Design method Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Adaptive backstepping algorithms for a class of nonlinear continuous uncertain processes with disturbances are considered. Sliding mode control using a combined adaptive backstepping sliding mode control algorithm is also studied. The... more

Adaptive backstepping algorithms for a class of nonlinear continuous uncertain processes with disturbances are considered. Sliding mode control using a combined adaptive backstepping sliding mode control algorithm is also studied. The algorithms follow a systematic procedure for the design of adaptive control laws for the output of observable minimum phase nonlinear systems. This class of systems may include unmatched uncertainty including disturbances and unmodelled dynamics. The design methods are based upon (i) the backstepping approach, and (ii) a combination of sliding and backstepping.

Because of the mandate imposed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on the implementation of Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) in all new bridge projects initiated after October 1, 2007, research on developing the LRFD... more

Because of the mandate imposed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on the implementation of Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) in all new bridge projects initiated after October 1, 2007, research on developing the LRFD recommendations for pile foundations that reflect local soil conditions and construction experiences for the State of Iowa becomes essential. This research focuses on the most commonly used steel H-pile foundation. The research scope is to (1) characterize soil-pile responses under pile driving impact loads, and (2) understand how the generated information could be used to improve design and construction control of piles subjected to vertical loads in accordance with LRFD. It has been understood that efficiency of the pile foundation can be elevated, if the increase in pile resistance as a function of time (i.e., pile setup) can be quantified and incorporated into the LRFD. Because the current pile foundation practice involves different methods in designing...

... The thermoelectric module is clamped between a cooling jacket and a heater block. The heater block is made from aluminum. ... To control the hot-end temperature T H , the coolant flow through the cooling jacket is turned on and off by... more

... The thermoelectric module is clamped between a cooling jacket and a heater block. The heater block is made from aluminum. ... To control the hot-end temperature T H , the coolant flow through the cooling jacket is turned on and off by two control valves installed in the flow lines. ...

Cracking in concrete bridge decks can result in increased susceptibility to deterioration. As cracks provide direct routes for the ingress of deleterious elements to the reinforcement and superstructure, cracking can lead to reduced... more

Cracking in concrete bridge decks can result in increased susceptibility to deterioration. As cracks provide direct routes for the ingress of deleterious elements to the reinforcement and superstructure, cracking can lead to reduced service lives for bridge structures. Several factors affect the extent of cracks which develop in bridge decks; however, relatively few are within the control of the designer.

Companies need to continuously innovate to maintain market leadership. When the market is overloaded the challenge consists in creating innovative products able to attract and satisfy consumers. The general aim of this research is to... more

Companies need to continuously innovate to maintain market leadership. When the market is overloaded the challenge consists in creating innovative products able to attract and satisfy consumers. The general aim of this research is to set-up an operational protocol that aids in creating innovative products using a sensory marketing approach, i.e. involving consumers at different stages of the process and demonstrates the validity of this protocol.The chosen product – a specific category of drink – has been duplicated by many competitors; therefore, it is necessary to create again differentiation by improving its sensory characteristics. First, a qualitative phase explored the concerned food universe and the possible sensory variations of the product across the five senses. Following this phase, a limited number of factors were selected for sample formulation: colour intensity (4 intensities), flavouring (3 types), label type (soft touch vs. hard) and pack size (standard vs. oversize). Next, a statistical experimental design was used to select a partial number of all combinations to be tested quantitatively. Finally, a quantitative phase allowed for evaluating the liking and concept fitting of 12 scenarios from the experimental design and data was analyzed with a conjoint approach. The results showed that the main factors which drive consumer preference for this concept are colour intensity and flavouring. Pack size and label type are taken into account by the consumer to a lesser extend. The ideal combination of the studied factors was also determined and lead to an agreement between product developers and marketers.This experiment showed the feasibility of the proposed multi-sensory design method based on mixed qualitative and quantitative approaches.

... Maturity thus implies an evolutionary progress in the demonstration of a specific ability or in the ... An example is the Rasch algorithm-based approach [22, 28], which is discussed and enhanced in ... the fact that the acceptance of... more

... Maturity thus implies an evolutionary progress in the demonstration of a specific ability or in the ... An example is the Rasch algorithm-based approach [22, 28], which is discussed and enhanced in ... the fact that the acceptance of a MM critically depends on its utility, validity, reliability ...

This paper presents a method for the design of shell-type, single-phase distribution transformers to obtain the manufacturing specifications. The method is simple, efficient and accurate. By an exhaustive analysis, it is concluded... more

This paper presents a method for the design of
shell-type, single-phase distribution transformers to obtain
the manufacturing specifications. The method is simple, efficient
and accurate. By an exhaustive analysis, it is concluded
that the obtained solution is the global optimum. The following
constraints are imposed: excitation current, no-load
losses, total losses, impedance and efficiency. The methodology
of this paper requires only six input data: transformer
rating, low voltage, high voltage, connection of low-voltage
coil, connection of high-voltage coil, and frequency. These
data are included in the transformer nameplate. In this paper,
the minimization of the following four objective functions
is considered: total owing cost, mass, total losses and material
cost. The consideration of these four objective functions
is implemented automatically by running the optimization
algorithm four times without intervention of a designer. Consequently, transformer manufacturers save design man-hours
and increase capacity. A design example on a 25 kVA transformer
is presented for illustration. The optimized solutions of transformer design are validated with laboratory and process

This paper provides an overview of the current state of the art in persuasive systems design. All peer-reviewed full papers published at the first three International Conferences on Persuasive Technology were analyzed employing a... more

This paper provides an overview of the current state of the art in persuasive systems design. All peer-reviewed full papers published at the first three International Conferences on Persuasive Technology were analyzed employing a literature review framework. Results from this analysis are discussed and directions for future research are suggested. Most research papers so far have been experimental. Five out

The evaluation of the ability of modern industrial products to meet Environmental Sustainability requirements as efficiently and appropriately as possible has become one of the key-factors in the design and development activities. In the... more

The evaluation of the ability of modern industrial products to meet Environmental Sustainability requirements as efficiently and appropriately as possible has become one of the key-factors in the design and development activities. In the present study several design methods to support designers in order to solve such remarkable problems during the product development have been considered and analyzed by means

This paper reviews “socially interactive robots”: robots for which social human–robot interaction is important. We begin by discussing the context for socially interactive robots, emphasizing the relationship to other research fields and... more

This paper reviews “socially interactive robots”: robots for which social human–robot interaction is important. We begin by discussing the context for socially interactive robots, emphasizing the relationship to other research fields and the different forms of “social robots”. We then present a taxonomy of design methods and system components used to build socially interactive robots. Finally, we describe the impact of these robots on humans and discuss open issues. An expanded version of this paper, which contains a survey and taxonomy of current applications, is available as a technical report [T. Fong, I. Nourbakhsh, K. Dautenhahn, A survey of socially interactive robots: concepts, design and applications, Technical Report No. CMU-RI-TR-02-29, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 2002].

This paper is concerned with synchronization of distributed node dynamics to a prescribed target or control node dynamics. A design method is presented for adaptive synchronization controllers for distributed systems having non-identical... more

This paper is concerned with synchronization of distributed node dynamics to a prescribed target or control node dynamics. A design method is presented for adaptive synchronization controllers for distributed systems having non-identical unknown nonlinear dynamics, and for a target dynamics to be tracked that is also nonlinear and unknown. The development is for strongly connected digraph communication structures. A Lyapunov technique is presented for designing a robust adaptive synchronization control protocol. The proper selection of the Lyapunov function is the key to ensuring that the resulting control laws thus found are implementable in a distributed fashion. Lyapunov functions are defined in terms of a local neighborhood tracking synchronization error and the Frobenius norm. The resulting protocol consists of a linear protocol and a nonlinear control term with adaptive update law at each node. Singular value analysis is used. It is shown that the singular values of certain key matrices are intimately related to structural properties of the graph.