Fermentation Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Protected denomination of origin (PDO) cheeses have distinctive sensorial characteristics. They can be made only from raw milk possessing specific features, which is processed through the 'art' of the cheesemaker. In general, the... more

Protected denomination of origin (PDO) cheeses have distinctive sensorial characteristics. They can be made only from raw milk possessing specific features, which is processed through the 'art' of the cheesemaker. In general, the distinctive sensorial traits of PDO cheese cannot be achieved under different environmental-production conditions for two main reasons: (1) some milk features are linked to specific animal production systems; (2) cheese ripening is affected by the interaction between milk (specific) and the traditional technology applied to the transformation process (non-specific). Also, the environment for a good ripening stage can be quite specific and not reproducible. With reference to milk, factors of typicality are species and/or breed, pedoclimatic conditions, animal management system and feeding. Other factors that influence cheese quality are milk treatments, milk processing and the ripening procedures. The technology applied to most cheeses currently know...

Pectinases are the group of enzymes that catalyze the degradation of pectic substances. It has wide applications in food industries for the production and clarification of wines and juices. The aim of this study was to isolate, screen and... more

Pectinases are the group of enzymes that catalyze the degradation of pectic substances. It has wide applications in food industries for the production and clarification of wines and juices. The aim of this study was to isolate, screen and characterize pectinase from fungi isolated from various soil samples and evaluate its application in juice clarification. Fungal strains were isolated and screened primarily using 1% citruspectin incorporated potato dextrose agar (PDA) and secondarily using pectinase screening agar medium (PSAM) for pectinolytic organisms. The enzyme was produced by submerged state fermentation and assayed using the dinitro salicylic acid (DNS) method. From 20 different soil samples, 55 fungal isolates were screened primarily and, among them, only 14 isolates were subjected for secondary screening. Out of 14, only four strains showed the highest pectinolytic activity. Among four strains, Aspergillus spp. Gm showed the highest enzyme production at a 48-h incubation ...

whole-plant forage crops which is based on lactic acid fermentation under anaerobic conditions, whereby lactic acid bacteria (LAB) convert watersoluble carbohydrates (WSC) into organic acids, mainly lactic acid. As a result, pH decrease... more

whole-plant forage crops which is based on lactic acid fermentation under anaerobic conditions, whereby lactic acid bacteria (LAB) convert watersoluble carbohydrates (WSC) into organic acids, mainly lactic acid. As a result, pH decrease and thus forage is preserved for a long time . The application of silage additives has become the conventional implement to control the ensiling process. Although the main objective in using silage additives is to ensure the fermentation process to produce well preserved silages, attention is also paid to methods of reducing ensiling losses and improving aerobic stability of silages during the feed-out period . In order to improve the ensiling process various chemical and biological Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 15 (2): 195-199, 2009 DOI:10.9775/kvfd.2008.91-A RESEARCH ARTICLE

Decarbonizing the transportation sector is critical to achieving global climate change mitigation. Although biofuels will play an important role in conventional gasoline and diesel applications, bioderived solutions are particularly... more

Decarbonizing the transportation sector is critical to achieving global climate change mitigation. Although biofuels will play an important role in conventional gasoline and diesel applications, bioderived solutions are particularly important in jet fuels and lubricants, for which no other viable renewable alternatives exist. Producing compounds for jet fuel and lubricant base oil applications often requires upgrading fermentation products, such as alcohols and ketones, to reach the appropriate molecular-weight range. Ketones possess both electrophilic and nucleophilic functionality, which allows them to be used as building blocks similar to alkenes and aromatics in a petroleum refining complex. Here, we develop a method for selectively upgrading biomass-derived alkyl methyl ketones with >95% yields into trimer condensates, which can then be hydrodeoxygenated in near-quantitative yields to give a new class of cycloalkane compounds. The basic chemistry developed here can be tailor...

MSC (Avemar) is a medical nutriment of which preclinical and observational clinical studies suggested an antimetastatic activity with no toxicity. This open-label cohort trial has compared anticancer treatments plus MSC (9 g once daily)... more

MSC (Avemar) is a medical nutriment of which preclinical and observational clinical studies suggested an antimetastatic activity with no toxicity. This open-label cohort trial has compared anticancer treatments plus MSC (9 g once daily) vs anticancer treatments alone in colorectal patients, enrolled from three oncosurgical centres; cohort allocation was on the basis of patients' choice. Sixty-six colorectal cancer patients received MSC supplement for more than 6 months and 104 patients served as controls (anticancer therapies alone): no statistical difference was noted in the time from diagnosis to the last visit between the two groups. End-point analysis revealed that progression-related events were significantly less frequent in the MSC group (new recurrences: 3.0 vs 17.3%, P<0.01; new metastases: 7.6 vs 23.1%, P<0.01; deaths: 12.1 vs 31.7%, P<0.01). Survival analysis showed significant improvements in the MSC group regarding progression-free (P=0.0184) and overall su...

Humans around the globe probably discovered natural remedies against disease and cancer by trial and error over the millennia. Biomolecular archaeological analyses of ancient organics, especially plants dissolved or decocted as fermented... more

Humans around the globe probably discovered natural remedies against disease and cancer by trial and error over the millennia. Biomolecular archaeological analyses of ancient organics, especially plants dissolved or decocted as fermented beverages, have begun to reveal the preliterate histories of traditional pharmacopeias, which often date back thousands of years earlier than ancient textual, ethnohistorical, and ethnological evidence. In this new approach to drug discovery, two case studies from ancient Egypt and China illustrate how ancient medicines can be reconstructed from chemical and archaeological data and their active compounds delimited for testing their anticancer and other medicinal effects. Specifically, isoscopoletin from Artemisia argyi, artemisinin from Artemisia annua, and the latter's more easily assimilated semi-synthetic derivative, artesunate, showed the greatest activity in vitro against lung and colon cancers. In vivo tests of these compounds previously u...

This project aimed to develop and utilize technology on Indian mango fruit processing. Chemical properties of matured unripe and ripe Indian mangoes were determined in terms of total sugar, reducing sugar, starch, titratable acidity and... more

This project aimed to develop and utilize technology on Indian mango fruit processing. Chemical properties of matured unripe and ripe Indian mangoes were determined in terms of total sugar, reducing sugar, starch, titratable acidity and pH. Fermentation parameters investigated in the study were amount of sugar added (20 and 25%) fermentation medium, acidity of fermentation medium (addition of 1.33 and 1.66 grams of citric acid for ripe and dilution of water for unripe), degree of ripening of Indian mango fruits (ripe and unripe) and ageing period (3 and 4 months). Sixteen treatments were done in triplicates and a composite sample was taken from each treatment for sensory evaluation. Results of the preference test were subjected to statistical analysis. The physicochemical properties of Indian mango wine produced using best fermentation parameters were determined. Appropriate packaging material was selected and packaging design was developed for Indian mango wine. Project cooperators were selected and the technology was transferred through training and production runs. Results of preference test showed that the wine with best sensory properties was prepared using matured unripe Indian mango diluted with water and added with 25% sugar. According to the panel of sensory experts, the taste of Indian mango wine was strong with proper blending of sweetness and sourness, its mouth feel was smooth and good balance, aroma was hot pungent and its color and appearance was clear and light yellow. Its titratable acidity was 0.622%, pH was 5, alcohol content was 11% and brix was 5°.

Orientador: Marco Aurélio CremascoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuímicaResumo: O tacrolimo é um potente imunossupressor produzido por meio da fermentação por bactérias do gênero... more

Orientador: Marco Aurélio CremascoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuímicaResumo: O tacrolimo é um potente imunossupressor produzido por meio da fermentação por bactérias do gênero Streptomyces, sendo a Streptomyces tsukubaensis a primeira do gênero a comprovadamente produzir o tacrolimo. A maltose e a glicose foram avaliadas como fontes primárias de carbono neste trabalho, bem como a peptona de soja e licor íngreme de milho como fontes de nitrogênio. As fontes de carbono e nitrogênio foram avaliadas quanto à sua razão presentes no meio fermentativo. Ainda, com o intuito de avaliar o processo fermentativo, foram realizadas alterações de processo como, velocidade de agitação da incubadora (shaker) e temperatura de fermentação. As fermentações foram conduzidas em frascos erlenmeyer no Laboratório de Engenharia Bioquímica, Biorrefino e Produtos de Origem Renováveis, as análises analíticas foram realizadas no Laboratório de Processos de Trans...

Lignocellulosic ethanol has been considered as an alternative transportation fuel. Utilization of hemicellulosic fraction in lignocelluloses is crucial in economical production of lignocellulosic ethanol. However, this fraction has not... more

Lignocellulosic ethanol has been considered as an alternative transportation fuel. Utilization of hemicellulosic fraction in lignocelluloses is crucial in economical production of lignocellulosic ethanol. However, this fraction has not efficiently been utilized by traditional yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genetically modified S. cerevisiae, which can utilize xylose, has several limitations including low ethanol yield, redox imbalance, and undesired metabolite formation similar to native xylose utilizing yeasts. Besides, xylose uptake is a major issue, where sugar transport system plays an important role. These genetically modified and wild-type yeast strains have further been engineered for improved xylose uptake. Various techniques have been employed to facilitate the xylose transportation in these strains. The present review is focused on the sugar transport machineries, mechanisms of xylose transport, limitations and how to deal with xylose transport for xylose assimilation in ...

To investigate the microbial and nutritional characteristics of dry feed, liquid feed containing fermented liquid cereal grains, and fermented liquid feed, and their effect on gastrointestinal ecology and growth performance, 120 piglets... more

To investigate the microbial and nutritional characteristics of dry feed, liquid feed containing fermented liquid cereal grains, and fermented liquid feed, and their effect on gastrointestinal ecology and growth performance, 120 piglets from 40 litters were used ...

Integrative flourishing stems from patterns of eating, living and engaging with the world that promote well-being and a healthy environment. For proliferating integrative flourishing, we need to explore novel, design-led collaborations... more

Integrative flourishing stems from patterns of eating, living and engaging with the world that promote well-being and a healthy environment. For proliferating integrative flourishing, we need to explore novel, design-led collaborations for remaking artifacts and human organization. In this study, participants-cum-makers fermented their urine for a substrate in which to grow lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and thereby create a simple material relationship between their bodies and the plants. Process documentation and interviews with the twenty-two participants evaluated the key aspects that promoted their social engagement and thriving during the two-month experiment. The analysis revealed how jointly encountered technical ambiguity stimulated curiosity and how a unifying purpose promoted adaptive co-creation and mutual support. In synergetic dynamics, these factors contributed to the integrative flourishing in the waste upcycling collective. The findings indicate the importance of recursive self-regulation following interaction with an 'other.' The study outlines a systemic model for practitioners' use to orient collectivist design that positively affects environmental relationships.

The formation of hydroxystearic acid (HSA) and ketostearic acid (KSA) from oleic acid transformation has been documented in a variety of microbial species, including several isolated from the rumen of domesticated ruminant species.... more

The formation of hydroxystearic acid (HSA) and ketostearic acid (KSA) from oleic acid transformation has been documented in a variety of microbial species, including several isolated from the rumen of domesticated ruminant species. However, their ruminal production rates have not been established as influenced by fatty acid source. Dosing continuous cultures of mixed ruminal microorganisms with 1-(13C)-oleic acid increased the 13C enrichment of both HSA and KSA at 24 h postdosing, and showed that the majority (96 and 85%, respectively) of the HSA and KSA present in the 24-h samples originated from oleic acid. Several experiments using batch cultures of ruminal microorganisms showed that production of HSA and KSA was directly related to oleic acid input but was not affected by elaidic acid input, and that HSA was further metabolized to KSA but not to other fatty acids. When continuous cultures of ruminal microorganisms were supplemented with soybean oil or canola oil, production of 1...

Arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides (AXOS) are a recently newly discovered class of candidate prebiotics as – depending on their structure – they are fermented in different regions of gastrointestinal tract. This can have an impact on the... more

Arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides (AXOS) are a recently newly discovered class of candidate prebiotics as – depending on their structure – they are fermented in different regions of gastrointestinal tract. This can have an impact on the protein/carbohydrate fermentation balance in the large intestine and, thus, affect the generation of potentially toxic metabolites in the colon originating from proteolytic activity. In this study, we screened different AXOS preparations for their impact on the in vitro intestinal fermentation activity and microbial community structure. Short-term fermentation experiments with AXOS with an average degree of polymerization (avDP) of 29 allowed part of the oligosaccharides to reach the distal colon, and decreased the concentration of proteolytic markers, whereas AXOS with lower avDP were primarily fermented in the proximal colon. Additionally, prolonged supplementation of AXOS with avDP 29 to the Simulator of Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem (SHIME) reactor decreased levels of the toxic proteolytic markers phenol and p-cresol in the two distal colon compartments and increased concentrations of beneficial short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) in all colon vessels (25–48%). Denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis indicated that AXOS supplementation only slightly modified the total microbial community, implying that the observed effects on fermentation markers are mainly caused by changes in fermentation activity. Finally, specific quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis showed that AXOS supplementation significantly increased the amount of health-promoting lactobacilli as well as of Bacteroides–Prevotella and Clostridium coccoides–Eubacterium rectale groups. These data allow concluding that AXOS are promising candidates to modulate the microbial metabolism in the distal colon.