Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Research Papers (original) (raw)

Bloodstain pattern analysis is inseparably present in forensic genetics, crime scene investigation, the examination of evidence, and paper casework. It times of pandemic related to COVID-19 it is crucial to be aware of obstacles,... more

Bloodstain pattern analysis is inseparably present in forensic genetics, crime scene investigation, the examination of evidence, and paper casework. It times of pandemic related to COVID-19 it is crucial to be aware of obstacles, barriers, and threats that await every expert who deals with forensic biological material. This new situation is an excellent time to go back and point out what are the primary guidelines that reduce the contamination of evidence and increase the protection of practitioners and experts during their work. Some evident principles that exist during crime scene investigation should be used in a more safe environment. The main goal of this article is to show what is the primary indicator that will help to reduce the danger of contamination by Coronavirus Diseases (COVID-19) during the prosecution of work. Bloodstain pattern analysis is a vast discipline. Other experts can use guidelines that will be shown in this article. Numerous forensic fields can benefit from this information. Subjects such as fingerprint, trace evidence, ballistics, forensic genetics, an examination of the evidence on a crime scene or during paper casework, even handwriting during crime scene investigation.

W związku z ubogą literaturą na temat analizy śladów krwawych autor stara się przybliżyć pewne zagadnienia tej dziedziny kryminalistycznej i wskazuje jej multidyscyplinarny charakter. Główną metodą prezentacji argumentów jest analiza... more

W związku z ubogą literaturą na temat analizy śladów krwawych autor stara się przybliżyć pewne zagadnienia tej dziedziny kryminalistycznej i wskazuje jej multidyscyplinarny charakter. Główną metodą prezentacji argumentów jest analiza problemów praktycznych. Kluczowym wnioskiem opracowania jest, fakt, że enzymy mogą w niektórych wypadkach mieć poważne znaczenia dla dokonania poprawnej analizy śladów krwawych. Wydaje się być zasadnym rozwijanie dalej tej nauki w Polsce oraz częstsze jej stosowanie w praktyce.

Revista Skopein Nº 14 (ISSN 2346-9307), Diciembre 2016 - Febrero 2017. Contenido: Manchas de Sangre: El Análisis de su Patrón en la Escena del Crimen, por Marcella M. Sniegovski, Jewers M. Bortolatto y Fernanda Formolo. Delitos, Internet... more

Revista Skopein Nº 14 (ISSN 2346-9307), Diciembre 2016 - Febrero 2017.
Manchas de Sangre: El Análisis de su Patrón en la Escena del Crimen, por Marcella M. Sniegovski, Jewers M. Bortolatto y Fernanda Formolo.
Delitos, Internet y Redes Sociales: Perfiles Criminales en el Ámbito de la Cibercriminalidad Social, por Adrián Giménez Pérez.
Las Ciencias Forenses y la Medicina, por Eduardo Pérez Campos Mayoral, Rocío Martínez Helmes y Carlos Perezcampos Mayoral.
Argumentos e Inferencias en la Investigación Criminalística, por Sebastián Streuli y Aníbal R. Bar.
Skopein Presente! en el 4to Congreso Interdisciplinario “Inclusión del Odontólogo Legista en las Ciencias Forenses”, por Mariana C. Ayas Ludueña y Gabriela M. Escobedo.
Entrevista exclusiva a Marta Beatriz Maldonado, especialista en Odontología Legal.

The evaluation of any forensic technique is dependent upon the detection, observation, measurement and validation of data through experimentation. The credibility of forensic science has suffered in the past due to bad science. It... more

The evaluation of any forensic technique is dependent upon the detection, observation, measurement and validation of data through experimentation. The credibility of forensic science has suffered in the past due to bad science. It continues to suffer until this day as there hasn't been much change in methodology, application, practice and research. The work carried out by the criminal justice community during investigations in crime scenes has unfortunately been on the basis of a hit-and-trial method. Forensic sciences and especially bloodstain analysis need to move more towards a scientific foundation and standardization to have a better foothold in the scientific community. This article will review the components of blood, basic principles of blood detection like peroxidase reaction with hemoglobin and biochemical reactions behind the major serological tests for blood stains. The idea is to understand the effects that dilution and substrates have on the observed sensitivity of the tests. The limitations of these tests will also be reviewed and discussed. The intention of this research review is to present a careful and balanced evaluation of detection methods for bloodstains, and making appropriate suggestions for applying the research in case work, as dependent upon type of blood used in the research.

This Document provide full details on blood spatter analysis. This document reveals information pertaining to the types of blood spatter which is a potential to be found at a crime scene which involved the spilling of blood. The reader of... more

This Document provide full details on blood spatter analysis. This document reveals information pertaining to the types of blood spatter which is a potential to be found at a crime scene which involved the spilling of blood. The reader of this document will also be educated on the rationale behind blood and blood spatter.

Mitem jest wykonywanie szczegółowej analizy śladów krwawych na miejscu zdarzenia, dzięki czemu po kilku chwilach wiadomo dokładnie, co się stało, sekunda po sekundzie. Faktem jest, że ta dziedzina kryminalistyki, odpowiednio wykorzystana,... more

Mitem jest wykonywanie szczegółowej analizy śladów krwawych na miejscu zdarzenia, dzięki czemu po kilku chwilach wiadomo dokładnie, co się stało, sekunda po sekundzie. Faktem jest, że ta dziedzina kryminalistyki, odpowiednio wykorzystana, może prowadzić do szybszego rozstrzygnięcia danej sprawy. To dlatego analiza śladów krwawych jest chętnie stosowana w ramach procesu karnego za granicą, szczególnie w państwach zachodnich UE oraz w Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki Północnej, Kanadzie i Australii.

Currently, there are over a thousand unsolved homicide cases in Poland. Up to this point, numerous, mostly popular science, research papers have been focusing on the individual units in charge of these difficult cases. This paper,... more

Currently, there are over a thousand unsolved homicide cases in Poland. Up to this point, numerous, mostly popular science, research papers have been focusing on the individual units in charge of these difficult cases. This paper, however, is an attempt to represent the current state of investigations that were discontinued due to the fact that the perpetrators could not be found, hereinafter referred to as Cold Case Homicides. This paper depicts both the researcher's perspective and the statistical side of such conduct. Furthermore, it presents the first results of a pilot study conducted among the prosecutors, concerning the problem of Cold Case Homicides from their perspective, the possibility of cooperation with the academics, and their opinion on the idea of complex research, concerning the reconstruction of events in this specific area of crime.

The unique reddish blood stains on the archaeological cloth known as the Shroud of Turin caught the attention of several scholars, who proposed different hypotheses to explain the unusual blood color. To date, just few hypotheses have... more

The unique reddish blood stains on the archaeological cloth known as the Shroud of Turin caught the attention of several scholars, who proposed different hypotheses to explain the unusual blood color. To date, just few hypotheses have been tested experimentally, and the results are debatable.
In this paper we test the strength of two hypotheses (namely, the presence of carboxyhemoglobin and the long term influence of ultraviolet light on high-bilirubin blood) by the spectral reflectance of the blood stain regions on the Shroud and by color analyses of ultraviolet irradiated high-bilirubin blood stains on linen.
The relevance of these simple methods to the study of stained textiles is discussed.

Analiza Śladów Krwawych (AŚK) jest dziedziną kryminalistyki, która w najbliższych la-tach nabierać będzie coraz większego znaczenia. Przyczyną powyższego zjawiska jest intensywny rozwój nauk biologicznych i coraz częstsze wykorzystywanie... more

Analiza Śladów Krwawych (AŚK) jest dziedziną kryminalistyki, która w najbliższych la-tach nabierać będzie coraz większego znaczenia. Przyczyną powyższego zjawiska jest intensywny rozwój nauk biologicznych i coraz częstsze wykorzystywanie ich w procesie karnym. Krew jest jedną z substancji, które bardzo często są ujawniane i zabezpieczane na miejscu zdarzenia. Należy pamiętać, że oprócz informacji genetycznej krew może nieść ze sobą informację dotyczącą sposo-bu powstania danego śladu, dzięki czemu można dokonać rekonstrukcji zdarzenia. Sam fakt obec-ności krwi na miejscu zdarzenia/przedmiotach/ osobach, nie ma aż tak dużego znaczenia, ale istotą problemu może być, w jakich okolicznościach się ona tam znalazła, a na to pytanie odpowiada Analiza Śladów Krwawych. Obecnie stosowana polska terminologia, która pochodzi z lat sześć-dziesiątych, jest w znacznym stopniu niepełna i nieaktualna. Niniejsza publikacja ma na celu wprowadzenie czytelnika w tematykę Analizy Śladów Krwawych, przedstawienie i wyjaśnienie terminologii międzynarodowej, używanej w tej nauce, aby ujednolicić oraz unowocześnić obecnie stosowane polskie nazewnictwo. Artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie jedynie podstawowej terminologii, natomiast w przyszłości należy rozwinąć ten temat, poprzez przybliżenie charakterystyki poszczególnych śladów bardziej szczegółowo.

Elle a pour objectif de renseigner sur ce qui s'est passé et de définir la situation et les circonstances d'un événement sanglant en essayant de répondre aux questions « ou ? », « quand ? » et « comment ? » ➢ En déterminant : • le... more

Elle a pour objectif de renseigner sur ce qui s'est passé et de définir la situation et les circonstances d'un événement sanglant en essayant de répondre aux questions « ou ? », « quand ? » et « comment ? » ➢ En déterminant : • le scénario le plus probable à l'origine des traces de sang constatées • le nombre minimum de coups portés • le type d'arme probablement utilisée • le nombre de manipulations d'objets ensanglantés • la chronologie des événements sanglants • la position relative des protagonistes pendant les faits (victime, agresseur...) ➢ En localisant la zone de commission des faits ➢ En confirmant ou pas un témoignage ➢ En mettant en évidence des traces de sang latentes afin d'en préparer le prélèvement pour une extraction ADN (affaire Flactif en 2003)

Objectives: Traditional Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (BPA) estimates impact angles for bloodstain spatters by employing ellipses and an inverse sine. This approach is based upon a simplification of the stain formation process, and ignores... more

Objectives: Traditional Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (BPA) estimates impact angles for bloodstain spatters by employing ellipses and an inverse sine. This approach is based upon a simplification of the stain formation process, and ignores the physical properties of blood, and its intricate interactions with the target surface. This research presents a data-driven approach, starting from experimental bloodstain spatters. No assumptions about the shape of stains or about the relation between the shape and their impact angle are made a priori. Materials and methods: Experimental bloodstain data is gathered, after which shape variations are extracted by employing an Active Shape Model. A non-linear regression is then used to explain the relation between stain shape and impact angle. Results: Experimental results show that traditional width-length ratios may deviate from the assumed inverse sine. The proposed approach, on the other hand, closely follows the experimental data through its regression. Additional experiments have shown an increased accuracy on impact angle estimates for the proposed approach when compared to automatic ellipse fitting. Conclusion: The proposed method performs better than automatic ellipse fitting. The higher accuracy and faster and more objective analysis suggest that the developed model is applicable in real-life scenarios, and can provide a valuable update to Bloodstain Pattern Analysis.

The use of software analysis patterns as a means to facilitate Autonomous mobile robots (AMR) software knowledge reuse through component-based software engineering is proposed. The software analysis patterns for AMR were obtained through... more

The use of software analysis patterns as a means to facilitate Autonomous mobile robots (AMR) software knowledge reuse through component-based software engineering is proposed. The software analysis patterns for AMR were obtained through a pattern mining process, and documented using a standard catalogue template. These analysis patterns are categorized according to hybrid deliberate layered architecture of robot software: reactive layer, supervisor layer and deliberative layer. In this paper, the analysis patterns in the reactive layer are highlighted and presented. The deployment of the analysis patterns are illustrated and discussed using an AMR software case study. The reuse potential of these patterns is evaluated by measuring the reusability of components in the analysis patterns.

One of the most puzzling scientific problems of the Turin Shroud (TS) is the reddish color of the bloodstains, despite they are on the linen cloth since several centuries ago, to say the least. We do not know any other old bloodstain on... more

One of the most puzzling scientific problems of the Turin Shroud (TS) is the reddish color of the bloodstains, despite they are on the linen cloth since several centuries ago, to say the least.
We do not know any other old bloodstain on cloths that is still reddish in hue. This simple observation rules out “physiological” explanations and opens two different hypotheses: the bloodstains contain a mix of blood (as found by Baima Bollone and independently by Heller and Adler) and a reddish paint (as found by McCrone), or, in alternative, the blood marks on the TS were exposed to a unique factor that changed the blood chemistry.
As an example, Goldoni et al. proposed the hypothesis that the high concentration of bilirubin in the bloodstains on the TS could be responsible for the unusual color of the bloodstains after an irradiation of ultraviolet (UV) light suitable to activate photo-chemistry reactions of bilirubin. Bollone et al. proposed another hypothesis related to the presence of carboxyhemoglobin.
In this presentation we will detail two experimental results that test both hypotheses, to some extent.
In the first experiment we have irradiated fresh human bloodstains on linen by short UV laser pulses having the same intensity and laser parameters that allow a Shroud-like coloration and latent coloration of linen, and by continuous wave UV blacklamp with intensity below threshold for linen coloration. The blood had very high endogenous bilirubin level, about 8 times larger than the normal range. We have measured the RGB values of bloodstains immediately before and after UV irradiation, and 42 months after irradiation, to check long term effects, if any. This experiment allowed to test the strenght of the Goldoni’s hypothesis.
In the second study we have found tiny spectroscopic clues comparing the reflectance spectrum of the blood on the TS measured in 2015 just before the Shroud exhibition with the absorbance spectrum of carboxihemoglobin and methemoglobin. This comparison allowed to assess the strength of the hypothesis by Bollone.

The preservation of blood on ancient stone tools is often challenged. Here I provide a brief report on a presumptive test for blood residues, for the first time applied to stone tools from a Middle Stone Age context. The test is unique... more

The preservation of blood on ancient stone tools is often challenged. Here I provide a brief report on a presumptive test for blood residues, for the first time applied to stone tools from a Middle Stone Age context. The test is unique because it allows for in situ observation and recording of chemiluminescence during positive results for blood. The results presented here, obtained on an eleven-year-old experimental sample and on quartz points from Sibudu Cave dated to about 62 ka, further strengthen other reports of blood residues found on Stone Age artefacts. I also highlight difficulties and potential for future investigation.

A complete procedure for identifying the area of convergence of blood drops originated from a single static source is presented. Both for bloodstains lying on an horizontal and on a vertical plane a complete study is developed, based on... more

A complete procedure for identifying the area of convergence of blood drops originated from a single static source is presented. Both for bloodstains lying on an horizontal and on a vertical plane a complete study is developed, based on error analysis and on an opportunely defined joint probability density for the orientation of the horizontal projections of the trajectories of the drops. The method generates a probabilistic map for the area of convergence, directly linking the angles of impact, and their uncertainties, to the projection on the ground of the point of origin.

Bloodstain pattern analysis can be critical to accurate crime scene reconstruction. However, bloodstain patterns can be altered in the presence of insects and can confound crime scene reconstruction. To address this problem, we conducted... more

Bloodstain pattern analysis can be critical to accurate crime scene reconstruction. However, bloodstain patterns can be altered in the presence of insects and can confound crime scene reconstruction. To address this problem, we conducted a series of controlled laboratory experiments to investigate the effect of Lucilia sericata (Meigen) on impact bloodstains and pooled bloodstains in association with three combinations of common surfaces (linoleum ⁄ painted drywall, wood floor ⁄ wallpaper, and carpet ⁄ wood paneling). L. sericata fed from the pooled bloodstains and added insect stains through regurgitation and defecation of consumed blood. L. sericata formed defecatory trails of insect stains that indicated directionality. Defecatory stains fluoresced when viewed at 465 nm with an orange filter. These observations differed from Calliphora vicina insect stains because feeding on blood spatter was not observed and trails of insect stains were formed by L. sericata. The fluorescence of defecatory stains can be used as a method to detect insect stains and discriminate them from real bloodstains.

C onceptual design is an important, but difficult, phase of systems development. Analysis patterns can greatly benefit this phase because they capture abstractions of situations that occur frequently in conceptual modeling. Naïve... more

C onceptual design is an important, but difficult, phase of systems development. Analysis patterns can greatly benefit this phase because they capture abstractions of situations that occur frequently in conceptual modeling. Naïve approaches to automate conceptual design with reuse of analysis patterns have had limited success because they do not emulate the learning that occurs over time. This research develops learning mechanisms for improving analysis pattern reuse in conceptual design. The learning mechanisms employ supervised learning techniques to support the generic reuse tasks of retrieval, adaptation, and integration, and emulate expert behaviors of analogy making and designing by assembly. They are added to a naïve approach and the augmented methodology implemented as an intelligent assistant to a designer for generating an initial conceptual design that a developer may refine. To assess the potential of the methodology to benefit practice, empirical testing is carried out on multiple domains and tasks of different sizes. The results suggest that the methodology has the potential to benefit practice.

Like most other areas of Forensic Science, bloodstain pattern evidence interpretation is characterized by the overlap from various other fields of science such as physics, computer science, medical science etc. For example, fluid... more

Like most other areas of Forensic Science, bloodstain pattern evidence interpretation is characterized by the overlap from various other fields of science such as physics, computer science, medical science etc. For example, fluid mechanics particularly explains the forces that lead to the formation of a particular bloodstain pattern. Forensic Medical practitioners particularly work towards drawing the correlation between the bloodstain patterns formed and the wound formed on the body or head of the victim concerned. The paper studied hammer transfer stains in particular because of the easy availability and usability of hammer round the world. Also we studied effect of stain pattern in the crime scene. The authors are of the view that of the different types of bloodstain patterns, the most common stain patterns visible at the crime scene, particularly in the case where the victim is found to suffer blunt force injuries, are saturation, impact, cast off and transfer stain patterns.

Mémoire du DU de criminalistique de l'Université Paris Descartes

User Interface Patterns are not sufficiently explored at the Conceptual phase. Work in area of User Interface patterns is predominantly done at design phase but not enough work is dedicated to analysis patterns. This paper shows different... more

User Interface Patterns are not sufficiently explored at the Conceptual phase. Work in area of User Interface patterns is predominantly done at design phase but not enough work is dedicated to analysis patterns. This paper shows different examples of abstract user interface patterns and explores the impact of such patterns in the software lifecycle. Conceptual User Interface Patterns can be used for direct specification of device independent interfaces that can be refined using UI design patterns, or moreover, used to automatically obtain prototypes of the user interface specified in several devices.

Water Resources Information Systems (WRIS) present different types of problems during the data storage and analysis phases, related with the complex nature of the environmental data spacio-temporal phenomena. There are many questions to... more

Water Resources Information Systems (WRIS) present different types of problems during the data storage and analysis phases, related with the complex nature of the environmental data spacio-temporal phenomena. There are many questions to deal with, such as geographic representation of environmental variables, large time- series management,measurements and observations related with different hydrologic phenomena recording and the integration of simulations models to information systems. Conceptual models allow us to understand and simplify problems in a specific domain. These problems can be expressed through analysis patterns, which reflect conceptual structures of an application domain speeding up the development of the abstract analysis model. This model will be able to capture the main requirements from real world problems. This type of patterns, are used in the present paper to define conceptual microarchitectures that allow the appropriate representation of environmental informa...

ABSTRACT Objectives Traditional Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (BPA) estimates impact angles for bloodstain spatters by employing ellipses and an inverse sine. This approach is based upon a simplification of the stain formation process, and... more

ABSTRACT Objectives Traditional Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (BPA) estimates impact angles for bloodstain spatters by employing ellipses and an inverse sine. This approach is based upon a simplification of the stain formation process, and ignores the physical properties of blood, and its intricate interactions with the target surface. This research presents a data-driven approach, starting from experimental bloodstain spatters. No assumptions about the shape of stains or about the relation between the shape and their impact angle are made a priori. Materials and methods Experimental bloodstain data is gathered, after which shape variations are extracted by employing an Active Shape Model. A non-linear regression is then used to explain the relation between stain shape and impact angle. Results Experimental results show that traditional width-length ratios may deviate from the assumed inverse sine. The proposed approach, on the other hand, closely follows the experimental data through its regression. Additional experiments have shown an increased accuracy on impact angle estimates for the proposed approach when compared to automatic ellipse fitting. Conclusion The proposed method performs better than automatic ellipse fitting. The higher accuracy and faster and more objective analysis suggest that the developed model is applicable in real-life scenarios, and could provide a valuable update to Bloodstain Pattern Analysis.

Bloodstain Pattern analysis particularly deals with the reconstruction of dynamic bloodletting events from static bloodstain patterns. Bloodstain patterns often help to sequence events that might have occurred at a crime scene. It can... more

Bloodstain Pattern analysis particularly deals with the reconstruction of dynamic bloodletting events from static bloodstain patterns. Bloodstain patterns often help to sequence events that might have occurred at a crime scene. It can also be used to draw inference about the position of the victim/s, perpetrator/s and bystander/s (if any) at the crime scene. This paper is aimed at intricate analysis/interpretation of transfer stains produced by blunt ended objects at a crime scene. By way of experiments performed within a laboratory setting this paper attempts at establishing that hammer transfer stain or possible weapon transfer stain at a crime scene does not indicate that that particular instrument has been used to murder the victim/s. Also when blood drips over hammer and when a hammer falls under gravity onto a blood pool, the stain patterns formed are particularly different. This particular information under certain circumstances could particularly contribute to sequencing of events at a crime scene. Again, different blunt ended objects were found to produce similar transfer stain patterns. Hence transfer stain patterns should be interpreted in coherence with other relevant circumstantial evidence at the crime scene.

This paper introduces a novel methodology for the classification of ancient Greek inscriptions according to the writer who carved them. Inscription writer identification is crucial for dating the written content, which in turn is of... more

This paper introduces a novel methodology for the classification of ancient Greek inscriptions according to the writer who carved them. Inscription writer identification is crucial for dating the written content, which in turn is of fundamental importance in the sciences of history and archaeology. To achieve this, we first compute an ideal or "platonic" prototype for the letters of each inscription separately. Next, statistical criteria are introduced to reject the hypothesis that two inscriptions are carved by the same writer. In this way, we can determine the number of distinct writers who carved a given ensemble of inscriptions. Next, maximum likelihood considerations are employed to attribute all inscriptions in the collection to the respective writers. The method has been applied to 24 Ancient Athenian inscriptions and attributed these inscriptions to six different identified hands in full accordance with expert epigraphists' opinions.

Bloodstain pattern analysis can be critical to accurate crime scene reconstruction. However, bloodstain patterns can be altered in the presence of insects and can confound crime scene reconstruction. To address this problem, we conducted... more

Bloodstain pattern analysis can be critical to accurate crime scene reconstruction. However, bloodstain patterns can be altered in the presence of insects and can confound crime scene reconstruction. To address this problem, we conducted a series of controlled laboratory experiments to investigate the effect of Lucilia sericata (Meigen) on impact bloodstains and pooled bloodstains in association with three combinations of common surfaces (linoleum ⁄ painted drywall, wood floor ⁄ wallpaper, and carpet ⁄ wood paneling). L. sericata fed from the pooled bloodstains and added insect stains through regurgitation and defecation of consumed blood. L. sericata formed defecatory trails of insect stains that indicated directionality. Defecatory stains fluoresced when viewed at 465 nm with an orange filter. These observations differed from Calliphora vicina insect stains because feeding on blood spatter was not observed and trails of insect stains were formed by L. sericata. The fluorescence of defecatory stains can be used as a method to detect insect stains and discriminate them from real bloodstains.

This work presents an infant cry automatic recognizer development, with the objective of classifying three kinds of infant cries, normal, deaf and asphyxia from recently born babies. We use extraction of acoustic features such as LPC... more

This work presents an infant cry automatic recognizer development, with the objective of classifying three kinds of infant cries, normal, deaf and asphyxia from recently born babies. We use extraction of acoustic features such as LPC (Linear Predictive Coefficients) and MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) for the cry’s sound waves, and a genetic feature selection system combined with a feed

During the 3 European Academy of Forensic Science Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, a meeting was held on Thursday, 25 September 2003, to discuss the possibility of establishing one or two Expert Working Groups within the European Network of... more

During the 3 European Academy of Forensic Science Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, a meeting was held on Thursday, 25 September 2003, to discuss the possibility of establishing one or two Expert Working Groups within the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI), to address bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) and/or body fluids. With respect to BPA, a key issue such a working group would address is developing one international, standard categorisation (or classification or nomenclature or taxonomy) of bloodstain patterns. Such a categorisation would: Provide additional rigour to the BPA process, to ensure the admissibility of the testimony of expert witnesses; Ensure that forensic reports produced by one BPA expert can be reviewed and assessed by another BPA expert, even from another country; Ensure that the labels for the categories of bloodstain patterns do not have cultural or linguistic biases, that is, ensuring that these labels are neutral and can be translated accurat...

In software developments, the simple succession of operations can easily be hard-coded. However, to control event driven systems, applications must conform to a well-defined sequence of operations, even simultaneous ones, that depends on... more

In software developments, the simple succession of operations can easily be hard-coded. However, to control event driven systems, applications must conform to a well-defined sequence of operations, even simultaneous ones, that depends on a variable environment, on time constraints and on synchronization constraints between several sequences. In that kind of applications, too complex intertwined conditional statements must be avoided as well as blocking wait operations. Conditional statements quickly become complex and thus incomprehensible, particularly when several actions must be done simultaneously, whereas wait statements force all the application in a blocked state. Tasks can provide a solution for these kinds of problems. However, difficulties appear when no tasks support is provided by the chosen programming languages, when the number of parallel working tasks is limited, or when describing and implementing synchronization mechanisms are too complex. Moreover, the global beha...

This work presents an infant cry automatic recognizer development, with the objective of classifying three kinds of infant cries, normal, deaf and asphyxia from recently born babies. We use extraction of acoustic features such as LPC... more

This work presents an infant cry automatic recognizer development, with the objective of classifying three kinds of infant cries, normal, deaf and asphyxia from recently born babies. We use extraction of acoustic features such as LPC (Linear Predictive Coefficients) and MFCC (Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) for the cry’s sound waves, and a genetic feature selection system combined with a feed

Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to understand how consumers in three countries (Mexico, South Korea, and Japan) perceive a US global brand versus domestic brands and their marketing efforts. There has been an increasing number of... more

Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to understand how consumers in three countries (Mexico, South Korea, and Japan) perceive a US global brand versus domestic brands and their marketing efforts. There has been an increasing number of global brands and ...

User Interface Patterns are not sufficiently explored at the Conceptual phase. Work in area of User Interface patterns is predominantly done at design phase but not enough work is dedicated to analysis patterns. This paper shows different... more

User Interface Patterns are not sufficiently explored at the Conceptual phase. Work in area of User Interface patterns is predominantly done at design phase but not enough work is dedicated to analysis patterns. This paper shows different examples of abstract user interface patterns and explores the impact of such patterns in the software lifecycle. Conceptual User Interface Patterns can be used for direct specification of device independent interfaces that can be refined using UI design patterns, or moreover, used to automatically obtain prototypes of the user interface specified in several devices.

Visual analytics tools provide powerful visual representations in order to support the sense-making process. In this process, analysts typically iterate through sequences of steps many times, varying parameters each time. Few visual... more

Visual analytics tools provide powerful visual representations in order to support the sense-making process. In this process, analysts typically iterate through sequences of steps many times, varying parameters each time. Few visual analytics tools support this process well, nor do they provide support for visualizing and understanding the analysis process itself. To help analysts understand, explore, reference, and reuse their analysis process, we present a visual analytics system named CzSaw (See-Saw) that provides an editable and re-playable history navigation channel in addition to multiple visual representations of document collections and the entities within them (in a manner inspired by Jigsaw). Conventional history navigation tools range from basic undo and redo to branching timelines of user actions. In CzSaw’s approach to this, first, user interactions are translated into a script language that drives the underlying scripting-driven propagation system. The latter allows an...

This comparative review highlights the relationships between the disciplines of bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) in forensics and that of fluid dynamics (FD) in the physical sciences. In both the BPA and FD communities, scientists study... more

This comparative review highlights the relationships between the disciplines of bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) in forensics and that of fluid dynamics (FD) in the physical sciences. In both the BPA and FD communities, scientists study the motion and phase change of a liquid in contact with air, or with other liquids or solids. Five aspects of BPA related to FD are discussed: the physical forces driving the motion of blood as a fluid; the generation of the drops; their flight in the air; their impact on solid or liquid surfaces; and the production of stains. For each of these topics, the relevant literature from the BPA community and from the FD community is reviewed. Comments are provided on opportunities for joint BPA and FD research, and on the development of novel FD-based tools and methods for BPA. Also, the use of dimensionless numbers is proposed to inform BPA analyses.

This paper applies linear mixed model and pattern analyses to 122 on-farm trials of commercial and near-commercial sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids grown over 15 years in 32 locations of central Argentina to determine the... more

This paper applies linear mixed model and pattern analyses to 122 on-farm trials of commercial and near-commercial sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrids grown over 15 years in 32 locations of central Argentina to determine the contributions of change in characteristics of germplasm pools to increases in oil yield. The 'Relative Peak Performance' (best linear unbiased predictors, BLUPs) of 49 hybrids released for the conventional market between 1983 and 2005 showed genetic gains of 11.9 kg ha À1 year À1 , 0.19% year À1 and 16.1 kg ha À1 year À1 for oil yield, grain-oil concentration and grain yield, respectively. Oil yield improvement was consistent across three market segments and a biplot of genotypeby-attribute BLUPs summarised 20 years of breeding to demonstrate how the merging of two germplasm pools of differing maturity, achene type and grain-oil concentration resulted in step-wise improvements in grain yield and grain-oil concentration and a move toward an intermediate maturity. The analysis of general combining ability within a breeding program shows that the female and male germplasm pools were improved in different ways over time. On the female side, much of this improvement was to encompass different combinations of the determining traits of oil yield, while on the male side the improvement was more linear in terms of exploitation of genotypic variance for oil yield per se.

ForensiX HUB Italia nasce dalla sinergia di professionisti di differenti rami delle scienze forensi che, credendo nell'interdisciplinarietà e nel lavoro di squadra, hanno deciso di unirsi e offrire un servizio a 360°. Affidandosi a noi,... more

ForensiX HUB Italia nasce dalla sinergia di professionisti di differenti rami delle scienze forensi che, credendo nell'interdisciplinarietà e nel lavoro di squadra, hanno deciso di unirsi e offrire un servizio a 360°. Affidandosi a noi, il cliente avrà a disposizione esperti nelle varie discipline forensi, in modo da poter essere supportato nella ricerca e nella valutazione delle prove, relazionando le varie discipline secondo il modello dell'esagramma cognitivo qui sotto rappresentato.

Muitas evidências encontradas em locais de crime, tais como as manchas de sangue, devem ser analisadas dentro de uma metodologia científica apropriada que possa reconstruir os eventos a fim de descartar ou confirmar hipóteses, descobrir o... more

Muitas evidências encontradas em locais de crime, tais como as manchas de sangue, devem ser analisadas dentro de uma metodologia científica apropriada que possa reconstruir os eventos a fim de descartar ou confirmar hipóteses, descobrir o modo de como ocorreu o crime, confirmar ou refutar um álibi ou um depoimento de um suspeito. Auxilia, ainda, na determinação de distância de disparo, posição do atirador em relação à vítima e posição da vítima quando recebeu a agressão, as movimentações da vítima e do agressor (Karger, 2008). Neste cenário, estabelecer protocolos com base científica, bem como dotar os Institutos de Criminalística de estrutura apropriada para tal desafio, é importante para desenvolvimento de Laudos conclusivos e de qualidade que irão auxiliar delegados, promotores e juízes a buscar a verdade dos fatos, diminuindo assim a probabilidade de erro das sentenças condenatórias, e convicção na absolvição. Como pontuou James e Eckert (1999), para as análises de manchas de sangue, deve-se evitar abordagens subjetivas durante as investigações criminais a partir de um cenário pré-concebido baseado, por exemplo, apenas em testemunho e confissões, pois, o benefício das ciências forenses pode ser contaminado por esse cenário e sua contribuição na busca da verdade dos fatos pode ser perdida. Não obstante, o Código de Processo Penal em seu artigo 158 preceitua que o exame do corpo de delito seja indispensável devendo ser realizado mesmo com a confissão do acusado. Além disso, estudos anteriores têm demonstrado que algumas metodologias de reconstrução de eventos, no caso, o método do barbante, utilizado para predizer a área de origem de uma fonte de sangue, superestima a altura da região de origem sendo este um erro sistemático associado a técnica (Atinger et. al, 2016). Verifica-se ainda que poucos são os trabalhos publicados sobre casos onde a reconstrução tem sido realizada. Visando demonstrar como ocorreu um evento de homicídio por arma de fogo em Manaus no ano de 2018 foram realizados ensaios objetivando determinar a distância de disparo; determinar posição da vítima quando recebeu o disparo; reconstruir e documentar manchas de sangue produzidas nos ensaios comparando com as observadas na cena do crime, bem como avaliar a metodologia empregada nos experimentos.

DESCRIPTION This is my MSc research that establishes a protocol for developing fingerprints left in blood on textiles.

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to understand how consumers in three countries (Mexico, South Korea, and Japan) perceive a US global brand versus domestic brands and their marketing efforts. There has been an increasing number of... more

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to understand how consumers in three countries (Mexico, South Korea, and Japan) perceive a US global brand versus domestic brands and their marketing efforts. There has been an increasing number of global brands and corresponding competition among global retailers. At the same time, markets in the world are becoming complex, and consumers in many markets demand localized marketing and branding strategies.Design/methodology/approachThe hypotheses are developed based on the brand analysis framework that consists of brand‐specific associations (emotional value, perceived quality), general brand impressions (brand awareness, brand image), and brand commitment (brand loyalty, purchase intention).FindingsThe results revealed significant main effects of country and brand type (global v. domestic) on brand‐specific associations, general brand impressions, and brand commitment. Interactive effects also existed on brand‐specific associations, general brand ...