Boarding Schools Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Краеведческая деятельность в школе приобретает особую значимость при медиаобразовательной поддержке. Подход к этой теме требует высокой ответственности и профессионализма, как со стороны учителя, так и со стороны представителей органов... more
Краеведческая деятельность в школе приобретает особую значимость при медиаобразовательной поддержке. Подход к этой теме требует высокой ответственности и профессионализма, как со стороны учителя, так и со стороны представителей органов управления образования, стремящихся контролировать ход данного процесса.
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- Media Studies, New Media, Media and Cultural Studies, Digital Media
This applied research project explores driving forces and critical uncertainties in the boarding industry in Australia and New Zealand. It utilizes research tools from scenarios methodology to understand the current drivers of future... more
This applied research project explores driving forces and critical uncertainties in the
boarding industry in Australia and New Zealand. It utilizes research tools from
scenarios methodology to understand the current drivers of future demand and
changes in the model and operations of boarding providers. This research forms the
basis for further study into the future of the Trans-Tasman boarding industry.
Furthermore, it provides background information for a complete scenario planning
project, should resourcing for such a project become available.
This research has accessed the opinions of a wide range of industry professionals to
gain insight and understanding to driving forces and critical uncertainties in the
boarding industry. The study is based on the hypothesis that the boarding industry is
on the cusp of a period of significant and unprecedented change.
Originating from the British boarding school model with colonization, boarding in
Australia and New Zealand quickly evolved into a long sustained niche market to
provide education to the rural and remote population. There are many factors driving
change in the boarding industry today.
The research identified a number of driving forces that led to an assessment of the
industry critical uncertainties. Many of these critical uncertainties have relationships
to each other. These interrelated critical uncertainties can inform further research
and areas of strategic priorities for the boarding industry.
The most significant factors in the future of the Trans-Tasman boarding industry
identified in this study are:
• Attraction and retention of trained boarding staff
• Changing parenting styles
• Increasing demand for boarding to bridge disadvantage gaps
• Increasing youth mental health issues
• Increasing expectation of provision of social and emotional learning via
boarding experience
Student boarders’ satisfaction has been regard as the most important indicator in evaluating student-housing quality and services. This study determined the status of students’ boarding houses in the University of Eastern Philippines... more
Student boarders’ satisfaction has been regard as the most important indicator in evaluating student-housing quality and services. This study determined the status of students’ boarding houses in the University of Eastern Philippines Laoang Campus. The respondents were students residing in boarding houses using universal sampling. The research design employed is a descriptive method, using a survey questionnaire, and the statistical tools used are frequency counts, percentages, and mean. Findings revealed that the respondents were in their late teenage years, there were more females, most were still single, majority has a family income of 5000-below, and most were BSEd. Only few completed the needed requirements, has a distance 1kilometer-below from the school, has 4-5 room occupants, has a monthly rental of 401-500, students’ boarders were allowed to used charcoal in cooking, additionally, open well as the source of water supply, almost all used manual flush in their comfort room, ...
Recent annual estimates suggest that in the United States, approximately 57,000 young people are placed by their parents into some type of residential treatment program. Parent pay programs are exempt from federal safety standards and... more
Recent annual estimates suggest that in the United States, approximately 57,000 young people are placed by their parents into some type of residential treatment program. Parent pay programs are exempt from federal safety standards and some states provide little or no regulatory oversight. Federal investigations revealed a nationwide pattern of institutional abuse across multiple facilities, and some professionals have noted 'cruel and dangerous uses of thought reform techniques' within such programs (U.S. House of Representatives 2007, 76). This article summarizes qualitative research based on interviews with 30 adults who lived for an average of 20 months within a 'highly totalistic' youth program. The concept of totalistic treatment was operationalized and measured with seven key identifiers found in the literature. Twenty-five different programs of four general types were represented: therapeutic boarding schools, residential treatment centers, wilderness/ outdoor programs, and intensive outpatient programs. To organize qualitative findings, three themes explaining the experiences, immediate effects, and long-term impacts of treatment help to reveal implicit meanings woven throughout the interviews. By understanding a wider range of experiences associated with totalistic programs, efforts to improve quality of care and strategies to prevent harm may be improved. Harm prevention efforts would benefit from the analytical perspectives found in theories of coercive persuasion and thought reform.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students can have their sense of belonging challenged by pursuing the education opportunity of attending a boarding school. This is exemplified in the current literature through reported experiences... more
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students can have their sense of belonging challenged by pursuing the education opportunity of attending a boarding school. This is exemplified in the current literature through reported experiences of loneliness, isolation, homesickness, and the feeling of being ‘between two worlds’. However, there is an absence of research that relates these issues with the established ability for architecture to influence occupant wellbeing. Few studies have focussed on the potential role of interior design in contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experiences of education. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to address this gap through a process of Participatory Action Research (PAR), in which data were collected by yarning and drawing with 27 current boarders (all Aboriginal people, 2 young men, 25 young women), 18 recent alumni (all Aboriginal people, 3 men, 15 women), and 7 boarding staff members (1 Aboriginal person, all women). Four major themes emerged that suggest a role for interior design in increasing student sense of belonging. These relate to the institutional characterisation of current boarding schools (Place Identity), an ‘all or nothing’ experience of social connectedness (Interior Architecture as a Social Atlas), the value of student participation in ongoing interior design actions (Spatial Voice), and the need for spaces that offer social and cultural relief (Third Space). From these themes, a new theoretical model for designing belonging is proposed - ‘the feedback model’. In this model, the built environment is conceptualised as a reciprocal storytelling tool for messages about identity and belonging. Although only a snapshot of voices is reported, it is proposed that the findings could have broader application to residential education settings.
This exploratory study examined perceptions of care quality within parent-pay youth treatment programmes such as therapeutic boarding schools, residential treatment centres, wilderness therapy programmes, and intensive outpatient... more
This exploratory study examined perceptions of care quality within parent-pay youth treatment programmes such as therapeutic boarding schools, residential treatment centres, wilderness therapy programmes, and intensive outpatient programmes. Reflecting on their personal experiences as youths, 214 adults reported on a total of 75 different treatment settings. Two indices developed for this study measured par-ticipants' perceptions of quality of experience and the totalistic programme characteristics of their care settings. Regression analyses and ANOVA tests of means indicated a negative relationship between totalistic programme characteristics and quality of experience index scores. Significant relationships were not found between quality of experience and forcible transport, intake decade, or the amount of time in treatment.
This Slide Presentation provides an initial overview of the Indian Residential School System and Gender Re-education Within. This is followed by a visual content analysis focused on the role of gender re-education as a means of aggressive... more
This Slide Presentation provides an initial overview of the Indian Residential School System and Gender Re-education Within. This is followed by a visual content analysis focused on the role of gender re-education as a means of aggressive assimilation. It ends with short conclusion of the inter-generational effects being felt today by survivors and their families.
Las residencias estudiantiles han evolucionado en el enfoque y visión que tienen de sí mismas en la educación. Los internados de los colegios adventistas no están excentos de esta evolución y deben mantener su propósito, misión y métodos,... more
Las residencias estudiantiles han evolucionado en el enfoque y visión que tienen de sí mismas en la educación. Los internados de los colegios adventistas no están excentos de esta evolución y deben mantener su propósito, misión y métodos, ya que se deben y trabajan en favor de la educación adventista.
Esta investigación pretende analizar y estudiar los escritos de Elena G. de White relacionados con aspectos de los dormitorios, para desarrollar una filosofía de los internados adventistas que resalte su misión, propósitos y métodos. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, temático y documental. Se estudiaron y analizaron los escritos de Elena G. de White donde ella hizo alusión a los internados, y se ordenaron de forma coherente y progresiva, siguiendo los principios de interpretación desarrollados por Knight y Timm.
Los internados adventistas proveen un lugar de residencia a los estudiantes con la atmósfera de un hogar que continúe la obra iniciada en el suyo y les ayude en su desarrollo integral, incluida la vida práctica, los proteja de las influencias del mal hasta que completen su entrenamiento, y les ayude a establecer una relación salvadora con Cristo. De esta forma lograr los objetivos de la filosofía de la educación adventista de manera eficaz.
Los dormitorios de los colegios adventistas ofrecen escenarios importantes para el logro de los objetivos de la educación adventista, permitiendo el desarrollo del carácter del estudiante, la inteligencia social, deberes domésticos y la formación espiritual y devocional. Por regla general todos los estudiantes de campus residenciales deberían vivir en el internado, a menos que vivan con sus familias o en hogares que les provean un programa similar.
This was the first-ever article to describe and analyze the possibility of a One-State Solution for Palestine/Israel from a Mizrahi positionality both in the Hebrew original and the English translation. Its composition -- like all of... more
This was the first-ever article to describe and analyze the possibility of a One-State Solution for Palestine/Israel from a Mizrahi positionality both in the Hebrew original and the English translation. Its composition -- like all of Lavie's writing about the Mizrahi feminist struggle in the context of the Question of Palestine -- has been fraught with all manner of relentless campaigns by those elements in academia that
would rather have Lavie and her research disappear. Needless to say that shortly after this article saw print in the Hebrew original in 2008 its analysis of the possibility for a one state solution for the Israel/Palestine conflict was appropriated and published without proper quotation or citation.
This study aimed at determining the influence of boarding schools to the very young learners. It intended to investigate how boarding school life influences young learners' social life, how boarding school life influences young learners'... more
This study aimed at determining the influence of boarding schools to the very young learners. It intended to investigate how boarding school life influences young learners' social life, how boarding school life influences young learners' academic performance, teachers' views on young children in boarding schools and parents' views on the young children in boarding schools. There are some best boarding schools in India Ecole Globale is best among them according to studies. The study used analysis of covariance where the influence of independent variable i. e boarding school life over the dependent variable of very younger children's school life.
Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang begitu cepat merambah kedalam berbagai aspek kehidupan tanpa terkecuali dalam bidang pendidikan. Teknologi informasi merupakan suatu upaya untuk menjembatani masa sekarang dan masa yang akan... more
Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang begitu cepat merambah kedalam berbagai aspek kehidupan tanpa terkecuali dalam bidang pendidikan. Teknologi informasi merupakan suatu upaya untuk menjembatani masa sekarang dan masa yang akan datang dengan jalan memperkenalkan pembaharuan-pembaharuan yang membawa kecenderungan menuju efisiensi dan efektifitas.
Suatu pembaharuan berjalan seiring dengan perputaran zaman yang tidak ada hentinya dan terus berputar sesuai dengan batas waktu yang ditentukan. Dalam hal ini kebutuhan mengenai layanan individual terhadap peserta didik dan segala macam perbaikan terhadap kesempatan belajar bagi mereka telah menjadi faktor pendorong utama timbulnya suatu pembaharuan dalam pendidikan. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, dalam suatu instansi atau lembaga pendidikan harus mampu mengatasi perkembangan tersebut dengan selalu mengupayakan suatu program yang sesuai dengan perkembangan anak, perkembangan zaman, situasi, kondisi dan kebutuhan peserta didik yaitu dengan melakukan inovasi agar eksistensi lembaga pendidikan dapat dipertahankan serta mutu pendidikan dapat ditingkatkan.
Inovasi pendidikan di sini mengandung makna suatu perubahan yang bersifat pembaharu yang berbeda dari hal yang ada sebelumnya serta sengaja diselenggarakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan Pendidikan Nasional. Dengan kata lain, suatu perubahan yang baru yang menunjukkan ke arah perbaikan atau berbeda dari yang telah ada sebelumnya.
Di zaman globalisasi ini makna inovasi terkadang salah diartikan oleh kebanyakan orang, baik itu kalangan masyarakat yang terendah hingga kalangan masyarakat intelektual. Sehingga apa yang terjadi, penerapan inovasi yang salah satunya dalam bidang pendidikan yang merupakan bagian sentral dalam menjalani kehidupan kita sehari-hari salah digunakan. Maka perlu ditanamkan secara mendalam pemahaman tentang inovasi itu sendiri, baik dari segi tujuan diadakannya sebuah inovasi, apa kekurangan serta kelebihan inovasi itu sendiri, komponen-komponen inovasi, manfaatnya untuk masyarakat apa serta bagaimana penerapannya dalam kehidupan sehari-sehari dan lain sebagainya.
Banyak Masyarakat mengetahui dan memahami sesuatu yang baru tetapi belum mau menerima apalagi menerapkannya. Hal ini terjadi karena mindset tentang inovasi masih minim, hal itu bisa kita siasati dengan mempelajari secara mendalam akan makna inovasi sesungguhnya serta segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan inovasi tersebut serta memberikan contoh lembaga-lembaga pendidikan yang telah berinovasi seperti yang telah dikemukakan di atas, oleh sebab itu penulis tertarik untuk melakukan sebuah penelitian ke salah satu lembaga pendidikan yang telah melakukan inovasi sehingga menjadi salah satu sekolah rujukan yang berkualitas yaitu dengan judul “Inovasi Pendidikan Pada Lembaga Pendidikan Bersistem Full Day dan Boarding School Di MAN 1 Lahat”.
Dalam buku ini mendeskripsikan metode pembinaan dan pengelolaan institusi pendidikan berasrama yang banyak mengambil contoh pada Institusi pesantren, Institusi pendidikan kedinasan dan Institusi pendidikan umum. Pokok-pokok pembahasan... more
Dalam buku ini mendeskripsikan metode pembinaan dan pengelolaan institusi pendidikan berasrama yang banyak mengambil contoh pada Institusi pesantren, Institusi pendidikan kedinasan dan Institusi pendidikan umum. Pokok-pokok pembahasan buku ini terdiri dari 5 bab yang akan membahas secara mendasar yaitu: Bab 1 Konsep Boarding School khususnya di Indonesia; Bab 2 Model dan budaya lembaga pendidikan berasrama; Bab 3 Metode pembinaan dan pembimbingan peserta didik; Bab 4 Evaluasi; dan Bab 5 Hambatan dan tantangan institusi pendidikan berasrama.
Anniversary issue of The Blueprint featuring: 1. 1971ers by Mukund Padmanabhan (Mac), erstwhile Editor of The Hindu, on his classmates at the Blue Mountains School in Ooty (including my recollection of him). 2. Masud the Musafir by B J... more
Reading is the first verse that was revealed for the Muslims (Surah al-Alaq; 1-5), Indonesia as a predominantly Muslim country in case of reading still at the low average. Based on the survey results of the Programme for International... more
Постојање васпитних завода, конвиката, интерната, домова ученика, и слично, односно установа за смештај, исхрану и васпитање ученика који не живе у месту школовања, обележено је вишемиленијумским искуством и бројни су инострани и домаћи... more
Much of the blame for the apparent failure of remote education is attributed to poor teachers and teaching. Teachers are said to be young inexperienced, they only come to remote places because they can’t get a job elsewhere, and they... more
Much of the blame for the apparent failure of remote education is attributed to poor teachers and teaching. Teachers are said to be young inexperienced, they only come to remote places because they can’t get a job elsewhere, and they leave after only a short time (the oft quoted time is 7 months). But research conducted by the CRC for Remote Economic Participation’s Remote Education Systems project tells a different story. The findings suggest that what matters in remote schools is not as much about the qualifications or experience of the teacher, as it is about the qualities the teacher brings to the context. That is, the data suggest that a non-local teacher’s ability to form strong relationships with local educators, other staff, parents and students is critical to their success. Their capacity for creativity, innovation, learning, adaptation, commitment, their dedication and their care for the students they teach, and their willingness to learn a local language all matter a lot to locals. While some of these qualities line up with Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, there is a lot more to a successful remote school teacher than their qualification level and their years of experience.
If this is so, the issues this lecture ultimately addresses, is 1) how universities can best prepare pre-service teachers for remote schools; and 2) how systems can better recruit and retain the kind of quality teachers that are required for the remote context.
La presentazione riassume le caratteristiche e le dinamiche fondamentali del Sistema Preventivo nelle diverse strutture educative: l'oratorio, come prima concretizzazione; il collegio salesiano composto dalla scuola e l'internato; le... more
La presentazione riassume le caratteristiche e le dinamiche fondamentali del Sistema Preventivo nelle diverse strutture educative: l'oratorio, come prima concretizzazione; il collegio salesiano composto dalla scuola e l'internato; le opere sociali sviluppatesi recentemente.
Letture di riferimento:
PIETRO BRAIDO, Prevenire non reprimere. Il sistema educativo di don Bosco, LAS, Roma 2006, pp. 351-376;
DICASTERO PER LA PASTORALE GIOVANILE, La pastorale giovanile salesiana. Quadro di riferimento, SDB, Roma 2014, pp. 176-177; 99-103.
Presentazione in prezi:
Islamic Boarding School is an educational institution that fulfills religious values and social intelligence through multicultural education. Currently, Islamic Boarding School pays less attention to the two concepts of religious values... more
Islamic Boarding School is an educational institution that fulfills religious values and social intelligence through multicultural education. Currently, Islamic Boarding School pays less attention to the two concepts of religious values and social intelligence. This study aims to explore the implementation of multicultural Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. The research method is descriptive qualitative. This research was conducted at the Darusy Syahadah Simo Islamic boarding school, Boyolali district, Central Java. This study involved the principal, Islamic religion teacher, head of the curriculum, the learning section, and students. Data obtained using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data sources are classroom implementation, school teaching materials, learning guide books, syllabus, curriculum, and lesson plans. The data were analyzed using a descriptive exploratory model, namely data reduction, data presentation, and interpretation. The results showed that Islamic Boarding schools played an important role in multicultural education. The multicultural values in teaching at Islamic Boarding School include tolerance, togetherness, democracy, solidarity, peace, love, respect, understanding, and apologies. The teaching and learning process must incorporate multicultural values into learning materials, methods, places, and assessments. Teachers must be able to place students as learning subjects in finding methods, locations, and assessments.
Development, Education, Multicultural, Islamic Boarding School,
This presentation was given to a Boarding Australia forum in Darwin on 30 May 2018.
There are concerns that management and financial administration as well as transparency and accountability of religious organizations are still less than satisfactory, and do not meet the expectation of the society. This issue is more... more
There are concerns that management and financial administration as well as transparency and accountability of religious organizations are still less than satisfactory, and do not meet the expectation of the society. This issue is more important in the province of Aceh, Indonesia in which this case study was conducted. The local government provides a reasonable amount of funds every year to support the activities of the Islamic religious organization, particularly for the Islamic Boarding Schools or called pesantrens. Even, the local government has established a special government agency to enhance the management of pesantren to undertake more effective management, either in teaching, learning or in financial management. Thus, the objective of this paper is to discuss the management and financial transparency of one of Islamic religious organizations in Indonesia. An overview of the case organization, management and financial transparency are also discussed in this paper. Several recommendations and conclusion are also provided.
This inquiry into the history of boarding schools for indigenous and quasi-indigenous, tundra-connected children in the Soviet part of Lapland tries to answer why children were sent to a boarding school despite their parents living in the... more
This inquiry into the history of boarding schools for indigenous and quasi-indigenous, tundra-connected children in the Soviet part of Lapland tries to answer why children were sent to a boarding school despite their parents living in the same village, and also why an additional school for mentally disabled children, a school half as big as the boarding school for " regular " children, was opened. Data from oral history interviews among former pupils and teachers, both indigenous and incomers, are combined with archival materials. Using the concepts of cynical knowledge as well as the Bourdieuan notions of social exclusion and reproduction, concealed functions of the boarding school system are identified, among which are the attenuation of housing shortage and the operation of the school out of economic interests, alongside with ethnocentric and paternalist patterns. The stigmatization of mostly Sámi children from relocated families as mentally disabled is set in a frame of individualization of the negative, which sought to present failures of the state's social engineering as personal fallibility.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to draw on the author’s research involving girls who leave their Torres Strait Island communities for boarding colleges in regional Queensland, Australia, and the academic, social and cultural... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to draw on the author’s research involving girls who leave their Torres Strait Island communities for boarding colleges in regional Queensland, Australia, and the academic, social and cultural implications that impede the transition process between community and school. While this paper discusses some of the research outcomes, its main focus is the unique indigenous research paradigm “Family+Stories=Research”, devised for and utilised within this project. This paradigm centres on the Australian indigenous kinship system and was implemented in two specific phases of the research process. These were: the preliminary research process leading up to the implementation of the research project; and the data collection phase. In turn, both phases enable the cultural significance of the kinship system to be better understood through the results. Because observations and storytelling or “yarning” were primarily used through both phases, these results also endorse the experience of the participants, and the author – both professionally and personally – without requiring further analysis.
Design/methodology/approach – The indigenous research paradigm and methodology unique to this research project implements the kinship system, allowing the researcher to access the appropriate resources and people for the project. Prior to the data collection phase, contact with significant community members in both boarding colleges and the Torres Strait Region was made. The methodology implemented for the research project was ethnographic and used observations, individual interviews and focus groups. The views and experiences of 26 past and present students, and 15 staff, both indigenous and non-indigenous, across three different boarding colleges were recorded.
Findings – Through both phases of the research project, the kinship system played a significant role in the ethnographic research process and data collection phase, which focussed on two key areas encompassed within the kinship system: “business” and the “care of children”. Stories from the researcher and the participants confirm the significant role that the kinship system can play within the indigenous research paradigm: Family+Stories = Research.
Originality/value – The paper introduces an indigenous research paradigm and methodology designed around two factors: family and stories. This paper brings to light the impact of the kinship system used within communities of the Torres Strait Islands and explains how this system advantaged the research process and the data collection phase by enabling the researcher to freely access stories specific to the research project.
Ресурс кинообразования в изучении краеведения на базе школы-интерната для детей-сирот поистине неисчерпаем. Фильмы увиденные, созданные самими воспитанниками и показанные ими сверстникам – источник ещё и формирования гражданской позиции... more
Ресурс кинообразования в изучении краеведения на базе школы-интерната для детей-сирот поистине неисчерпаем. Фильмы увиденные, созданные самими воспитанниками и показанные ими сверстникам – источник ещё и формирования гражданской позиции подрастающего поколения. Способность к многостороннему анализу медиа-ресурсов делает юных краеведов последовательными и невозмутимыми хранителями традиций своего народа, смелыми пропагандистами родной культуры.
This research aims to determine the implementation of boarding school management to realize Islamic education purpose in one of the boarding schools, namely Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta. The research method used is field... more
This research aims to determine the implementation of boarding school management to realize Islamic education purpose in one of the boarding schools, namely Muhammadiyah Boarding School Yogyakarta. The research method used is field research with a qualitative type based on data collection techniques in interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed a substantial relationship between boarding school management and national education goals in general and the goals of Islamic education in particular. There are efforts to achieve the four dimensions of Islamic education goals. First, Physical education discusses Fiqh and ushul fiqh lessons. Second, spiritual education with Islamic practices such as fasting Monday Thursday. Third, through religious studies, academic education is based on arguments and history of mujtahid priests such as Imam Maliki, Imam Shafi'i, Imam Hanafi, and Imam Hambali. Fourth, social education through joint activities both in dormitories at schools and in the community. Providing soft skills that help develop children's intellectuals with activities that include tahfidz (memorizing the Koran), language areas (mandatory English and Arabic language environments), speech, and others. Likewise, hard skills provisioning in the form of extracurricular activities for Tapak Suci and Hizbul Wathan. With the implementation of boarding school management, it's hoped that the school can achieve Islamic education purpose.