Entrepreneurial Marketing Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci yetiştiren akademisyenler ile eğitim alan öğrenciler için temel bir başvuru kitabıdır.
2013 yılının Mayısı ayında yayımlanan DSM-5 ölçütlerine göre ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili sunulan bilgilerin güncellemesinin de yapıldığı bu kitap, tüm dünyada pek çok üniversitenin psikiyatri ve psikoloji bölümlerinde ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır.
Kitabın her bölümünde, ilk olarak ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili vakalar sunulmakta, daha sonra bozuklukların klinik tanıları yapılmakta ve DSM-IV-TR’den farklı olan DSM-5’te yapılan değişikliklere yer verilmektedir. Ayrıca, DSM-5’teki tanı ölçütleri, bozuklukların etiyolojisi ve epidemiyolojisi, bozukluklar üzerinde kalıtımın ve çevrenin etkileri, biyolojik ve sosyal ve kültürel etkiler, en güncel araştırmalardan elde edilen verilerle harmanlanarak sunulmaktadır. Ruhsal bozuklukların tedavisinde etkili olacak terapi yaklaşımları ve ilaçla yapılan tedaviler hakkında da bilgiler veren kitap, sahip olduğu zengin içeriği ile eşsiz bir kaynaktır.
Anormal Psikoloji kitabının; profesyoneller ve öğrenciler için önemli bir rehber olacağına, yardıma ihtiyaç duyan insanların sorunlarının çözümüne, ruhsal bozuklukların tanı ve tedavisinde önemli katkılar sağlayacağına inanıyoruz.
Entrepreneurial marketing (EM) in SMEs is greatly different than the traditional marketing in large organizations. The higher education institutions generally instruct traditional marketing through orthodox and conventional teaching... more
Entrepreneurial marketing (EM) in SMEs is greatly different than the traditional marketing in large organizations. The higher education institutions generally instruct traditional marketing through orthodox and conventional teaching pedagogies. In consequence, the literature highlights the graduate entrepreneurs struggling in EM during the start-up phases of their small and medium sized entrepreneurial ventures, which is also causing many of them to fail and unable to contribute to the economy. To address this contemporary problem, the current study has used multiple case studies and triangulated its findings with a focus group discussion. The study has explored the EM challenges during the start-up phase faced by the graduate entrepreneurs who have exposure to both, higher education and practical EM experiences. After the rigorous analysis, four contemporary EM challenges due to the pedagogical gaps in entrepreneurship education are discovered. To overcome these challenges, a practical model of EM pedagogy has been developed that is grounded in, the recent entrepreneurship education literature; and the recommendations from the graduate entrepreneurs as well. The EM pedagogy model is practically implementable at business schools worldwide to produce high quality graduate entrepreneurs in the future, which are well-skilled to overcome EM challenges and survive.
Given the objective of better perception of concepts, the development of the Marketing Entrepreneur field in recent decades, this study aims to contribute to the theoretical field of Entrepreneurial Marketing. Has been prepared a... more
Given the objective of better perception of concepts, the development of the Marketing Entrepreneur field in recent decades, this study aims to contribute to the theoretical field of Entrepreneurial Marketing. Has been prepared a systematic review of the literature, particularly relevant to the development of conceptual framework, evolution models and empirical studies. The systematization of concepts presented can be used by managers in defining strategy and planning policies of EM. We intend to contribute to the clarification of their field of study. The overlapping of the theories of conventional marketing, as well as the issues indicated by entrepreneurship lead to the development of marketing entrepreneur, as a spirit, an orientation. It translates into a process of looking for opportunities and growth companies that create value noticeable by the customer, through relationships, innovation, creativity and flexibility. Given the scarcity of this type of study in entrepreneurial marketing field can the systematization be used by managers, contribute to the development of new concepts and be used for new lines of future orientation. This work appears with the aim of better perception of concepts, their thread in the theoretical field, its evolution in recent decades, listing a conceptual systematization.
- by Hélder Antunes and +4
- •
- Entrepreneurial Marketing
Article History Abstract Purpose-Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM) research has progressed rapidly over the last decade due to its effectiveness in highly competitive markets and uncertain conditions. However, the theory development in the... more
Article History Abstract Purpose-Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM) research has progressed rapidly over the last decade due to its effectiveness in highly competitive markets and uncertain conditions. However, the theory development in the EM domain is inadequate as yet. Due to this, the higher education institutions are also using outdated curricula to teach EM, as the new theories contribute towards the development of curricula. Thus, to assist in upgrading the EM curricula, we have examined the theory development over the last decade in the domain of EM. Design/Methodology-A systematic and in-depth review and analysis of over a decade's EM literature has been done. Findings-Five major yet specific gaps are identified, and accordingly, we have proposed future research directions.
Proces strateškog menadžmenta predstavlja osnovni fokus izučavanja discipline strateškog menadžmenta. Oblikovanje, implementacija i kontrola prihvaćeni su kao osnovni elementi procesa strateškog menadžmenta. No, postoje disperzna... more
Proces strateškog menadžmenta predstavlja osnovni fokus izučavanja discipline strateškog menadžmenta. Oblikovanje, implementacija i kontrola prihvaćeni su kao osnovni elementi procesa strateškog menadžmenta. No, postoje disperzna razmišljanja o načinu i pristupu osmišljavanja procesa strateškog menadžmenta. Različitosti u pristupu podrazumijevaju i različitosti u shvaćanju, ponašanju, odlukama, načelima i to dovodi do toga da se isti predmet istraživanja doživljava na toliko različite načine da postaje upitno govori li se uopće o istom predmetu. U moru različitih stručnih i znanstvenih sugestija i primjera škole strateškog menadžmenta predstavljaju pokušaj sinteze tih ideja i razmišljanja grupiranjem sličnih i srodnih pristupa u istu školu strateškog menadžmenta. No, osim toga znanstveni fokus obuhvatio je i samo izvorište različitosti- izučavanje strateškog načina razmišljanja o procesu strateškog menadžmenta. Strateško razmišljanje trebalo bi biti conditio sine qua non strateškog menadžmenta i preduvjet za početak oblikovanja procesa strateškog menadžmenta. Tada bi se metaforički rečeno, gledajući kroz iste naočale isti predmet istraživanja mogao dokučiti i strukturirani komponente svojstvene strategiji i procesu strateškog menadžmenta. Predložene škole i grupiranje ideja unutar škola strateškog menadžmenta predstavljaju subjektivni stav o logičnim i suštinski bitnim vezama odnosno razlikama među školama strateškog menadžmenta. Kriteriji raščlanjivanja škola su povijesni razvoj misli o strateškom menadžmentu (klasična koja objedinjava rudimentarne spoznaje o strateškom menadžmentu i suvremena kao zajednički nazivnik za trenutna usmjerenja i trendove u izučavanju strateškog menadžmenta) i uloga poduzeća u kreiranju svoje budućnosti (pasivna uloga poduzeća-društvena i aktivna uloga poduzeća-konkurentska škola). Empirijsko istraživanje prisutnosti i utjecajnosti škola strateškog menadžmenta u hrvatskoj poslovnoj praksi provedeno je na bazi teorijskih konstrukta četiriju predstavljenih škola strateškog menadžmenta. Na uzorku srednjih i velikih poduzeća Primorsko-goranske županije ispitane su najutjecajnije škole strateškog menadžmenta. Mjerne karakteristike upitnika pokazale su kako je upitnik pouzdan, a faktorska analiza izdvojila je tri zasebna faktora u okviru škola strateškog menadžmenta. Kako je u teorijskom dijelu bilo izdvojeno četiri konstrukta, istraživanje je pokazalo kako je uz statističku signifikantnost moguće izdvojiti samo tri konstrukta. Prema rezultatima istraživanja konkurentska i suvremena škola strateškog menadžmenta pokazale su kako se njihov sadržaj međusobno isprepliće i kako tvore jedan konstrukt. Prilikom mjerenja aritmetičkih vrijednosti je s najvišom ocjenom ocjenjena klasična, zatim društvena, a tek potom konkurentsko-suvremena škola. Aritmetičke vrijednosti su bile gotovo ujednačene što govori o prisustvu svih triju škola strateškog menadžmenta. Povezanost demografskih varijabli i odabranih škola strateškog menadžmenta pokazala se statistički signifikantan samo u broju zaposlenih kod odabira konkurentsko-suvremene škole. Pa, tako porastom broja zaposlenih ispitanici su manje skloni slaganju s tvrdnjama konkurentsko-suvremene škole. Buduća istraživanja u području škola strateškog menadžmenta zasigurno će krenuti u nekoliko smjerova. Prije svega potrebno je uvidjeti utjecajnost škola strateškog menadžmenta u drugim županijama Republike Hrvatske i vidjeti da li se rezultati dobiveni u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji mogu poistovjetiti sa rezultatima na razini države. Osim toga valjalo bi ispitati uspješnost korištenja pojedinih škola strateškog menadžmenta korelacijom financijskih pokazatelja uspješnosti poduzeća i odabranih škola strateškog menadžmenta. Isto tako valjalo bi ustanoviti načine kombiniranja škola strateškog menadžmenta u pojedinim poduzećima i situacije u kojima se koriste pojedine škole. Valjalo bi istražiti kontingencijske faktore koji utječu na njihov odabir. Time bi se približili razumijevaju korištenju škola u poduzetničkoj praksi. Nakon detaljnih razdioba, grupiranja i utvrđivanja međusobnih različitosti valja uočiti razvojni put sazrijevanja teoretika u smjeru kombiniranja, nadopunjavanja i objedinjavanja različitih škola strateškog menadžmenta. Studije su pokazale kako ona poduzeća koja su sposobna oblikovati proces strateškog menadžmenta samo na jedan način, postavljaju sama sebi ograničenja. S druge strane, poduzeća koja umiju kombinirati nekoliko različitih pristupa, mogu smanjiti mogućnost zanemarivanja događaja i omogućiti poboljšano djelovanje. Stoga pitanje koje se sada postavlja pred teoretičare i što predstavlja izazove u istraživanju strateškog menadžmenta u budućnosti je umijeće kombiniranja postojećih škola strateškog menadžmenta i osmišljavanja novih pogleda, kako bi sagledavali novim očima stare stvari i ponešto posve novo...
İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabı ile inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere reçete veriliyor. Adım adım ve yalın bir şekilde inovasyonun nasıl geliştirilebileceği konusunda önemli sırlar ortaya koyuluyor. Bu kitap, özellikle teknoloji odaklı inovasyon... more
İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabı ile inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere reçete veriliyor. Adım adım ve yalın bir şekilde inovasyonun nasıl geliştirilebileceği konusunda önemli sırlar ortaya koyuluyor. Bu kitap, özellikle teknoloji odaklı inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere yapılan hataları da göstererek uygulama ortamı oluşturuyor. Yenilik ilkelerini verirken startupların ve hatta büyük kuruluşların anlamlı ve sürdürülebilir büyüme konusundaki donanımını artırıyor. 2000'den fazla başarılı yeniliğin ortaya çıkışında önemli içgörüler sağlıyor.
Bu kitabın anlatım tarzında özel bir algoritma uygulanarak anlamlı gruplar belirlendi. İnovasyon fırsatlarını belirlemek için firmaların iç ve dış büyüme parametreleri ve performans değerleri, rakiplerini de devreye alarak şekillendirildi. İnovasyon odaklı performansın artırılabilmesi, önemli değerlendirmeler yapılabilmesi için özel ve hazır yol haritaları sunuldu. Endüstriler için de inovasyon modellerini teşhis edip yeni bir anlayış ve yöntem geliştirme imkânı sunuluyor.
Çevrimsel araştırmanın altyapısını vererek farklı ve anlamlı değişim ve dönüşümü düşündürüp kalıcı ve kullanışlı yollar uygulatarak kitabın ne kadar değerli olduğunu kanıtlıyor. Eğer kurumunuzda anlamlı ve sürdürülebilir büyümeyi inovasyon odaklı gerçekleştirmek isterseniz yenilik ilkelerinin detaylı olarak anlatıldığı İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabını okuyun.
Bu kitabın yazarlarından Larry Keeley'in tecrübelerinden yararlanmak büyük bir fırsat. Kendisi BusinessWeek tarafından inovasyon alanındaki dünya görüşünü ve paradigmaları değiştiren, yedi yenilik gurusundan biri olarak seçilmiş olup Doblin firmasının kurucusudur. Diğer yazarlar ile birlikte inovasyonun tasarlanması ve sürdürülebilir kılınması konusunda dünya çapında pek çok girişimciyi, yöneticiyi, şirketleri ve startupları etkilemiştir.
Entrepreneurial marketing is a new phenomenon in the marketing history. It displays a nexus between entrepreneurship and marketing. This study depicts why and how any firm uses entrepreneurial marketing instead of traditional marketing.... more
Entrepreneurial marketing is a new phenomenon in the marketing history. It displays a nexus between entrepreneurship and marketing. This study depicts why and how any firm uses entrepreneurial marketing instead of traditional marketing. Here, single case study is used as this case is considered unique and unusual. AKASH DTH is the new and only legal firm working in the DTH Satellite Pay TV industry of Bangladesh. This firm is using entrepreneurial marketing through the combination of digital marketing, content marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, interactive marketing, guerilla marketing, relationship marketing and viral marketing. This paper focuses on the practical application of entrepreneurial marketing which might be worth of future research.
The paper investigates whether women entrepreneurs in Pakistan go by the five principles of effectuation model of entrepreneurship. The study is qualitative in nature, using four case analysis of Pakistani women who have successfully... more
The paper investigates whether women entrepreneurs in Pakistan go by the five principles of effectuation model of entrepreneurship. The study is qualitative in nature, using four case analysis of Pakistani women who have successfully launched small startups. The case studies, developed at AMAN CED, IBA through personal interviews and primary data from the protagonists, have been obtained by authors and summarized for the purpose of this study. The authors are interested to explore whether the effectuation model of Sarasvathy (2001) and the five principles of the model are applicable to these businesses. The model has proved to be a bold paradaigm shifter in the literature of entrepreneurship as it challenges the traditional theories (termed as 'causation' by Sarasvathy) that stress that entrepreneurial decision making is a linear, logical process. In contrast, the effectuation model suggests that an expert entrepreneur makes decisions based on the available means and chooses effects that could be created with those set of means, following the five principles of effectuation. These five principles are: (1) experimentation or bird in hand; (2) affordable loss; (3) flexibility or lemonade; (4) pre-commitment or crazy quilt and (5) pilot in the plane. The findings of the study, thus, verify that all the four entrepreneurs discussed in the case shared similar pattern of entrepreneurial mindset and ardently followed the five principles, even though they do not entirely satisfy the definition of an expert entrepreneur.
The purpose of this study was to establish the significance of entrepreneurial attitude in Zimbabwean universities focusing on Chinhoyi University of Technology. Thus, the study adopted a phenomenological research philosophy and a case... more
The purpose of this study was to establish the significance of entrepreneurial attitude in Zimbabwean universities focusing on Chinhoyi University of Technology. Thus, the study adopted a phenomenological research philosophy and a case study research design. A sample was made up of 200 respondents. Semi-structured questionnaires and focus groups were used to collect data. The data was analysed using a Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) and SPSS analytical tables were used to present data. Accordingly, the findings show that entrepreneurial attitude is significant to Zimbabwean universities and that it also exists in universities as they are seen as seedbeds for entrepreneurial activities. Additionally, entrepreneurial attitude helps students to foster creative attitude and behaviour towards creation of innovation resulting in new businesses that leads to economic development. For that reason, the study recommends that modules in entrepreneurship and one in entrepreneurial creativity and innovation be introduced in all the universities in Zimbabwe and be compulsory to every student. Furthermore, the study recommends that universities introduce business hubs for nurturing students as this will help them to be self-reliant and, in the process, reducing unemployment and promoting economic development.
This paper analyses the theory of entrepreneurial marketing (EM), its evolution, and dimensions which are available to measure the EM. The EM theory was developed as an interface between the two major disciplines' of marketing and... more
This paper analyses the theory of entrepreneurial marketing (EM), its evolution, and dimensions which are available to measure the EM. The EM theory was developed as an interface between the two major disciplines' of marketing and entrepreneurship. Researchers, scholars, and academics have been debating and nourishing the theory of EM for thirty-year period. Initially it was considered as an ideal marketing concept and strategy to enrich marketing activities and business performance of small and medium scaled enterprises (SMEs). Today, as consumers, customers and marketers, we are living in one global village and experiencing different types of buying and selling patterns. This digital era facilitates us to experience the globalization and international marketing. So far, the global market is constituted with different types and sizes of business units and those business units together generate ultimate power to handle the market and its rivalry. At present it is being declared as an enthusiastic business development factor to reach progressive levels of business life cycles without considering the size of the business unit. The purpose of this paper is to analyze development of the theory of entrepreneurial marketing based on the past literature. It consists of three parts and basic information is described by the first part. Discussion of the development of EM theory and its dimensions are considered in the second part and the Conclusions of this study are presented in the third section.
Social media are increasingly emerging as a source of competitive advantage, as a means of reaching and engaging consumers, and as a source of consumer insight. This paper identifies challenges associated with the implementation of social... more
Social media are increasingly emerging as a source of competitive advantage, as a means of reaching and engaging consumers, and as a source of consumer insight. This paper identifies challenges associated with the implementation of social media as perceived by senior marketers. Using a qualitative thematic analysis methodology, we identify differences between entrepreneurial and non-entrepreneurial organisations in social media implementation. It is proposed that entrepreneurial marketing may provide theoretical guidelines for implementation of social media. The paper concludes with research propositions that will test the effectiveness of entrepreneurial marketing in overcoming the implementation challenges of social media.
Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify and measure the barriers to entrepreneurship in Lebanon based on one dependent variable and several independents variables. Theory suggests that there are four main factors that significantly... more
Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify and measure the barriers to entrepreneurship in Lebanon based on one dependent variable and several independents variables. Theory suggests that there are four main factors that significantly affect entrepreneurial inclination. Those factors are: social network, lack of funding, risk and hard work tolerance and economic and political stability. Social networks, relationships, connections, and contacts encourage entrepreneurs to start business in Lebanon. However, such business launching is hindered by lack of funding where Risk and hard work tolerance can affect as well entrepreneurship. Some people are averse to risk and prefer low risk situations, which may hinder entrepreneurship. Finally, economic and political stability can encourage entrepreneurs to start their own business. Design/methodology/approach: The survey based methodology scope: 100 participants took part in this survey data collection; university students, employees and business owners. The data analysis methods employed was multiple-item survey instruments; questionnaires, and secondary data, to identify and assess the reason that will encourage people to open a new business and become entrepreneurs. Data includes information on family background, education, as well as income. Findings: The paper findings revealed that there are several factors that prevent entrepreneurs from opening new businesses in Lebanon, which are Social network that encourage people to think seriously to open new business, Lack of Funds, Fear of Hard work and Risk, Economic and Political factors affecting new business.
The purpose of this study is to determine which entrepreneurial characteristics have a more significant influence on the business resilience of micro, small and medium enterprises in the Philippines and the extent to which they do so.... more
The purpose of this study is to determine which entrepreneurial characteristics have a more significant influence on the business resilience of micro, small and medium enterprises in the Philippines and the extent to which they do so. Entrepreneurial characteristics used are risk propensity, need for achievement, and locus of control, optimism, competitiveness, and innovativeness, while entrepreneurial resilience was measured using the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10. Convenience and snowball sampling technique was chosen with 160 business owners operating for more than five years and considered surviving participated and completed the survey. The data wereanalyzed using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and correlation. Cronbach's alpha was utilized to measure internal consistency and reliability. The results revealed that entrepreneurial characteristics, specifically innovation, optimism, and competitiveness, exhibit a strong positive influence on entrepreneurial resilience. Ways to strengthen the ability to withstand disasters and market challenges through developing programs and policies supporting small business owners aligned to nurture entrepreneurial characteristics are suggested to ensure the sustained survival of small business owners.
اهمیت کارآفرین و کارآفرین بر هیچ کسی پوشیده نیست. در قرن حاضر و پس از چندین دهه تحقیق و بررسی بر روی مسیرهای افزایش مهارتهای کارآفرینی، ایران قدمهای اندکی برداشته است. به زعم بسیاری از محققان و اندیشمندان، آموزش مهارتهای کارآفرینی،... more
اهمیت کارآفرین و کارآفرین بر هیچ کسی پوشیده نیست. در قرن حاضر و پس از چندین دهه تحقیق و بررسی بر روی مسیرهای افزایش مهارتهای کارآفرینی، ایران قدمهای اندکی برداشته است. به زعم بسیاری از محققان و اندیشمندان، آموزش مهارتهای کارآفرینی، ذهنیت کارآفرینی و نوآوری میتواند معضل بسیاری از کشورهای در حال توسعه را حل کند. مشکلاتی مانند افزایش جوانان بیکار که تحصیلات دانشگاهی و عالی را پشت سر گذاشتهاند و موضوعی به نام فرار مغزها با برپایی دورههای آموزش کارآفرینی در حین تحصیل از ابتدایی تا متوسطه و حتی در دانشگاهها یا کلاسهای خارج از برنامه تحصیلی قابل حل است. با نگاهی گذرا به کشورهای توسعهیافته یا در حال توسعه متوجه گذار آرام و تقریباً پایدار آنها در سایه آموزش کارآفرینی میشویم. طراحی و تدوین برنامههای آموزش کارآفرینی مستلزم برقراری همکاری میان دانشگاهها، دولت و صنایع و سرمایهگذاری بلندمدت است. در این گزارش با بررسی سیر تحول آموزش کارآفرینی در کشورهای مختلف و نمونههایی از برنامههای عملی ترویج ذهنیت کارآفرینی در میان جوانان بر اهمیت آن تاکید دوباره میشود. در انتها پیشنهادهایی ارائه شده است.
کلمات کلیدی: آموزش کارآفرینی، ذهنیت کارآفرینی، ویژگیهای کارآفرینی، کارآفرینی و نوآوری
- by hamid khodadad and +1
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- Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Marketing, Iran, Markting
The study investigated the effect of entrepreneurial marketing (EM) on the performance of SMEs. Performance was measured using both organisational and personal criteria. The study utilised the quantitative research approach. The... more
The study investigated the effect of entrepreneurial marketing (EM) on the performance of SMEs.
Performance was measured using both organisational and personal criteria. The study utilised the quantitative research
approach. The cross-sectional survey method was used for data collection. Data was collected from small business
owners through the survey method. The self-administered questionnaire method was used to collect data from the
participants. Convenience and snowball methods were used for sampling. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression
were used for data analysis. The Cronbach’s alpha was used as the measure of reliability. The results of this study
showed significant positive relationships between some dimensions of EM and organisational and personal performance.
Theoretically, the study linked EM to the personal performance of the owners of SMEs. Empirically, the study adds to the
literature on the relationship between EM and the financial performance of SMEs. Practically, the study suggested
recommendations that can improve EM by SMEs.
The purpose of this study was to establish the significance of entrepreneurial attitude in Zimbabwean universities focusing on Chinhoyi University of Technology. Thus, the study adopted a phenomenological research philosophy and a case... more
The purpose of this study was to establish the significance of entrepreneurial attitude in Zimbabwean universities focusing on Chinhoyi University of Technology. Thus, the study adopted a phenomenological research philosophy and a case study research design. A sample was made up of 200 respondents. Semi-structured questionnaires and focus groups were used to collect data. The data was analysed using a Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) and SPSS analytical tables were used to present data. Accordingly, the findings show that entrepreneurial attitude is significant to Zimbabwean universities and that it also exists in universities as they are seen as seedbeds for entrepreneurial activities. Additionally, entrepreneurial attitude helps students to foster creative attitude and behaviour towards creation of innovation resulting in new businesses that leads to economic development. For that reason, the study recommends that modules in entrepreneurship and one in entrepreneurial creativity an...
This paper analysed the determinants of agricultural entrepreneurial intentions of the unemployed in urban Kano, Nigeria, using three different multinomial logistic models fitted to the primary data obtained via structured questionnaire... more
This paper analysed the determinants of agricultural entrepreneurial intentions of the unemployed in urban Kano, Nigeria, using three different multinomial logistic models fitted to the primary data obtained via structured questionnaire from the 173 out of 200 targeted respondents. The results suggest that age explains the likelihood of starting or engaging in agricultural business. Gender and educational levels were not significant in explaining the likelihood of starting the business. Inadequate capital was found to explain the likelihood. Family and cognitive ability (self) as motivational variables were insignificant in explaining the likelihood. Risk tolerance was found to explain the likelihood of starting the agricultural business. Employment status was found significant in explaining the likelihood. Innovative ability was insignificant in explaining the likelihood. The paper recommends that entrepreneurial support should be geared toward young ages as against old age; as the size of youth unemployed outweighed that of old age in the study area. Promoters of entrepreneurship could use risk tolerance behaviour in selecting people to support. Capital should be made available by the concerned institutions to enable persons preparing to start the agricultural business to start. Researchers could also incorporate other predictor variables in analysing the determinants or employ different models, like nested models against non-nested models used in this study.
Is entrepreneurial marketing (EM) a “one type fits all” approach? Research suggests that EM is especially suitable for small firms. However, it is obvious that—despite their size—small firms show a myriad of different characteristics. In... more
Is entrepreneurial marketing (EM) a “one type fits all” approach? Research suggests that EM is especially suitable for small firms. However, it is obvious that—despite their size—small firms show a myriad of different characteristics. In this paper, it is argued that different firm characteristics can be seen in different business orientations, namely customer orientation (CO) and entrepreneurial orientation (EO). In
This case study provides a critical understanding of the connection between start-up investment and the development of a loyal brand community. Learners develop an appreciation of how engagement in crowdfunding campaigns can lead to the... more
This case study provides a critical understanding of the connection between start-up investment and the development of a loyal brand community. Learners develop an appreciation of how engagement in crowdfunding campaigns can lead to the creation of engaged partners. This is explored through applying the Business Model Canvas to the case of BrewDog, a company that has expanded beyond the niche market of craft brewing to become an international brand. The use of crowdfunding has not only enabled Brewdog to raise the capital to finance expansion but also to develop a special relationship with some of their customers, who through investment and engagement can become partners in the product development process.
Yalın girişimciliğin ve startup'ların gelişimi, vizyon ve inovatif düşünme yeteneğine sahip bireylere bağlıdır. Girişimcilerin kazancı, yüksek büyümeyi hızlandırmaları için verileri kullanmayı öğrenerek müşteri etkileşimini artırması... more
Yalın girişimciliğin ve startup'ların gelişimi, vizyon ve inovatif düşünme yeteneğine sahip bireylere bağlıdır. Girişimcilerin kazancı, yüksek büyümeyi hızlandırmaları için verileri kullanmayı öğrenerek müşteri etkileşimini artırması bakımından çok önemlidir. Bu amaçla, yalın girişimcilik alanında önemli danışmanlardan olan Brant Cooper ve Patrick Vlaskovits, bu kitabı kaleme alarak girişimciliğin inovatif yönüne vurgu yapmış ve alana katkıda bulunmuşlardır. Yazarlar bu kitapta, teknolojinin içinde ve dışında faaliyet gösteren onlarca girişimci ve startup fitma sahipleri ile görüşerek çeşitli vaka incelemelerini paylaşmışlardır.
Yeni bir girişimin oluşumunun ilk aşamalarında belirsizlik vardır. Ancak bu belirsizlik karşısında tahmin ve planlama gibi geleneksel müdahaleler artık yeterli gelmemektedir. İşte Yalın Girişim, tam da bu noktada devreye girmektedir. Bu kitapla Yalın Girişimcilere inovasyon odaklı, bilimsel verilere dayanan, test ve deneylerle ölçümlenebilir yeni bir yönetim anlayışı aktarılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu kitap vasıtasıyla girişimciler; müşterilerle nasıl iletişim kurulacağını, denemelerin nasıl gerçekleştirileceğini ve iş girişimlerinde elverişli verilerin nasıl kullanılması gerektiğini öğrenip bu doğrultuda girişimlerine inovasyon katabileceklerdir.
Bu kitap, kurumların işletme modellerine ilişkin zorlukların belirlenip bunlar üzerinde çalışılmasını sağlayacak yeni düşünme biçimleri, araçlar ve aktiviteler sunmaktadır. Startup'ın ne olduğu, bu doğrultuda vizyon, değerler ve kültürün etkileri üzerinde yeni bir vizyon vermektedir. Ayrıca inovatif bir vizyon için müşteri etkileşimi ve yalınlık, uygulanan gerçek vaka incelemeleriyle detaylandırılmıştır. Bu bakımdan Yalın Girişimci kitabının, sistemli ve inovatif bir girişimin oluşmasına rehberlik etmesi açısından okunması gerekir. Kitap sadece yeni girişimciler için değil, aynı zamanda üniversitelerde girişimcilik kültürü kapsamında da değerlendirilmesi gereken bir kaynaktır. Ayrıca, işletmelerde özellikle araştırma ve inovasyon odaklı çalışmalara önem veren şirket sahiplerinin ve yöneticilerin başvuru kitabı olarak değerlendirebilecekleri bir referans niteliği de taşımaktadır.
Crowd-funding is a new fundraising method that utilizes the power of the Crowd. Even though it has attracted the interest of academics and profes-sionals, there is a lack of in-depth research on the crowd-funding method. This paper aims... more
Crowd-funding is a new fundraising method that utilizes the power of the Crowd. Even though it has attracted the interest of academics and profes-sionals, there is a lack of in-depth research on the crowd-funding method. This paper aims to create a participation model, and it sets a marketing framework based on the extant literature from different disciplines that they are related to crowd participation. Different motivators that lead to the partici-pation in a crowdfunding campaign have been found in the literature, yet ac-cording to different studies social motives have the strongest influence among others on the participation. Also this paper proposes Entrepreneurial Marketing as a new thought in the marketing discipline; Entrepreneurial Marketing not only helps entrepreneurs to meet their specific strategy goals, but it also provides a framework that leads to a better understanding of the method itself.
Most of the entrepreneurial venture exit business in first few years. Failures are more common than success. Entrepreneur and firm as distinct entities can quit market together or individually. The firm survives through transfer of... more
Most of the entrepreneurial venture exit business in first few years. Failures are more common than success. Entrepreneur and firm as distinct entities can quit market together or individually. The firm survives through transfer of ownership and entrepreneur survives through different avocation or a subsequent entrepreneurial attempt. Quit may not be final for entrepreneurial process. Entrepreneurial exit is a contrarian action to venture creation and thus has to be result of fundamental paradigm shift. The intervening period between venture creation and exit is a measure of entrepreneurial persistency. The objectives to understand the antecedents and contexts dictated an exploratory research design. Quit is generally labelled as failure and very few like to be identified as one. This aspect creates a methodological limitation for the research design. Through a purposive selection, a focus group discussion (FGD) was conducted among the entrepreneurs who have exited. FGD was video recorded. Transcript was prepared and verified from the participants. At the first stage entrepreneurs discussed about their own context of exit and subsequently the group discussed about common exit factors. Findings of exploratory research with purposive sampling can't be generalized, however this research finds exit factors not reported in previous researches. Entrepreneurial exit is influenced by personal factors, market forces and social factors. Under socio-cultural factors this research finds that sabotage, general lack of employee professionalism influences exit decision. For further substantiation and generalisation, a multi-method approach to this research is proposed. The findings help in creating entrepreneurial awareness and emphasize the need of having mitigation strategies for such risk of exit.
The World is now a global village. Any development in one corner of this village may seriously affect the chemistry of business and economy of the other corners of this village. And this may happen at a lightening speed without allowing... more
The World is now a global village. Any development in one corner of this village may seriously affect the chemistry of business and economy of the other corners of this village. And this may happen at a lightening speed without allowing existing businesses minimum time for survival. Hence, no time and scope for remaining idle and backdated in this fast changing world. Under the conditions of dynamism, hostility, and complexity, firms are being compelled to adaptability and flexibility leading to high levels of innovation and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM) is one such concept that can change the business in general and marketing in particular across the globe in future years. EM is actually one type of managerial responsibility. It is the combined result of entrepreneurship and marketing. Innovativeness, risk-taking and proactive ness are the fundamental characteristics of EM. For a marketer, it becomes paramount to find creative ways to foster customer relationships and discover new market segments. These characteristics are responsible for success in EM oriented businesses in the entire world.
Merging two formerly distinct disciplines, the term entrepreneurial marketing is used to describe the marketing processes of firms pursuing opportunities in uncertain market circumstances, often under constrained resource conditions. The... more
Merging two formerly distinct disciplines, the term entrepreneurial marketing is used to describe the marketing processes of firms pursuing opportunities in uncertain market circumstances, often under constrained resource conditions. The aim of the study is to identify the effect of entrepreneurial marketing on firms’ innovative performance. The hypothesized relationships between dimensions of entrepreneurial marketing and innovative performance are tested with data collected through structured questionnaires administered face-to-face to managers of 560 SMEs in the Turkish manufacturing industry. Analyses results revealed that proactiveness, innovativeness, customer intensity, resource leveraging dimensions of entrepreneurial marketing are positively related with innovative performance. Finally, the limitations of the study and the suggestions for future research will be presented.
Article History Abstract Purpose-Numerous studies have explored entrepreneurial marketing (EM) activities in the firms that are established for a few years, but the research exploring the EM activities and challenges, particularly during... more
Article History Abstract Purpose-Numerous studies have explored entrepreneurial marketing (EM) activities in the firms that are established for a few years, but the research exploring the EM activities and challenges, particularly during the start-up phase, is scant. To cover this wide gap, the current study explores in-depth the EM activities and EM challenges faced during the start-up phase by a graduate entrepreneur who has exposure to both marketing and entrepreneurship education and practical EM experiences. Design/Methodology-In-depth case study approach has been adopted to study an SME owned and managed successfully by a graduate entrepreneur. Findings-After rigorous data analysis, in addition to the currently known seven EM dimensions, this study has discovered a new EM dimension, i.e., 'legitimation'. Moreover, the key EM challenges in emerging economies are also identified. Practical Implications-The results have guided future entrepreneurs regarding their investment decisions, and to the entrepreneurship education policymakers regarding pedagogical up-gradation.
The purpose of this study was to establish the significance of entrepreneurial attitude in Zimbabwean universities focusing on Chinhoyi University of Technology. Thus, the study adopted a phenomenological research philosophy and a case... more
The purpose of this study was to establish the significance of entrepreneurial attitude in Zimbabwean universities focusing on Chinhoyi University of Technology. Thus, the study adopted a phenomenological research philosophy and a case study research design. A sample was made up of 200 respondents. Semi-structured questionnaires and focus groups were used to collect data. The data was analysed using a Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) and SPSS analytical tables were used to present data. Accordingly, the findings show that entrepreneurial attitude is significant to Zimbabwean universities and that it also exists in universities as they are seen as seedbeds for entrepreneurial activities. Additionally, entrepreneurial attitude helps students to foster creative attitude and behaviour towards creation of innovation resulting in new businesses that leads to economic development. For that reason, the study recommends that modules in entrepreneurship and one in entrepreneurial creativity an...
- by Schaul Chorev and +1
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- Entrepreneurial Marketing
Objectives. Previous studies on agritourism entrepreneurship have identified a variety of economic and non-economic motivations driving farm operators to start the agritourism activity. Nonetheless, local heritage preservation and... more
Objectives. Previous studies on agritourism entrepreneurship have identified a variety of economic and non-economic motivations driving farm operators to start the agritourism activity. Nonetheless, local heritage preservation and enhancement have been completely overlooked. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether " heritage preservation and enhancement " (in its three facets related to: tangible rural heritage; agrifood heritage; rural way of life heritage) is a specific non-economic motivation for agritourism entrepreneurship. Methodology. A survey on a sample of 226 Italian agritourism operators was conducted in March 2015. Data were first analysed through a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and then through the importance-performance analysis (IPA). Findings. The results show that there are 5 different groups of motivations to start the agritourism business, namely: i) economic motivations; ii) personal and family-related motivations; iii) tangible rural heritage preservation and enhancement; iv) agrifood heritage preservation and enhancement; v) rural way of life heritage preservation and enhancement. Hence " heritage preservation and enhancement " (in its three facets) has a pivotal role and it is more important than economic motivations. Similarly operators are more satisfied for having contributed to heritage preservation than for having obtained economic benefits from the agritourism activity. Research limits. Caution should be paid before extending these results to countries other than Italy (where, for example, agrifood heritage has a strong and peculiar tradition and connection with the territory). Practical implications. Operators are well aware of their contribution to the preservation and enhancement of local heritage but also perceive that tourists are not always able to appreciate the value of this contribution and have misconceptions about the essence of agritourism. This may be the result also of the use of the label " agritourism " to indicate offerings (such as agri-spas or basic accommodation services) which do not primarily focus on the link with local heritage. Therefore, it is important that " authentic agritourism " operators that focus on heritage (in its three facets) are able to share the efforts to make potential guests aware about the uniqueness of their offering, emphasizing the strong link with the local heritage. Originality of the study. This is the first study in the literature stream about agritourism entrepreneurship to demonstrate that locale heritage preservation and enhancement is a distinct, key motivation for agritourism operators.
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to examine theories of marketing and entrepreneurship and compare these with entrepreneurial marketing practices. Design/methodology/approach–The paper uses a case study to explore the social... more
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to examine theories of marketing and entrepreneurship and compare these with entrepreneurial marketing practices. Design/methodology/approach–The paper uses a case study to explore the social constructions of narratives.
Purpose: The most challenging face of sports entrepreneurship is the need to progress at the same pace as the industry (Hay Dock, 2020). In this regard, sports entrepreneurship in Iran has not yet been able to identify the motivations and... more
Purpose: The most challenging face of sports entrepreneurship is the need to progress at the same pace as the industry (Hay Dock, 2020). In this regard, sports entrepreneurship in Iran has not yet been able to identify the motivations and needs of entrepreneurs. Therefore, the present study seeks to investigate the factors affecting the entrepreneurial intention of sports science students based on the theory of planned behavior.
Methodology: This research is applied in purpose and survey type in the data collection method. The statistical population of the present study was sports science students of universities in Yazd province. One hundred twenty students were selected as available in State university, Islamic Azad, Payame Noor, and non-profit universities. The measuring instruments of this study were four standard questionnaires of attitude towards behavior (26 questions), mental norms (6 questions), perceived behavioral control (entrepreneurial self-confidence) (23 questions), and entrepreneurial intention (3 questions), whose validity was confirmed by various researchers.
Findings: Findings showed that the dimensions of the theory of planned behavior had a significant relationship with the entrepreneurial intention of sports science students. Also, the regression test results showed that the three dimensions of the theory of planned behavior, including attitudes toward behavior, perceived behavioral control, and mental norms had a significant effect on the entrepreneurial intention of sports students. Also, the results of ranking the dimensions of the theory of planned behavior showed that attitudes toward behavior, perceived behavioral control, and mental norms had the highest priority, respectively. Therefore, it is suggested to pay attention to the dimensions of the planned behavior theory to develop entrepreneurship among sports science students.
Originality: The originality of this article is to use the theory of planned behavior in sports entrepreneurship.
Social media are increasingly emerging as a source of competitive advantage, as a means of reaching and engaging consumers, and as a source of consumer insight. This paper identifies challenges associated with the implementation of social... more
Social media are increasingly emerging as a source of competitive advantage, as a means of reaching and engaging consumers, and as a source of consumer insight. This paper identifies challenges associated with the implementation of social media as perceived by senior marketers. Using a qualitative thematic analysis methodology, we identify differences between entrepreneurial and nonentrepreneurial organisations in social media implementation. It is proposed that entrepreneurial marketing may provide theoretical guidelines for implementation of social media. The paper concludes with research propositions that will test the effectiveness of entrepreneurial marketing in overcoming the implementation challenges of social media.
Özet: İşletmecilik alanında son yıllarda yaşanan teknolojik değişimler ve küresel gelişmeler, işletmeler için hayati bir öneme sahip dinamik ve rekabetçi bir ortam oluşturmaktadır. Bu ortamda değişim ve gelişim odaklı bir anlayışa ve... more
Özet: İşletmecilik alanında son yıllarda yaşanan teknolojik değişimler ve küresel gelişmeler, işletmeler için hayati bir öneme sahip dinamik ve rekabetçi bir ortam oluşturmaktadır. Bu ortamda değişim ve gelişim odaklı bir anlayışa ve girişim ruhuna sahip küçük ve orta büyüklükteki işletmelerin (KOBİ) varlıklarını koruyabilmeleri, sürdürülebilir rekabete ayak uydurabilmeleri, pazardaki imkânlardan yararlanabilmeleri ve Pazar dinamizmini yakalayabilmeleri farklı ve güncel uygulamaları benimsemeleri ile gerçekleşmektedir. Yaşanan bu değişimler, müşterilerin farklı istek ve ihtiyaçlara yönelmesine ve daha bilinçli olmasına neden olmuştur. Bilinçlenen müşteriler kendilerine değer yaratan ve maksimum kalite ve hizmeti sağlayan yenilikçi işletmeleri tercih etmeye başlamışlardır. Türkiye'deki işletmelerin büyük bir kısmını oluşturan, KOBİ'lerin büyük işletmeler karşısında rekabet edebilmeleri temel yeteneklerinin yanı sıra pazarlama yeteneklerinin de geliştirilmesiyle birlikte mümkün olmaktadır. KOBİ'lerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayabilecek, özellikleriyle uyumlu ve geleneksel pazarlama yaklaşımlarından farklı bir arayış, girişimcilik ve Pazarlama disiplinlerinin ortak özelliklerini içeren bir yaklaşım olan girişimsel pazarlamanın ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Girişimciliğin temel özelliklerini ve pazarlamanın odak noktasını birleştiren girişimsel pazarlama yaklaşımı son yıllarda KOBİ'ler tarafından benimsenerek rekabetçi ortamda onlara güç katmaktadır. Pazar yapılarındaki değişimlerin yeni fırsatlar oluşturması ve bu fırsatları keşfedebilen ve uygulayabilen işletmelerin rekabette öne geçtikleri gözlenmektedir. Yapılan araştırmalar sonucu, KOBİ sayısının hızla artmasıyla birlikte bu işletmelerin hem sahibi hem de yöneticisi durumunda olan kişilerin girişimsel pazarlamaya bakış açılarını incelenmek önemli hale gelmiştir. Tekirdağ ilinde KOBİ'lerin girişimci pazarlama algılarının yöneticilerin profillerine göre farklılık gösterip göstermediğini ölçen bir çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu nedenle bu çalışmanın temel amacı, girişimsel pazarlama boyutlarının KOBİ'ler ve yöneticileri tarafından ne kadar uygulandığını araştırmaktır. Araştırma, Tekirdağ ilinde faaliyet gösteren KOBİ yöneticileri üzerinde yapılmaktadır. Uygulanacak olan anket, yöneticilerin girişimsel pazarlama boyutları olan proaktiflik, risk alma, müşteri, yenilik, kaynak, değer, fırsat odaklılık boyutlarını uygulayıp uygulamadıklarını incelemektedir. Bu boyutların yöneticilerin demografik özelliklerine ve KOBİ'lerin özelliklerine göre değişip değişmediği araştırılmakta ve aralarındaki farklılıklar istatistiksel analizler sonucunda ortaya koyulmaktır. Abstract: At recent years, the technological changes and global developments in the field of management, creates a vital dynamic and competitive environment for businesses. In this environment, it is realized with the adoption of different and current practices that SMEs with a focus on change and development and a spirit of entrepreneurship can protect their assets, can keep up with the competition, benefit from market opportunities and catch market dynamism. With these changes have caused the customers to be oriented towards different needs and needs and become more conscious. Conscious customers have begun to choose innovative businesses that create value for themselves and provide maximum quality and service. The ability of SMEs to compete against large businesses, which comprise a large part of Turkey's enterprises, is possible with the development of basic skills as well as marketing skills. A different seeking from traditional marketing approaches which is compatible with features and meet the needs of SMEs, provide to occur entrepreneurial marketing which includes common characteristics of entrepreneurship and marketing disciplines. Entrepreneurial marketing approach, which combines the main features of entrepreneurship and focal point of marketing, is adopted by SMEs reinforce to them in the competitive
Principal Topic We first address, revisit and extend previous research in the domain of entrepreneurial marketing (EM). The purpose is to develop an entrepreneurial marketing conceptual model, integrating academic and practice theory,... more
Principal Topic We first address, revisit and extend previous research in the domain of entrepreneurial marketing (EM). The purpose is to develop an entrepreneurial marketing conceptual model, integrating academic and practice theory, commonly referred to as 'theory for practice sake'. Most literature in this domain is predominantly theory based, with limited availability of practice based theory. In a previous paper, we sought to integrate these two theoretical concepts, providing a 'theory for practice sake' perspective. As entrepreneurship lacks a single defining theory, there is constant, unresolved tension between theory and practice. This is particularly so regarding entrepreneurial marketing. In the present paper, we have taken an interesting and timely aspect of practice theory—social media and marketing—to examine this unresolved tension and to design a theory for practice sake in entrepreneurial marketing and social media. Social media are having a pervasive effect on the marketing strategy. The reasons for businesses taking up social media include gaining a competitive advantage, superior engagement with consumers, monitoring consumers, collaboration with stakeholders and partners, ability to personalise contact with consumers, co-creation of products with consumers and finally reaching consumers more efficiently as they reduce consumption of traditional media. Entrepreneurial organisations demonstrate proactive opportunity evaluation, risk management, resource leveraging, and value creation. Previous research has highlighted implementation challenges faced by organisations in implementing social media. These include risking losing control, creating true value, measuring ROI, internal structure and culture, managing risk, and winning stakeholder support. These are all familiar themes in the entrepreneurship literature. Taking these two concepts—entrepreneurial orientation and social media—we propose a candidate model from a large-scale 60-question survey of 3,200 Australian marketing managers. The paper compares implementation of social media by entrepreneurial and non-entrepreneurial organisations and the impact of entrepreneurial marketing on social media decision-making. The paper uses the findings to formulate research propositions that can be tested to establish if entrepreneurial marketers are more likely to successfully overcome the implementation challenges of social media. We seek to answer questions such as: What is the reciprocal effect of social media on entrepreneurial orientation? Are entrepreneurial firms more or less likely to use social media? Are there differences between entrepreneurial and non-entrepreneurial organisations in how they deal with the challenges?
In this study, how the innovative career counselling at the career offices of the different universities affects the university students in their career path was critically analysed by studying the different cases of the world... more
In this study, how the innovative career counselling at the career offices of the different universities affects the university students in their career path was critically analysed by studying the different cases of the world universities in the US and in Turkey. The changing atmosphere in the higher education and job environment had critically changed the university students' decision-making processes. Today, the new career counselling approach is needed and called "talent management" in search of alternative perspectives (Capelli, 2008). As Berger and his friends (2011) mention that even though the current talent management literatüre has a too narrow and one-dimensional approach, the innovative career counselling offices develop talent management in order to decrease career conflicts by helping the students in their career decisions. İn the new talent management, the three dimensions are taken into considerations which are namely, majors, talents, and skills. The new perspectives in the career counselling are not only valuable for the development of the students in their fields in general but also essential for the success and reputation of the universities in different contexts. İn order to understand the real effects of innovative career counselling in decision making process of the university students while decreasing their conflicts, the data were collected by using a phenomenological analysis (Moustakas, 1994, p. 2). Hence, the original data were gathered from "naive" descriptions by asking open-ended questions and dialogue. The researcher described the experiences based on reflection and interpretation of the research participant's story. İn this study, the university students (n=48), who studied from seven different universities in the US and in Turkey had participated and answered semi structured interview and focus group questions. Since a few universities had been using talent management, there were some limitations in sampling. Additionally, ali the students were Turkish due to the limitation in reaching ali the students in the US. Furthermore, the results were finalised by processing Atlas.ti 6 in order to understand deeply the complex structure of the role of the career counselling offices on career decisions and career conflicts among the students. As a result, the data show that the new career counselling called in general as talent management had inevitably affected decision making process of the university students in many ways. Even though most (83%) students were happy to contact and to work with the career counselling offices since they had become good in adapting quickly in the changing conditions of the market. The large number (98%) clarified that they had conflicts in choosing right career path, and they tried to choose majors to earn money rather than learn. Hence, in this career decision process only (96%) agreed that career counseling
offices were very well structured in helping to integrate and penetrate into the market. The data showed that the career counselling offices in the US were significantly different than those in Turkey, particularly in understanding the needs and the talents of the students by giving different assessments and in developing the social network with the business world. Even though the students in Turkey had same kind of interests, skills, and talents, they had been living significant conflicts due to the lack of proper career counselling at their universities called "talent management." İn this context, ali the students who study in Turkey were not happy and satisfied and that mentioned that they were living deep career conflicts in the 3rd and 4th grade. However, those students, who studied in the best universities in the US where career-counseling offices were active and well organized, had better self-confidence. In one of these universities, new approach of the career counselling had been using innovatively by taking holisticaily the concept of the career conselling so that all the students clearly mentioned that they did not have negative experience or conflicts in their decisions. They had been involved in their career decision activities while they were studying at the universities by attending actively in workshops, counselling sessions, assessment process, and mentoring. Berger, L A., & Berger, D. R. (Eds.). (2011).
The Talent Management Handbook: Creating a Sustainable Competitive Advantage by Selecting, Developing, and Promoting the Best People. McGraw-Hill. Cappelli, P. (2008). Talent management for the twenty-first century. harvard business review, 36(3), 74. Moustakas, C. (1994). Phenomenological research methods. SAGE Publications, Incorporated.
Key Words: Talent Management, Innovative Career Counselling, Career Counselling Offices, Career Conflicts, and Career Decisions
This study aims to determine the relationship be tween entrepreneurial marketing dimensions and business growth among small and medium agro-processing enterprises in Zimbabwe. The methodology involved a quantitative ap proach to... more
This study aims to determine the relationship be tween entrepreneurial marketing dimensions and business growth among small and medium agro-processing enterprises in Zimbabwe. The methodology involved a quantitative ap proach to collecting and analyzing research data. The field study was conducted in Bindura, Zimbabwe to collect re search data from 260 managers of agro-processing SMEs. Us ing the SPSS 24 and AMOS 24 software, the Structural Equa tion Modeling (SEM) procedure was performed to analyze the research data. The study's findings validate the assertion that dimensions such as product innovation, entrepreneurial orien tation, risk-taking and resource leveraging are instrumental in stimulating business growth among agro-processing SMEs in Zimbabwe. A robust relationship was also found between resource leveraging and business growth. Moreover, manage rial implications of the findings were discussed and limita tions and future research directions were indicated
This study explores the subject of Entrepreneurial Marketing, with a focus on the application of Product Life Cycle (PLC), as a determinant of adaptive strategies of small and medium scale Enterprises (SMEs) in emerging economies. It... more
This study explores the subject of Entrepreneurial Marketing, with a focus on the application of Product Life Cycle (PLC), as a determinant of adaptive strategies of small and medium scale Enterprises (SMEs) in emerging economies. It analyses the interface between Product Life Cycle (PLC) and Entrepreneurial Marketing decisions, considering the history of long standing products, which have turned generic in some cases, and the nearly opposite situation with startups that experience early decline. The interface is defined as “melting pot between
adaptability and sustained survival”. While proposing a paradigm to guide research at the interface, recommendations of this study underscores the importance of the theoretical knowledge and application of the product life cycle concept to entrepreneurial marketing
activities. The study also espouses benefits such as adaptive capabilities, effective product planning, and cost advantage relative to life cycle stages, to budding entrepreneurs in emerging economies like Nigeria.
- by Oluwaseun Oluwasanmi and +1
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- Entrepreneurial Marketing
The existence and growth of a company is defined by the increase in customers. Not all companies understand their customers completely. The understanding of what is of value to individuals and or groups of individuals can be termed as... more
The existence and growth of a company is defined by the increase in customers. Not all companies understand their customers completely. The understanding of what is of value to individuals and or groups of individuals can be termed as contextual marketing. This paper reviews and analyses several literatures available on entrepreneurial marketing and outlines the characteristics of this approach keeping contextual marketing in mind.
It’s true that the literature on entrepreneurial marketing has contributed to the discussion of how marketing can contribute to the management of micro and small enterprises (SME) (CARSON, 1990; STOKES, 2000). So, this study identified... more
It’s true that the literature on entrepreneurial marketing has contributed to the discussion of how marketing can contribute to the management of micro and small enterprises (SME) (CARSON, 1990; STOKES, 2000). So, this study identified the strategies of marketing management in SME (s) from learning of owner- managers of 40 companies located in Goiania and the metropolitan region. Data analysis occurred through discourse analysis and cluster analysis. It was identified that the learning of owner-managers occured through observation of market dynamics and experiences in everyday life. Also concluded that aspects such as relationships, communication word of mouth and the dialogue with the customer are practiced in SME (s) without the awareness of being systematized marketing actions.
The instructional methods in the teaching of entrepreneurship have been questioned in the literature on entrepreneurial education because they basically play (BECHARD, 2000; SOUZA et al., 2004), which contradicts the need for creating an... more
The instructional methods in the teaching of entrepreneurship have been questioned in the literature on entrepreneurial education because they basically play (BECHARD, 2000; SOUZA et
al., 2004), which contradicts the need for creating an environment conducive to learning entrepreneurship , through the use of alternative techniques such as case studies, and theater
popular games (SOUZA et al. 2004). From this discussion on entrepreneurial education and the contributions of new teaching techniques, this article aims to describe and evaluate two projects of entrepreneurship education, more specifically, the marketing entrepreneur (MORRIS; SCHINDEHUTTE; LAFORGE, 2002). First held in 2009 at the Federal University of Rondonia
involving 90 students, and another conducted in 2011 with 38 students of the Federal University of Goiás For scientific research work was chosen methodological approach of exploratory and
descriptive study to evaluate, through structured questionnaire, students' perceptions about the projects analyzed. Thus the results demonstrated that the life experiences contribute significantly
to the training of students in higher education administration or represent an effective option of entrepreneurship education.
The purpose of this study was to establish the significance of entrepreneurial attitude in Zimbabwean universities focusing on Chinhoyi University of Technology. Thus, the study adopted a phenomenological research philosophy and a case... more
The purpose of this study was to establish the significance of entrepreneurial attitude in Zimbabwean universities focusing on Chinhoyi University of Technology. Thus, the study adopted a phenomenological research philosophy and a case study research design. A sample was made up of 200 respondents. Semi-structured questionnaires and focus groups were used to collect data. The data was analysed using a Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) and SPSS analytical tables were used to present data. Accordingly, the findings show that entrepreneurial attitude is significant to Zimbabwean universities and that it also exists in universities as they are seen as seedbeds for entrepreneurial activities. Additionally, entrepreneurial attitude helps students to foster creative attitude and behaviour towards creation of innovation resulting in new businesses that leads to economic development. For that reason, the study recommends that modules in entrepreneurship and one in entrepreneurial creativity an...