Dental Aesthetics Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Ceramists may be able to produce excellent results, but none can improve on natural dentition. Natural teeth are always the benchmark to which every ceramist should aspire. To become a better ceramist requires training and application,... more

Ceramists may be able to produce excellent results, but none can improve on natural dentition. Natural teeth are always the benchmark to which every ceramist should aspire.
To become a better ceramist requires training and application, and one of the best ways of training is to copy natural dentition. The amount of information that can be gained just by examining natural teeth is enormous. Natural dentition is irregular, but it is also in proportion and perfectly balanced.
By trying to reproduce natural teeth,
the ceramist will appreciate their diversity,
and will never stop learning from the experience.
This article presents one way of
training to better understand the shape,
color, and materials of teeth.

In contemporary dentistry, we have a vast range of materials to choose from, and metal free restorations have become the premier materials for achieving the ultimate in both esthetics and durability. Metal-free restorations are utilised... more

In contemporary dentistry, we have a vast range of materials to choose from, and metal free restorations have become the premier materials for achieving the ultimate in both esthetics and durability.
Metal-free restorations are utilised with more conservative preparations to preserve the vital natural dentition, and
have proven to be superior alternatives to traditional porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) restorations in many cases.
There are always “pros and cons” when selecting materials, and to make the best choice it is essential for dental professionals to plan precisely and understand their options in any clinical situation.
Selecting suitable materials and techniques involves consideration of the following factors:
„„Esthetic zone.
„„Required strength based on the patient’s
occlusion/dental habits.
„„Preparation reduction.
„„Position of the margin.
„„Type of restoration/preparation.
„„The treating clinician’s philosophy.
„„Stump shade.
„„Final shade.
One of the most significant challenges in the metal-free dentistry is the reproduction of natural dentition without the influence of a “negative stump” – a very dark or metal core showing through the
final restorations.
There are many factors to be considered when working on such a case, and controlling the opacity of the coping and crown is the key to success.
This article presents a unique “outside of the box” technique that provides consistent, predictable and durable restorations, which provide the best possible esthetic outcome.

Dental caries is a multifactorial microbial disease that affects tooth hard tissue leading to destruction of its mineral and organic components. The current work reviewed the development of caries assessment methods and excavation... more

Dental caries is a multifactorial microbial disease that affects tooth hard tissue leading to destruction of its mineral and
organic components. The current work reviewed the development of caries assessment methods and excavation concepts in the past two centuries. In the late ninetieth century, G.V. Black introduced a classification of dental caries, as well as established the principals of tooth preparation, based on his understanding of the nature of the disease. However, due
to the great development of dental materials and caries detection methods, most of Black’s principals are no longer valid nowadays. In light of the minimal invasive philosophy, several new caries excavation concepts were introduced. These concepts converts ‘old’ Black’s caries excavation concept of “extension for prevention” to “prevention of extension”. Since 2000 the concepts of caries excavation have greatly changed due to the popularity of the ‘partial caries removal’ concept.
As an example of this new ‘conservative’ vision, the “Fédération Dentaire Internationale” (FDI) (World Dental Federation) approved the atraumatic restorative technique (ART) as one of the caries excavation methods in 2002.
Keywords: Caries; Extension For Prevention; Caries Excavation; Minimally Invasive Technique; Atraumatic Restorative Technique.

Ingin tampil lebih percaya diri dengan pasang gigi palsu permanen di Jogja? Disini tempatnya untuk pasang gigi tiruan di Yogyakarta. Kami siap melayani implan gigi palsu sesuai kebutuhan Anda dengan ditangani oleh dokter gigi dan perawat... more

Ingin tampil lebih percaya diri dengan pasang gigi palsu permanen di Jogja? Disini tempatnya untuk pasang gigi tiruan di Yogyakarta. Kami siap melayani implan gigi palsu sesuai kebutuhan Anda dengan ditangani oleh dokter gigi dan perawat gigi terbaik dan kompeten. Kami melayani pemasangan gigi palsu permanen, gigi palsu lepasan, gigi palsu akrilik, gigi palsu valplast, pemasangan crown (mahkota tiruan) dan gigi palsu lain yang aman dan nyaman untuk anak, ibu hamil, orang tua, dan orang dewasa. Siap melayani masyarakat Piyungan, Berbah, Prambanan, Kalasan, Patuk, Dlingo, Banguntapan, Bantul, Sleman, Wonosari, Wates, Jogja, dan sekitarnya. Kami percaya kepuasan dan kesehatan pelanggan adalah prioritas utama kami. Kami siap melayani segala jenis pemasangan gigi palsu permanen dan lepasan dengan berbagai model dan kebutuhan yang terbaru, ternyaman dan paling aman.

Atender às expectativas de um paciente é nosso objetivo, independentemente dos tipos de casos que tratamos. Um resultado “esteticamente agradável” é finalmente julgado pelo paciente, e sem sua satisfação o caso é considerado inaceitável,... more

Atender às expectativas de um paciente é nosso objetivo, independentemente dos tipos de casos que tratamos. Um resultado “esteticamente agradável” é finalmente julgado pelo paciente, e sem sua satisfação o caso é considerado inaceitável, embora possa haver alguma falha com o resultado final aos olhos do dentista. Tendências em estética dental são muito influenciadas pelos meios de comunicação e o mundo da moda, bem como pela cultura regional. Nos Estados Unidos, a tendência está se deslocando do sorriso Hollywood ‘superbranco’ para o menos superbranco “Hollywood sutil”. O sorriso Hollywood caiu em desuso, uma vez que parece falso, o que significa que as pessoas podem identificá lo de imediato, e podem ter a impressão que precisam de óculos de sol para olhar para os piores casos. O Hollywood sutil ainda apresenta dentes brancos em linha reta, mas tem tonalidade natural. Na Europa, a tendência está mudando do visual supernatural para um visual branco clareado mais natural. Na Ásia, considerando-se o alto nível de odontologia, parece que o público em geral não é tão preocupado com a estética do sorriso, quango comparado com o mundo ocidental. No entanto, independentemente de sua origem, quando se trata de restauração de um incisivo central único, o sucesso se resume a misturar a restauração perfeitamente à dentição natural circundante. Neste artigo, são apresentados vários dos fatores a ser considerados, quando se pretende um resultado “esteticamente agradável”.

Die Herstellung von Veneers aus konventioneller Aufbrennkeramik ist eine der ältesten Techniken, die innerhalb der modernen metallfreien Zahntechnik, der Vollkeramik, in Gebrauch ist. Die aktuellen Fortschritte in der CAD/CAM-Technik und... more

Die Herstellung von Veneers aus konventioneller Aufbrennkeramik ist eine der ältesten Techniken, die innerhalb der modernen metallfreien Zahntechnik, der Vollkeramik, in Gebrauch ist. Die aktuellen Fortschritte in der CAD/CAM-Technik und bei den Dentalmaterialien ermöglichen immer zuverlässigere und vorhersagbarere, ästhetisch ansprechende Ergebnisse. Die traditionelle Veneertechnik liefert die besten ästhetischen Ergebnisse, weil Transluzenz und Farbwirkung im Keramikmaterial selbst kontrollierbar sind. Für die Herstellung solcher Veneers wird herkömmlich Verblendkeramik auf Feldspatbasis verwendet.
Im Gegensatz hierzu stellt sich die Frage, warum keine moderne Verblendkeramik der Zirkoniumdioxidtechnik für Veneers verwendet werden sollte. Allgemein erhält man nach Erfahrung des Autors mit heutigen Zirkoniumdioxid-Verblendkeramiken wesentlich dichtere und festere Restaurationen hone Schrumpfungsrisse. Ein ästhetisch ansprechendes Ergebnis lässt sich inzwischen leichter mit diesen neuen Zirkoniumdioxid-Verblendmassen erzielen, weil diese Systeme viele vorgemischte Massen bieten und ein aufwändiges individuelles Mischen erübrigen. Dadurch eröffnen sich auch günstigere Kombinationsmöglichkeiten der Materialien. Bei Patienten mit nebeneinander liegenden Versorgungen ausZirkoniumdioxidkronen und Veneers ist es von Vorteil, wenn die Krone und das Veneer aus der gleichen Keramik gefertigt werden können. In diesem Beitrag wird dies Möglichkeit am Beispiel von zwei seitlichen Schneidezähnen, die mit keramischen Veneers versorgt werden, Schritt für Schritt gezeigt. Die Verblendkeramik (hier Lava Ceram, 3M Espe, Seefeld) wird hierbei auf feuerfesten Stümpfen aufgebrannt. Bei dieser Technik ist die Modellherstellung ein wesentlicher Teil der Arbeit.

Dental transposition is a form of ectopic eruption with change in position of normal adjacent teeth. Its prevalence is very low in general population and could be frequently missed on oral examination. We present a rare case of dental... more

Dental transposition is a form of ectopic eruption with change in position of normal adjacent teeth. Its prevalence is very low in general population and could be frequently missed on oral examination. We present a rare case of dental transposition between left mandibular canine and first premolar in a 22 year old Libyan male patient.

Introduction: Dentistry is one of the most prestigious professions in India. Among the total dental undergraduate students a very high proportion is female. The present study was conducted to find out the attitude of female dental... more

Introduction: Dentistry is one of the most prestigious professions
in India. Among the total dental undergraduate students a very
high proportion is female. The present study was conducted to find
out the attitude of female dental students regarding their further
study and to find out different factors affecting the decision to do
post-graduation and subject of choice.
Methodology: The study was carried out in a dental college in
South India among the undergraduate female dental students from
first year to final year. Data were collected using a pre-designed,
pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. Collected data was
compiled, tabulated and analyzed using SPSS version 16.0.
Results: 25% students did not want to do post-graduation and
wanted to work as general dentist. Wish to be general dentist was
significantly higher among students of higher age group and
students of final year. Oral and maxillofacial surgery was the most
favorite discipline to do post-graduation for students of all years
except final year. No student wanted to work as oral pathologist,
oral anatomist, public health dentist or period on to logist.
Majority of the students liked to study dentistry. However,
proportion of students who did not like to study dentistry was
significantly higher among third year students.
Conclusion: Attitude of students regarding future career varied
widely according to age of the students and year of study. Practice
of early age of marriage among female as compared to male may
be a reason of change of their attitude regarding future study.
Huge stress involved in studying dentistry can be another reason
for this.

Culturally modified teeth are one of the few personal identity markers to survive into the archaeological record, have modern comparatives, and exist as a global deep-time behaviour. Typology and description, however, have suffered from a... more

Culturally modified teeth are one of the few personal identity markers to survive into the archaeological record, have modern comparatives, and exist as a global deep-time behaviour. Typology and description, however, have suffered from a multitude of, often misinterpreted, classification systems usually restricted to specialized geographical areas and local publication. With the high variation of designs, a lack of consistent codified definitions makes cohesive discussion frustratingly difficult: highlighting that a new, clear global classification system is overdue. Expanding on the frequently-used works of Romero (1958-1986), a renewed classification model is presented, supplying continuity between past and future work. It provides an integrated system synthesizing previously temporally and spatially scattered examples, located via the literature and online museum collections. Pursuing a logical structure, modifications are integrated by more precise, defined descriptions and clear drawings. Usability and successfulness were assessed via both standardized participant evaluations and examples held at the Natural History Museum, London; results adjusted and improved the classification. This classification system provides a functional tool for global comparisons, supplying a framework to discuss designs in clear, unified codes rather than confusing or imprecise descriptions while also removing the necessity to access scattered, rarely reprinted classifications.

Objectives: This study aims to assess the self-perception of female dental students of their dental aesthetics regarding their satisfaction, its effect on their quality of life and felt need for treatment. Materials and Method: This is a... more

Objectives: This study aims to assess the self-perception of female dental students of their dental aesthetics regarding their satisfaction, its effect on their quality of life and felt need for treatment. Materials and Method: This is a descriptive study for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year dental students (n=110) in the College of Dentistry at Princess Nourah University (PNU). The survey was distributed via link "Google form". A 20 item questionnaire was prepared and tested before on seven students for clarity. Questions were regarding how students feel about their dental aesthetics and what they desire for treatment. Whether they felt their teeth affected their attractiveness, confidence and quality of life. Data was entered in SPSS for statistical analysis. Results: With a response rate of 94.5% majority (89.4%) of students felt their teeth affected the attractiveness of their faces. Almost one third (30.8%) have tried to hide their smile. Around half (51%) were not satisfied with their tooth colour. Almost two thirds of students (61.5%) felt their quality of life is affected by the appearance of their teeth. 'Tooth whitening' was selected by

It aims to evaluate the association between dental appearance and Oral Health Related Quality of Life. Fifteen primary care services with dental services were selected in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Individuals were interviewed from a random... more

It aims to evaluate the association between dental appearance and Oral Health Related Quality of Life. Fifteen primary care services with dental services were selected in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Individuals were interviewed from a random sampling of households in the catchment area of the health centres. The outcome was having an OHIP14 score >0 (any impact). The main exposures included self-reported tooth colour and position, perception of oral health and concern with dental aesthetics. Data were analysed with stepwise logistic regression. Of 1943 individuals contacted, 433 used public dental services in the last year. Seventy-three percent had some impact on quality of life, 35.2% and 47.5% reported stained and crowded teeth, respectively. Also, 22.2% had already tried bleaching their teeth. Individuals concerned with colour were 2.56 times (95% CI: 1.34-4.89) more likely to report any impact after adjusting for number of teeth, smoking and education. Concerns about tooth position, reporting stained or crowded teeth, age, sex and income were not significant (p>0.30). There is a direct and independent association between concerns with tooth colour and quality of life. The effect of tooth colour on quality of life may be mediated by individuals’ perceptions of aesthetics.

A smile that exposes gingiva may not be considered aesthetic for many, but the fact is that gingiva undergoes recession throughout a human life and due to continuous eruption of teeth; the gingival line keeps shifting towards gums. Many... more

A smile that exposes gingiva may not be considered aesthetic for many, but the fact is that gingiva undergoes recession throughout a human life and due to continuous eruption of teeth; the gingival line keeps shifting towards gums. Many cases present itself as mild to moderate but in severe cases of gummy smile, one needs intervention either surgical or prosthetic. Patients who don't choose for surgery due to personal reason do hardly know that a prosthodontic option is available. This article presents a rare case of esthetic rehabilitation of gummy smile with a gingival prosthesis.

In today's health care establishments there is a great diversity of information systems. Each with different specificities and capacities, proprietary communication methods, and hardly allow scalability. This set of characteristics... more

In today's health care establishments there is a great diversity of information systems. Each with different specificities and capacities, proprietary communication methods, and hardly allow scalability. This set of characteristics hinders the interoperability of all these systems, in the search for the good of the patient. It is vulgar that, when we look at all the databases of each of these information systems, we come across different registers that refer to the same person; records with insufficient data; records with erroneous data due to errors or misunderstandings when inserting patient data; and records with outdated data. These problems cause duplicity, incoherence, discontinuation and dispersion in patient data. With the intention of minimizing these problems that the concept of a Master Patient Index is necessary. A Master Patient Index proposes a centralized repository, which indexes all patient records of a given set of information systems. Which is composed of a set of demographic data sufficient to unambiguously identify a person and a list of identifiers that identify the various records that the patient has in the repositories of each information system. This solution allows for synchronization between all the actors, minimizing incoherence, out datedness, lack of data, and a decrease in duplicate registrations. The Master Patient Index is an asset to patients, the medical staff and health care providers. 1. HISTORY OF MASTER PATIENT INDEX History goes way back to 1950's when Automatic linkage of vital records by Newcombe (1) introduce how to bind the records through and get the unique combine records. There he tries to manage how to pair the surnames by using both father's surname and mother's maiden name. This article he suggested that the extent of efficiency of using surnames is more efficient than using the family group names to which two surnames are more efficient than one for identifying a family group has probably not been generally recognized. Design and implementation of a data base for medical records done in 1980's by Larry & Fleming (2) of the College of Health University and the department of Computer Science of Florida in the United States of America. Larry and Colleen (1) suggested data base for the medical record first time in the history of the human kind. Those days computer systems were not developed as such today by their effort of trying to develop a health record system must be highly appreciated. The medical record has been identified as the source of data for a computerized medical information system. Larry & Colleen (1) suggested a design of a computerized database for structuring some of the data normally recorded in the manual medical record. This design identifies objects of the health record which contain the computerized patient record. A method of transferring the computerized patient record to a low-cost method such as magnetic medium so calls old days large floppy disks and low volume hard disks at the time the patient is transferred from one health care institute to another healthcare institution. Low-cost hardware features were used to implementation of the above-computerized patient record for a health care institutes.

Objective: Previous studies reported that bleaching agents are capable of altering the outer enamel or exposed dentine surfaces. In this study, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) characterisation in combination with energy dispersive... more

Objective: Previous studies reported that bleaching agents are capable of altering the outer enamel or exposed dentine
surfaces. In this study, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) characterisation in combination with energy dispersive
x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) elemental mapping was performed to investigate the effect of hydrogen peroxide (HP) on the
sub-surface of tooth structures.
Materials and Methods: Bovine incisors (n=6) were assigned to three groups for treatments: 30% H2O2 pH 3, 30% H2O2
pH 7 and 1M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for 16 hours. Samples were exposed to direct treatment with agents to allow easy
access of the agents and uniform treatment across the entire sample sub-surfaces. Specimens were immersed in Karnovsky’s
fixative for three days, embedded in epoxy and polished. Using focussed ion beam (FIB), samples were milled ~50-100
μm below the treated polished surface to feature the ultra-fine structures for TEM analysis.
Results: Enamel rods, inter-rods and crystalline structures within rods were discerned for sound and H2O2 treated enamel. No structural difference in the mineral dense peritubular region or fibrous protein rich inter-tubular dentine was observed after acidic or neutral H2O2 treatment. A complete loss in the structural integrity of enamel rod was observed after NaOH treatment for 16 hours without having any impact on dentine structure.
Conclusions: TEM analysis produced high quality sub-surface images of tooth structures and revealed no deleterious effect
on the structural integrity of the sub-surface enamel or dentine after direct bleaching with hydrogen peroxide.

Moderne digitale Technologien erlauben eine präzise und konstante Ergebnisqualität. Allerdings beeinflusst der Faktor „Mensch“ das finale ästhetische Ergebnis nach wie vor in einem hohen Maße. Bei der Behandlungsplanung werden zur... more

Moderne digitale Technologien erlauben eine präzise und konstante Ergebnisqualität. Allerdings beeinflusst der Faktor „Mensch“ das finale ästhetische Ergebnis nach wie vor in
einem hohen Maße. Bei der Behandlungsplanung werden zur Visualisierung des anzustrebenden Ergebnisses (nachfolgend auch als Soll-Situation bezeichnet) unterschiedliche digitale Hilfsmittel angewandt. Die Herausforderung für das Behandlungsteam besteht darin, die erarbeitete Soll-Situation während der vielen Therapieschritte bis zum finalen Ergebnis nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren. Oft weicht das Ergebnis von dem in der Planung erarbeiteten Ziel erheblich ab. Die Aufgabe des Behandlungsteams besteht darin, diese Diskrepanz
möglichst gering zu halten. In diesem Artikel wird der vom Autor entwickelte und patentierte „Aesthetic Articulator“ vorgestellt. Mit dem beschriebenen Protokoll lässt sich das ästhetisch anzustrebende Ergebnis präzise und exakt visualisieren. Fehler, die während des Therapieablaufes (Einprobe, Eingliederung etc.) auftreten können und zu Abweichungen führen, werden weitestgehend verhindert. Das innovative System hat nach Ansicht des Autors eine hohe Relevanz für die moderne ästhetische Zahnheilkunde und bringt dem Behandlungsteam einen hohen Mehrwert.
Die moderne Zahnmedizin setzt zunehmend auf digitale Technologien; sowohl für die Behandlungsplanung und -kommunikation als auch in vielen Fällen für die Umsetzung der Restauration. Die CAD/CAM-Technologie gilt als ein Paradebeispiel dafür, wie High-Tech in den Arbeitsablauf des Dentallabors und im zunehmenden Maße auch in der Zahnarztpraxis Einzug hält. Die einst neuen Verfahren gehören mittlerweile zum Standart. Digitale Technologien helfen u. a. dabei, klarer und präziser zu kommunizieren und somit bessere Behandlungsergebnisse erzielen zu können. Zudem kann der Zahntechniker aktiv in den Therapieablauf eingebunden werden. Immer häufiger werden die digitalen Möglichkeiten auch dafür eingesetzt, noch besser auf die Erwartungen des Patienten eingehen zu können. Die Patienten sind immer mehr über ihre Zähne und die Behandlungsoptionen informiert. Der Wunsch nach Ästhetik sowie die Kontrolle selbiger spielen heute eine größere Rolle denn je. Viele Behandlungsteams haben sich auf diesen gesellschaftlichen Trend eingestellt. Hierbei sollte nie vergessen werden, dass der Patient das letzte Wort über das ästhetische Ergebnis hat, insbesondere bei Restaurationen in der ästhetischen Zone. Werden die modernen Technologien mit aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen, hochgradig ausgeprägten klinischen Fähigkeiten und einer künstlerischen Gestaltungsfähigkeit kombiniert, sind funktionell-ästhetische, langlebige Restaurationen möglich. Die Herausforderung besteht darin, dies alles zusammenzubringen und ein Ergebnis zu erhalten, das zum einen den Patienten kurz- und langfristig zufriedenstellt und zum anderen den allgemeinen Parametern einer akzeptablen klinischen Behandlung entspricht. Wird diese Balance nicht gefunden, können erhebliche Diskrepanzen zwischen der Behandlungsplanung und dem tatsächlichen Ergebnis auftreten. Nur wenn das Behandlungsteam in der Lage ist, alle genannten Punkte zu vereinen, wird das Ergebnis zufriedenstellend sein. Dank digitaler Hilfsmittel können die Erwartungen des Patienten von Beginn konkret dokumentiert und visualisiert werden. Die Simulationen des idealen ästhetisch-funktionellen Ergebnisses ist in der Zahnmedizin kein neues Konzept. Die Schwierigkeit besteht letztlich darin, dass projizierte Ideal auch realisieren zu können. Die Erfindung des „Aesthetic Articulator“ basiert auf der Idee, ein Instrument nutzen zu können, mit dem das anzustrebende Ziel vor Behandlungsbeginn präzise und exakt visualisiert
werden kann und welches garantiert, dass der Behandlungsablauf akkurat diesem Ziel folgt und somit das Ergebnis exakt der Planung entspricht. Zahnarzt und Zahntechniker erhalten mit dem „Aesthetic Articulator“ eine Referenz, die eben dies garantiert. Mögliche Fehler während des Therapieablaufes werden weitestgehend ausgeschlossen.

Cosmetic expectations have increased with time and current trends speak volumes about gingival esthetics and smile designing. Gingival pigmentation especially on the labial aspect of anterior teeth has become an important component of... more

Cosmetic expectations have increased with time and current trends speak volumes about gingival esthetics
and smile designing. Gingival pigmentation especially on the labial aspect of anterior teeth has become an
important component of general esthetics. Various physiologic and pathologic factors cause gingival pigmentation.
The existing indices do not deal with the etiology, extent and severity of gingival pigmentation. Hence, we
propose a new classification and index for gingival pigmentation to assess the treatment needs for the patient.
Keywords: Gingival melanin pigmentation, gingival pigmentation index, gingival pigmented lesions, melanin index,
physiological gingival pigmentation

A smile that exposes gingiva may not be considered aesthetic for many, but the fact is that gingiva undergoes recession throughout a human life and due to continuous eruption of teeth; the gingival line keeps shifting towards gums. Many... more

A smile that exposes gingiva may not be considered aesthetic for many, but the fact is that gingiva undergoes recession throughout a human life and due to continuous eruption of teeth; the gingival line keeps shifting towards gums. Many cases present itself as mild to moderate but in severe cases of gummy smile, one needs intervention either surgical or prosthetic. Patients who don't choose for surgery due to personal reason do hardly know that a prosthodontic option is available. This article presents a rare case of esthetic rehabilitation of gummy smile with a gingival prosthesis.