Diagnostic Imaging Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

The book features increased coverage of ultrasound, PET, and the diabetic foot and upgraded MR and CT images. New syndromes such as impingement have been added to the chapter on soft tissue trauma and overuse. The fractures and... more

The book features increased coverage of ultrasound, PET, and the diabetic foot and upgraded MR and CT images. New syndromes such as impingement have been added to the chapter on soft tissue trauma and overuse. The fractures and dislocations chapter includes OTA classifications and additional MR and CT scans of complications. Other highlights include up-to-date information on new fixation devices and prostheses and state-of-the-art interventional and vascular techniques including use of MRA.

The optimal diagnostic evaluation for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) remains controversial. In this retrospective study, we assessed the utility of early magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in ICH diagnosis and management.... more

The optimal diagnostic evaluation for spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) remains controversial. In this retrospective study, we assessed the utility of early magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in ICH diagnosis and management. Eighty-nine (72%) of 123 patients with spontaneous ICH underwent a brain CT and MRI within 30 days of ICH onset. Seventy patients with a mean age of 62 ± 15 years were included. A stroke neurologist and a general neurologist, each blinded to the final diagnosis, independently reviewed the admission data and the initial head CT and then assigned a presumed ICH cause under 1 of 9 categories. ICH cause was potentially modified after subsequent MRI review. The final 'gold standard' ICH etiology was determined after review of the complete medical record by an independent investigator. Change in diagnostic category and confidence and the potential impact on patient management were systematically recorded. Mean time to MRI was 3 ± 5 days. Final ICH diagn...

We performed a retrospective study of 19 patients who had been operated on for hepatic hydatid disease with diaphragmatic or transdiaphragmatic (D-TD) thoracic involvement chosen from a total of 444 patients who underwent operations for... more

We performed a retrospective study of 19 patients who had been operated on for hepatic hydatid disease with diaphragmatic or transdiaphragmatic (D-TD) thoracic involvement chosen from a total of 444 patients who underwent operations for hepatic hydatid disease. In all cases D-TD involvement was confirmed by ultrasonography, CT, or MRI scan. We propose a new classification (grades 1–5) based on the degree of development of D-TD involvement. Before 1984 exposure was obtained by thoracophrenolaparotomy (nine cases) and later by right subcostal incision. Only four patients required atypical pulmonary resection. In 13 cases the diaphragm was repaired, and all 24 hepatic cysts were treated with total (16 cases) or partial (8 cases) cystopericystectomy. There was no operative mortality, and the most serious morbidity consisted of a biliary fistula and a biliobronchial fistula. For treatment of these patients we recommended right subcostal incision and total or near-total cystopericystectomy as a first choice of surgical technique. Nous avons étudié rétrospectivement 19 patients opérés pour une hydaditose hépatique s'étendant soit vers le diaphragme, soit vers le thorax par extension transdiaphragmatique (TD) dans une série de 444 patients ayant été opérés. Dans tous les cas de TD, le diagnostic a été confirmé par l'échographie, la tomodensitométrie ou la résonance magnétique nucléaire. Nous proposons une nouvelle classification (grades 1 à 5), basée sur le degré de TD. Avant 1984, une thoracophrénolaparotomie a été la voie d'abord préférée (9 cas) puis on a utilisé la voie souscostale droite. Seulement quatre patients ont nécessité une résection pulmonaire atypique. Chez 13 patients, on a réparé immédiatement le diaphragme et tous les kystes hydatiques hépatiques (n=24) ont été traités par une périkystectomie soit totale (16 cas) soit partielle (8 cas). Il n'y a eu aucun décès et la complication la plus grave observée a été une fistule biliaire et bilio-bronchique. Nous recommandons la périkystectomie totale ou presque totale par une incision sous-costale droite prolongée chez ces patients. Hemos realizado un estudio retrospectivo de 19 pacientes operados por enfermedad hidatídica hepática con extensión diafragmática o transdiafragmática (E-TD) al toráx, dentro de un total de 44 pacientes sometidos a cirugía por enfermedad hidatídica del hígado. En la totalidad de los casos la extensión E-TD fue confirmada por ultrasonografía, TAC o resonancia magnética. Proponemos una nueva clasificación (grados 1 a 5) basada en el grado de desarrollo de la extensión E-TD. Con anterioridad a 1984, se hizo la exposición mediante toracofrenolaparotomía (9 casos) y más tarde por incisión subcostal derecha. Sólo 4 pacientes requirieron una resección pulmonar atípica. En 13 casos el diafragma fue reparado y todos los 24 quistes hepáticos fueron tratados mediante cistopericistectomía total (16 casos) o parcial (8 casos). No se registró mortalidad operatoria y la morbilidad más seria consistió en una fístula biliar y una broncobiliar. Para el tratamiento de este tipo de pacientes nosotros recomendamos una incisión subcostal derecha y una cistopericistectomía total o casi total como la técnica quirúrgica de primera escogencia.

Human anatomy it may be, but the airways that riddle the space behind our noses take on an alien aspect in this unearthly rendering created by Kai-hung Fung, a radiologist at the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital in Hong Kong. ...... more

Human anatomy it may be, but the airways that riddle the space behind our noses take on an alien aspect in this unearthly rendering created by Kai-hung Fung, a radiologist at the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital in Hong Kong. ... A computed tomography (CT) scan ...

Radiologists play a key role in the recognition of child abuse. In the last century, radiologists pioneered the identification of nonaccidental injuries, including fractures and brain injury, and together with colleagues in paediatrics... more

Radiologists play a key role in the recognition of child abuse. In the last century, radiologists pioneered the identification of nonaccidental injuries, including fractures and brain injury, and together with colleagues in paediatrics advocated the protection of children from abuse. Prevalence studies in many countries have revealed the widespread and hidden nature of child maltreatment. New and complex forms of abuse, e.g. fabricated or induced illness, have been recognized. Physical abuse affects 7-9% of children in the UK, although fewer suffer the severe or life-threatening injuries seen by radiologists. A high index of suspicion of nonaccidental trauma is required where known patterns of injury or inconsistencies of presentation and history are detected. In many cases the diagnosis is readily made, although some cases remain contentious or controversial and consume much clinical time and energy. Differences of view between doctors are tested in the courts. Adverse publicity has made this work unpopular in the UK. Knowledge of the differential diagnosis of unexplained or apparent injury is essential for accurate diagnosis, vital where errors in either direction can be disastrous. New UK radiological guidelines will assist radiologists in achieving best evidence-based practice.

The carotid body (CB) is a small neural crest-derived structure that senses oxygen levels in blood and monitors ventilation. The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is considered a good experimental model for primary hypertension and is... more

The carotid body (CB) is a small neural crest-derived structure that senses oxygen levels in blood and monitors ventilation. The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) is considered a good experimental model for primary hypertension and is extensively used to study cardiovascular diseases. The hypertensive CB shows structural plasticity and could enlarge without vasodilation. Our immunohistochemical studies revealed the presence of nuclear Ki-67 protein in the sustentacular cells, nerve growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neurotrophin-3 and their corresponding receptors p75(NTR), TrkA, TrkB and TrC in the majority of glomus cells and also in a subset of sustentacular cells. In addition, virtually all glomus cells expressed glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor and its specific receptor GFRα1. The present study demonstrates that in glomus cells of hypertensive animals there is enhanced expression of components of the neurotrophin signaling system compared to normote...