Scientific Research Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Abstract. Nel dibattito sulla prova specialistica, in particolare scientifica, si evoca spesso una formula, “Iudex peritus peritorum”, per rendere l’idea dell’autonomia valutativa riservata al giudice anche in questa sfera. Tuttavia, non... more

Abstract. Nel dibattito sulla prova specialistica, in particolare scientifica, si evoca spesso una formula, “Iudex peritus peritorum”, per rendere l’idea dell’autonomia valutativa riservata al giudice anche in questa sfera. Tuttavia, non solo l’idea si particolarizza in varianti molteplici e difficili da discernere, ma neppure è chiaro quali di esse siano compatibili con l’epistemologia giudiziaria accolta nel nostro sistema penale. Il presente saggio tenta di affrontare entrambi i problemi. Dopo aver illustrato le grandi articolazioni del ragionamento probatorio specialistico, nonché i principali modi in cui il giudice può contribuire al suo svolgimento, esso sottopone a critica questi ultimi, considerati come altrettante immagini del iudex peritus peritorum.
Abstract. In the debate on the specialized evidence, especially on the scientific one, the formula “Iudex peritus peritorum” is often evoked to express the idea of the evaluation autonomy reserved to the judge also in this sphere. However, not only does the idea differentiate itself into multiple and difficult to discern variants, but it is not even clear which of them are compatible with the judicial epistemology accepted in our criminal system. This essay attempts to address both problems. Having illustrated the great articulations of the specialized evidential reasoning and the main ways in which the judge can contribute to its development, it critically scrutinizes the latter, considered as many images of the iudex peritus peritorum.

The alkaline disturbance of clayey rocks in contact with cementitious materials is an important task in safety performance studies of deep geological storage for high-level radioactive wastes in France. In this purpose, the Institute for... more

The alkaline disturbance of clayey rocks in contact with cementitious materials is an important task in safety performance studies of deep geological storage for high-level radioactive wastes in France. In this purpose, the Institute for Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) and the Scientific Research National Center (CNRS) have developed a research program in the Tournemire experimental platform (France). This program,

Cave diving is one of the most technical and potential dangerous forms of diving done today. It may involve use of multiple tanks, regulators and gas mixtures or rebreathers, in combination with powerful long-range diver propulsion... more

Cave diving is one of the most technical and potential dangerous forms of diving done today. It may involve use of multiple tanks, regulators and gas mixtures or rebreathers, in combination with powerful long-range diver propulsion vehicles, to penetrate thousands of meters into submerged cave systems where direct ascent to the surface in the case of emergencies is impossible. In order to carry out scientific studies under such difficult conditions, individuals must be highly competent and experienced cave divers. In spite of these problems, numerous scientific investigations in the fields of biology, ecology, microbiology, geology, hydrology and archaeology have carried out by cave diving scientists. Exploratory cave divers have provided the initial impetus for this research by exploring and mapping underwater caves.

Despite increased attention to methodological rigor in education research, the field has focused heavily on experimental design and not on the merit of replicating important results. The present study analyzed the complete publication... more

Despite increased attention to methodological rigor in education research, the field has focused heavily on experimental design and not on the merit of replicating important results. The present study analyzed the complete publication history of the current top 100 education journals ranked by 5-year impact factor and found that only 0.13% of education articles were replications. Contrary to previous findings in medicine, but similar to psychology, the majority of education replications successfully replicated the original studies. However, replications were significantly less likely to be successful when there was no overlap in authorship between the original and replicating articles. The results emphasize the importance of third-party, direct replications in helping education research improve its ability to shape education policy and practice.

Recent progress in scientific research has facilitated accurate genetic and neuropathological diagnosis of congenital myopathies. However, given their relatively low incidence, congenital myopathies remain unfamiliar to the majority of... more

Recent progress in scientific research has facilitated accurate genetic and neuropathological diagnosis of congenital myopathies. However, given their relatively low incidence, congenital myopathies remain unfamiliar to the majority of care providers, and the levels of patient care are extremely variable. This consensus statement aims to provide care guidelines for congenital myopathies. The International Standard of Care Committee for Congenital Myopathies worked through frequent e-mail correspondences, periodic conference calls, 2 rounds of online surveys, and a 3-day workshop to achieve a consensus for diagnostic and clinical care recommendations. The committee includes 59 members from 10 medical disciplines. They are organized into 5 working groups: genetics/diagnosis, neurology, pulmonology, gastroenterology/nutrition/speech/oral care, and orthopedics/rehabilitation. In each care area the authors summarize the committee's recommendations for symptom assessments and therape...

This study analyzes the age profile of scientific employees and its relation to personnel costs and scientific productivity within eight faculties at the University of Vienna. The age demography can overall be divided into two main... more

This study analyzes the age profile of scientific employees and its relation to personnel costs and scientific productivity within eight faculties at the University of Vienna. The age demography can overall be divided into two main categories: Category one faculties represent an increased number of younger aged researchers (Catholic-, Protestant Theology, Law, Economics, Information Sciences, and Medicine), category two faculties show an increased number of older aged researchers (Social Sciences, Humanities, and Science). In addition, it can be demonstrated that the personnel costs for full professors are higher within four faculties (Catholic-, Protestant Theology, Law, and Economics and Information Sciences). Inevitably, this leads to savings for habilitated and non- habilitated researchers at these faculties. The faculty of Medicine represents a well-balanced use of personnel costs. Three faculties (Social Sciences, Humanities, and Sciences) have to pay dramatically more for their older aged habilitated and non-habilitated personnel. For the entire university and two faculties, Medicine and Humanities, a positive and significant relationship between age and the average weekly teaching performance is shown. This study suggests that institutions with a high percentage of older researchers, mainly in the categories of habilitated and non- habilitated personnel, must change their policy to become more flexible and attractive for new talented young people. Due to the fact, that this cannot only be realized through the introduction of new laws, each faculty must establish a scientific plan combined with reorganizations of the personnel structure and personnel costs.

The SOFIA and SIRTF EPO Programs have partnered with the Conceptual Astronomy and Physics Education Research (CAPER) Team in designing, evaluating, and facilitating an online program for K-12 teachers to experience multiwavelength... more

The SOFIA and SIRTF EPO Programs have partnered with the Conceptual Astronomy and Physics Education Research (CAPER) Team in designing, evaluating, and facilitating an online program for K-12 teachers to experience multiwavelength astronomy. An aggressive approach to online course design and delivery has resulted in a highly successful learning experience for teacher-participants. Important aspects of the Invisible Universe Online will eventually be used as a part of SOFIA's Airborne Ambassadors Program for pre-flight training of educators. The Invisible Universe Online is delivered via WebCT through the Montana State University National Teacher Enhancement Network ( Currently in its fourth semester, the course has served 115 K-12 teachers. This distance learning online class presents our search for astronomical origins and provides an enhanced understanding of how astronomers use all energies of light to unfold the secrets of the universe. We cover the long chain of events from the birth of the universe through the formation of galaxies, stars, and planets by focusing on the scientific questions, technological challenges, and space missions pursuing this search for origins. Through textbook and internet readings, inquiry exploration with interactive java applets, and asynchronous discussions, we help our students achieve the following course goals: develop scientific background knowledge of astronomical objects and phenomena at multiple wavelengths; understand contemporary scientific research questions related to how galaxies formed in the early universe and how stars and planetary systems form and evolve; describe strategies and technologies for using non-visible wavelengths of EM radiation to study various phenomena; and integrate related issues of astronomical science and technology into K-12 classrooms. This course is being developed, evaluated, and offered through the support of SOFIA and SIRTF EPO Programs, two NASA infrared missions associated with the Origins program.

В статье анализируются основные проблемы, существующие в научной издательской деятельности, которые не позволяют в полной мере удовлетворять таким требованиям, как широкий охват аудитории, актуальность, полнота представляемой для... more

В статье анализируются основные проблемы, существующие в научной издательской деятельности, которые не позволяют в полной мере удовлетворять таким требованиям, как широкий охват аудитории, актуальность, полнота представляемой для опубликования информации и пр. Как возможный путь их решения предлагается использование издательской программной системы с открытым исходным кодом Open Journal System. Показаны основные ее особенности и преимущества по отношению к другим подобным системам.

This position paper serves as an introductory guide to designing and facilitating an action research process with stakeholders in the context of climate adaptation. Specifically, this is aimed at action researchers who are targeting at... more

This position paper serves as an introductory guide to designing and facilitating an action research process with stakeholders in the context of climate adaptation. Specifically, this is aimed at action researchers who are targeting at involving stakeholders and their expert knowledge in generating knowledge about their own condition and how it can be changed. The core philosophy of our research approach can be described as developing a powerful combination between practice-driven collaborative action research and theoretically-informed scientific research. Collaborative action research means that we take guidance from the hotspots as the primary source of questions, dilemmas and empirical data regarding the governance of adaptation, but also collaborate with them in testing insights and strategies, and evaluating their usefulness. The purpose is to develop effective, legitimate and resilient governance arrangements for climate adaptation. Scientific quality will be achieved by plac...

Abstract: Community detection is an important research topic in complex networks. We present the employment of a genetic algorithm to detect communities in complex networks which is based on optimizing network modularity. It does not need... more

Abstract: Community detection is an important research topic in complex networks. We present the employment of a genetic algorithm to detect communities in complex networks which is based on optimizing network modularity. It does not need any prior knowledge about the number of communities. Its performance is tested on two real life networks with known community structures and a set of synthetic networks. As the performance measure an information theoretical metric variation of information is used. The results are promising ...

Background: The scale and quality of the global scientific response to the COVID-19 pandemic have unquestionably saved lives. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has also triggered an unprecedented “infodemic”; the velocity and volume of data... more

Background: The scale and quality of the global scientific response to the COVID-19 pandemic have unquestionably saved lives. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has also triggered an unprecedented “infodemic”; the velocity and volume of data production have overwhelmed many key stakeholders such as clinicians and policy makers, as they have been unable to process structured and unstructured data for evidence-based decision making. Solutions that aim to alleviate this data synthesis–related challenge are unable to capture heterogeneous web data in real time for the production of concomitant answers and are not based on the high-quality information in responses to a free-text query.
Objective: The main objective of this project is to build a generic, real-time, continuously updating curation platform that can support the data synthesis and analysis of a scientific literature framework. Our secondary objective is to validate this platform and the curation methodology for COVID-19–related medical literature by expanding the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset via the addition of new, unstructured data.
Methods: To create an infrastructure that addresses our objectives, the PanSurg Collaborative at Imperial College London has developed a unique data pipeline based on a web crawler extraction methodology. This data pipeline uses a novel curation methodology that adopts a human-in-the-loop approach for the characterization of quality, relevance, and key evidence across a range of scientific literature sources.
Results: REDASA (Realtime Data Synthesis and Analysis) is now one of the world’s largest and most up-to-date sources of COVID-19–related evidence; it consists of 104,000 documents. By capturing curators’ critical appraisal methodologies through the discrete labeling and rating of information, REDASA rapidly developed a foundational, pooled, data science data set of over 1400 articles in under 2 weeks. These articles provide COVID-19–related information and represent around 10% of all papers about COVID-19.
Conclusions: This data set can act as ground truth for the future implementation of a live, automated systematic review. The three benefits of REDASA’s design are as follows: (1) it adopts a user-friendly, human-in-the-loop methodology by embedding an efficient, user-friendly curation platform into a natural language processing search engine; (2) it provides a curated data set in the JavaScript Object Notation format for experienced academic reviewers’ critical appraisal choices and decision-making methodologies; and (3) due to the wide scope and depth of its web crawling method, REDASA has already captured one of the world’s largest COVID-19–related data corpora for searches and curation.

To explore why some African-American smokers choose not to use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) when attempting smoking cessation. Semistructured audiotaped qualitative telephone interviews. Thirty-three participants who were enrolled... more

To explore why some African-American smokers choose not to use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) when attempting smoking cessation. Semistructured audiotaped qualitative telephone interviews. Thirty-three participants who were enrolled in a five-week cessation program were offered free NRT. Participants were asked to share their experiences and perceptions about trying to quit smoking. Data related to NRT perceptions were analyzed using an interpretive approach. Participant comments suggested two issues that may help explain why some African-American smokers do not use NRT when attempting cessation. First, many participants expressed concerns about the nicotine dose in NRT and worried that using it would increase nicotine dependence. Second, there was considerable discussion about NRT's ambiguous status as a "drug" (along with sometimes-unrealistic expectations for its efficacy independent of human effort) and concern about lack of control over drug delivery and absor...

This article presents the results of a qualitative analysis of 80 articles, chapters, and practitoners' guides focused on collaboration and coalition functioning. The purpose of this review was to develop an integrative framework that... more

This article presents the results of a qualitative analysis of 80 articles, chapters, and practitoners' guides focused on collaboration and coalition functioning. The purpose of this review was to develop an integrative framework that captures the core competencies and processes needed within collaborative bodies to facilitate their success. The resulting framework for building collaborative capacity is presented. Four critical levels of collaborative capacity--member capacity, relational capacity, organizational capacity, and programmatic capacity--are described and strategies for building each type are provided. The implications of this model for practitioners and scholars are discussed.

Under the stewardship of the Department of Education, recent acts of Congress confuse the methods of science with the process of science, possibly doing great harm to scholarship in education. An otherwise exemplary National Research... more

Under the stewardship of the Department of Education, recent acts of Congress confuse the methods of science with the process of science, possibly doing great harm to scholarship in education. An otherwise exemplary National Research Council report to help clarify the nature of educational science fails to emphasize the complexity of scientific work in education due to the power of contexts, the ubiquity of interactions, and the problem of decade by findings interactions. Discussion of these issues leads to the conclusion that educational science is unusually hard to do and that the government may not be serious about wanting evidence-based practices in education.

In the emerging world of technology, the transportation system is also progressing towards great level of achievements, one of such achievement is the new, updated and fastest transportation system named Virgin Hyperloop One, such... more

In the emerging world of technology, the transportation system is also progressing towards great level of achievements, one of such achievement is the new, updated and fastest transportation system named Virgin Hyperloop One, such technology is known for its very high-speed transportation technology. We can easily analyse it capability by knowing the fact that, It is capable of achieving the speed which is 4 times the speed of bullet train and double the speed of Boeing 747 plane. Such a modern system of transportation will start initialling to take its original structure in the year 2021. This modern technological-driven innovative system will help the people 'to stay anywhere', 'to work from anywhere', and 'to go to anywhere' from their native place with very much ease in the upcoming future. For such reason, the company set a goal to gets into a contract with Bangalore airport as well as the Punjab transportation department for actualization the scheme in India. Hyperloop is a brand-new grounded transport technology in development and implementation, which encourages various new corporation to come into existence, some of which are the already established techno-giants, it would see passengers move at over 1200 kilometres each hour in a very fast floating pod. Hyperloop will be cheaper and faster than train or automobile travel, and will produce almost no any polluting substances in the environment. Hyperloop would possibly therefore be accustomed take the pressure off gridlocked roads, making travel between cities easier, and probably unlocking major economic benefits for India. We can easily analyse the captive abilities of this new transportation system with the fact that it can complete the 3 hours of journey in just 35 minutes of time. And it’s not any miracle, it’s actually a reality. Virgin Hyperloop One is capable of transporting more than 200 million passengers every year, when it will start functioning in India. Such innovative and technology-driven advanced transportation system will bring various type of opportunities for the country India in the upcoming future, as such project will bring a very large amount of infrastructure-based investments from several corporates, that will directly or indirectly generate the employment opportunities for over 1.8 million people and it will also generate a huge amount of economic profit for India, which can be estimated over US $35 Billion.