Cotton Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The textile industry has been identified as one of the key industries which could spur industrial growth in Kenya. Efforts are being made by the Kenyan government and other institutions to revive the textile industry. One area which could... more

The textile industry has been identified as one of the key industries which could spur industrial growth in Kenya. Efforts are being made by the Kenyan government and other institutions to revive the textile industry. One area which could contribute towards the revival of the Kenyan Textile industry could be the optimization of the cotton processing in Kenya. Cotton processing includes ginning, spinning, weaving and wet processing. In cotton spinning, the Kenyan industry uses ring and rotor spinning technologies. While ring spinning is the traditional spinning process, rotor spinning has established itself as a great competitor especially when dealing with course counts. This paper looks at the quality of cotton rotor spun yarns, in comparison with the uster standards. While the Kenyan cotton lint reported good quality characteristics when compared to Uster standards, the quality of the rotor spun yarn was poor especially for yarn evenness and hairiness. It is therefore recommended ...

333-340An innovative approach has been made to impart self-cleaning and antibacterial properties to woven fabrics. Reduced graphene oxide/Ag-N TiO2 nanocomposites are successfully prepared by simple mixing and sonication for finishing of... more

333-340An innovative approach has been made to impart self-cleaning and antibacterial properties to woven fabrics. Reduced graphene oxide/Ag-N TiO2 nanocomposites are successfully prepared by simple mixing and sonication for finishing of woven fabric with prepared nanocomposites. The physiochemical properties of prepared samples are analysed by X-ray diffraction, UV-Visible spectroscopy, Field emission scanning electron microscope and Fourier transform infrared radiation spectroscopy. The prepared nanocomposite (rGO/ 1% Ag-N TiO2) shows lower bandgap of 2.3 eV as compared to individual nanomaterials, and hence the improved photocatalytic performance, leading to high self-cleaning and antibacterial activity

The study examines land and water reforms as the main components of agricultural sector restructuring during the transition to a market economy. The experience of Central and Eastern European countries and CIS is assessed in the light of... more

The study examines land and water reforms as the main components of agricultural sector restructuring during the transition to a market economy. The experience of Central and Eastern European countries and CIS is assessed in the light of market principles. The main focus of the study is on the agrarian reform in Turkmenistan. The achieved results are evaluated, and prospects for further development of the Turkmen model of agricultural transition are discussed in the framework of world experience. The monograph is the result of a joint study carried out by the authors under Grant No. TA-MOU-98-CA17-011, U.S.-Israel Cooperative Development Research Program, Economic Growth, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

A field experiment was conducted at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, West Bengal, India in Kharif season of 2016 and 2017 to evaluate the phytotoxicity of glufosinate ammonium 13.5% SL (15% w/v) on cotton and soil... more

A field experiment was conducted at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya,
Mohanpur, West Bengal, India in Kharif season of 2016 and 2017 to evaluate
the phytotoxicity of glufosinate ammonium 13.5% SL (15% w/v) on cotton and
soil micro-flora and their consequent effects on crop growth, yield and
economics. Findings depicted that there were no phytotoxic symptoms on
cotton and there was better recovery of soil micro-flora population with the
application of glufosinate ammonium 13.5% SL (15% w/v) 450 g/ha, resulting in
maximum growth, yield and economic profitability of cotton. However,
prominent toxic effects of glufosinate ammonium 13.5% SL (15% w/v) on the
crop and soil micro-flora were recorded at higher doses of 900 g/ha and 1800
g/ha, which significantly reduced cotton growth, yield and economic viability.

Since 2003, the West and Central African (WCA) cotton initiative in the World Trade Organization has stood as an ambitious case of Africa's desire to be integrated into the trading system and yet also receive reparations for past... more

Since 2003, the West and Central African (WCA) cotton initiative in the World Trade Organization has stood as an ambitious case of Africa's desire to be integrated into the trading system and yet also receive reparations for past injuries. This article seeks to explore how and why the initiative debuted through close attention to the interdependence between power and language in diplomatic practice. It takes the concept of cognitive framing to explore the relationship between political legitimacy and mobilisation capacities. The genesis of cotton as ‘an issue’ is critically examined, focusing on how the WCA countries constructed a novel ‘competitive victim’ frame to define themselves and the problem. While this opening move was effective, it also featured tensions that were exploited by Northern actors who were threatened by the campaign. I argue that what followed was the introduction of a politically driven ‘counterframe’, which divided the problem into a ‘trade-related’ component and a ‘development-related’ component. It is important to understand why and how this distinction was constructed and monitored. By scrutinising the relationship between framing and institutional power, I suggest that the counterframe won over the original frame, leading to a re-positioning of the demanders and a re-calibration of their expectations.

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of some swelling agents with reduced water content on final properties of cotton fabrics. A single-step swelling of cotton in the reagent was used. There were selected properties... more

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of some swelling agents with reduced water content on final properties of cotton fabrics. A single-step swelling of cotton in the reagent was used. There were selected properties generally used to characterize mercerized cotton that are technologically important, such as water retention, shrinkage, stiffness, crease recovery angle, and hand. Water retention method and dyeing with CI Direct Red 81 have been used to compare the degree of swelling for different samples. Correlations have been established between structural changes induced by the swelling agents and final properties of cotton fabric. The mixtures of an alkali solution and an additive produced similar or better end-use properties as compared with classical sodium hydroxide or ammonia treatments, combining the action of a diluted alkali solution (3.13 mol/L NaOH or KOH) and a nonalkali reagent. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 99: 2848–2855, 2006

This paper frames the GM cotton approval debate in Turkey in the context of a socio-political process in which conflicts must be resolved between competing interests and among people who hold different value systems and have different... more

This paper frames the GM cotton approval debate in Turkey in the context of a socio-political process in which conflicts must be resolved between competing interests and among people who hold different value systems and have different priorities. Four different cotton farming alternatives—business as usual (BAU), ecological farming (ECO), GM farming (GM), and good agricultural practices (GAP)—are assessed and evaluated via a set of environmental, social, and economic criteria chosen on the basis of an extensive review of the cotton production and genetically modified organism (GMO) literatures, and in-depth interviews with several key stakeholders and experts in Turkey. The results show that when economic concerns are considered primary, GM farming is the preferred practice. In contrast, when only the social dimension is prioritised, the ECO alternative performs best. Finally, when the economic and social dimensions are appraised together, GAP emerges as a compromise solution. This study reveals that the decision to approve GM farming is not only complex but also value-laden and interest-based.

Natural cellulose fibers have been obtained from the bark of cotton stalks and the fibers have been used to develop composites. Cotton stalks are rich in cellulose and account for up to 3 times the quantity of cotton fiber produced per... more

Natural cellulose fibers have been obtained from the bark of cotton stalks and the fibers have been used to develop composites. Cotton stalks are rich in cellulose and account for up to 3 times the quantity of cotton fiber produced per acre. Currently, cotton stalks have limited use and are mostly burned on the ground. Natural cellulose fibers obtained from cotton stalks are composed of approximately 79% cellulose and 13.7% lignin. The fibers have breaking tenacity of 2.9 g per denier and breaking elongation of 3% and modulus of 144 g per denier, between that of cotton and linen. Polypropylene composites reinforced with cotton stalk fibers have flexural, tensile and impact resistance properties similar to jute fiber reinforced polypropylene composites. Utilizing cotton stalks as a source for natural cellulose fibers provides an opportunity to increase the income from cotton crops and make cotton crops more competitive to the biofuel crops.

This paper reports the development of natural cellulose technical fibers from soybean straw with properties similar to the natural cellulose fibers in current use. About 220 million tons of soybean straw available in the world every year... more

This paper reports the development of natural cellulose technical fibers from soybean straw with properties similar to the natural cellulose fibers in current use. About 220 million tons of soybean straw available in the world every year could complement the byproducts of other major food crops as inexpensive, abundant and annually renewable sources for natural cellulose fibers. Using the agricultural byproducts as sources for fibers could help to address the concerns on the future price and availability of both the natural and synthetic fibers in current use and also help to add value to the food crops. A simple alkaline extraction was used to obtain technical fibers from soybean straw and the composition, structure and properties of the fibers was studied. Technical fibers obtained from soybean straw have high cellulose content (85%) but low% crystallinity (47%). The technical fibers have breaking tenacity (2.7 g/den) and breaking elongation (3.9%) higher than those of fibers obtained from wheat straw and sorghum stalk and leaves but lower than that of cotton. Overall, the structure and properties of the technical fibers obtained from soybean straw indicates that the fibers could be suitable for use in textile, composite and other industrial applications.

Paparan debu kapas yang terus-menerus di tempat kerja dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan pernapasan seorang pekerja, terutama pekerja tekstil. Hal ini terjadi karena debu kapas merupakan campuran kompleks dari beberapa komponen yang... more

Paparan debu kapas yang terus-menerus di tempat kerja dapat
menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan pernapasan seorang pekerja, terutama pekerja tekstil. Hal ini terjadi karena debu kapas merupakan campuran kompleks dari beberapa komponen yang dapat memicu reaksi dalam tubuh manusia, seperti respon alergi atau proses lain yang tidak dapat dipahami sepenuhnya. Tujuan dari scoping review ini adalah untuk menganalisis efek debu kapas terhadap nilai fungsi paru pada pekerja tekstil. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode scoping review berupa pencarian data beberapa artikel. Sampel berasal dari jurnal internasional yang berkaitan dengan efek debu kapas terhadap nilai fungsi paru pada pekerja tekstil. Database yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Pubmed, Science Direct, Proquest, dan EBSCO, dengan jumlah artikel yang didapat sebanyak 1.436 artikel. Hasil skrining dan uji kelayakan sebanyak 15 artikel. Hasil scoping review menunjukkan bahwa dari 15 artikel, sebagian besar penelitian menyatakan pekerja yang terpapar debu kapas mengalami penurunan nilai fungsi paru yang diukur setelah shift kerja dan memiliki nilai fungsi paru yang lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Sebagian besar artikel menyatakan parameter fungsi paru yang dipengaruhi debu kapas adalah VEP1 dan berupa pola gangguan napas obstruktif.
Berdasarkan kajian pada keseluruhan artikel, paparan debu kapas dapat
menurunkan nilai fungsi paru pada pekerja tekstil.

This paper explains to extract the eco-friendly natural dye obtained from the flower of Opuntia Ficus-Indica and apply on silk and cotton fabric using combination of mordants. The fastness properties of the flower of Opuntia Ficus-Indica... more

This paper explains to extract the eco-friendly natural dye obtained from the flower of Opuntia Ficus-Indica and apply on silk and cotton fabric using combination of mordants. The fastness properties of the flower of Opuntia Ficus-Indica dyed silk and cotton fabric have been studied using different combination (1:3, 1:1 and 3:1) of various mordants. The wash, rub, light and perspiration fastness of the dyed samples have been evaluated. It is found that flower of Opuntia Ficus-Indica dye can be successfully used for the dyeing of silk and cotton to obtain a wide range colours

A particularly attractive but hitherto unidentified Berber type of costume, a striped haik (a rectangular flat weave garment worn by women) appeared on the Moroccan textile art market a number of years ago. L. Viola during one of his... more

A particularly attractive but hitherto unidentified Berber type of costume, a striped haik (a rectangular flat weave garment worn by women) appeared on the Moroccan textile art market a number of years ago. L. Viola during one of his recent field trips identified for the first time the tribe that produced them. These Berber weavings are generally about 50 years old (but are still produced) and were woven in the Ait Moussa villages of the Mejjat Anti-Atlas tribe. While Lucien Viola traces their history and beliefs, Alexandra Sachs, co-author, describes their aesthetic and exceptional visual impact.
This article was published by Hali Magazine (issue 200 summer 2019) An Infinity of Stripes.

A field study on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., cv.) was carried out from 2005 to 2008 in the Çukurova Region, Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. Treatments were designated as I100 full irrigation; DI70, DI50 and DI00 which received 70, 50,... more

A field study on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., cv.) was carried out from 2005 to 2008 in the Çukurova Region, Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. Treatments were designated as I100 full irrigation; DI70, DI50 and DI00 which received 70, 50, and 0% of the irrigation water amount applied in the I100 treatment. The irrigation water amount to be applied to the plots

This article analyses the performance of cotton sectors across East, Southern, and West Africa, paying particular attention to the wide diversity of institutional arrangements that they now exhibit. It finds strong support for earlier... more

This article analyses the performance of cotton sectors across East, Southern, and West Africa, paying particular attention to the wide diversity of institutional arrangements that they now exhibit. It finds strong support for earlier contentions regarding trade-offs between competition and coordination, and between the roles of public and private sectors. New insights provide concrete and context-specific guidance to policy-makers and stakeholders regarding the key challenges they will face and the risks they will need to manage as they work to improve productivity and ensure an equitable division of benefits within cotton sectors.

In order to understand the fundamental forces which have affected the marketing of natural fibres, especially wool, it is necessary to study the fibre market as a whole and in particular to take account of the development of man-made... more

In order to understand the fundamental forces which have affected the marketing of natural fibres, especially wool, it is necessary to study the fibre market as a whole and in particular to take account of the development of man-made fibres. In considering some of the more important marketing problems encountered by natural fibres, mainly wool and cotton, we shall explore ways in which these are interconnected with the nature and structure of the man-made fibre industry. The principal problem discussed in this book, the presence of large and possibly growing fluctuations in the price of natural fibres, can only be adequately comprehended if the nature of man-made fibre production and marketing is specifically considered. This and the next Chapter provide a general world-wide background on the development, structure and nature of competition in the textile fibre industry.

Silver nanoparticles were successfully synthesized using crude neem leaf (Azadirachta indica) extract at room temperature. The formation and crystallinity of synthesized silver nanoparticles was confirmed by X-Ray diffraction (XRD)... more

Silver nanoparticles were successfully synthesized using crude neem leaf (Azadirachta indica) extract at room temperature. The formation and crystallinity of synthesized silver nanoparticles was confirmed by X-Ray diffraction (XRD) pattern. The average size of these silver nanoparticles is about 20-50 nm as observed by Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images. Optical absorption measurements were performed to determine band-edge energy gap of these silver nanoparticles. Photoluminescence (PL) studies were performed to emphasize its emission properties. The synthesized silver nanoparticles could have major applications in the area of nanoscale optoelectronics devices and biomedical engineering. Our synthesis method has advantage over other conventional chemical routes because it is cost effective & environmental compatibility.

Page 1. Simulation of Drying Behavior of Cotton Bobbins by a Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer Model Ugur Akyol 1,a , Kamil Kahveci 2,b , Ahmet Cihan 2,c and Dinçer Akal 3,d 1Namik Kemal University, Faculty of Çorlu Engineering, Çorlu,... more

Page 1. Simulation of Drying Behavior of Cotton Bobbins by a Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer Model Ugur Akyol 1,a , Kamil Kahveci 2,b , Ahmet Cihan 2,c and Dinçer Akal 3,d 1Namik Kemal University, Faculty of Çorlu Engineering, Çorlu, Tekirdağ, Turkey ...

Fibre blend ratio is an important factor that determines the properties of spun yarn. Modal is a regenerated manmade fibre and free from short fibres, neps and impurities. In this paper, the influence of modal fibre percentage on the... more

Fibre blend ratio is an important factor that determines the properties of spun yarn. Modal is a regenerated manmade fibre and free from short fibres, neps and impurities. In this paper, the influence of modal fibre percentage on the properties of cotton-modal blended yarn was studied. Cotton-modal blended yarn with blend ratio of 80:20, 70:30 and 50:50 and 100% cotton yarns of 30 Ne were produced in ring spinning frame. The experimental results showed that the yarn quality parameters such as irregularity, thick places, thin places, neps, Imperfection Index and hairiness of 100% cotton are higher than cotton-modal blended yarn. With the increase of modal fibre percentage, the quality of blended yarns was improved than 100% cotton yarn. The unevenness of cotton-model blended yarn was decreased by 22% with the increase of model fibre proportion from 0 to 50%. In regards to the Count Strength Product (CSP) value, the cotton-modal blended yarns showed an increasing trend with increasing of modal fibre percentage in the blend ratio. It can be attributed that the absence of short fibres in modal fibre, which phenomena was contributed to the yarn properties with increasing the modal fibre percentage. Increasing modal fibre proportion was reflected in the considerable enhancement of cotton-modal fibre blended yarn quality.

The experiment was conducted at Cotton Research Farm of Sreepur under Gazipur, Mahigonj under Rangpur, Sadarpur under Dinajpur and Jogodispur under Jessore district of Bangladesh during from July 2015 to June 2016 to evaluate the... more

The experiment was conducted at Cotton Research Farm of Sreepur under Gazipur, Mahigonj under Rangpur,
Sadarpur under Dinajpur and Jogodispur under Jessore district of Bangladesh during from July 2015 to June
2016 to evaluate the effectiveness of some botanical extracts against cotton sucking insect i.e. aphid, jassid and white fly at four (4) research centers of Cotton Development Board located at Sreepur, Sadarpur, Jagadishpur and Mahigonj. The experiment consisted of eight treatments T1 = Control (Untreated), T2 = Mehagony seed
extract, T3 = Khuksha leaves extract, T4 = Chirata leaves extract, T5 = Garlic extract, T6 =Azadiractin (Leaf and
kernel extract of Neem), T7 = Bael leaves extract, T8 = Marigold leaves extract were allocated in the field
following Randomized Complete Block Design with 3 replications. The incidence of sucking pests was
recorded once in a week from 10 randomly plants at each plot. Spraying was done when the pest population
crossed the ETL level. Significant differences were found in the relative efficacy of different treatments in
reducing the jassid population and their persistence at different hour after treatments (24, 48 and 72 hours). The leaf and kernel extract of neem was found the best in controlling jassid., after 24, 48 and 72 hours of spraying
and increased cotton yield as the highest yield 3.13 t/ha, 3.11 t/ha, 2.87 t/ha and 2.89 t/ha at Gazipur, Rangpur,
Dinajpur and Jessore farm respectively compared with other treatments. Plant extracts are biopesticides having
less or no hazardous effects on human health and environment. Thus they can be incorporated in IPM
programs in cotton cultivation.

Este libro analiza los conflictos agrarios y las dinámicas territoriales que afectan al Departamento del Huila y el sur del Tolima, en relación al conflicto armado y en medio de la implementación del Acuerdo de Paz. El libro agrupa varios... more

Este libro analiza los conflictos agrarios y las dinámicas territoriales que afectan al Departamento del Huila y el sur del Tolima, en relación al conflicto armado y en medio de la implementación del Acuerdo de Paz. El libro agrupa varios trabajos que analizan procesos que incluyen la histórica configuración territorial del Huila y sur del Tolima, las dinámicas de la guerra, los procesos de exclusión social y política, el poblamiento y colonización de territorios, el papel de los actores armados, los procesos desiguales de desarrollo y los nuevos conflictos por el extractivismo. Se enfatiza en las problemáticas de la economía cafetera, sus crisis ocasionadas por las reformas liberalizadoras desde los años 1990s, y la movilización social de campesinos cuyas identidades y subjetividades se han ido configurando de manera dinámica en medio de procesos de colonización, violencia y exclusión. Desde múltiples miradas disciplinares y enfoques cualitativos, se aborda el estudio de nuevos conflictos territoriales y socio-económicos surgidos a partir de recientes proyectos minero-energéticos y nuevas tendencias dentro de los encadenamientos productivos tales como la asociatividad. El estudio de los conflictos agrarios y territoriales y de las respuestas sociales, es crucial para entender el alcance del Acuerdo de Paz, en especial en el punto uno sobre la Reforma Rural Integral.

The insecticides that are used to protect the crop from insects and pests not only pose a financial burden on the farmer but also affect human health and the environment. In this study, a prototype is developed and evaluated in the cotton... more

The insecticides that are used to protect the crop from insects and pests not only pose a financial burden on the farmer but also affect human health and the environment. In this study, a prototype is developed and evaluated in the cotton crop to see the effect of various speeds and different locations of airstream in respect of the plant to control the population of adult whitefly. The percentage reduction in the population of the whitefly was found to be increased from 38% to 42% with the increase in the blower speed from 1800 to 4050 rpm. The field efficiency was found to be decreased from 87.90% to 74.92% with an increase in the forward speed from 1.74 to 4.19 km.h-1. The damage to the crop in the form of damage to branches and damage of flowers/bolls was found to be increased from 4.44% to 5.30% and 1.04% to 2.02% respectively, with the increase in the blower speed from 1800 to 4050 rpm.

Bitkisel bir tekstil hammaddesi olan pamuk birçok sanayi sektörünün ham maddesi olmasından dolayı katma değeri çok yüksek bir bitki olduğu bilinmektedir. Uluslararası Pamuk İstişare Komitesi (ICAC) verilerine göre; 2013/14 üretim dönemi... more

Bitkisel bir tekstil hammaddesi olan pamuk birçok sanayi sektörünün ham maddesi olmasından dolayı katma değeri çok yüksek bir bitki olduğu bilinmektedir. Uluslararası Pamuk İstişare Komitesi (ICAC) verilerine göre; 2013/14 üretim dönemi ile 2017/18 sezonu arasında dünyada ortalama 32,1 (32.115) milyon hektar alanda pamuk üretimi yapılmış olup son dönemde ekim alanlarında yaşanan daralma 2017/18 sezonu ile son bulmuştur. 2017/18 sezonunda pamuk ekimi yapılan 33 milyon hektar alanın %37’si Hindistan’dadır. Ekim alanlarının genişliğinde Hindistan’ı, ABD, Çin, Pakistan ve Özbekistan izlemektedir. Türkiye pamuk ekim alanı açısından 9’uncu sırada yer almaktadır. 2017/18 sezonunda ICAC verilerine göre Türkiye pamuk veriminde üçüncü sıraya yükselmiştir. TÜİK verilerine göre ise aynı sezonda verim 1800 kg/ha olup bu verilere göre ülkemiz lif pamuk veriminde dünyada ikinci sırada bulunmaktadır. Türkiye’de yaklaşık 80 milyon ton olan bitkisel üretimin %17,3 ünü endüstri bitkileri oluşturmaktadır. Endüstri bitkileri içinde pamuk, son yirmi yılda ortalama 700.000 ton üretimiyle imalat sanayine önemli bir kaynak oluşturmaktadır. Dünyada pamuk üreten ülkeler arasında ise Türkiye, ilk on içinde yer almaktadır. Pamuğun tarımsal ve endüstriyel önem dikkate alındığında; pamuk üretiminin üretim ve dış ticaretindeki gelişmeleri analiz etmek çalışmanın esas amacıdır. Çalışma 1992-2018 yılını içeren yirmi altı yıllık bir zaman serisini kapsamaktadır. Çalışma kapsamına pamuk üretim alanı, üretim miktarı ve dış ticareti ele alınmıştır. Bu doğrultuda, ele alınan değişkenlere trend analizi uygulanmış değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır.

In 1794 Eli Whitney, a native of Westborough, Massachusetts improved technology on the cotton gin, which he then submitted the paperwork for a patent. However, it is widely perceived that Whitney invented the first cotton gin. I was only... more