Homosexuality and Literature Research Papers (original) (raw)

Wilhelm von Gloeden, a minor German aristocrat, and his cousin, Guglielmo Plüschow —both homosexual, both photographers — succumbed to what historian Robert Aldrich has called "the seduction of the Mediterranean," a mythic construct of... more

Wilhelm von Gloeden, a minor German aristocrat, and his cousin, Guglielmo Plüschow —both homosexual, both photographers — succumbed to what historian Robert Aldrich has called "the seduction of the Mediterranean," a mythic construct of southern Italy that was a central theme in homoerotic art and literature from the 1750s to the 1950s. Although Plüschow has been overshadowed by his more famous relative, his work was more transgressive, and as his life demonstrates, he was much more the "sexual outlaw," to borrow the American author John Rechy's locution. This paper compares the lives and work of Gloeden and Plüschow but focuses mainly on the latter. I present biographical detail and cultural history and I discuss the politics of representation as embodied in his (and his cousin's) images of Southern Italian masculinity

Esta pesquisa aborda como o relato de teor biografico, com enfase no texto literario, resolve a questao sobre a subjetivacao dos sujeitos e de suas identidades. Se, por um lado, a subjetivacao opera num nivel anterior ao sujeito, mas, ao... more

Esta pesquisa aborda como o relato de teor biografico, com enfase no texto literario, resolve a questao sobre a subjetivacao dos sujeitos e de suas identidades. Se, por um lado, a subjetivacao opera num nivel anterior ao sujeito, mas, ao mesmo tempo, ele pode cooperar com esse processo com a finalidade de tornar a si mesmo um sujeito inteligivel e possivel na interlocucao com o outro, compreende-se aqui o relato de si como uma estrategica ficcional e discursiva na qual os sujeitos procuram adquirir alguma agencia sobre suas subjetividades. O exemplo utilizado para ilustrar o problema e a producao literaria de quatro autores homens que, seja por suas biografias ou tematicas autorais, estiveram envolvidos com formas de identificacao relacionadas a homossexualidade. Deste modo, o problema especifico diz respeito as normas identitarias relativas aos homens gays, por um lado, e das formas de sociabilidade, convivencia e afetos desenvolvidas por esses homens, que, consequentemente, dialog...

There is a common narrative among Whitman scholars that Walt Whitman 'came out' as a gay man in his late 50s with the release of the 1860 edition of Leaves of Grass , more specifically with the inclusion of the "Calamus" poems. While the... more

There is a common narrative among Whitman scholars that Walt Whitman 'came out' as a gay man in his late 50s with the release of the 1860 edition of Leaves of Grass , more specifically with the inclusion of the "Calamus" poems. While the "Calamus" cluster does consist of many poems about sensual interactions, in this paper I am going to argue that Walt Whitman did not have his homosexual awakening so late in his life.

This paper explores the notion of homosocial space in the Victorian Era as it pertains to canonicity issues in literature. Homosocial space simply means that space which men set aside, such as in men.s-only clubs or situations such as the... more

This paper explores the notion of homosocial space in the Victorian Era as it pertains to canonicity issues in literature. Homosocial space simply means that space which men set aside, such as in men.s-only clubs or situations such as the relationship of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, in which women play a limited role, if at all. Yet, this notion of men-only spaces created problems for the works vying to become canonical literature.not because of the exclusion of women, but for the ambivalence felt toward this separation of the sexes. Underlying this ambivalence is a fear of homosexuality; yet, these spaces also violate Matthew Arnold.s and Thomas Carlyle.s views toward industry. Often, the men in these novels fail to act, whether heroically or artistically. Matthew Arnold's works "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time" and "The Study of Poetry" usefully navigate the trail toward canonicity, at least for the Victorian Era. Using Arnold's notion and the prevailing social attitudes toward masculinity and enterprise, this paper examines the problems of canonicity for Oscar Wilde's The Portrait of Dorian Gray, E.M. Forster's Maurice, and John Buchan's The Thirty-Nine Steps.

Galt der Hof jahrelang als überschätzte, vollständig erforschte Institution, so ist er unter den Vorzeichen einer erneuerten Politik- und Kulturgeschichte zuletzt wieder in den Fokus der Geschichtswissenschaft gerückt. Die... more

Galt der Hof jahrelang als überschätzte, vollständig erforschte Institution, so ist er unter den Vorzeichen einer erneuerten Politik- und Kulturgeschichte zuletzt wieder in den Fokus der Geschichtswissenschaft gerückt. Die Sexualiätsgeschichte des Hofes wurde bislang aber – sieht man von der Mätressenwirtschaft ab – kaum in den Blick genommen. Homosexualität am Hof wird sogar nach wie vor tabuisiert. Doch ohne die Figur des homosexuellen Höflings, mithin auch des homosexuellen Monarchen, ist ein Hof kaum denkbar. Dieser Band bietet erstmals Überblick und Einblick in das Verhältnis von Hof, höfischer Kultur und Homosexualität vom Mittelalter bis heute.

Lors de leurs rencontres et de leurs entretiens, du début des années 1920 jusqu’à la mort de Gide en 1951, Gide et Julien Green ont fréquemment échangé au sujet de l ’homosexualité et de la stratégie à adopter pour en parler dans une... more

Lors de leurs rencontres et de leurs entretiens, du début des années 1920 jusqu’à la mort de Gide en 1951, Gide et Julien Green ont fréquemment échangé au sujet de l ’homosexualité et de la stratégie à adopter pour en parler dans une oeuvre littéraire. Au-delà des enjeux proprement moraux, ce sont bien les enjeux esthétiques qui sont au cœur de cette réflexion qui vise à définir comment parler de l ’homosexualité et dont les fruits, dans l ’oeuvre de Green, n’apparaîtront cependant qu’après la disparition de son aîné.

Der Skandal um Fürst Eulenburg, den besten Freund und zeitweise wichtigsten Berater Kaiser Wilhelms II., erschütterte seit 1906 die Monarchie. Anhand zahlreicher Quellen, darunter rund 5000 Presseartikel, geht Norman Domeier dem Skandal... more

Der Skandal um Fürst Eulenburg, den besten Freund und zeitweise wichtigsten Berater Kaiser Wilhelms II., erschütterte seit 1906 die Monarchie. Anhand zahlreicher Quellen, darunter rund 5000 Presseartikel, geht Norman Domeier dem Skandal nach und liefert eine Kulturgeschichte der Politik im Kaiserreich. Er zeigt, dass es weniger um die Homosexualität des Fürsten ging: Der Eulenburg- Skandal war vor allem die Initialzündung für eine moderne, kritische Öffentlichkeit in Deutschland. Gleichzeitig aber bot er Gelegenheit, den kommenden Weltkrieg nicht nur politisch, militärisch und ökonomisch, sondern auch moralisch zu rechtfertigen.

This review is a coursework submission from the final year of my English BA, and aims to summarise the roles of discourse, that of institutions and culture, and their implications and shortcomings in the historical constitution of the... more

This review is a coursework submission from the final year of my English BA, and aims to summarise the roles of discourse, that of institutions and culture, and their implications and shortcomings in the historical constitution of the homosexual. I examine Foucault's 'History of Sexuality' as a precursor of queer theory, and subsequent texts that established the framework of queer theory. The review will end with a short concluding paragraph discussing broader conceptual issues and how my sources will be applied to the topic of a final 3000 word essay.

“Anthony Burgess and Science Fiction”, Jim Clarke, SFRA Review 313, Summer 2015, pp. 28-35. Anthony Burgess was a reluctant writer of SF, but a highly influential one. This article, for the SFRA Review, introduces the author and his SF... more

“Anthony Burgess and Science Fiction”, Jim Clarke, SFRA Review 313, Summer 2015, pp. 28-35. Anthony Burgess was a reluctant writer of SF, but a highly influential one. This article, for the SFRA Review, introduces the author and his SF work and seeks to explain the reason behind his sudden reversal of attitude towards SF in mid-career.

This article presents ancient Roman texts dealing with the topic of same-sex weddings with the purpose of examining the reliability of these sources and contributing to the understanding of this element of the ancient tradition. In order... more

This article presents ancient Roman texts dealing with the topic of same-sex weddings with the purpose of examining the reliability of these sources and contributing to the understanding of this element of the ancient tradition. In order to do so, this paper takes literary and historiographical sources and legal aspects into consideration, making use of research by Craig Williams, Bruce Frier, and Michael Fontaine. Apart from a Late Imperial constitutio, our most important sources are historiographical works on two emperors of scandalous reign, namely Nero and Elagabalus; Juvenal’s Satire 2; and two epigrams by Martial: 1, 24 and 12, 42. In the closing section of the paper, I suggest a new interpretation for the punchline of the latter poem.

The essay focuses on the critical consequences of the homophobia inflecting the critical writings of Giacomo Debenedetti e Mario Lavagetto, two major scholars of Umberto Saba's poetry who have ventured into the homoerotic facets of his... more

The essay focuses on the critical consequences of the homophobia inflecting the critical writings of Giacomo Debenedetti e Mario Lavagetto, two major scholars of Umberto Saba's poetry who have ventured into the homoerotic facets of his work. I maintain that the "slippery" quality of their criticism does not rest on what Foucault termed "the repressive hypothesis" (that is, a simple excision of homosexuality from scholarly enquiry), but rather on the "different ways of not saying" (Foucault) which allow them to be seen to address a taboo topic, while at the same time misunderstanding and minimizing its full implications.
After deconstructing Debenedetti's use of the term "exorcism" in relation to Saba's late, and intensely homoerotic, poetry, I discuss Lavagetto's acceptance of the concept in his classic text "La gallina di Saba", and the self-revision of his critical position in the Mondadori "Meridiano" consecrated to Saba. Overall, I demonstrate that, among other opacities, Debenedetti's and Lavagetto's writings fail primarily by not addressing directly the topic of sex, a taboo subject which Saba starts to tackle quite courageously in the late phase of his work under consideration.

En 18 poemas de los costarricenses Alfonso Chase y Jorge Chen se analizan hermenéutica y correlativamente la clandestinidad, encubrimiento y marginalización, pero también cierta des-identificación y desontologización, por parte de los... more

En 18 poemas de los costarricenses Alfonso Chase y Jorge Chen se analizan hermenéutica y correlativamente la clandestinidad, encubrimiento y marginalización, pero también cierta des-identificación y desontologización, por parte de los sujetos y objetos líricos gays, mediante recursos homotextuales como construcción de ambientes nocturnos, patologización, enmascara-miento, ambigüedades, contemplación y desdoblamiento.

El recorrido histórico de este libro visibiliza, en diferentes contextos, la presencia escénica de cuestionamientos al binarismo de género imperante y destaca un elemento ignorado por las historias teatrales hasta el presente: la... more

El recorrido histórico de este libro visibiliza, en diferentes contextos, la presencia escénica de cuestionamientos al binarismo de género imperante y destaca un elemento ignorado por las historias teatrales hasta el presente: la emergencia de la disidencia sexual en las artes escénicas durante los años 60 y sus intentos por desplazarse de la patologización de décadas anteriores. Del mismo modo, propone reconocer los procesos de censura y la obstaculización a la visibilidad pública de las sexualidades disidentes en los discursos teatrales del período.
A través del estudio de las experiencias producidas en los escenarios porteños, Ezequiel Lozano argumenta que durante esa década se opera una transformación novedosa en las artes escénicas que visibiliza la disidencia sexual de un modo nuevo, discretamente revolucionario respecto de la transformación de las normas afectivo-sexuales, pero transformador en lo que se refiere al pasaje desde matrices de representación heterosexistas hacia discursos teatrales que visibilizan otras sexualidades posibles fuera de la (hetero)norma.
En síntesis, se intenta aquí comprender aquella década particular, de cambios socioculturales altamente significativos, donde convivieron atisbos de apertura y modificaciones graduales junto con voces del paradigma lesbo/homo/transfóbico y con discursos patriarcales, misóginos y machistas. Así, el libro propone la relectura de un corpus de puestas en escena y su recepción crítica, desde una perspectiva a contrapelo anclada desde el presente pero con una perspectiva mucho mayor que invita a reflexionar sobre el vínculo entre sexualidades disidentes y teatro de manera amplia.

ermany’s first homosexual rights activist and one of the first to proclaim his homosexuality«;2 »the pioneer of the gay movement«:3 these are just examples of titles often associated with Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825–1895). He was... more

ermany’s first homosexual rights activist and one of the first to proclaim his homosexuality«;2
»the pioneer of the gay movement«:3
are just examples of titles often associated with Karl Heinrich Ulrichs
(1825–1895). He was indeed an exceptional figure and prominent gay
activist of his time, who made significant contribution to the study of
homosexuality and sexuality in general. A figure that was at times forgotten, yet gained more and more recognition in recent years, including
websites that celebrate his work and streets named after him. Yet many
readings move too quickly from Ulrichs’s outstanding campaign of the
second half of the nineteenth century to contemporary gay movements
and their modern-liberal claims

Commentators have suggested that Nella Larsen’s Passing rejects the view that there is some sort of black essence. I want to challenge this reading. Since Irene is the most vocal advocate of an essence in respect to which all blacks are... more

Commentators have suggested that Nella Larsen’s Passing rejects the view that there is some sort of black essence. I want to challenge this reading. Since Irene is the most vocal advocate of an essence in respect to which all blacks are homogeneous, much of the evidence for thinking that Passing is skeptical about such an essence amounts to evidence for not trusting Irene’s judgment in general, and for not trusting her judgment on this matter in particular. My arguments, then, will often involve explaining why Passing is not leading the reader to mistrust Irene’s judgment on this matter. Now, what exactly is meant by a black essence is, explicitly in this book, mysterious. Nevertheless, I hope to shed some light on how Passing understands the nature of this something, this je ne sais quoi, peculiar to blacks. My tentative interpretation is that this something is an intangible and indefinite manner of being that is neither a conscious choice nor an inborn fact of biology, but rather a given of culture. I take this, in effect, blackness manner to be, so Passing seems to indicate, a function of one’s belief that one is black in a milieu of pervasive anti-black prejudice. Passing, as I see it, thus has something to offer those of us today who struggle to adjudicate between a pull towards essentialism and a pull towards constructionism. What Passing emphasizes in this discussion is the possibility that, in addition to biological and societal influences, one’s mind state is a crucial ingredient to one’s racial identity.

Se analizan en esta ponencia los elementos discursivos clave que modulan la identidad 'desviada' de los personajes principales, Bruno y Guy, en la época de los cincuenta en Estados Unidos relacionados con la traducción al español de la... more

Se analizan en esta ponencia los elementos discursivos clave que modulan la identidad 'desviada' de los personajes principales, Bruno y Guy, en la época de los cincuenta en Estados Unidos relacionados con la traducción al español de la novela, la adaptación al cine de Hitchcock y su versión doblada al español. Se tienen en cuenta el papel de la censura sobre la homosexualidad tanto en la autora como en sus versiones.

En el ámbito de los estudios medievales se ha pasado por alto la presencia de la homosexualidad de la época, ya sea por tabúes o por falta de fuentes que traten el tema. Esta ponencia se propone sacar a la luz a este grupo disidente a... more

En el ámbito de los estudios medievales se ha pasado por alto la presencia de la homosexualidad de la época, ya sea por tabúes o por falta de fuentes que traten el tema. Esta ponencia se propone sacar a la luz a este grupo disidente a partir de la literatura; no obstante, no se usarán fuentes literarias convencionales (como cantares de gesta o romances, géneros típicamente occidentales): el enfoque se sitúa en la presencia del homoerotismo en la poesía hispanoárabe. Para cumplir este propósito, se analizarán textos como El collar de la paloma, El Corán y una selección de poemas de exponentes de la época, con el fin de abrir el debate respecto a las minorías sexuales en el mundo medieval.

何善斌,〈同志釋經的困局〉。米特樂,戴浩輝編,《神學與生活 神學年刊 百年賀歲文集》,期36 (2013)。香港︰信義宗神學院,頁189-202。

In a news cycle that has just seen conservative commentators lose it over Harry Styles appearing on the cover of December’s Vogue wearing a Gucci evening dress under a tux, it feels in every way appropriate to celebrate Oscar Wilde’s... more

In a news cycle that has just seen conservative commentators lose it over Harry Styles appearing on the cover of December’s Vogue wearing a Gucci evening dress under a tux, it feels in every way appropriate to celebrate Oscar Wilde’s beautiful androgyne, Dorian Gray – especially as the critical responses sound so similar. When Wilde toured America, for example, the clergyman T. W. Higginson published a high profile and much-reprinted article entitled ‘Unmanly Manhood’ in which he argued that the flamboyant author would ‘improperly influence’ the behaviour of both men and women. When The Picture of Dorian Gray first appeared as a serial in Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine in 1890 it caused a sensation, reviewers falling over themselves to denounce it as ‘unclean’, ‘effeminate’ and ‘contaminating’. It was ‘a poisonous book’ complained the Daily Chronicle, ‘the atmosphere of which is heavy with the mephitic odours of moral and spiritual putrefaction.’ W.H. Smith withdrew every copy from its railway station bookstalls. Five years later, in Wilde’s disastrous legal action against the Marquess of Queensberry, Edward Carson QC conducted a savage cross-examination of the author based around his novel’s alleged ‘corrupting influence’ and ‘unnatural vice’. It was subsequently used as evidence by the prosecution in the first of Wilde’s two trials on the charge of ‘gross indecency’, which resulted in his imprisonment and early death. Last week, the alt-right political activist Candace Owen reacted with equal venom to a perceived threat to the social status quo, viewing Harry and his dress as a direct threat to western civilization and sparking a robust debate across social and mainstream media. ‘There is no society that can survive without strong men. The East knows this,’ she tweeted, concluding ‘Bring back manly men.’ (John Wayne was mentioned.) Republican broadcaster Ben Shapiro agreed, replying to Owens: ‘The POINT of Styles doing this photo shoot is to feminize masculinity.’ Higginson, Carson, Queensbury and the legion of late-Victorian critics who found Wilde and his fin de siècle gothic fantasy so threatening would no doubt agree. The beautiful boys, meanwhile, look on and enigmatically smile…

Con questo lavoro ci proponiamo di fare ordine nel 'mare magnum' di considerazioni e studi più o meno approfonditi che riguardano la problematica figura di Bieiris de Romans e della sua unica 'canso' a noi pervenuta. Nel primo capitolo... more

Con questo lavoro ci proponiamo di fare ordine nel 'mare magnum' di considerazioni e studi più o meno approfonditi che riguardano la problematica figura di Bieiris de Romans e della sua unica 'canso' a noi pervenuta. Nel primo capitolo tenteremo di mostrare la difficoltà di delimitare in maniera definitiva il corpus delle 'trobairitz' e come vari autori abbiano interpretato diversamente l’inclusione o meno di alcuni testi e personalità. Nel secondo capitolo tratteremo nello specifico di Bieiris de Romans, ovvero il fatto di essere l’unica 'trobairitz' dell’intera produzione lirica in lingua d’oc a indirizzare una 'canso' a un’altra donna; esporremo, dunque, le teorie degli studiosi che appoggiano la sua effettiva esistenza e autorialità e quelli che vi si oppongono; infine, proporremo una nostra opinione sulla questione. Nel terzo capitolo esporremo il testo originale, una traduzione e un’analisi critica.

Queerness is not epiphenomenal to “life” but structural to it.