Homophobia Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

This study aims to analyze the relationship between the military and homosexuality by analyzing the experiences of sexual minority soldiers in the Korean military beyond the claim that homosexuality in the Korean military is a social and... more

O capítulo parte de um vídeo amador que retrata o espancamento de uma travesti de 16 anos, por taxistas de uma cooperativa, para buscar compreender dinâmicas sociais e desafios morais que compõem e atravessam práticas homofóbicas e suas... more

O capítulo parte de um vídeo amador que retrata o espancamento de uma travesti de 16 anos, por taxistas de uma cooperativa, para buscar compreender dinâmicas sociais e desafios morais que compõem e atravessam práticas homofóbicas e suas consequências. Para tanto, os autores assumem o vídeo em questão, que não apenas circulou em redes sociais, mas também foi incorporado pela mídia, a partir da perspectiva do testemunho midiático (FROSH; PINCHEVSKI, 2009) e do que nomeiam como configuração imagética da vulnerabilidade associada à homofobia. Além do poder de testemunho, à materialidade é atribuída certa força mobilizadora, capaz de operar na denúncia de injustiças e nas possíveis reivindicações de reparação (CHOULIARAKI, 2009).

Thanks largely to the Kremlin’s information war, Ukraine’s ultranationalists have become global media stars of a sort, depicted in Western and other reports as key players in Ukraine’s third major political upheaval in less than a... more

Thanks largely to the Kremlin’s information war, Ukraine’s ultranationalists have become global media stars of a sort, depicted in Western and other reports as key players in Ukraine’s third major political upheaval in less than a quarter-century. How do we explain the paradox of ultranationalist parties becoming involved in a protest movement whose thrust is toward greater integration between Ukraine and the European Union? And are the fears that swirl around these parties justified?

Este artículo busca analizar el proceso que orientó la selección y los procedimientos de una revisión extensa de la literatura científica sobre el tema de la violencia motivada por discriminaciones, entre las cuales aquellas basadas en la... more

Este artículo busca analizar el proceso que orientó la selección y los procedimientos de una revisión extensa de la literatura científica sobre el tema de la violencia motivada por discriminaciones, entre las cuales aquellas basadas en la orientación sexual e/o identidad de género. Se eligieron a artículos académicos publicados en dos bases de datos disponibles en línea: SciELO y BVS-PSI. Se analizaron 98 trabajos. Se observó que, a pesar de la controversia en torno al término “homofobia”, este fue el descriptor más eficaz. La mayor parte de los trabajos fueron publicados en la región Sur de Brasil, aunque muchos de estos fueron producidos en las regiones Norte y Nordeste. Los trabajos se concentran en las áreas de ciencias humanas y sociales, con escasa discusión del tema en la psicología clínica. Sin embargo, en los ámbitos donde las psicologías dialogan con otras áreas del saber, bajo una perspectiva multidisciplinaria, o aún en el de la Psicología Social, el tema ha sido discutido. La diseminación de ese debate en el ámbito de esta disciplina se justifica también cuando observamos ciertas prácticas que usan el saber-poder de la psicología y, consecuentemente, la práctica de psicólogas y psicólogos como herramientas en disputas políticas en el campo de los derechos sexuales en los últimos años. Palabras clave: Violencia; Género; Sexualidad; Homofobia; Psicología social.

This paper presents an initial assessment of the results of a four month research project studying the Ultras 1 groups in BiH. This research contributed to the Bosnia & Herzegovina Resilience Initiative (BHRI) Programme (implemented by... more

This paper presents an initial assessment of the results of a four month research project studying the Ultras 1 groups in BiH. This research contributed to the Bosnia & Herzegovina Resilience Initiative (BHRI) Programme (implemented by the International Organization for Migration-United Nations , funded and closely coordinated with the U.S. Agency for International Development-USAID) aiming to reduce the threat of violent extremism in BiH and to counter extremist efforts to deepen or exploit community tensions.

Hoje, cerca de 37 países no mundo reconhecem a perseguição contra pessoas LGBTI como base para o reconhecimento da condição de refugiado, incluindo o Brasil e os 28 países membros da União Europeia (UE). Entretanto, em alguns desses... more

Hoje, cerca de 37 países no mundo reconhecem a perseguição contra pessoas LGBTI como base para o reconhecimento da condição de refugiado, incluindo o Brasil e os 28 países membros da União Europeia (UE). Entretanto, em alguns desses países, o tratamento dispensado a esses solicitantes de refúgio é muito negativo, sendo recorrentes práticas que violam os Princípios de Yogyakarta. O objetivo deste trabalho é oferecer uma análise comparada entre o Brasil e a UE acerca dos seus dispositivos legais referentes ao reconhecimento de refugiados LGBTI e da prática dessas autoridades no processo de determinação da condição de refugiado (RSD). Além de uma revisão de literatura e de uma análise legal comparativa, a metodologia aqui utilizada também empregou entrevistas de caráter semiestruturado com quatro oficiais de elegibilidade do Comitê Nacional de Refugiados. Para isso, serão analisadas como variáveis a exigibilidade de discrição; o reenvio de solicitantes a países de origem criminalizadores; a utilização de listas de países seguros; as informações de países de origem; a anterioridade da proteção estatal vis-à-vis a proteção internacional; o argumento de alternativa de fuga interna; as questões de credibilidade; a “saída do armário” tardia; e os dispositivos de reunião familiar.

In a field where cognitive-behavioral treatment is predominant, many sexual abuse clinicians cling to a mistaken Freudian explanation of homophobia as a reaction formation in which the individual expresses anti-homosexual attitudes as a... more

In a field where cognitive-behavioral treatment is predominant, many sexual abuse clinicians cling to a mistaken Freudian explanation of homophobia as a reaction formation in which the individual expresses anti-homosexual attitudes as a way of repressing or suppressing his own homoerotic desires. Rather, so-called “homophobia” should be more accurately understood as “humiliation-phobia.” The primary motivation for such behavior is avoiding humiliation in the eyes of male peers. Men and boys act in homophobic ways not because they fear that they are homosexual, but because they fear that other males might THINK that they are homosexual. In other words, homophobia is about gaining and protecting male social acceptance and esteem.

This study is based in an analytic investigation about the homosexual orientation inside the Brazilian´s society. The study with a multiple view looks for showing the different topics that are inside the theme of homosexuality. This... more

This study is based in an analytic investigation about the homosexual
orientation inside the Brazilian´s society. The study with a multiple view
looks for showing the different topics that are inside the theme of homosexuality. This article focuses itself to the necessity to protect and makeeffective the Human Rights and the human sexual diversity, fighting the vulnerabilities that broke up the implementation of the same in Brazil. That way, we hope that this research could help the Brazilian society and the homosexuals to live the human sexual diversity in an equal way without discrimination.

Recent sociaalpsychologisch onderzoek naar de relatie tussen opvattingen over aard en oorsprong van homoseksualiteit en attitudes ten aanzien van homoseksuelen en homoseksualiteit, heeft enkele niet altijd gemakkelijk te interpreteren... more

Recent sociaalpsychologisch onderzoek naar de relatie tussen opvattingen over aard en oorsprong van homoseksualiteit en attitudes ten aanzien van homoseksuelen en homoseksualiteit, heeft enkele niet altijd gemakkelijk te interpreteren resultaten opgeleverd. In deze bijdrage vatten we de belangrijkste bevindingen van dit onderzoek samen en bespreken we de mogelijke verklaringen voor de gevonden verbanden. Daarnaast worden de vooronderstellingen van dit onderzoek tegen een kritisch-constructief licht gehouden.

Čoraz častejšie sa terčom extrémistických skupín, populistických vyjadrení politikov a cirkvi stávajú príslušníci neheterosexuálnych menšín ako jednoduchý nástroj získavania politického kapitálu a vplyvu. V predloženom príspevku... more

Čoraz častejšie sa terčom extrémistických skupín, populistických vyjadrení politikov a cirkvi stávajú príslušníci neheterosexuálnych menšín ako jednoduchý nástroj získavania politického kapitálu a vplyvu. V predloženom príspevku ozrejmujeme termíny súvisiace s problematikou extrémizmu, populizmu a popisujeme niektoré hostilné prejavy
v postojoch mládeže k LGBTI komunite. /// As a simple tool of acquiring political capital and influence, the members of sexual minorities are increasingly becoming the victims of extremist groups, populistic political statements and religious organisations. It is the aim of the following report to introduce the various notions connected to extremism, populism as well as to describe hostile manifestations in the opinions of the youth towards the LGBTI community.

Este artículo realiza un acercamiento a las barreras socioculturales que enfrentan las familias LGBTI en Colombia, desde la perspectiva de 44 activistas de organizaciones sociales, con quienes se desarrolló una investigación... more

Este artículo realiza un acercamiento a las barreras socioculturales que enfrentan las familias LGBTI en Colombia, desde la perspectiva de 44 activistas de organizaciones sociales, con quienes se desarrolló una investigación cualitativa-interpretativa. Los resultados se analizan desde los elementos teóricos de la heterosexualidad obligatoria, el estigma y la familia como producida y productora de un sistema social de relaciones materiales y simbólicas. Se señala que, si bien estas familias históricamente han existido, en la actualidad continúan vivenciando manifestaciones de invisibilización, homofobia, discriminación y violencia en distintos contextos, producto de la normalización del modelo hegemónico de la familia nuclear heterosexual. Se concluye que la visibilización y politización de las familias LGBTI permite desesencializar las concepciones de familia asociadas a la reproducción y el binarismo de género, y deben ser leídas como un espacio de tensión y transformación del orden societal, sin embargo, se presentan retos a nivel macro y microsocial, para superar las barreras socioculturales señaladas. ABSTRACT This paper makes an approach to the main social and cultural barriers faced by LGBTI families in Colombia from the perspective of 44 activists from social organizations. A qualitative-interpretative research was developed, using semi-structured interviews technique. The results are analyzed from the theoretical elements of compulsory heterosexuality, stigma and family as produced and producing a social system of material and symbolic relationships. It is noted that although these families have historically existed, they continue to experience manifestations of invisibility, homophobia, discrimination and violence in different contexts, as a result of normalization of the hegemonic model of the heterosexual nuclear family. It is concluded that the visibility and politicization of LGBTI families allows to de-essentialize the conceptions of family associated with reproduction and gender binarism, and should be read as a space of tension and transformation of the societal order, however challenges are presented at the macro and microsocial levels, to overcome the indicated sociocultural barriers. Agradecimientos: Agradecimientos: A los líderes y lideresas de todas las organizaciones sociales que de manera voluntaria aceptaron participar en esta investigación.

Matthew Bell defends Jean-Paul Sartre against Terri Murray. Murray’s rebuttal of Sartre is undermined by a failure to distinguish two senses of “cowardice” and “homosexuality.” This leads Murray to misinterpret Sartre. When the terms are... more

Matthew Bell defends Jean-Paul Sartre against Terri Murray. Murray’s rebuttal of Sartre is undermined by a failure to distinguish two senses of “cowardice” and “homosexuality.” This leads Murray to misinterpret Sartre. When the terms are carefully disambiguated, Sartre’s point is upheld and shown to apply equally to heterosexuality and homosexuality.

Over the least decade, the hopes of fighting oppression and discrimination against gay people in Africa by means of introducing and strengthening laws which defend equal rights and cultural and personal diversity has become increasingly... more

Over the least decade, the hopes of fighting oppression and discrimination against gay people in Africa by means of introducing and strengthening laws which defend equal rights and
cultural and personal diversity has become increasingly difficult. This applies in many ways also to South Africa, in spite of the exemplary words on the subject in the South African constitution
More than 50% of African governments have taken action and steps to formally criminalize same-sex unions. There is an increased awareness of homophobia in the continent with
many African media adding to the furore. Nonetheless, anti-gay laws in Uganda are now weakened due to human rights opposition and Malawi witnessed the presidential pardon of a
gay couple. In March 2011, at the second recall at the United Nations Assembly in Geneva on the Joint declaration to decriminalize homosexuality, the number of African countries who
signed rose from six to eleven including Gabon, Sao Tome and Principe, Mauritius, Central Africa Republic, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Angola, South Africa, Seychelles, Rwanda and Sierra
Leone, thirteen countries abstained and twenty-eight opposed Joint Statement on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI).
The popularity of gay rights and advocacy for the social status of same-sex relationships have provoked politicians and governments in Africa to react. Recent cases of criminalization of
same-sex relationships have worsened a situation already characterized by harassment, humiliation, extortion, arbitrary arrests, judicial violence, imprisonment, torture, hate crimes
and honour killings on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity all over Africa. These abuses are happening whether we like it or not, whether we admit it or not. Every
year, there are numerous cases of hate crimes towards sexual minorities and gay and lesbian advocates working to deliver more justice. The abuse is escalating.

This chapter explores “religiosity” as a critical concept for advancing the dialogue about queer studies and education for the Twenty-First Century. Religiosity, or an inappropriate devotion to the rituals and traditions of a religion, is... more

This chapter explores “religiosity” as a critical concept for advancing the dialogue about queer studies and education for the Twenty-First Century. Religiosity, or an inappropriate devotion to the rituals and traditions of a religion, is particularly problematic for sexual and gender minorities in publicly-funded faith-based schools where homophobic and transphobic doctrines of the faith are more commonly enforced than other doctrines. The plight of sexual and gender minority groups in Canadian faith-based schools is a neglected research topic due to Canadians’ deep respect for the fundamental freedom of religion and a corresponding prevailing belief that religiously-inspired discriminatory practices occurring in publicly-funded schools are a normal part of religious freedom that should continue to go unchallenged. The author calls upon anti-oppression education researchers to overcome their reluctance to include religious schools in their research.

Criminal law is fragmentary. Nevertheless, it must be his claim to punish equal injustice the same, greater injustice more and lesser injustice less. Otherwise his evaluations threaten to lose traceability and acceptance. The sentencing... more

Criminal law is fragmentary. Nevertheless, it must be his claim to punish equal injustice the same, greater injustice more and lesser injustice less. Otherwise his evaluations threaten to lose traceability and acceptance. The sentencing rule of § 46 II 2 StGB and the criminal offense of incitement to hatred should therefore be adapted to the categories of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) and the changed circumstances resulting from digitalization and globalization. Law enforcement agencies and courts should be enabled to consistently punish group-related enmity; this requires a revision of the RiStBV. The general right of personality must not serve as a protective cloak for statements that attack the dignity of others. Criticism of group-related misanthropy must be allowed to be expressed freely and, if necessary, sharply.

Existing research in Slovenia shows that more than two thirds of gay men and lesbian women have been a victim of antigay violence; the data also suggest this type of violence is significantly underreported. This is a global problem, and... more

Existing research in Slovenia shows that more than two thirds of gay men and lesbian women have been a victim of
antigay violence; the data also suggest this type of violence is significantly underreported. This is a global problem, and
while the majority of research on homophobic hate crime focuses on the psychological impact of these incidents, little
research exists addressing reporting behaviour and/or explaining why some people report homophobic hate crime, but
most seem not to. With the key question in mind ‘What informs the decision to report homophobic violence?’ this study
examined the willingness of lesbian, gay and bisexual people to report homophobic incidents and the role of the Slovene
reporting (police) and support system (NGOs) in this process. The results clearly demonstrate different perceptions of
violent incidents and crime significantly influence the willingness to report as well as the decision of which agency to
report to. In its conclusion the study relates the findings to social work practice and suggests that more active involvement
of social services might also contribute to building the trust of gay and lesbian communities in non-LGBT services and
in long term result in improving reporting levels for this particular minority.

La question porte sur ce qui s'apprend quand on apprend le sport. Qu'est-ce qui se transmet lorsque sont transmises les techniques visant la performance sportive ? Qu'est-ce qui s'intériorise, qu'est-ce qui s'incorpore ? Bref, qu'apprend... more

La question porte sur ce qui s'apprend quand on apprend le sport. Qu'est-ce qui se transmet lorsque sont transmises les techniques visant la performance sportive ? Qu'est-ce qui s'intériorise, qu'est-ce qui s'incorpore ? Bref, qu'apprend un garçon, qu'apprend une fille, sans en avoir conscience, tout au long du processus de transformation de leur motricité et de l'acquisition des techniques corporelles de l'efficacité sportive ? Que vient faire l'homophobie dans cet apprentissage ? De quoi est-elle le révélateur ? La réflexion se situe au plan des effets éducatifs du sport.

The links between social constructions of sexuality and gender are theoretically and politically problematic. A contemporary social movement understanding of violence against gay men and lesbians as ‘homophobic’ suggests a solid basis for... more

The links between social constructions of sexuality and gender are theoretically and politically problematic. A contemporary social movement understanding of violence against gay men and lesbians as ‘homophobic’ suggests a solid basis for coalitionist action. But important aspects of the imposition of gender conformity are a common thread in the experience of female, male and transsexual victims and the motives

This paper explores the notion of homosocial space in the Victorian Era as it pertains to canonicity issues in literature. Homosocial space simply means that space which men set aside, such as in men.s-only clubs or situations such as the... more

This paper explores the notion of homosocial space in the Victorian Era as it pertains to canonicity issues in literature. Homosocial space simply means that space which men set aside, such as in men.s-only clubs or situations such as the relationship of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, in which women play a limited role, if at all. Yet, this notion of men-only spaces created problems for the works vying to become canonical literature.not because of the exclusion of women, but for the ambivalence felt toward this separation of the sexes. Underlying this ambivalence is a fear of homosexuality; yet, these spaces also violate Matthew Arnold.s and Thomas Carlyle.s views toward industry. Often, the men in these novels fail to act, whether heroically or artistically. Matthew Arnold's works "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time" and "The Study of Poetry" usefully navigate the trail toward canonicity, at least for the Victorian Era. Using Arnold's notion and the prevailing social attitudes toward masculinity and enterprise, this paper examines the problems of canonicity for Oscar Wilde's The Portrait of Dorian Gray, E.M. Forster's Maurice, and John Buchan's The Thirty-Nine Steps.

Informationen über sogenannte ‚LGBT-freie Zonen‘1 in Polen lösten 2019 ein gewaltiges Medienecho und eine internationale Welle der Empörung aus. Mit dem Begriff sind Beschlüsse von bis zu 97 Lokal- und Regionalregierungen (Gemeinden,... more

Informationen über sogenannte ‚LGBT-freie Zonen‘1 in Polen lösten 2019 ein gewaltiges Medienecho und eine internationale Welle der Empörung aus. Mit dem Begriff sind Beschlüsse von bis zu 97 Lokal- und Regionalregierungen (Gemeinden, Landkreisen und Wojewodschaften) gemeint, die meist entweder unter dem Titel‚ Resolution gegen LGBT-Ideologie‘ (‚Resolucja przeciw ideologii LGBT‘) oder als
‚Regionale Familienrechtscharta‘ (‚Samorządowa Karta Praw Rodzin‘) verabschiedet wurden. Mittlerweile (Juli 2020) betreffen dementsprechende Beschlüsse Bewohner_innen von über einem Drittel des Landes (Pająk/Gawron 2020). Dieser Beitrag zeigt den politischen Kontext dieser Beschlüsse auf und analysiert den jüngsten Konfliktverlauf (2019-2020) – inklusive der Präsidentschaftswahlen
von Juli 2020. Erklärt werden soll, warum in so vielen Regionen und Ortschaften Polens Deklarationen verfasst wurden, die sich gegen eine vermeintliche ‚LGBTIdeologie‘ richten, und weshalb LGBTQ* zum Gegenstand der Auseinandersetzung wurde. Zudem wird gefragt, inwiefern heutige politische Dynamiken auf längerfristigen Konfliktverläufen und länger zurückliegenden Ereignissen beruhen. Die diskursanalytische Betrachtung der Argumentationsweisen, mit denen zwischen 2019 und 2020 die LGBTQ*-feindlichen Beschlüsse begründet wurden, erfolgt anhand einer umfangreichen Analyse öffentlich zugänglicher Beschlusstexte, offizieller Stellungnahmen, Medieninterviews, Videoaufzeichnungen von Debatten und Pressekonferenzen sowie Webseiten der involvierten Konfliktparteien.

“Talking through Meaning” is Chapter 7 of the book Between Gay and Straight: Understanding Friendship Across Sexual Orientation (AltaMira Press, 2001). It provides a dialogic analysis of the author's PhD dissertation research (1994-98) of... more

“Talking through Meaning” is Chapter 7 of the book Between Gay and Straight: Understanding Friendship Across Sexual Orientation (AltaMira Press, 2001). It provides a dialogic analysis of the author's PhD dissertation research (1994-98) of a network of gay male friends in Tampa, Florida. Lisa based this chapter on a conversation with her husband Doug as she tried to compose a more conventional conclusion. The couple discuss the project’s academic, personal, interpersonal, and cultural implications.

Neznosno udobje zasebnosti je poskus sistematične sociološke analize in prereza vsakdanjega življenja gejev in lezbijk v Sloveniji. Knjiga je nastala na podlagi empiričnega gradiva, ki sta ga avtorja s sodelavkami in sodelavci zbrala v... more

Neznosno udobje zasebnosti je poskus sistematične sociološke analize in prereza vsakdanjega življenja gejev in lezbijk v Sloveniji. Knjiga je nastala na podlagi empiričnega gradiva, ki sta ga avtorja s sodelavkami in sodelavci zbrala v letih od 2002 do 2004 in se nanaša na vprašanja identitete in razkritja istospolne usmerjenosti, istospolnih partnerskih razmerij, nasilja in diskriminacije (zlasti v šoli in na delovnem mestu), odnosa do gejevske in lezbične subkulture in medijev kakor tudi stališč do otrok v istospolnih družinah. Neznosno udobje zasebnosti je raziskovalni dokument o vsakdanjem življenju gejev in lezbijk v Sloveniji in reprezentativno delo s področja gejevskih in lezbičnih študij.

Students from the technical and vocational track in Flanders have more homonegative attitudes than other students. We investigate what explains this track difference and if the homonegativity is reflected in more bullying experiences by... more

Students from the technical and vocational track in Flanders have more homonegative attitudes than other students. We investigate what explains this track difference and if the homonegativity is reflected in more bullying experiences by lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) students in these tracks. The results show that sex-role ideology and religion are related to homonegative attitudes, but they do not explain the greater homonegativity of technical and vocational track students. The study also confirms that LGB students experience significantly more bullying than heterosexual students, but the experience of bullying does not differ significantly between tracks.

Violence among peers is a problem that is arousing a growing interest in the media as well as in the community based intervention. Our argument is that homophobia and sexism are imbedded in own definition of this type of violence that we... more

Violence among peers is a problem that is arousing a growing interest in the media as well as in the community based intervention. Our argument is that homophobia and sexism are imbedded in own definition of this type of violence that we know as harassment among peers or bullying. Discrimination appears when gender norms are broken. Articulated into mechanisms such as name calling and using pejorative terms on masculinity and femininity; by using these terms what is an acceptable behaviour is defined in our schools. This article also shows some voices of students, teachers and professionals. All of them discuss non normative sexualities, providing us privileged hints on how to intervene preventing bullying.

Presentación de la ponencia realizada el 19 de mayo de 2021.