Biopesticides Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Soil is the basic requirement for agriculture crop production and simultaneously the microbial activity is important to improve soil health for healthy crop growth because microbial communities play an important role in building a complex... more

Soil is the basic requirement for agriculture crop production and simultaneously the microbial activity is important to improve soil health for healthy crop growth because microbial communities play an important role in building a complex link between plants and soil. Microbiomes from plants, soil and extreme environments are naturally gifted with amazing capabilities which play significant roles in the maintenance of global nutrient balance and ecosystem functions. The microbiomes from diverse niches have in fact emerged as potential tools for improving the plant growth and productivity by diverse mechanisms include solubilization of nutrients, nitrogen fixation, hormonal stimulation as well as biotic and abiotic stress tolerance. Further, these microbiomes have an immense potential to maintain soil health and fertility. Thus, dependent on their mode of action and effects, these microbiomes can be used as biofertilizers, biopesticides, plant strengtheners, and phytostimulators whic...

“Medicine is food and food is medicine” is the best way to describe on how the ailments were cured by using the plants during the ancient period of time. The “Magical plant of Indian Spice” (Murraya koenigii) has served humankind not only... more

“Medicine is food and food is medicine” is the best way to describe on how the
ailments were cured by using the plants during the ancient period of time. The “Magical
plant of Indian Spice” (Murraya koenigii) has served humankind not only as food enhancer
but also serve as village or folk medication to cure many disorders, the tribal communities
has used many parts of the Murraya koenigiito cure them. Murraya koenigii used to cure
dysentery disorders, renal pain, stomach upsets and morning sickness. The carbazolealkaloids
such as koenigin, bicyclomahanimbicine, cyclomahanimbine, murrayastine, coumarine,
koenidine and pypayafolinecarbazole has substantial medicinal activities.

ABSTRACT - The study used Onion (Allium Cepa), Garlic (Allium Sativum L.) and Sour Orange (Citrus Aurantium) to assess their effectiveness as bio-pesticides. The study also revealed that plants play vital roles towards the storage of... more

The study used Onion (Allium Cepa), Garlic (Allium Sativum L.) and Sour Orange (Citrus Aurantium) to assess their effectiveness as bio-pesticides. The study also revealed that plants play vital roles towards the storage of many food stuffs. The consideration for the used extracts of plants origin is that they were easily biodegradable, effective on some pests and considered safer in pest control operations as they minimized pesticide residues and also ensured safety of the consumers of the treated grains and the environment. Which in turn, the production of organic extracts of plant origin for pest control were easier and less expensive than the synthesized some of the complex chemical formations.

The experiment was conducted at Cotton Research Farm of Sreepur under Gazipur, Mahigonj under Rangpur, Sadarpur under Dinajpur and Jogodispur under Jessore district of Bangladesh during from July 2015 to June 2016 to evaluate the... more

The experiment was conducted at Cotton Research Farm of Sreepur under Gazipur, Mahigonj under Rangpur,
Sadarpur under Dinajpur and Jogodispur under Jessore district of Bangladesh during from July 2015 to June
2016 to evaluate the effectiveness of some botanical extracts against cotton sucking insect i.e. aphid, jassid and white fly at four (4) research centers of Cotton Development Board located at Sreepur, Sadarpur, Jagadishpur and Mahigonj. The experiment consisted of eight treatments T1 = Control (Untreated), T2 = Mehagony seed
extract, T3 = Khuksha leaves extract, T4 = Chirata leaves extract, T5 = Garlic extract, T6 =Azadiractin (Leaf and
kernel extract of Neem), T7 = Bael leaves extract, T8 = Marigold leaves extract were allocated in the field
following Randomized Complete Block Design with 3 replications. The incidence of sucking pests was
recorded once in a week from 10 randomly plants at each plot. Spraying was done when the pest population
crossed the ETL level. Significant differences were found in the relative efficacy of different treatments in
reducing the jassid population and their persistence at different hour after treatments (24, 48 and 72 hours). The leaf and kernel extract of neem was found the best in controlling jassid., after 24, 48 and 72 hours of spraying
and increased cotton yield as the highest yield 3.13 t/ha, 3.11 t/ha, 2.87 t/ha and 2.89 t/ha at Gazipur, Rangpur,
Dinajpur and Jessore farm respectively compared with other treatments. Plant extracts are biopesticides having
less or no hazardous effects on human health and environment. Thus they can be incorporated in IPM
programs in cotton cultivation.

Se señala el uso indiscriminado de los plaguicidas sintéticos y los problemas que causan para la salud humana, la agricultura y el medio ambiente, y se presentan aspectos generales de los bioplaguicidas y su empleo en el control biológico... more

Se señala el uso indiscriminado de los plaguicidas sintéticos y los problemas que causan para la salud humana, la agricultura y el medio ambiente, y se presentan aspectos generales de los bioplaguicidas y su empleo en el control biológico de plagas. Por su naturaleza, estos productos pueden usarse con seguridad en una agricultura sustentable, y un ejemplo de esto es el uso de los plaguicidas botánicos cuyo ingrediente activo son los terpenos, alcaloides y compuestos fenólicos con efecto insecticida para diversas plagas agrícolas, además son menos costosos, son biodegradables y seguros para el ser humano y el medio ambiente, aunque tienen poca residualidad. Los plaguicidas microbianos están siendo introducidos con éxito en el control de plagas de cultivos como café, caña de azúcar, frijol y maíz. Estos productos son elaborados a base de bacterias, hongos, virus o nematodos entomopatógenos. Sin embargo, pocos agentes entomopatógenos se han desarrollado como agentes de biocontrol efect...

Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is the causal agent of anthracnose disease of several fruits such as mango, papaya and avocado affecting both its pre-and post-harvest quality. This economically-important fungal disease is usually... more

Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is the causal agent of anthracnose disease of several fruits such as mango, papaya and avocado affecting both its pre-and post-harvest quality. This economically-important fungal disease is usually controlled by synthetic fungicides causing an increase in the production cost of the mango growers. The utilization of chemical pesticides is widely common due to its effectiveness, convenience, and availability in the market however, the abusive use of these synthetic chemicals posed harmful effects to environment and living organisms including humans. Hence, exploration of botanical pesticides with pesticidal properties is being investigated worldwide as an ecofriendly substitute for synthetic chemicals. The aqueous and ethanolic plant extract derived from leaves of marigold (Tagetes patula), lantana (Lantana camara), tamarind (Tamarindus indica), and cosmos (Cosmos sulphureus) were tested against C. gloeosporioides. Results showed that all aqueous extracts did not show any inhibitory effects on the growth of the test fungus in-vitro when compared to the negative (sterile distilled water)and positive (fungicide) control. No reduction in the radial growth of the fungus suggested that the tested aqueous plant extracts were non-fungicidal against the pathogen. However, it was observed that ethanolic extracts from tamarind and marigold showed 42% and 34% inhibition, respectively. These two ethanolic extracts can be further tested in-vivo using different mode of inoculation and application to elucidate their antifungal action.

Moringa oleifera commonly known as Moringa is a multipurpose plant. Field trials were conducted to assess the potency of Moringa leaf (MLE) and root extracts (MRE) as plant growth regulator (PGR) and a Bio-pesticide on wheat crop. At... more

Moringa oleifera commonly known as Moringa is a multipurpose plant. Field trials were conducted to assess the potency of Moringa leaf (MLE) and root extracts (MRE) as plant growth regulator (PGR) and a Bio-pesticide on wheat crop. At distinct crop growth stages (tillering, booting, and heading) with different concentrations (5, 10, 12.5, and 25% v/v or w/v or w/w) of MLE and MRE were applied. Results showed statistically significant increase in crop growth traits and reduction in aphid infestation (booting, milk, and heading stage). As plant growth regulator maximum leaf area duration (LAD), leaf area index (LAI), and total dry matter accumulation (TDM) were recorded at all growth stages for MLE 25%. Highest crop growth rate (CGR) (24.91 gm-2day-1) at tillering was achieved for MLE 5%, 13.04 gm-2day-1 for MRE 10% at booting stage and 8.76 gm-2day-1 for MLE 10% at heading stage. Maximum thousand
grains weight (57.33g), highest number of spikes per plant (9.67plant-1) and maximum grain yield (4446Kg hac-1) were determined for MLE 25%. The heading stage of the
crop was heavily infested with aphids and MLE 5% significantly reduced pest infestation compared to other concentrations of MLE and MRE and control group. Overall, MLE and MRE proved very effective as plant growth regulator and a Biopesticide
against wheat aphid on wheat crop.

Azadirachtin (Aza) is a promisor biopesticide used in organic production and aquaculture. Although this compound is apparently safe, there is evidence that it may have deleterious effects on fish. Behavioral and hematological tests are... more

Azadirachtin (Aza) is a promisor biopesticide used in organic production and aquaculture. Although this compound is apparently safe, there is evidence that it may have deleterious effects on fish. Behavioral and hematological tests are grouped into a set of parameters that may predict potential toxicity of chemical compounds. Here, we investigate the effects of Aza, in the commercial formulation Neenmax(™) , on carp (Cyprinus carpio) by defining LC50 (96 h), and testing behavioral and hematological parameters. In our study, LC50 was estimated at 80 μL/L. We exposed carp to Aza at 20, 40, and 60 μL/L, values based on 25, 50, and 75% of LC50 , respectively. At 60 μL/L, Aza promoted significant changes in several parameters, increasing the distance traveled and absolute turn angle. In addition, the same concentration decreased the time spent immobile and the number of immobile episodes. Hematological parameters, such as hematocrit, hemoglobin, hematimetrics index, and red cell distribu...

Biopesticides, including entomopathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and plant secondary metabolites, are gaining increasing importance as they are alternatives to chemical pesticides and are a major component of many pest... more

Biopesticides, including entomopathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes,
and plant secondary metabolites, are gaining increasing importance
as they are alternatives to chemical pesticides and are a major component
of many pest control programs. The virulence of various biopesticides
such as nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV), bacteria, and plant product
were tested under laboratory conditions very successfully and the selected
ones were also evaluated under fi eld conditions with major success.
Biopesticide products (including benefi cial insects) are now available
commercially for the control of pest and diseases. The overall aim of
biopesticide research is to make these biopesticide products available at
farm level at an affordable price, and this would become a possible tool in
the integrated pest management strategy. Moreover, biopesticide research
is still going on and further research is needed in many aspects including
bioformulation and areas such as commercialization. There has been a
substantial renewal of commercial interest in biopesticides as demonstrated
by the considerable number of agreements between pesticide companies
and bioproduct companies which allow the development of effective
biopesticides in the market. This paper has reviewed the important and
basic defection of major biopesticides in the past. The future prospects for
the development of new biopesticides are also discussed.

The ever-expanding pollution and consequently increasing pressure on food production demand high agricultural productivity, concurrent with adequate increase in crop yield by use of fertilizers and protection of crops from damaging insect... more

The ever-expanding pollution and consequently increasing pressure on food production demand high agricultural productivity, concurrent with adequate increase in crop yield by use of fertilizers and protection of crops from damaging insect pest and diseases. Ambitious use of synthetic agrochemicals in ecosystem caused variety of deleterious effects to the environment and human health. Inefficient uptake of applied fertilizers resulted in the hardening of soil thereby making it less productive. Leaching of pesticides to ground water or nearby rivers, simultaneous nonselective killing of pest, accidents with toxic pesticides, pesticide residues of food crops and the disappearance of certain vertebrates have become more of less synonymous with modern intensive agriculture. The problem of hazardous consequences of the use of synthetic agrochemicals may be solved effectively by developing and practicing fertilizers and pesticides of biological origin. Use of bioagrochemicals in agro ecosystem is now emerging as one of the prime device to increase agricultural productivity and to protect crops from insect pest and diseases in an ecofriendly manner. Bioagrochemicals are being preferred over their synthetic counterparts on account of their low mammalian toxicity, ecofriendliness and non-hazardous characteristics to non-target subjects. In this article, scientific approaches, their advantages, common characteristics, potentiality and eco-friendly nature of bioagrochemicals have been reviewed.

The increased urbanization of a growing global population makes imperative the development of sustainable integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for urban pest control. This emphasizes pests that are closely associated with the... more

The increased urbanization of a growing global population makes imperative the development of sustainable integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for urban pest control. This emphasizes pests that are closely associated with the health and wellbeing of humans and domesticated animals. Concurrently there are regulatory requirements enforced to minimize inadvertent exposures to insecticides in the urban environment. Development of insecticide resistance management (IRM) strategies in urban ecosystems involves understanding the status and mechanisms of insecticide resistance and reducing insecticide selection pressure by combining multiple chemical and non-chemical approaches. In this review, we will focus on the commonly used insecticides and molecular and physiological mechanisms underlying insecticide resistance in six major urban insect pests: house fly, German cockroach, mosquitoes, red flour beetle, bed bugs and head louse. We will also discuss several strategies that may prove promising for future urban IPM programs.

Laporan Praktikum Disusun oleh Emil Rahim, Prodi Agroteknologi, fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Laporan praktikum mata kuliah Mikrobiologi Pertanian. Terdiri atas 14 acara diantaranya : 1. Acara I mengenai Pengenalan... more

Laporan Praktikum Disusun oleh Emil Rahim, Prodi Agroteknologi, fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Laporan praktikum mata kuliah Mikrobiologi Pertanian. Terdiri atas 14 acara diantaranya :
1. Acara I mengenai Pengenalan Alat.
2. Acara II mengenai Kalibrasi mikrometer Okuler dan Pengukuran Sel.
3. Acara III mengenai Pembuatan Media dan Pembuktian bahwa mikroba ada diudara.
4. Acara IV mengenai Sterilisasi dan Kerja Aseptis.
5. Acara V mengenai Isolasi Mikroba Rhizosfer.
6. Acara VI mengenai Metode pendugaan Jumlah Mikroba.
7. Acara VII mengenai Morfologi Koloni Mikroba.
8. Acara VIII mengenai Pewranaan Sel Bakteri.
9. Acara IX mengenai Inokulasi Rhizobium pada Benih kedelai.
10. Acara X mengenai Evaluasi Bintil Akar.
11. Acara XI mengenai Inokulasi Mikoriza pada Jagung, Penanaman, Pemeliharaan tanaman Jagung.
12. Acara XII mengenai Perhitungan Infeksi Mikoriza pada Akar jagung.
13. Acara XIII mengenai Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair (POC).
14. Acara XIV mengenai Pembuatan Biopestisida

Information available on the utilization of algae and cyanobacteria, with manifold potential applications in agriculture and biotechnology, for commercial biopesticide production is still scarce. We used the algal/cyanobacterial... more

Information available on the utilization of algae and cyanobacteria, with manifold potential applications in agriculture and biotechnology, for commercial biopesticide production is still scarce. We used the algal/cyanobacterial extract-larval contact method to assay in vitro against different developmental life cycle stages (the 2nd and 4th instars) of the cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis crude ethanolic extracts of five different algal and cyanobacterial species: Chara vulgaris (stonewort), Parachlorella kessleri, Ulva intestinalis, Cladophora glomerata (green algae), and the heterocytous cyanobacterium Nostoc carneum. All the algal and cyanobacterial treatments showed insecticidal activities against larvae of S. littoralis, with 2nd larval instars being more susceptible. In general, P. kessleri and N. carneum exhibited the highest insecticidal toxic effects while the stonewort C. vulgaris showed the lowest insecticidal activity. Effects of these algal and cyanobacterial treatments on larval duration, % pupal formation, pupal duration and weight, % moth emergence, adults’ fecundity and longevity, eggs’ hatching, sex ratios, and larval-pupal-moth malformations were discussed. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses of the crude algal and cyanobacterial extracts revealed 29 compounds, mainly containing an array of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, some essential oils, and terpene compounds like phytol. Insecticidal activities of the algal and cyanobacterial specimens can be attributed to the synergistic effects of the abovementioned phytochemical constituents, particularly fatty acids such as the polyunsaturated ω-6 linoleic, palmitic, oleic, myristic, α-linolenic, and 7, 10-hexadecadienoic acids. The coccoid green alga P. kessleri and the cyanobacterium N. carneum can thus be recommended as ecofriendly biopesticides for the integrated pest management of the cotton leafworm and other agricultural pests.

Global agriculture is currently challenged to provide increasing supplies of food for a growing population due to the changing trends of insect attacks and climatic conditions. There is overwhelming evidence that the use of chemical... more

Global agriculture is currently challenged to provide increasing supplies of food for a growing population due to the changing trends of insect attacks and climatic conditions. There is overwhelming evidence that the use of chemical pesticides have created many other serious problems like ecological backlashes in pest species, environmental pollution and degradation, threat to biodiversity conservation, loss of beneficial fauna (predators, parasites, pollinators etc) and human beings in particular. Keeping in view, the new generation of pesticides have attracted attention in pest management in recent years, Biorational pesticides as “third-generation pesticides” are derived from some natural source and impose minimum or no adversarial threats on the environment or beneficial organisms. Some examples of biorational pesticides are the microbial pesticide Bacillus thuringiensis (Kurstaki), neonicotinoids, avermectins, phenlpyrazoles, spinosyns, pyrroles, oxadiazines and various groups of insect growth regulators. With a narrower target range of pests, they also tend to have a more specific mode of action. This new class of pesticides are often designed to control a pest population to a manageable level rather than completely eradicate a target pest. These products have great potential for replacing the persistent conventional insecticides, confirming effective cost-benefit ratio, tackling ecological backlashes and ensuring food security with safe environment. The field of biorational pesticides is deep; consequently they are a source of both optimism and concern. However, these bio-products are not only winning the reliability of the market and end user; but also demonstrating their worth and potential in sustainable integrated pest management (IPM) program.

The unsustainable application of chemical pesticides has resulted in a steady decline in food productivity worldwide. Biopesticides hold the potential to maintain agricultural productivity, while safeguarding agroecosystems and... more

The unsustainable application of chemical pesticides has resulted in a steady decline in food productivity worldwide. Biopesticides hold the potential to maintain agricultural productivity, while safeguarding agroecosystems and microclimates. There are three broad categories of biopesticides: microbial biopesticides, botanical biopesticides, and semiochemical biopesticides. While the development and consumption of biopesticides is at a record high in a number of places, including Canada, the USA, the EU, Australia, and Brazil, India has shown slow growth, due in part to inadequate legislation, a lack of capacity, and the weak implementation of policies related to biopesticides and biocontrol agents. Biopesticides and biocontrol agents in India are still largely regulated by legal frameworks originally designed for chemical insecticides and pesticides. As a result, manufacturers and importers of biopesticides and biocontrol agents face multiple legal and procedural challenges. This paper provides a critical analysis of Indian legal frameworks regulating biopesticides, concluding that a reform in legal apparatus is necessary to promote the uptake of these substances in the country. A shift in the legal framework from a focus on chemical substances to biological agents would also complement the country's environmental and sustainability goals. Highlights m Indian Insecticides Act is inadequate to deal with biopesticides. Consequently, manufacturing, trade and use of biopesticides is affected by legal barriers. m A reform is needed in regulations, registration and licensing process.

Mohamed A. Ibrahim Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, University of Kuopio, PO Box 1627, FIN-70211 Kuopio, Finland, e-mail: Pirjo Kainulainen MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Plant Production Research, Plant... more

Mohamed A. Ibrahim Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, University of Kuopio, PO Box 1627, FIN-70211 Kuopio, Finland, e-mail: Pirjo Kainulainen MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Plant Production Research, Plant Protection, FIN-31600 ...

A laboratory experiment was conducted to evaluate the insecticidal property of Cymbopogon citratus leaf extract as seed protectant against maize weevil. One (1) gram each of acetone, chloroform, methanol and aqueous extracts were... more

A laboratory experiment was conducted to evaluate the insecticidal property of Cymbopogon citratus leaf extract as seed protectant against maize weevil. One (1) gram each of acetone, chloroform, methanol and aqueous extracts were re-suspended in 5 ml of deionized water and used to impregnate filter papers set in four replicates. Varied concentrations of the aqueous extract per 50 g of Zea mays grains infested with 10 pairs of sexed Sitophilus zeamais for 28 days were tested for insecticidal properties and compared with experimental and synthetic conventional insecticide [Coopex (0.25 g)] controls. Parameters assessed were effect of C. citratus extracts on weevil mortality (toxicity test) and protection of maize against S. zeamais. Data obtained were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and means were separated using New Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5% level of significance. Results showed significant (P < 0.05) concentration and duration dependent mortalities of S. zeamais. The aqueous extract gave the highest protection of the maize grains followed by chloroform, methanol and acetone extracts respectively. The insecticidal potency of C. citratus extracts and its availability places it as an attractive biopesticide in traditional post-harvest seed protection.

Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the ability of four microorganisms to reduce disease infection of root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus spp.) and Fusarium spp. the causal agent of wilt/root-rot disease complex... more

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the ability of four microorganisms to reduce
disease infection of root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus spp.) and Fusarium spp. the causal agent of
wilt/root-rot disease complex in chickpea.
Design/methodology/approach – A pot experiment was conducted for three consecutive winter
seasons. A completely randomized design with five replicates was adopted. Two Bacillus isolates and
Trichoderma harzianum and T. viride and their combinations were applied in infected soil. The effect
on plant growth parameters, disease incidence and severity, root necrosis, weight of shoot and root,
nematode population density and reproductive index were assessed.
Findings – The applications significantly ( p¼0.05) reduced the wilt/root-rot diseases complex.
The reduction was attributed to the decline of the population density of nematodes in soil and root, and
the suppression of the disease complex compared to controls, represented by reproductive index
and the disease intensity index. Combinations were better than individual inoculation. The use of Bacillus
isolate B3 and T. harzianum increased the number of flowers by 88.34 per cent. Reduction in the severity
of root necrosis was in the range of 2.22-5.55 within a scale of 1-10. These findings indicate the
significance of utilizing local bioagents for control of wilt/root-rot disease complex in chickpea plants.
Originality/value – The microorganisms used in this study are indigenous.

The experiment was conducted on Plant Pathology Laboratory of SHIATS, Allahabad by collecting the infected leaf of Aloe vera found around at the garden of Department of Plant protection of university. Pathogen was isolated, identified and... more

The experiment was conducted on Plant Pathology
Laboratory of SHIATS, Allahabad by collecting the
infected leaf of Aloe vera found around at the garden of
Department of Plant protection of university. Pathogen
was isolated, identified and cultured in the Potato
Dextrose Agar (PDA) medium. The Pathogen was
identified as Alternaria alternata. Leaf of six plants viz.
Eucalyptus deglupta, Annona squamosa, Ocimum
sanctum, Cannabis sativa, Madhuca longifolia, Tagetes
patula was collected and its fresh leaf extract was
prepared on weight by weight basis so as to test the
efficacy of these extracts against the pathogen by Poison
food techniques. The leaf extracts were evaluated against
A. alternata at 50% of concentration in vitro. The
mycelial growth of the fungus at different concentrations
was measured after 48 and 72 hours of inoculation. The
results revealed that all the extracts significantly
inhibited the mycelial growth at this concentrations
wherever Madhuca longifolia and Tagetes patula
showed least mycelial growth . However, the leaf extract
of Eucalyptus was found to be most effective as
compared to other including control for controlling the
disease caused by Alternaria alternata. An intense study
on these leaf extract may help to use them as an effective
biopesticides in commercial scale.

Mosquito is a vector of different diseases like Malaria, Filariasis and Dengue fever. It has been increasing development of resistance to synthetic chemicals, so plant extracts may be the alternate source of mosquito control agent. This... more

Mosquito is a vector of different diseases like Malaria, Filariasis and Dengue fever. It has been increasing development of resistance to synthetic chemicals, so plant extracts may be the alternate source of mosquito control agent. This study was conducted on five different plant extracts as Nicotiana tabacum, Ocimum basilicum, Datura stramonium, Chenopodium album and Cassia fistula against Culex quinquefasciatus Say. to evaluate them as an efficient larvicide potential. Plant extracts offered a virtually untapped chemical compounds with different potential uses. Study was focused on laboratory determination of LC50 and LC90 values by a bioassay test. These plant extracts were tested on 3 rd instar of mosquito larvae. The plant extracts were applied with different concentrations as 400, 200, 100, 50, 25 ppm with acetone as control and mortality was counted after 24, 48 and 72 hours. The efficiency of plant extracts was recorded in term of % age mortality. From these extracts Cassia fistula gave 100% mortality and Nicotiana tabacum gave 98% mortality after 72 hours of application. In sense of LC50 and LC90 values Cassia fistula showed 50.272ppm and 203.994ppm respectively. LC50 and LC90 values of Nicotiana tabacum were 17.772ppm and 206.485ppm respectively.

L'acarien tarsonème, Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks, est un important ravageur de l'aubergine Gboma (Solanum macrocarpon L.), un légume-feuille de grande consommation au Bénin. La gestion de ce ravageur repose fondamentalement sur la... more

L'acarien tarsonème, Polyphagotarsonemus latus Banks, est un important ravageur de l'aubergine Gboma (Solanum macrocarpon L.), un légume-feuille de grande consommation au Bénin. La gestion de ce ravageur repose fondamentalement sur la lutte chimique avec toutes ses conséquences sur la santé et sur l'environnement ; d'où la nécessité de rechercher des solutions alternatives. Ainsi, la performance de trois biopesticides notamment huile de neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss), extraits aqueux de hyptis (Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poit, et du faux basilic (Ocimum gratissimum L), a été testée sur les oeufs et adultes de P. latus au laboratoire de paires avec celle de Acarius et Sunpyrifos, deux acaricides chimiques communément utilisés au Bénin. Aussi, leurs effets sur les densités de population du ravageur et la productivité du Gboma ont-ils été évalués en plein champ. Au laboratoire, les taux moyens d'éclosion des oeufs ont varié significativement entre traitements, allant 36 ± 5% à 80 ± 5% (P < 0,0001). Le plus fort taux d'éclosion a été enregistré sur le témoin et hyptis tandis que le plus fort d'éclosion a été enregistré avec Acarius suivi du Sunpyrifos et de l'huile de neem. Les taux de mortalité des adultes de P. latus ont également varié significativement entre les différents traitements allant de 43 ± 2% à 100% (P < 0,0001). Les plus faibles mortalités ont été enregistrées sur le témoin suivi de hyptis tandis que les plus forts taux ont été

Chickpea is an economically important food crop, which is subjected to infection by a host of fungal, viral and bacterial pathogens. Thirty isolates of Pseudomonas fluorescens were isolated from the rhizosphere of Chickpea fields. These... more

Chickpea is an economically important food crop, which is subjected to infection by a host of fungal, viral and bacterial pathogens. Thirty isolates of Pseudomonas fluorescens were isolated from the rhizosphere of Chickpea fields. These were tested against F. oxysporum in dual culture method. Among these, four (Pf 1, Pf 3, Pf 5 and Pf 8) isolates were showed bright fluorescence under UV light were further tested. All the cultural and biochemical studies confirmed them to be P. fluorescens. The isolates also showed positive response for siderophore production and plant growth promoting activity on Chickpea cultivar Bital 98. Among these isolates Pf 3 and Pf 5 shown significant results by increasing root length and shoot length. Both the Pf 3 and Pf 5 isolates were found significantly superior than other isolates in increasing the shoot length (12.7 cm) and root length (24.5 cm) over control. The isolates Pf 3 was recorded high vigor index (3830) followed by Pf 5 (3648). The least vigor index was recorded by Pf 1 (2631).