Entrepreneurial Opportunities Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Globalization and virtual economy are external factors that drive companies to approach the global market from start up, giving birth to new studies on internationalization strategy, which represent an evolution of the classical stage... more

Globalization and virtual economy are external factors that drive companies to approach the global market from start up, giving birth to new studies on internationalization strategy, which represent an evolution of the classical stage models. According to the stage approach, companies start selling products in their home markets and then they sequentially look at new countries. Many firms do not follow incremental stage approach but is often reported that they start their international activities from their birth: they enter different country at once, approaching new markets for both exporting and sourcing. Debate in literature is still trying to define if the born global perspective is a new concept or a new label to indicate an old phenomenon. The study will go through a review and an analysis of the literature on market entry and sourcing strategy. The purpose of this paper is therefore to identify and categorize factors that drive companies’ choice towards the global approach instead of the stage approach.

Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more

Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci yetiştiren akademisyenler ile eğitim alan öğrenciler için temel bir başvuru kitabıdır.
2013 yılının Mayısı ayında yayımlanan DSM-5 ölçütlerine göre ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili sunulan bilgilerin güncellemesinin de yapıldığı bu kitap, tüm dünyada pek çok üniversitenin psikiyatri ve psikoloji bölümlerinde ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır.
Kitabın her bölümünde, ilk olarak ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili vakalar sunulmakta, daha sonra bozuklukların klinik tanıları yapılmakta ve DSM-IV-TR’den farklı olan DSM-5’te yapılan değişikliklere yer verilmektedir. Ayrıca, DSM-5’teki tanı ölçütleri, bozuklukların etiyolojisi ve epidemiyolojisi, bozukluklar üzerinde kalıtımın ve çevrenin etkileri, biyolojik ve sosyal ve kültürel etkiler, en güncel araştırmalardan elde edilen verilerle harmanlanarak sunulmaktadır. Ruhsal bozuklukların tedavisinde etkili olacak terapi yaklaşımları ve ilaçla yapılan tedaviler hakkında da bilgiler veren kitap, sahip olduğu zengin içeriği ile eşsiz bir kaynaktır.
Anormal Psikoloji kitabının; profesyoneller ve öğrenciler için önemli bir rehber olacağına, yardıma ihtiyaç duyan insanların sorunlarının çözümüne, ruhsal bozuklukların tanı ve tedavisinde önemli katkılar sağlayacağına inanıyoruz.

This case aims to discuss the development of a peer-to-peer car sharing company in Brazil and was developed as a basis for discussions in the classroom about the process of opportunity identification, business model development and... more

This case aims to discuss the development of a peer-to-peer car sharing company in Brazil and was developed as a basis for discussions in the classroom about the process of opportunity identification, business model development and entrepreneurship.

The aim of this thesis is to assess how the tourism-based sustainable development strategies as promoted by UNESCO (in)form, affect, and impede development efforts in the management of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Balancing conservation... more

The aim of this thesis is to assess how the tourism-based sustainable development strategies as promoted by UNESCO (in)form, affect, and impede development efforts in the management of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Balancing conservation and tourism development creates a variety of opportunities and challenges for heritage sites and local communities that can either improve or reduce the quality of local livelihoods.
By assessing the strategies, efforts and impacts of the two World Heritage Sites in Cape Town - Robben Island and Table Mountain National Park - from a cultural-economic perspective, utilizing the concept of the 'Sustainable Livelihoods Framework for Tourism', I am going to show how and why the (potential) impacts on local livelihoods greatly differ for Robben Island and Table Mountain, although both sites operate within the same legislative, geographic, and infrastructural frameworks.
I will also assess how and why the managers of both World Heritage Sites are presented with different opportunities, as well as with an enormous variety and multiplicity of site-specific challenges for achieving sustainability and improving local livelihoods.
My assessment shows that both WHS are highly aware of their responsibilities and accountability regarding local sustainable development, and that their respective strategies aim at improving sustainability on all spheres. Yet, while Robben Island Museum struggles to fulfill their mandate and legislation, and fail to improve local economies, environments and livelihoods in a sustainable manner, Table Mountain National Park and its affiliates manage to provide a holistic tourism experience while also successfully promoting environmental awareness, socioeconomic development, and inclusive local participation to ensure the long-term improvement of local livelihoods.
The conclusion clearly shows that, although the UNESCO strategy provides a viable framework for developing site-specific strategies that consider the individual aspects of heritage assets, successful implementation depends on a multiplicity of (often intangible and unchangeable) aspects, that require highly individual management approaches and available resources.
This results in the fact, that some sites like Table Mountain National Park have the potential to impact more people with less resources, as compared to sites like Robben Island, who have to invest a lot of resources just to keep operations running.

Entrepreneurship triggers the economic condition of a country. Entrepreneurship increases the standard of living and has provided opportunities to improve the standard of living. There are several studies on the relationship between the... more

Entrepreneurship triggers the economic condition of a country. Entrepreneurship increases the standard of living and has provided opportunities to improve the standard of living. There are several studies on the relationship between the entrepreneurial characteristics and entrepreneurial intention of students. There are very few studies on the need and importance of entrepreneurial skills over the entrepreneurial intention of graduate students. This paper concentrates on the 537 graduate students of science, commerce, and arts. The reason for selecting these students is to understand the level of involvement in entrepreneurial activity and their preparedness to take up entrepreneurship as a career. Hypotheses were tested with descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and chi-square tests. This study helps to understand the willingness of students towards entrepreneurship. This paper focuses on the entrepreneurial skills required to equip graduate students to choose entrepreneurship as a career. The role of institutions in increasing the interest of students towards entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition is a major component in understanding how to recognize potential opportunities to create and develop new business and pursued. It is a distinct skill and ability, and as such, entrepreneurship... more

Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition is a major component in understanding how to recognize potential opportunities to create and develop new business and pursued. It is a distinct skill and ability, and as such, entrepreneurship education has to work towards enhancing this capability. Based on the role of entrepreneurial learning in enhancing the entrepreneurial opportunity recognition, this study aimed at analyzing the impact of entrepreneurship education in terms of (know-what, know-why, know-who and know- how) on entrepreneurial opportunity recognition. The data was collected from the 291 students of final year of business studies of six universities from Palestine using cross-sectional survey. The study demonstrated that entrepreneurial education has a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial opportunity recognition except the know-who was not supported. This indicates that a well-designed practical and theoretic approach for entrepreneurial education is a crucial for developing the entrepreneurial opportunity recognition ability.

Entrepreneurship triggers the economic condition of a country. Entrepreneurship increases the standard of living and has provided opportunities to improve the standard of living. There are several studies on the relationship between the... more

Entrepreneurship triggers the economic condition of a country. Entrepreneurship increases the standard of living and has provided opportunities to improve the standard of living. There are several studies on the relationship between the entrepreneurial characteristics and entrepreneurial intention of students. There are very few studies on the need and importance of entrepreneurial skills over the entrepreneurial intention of graduate students. This paper concentrates on the 537 graduate students of science, commerce, and arts. The reason for selecting these students is to understand the level of involvement in entrepreneurial activity and their preparedness to take up entrepreneurship as a career. Hypotheses were tested with descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and chi-square tests. This study helps to understand the willingness of students towards entrepreneurship. This paper focuses on the entrepreneurial skills required to equip graduate students to choose entrepreneurship a...

İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabı ile inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere reçete veriliyor. Adım adım ve yalın bir şekilde inovasyonun nasıl geliştirilebileceği konusunda önemli sırlar ortaya koyuluyor. Bu kitap, özellikle teknoloji odaklı inovasyon... more

İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabı ile inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere reçete veriliyor. Adım adım ve yalın bir şekilde inovasyonun nasıl geliştirilebileceği konusunda önemli sırlar ortaya koyuluyor. Bu kitap, özellikle teknoloji odaklı inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere yapılan hataları da göstererek uygulama ortamı oluşturuyor. Yenilik ilkelerini verirken startupların ve hatta büyük kuruluşların anlamlı ve sürdürülebilir büyüme konusundaki donanımını artırıyor. 2000'den fazla başarılı yeniliğin ortaya çıkışında önemli içgörüler sağlıyor.
Bu kitabın anlatım tarzında özel bir algoritma uygulanarak anlamlı gruplar belirlendi. İnovasyon fırsatlarını belirlemek için firmaların iç ve dış büyüme parametreleri ve performans değerleri, rakiplerini de devreye alarak şekillendirildi. İnovasyon odaklı performansın artırılabilmesi, önemli değerlendirmeler yapılabilmesi için özel ve hazır yol haritaları sunuldu. Endüstriler için de inovasyon modellerini teşhis edip yeni bir anlayış ve yöntem geliştirme imkânı sunuluyor.
Çevrimsel araştırmanın altyapısını vererek farklı ve anlamlı değişim ve dönüşümü düşündürüp kalıcı ve kullanışlı yollar uygulatarak kitabın ne kadar değerli olduğunu kanıtlıyor. Eğer kurumunuzda anlamlı ve sürdürülebilir büyümeyi inovasyon odaklı gerçekleştirmek isterseniz yenilik ilkelerinin detaylı olarak anlatıldığı İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabını okuyun.
Bu kitabın yazarlarından Larry Keeley'in tecrübelerinden yararlanmak büyük bir fırsat. Kendisi BusinessWeek tarafından inovasyon alanındaki dünya görüşünü ve paradigmaları değiştiren, yedi yenilik gurusundan biri olarak seçilmiş olup Doblin firmasının kurucusudur. Diğer yazarlar ile birlikte inovasyonun tasarlanması ve sürdürülebilir kılınması konusunda dünya çapında pek çok girişimciyi, yöneticiyi, şirketleri ve startupları etkilemiştir.

When entrepreneurs discovered an opportunity, they take the risk of exploiting it by sourcing resources and applying them to develop the product or service, offer the product to customers through the relevant market, gather the... more

When entrepreneurs discovered an opportunity, they take the risk of exploiting it by sourcing resources and applying them to develop the product or service, offer the product to customers through the relevant market, gather the appropriate human resources, and satisfy all the stakeholders. It is therefore important to understand the factors that will influence both entrepreneurial opportunity recognition and opportunity exploitation. This article presented a literature review and findings from the reviewed literature as it relates to critical factors that influence opportunity recognition and opportunity exploitation. The finding might help entrepreneurs understand critical factors that will influence them to discover entrepreneurial opportunity quickly and efficiently, and exploit the opportunity to form a new venture. The information presented in the article might guide researchers to explore more factors that will influence entrepreneurial opportunity recognition and exploitation especially as it relates to specific industries.

Research summary: The discovery of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the spread of COVID-19 have led many governments to take drastic measures. The lockdown of large parts of society and economic life has come as an exogenous shock to many... more

Entrepreneurship triggers the economic condition of a country. Entrepreneurship increases the standard of living and has provided opportunities to improve the standard of living. There are several studies on the relationship between the... more

Entrepreneurship triggers the economic condition of a country. Entrepreneurship increases the standard of living and has provided opportunities to improve the standard of living. There are several studies on the relationship between the entrepreneurial characteristics and entrepreneurial intention of students. There are very few studies on the need and importance of entrepreneurial skills over the entrepreneurial intention of graduate students. This paper concentrates on the 537 graduate students of science, commerce, and arts. The reason for selecting these students is to understand the level of involvement in entrepreneurial activity and their preparedness to take up entrepreneurship as a career. Hypotheses were tested with descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and chi-square tests. This study helps to understand the willingness of students towards entrepreneurship. This paper focuses on the entrepreneurial skills required to equip graduate students to choose entrepreneurship a...

This paper discusses different aspects of entrepreneurial spin-offs in the private sector, a definition as well as a theoretical discussion on the driving forces, the pre spin-off process, key actors in the spin-off process and their... more

Economies around the world were mostly run by the government as the largest driver, but as time passes by most governments are realizing that it is difficult to control and regulate the industry and is now passing on the responsibility to... more

Economies around the world were mostly run by the government as the largest driver, but as time passes by most governments are realizing that it is difficult to control and regulate the industry and is now passing on the responsibility to the private sector through the small and medium businesses. This essay is going to explain the process of creativity, describe how innovation is important as a dimension of entrepreneurship and identify major changes that create opportunities for entrepreneurs. Creativity is defined as the ability to develop new ideas and to discover new ways of looking at problems and opportunities, Innovation is the ability to apply creative solutions to those problems and opportunities to enhance or to enrich people's lives and Entrepreneurship is the result of a disciplined, systematic process of applying creativity and innovation to needs and opportunities in the marketplace (Scarborough, 2001).

The discovery (or creation) of entrepreneurial opportunities is a crucial starting point of the entrepreneurial process, yet, the process remains casual and sloppy. There are many similarities between the front-end of the new product... more

The discovery (or creation) of entrepreneurial opportunities is a crucial starting point of the entrepreneurial process, yet, the process remains casual and sloppy. There are many similarities between the front-end of the new product development process and the front-end of the entrepreneurial process. Although many authors acknowledge creativity as an important factor in the generation of entrepreneurial opportunities, none of them acknowledges any contribution from design. When creative capabilities are used at the front-end of innovation, aspiring entrepreneurs can be more productive because design approaches enable entrepreneurs to be pro-active, consistent and reliable, rather than just exploratory and reactive. Design, especially service design, possesses instruments that allow for the framing, development, co-designing and prototyping of complex intangible projects thus potentially being a powerful ally to entrepreneurs. The purpose of this article is to postulate the use of a set of service design tools as creative capabilities for empowering aspiring entrepreneurs in the front-end of the entrepreneurial process to frame, create, develop and assess business ideas, potentially turning them into entrepreneurial opportunities and posit the use of design strategies and instruments in the front-end of the entrepreneurial process.

Taking into account the institutional context, I refine and broaden the concept of entrepreneurial opportunities by introducing micro-level evaluative criteria based on underlying macro-level institutional logics. The existing focus on... more

Taking into account the institutional context, I refine and broaden the concept of entrepreneurial opportunities by introducing micro-level evaluative criteria based on underlying macro-level institutional logics. The existing focus on so-called lucrative opportunities, which is implicitly based on a market logic, narrows the overall actual set of potential opportunities, and neglects what I call the opportunity-entrepreneur desirability nexus. Enterprising individuals evaluate and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities based on various and frequently combined underlying institutional logics. The extensive institutional theory literature on managing diverse and sometimes contradictory institutional demands, for instance in the pursuit of hybrid ventures, thus offers theoretical insights that are appropriate and expedient for the analysis and theoretical advancement of the entrepreneurial opportunity notion.

Strategic planning which is process chart involves analyzing the opportunities and threats in the market place, while building the strengths and correcting the weaknesses within the firm, also involves setting goals for specific product... more

Strategic planning which is process chart involves analyzing the opportunities and threats in the market place, while building the strengths and correcting the weaknesses within the firm, also involves setting goals for specific product marker and for the firm (Bernett and Wilsted (1988) and since it is perceived as a mediating force between the organisation and its environment it has become highly imperative for business organisation to adopt it so as to enhance productivity.

This feasibility study on palm oil distribution in Cross River State is my original research and it is based on the survey and thorough research made by Anaba, Sylvester Anani. The business will be a sole entrepreneurship business, wholly... more

This feasibility study on palm oil distribution in Cross River State is my original research and it is based on the survey and thorough research made by Anaba, Sylvester Anani. The business will be a sole entrepreneurship business, wholly owned by Anaba, Sylvester Anani.
From the research carried out, it was discovered that the demand for palm oil in Cross River State is not fully satisfied; though there are existing palm oil distributing outlets in the state, but oil is supplied on a small scale by petty traders.
Premium upon the supply gap, and the high demand for palm oil in Cross River State, I decided to bridge the gap by venturing into this business so as to meet the high demand of palm oil in Cross River State.
The legal requirement for this business such as local government revenue tax, business premises, vigilante and other requirements had been considered, and will be complied to.
This business will provide employment opportunity for at least fifty people. More so, the problem of scarcity and high cost of palm oil in Cross River State will be a thing of the past.

Different forces operate to affect Marketing activities in every society. An organization might be able to influence the direction of some of these forces or environmental variables while other variables may remain rigidly... more

Different forces operate to affect Marketing activities in every society. An organization might
be able to influence the direction of some of these forces or environmental variables while
other variables may remain rigidly uncontrollable. The ability of an organization to influence
or control these variables depends on the nature of the variables as well as the attitude of the
company to these environmental forces or variables, amongst others. This paper affirms that
scanning of environmental variables will likely present valuable opportunities for firms as
well as attendant challenges. The objectives of this paper among others are to: (i) x-ray the
possible environmental variables that will present firms with possible emerging opportunities.
(ii) establish whether there is any relationship between a firm’s knowledge of its
environmental variables and business success [iii] find out whether there is significant effect
of environmental scanning on business survival and (iv) offer useful policy recommendations,
which could place firms, in better competitive position. The paper uses a quantitative method
with two hypotheses and findings showed that knowledge of environmental variables present
better market opportunities, which could place firms in good competitive positioning.
Keywords: Environment, Scan, Entrepreneur, Exploit, Market, Opportunities.

The purpose of the study is to bring forth the reasons behind a venture failure and the positive aspects which impulse an entrepreneur to start another venture. According to my study the aspects are-the exposure and the experience gained... more

The purpose of the study is to bring forth the reasons behind a venture failure and the positive aspects which impulse an entrepreneur to start another venture. According to my study the aspects are-the exposure and the experience gained after a venture failure, the increased level of confidence after the experience and exposure gained, adaptational attitude towards the business and towards the individual self, relational-self and collective-self after a venture failure.

Opportunity recognition is an important part of value creation processes and vice-versa. A qualitative study, involving in-depth, semi-structured interviews of 59 firm-owners/founders in the USA and Sweden was conducted to better... more

Opportunity recognition is an important part of value creation processes and vice-versa. A qualitative study, involving in-depth, semi-structured interviews of 59 firm-owners/founders in the USA and Sweden was conducted to better understand how entrepreneurs and SME owners engage in opportunity recognition and marketing practices. The findings revealed evidence of: planning to be opportunistic, a propensity to take action, opportunities perceived incrementally over years, instantaneous opportunity evaluation, first customer testing rather than formal market research, both Kirznerian alertness and Schumpeterian new combinations, job dissatisfaction and industry experience preceding opportunity recognition, support for the Bhave model, variations in the level of search, entrepreneurs taking ‘ownership’ of ideas that were not originally theirs, use of supply and demand in recognising opportunities and contingent opportunity recognition.

Theories about entrepreneurial discovery are important to entrepreneurship. However, the dominant conceptual foundation underlying such theories hinders their development. It assumes that opportunities form based on either deliberate... more

Theories about entrepreneurial discovery are important to entrepreneurship. However, the dominant conceptual foundation underlying such theories hinders their development. It assumes that opportunities form based on either deliberate search or serendipitous discovery. I examine this unidimensional logic and identify a gap in its informative content. Then, I reframe it into orthogonal dimensions. The multidimensional model not only describes the same cases as the unidimensional model but also describes what the unidimensional model cannot, including cases that are high or low on both dimensions. This extension yields a 2 × 2 conceptual foundation for entrepreneurial discovery theory that promotes the development and coordination of distinct theoretic streams.

اهمیت کارآفرین و کارآفرین بر هیچ کسی پوشیده نیست. در قرن حاضر و پس از چندین دهه تحقیق و بررسی بر روی مسیر‌های افزایش مهارت‌های کارآفرینی، ایران قدم‌های اندکی برداشته است. به زعم بسیاری از محققان و اندیشمندان، آموزش مهارت‌های کارآفرینی،... more

اهمیت کارآفرین و کارآفرین بر هیچ کسی پوشیده نیست. در قرن حاضر و پس از چندین دهه تحقیق و بررسی بر روی مسیر‌های افزایش مهارت‌های کارآفرینی، ایران قدم‌های اندکی برداشته است. به زعم بسیاری از محققان و اندیشمندان، آموزش مهارت‌های کارآفرینی، ذهنیت کارآفرینی و نوآوری می‌تواند معضل بسیاری از کشورهای در حال توسعه را حل کند. مشکلاتی مانند افزایش جوانان بیکار که تحصیلات دانشگاهی و عالی را پشت سر گذاشته‌اند و موضوعی به نام فرار مغزها با برپایی دوره‌های آموزش کارآفرینی در حین تحصیل از ابتدایی تا متوسطه و حتی در دانشگاه‌ها یا کلاس‌های خارج از برنامه تحصیلی قابل حل است. با نگاهی گذرا به کشورهای توسعه‌یافته یا در حال توسعه متوجه گذار آرام و تقریباً پایدار آنها در سایه آموزش کارآفرینی می‌شویم. طراحی و تدوین برنامه‌های آموزش کارآفرینی مستلزم برقراری همکاری میان دانشگاه‌ها، دولت و صنایع و سرمایه‌گذاری بلندمدت است. در این گزارش با بررسی سیر تحول آموزش کارآفرینی در کشورهای مختلف و نمونه‌هایی از برنامه‌های عملی ترویج ذهنیت کارآفرینی در میان جوانان بر اهمیت آن تاکید دوباره می‌شود. در انتها پیشنهاد‌هایی ارائه شده است.
کلمات کلیدی: آموزش کارآفرینی، ذهنیت کارآفرینی، ویژگی‌های کارآفرینی، کارآفرینی و نوآوری

We examined 19-years worth of definitions of entrepreneurial opportunity and opportunity-related processes. We found 56 articles in six entrepreneurship-focused publications, with a total of 49 conceptual definitions and 32 operational... more

We examined 19-years worth of definitions of entrepreneurial opportunity and opportunity-related processes. We found 56 articles in six entrepreneurship-focused publications, with a total of 49 conceptual definitions and 32 operational definitions. Among those definitions, we identified 25 distinct conceptual and 12 operational elements of opportunity plus 48 definitional and 39 operational elements of opportunity-related processes. We found considerable fragmentation across conceptual and operational elements. However, based on commonalities among conceptual definitions, we developed six composite conceptual definitions of opportunity and eight composite conceptual definitions of opportunity-related processes, which we hope will help reduce the fragmentation of the entrepreneurial opportunity literature.

This paper examines the market for initial coin offerings (ICOs). ICOs are smart contracts based on blockchain technology that are designed for entrepreneurs to raise external finance by issuing tokens without an intermediary. Unlike... more

This paper examines the market for initial coin offerings (ICOs). ICOs are smart contracts based on blockchain technology that are designed for entrepreneurs to raise external finance by issuing tokens without an intermediary. Unlike existing mechanisms for early-stage finance, tokens potentially provide investors with rapid exit opportunities thanks to liquid trading platforms. The marketability of tokens offers novel insights into entrepreneurial finance, which I explore in this paper. First, I document that investors earn on average 8.2% on the first day of trading. However, about 40% of all ICOs destroy investor value on the first day of trading. Second, I explore the determinants of market outcomes and find that management quality and the ICO profile are positively correlated with the funding amount and returns, whereas highly visionary projects have a negative effect. Among the 21% of all tokens that get delisted from a major exchange platform, highly visionary projects are more likely to fail, which investors anticipate. Third, I explore the sensitivity of the ICO market to adverse industry events such as China's ban of ICOs, the hack of leading ledgers, and the marketing ban on FaceBook. I find that the ICO market is highly susceptible to such environmental shocks, resulting in substantial welfare losses for investors.

Frank Fetter's contributions to entrepreneurship and the theory of the firm are usually overlooked, even though his original treatments are relevant to both the history of economic thought and contemporary entrepreneurship research. I... more

Frank Fetter's contributions to entrepreneurship and the theory of the firm are usually overlooked, even though his original treatments are relevant to both the history of economic thought and contemporary entrepreneurship research. I highlight three ways Fetter's work adds to our understanding of the entrepreneurial process. First, entrepreneurs direct their enterprises via the careful delegation of authority to managers, thereby maintaining residual control over the firm; similar views were pioneered by Frank Knight and the Austrian economists, who continue to study cognate problems like judgmental decision-making and " proxy-entrepreneurship. " Second, Fetter foreshadows Knight's influential distinction between risk and uncertainty, arguing that entrepreneurs bear uncertainty through their investment decisions; however, Fetter adds to Knight's work by explicitly considering the role chance and luck play in entrepreneurial success, a problem still debated in entrepreneurship studies. Third, Fetter argues that scarcity implies the active investment of resources, and thus, the need for entrepreneurship; this view hints at current research on entrepreneurial bricolage, as well as work emphasizing investment rather than opportunity as the defining concept of entrepreneurship. It also provides " microfoundations " for strategic entrepreneurship research.

This paper analysed the determinants of agricultural entrepreneurial intentions of the unemployed in urban Kano, Nigeria, using three different multinomial logistic models fitted to the primary data obtained via structured questionnaire... more

This paper analysed the determinants of agricultural entrepreneurial intentions of the unemployed in urban Kano, Nigeria, using three different multinomial logistic models fitted to the primary data obtained via structured questionnaire from the 173 out of 200 targeted respondents. The results suggest that age explains the likelihood of starting or engaging in agricultural business. Gender and educational levels were not significant in explaining the likelihood of starting the business. Inadequate capital was found to explain the likelihood. Family and cognitive ability (self) as motivational variables were insignificant in explaining the likelihood. Risk tolerance was found to explain the likelihood of starting the agricultural business. Employment status was found significant in explaining the likelihood. Innovative ability was insignificant in explaining the likelihood. The paper recommends that entrepreneurial support should be geared toward young ages as against old age; as the size of youth unemployed outweighed that of old age in the study area. Promoters of entrepreneurship could use risk tolerance behaviour in selecting people to support. Capital should be made available by the concerned institutions to enable persons preparing to start the agricultural business to start. Researchers could also incorporate other predictor variables in analysing the determinants or employ different models, like nested models against non-nested models used in this study.

Strategic thinking capability is interesting part of the cognitive development of each entrepreneur. This paper develops on notion that there a number of demographic variables that shape the behavior of each particular elements of... more

Strategic thinking capability is interesting part of the cognitive development of each entrepreneur. This paper develops on notion that there a number of demographic variables that shape the behavior of each particular elements of entrepreneurial orientation and strategic component of each entrepreneur. The demographic variable that have significant role will take the role of moderator in further research. Since both constructs are multidimensional, the demographic variables are not influencing them in the same way. The empirical research has been performed on IT firms in Croatia in 2014.
Individual entrepreneurial orientation is measured by the construct developed by Bolton and Lane’s (2012) individual entrepreneurial orientation instrument. The instrument is grounded in the seminal work of Miller (1983), Covin and Slevin (1986; 1988; 1989), Lumpkin and Dess (1996) and Covin and Wales (2011); consisting of three dimensions – risk-taking, innovation, and proactiveness. Strategic thinking was measured by Pisapia’s (2009) Strategic thinking questionnaire (STQ). The STQ asked respondents to rate how often they use systems thinking, reframing, and reflecting skills.
Within the framework of individual entrepreneurial orientation the following demographic variables shape the trends: age, gender, education abroad and previous experience. Entrepreneurs between 40-60 years old are less prone to risk, female entrepreneurs are more proactive than men, education abroad provides with the additional proactiveness and the entrepreneur with previous experience is prone to higher risk, proactiveness and innovativeness.
Within the framework of strategic thinking capability the following demographic variables shape the trends: age, gender, education and experience. Entrepreneurs older than 60 score high on system thinking as well as females, females also score higher on reframing. Entrepreneurs with PhD degree score lower on reframing, while managers working more than 20 years score high on reframing.
All the relevant demographic variables can be introduced later on as moderators investigating individual entrepreneurial orientation and strategic thinking capability relation.

We test whether born-to-be-green represents a signal toward potential venture capital (VC) investors - on a sample of Italian, independent, unlisted, high-tech entrepreneurial firms. We employ several identification strategies by... more

We test whether born-to-be-green represents a signal toward potential venture capital (VC) investors - on a sample of Italian, independent, unlisted, high-tech entrepreneurial firms. We employ several identification strategies by controlling for the major potential signals, and the alleged selection bias between green and non-green entrepreneurs. We exploit firm-level information about the “active searching for VC financing”. Alternatively, we exploit the cross-region variation in local government laws to foster green innovations in an Instrumental Variables setting. Our results show that running a green business per se is not correlated with the likelihood to receive VC, while the perception to run a green business is strongly and positively correlated with the likelihood to get VC. When investigating the contingencies associated to the effectiveness of the born-to-be-green signal – and the entrepreneurial ability to sell it – we find that only entrepreneurs who run a green business and perceive it as green are more likely to get VC funding.

An entrepreneurial agricultural education promotes the quality, standard and sustainability of entrepreneurship towards achieving the goals of economic and technological advancement of the Nation. Entrepreneurial Agricultural Education... more

An entrepreneurial agricultural education promotes the quality, standard and sustainability of entrepreneurship towards achieving the goals of economic and technological advancement of the Nation. Entrepreneurial Agricultural Education is designed in the National Policy of Education in Nigeria to provide technological skill abilities in both practical and theoretical manpower development for self-reliance and productivity. The needs to identify major carrier opportunities available in the agricultural sector have also become very apparent to enable Nigerians undertake and become technologically sound, productive, vibrant and sustainable in order to make Nigeria great. The major roles and essential attributes of an entrepreneur in a sustainable economic environment are also exclusively enumerated. There is also the realization of entrepreneurial and Agricultural Education and contemporary issues in Nigeria. Finally, vital strategies and recommendations which are believed to contribute essentially in advancement of entrepreneurial agricultural education and contemporary issues in Nigeria have exclusively been discussed.

As the entrepreneurship discipline grows, it increasingly faces unique research challenges. Recently, "interactive, activity based, cognitively hot, compassionate, and prosocial" approaches to the study of entrepreneurship have arisen to... more

As the entrepreneurship discipline grows, it increasingly faces unique research challenges. Recently, "interactive, activity based, cognitively hot, compassionate, and prosocial" approaches to the study of entrepreneurship have arisen to meet these challenges. This paper reflects and builds on recent discussions by emphasizing, in addition, the persistent value of economic foundations for a progressive research agenda in entrepreneurship. A realist economic perspective is both fundamental for entrepreneurship and complements newer research trends. It has also stood the test of time: economic questions relating to methodological individualism, uncertainty, judgment, opportunities, social motivations, and incentives have not only set the tone for past research, but continue to offer starting points and insights for contemporary work. This note thus makes two contributions: first, it explains the relevance of each of these concepts for contemporary work in entrepreneurship studies, and second, it uses them to pose novel research questions. These questions complement the abovementioned emerging trends in entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurial opportunities are a crucial starting point of the entrepreneurial process. However, reliable and replicable methods for systematically searching, framing, developing and assessing opportunities are still undeveloped. While... more

Entrepreneurial opportunities are a crucial starting point of the entrepreneurial process. However, reliable and replicable methods for systematically searching, framing, developing and assessing opportunities are still undeveloped. While some authors have already elaborated (Bragg and Bragg, 2005 ; Rae, 2007 ) on the importance of systematizing the creative process and applying creative methods and techniques to the opportunity generation process, none of them acknowledges any potential contribution from design. Design is a discipline that has a deep expertise in innovation and product development, as well as tools that enable the creation, framing, positioning, development and assessment of product or service ideas, therefore it has the potential to be integrated to the front-end of the entrepreneurial process.
This article will describe an action-research case study based on an experimental workshop performed in Beijing, China, in the context of an entrepreneurial platform called DREAM:IN, where service design tools were used as frameworks to generate, develop, prototype and assess business ideas that could potentially become business opportunities. Frameworks, which are standardized sets of concepts, practices and criteria to deal with common problems (Kumar, 2003) were the object of design and were adapted from service design tools to allow their use by non-professional designers.

Stages of Growth models were the most frequent theoretical approach to understanding entrepreneurial business growth from 1962 to 2006; they built on the growth imperative and developmental models of that time. An analysis of the universe... more

Stages of Growth models were the most frequent theoretical approach to understanding entrepreneurial business growth from 1962 to 2006; they built on the growth imperative and developmental models of that time. An analysis of the universe of such models (N=104) published in the management literature shows no consensus on basic constructs of the approach, nor is there any empirical confirmations of stages theory. However, by changing two propositions of the stages models, a new dynamic states approach is derived. The dynamic states approach has far greater explanatory power than its precursor, and is compatible with leading edge research in entrepreneurship.

Precondition for sustainable development of the organization is a specific type of behavior, defined as " entrepreneural activity ". This report studies the " unexpected " as source of entrepreneural activity of the established... more

Precondition for sustainable development of the organization is a specific type of behavior, defined as " entrepreneural activity ". This report studies the " unexpected " as source of entrepreneural activity of the established organization. Based on data from empiric research among companies of the dynamically developing " information technologies " branch, the hypothesis that in conditions of crisis the unexpected is a material source of hidden factors of the entrepreneural activity, was confirmed.