experience was 18 (IQR: 12) years, without subgroups differences. Dynamic analysis over time showed good fit with quadratic function in all individual researchers and for all bibliometric markers (R 2 : 0.505-0.997), with the h-index achieving the best R 2. The combined analysis of the h-index of the 107 investigators also fit the quadratic model (R 2 =0.49). Analysis by predefined continental and growth-rate subgroups allowed defining specific patterns (R 2 between 0.46-0.54 and 0.80-0.86, respectively): by continents, American researchers' h-index increased 0.632 points per year, European 0.417 and Australasian 0.341; by growth rate, researchers from group A, B and C increased 1.239, 0.683 and 0.320, respectively. Conclusions Dynamic analysis of every individual author indicator over time has a very good fit with a quadratic model, with the h-index achieving the best R 2. It is also possible to construct models based on continent and rate of growth that could help to predict future expected outcomes of researchers in a particular subgroup and to classify new emerging researchers by growth rate.

This alignment of equating the economic wealth of countries with colder and warmer eco-climatic zones is of course a gross simplification. Notable exceptions to equating developed countries, the North (which we equate with countries being... more

This alignment of equating the economic wealth of countries with colder and warmer eco-climatic zones is of course a gross simplification. Notable exceptions to equating developed countries, the North (which we equate with countries being members of the OECD) with geographical temperate or colder zones are: Australia, Japan, Mexico and the southern parts of United States of America which all have subtropical or even tropical zones. Exceptions to equating developing countries, the South, with subtropical and tropical zones are for example Mongolia and large parts of China which have temperate or cold zones.

Background: Emergency physicians as front-line clinical specialists can directly advance patient care by understanding how gender-specific approaches may affect evaluation and management of diseases in the acute setting. Yet, it is... more

Background: Emergency physicians as front-line clinical specialists can directly advance patient care by understanding how gender-specific approaches may affect evaluation and management of diseases in the acute setting. Yet, it is unclear whether the role of gender is systematically examined in research focusing on emergency care.

Resumen Introducción: La tuberculosis (TB) es una de las prioridades sanitarias y de investigación nacional. La producción científica sobre TB en el Perú no ha sido estudiada. Objetivo: Analizar las publicaciones sobre tuberculosis (TB)... more

Resumen Introducción: La tuberculosis (TB) es una de las prioridades sanitarias y de investigación nacional. La producción científica sobre TB en el Perú no ha sido estudiada. Objetivo: Analizar las publicaciones sobre tuberculosis (TB) realizadas en el Perú en el periodo 1981-2010. Diseño: Estudio bibliométrico sobre tuberculosis en el Perú.

Prof. Dr. Yıldız Bayazıtoğlu, Michigan Üniversitesi Makina Mühendisliği’nde doktora derecesi alan ilk kadın isim ve aynı zamanda Rice Üniversitesi’nin ilk kadın mühendis doçenti ve profesörüdür. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Bayazıtoğlu, 20 Aralık... more

Prof. Dr. Yıldız Bayazıtoğlu, Michigan Üniversitesi Makina Mühendisliği’nde doktora derecesi alan ilk kadın isim ve aynı zamanda Rice Üniversitesi’nin ilk kadın mühendis doçenti ve profesörüdür. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Bayazıtoğlu, 20 Aralık 2014 tarihinde TÜBA tarafından şeref üyeliğine seçilmiştir. Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (ODTÜ) Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü’nden 1967 yılında mezun olan Prof. Bayazıtoğlu, yüksek lisans ve doktora derecelerini sırasıyla 1969 ve 1974 yılında Michigan Üniversitesi Makina Mühendisliği dalında almıştır. Halen Houston’da bulunan Rice Üniversitesi Harry S. Cameron Makine Mühendisliği bölüm başkanlığı görevini yürüten Prof. Bayazıtoğlu, Radyasyon, konveksiyon ısı transferi, malŞekil 1. Prof. Dr. Yıldız Bayazıtoğlu Scopus Veritabanı Kayıtları zemelerin termofiziksel özelikleri, ışınım ve taşınımla ısı geçişi, faz değişikliği olan sistemlerde ısı geçişi, mikro ve nano ölçekli ısı geçişi, kriyojenik tank ısı analizi, güneş kollektörü analizi, mikro ve nano ölçekli ısı aktarımı, insan vücudunun ısı analizi, kafatasının termal modellenmesi ve hipotermik tedavi optimizasyonu gibi konularda çalışmaktadır.

How academic libraries support the research of their parent institutions has changed as a result of forces such as changing scholarly communication practices, technological developments, reduced purchasing power and changes in academic... more

How academic libraries support the research of their parent institutions has changed as a result of forces such as changing scholarly communication practices, technological developments, reduced purchasing power and changes in academic culture. We examine the professional and educational implications of current and emerging research support environments for academic libraries, particularly with regard to research data management and bibliometrics and discuss how do professionals and educators "make space" as new service demands arise?

Research has been extremely involved in improving in the art criticism area. These improvements are reflected in scientific articles. This article purposed to investigate the 214 articles in art criticism to explore their main... more

Research has been extremely involved in improving in the art criticism area. These improvements are reflected in scientific articles. This article purposed to investigate the 214 articles in art criticism to explore their main characteristics. These articles published in the Web of Science database of the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) from the period of 1980 till 20 December 2013. Types of articles were article and review which is included in the study. The three top cited (more than 10 times citations) articles in art criticism were published in 1993 and 1999. The 214 articles mean citation rate was 0.87 (SD 2.38) times. Among the various fields, art (58.87%), arts humanities other topics (28.03%), both art and arts humanities other topics (5.14%), both art and education and educational research (2.33%), both art and history (1.40%), art, arts humanities other topics and literature (1.40%), both art and cultural studies (0.93%), both art and philosophy (0.93%), both art and literature (0.46%), and both arts humanities other topics and cultural studies (0.46%) were the most popular fields of research. The results showed that researches were done in the United States had highest citation which was written in English language.

This paper highlights the importance of education (courses, workshops and conferences) for scientometrics and bibliometrics. Selected international conferences and courses devoted entirely to these issues were pointed out. Particular... more

This paper highlights the importance of education (courses, workshops and conferences) for scientometrics and bibliometrics. Selected international conferences and courses devoted entirely to these issues were pointed out. Particular attention was paid to the ESSS (European Summer School for Scientometrics) from the perspective of a participant of the 4th edition, which was held from 8 to 13 of September 2013 in Berlin. It has been indicated for whom the ESSS is intended. The organisation of ESSS’s conference and workshops was described generally. The benefits of participation in this event were discussed. A set of practical tips that can be useful to participants in further ESSS editions was provided. Two appendices were enclosed – the list of presentations, available on the ESSS website for the years 2010 to 2013 and a list of training videos for the Web of Science and Scopus, available on websites. Appendices were prepared as at 1st October 2013.

The "BEEM" (best evidence in emergency medicine) rater scale was created for emergency physicians (EPs) to evaluate the physician-derived clinical relevance score of recently published, emergency medicine (EM)-related studies. BEEM... more

The "BEEM" (best evidence in emergency medicine) rater scale was created for emergency physicians (EPs) to evaluate the physician-derived clinical relevance score of recently published, emergency medicine (EM)-related studies. BEEM therefore is designed to help make EPs aware of studies most likely to confirm or change current clinical practice.

Objective. The objective of this study was to identify core journals in physical therapy by identifying those that publish the most randomized controlled trials of physical therapy interventions, provide the highest-quality reports of... more

Objective. The objective of this study was to identify core journals in physical therapy by identifying those that publish the most randomized controlled trials of physical therapy interventions, provide the highest-quality reports of randomized controlled trials, and have the highest journal impact factors.

Background: Publication records and citation indices often are used to evaluate academic performance. For this reason, obtaining or computing them accurately is important. This can be difficult, largely due to a lack of complete knowledge... more

Background: Publication records and citation indices often are used to evaluate academic performance. For this reason, obtaining or computing them accurately is important. This can be difficult, largely due to a lack of complete knowledge of an individual’s publication list and/or lack of time available to manually obtain or construct the publication-citation record. While online publication search engines have somewhat addressed these problems, using raw search results can yield inaccurate estimates of publication-citation records and citation indices. Methodology: In this paper, we present a new, automated method that produces estimates of an individual’s publicationcitation record from an individual’s name and a set of domain-specific vocabulary that may occur in the individual’s publication titles. Because this vocabulary can be harvested directly from a research web page or online (partial) publication list, our method delivers an easy way to obtain estimates of a publication-c...

Resumo Nas últimas décadas, os conjuntos de documentos produzidos e acumulados por pessoas físicas assumiram um lugar de desta-que na literatura arquivística brasileira. Em grande medida, o interesse que a temática desperta entre os... more

Nas últimas décadas, os conjuntos de documentos produzidos e acumulados por pessoas físicas assumiram um lugar de desta-que na literatura arquivística brasileira. Em grande medida, o interesse que a temática desperta entre os arquivistas se fundamenta por suas especificidades teóricas e pela potencialidade informacional que os seus acervos oferecem aos estudiosos de diversas áreas. Com o objetivo de compreender o lugar dos arquivos pessoais no âmbito da Arquivologia e da Ciência da Informação, foram mapeados os trabalhos dedicados à temática apresentados em quatro encontros científicos brasileiros: Congresso Nacional de Arquivologia (CNA), Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação (ENANCIB), Reunião Brasileira de Ensino e Pesquisa em Arquivologia (REPARQ) e a International Society for Knowledge Organization Brasil (ISKO-Brasil). Dentre os principais resultados obtidos se destacam o aumento no número de publicações relativas aos arquivos pessoais entre os anos de 2014 e 2018, bem como a identificação dos pesquisadores que mais produziram sobre o tema nos quatro eventos em análise. Por fim, cumpre destacar a necessidade de se ampliar a pesquisa empreendida de modo que encontros científicos de outras áreas sejam igualmente objeto de análise em vistas à identificação dos trabalhos publicados relativos aos arquivos pessoais.