User Studies Research Papers - (original) (raw)

A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is protected by encryption, making counterfeiting or double-spending practically impossible. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks built on blockchain technology, which is... more

A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that is protected by encryption, making counterfeiting or double-spending practically impossible. Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks built on blockchain technology, which is a distributed ledger enforced by a network of computers. Cryptocurrencies are distinguished by the fact that they are typically not issued by any central authority, making them potentially impervious to government meddling or manipulation. This study used the Scopus database to gain a thorough grasp of the Applicability of Bibliometric Laws and the Pattern of Growth Productivity in Cryptocurrency Research.

Multi-touch interaction, in particular multi-touch gesture interaction, is widely believed to give a more natural interaction style. We investigated the utility of multi-touch interaction in the safety critical domain of maritime dynamic... more

Multi-touch interaction, in particular multi-touch gesture interaction, is widely believed to give a more natural interaction style. We investigated the utility of multi-touch interaction in the safety critical domain of maritime dynamic positioning (DP) vessels. We conducted initial paper prototyping with domain experts to gain an insight into natural gestures; we then conducted observational studies aboard a DP vessel during operational duties and two rounds of formal evaluation of prototypes - the second on a motion platform ship simulator. Despite following a careful user-centred design process, the final results show that traditional touch-screen button and menu interaction was quicker and less erroneous than gestures. Furthermore, the moving environment accentuated this difference and we observed initial use problems and handedness asymmetries on some multi-touch gestures. On the positive side, our results showed that users were able to suspend gestural interaction more naturally, thus improving situational awareness.

Sources of information available via the Internet are increasing exponentially, leading to steady increase in the use of Internet for education and research. Since past few years, free online information sources like e-journals, e-books,... more

Sources of information available via the Internet are increasing exponentially, leading to steady increase in the use of Internet for education and research. Since past few years, free online information sources like e-journals, e-books, e-databases have increased considerably. Earlier, information and knowledge were passed by word of mouth or through manuscripts, and communication was a slow process. Today, it is passed from one individual to an infinite number of other users through a number of media and formats which makes rapid and widespread dissemination of information possible. This paper discusses utilization of online digital information resources by women research scholars of Sri Padmavathi Mahila University, Tirupati. Results show that 93.41 per cent of the research scholars are aware of the use of digital resources, and a high percentage of women research scholars (40.78%) are using digital resources for research purpose.

Understanding the impacts and consequences of information and communications technology in local communities through theoretical and practical approaches has long been studied. Among different types of technologies, mobile technology... more

Understanding the impacts and consequences of information and communications technology in local communities through theoretical and practical approaches has long been studied. Among different types of technologies, mobile technology suggests new opportunities for community informatics because a growing number of people across different age groups have adopted smartphones, which have become an indispensable part of people’s daily lives. Because mobile technology transcends the limitations of time and place, it expands the ways of accessing and interacting with local community information and lowers the barrier to participation. In this paper, we present our ongoing initiatives in community informatics including digital cultural heritage and local volunteer efforts mediated by mobile technology. We highlight how mobile technology, together with increased mobility, immediacy and social presence, shows a significant influence on local communities with respect to community identity, awa...

This article describes a series of experimental trials regarding the role of feelings in a museum context. These trials were carried out at Moesgård Museum in Denmark, and consisted of a series of additions to the museum’s permanent... more

This article describes a series of experimental trials regarding the role of
feelings in a museum context. These trials were carried out at Moesgård Museum in Denmark, and consisted of a series of additions to the museum’s permanent exhibitions. The trial set-ups were designed to provide visitors with the best possible opportunities for emotionally relating to the exhibits in question. Observations as well as qualitative interviews were used to study which effects the trial set-ups had, seen in relation to the permanent exhibition, and whether it was possible to trace
any effect regarding how the visitors experienced the rest of the exhibition.
The trials demonstrated that even very small efforts focused on creating an emotional response among visitors had the potential to create a greatly increased sense of relevance, empathy and interest in relation to the exhibits. It was also shown that space, and the sequential layout of space, also had significant potential for creating a sense of emotional empathy among visitors.

Automatically generating playlists of music is an interesting area of research at present, with many online services now offering “radio channels” which attempt to play through sets of tracks a user is likely to enjoy. However, these tend... more

Automatically generating playlists of music is an interesting area of research at present, with many online services now offering “radio channels” which attempt to play through sets of tracks a user is likely to enjoy. However, these tend to act as recommendation services, introducing a user to new music they might wish to listen to. Far less effort has gone into researching tools which learn an individual user’s tastes across their existing library of music and attempt to produce playlists fitting to their current mood. This paper describes a system that uses reinforcement learning over hierarchically-clustered sets of songs to learn a user’s listening preferences. Features extracted from the audio are also used as part of this process, allowing the software to create cohesive lists of tracks on demand or to simply play continuously from a given starting track. This new system is shown to perform well in a small user study, greatly reducing the relative number of songs that a user skips.

This article offers a first exploratory critique of digital tools' socio-technical affordances in terms of support for narrative creation by media researchers. More specifically, we reflect on narrative creation processes of research,... more

This article offers a first exploratory critique of digital tools' socio-technical affordances in terms of support for narrative creation by media researchers. More specifically, we reflect on narrative creation processes of research, writing and story composition by Media Studies and Humanities scholars, as well as media professionals, working with crossmedia and audio-visual sources, and the pivotal ways in which digital tools inform these processes of search and storytelling. Our study proposes to add to the existing body of user-centred Digital Humanities research by presenting the insights of a cross-disciplinary user study. This involves, broadly speaking, researchers studying audio-visual materials in a co-creative design process, set to fine-tune and further develop a digital tool (technically based on linked open data) that supports audio-visual research through exploratory search. This article focuses on how 89 researchers – in both academic and professional research s...

Now day's Social networking sites are very popular among the youth. The paper highlights how and what extend the user of State Library Odisha are use social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+).There are 83 no of... more

Now day's Social networking sites are very popular among the youth. The paper highlights how and what extend the user of State Library Odisha are use social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+).There are 83 no of response received from the user. It has found that Facebook (95.2%) is most popular social networking site among user of state library Odisha. The user of State library Odisha spent hours in Social networking sites. It is also found that, the users are well aware about Social Networking Sites.The users of the State library Odisha useSocial Networking Sites via Mobile 69(83.1%) rather than other devices like Laptop, Tablet, desktop etc.

In this article, the methodological aspects of a reception study on audio description (AD) are presented. Our hypothesis is that interpretative audio descriptions offer a better experience to AD users and we have tested it with visually... more

In this article, the methodological aspects of a reception study on audio description (AD) are presented. Our hypothesis is that interpretative audio descriptions offer a better experience to AD users and we have tested it with visually impaired participants in Catalonia. We have compared three different audio description styles: a denotative, a cinematic and a narrative AD style. Firstly, we present our experimental material: the selected film, Nuit Blanche (Arev Man-oukian, 2009), and a threefold narrative, cinematic and AD-oriented analysis to inform audio description creation. Then we detail the framework based on functionalist translation theory in which we defined our three AD styles. After that, we describe and discuss our experimental design: participants selection, questionnaires designed to get insights into the emotional and cognitive film reception, focus group interviews. The study is still ongoing but we can end the article with preliminary findings, which indicate that comprehension enjoyment and emotion are closely linked in the film experience and can be affected by the audio description.

Um problema detectado nas pesquisas de web survey é o crescimento das taxas de não respondentes. Para compreender os motivos pelos quais alguns respondentes optaram por não participar da pesquisa e como os seus contextos influenciam a sua... more

Um problema detectado nas pesquisas de web survey é o crescimento
das taxas de não respondentes. Para compreender os motivos
pelos quais alguns respondentes optaram por não participar da pesquisa
e como os seus contextos influenciam a sua participação, este
trabalho analisa o conteúdo de 1715 comentários, recebidos dos
recipientes de um web survey de grande porte. O artigo apresenta
inicialmente uma revisão de literatura sobre web surveys e faz recomendações
para o seu planejamento e desenvolvimento do questionário.
A seguir é apresentada a metodologia e a análise quantitativa
e qualitativa das mensagens recebidas. Os comentários se dividem
em dois grupos principais: os motivados por questões técnicas e os
relativos a pedidos ou oferecimento de informações. Os resultados
indicam que os problemas técnicos não são predominantes constituindo
8,8% dos comentários, e que o contexto institucional e área
do conhecimento dos docentes de universidades federais não influenciam
o tipo de comentário. Observou-se nos comentários que
a maioria dos não-respondentes pareciam ter a intenção inicial de
participar, mas, para eles os fatores de ordem pessoal, institucional
ou técnica tiveram maior ocorrência que para os respondentes os
levando a desistir. Numa análise final, os comentários mostram que
alguns problemas são mais difíceis de serem evitados por se relacionarem
com contextos pessoais, institucionais ou de infra-estrutura
tecnológica fora de controle da equipe de pesquisa, enquanto outros
são evitáveis e ainda outros requerem ações de esclarecimento apenas.
O trabalho sugere, para cada categoria de comentário, ações a
serem tomadas pela equipe de pesquisa para minimizar as ocasiões
em que o recipiente do web survey decide não responder à pesquisa
e compartilha a experiência obtida com a pesquisa realizada.

Filling stations are retail outlets where automobiles are refuelled, lubricated and serviced aside other retail activities, hence it creates few environmental issues. The aim of this study is to assess the degree of application of... more

Filling stations are retail outlets where automobiles are refuelled, lubricated and serviced aside other retail
activities, hence it creates few environmental issues. The aim of this study is to assess the degree of
application of environmental sustainability design requirements filling stations provision. The study
examined 50 filling stations out of the total population of 78 in Minna, using a purposive sampling method
that was based on filling stations with minimum of six pumps. A checklist that captured the studied
variables was administered on the selected filling stations that were divided into three zones. The data
collected was analysed using descriptive statistical tools in SPSS and the results are presented in charts and
tables. The use of plates was to show physical description of some of the issues observed in the study. The
results revealed over 90% of filling stations did not make design considerations for environmental
sustainability of the filling station at the design stage. The results also show that 84% of the filling stations
were situated on plots that were less than 50m by 100m which made it difficult to achieve environmental
sustainability within the stations. The study equally revealed that only 2% of the filling stations studied
made use of photovoltaic system as alternative source of energy for the running of the filling station. It was
also observed that the filling stations had the opportunity to adapt their station to environmentally
sustainable design features which should have helped improve the overall sustainability of the filling station
and it environment. It is recommended that the design of filling stations should adhere to the
Environmental Impact Assessment report and also ensure that the buildings located within them are
environmentally friendly through the incorporation of design features that support eco-friendliness. It is
also recommended that there is need for filling station owners and the architects involved in the designs of
filling stations to explore sustainability design issues in their provision in order to ensure a healthier and
safer environment.

In this article, we discuss the vocaloid pop star Hatsune Miku as an uncertain image, which embodies networks of fans functioning as cultural producers, making it unclear whether creative statements are affectively dialogical or function... more

In this article, we discuss the vocaloid pop star Hatsune Miku as an uncertain image, which embodies networks of fans functioning as cultural producers, making it unclear whether creative statements are affectively dialogical or function as entrepreneurial campaigning. Here we describe Hatsune Miku as an image that is not only desired by fans, but that itself desires. We critically debate the affective investments and distributed ownership in the attention economy in relation to the cultural phenomenon of Hatsune Miku, and consider the pop star to be continuously animated, produced, circulated and consumed by fans, while profit is channeled back to the company behind the image: Crypton Future Media. We further argue that this channeling has been enabled by new digital infrastructures, creating a risk that networks of fans’ affections and desires may be transformed and mutated into feelings that are entangled with commercial interests, thus producing uncertain images of desire such as Hatsune Miku.

This paper appraised the implementation process of Koha Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS) at the Babcock University (B.U.) Library, Nigeria. The software installation, data entry and data migration were successfully done and... more

This paper appraised the implementation process of Koha Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS) at the Babcock University (B.U.) Library, Nigeria. The software installation, data entry and data migration were successfully done and usage of the software began instantly. This study adopted a survey design using questionnaire as the instrument for gathering of data. It enumerates the experiences of B.U. Library in the implementation of Koha ILS using a total of 17 librarians and 24 technical staff that were part of the implementation program to illicit information. It explains strategies towards efficient migration of data from X-Lib to Koha, and elements responsible for adequate utilization of ILS. Analysis of data was only on challenges to the implementation program and strategies for successful implementation of Koha. This research was a result of the experiences of B.U. Library documented to support libraries. The software continues to receive improvement and upgrade by the user community worldwide. However, this research only describes the progress made and challenges faced on the implementation from June 2010. This research established no major problem since the implementation of the software at Babcock University Library. Library staff and majority of the library users have commended the decision of the University Library for installing dynamic software like Koha. Finding on Table 1 revealed that erratic power supply and insufficient manpower were bane for the smooth running of the software. It was also established on table 2 that ILS be incorporated as a course to be taught in the department of Information Resources Management (IRM) of Babcock University in order to train people who will manage the software. Moreover, 100% of the respondents agreed that seminars and workshops be organized. In addition, an effective collaboration between the ICT unit and the University Library was also seen as an advantage. This work was based on facts and experiences gathered before and during the implementation period. It elaborates the basics and suggests steps toward successful implementation of ILS. It is intended to serve as stepping stone for libraries especially in Nigeria that are in dare need to implement automation software.

The provision of information services to support teaching, learning and research has long been a major objective of libraries in higher education. The students being served by these libraries, specifically in Kenya, may consist of... more

The provision of information services to support teaching, learning and research has long been a major objective of libraries in higher education. The students being served by these libraries, specifically in Kenya, may consist of on-campus and remote user groups. This study set out to explore the library section heads' perspectives of the support services and resources meant for remote library users in selected public university libraries in Kenya with a view to recommending measures towards improving library services for this emerging group of library users. The study used a case study research design whereby qualitative data was collected using focus group discussions (FGDs) with section heads in four selected public university libraries in Kenya, namely the University of Nairobi (UoN), Kenyatta University (KU), Moi University (MU) and Egerton University (EU). The findings of the study are discussed under four main subject areas: services for remote users, physical facilities available for remote users, how libraries create awareness of their services to remote users, and policies and regulations that govern remote use of library resources. It is hoped that the study's findings will not only create awareness of the existence of remote users in academic libraries in Kenya, but will also open up debate on how effectively and efficiently this category of users can be served.

Applied Theatre in Design (Teatro Aplicado al Diseño) es una línea de investigación, denominada también Design Theatre o Design Dramatization (teatralización o dramatización del diseño) que explora la integración, dentro de los procesos... more

Applied Theatre in Design (Teatro Aplicado al Diseño) es una línea de investigación, denominada también Design Theatre o Design Dramatization (teatralización o dramatización del diseño) que explora la integración, dentro de los procesos de diseño, de ejercicios teatrales y técnicas actorales, juegos de improvisación creativa, métodos para el estudio de personajes y la construcción de historias (storytelling), técnicas pertenecientes a ámbitos como la didáctica lúdica, arte-terapia o psicodrama. Se articula en actividades de profundización teórica, experimentación práctica en ámbito educativo (enseñanza del diseño) y de formación docente/profesional. En base a las experiencias y los resultados obtenidos a lo largo de los años de experimentación (2013-2018), se ha ido estructurando una metodología proyectual y de enseñanza del diseño, centrada en la persona (person-centered design) y basada en la dramatización del proyecto: DesignDrama©. La finalidad es apoyar a los diseñadores en la comprensión profunda de los destinatarios de un proyecto, a través de una mayor empatía y el desarrollo de sus habilidades blandas. La metodología, en su versión actual, se divide en tres partes.

With increasing automation, occupants of fully autonomous vehicles are likely to be completely disengaged from the driving task. However, even with no driving involved, there are still activities that will require interfaces between the... more

With increasing automation, occupants of fully autonomous vehicles are likely to be completely disengaged from the driving task. However, even with no driving involved, there are still activities that will require interfaces between the vehicle and passengers. This study evaluated different configurations of screens providing operational-related information to occupants for tracking the progress of journeys. Surveys and interviews were used to measure trust, usability, workload and experience after users were driven by an autonomous low speed pod. Results showed that participants want to monitor the state of the vehicle and see details about the ride, including a map of the route and related information. There was a preference for this information to be displayed via an onboard touchscreen device combined with an overhead letterbox display versus a smartphone-based interface. This paper provides recommendations for the design of devices with the potential to improve the user interaction with future autonomous vehicles.

This study assessed the library services provided in federal, state and private universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Questionnaire was the tool used for data collection. The study population... more

This study assessed the library services provided in federal, state and private universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Questionnaire was the tool used for data collection. The study population consisted of 110 respondents from University of Agriculture (UNAAB), Abeokuta, 287 respondents from Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED), Ijebu-Ode and 215 respondents from Redeemer’s University (RUN), Mowe, given a total of 612 respondents from the three selected universities in Ogun State, Nigeria. Purposive sampling was used to select the universities and the respondents. A total of 612 questionnaires were administered on all the respondents and 403 questionnaires were retrieved and analyzed given a response rate of 70%. A descriptive statistical method was used to analyze the data displayed in tables and percentage while hypotheses formulated was tested using the Kruskal-Wallis analysis and Chi-Square. A pre-test of 65 questionnaires were first administered and analyzed to estimate reliability co-efficient. The instrument yielded reliability co-efficient of 0.866%. We therefore concluded that the instrument was reliable. Finding from the study shows that electronic information resources services, internet services and circulation services were the services fully provided and utilized by the respondents, as displayed on Table 3; while CD ROM services, online public access catalogue (OPAC), user education, selective dissemination of information (SDI) and current awareness were the services moderately provided. It was also evident from this research that reprographic services, abstracting and indexing and literature search services were the least provided as shown on Table 3. The result of the formulated hypotheses shows there was significant difference in the library services provision and services expectation by Academic staff of federal, state and private universities. The findings affirmed that service provision in any library is an essential activity. University libraries should ensure to provide effective and adequate services to match with the expectations of library users especially the academic staff.

This paper examines the impact of an augmented reality (AR) tour guide on users' art engagement. In a between-subjects experiment in an art museum, users' art engagement with a novel video see-through augmented reality guide was examined... more

This paper examines the impact of an augmented reality (AR) tour guide on users' art engagement. In a between-subjects experiment in an art museum, users' art engagement with a novel video see-through augmented reality guide was examined against user behavior with a book guide. The AR users' liking of art increased more than the book users', whereas the book users learned more. The AR users enjoyed using the application, and it helped them engage with art; however, they felt physical fatigue from holding the tablet and preferred interacting with a still image over the live augmentations. The users were concerned about the screen time the AR guide required; it distracted them from looking at the art with the naked eye, creating more of an impression of learning rather than actual learning. The findings call for more impactful AR applications with art as the focal point.

The information environment has greatly impacted on teaching, learning and research methods of higher education worldwide and India is no exception. The new technologies have facilitated smooth and systematic transformation of data into... more

The information environment has greatly impacted on teaching, learning and research methods of higher education worldwide and India is no exception. The new technologies have facilitated smooth and systematic transformation of data into digital format. This has changed the process of access, retrieve and
use of information by students and researchers. The purpose of this study is to examine the information seeking behaviour of students of two law colleges of Mumbai. To understand the information seeking behaviour of law students the concerned literature has been reviewed and questionnaire was randomly
distributed to get the responses. The study mainly concentrates on frequency of visit to the library, purpose of information seeking, computer acquaintance, amount of time spent on information gathering activities, problem faced in information seeking, etc. The results of the study reveal that books are still most heavily used resources by the students. Majority of the students are familiar with using offline and online legal databases. However, the students of both the colleges face the problem of information overload on internet and lack of skills to search information. Hence, the study recommends that formal users training programme shall be conducted to optimise the use of information sources and services.

The paper explores the research productivity of the Journal Vikalpa for the period of 2003-2012, which is indexed in the EBSCO on-line database. Various quality aspects of the 437 research articles published in the period were studied.... more

The paper explores the research productivity of the Journal Vikalpa for the period of 2003-2012, which is indexed in the EBSCO on-line database. Various quality aspects of the 437 research articles published in the period were studied. The study elaborates on various aspects of the journal such as year wise distribution of the articles, growth rate of articles, authorship pattern, and degree of the authorship collaboration, distribution of the contribution by institutions, country wise, length of the articles and geographical distribution of authors. The analysis of the data revealed that average growth rate of literature was 1.07 and moderate degree (.4234) of collaboration was observed. Further, research showed that average number of authors per paper was 1.7 and Single authored research articles constitute maximum to the total research output (57.87%). On an average 43 articles were published in each year during the study period. The maximum number of articles have been contributed by academic institutions. Further it is found that the Relative Growth Rate (RGR) of articles was found to be gradually increasing from 0.6931 in the year 2003 to 2.4964 in the year 2012 and correspondingly the values of doubling time of the articles was found to be decreasing from .9998 in the year 2004 to 0.2776 in the year 2012. The Study also reveals that India has the largest contributor of literature for Vikalpa Journal. Finally, the research productivity of authors of Vikalpa Journal does not obey the Lotka's law of scientific productivity.

The study investigated the ICT based library and Information services in Constituent First Grade Colleges affiliated to University of Mysore .The present study demonstrates and elaborates the primary way to learn about ICTs, the purpose... more

The study investigated the ICT based library and Information services in Constituent First Grade Colleges affiliated to University of Mysore .The present study demonstrates and elaborates the primary way to learn about ICTs, the purpose of using ICT enabled library services, to assess to what extent users are utilized ICT based library services and facilities, various aspects of Internet usage, favourite search engines, NLIST resources and services Suggestions have been given to make the service more beneficial in the library users. The aims were to examine impacts of ICT on motivation and related issues such as learning outcomes, behaviour, and attendance and to quantify any impacts where possible. The study also set out to consider the ways in which ICT can best be used by under graduate students to enhance motivational impacts for pupils, especially for those disaffected with traditional forms of learning. The present study aims to examine the ICT based library and Information services in Constituent First Grade Colleges affiliated to University of Mysore. The questionnaire method was adopted for the present study to collect the necessary data, keeping in view the objectives of the study. Total 236 questionnaires were distributed and 163 filled in questionnaires were collected back. The rate of response of 69.06 %. The collected data has been analysed using appropriate statistical techniques with SPSS such as chi-square test, mean and standard deviation for the analysis. The majority mean value of 3.28 SD being 1.66 I read e-Books of respondents110(67.48%) of students opine as 'Excellent', with a mean value of 1.59 and SD being 1.00. for Preferred search engine 20(12.26%) respondents use 'Annual Reviews' Use of N-List resources and Services From the analysis, it showed that our colleges should always embark on strategies towards adding more value to their ICT based library services. ICT based library services awareness program should be rendered to the graduate students at the very point of enrolment into the graduate studies for this will help the students towards understanding the need of utilizing the library properly and also appreciate technology more in their lives.

This study aims to analyze Kuwait University (KU) students’ awareness, use, attitudes, and satisfaction pertaining to e-books. Students’ views and perceptions were measured using an online survey questionnaire that was distributed in KU’s... more

This study aims to analyze Kuwait University (KU) students’ awareness, use, attitudes, and satisfaction pertaining to e-books. Students’ views and perceptions were measured using an online survey questionnaire that was distributed in KU’s colleges during the spring semester of the 2017-2018 academic year. The research design that was newly proposed by this study—information and communication technology acceptance model (ICTAM)— revealed several interesting results such as the following: (1) almost three-fourths of the students were aware of e-books and their uses in education; however, only approximately one-fourth were aware of KU’s e-books service; (2) more than one-third of students believed that e-books are broadly adopted into education whether as an alternative/companion medium to printed textbooks/books or supplementary materials for the classroom, and more than three-fourths of them had used e-books earlier; yet, only approximately one-quarter had previously used KU’s e-books service; (3) almost three-fourths of students from among those who had used e-books earlier and one-third of students from among those who had not used e-books ever perceived its ease of use; (4) approximately three-fourths of students from among those who had experienced using e-books previously and almost one-half of students among those who had not used e-books at all perceived its usefulness and effectiveness for education; (5) more than one-half of students from among those who had used e-books earlier, and more than one-third of students from among those who had not used e-books ever perceived its importance/significance for education and work; (6) almost two-thirds of students from among those who had used e-books before reported being satisfied with their experience of using e-books; and (7) more than two-thirds of students from among those who have already used e-books have confirmed that they will continue to use e-books in the future, and almost one-half of students from among those who have not used e-books of any kind reported their intention and motivation to use e-books in the future.

The sport it is present in any society and its specialization in one of these is equivalent to the social class and culture that is integrated, so in Mexico boxing is a popular sport. The purpose of the present study was to explore the... more

The sport it is present in any society and its specialization in one of these is equivalent to the social class and culture that is integrated, so in Mexico boxing is a popular sport. The purpose of the present study was to explore the information needs and information-seeking behavior of Mexican athletes and coaches in the sport of boxing. It is a mixed approach methodology and the data were collected from two sources: (1) quantitative surveys with 60 Mexican elite athletes; and (2) qualitative interviews with three key coaches who come into contact with elite athletes. The findings revealed is limited user studies in the sports community and in particular, among athletes and coaches of boxing were not been studied intensively. Other findings revealed the high need for information about combat techniques, diets and training injuries. In addition, those respondents were using various sources of information in fulfilling their information needs, including coaches, doctors, friends, videos, seminars, internet and manuals, although libraries are not a key resource to obtain information.

Praca bada szereg aspektów receptywnego użycia słowników przez Polaków uczących się języka angielskiego przy pomocy ankiet i eksperymentów z wykorzystaniem pseudosłów na próbie 712 uczniów i studentów na różnym poziomie. Słownik... more

Praca bada szereg aspektów receptywnego użycia słowników przez Polaków uczących się języka angielskiego przy pomocy ankiet i eksperymentów z wykorzystaniem pseudosłów na próbie 712 uczniów i studentów na różnym poziomie. Słownik dwujęzyczny używany jest średnio kilka razy w tygodniu, natomiast jednozjęzyczny prawie wcale, z wyjątkiem osób najbardziej zaawansowanych, u których stanowi on uzupełnienie słownika dwujęzycznego.

This paper appraised the implementation process of Koha Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS) at the Babcock University (B.U.) Library, Nigeria. The software installation, data entry and data migration were successfully done and... more

This paper appraised the implementation process of Koha Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS) at the Babcock University (B.U.) Library, Nigeria. The software installation, data entry and data migration were successfully done and usage of the software began instantly. This study adopted a survey design using questionnaire as the instrument for gathering of data. It enumerates the experiences of B.U. Library in the implementation of Koha ILS using a total of 17 librarians and 24 technical staff that were part of the implementation program to illicit information. It explains strategies towards efficient migration of data from X-Lib to Koha, and elements responsible for adequate utilization of ILS. Analysis of data was only on challenges to the implementation program and strategies for successful implementation of Koha. This research was a result of the experiences of B.U. Library documented to support libraries. The software continues to receive improvement and upgrade by the u...

This paper examines the sense of presence, attitude change, perspective-taking, and usability of a split-sphere, first-person perspective 360° video about gender inequality, in which people can choose to watch the narrative from the male... more

This paper examines the sense of presence, attitude change, perspective-taking, and usability of a split-sphere, first-person perspective 360° video about gender inequality, in which people can choose to watch the narrative from the male or female character's perspective. Sixty-seven participants were randomly assigned to watch (1) the video in 360° split-view in a head-mounted display, (2) the same film as 180° in a HMD, or (3) a flat control version of the video on a laptop. The 360° split view increased the viewers' feeling of personal responsibility for resolving gender inequality, desire to rewatch the video, fear of missing out, and feeling of missing the full story. The 180° video created the strongest sense of presence , embodiment, and understanding of the character. However , people with greater egocentric projection onto the male character felt less responsible for resolving gender inequality, particularly in the 360° split-view.

Personal Knowledge and Information Management (PKIM) as an integrated approach of three concepts: Personal Knowledge Management (PKM), Personal Information Management (PIM) and Information Literacy (IL) is more appropriate and... more

Personal Knowledge and Information Management (PKIM) as an integrated approach of three concepts: Personal Knowledge Management (PKM), Personal Information Management (PIM) and Information Literacy (IL) is more appropriate and comprehensive approach to these issues with overlapping and supplementary areas of interests. The theoretical basis and results of the pioneering empirical studies in the PKIM field, carried out in an academic environment, are presented in this exploratory study. The development and validation of the PKIM scale, is characterised. An analysis of subject literature, discussions with experts, students and statistical methods were used in creation of the PKIM scale, which is an original instrument for measuring a self-assessment of knowledge and information skills of students. The PKIM self-assessment of Polish students of Information Science majors and related specializations was high, but not as high as was expected. Master's students reported higher level of PKIM self-assessment than Bachelor's students.

In the field of information visualisation, Euler diagrams are an important tool used in various application areas such as engineering, medicine and social analysis. To effectively use Euler diagrams, some of the wellformedness properties... more

In the field of information visualisation, Euler diagrams are an important tool used in various application areas such as engineering, medicine and social analysis. To effectively use Euler diagrams, some of the wellformedness properties needs to be avoided, as they are considered to reduce user comprehension. From the previous empirical studies, we know some properties are swappable but there is no clear justification which property would be the best to use. In this paper, we considered two main wellformedness properties (duplicated curve labels and disconnected zones) to test which among the two affect user comprehension the most, based on the task performance (accuracy and response time), preference and eye movements of the users. Twelve participants performed three different types of tasks with nine diagrams of each property (so, in total eighteen diagrams) and the results showed that duplicated curve labels property slows down and trigger extra eye movements, causing delays for...

This paper aims to evaluate the use of Electronic resources (E-resources) by the library users of Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, with a view to examine the exposure of users to e-resources. Besides, it aims to highlight... more

This paper aims to evaluate the use of Electronic resources (E-resources) by the library users of Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur, India, with a view to examine the exposure of users to e-resources. Besides, it aims to highlight the alert services
offered by the library, most preferred format of the journals, awareness of E-resources, helpfulness of e-resources and
efforts made by the library for better E-services to their users. This study is based on a structured questionnaire; for the
purpose of this study, total 822 questionnaires were distributed among the post graduate students, research scholars and
faculty members. Of all distributed questionnaires, 412 questionnaires received back duly filled by the respondents. Various
statistical methods have been used for analysis of data. The result of this study is presented and discussed in this paper.