HotSpot Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Studi sulla questione criminale on-line

Fire is among major threats to the world's forests, leading to tremendous biodiversity losses. Forest fire in India has greatly increased in the last few decades; the state of Arunachal Pradesh, a recognized Himalayan biodiversity... more

Fire is among major threats to the world's forests, leading to tremendous biodiversity losses. Forest fire in India has greatly increased in the last few decades; the state of Arunachal Pradesh, a recognized Himalayan biodiversity hotspot, is extremely prone to this disaster. The objective of this study was to develop GIS integrated mapping of direct and indirect factors, leading to a predictive model to identify settlements/villages for the strategic allocation of resources towards damage mitigation and control. Initial hotspots were generated by integrating factors of socio-economy, geography and climate, using differential weightage. The intersection of these with fire data, led to identification of final hotspots within the predictive model. The model was improved by linking it to a mobile App and the WebGIS portal. Of the 5258 settlements/villages, a total of 560 were found to be at high fire risk. Percentage correlation increased from 63 to 74, after data revision through the App. A focused intervention on predicted villages was undertaken, resulting in a decrease of 31% of fire incidence in comparison of last five years (2015-20) data. Such advanced information about fire disaster with optimal use of limited resources was greatly helpful, and helped protect the rich Himalayan biodiversity.

Resumen: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar la capacidad predictiva de dos herramientas de análisis criminal (Hotspot y Near Repeat Victimization) para los delitos de robo en vivienda, en comercio y de automotores en la ciudad de... more

Resumen: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar la capacidad predictiva de dos herramientas de análisis criminal (Hotspot y Near Repeat Victimization) para los delitos de robo en vivienda, en comercio y de automotores en la ciudad de Mar del Plata, provincia de Buenos Aires, para los períodos de mayo y octubre de 2016. La concentración de eventos en determinadas zonas aporta al análisis criminal un componente espacial que puede ser utilizado en materia de prevención del delito. Esta concentración de eventos o zonas calientes son usadas generalmente para diseñar la distribución de recursos estatales en el territorio, usando el análisis de eventos pasados como una predicción de la ubicación o acaecimiento de futuros delitos. Los eventos que sucedieron en un determinado lugar son usados generalmente como un pronóstico criminal, pero la delimitación de hotspots o zonas calientes, en principio, requiere elementos adicionales para convertirse en una herramienta de análisis predictivo, introduciendo así la teoría de la revictimización. El paso siguiente y necesario es determinar que técnicas y teorías aportan un mayor nivel de precisión en los resultados mediante el uso de un " Índice de Acierto " o PAI (prediction accuracy index). Abstract: This paper analyse two crime analysis tools potential to predict crime (Hotspot and Near Repeat Victimization) for residential burglaries, commercial robberies and auto theft in Mar del Plata city, Buenos Aires, for May and October of 2016. Crime events concentration in specific geographic spots provides crime analysis with a spatial component that can be used to prevent crime. This event concentration or hotspots is generally used to decide public resources distribution across territory, using past events analysis as a prediction of future events occurrence and location. Previous events located in a specific place are usually used as a crime prognosis, but hot-spotting, in theory, requires additional elements to convert its results into a predictive piece, introducing Repeat Victimization theory. Still, the next necessary step to take is determine which techniques and theories presents a greater level of efficiency and accuracy in the results, measured with Prediction Accuracy Index (PAI).

In a multiprocessor system on chip (MPSoC) IC the processor is one of the highest heat dissipating devices. The temperature generated in an IC may vary with floor plan of the chip. This paper proposes an integration and thermal analysis... more

In a multiprocessor system on chip (MPSoC) IC the processor is one of the highest heat dissipating devices. The temperature generated in an IC may vary with floor plan of the chip. This paper proposes an integration and thermal analysis methodology to extract the peak temperature and temperature distribution of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional multiprocessor system-on-chip. As we know the peak temperature of chip increases in 3-dimensional structures compared to 2-dimensional ones due to the reduced space in intra-layer and inter-layer components. In sub-nanometre scale technologies, it is inevitable to analysis the heat developed in individual chip to extract the temperature distribution of the entire chip. With the technology scaling in new generation ICs more and more components are integrated to a smaller area. Along with the other parameters threshold voltage is also scaled down which results in exponential increase in leakage current. This has resulted in rise in hotspot temperature value due to increase in leakage power. In this paper, we have analysed the temperature developed in an IC with four identical processors at 2.4 GHz in different floorplans. The analysis has been done for both 2D and 3D arrangements. In the 3D arrangement, a three layered structure has been considered with two Silicon layers and a thermal interface material (TIM) in between them. Based on experimental results the paper proposes a methodology to reduce the peak temperature developed in 2D and 3D integrated circuits .

D e s k r I p s i CV. Dikasoftindo adalah perusahaan Internet Service Provider, yang tidak hanya mengerjakan Sistem Jaringan Internet, tapi juga mengerjakan beberapa proyek Sistem Informasi, Pemrograman, Design Web, Pemeliharaan Lab,... more

D e s k r I p s i
CV. Dikasoftindo adalah perusahaan Internet Service Provider, yang tidak hanya mengerjakan Sistem Jaringan Internet, tapi juga mengerjakan beberapa proyek Sistem Informasi, Pemrograman, Design Web, Pemeliharaan Lab, Pengadaan Komputer dan Sistem Sekuriti.
Lingkup kerja kami meliputi Sekolah-sekolah, Akademi, Instansi Pemerintah, Perusahaan, Pribadi dan Komplek Perumahan. Kami menyediakan Jaringan Internet yang melayani area terbatas misalnya satu komplek perumahan, satu kelurahan atau satu wilayah yang terbatas yang terkenal dengan nama RT-RW Net.
Motto kami adalah “ we can do IT ”, percayakan masalah IT anda kepada kami.

CV. Dikasoftindo adalah perusahaan Internet Service Provider, yang tidak hanya mengerjakan Sistem Jaringan Internet, tapi juga mengerjakan beberapa proyek Sistem Informasi, Pemrograman, Design Web, Pemeliharaan Lab, Pengadaan Komputer dan... more

CV. Dikasoftindo adalah perusahaan Internet Service Provider, yang tidak hanya mengerjakan Sistem Jaringan Internet, tapi juga mengerjakan beberapa proyek Sistem Informasi, Pemrograman, Design Web, Pemeliharaan Lab, Pengadaan Komputer dan Sistem Sekuriti.

La política de la Unión Europea en materia de control de la migración forma parte de un proceso mundial de contención de las migraciones no deseadas y de prohibición de la capacidad de circulación de los pobres y marginados del mundo.... more

La política de la Unión Europea en materia de control de la migración forma parte de un proceso mundial de contención de las migraciones no deseadas y de prohibición de la capacidad de circulación de los pobres y marginados del mundo. Este proceso ha ido acompañado de una constante erosión de los derechos de los migrantes y los refugiados y solicitantes de asilo a entrar y establecerse en los países desarrollados. A partir de esta premisa de partida, el objetivo de este artículo es doble. Por un lado, pretende contribuir a explicar la creciente sofisticación e inhumanidad de la política europea, que conduce a espacios cada vez más reducidos en los que los migrantes pueden reclamar sus derechos y ser tratados con dignidad. Por otra parte, quiere exponer cómo en respuesta a lo que se plantea como una crisis por la llegada sin precedentes de refugiados y migrantes irregulares a partir de 2015 se desarrolla una política para una pretendida gestión «humana y eficiente » de la migración centrada en la protección de las fronteras exteriores. En particular queremos destacar como aludiendo a la excepcionalidad de la presión migratoria se han creado espacios de detención en las fronteras exteriores. Los hotspots ideados como una medida provisional para hacer frente a situaciones de emergencia humanitaria se han convertido en espacios de detención permanente donde se mantiene a los migrantes y solicitantes de asilo en condiciones que no cumplen las mínimas medidas de acogida sugeridas por el Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) .

Augmented Reality Gaming is a fast developing technology in the gaming world. It integrates the game’s visual and audio content with the user's environment in real time. This technology enables us to use the existing environment and help... more

Augmented Reality Gaming is a fast developing technology in the gaming world. It integrates the game’s visual and audio content with the user's environment in real time. This technology enables us to use the existing environment and help create a playing field within it. In this paper, we are proposing a multi-player game using augmented reality through Wi-Fi/hotspot to play offline. Here, one can view cubes in their augmented world through their camera. The user in single player mode must locate the cubes in their environment and shoot the cubes to score and progress to the next level. The users in multi-player mode compete with each other to score within the given time frame. This being a completely offline game serves as a biggest advantage as it could be played anywhere and it could be widely used by everyone to have a fun gaming experience.

CV. Dikasoftindo adalah perusahaan Internet Service Provider, yang tidak hanya mengerjakan Sistem Jaringan Internet, tapi juga mengerjakan beberapa proyek Sistem Informasi, Pemrograman, Design Web, Pemeliharaan Lab, Pengadaan Komputer dan... more

CV. Dikasoftindo adalah perusahaan Internet Service Provider, yang tidak hanya mengerjakan Sistem Jaringan Internet, tapi juga mengerjakan beberapa proyek Sistem Informasi, Pemrograman, Design Web, Pemeliharaan Lab, Pengadaan Komputer dan Sistem Sekuriti.

This paper describes how to set up a HotSpot service, using FreeRadius for AAA. Client accounts in radius are managed with HotSpot Manager. MikroTik, ChilliSpot, CoovaChilli and CoovaAP can be used as hotspot servers (access points).

ABSTRAK Penggunaan jaringan pada saat ini sudah mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat dan telah banyak dimanfaatkan. Dalam teknologi komunikasi, terdapat dua media transmisi yang berperan penting. Pertama media kabel, dimana dalam media... more

Penggunaan jaringan pada saat ini sudah mengalami kemajuan yang sangat pesat dan telah banyak dimanfaatkan. Dalam teknologi komunikasi, terdapat dua media transmisi yang berperan penting. Pertama media kabel, dimana dalam media ini alat komunikasinya menggunakan jaringan kabel untuk berkomunikasi. Kedua media wireless, dimana dalam media ini terdapat dua alat agar dapat berkomunikasi yaitu access point dan wireless card. Perkembangan teknologi akses internet telah mencapai tahapan yang dapat menggabungkan layanan data suara dan gambar secara bersamaan dengan memanfaatkan media akses berbasis wireless. Sesuatu yang akan mempermudah pengelolahan terhadap salah satu media akses wireless yang sering disebut dengan HOTSPOT.
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) adalah jaringan komputer yang menggunakan gelombang radio sebagai media transmisi data. Informasi (data) ditransfer dari satu komputer ke komputer lain menggunakan gelombang radio. Salah satu Perkembangan WLAN terbaru adalah penggunaan teknologi Hotspot dalam berkoneksi internet, untuk membangun suatu sistem jaringan dalam suatu tempat tertentu yang memiliki jangkauan yang cukup luas. Sistem ini dikembangkan menggunakan mikrotik router sehingga menjadi sebuah hotspot . Sistem ini menjadikan komputer menjadi router network yang handal dimana jaringan yang dibuat bersifat nirkabel yang dapat digunakan oleh orang banyak pada suatu tempat tertentu.
Jaringan wifi yang baik memerlukan standar acuan agar dapat mempertahankan kinerjanya. Parameter kinerja wi fi yaitu pengguaan frekuensi, bandwidth. Dalam penelitian ini, Performansi jaringan wifi yang baik adalah apabila user atau pengguna mendapatkan frekuensi yang digunakan dan bandwidth yang disewanya. Standar bandwidth per user 32 - 128 kbps dan 32 - 256 kbps. Hasil pengukuran bandwidth 128 mendapat 121 kbps dan bandwidth 256 mendapat 241 kbps, maka hasil pengukuran dinyatakan bagus.
Kata kunci: Jaringan Wifi, Akses Point, WLAN, Frekuensi, Bandwidth
Network usage at this time has experienced a very rapid progress and has been widely utilized. In communication technology, there are two transmission medium that plays an important role. First media cable, which in this media tool communication network using a wired network to communicate. Both wireless media, which in this medium there are two tools in order to be able to communicate with the access point and wireless cards. The development of internet access technologies have reached a stage that can combine data services sound and picture simultaneously by utilizing media access based wireless. Something that will make it easier to pengelolahan one media wireless access is commonly referred to with HOTSPOT.
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is a computer network that uses radio waves as transmission media data. Information (data) transferred from one computer to another computer using radio waves. One of the latest WLAN Developments is the use of technology in a free internet Hotspot. to build a network system in a specific place that has a range that is quite extensive. The system was developed using mikrotik router so that it becomes a hotspot. This system makes the computer into the router network is reliable where the wireless network is created that can be used by many people in a specific place.
Network of wifi good requires a standard reference to be able to maintain its performance. Parameters performance wi fi namely pengguaan the frequency, bandwidth. In the research, performansi tissue wifi good are if user or users get frequencies used and bandwidth in rented. Standard bandwidth per user 32 - 128 kbps and 32 - 256 kbps. Measurement result bandwidth 128 received 121 kbps and bandwidth 256 kbps 241 got, then measurement result expressed good
Keywords: Network Hotspot, Access Point, WLAN, Frequency, Bandwidth

Os Centros de Triagem de Animais Silvestres (CETAS) são estabelecimentos especialmente preparados e dotados de instalações com a finalidade exclusiva de recepcionar, triar, tratar e destinar os animais silvestres resgatados, apreendidos... more

Os Centros de Triagem de Animais Silvestres (CETAS) são estabelecimentos especialmente preparados e dotados de instalações com a finalidade exclusiva de recepcionar, triar, tratar e destinar os animais silvestres resgatados, apreendidos pelos órgãos fiscalizadores ou provenientes da entrega voluntária de particulares que os mantém em cativeiros domésticos de forma irregular como animais de estimação. Muitos são recebidos em péssimas condições físicas, morrendo nos primeiros dias ou momentos nos recintos dos CETAS. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência dos CETAS e todo o universo relacionado ao tráfico de animais silvestres.

ABSTRAK Akhir waktu ini pengguna internet semakin hari semakin meningkat, dan sekarang internet dapat dengan mudah dijangkau menggunakan telepon genggam maupun perangkat alat komunikasi lainnya. Karena kebutuhan internet yang sangat... more

ABSTRAK Akhir waktu ini pengguna internet semakin hari semakin meningkat, dan sekarang internet dapat dengan mudah dijangkau menggunakan telepon genggam maupun perangkat alat komunikasi lainnya. Karena kebutuhan internet yang sangat besar, maka tak sedikit dari instansi atau lembaga tempat hiburan menyediakan kebutuhan internet bagi pengguna yang berada di tempat tersebut. Hal ini memberikan peluang pada lingkungan usaha seperti warnet dan penyedia hotspot untuk membuka sebuah layanan komersil dalam hal penyediaan koneksi internet bagi para pelanggan yang membutuhkanya, untuk itu diperlukanlah sebuah sistem untuk memonitor status pengguna atau user yang telah masuk ke dalam jaringan hotspot. Dengan adanya sistem monitor ini, penyedia layanan hotspot akan dipermudah dalam hal pengawasan jaringan internet, selain itu dengan adanya hotspot maka jaringan internet dari penyedia juga tidak akan bisa diakses oleh sembarang orang sehingga koneksi akan lebih aman dan tepat sasaran. Untuk alat yang digunakan adalah Mikrotik, dan untuk software yang digunakan adalah Winbox dan aplikasi Telegram. Dengan adanya sistem tersebut, sang pemilik atau pihak yang berkepentingan untuk memonitor dapat memantau sekaligus mendata pengguna yang telah login, maupun logout dari sistem.

La vita di Lamin è tutta lì, in piedi, stretta fra le dita piantate nei fianchi di chi lo precede. Nel centro del rimorchio hanno conficcato un palo, a cui sono aggrappati, primi della fila, i più fortunati. Dietro di loro si snoda un... more

La vita di Lamin è tutta lì, in piedi, stretta fra le dita piantate nei fianchi di chi lo precede.
Nel centro del rimorchio hanno conficcato un palo, a cui sono aggrappati, primi della fila, i più fortunati. Dietro di loro si snoda un domino di braccia e teste, organizzate in cerchi concentrici.
Imporre l'ordine è necessario per ridurre le perdite. Seguire l'ordine è vitale per resistere, in una folle corsa tra dune, cadaveri e fantasmi.
Il fuoristrada trasporta troppi uomini, 100 sardine in una scatola da 10, le gambe incastrate, la fatica in agguato.
Ad ogni salto o curva, i busti ondeggiano ritmicamente, le mani affondano nei fianchi, inscenando uno spettacolo armoniosamente crudele di scomposizione e ricomposizione. Se la fila si spezza, meglio non sapere.
La strada è ancora lunga, soprattutto perché Lamin – come quasi tutti – non sa quale sia l'arrivo. Vedrà Tripoli, bombe e coltelli, sbarre e miseria. Vedrà il mare senza sole. Questa via crucis non conosce pietà e ad attendere i giovani ripescati dall'acqua ci saranno altre 4
stazioni, che si chiamano Augusta, Catania, Crotone e Torino.
Ora è notte nel deserto, ed è notte anche in Italia. Notte fonda.

The dissertation "Police control of irregular migrations in the European Union" analyses the criminological and policing contexts of the globalization of irregular migrations as a significant challenge for the security of the European... more

The dissertation "Police control of irregular migrations in the European Union" analyses the criminological and policing contexts of the globalization of irregular migrations as a significant challenge for the security of the European Union. Policies and institutions in charge of protection of public order, internal and external security were considered. The study examined the uncontrolled mobility of irregular migrants, terrorists, and criminal groups as a phenomena of social pathology. These phenomena violate global, regional, and local safety standards and imply the taking of preventive and crime prevention measures.

Casting is a low cost manufacturing process, in which liquid metal is poured into the mould cavity with the help of gating and feeding system. For good quality and defect free casting, the design of gating and feeding system plays an... more

Casting is a low cost manufacturing process, in which liquid metal is poured into the mould cavity with the help of gating and feeding system. For good quality and defect free casting, the design of gating and feeding system plays an important role. For optimizing casting of connecting rod the first step is to find out the 'hotspot', because most of the casting defects occur due to the hotspot. Hotspot is nothing but the part of casting which solidifies last. This paper review optimization of sand casting of connecting rod. The main focus is on the design of gating and feeding system. The gating and feeding yield is increased also the defects like shrinkage porosity, blow hole are shifted towards the gating and feeding system and hard zone get reduced.

os mikrotik dapat di install mellaui virtual box, dan feature yang ada dapat digunakan sepenuhnya tetapi mempunyai batas limit waktu yaitu 24 jam, dalam tutorial ini, akan diberikan cara pembuatan hostpot beserta pembagian bandwidth pada... more

os mikrotik dapat di install mellaui virtual box, dan feature yang ada dapat digunakan sepenuhnya tetapi mempunyai batas limit waktu yaitu 24 jam, dalam tutorial ini, akan diberikan cara pembuatan hostpot beserta pembagian bandwidth pada mikrotik

Abstrak Di Malaysia, idea pelaksanaan konsep bandar selamat berhubung secara langsung dengan kes-kes jenayah melalui satu buku Program Bandar Selamat yang mengandungi 23 langkah-langkah pencegahan jenayah. Salah satu daripada... more

Abstrak Di Malaysia, idea pelaksanaan konsep bandar selamat berhubung secara langsung dengan kes-kes jenayah melalui satu buku Program Bandar Selamat yang mengandungi 23 langkah-langkah pencegahan jenayah. Salah satu daripada langkah-langkah tersebut adalah pemetaan GIS jenayah melalui pelaksanaan web aplikasi GIS iaitu Sistem Pemantauan Bandar Selamat [SPBS]. Salah satu analisis daripada aplikasi GIS yang digunapakai dalam SPBS ini adalah pengenalpastian hotspot jenayah. Artikel ini akan menerangkan tentang penggunaan aplikasi space syntax dalam memahami kawasan risiko jenayah berdasarkan maklumat hotspot dan Repeat Location Finder [RLF] daripada Sistem Pemantauan Bandar Selamat. Kelebihan analisis space syntax adalah ia berupaya untuk mengenal pasti corak ruang yang digunakan untuk mengkaji struktur bandar dan tingkah laku manusia. Penggunaan analisis hotspot yang ditambah baik dengan space syntax dapat memberi gambaran yang lebih tepat tentang kawasan berisiko jenayah berbanding dengan penggunaan analisis hotspot semata-mata. Kesimpulan daripada kertas ini membuktikan faedah yang ketara daripada penggunaan sistem ini dengan membantu pihak polis meningkatkan aktiviti pemantauan jenayah secara berkesan. Dalam aspek perancangan bandar pula, ia dapat membantu reka bentuk bandar yang lebih selamat melalui penyusunan guna tanah yang mengambil kira tentang risiko dan potensi jenayah secara menyeluruh. Abstract In Malaysia, the idea of implementing a safe city concept has a direct connection with criminal cases through a book called Safe City Programme, which contained 23 crime prevention measures. One of these measures was the GIS mapping of crime through the implementation of GIS web application, namely Safe City Monitoring System [SCMS]. One of the analyses from the GIS application applied in this SCMS was the identification of crime hotspots. This paper would explain the use of space syntax application in understanding crime risk areas based on hotspot information and Repeat Location Finder [RLF] from the Safe City Monitoring System. The advantage of space syntax analysis was its ability to identify space patterns used to study the urban structure and human behaviour. The use of hotspot analysis that was improved further with space syntax could give a more accurate description of crime-prone areas as compared to using the hotspot analysis alone. The conclusion of this paper work demonstrated the significant benefit from the use of this system was could help the police to improve the crime monitoring activities effectively. On the aspect of town planning, it could help design a safer city through the arrangement of land use which took into account the risks and potential crime as a whole. PENGENALAN Proses pembandaran telah menimbulkan pelbagai permasalahan di kawasan bandar. Antara masalah perbandaran yang ketara di peringkat tempatan sehingga peringkat antarabangsa adalah isu keselamatan yang dikhuatiri semakin mengancam kualiti hidup masyarakat di bandar (UN-Habitat, 1996). Healey (1995) mendakwa bahawa bandar kini bertukar menjadi tempat yang berbahaya. Manakala ada kajian lain menyatakan bahawa keadaan yang tidak selamat di bandar banyak dipengaruhi oleh proses globalisasi yang telah menyebabkan berlakunya ketidakseimbangan sosial

MikroTik merupakan sebuah sistem operasi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengelola sebuah jaringan. Saat ini, MikroTik cukup populer penggunaannya karena memiliki banyak fitur yang dapat digunakan. Salah satu fitur yang beg itu terkenal adalah... more

MikroTik merupakan sebuah sistem operasi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengelola sebuah jaringan. Saat ini, MikroTik cukup populer penggunaannya karena memiliki banyak fitur yang dapat digunakan. Salah satu fitur yang beg itu terkenal adalah kemampuan sebagai captative hotspot gateway. Dalam perkembangnya Mikrotik mengeluarkan API (Application Programming Interface) yang memungkinkan MikroTik untuk dapat di Integrasikan dengan Bahasa Pemgrograman yang lain. Ebook Kolaborasi PHP dengan MikroTik ini mengupas pemanfaatan API MikroTik untuk kolaborasi MikroTik dengan bahasa pemograman PHP. Seperti melakukan manajemen user pengguna HotSpot, monitoring penggunaan bandwidth, membaca dan menampilkan log, membuat script & skedule pada MikroTik dan seterusnya. Penyusunan ebook ini pun disusun secara sistematis yang dimulai dengan pengenalan konsep dasar API, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan tahapan menghubungkan PHP dengan MikroTik hingga tingkat advance yaitu pembuatan project PHP MikroTik yang diulas secara detail dengan dilengkapi contoh kasus, source code dan penjelasan setiap baris source code.

For thousands of years people have criss-crossed the Mediterranean Sea. Merchants, explorers, adventurers, invading armies, pilgrims, empire-builders, exiles, fugitives, missionaries, stowaways and fortune- seekers have all trekked to its... more

For thousands of years people have criss-crossed the Mediterranean
Sea. Merchants, explorers, adventurers, invading armies, pilgrims,
empire-builders, exiles, fugitives, missionaries, stowaways and fortune-
seekers have all trekked to its shores and launched themselves from
them in vessels of every imaginable form. Far from dividing Europe
from Africa and Asia, the Mediterranean has above all connected them.
For the great French historian Fernand Braudel, the Mediterranean
and its surrounding plains, mountains and deserts, though often the
arena and object of political rivalries, formed an economic, cultural and
environmental ensemble – an integrated, if diverse, geographical space.

Seismic refraction profiles were carried out in 1983 and 1987 throughout the Kerguelen Isles (southern Indian Ocean, Terres Australes & Antarctiques Franqaises, TAAF) and thereafter at sea on the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau during the... more

Seismic refraction profiles were carried out in 1983 and 1987 throughout the Kerguelen Isles (southern Indian Ocean, Terres Australes & Antarctiques Franqaises, TAAF) and thereafter at sea on the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau during the MD66/KeOBS cruise in 1991. These profiles substantiate the existence of oceanic-type crust beneath the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau stretching from 46°s to 55°S, including the archipelago. Seismic velocities within both structures are in the range of those encountered in ‘standard’ oceanic crust. However, the Kerguelen Isles and the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau differ strikingly in their velocity-depth structure. Unlike the Kerguelen Isles, the thickening of the crust below the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau is caused by a 17 km thick layer 3. Velocities of 7.4 km s−1 or so within the transition to mantle zone below the Kerguelen Isles are ascribed to the lower crust intruded and/or underplated by upper mantle material. The crust-mantle boundary below the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau is abrupt and devoid of any underplated material. The difference in structure between the northern edge of the Kerguelen Plateau (including the archipelago) and the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau may be related to variability of the time-dependent hotspot activity. The Kerguelen-Heard Plateau was emplaced during the Cretaceous time (110 Ma) when the volcanic output rate of the Kerguelen Plateau and the Ninetyeast Ridge was high (as well as high potential temperature). The northernmost Kerguelen Plateau and the archipelago were emplaced during Tertiary time (40–45 Ma), as the volcanic output rate reduced. Furthermore, intraplate volcanism continued in the Kerguelen archipelago for at least 40 Ma. The isostatic compensation of the Kerguelen Isles and the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau is achieved by low-density mantle material, as shown by refraction and geoid studies.The velocity-depth structure below the Kerguelen Isles is similar to that found below intraplate oceanic islands such as Hawaii. Despite the differences in age, the crust below Iceland (0Ma) and the Kerguelen Plateau (100–120 Ma) are strikingly akin. The similarity between the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau and Iceland, then, strongly supports a similar origin for both structures, the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau being a fossil equivalent of present-day Iceland.Crustal thickening beneath the Kerguelen-Heard Plateau, which may result from an Iceland-type setting (i.e. an active spreading centre over a hotspot), is mostly produced by thickening of layer 3, layer 2 representing 25 per cent only of the thickness of the igneous crust. The Kerguelen Isles, despite the initial volcanism near the active Southeast Indian Ridge, behave as a midplate volcanic island and are definitely not representative of the whole Kerguelen Plateau structure.

This study was conducted to assess the role of homegardens for in situ conservation of plant biodiversity in Holeta Town. In the garden data collection 75 homegardens were randomly selected. Ethnobotanical data were collected using... more

This study was conducted to assess the role of homegardens for in situ conservation of plant biodiversity in Holeta Town. In the garden data collection 75 homegardens were randomly selected. Ethnobotanical data were collected using homegarden observation, semi-structured interviews and market survey. Data were analyzed using preference ranking, direct matrix ranking, and descriptive statistics. A total of 112 plant species belonging to 93 genera and 43 families were identified which were classified to 14 functional groups. Out of which, 49 species (43%) were herbs, 32 species (29 %) were trees, 28 species (25 %) were shrubs, and (3%) species were climbers. Further analysis of the results showed that 70 species were cultivated, 35 were wild while 7 species were Ethiopia domesticated. Of the cultivated species, 41.07% were food crops and 58.93% were non-food crops. Family Fabaceae consisted of the highest number of species (11 species), whereas Ensete ventricosum was the most frequent...

Hotspot atau titik panas adalah parameter yang diturunkan dari data satelit dan diindikasi sebagai lokasi kebakaran hutan dan lahan (LAPAN, 2004). Data hotspot dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi, memonitoring dan mengembangkan sistem... more

Hotspot atau titik panas adalah parameter yang diturunkan dari data satelit dan diindikasi sebagai lokasi kebakaran hutan dan lahan (LAPAN, 2004). Data hotspot dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi, memonitoring dan mengembangkan sistem peringatan dini kebakaran hutan dan lahan. Semakin cepat diketahui informasi lokasi kebakaran, maka tindakan pemadaman dini dapat segera dilakukan sebelum kebakaran tersebut menjadi lebih besar dan sulit dikendalikan. Otomatisasi pendistribusian informasi hotspot ke setiap kabupaten di provinsi Sumatera Selatan dengan memanfaatkan SMS Gateway merupakan solusi alternatif dalam penentuan strategi untuk mengantisipasi serta menanggulangi kebakaran hutan dan lahan dengan cepat.

Different evocations of “crisis” create distinct categories that in turn evoke certain social reactions. Post-2008, Greece became the epicentre of the “financial crisis”; simultaneously, since 2015 with the advent of the “refugee crisis,”... more

Different evocations of “crisis” create distinct categories that in turn evoke certain social reactions. Post-2008, Greece became the epicentre of the “financial crisis”; simultaneously, since 2015 with the advent of the “refugee crisis,” it became the “hotspot of Europe.” What are the different vocabularies of crisis? Moreover, how have both representations of crisis facilitated humanitarian crises to become phenomena for European and transnational institutional management? What are the hegemonically constructed subjects of the different crises? The everyday reality in the crisis-ridden hotspot of Europe is invisible in these representations. It is precisely the daily, soft, lived, and unspoken realities of intersecting crises that hegemonic discourses of successive, overlapping, or “nesting crises” render invisible. By shifting the focus from who belongs to which state-devised category to an open-ended, polyvocal account of capitalist oppressions, we aim to question the state’s and supranational efforts to divide the “migrant mob” into discrete juridical categories of citizens (emigrants), refugees, and illegal immigrants, thereby undermining coalitional struggles between precaritised groups.

El bosque húmedo es un ecosistema que se encuentra categorizado en peligro crítico resultado del incremento de la expansión de la frontera agrícola. En este estudio se analizaron los efectos del cambio de uso de suelo en el paisaje del... more

El bosque húmedo es un ecosistema que se encuentra categorizado en peligro crítico resultado del incremento de la expansión de la frontera agrícola. En este estudio se analizaron los efectos del cambio de uso de suelo en el paisaje del bosque húmedo: en el hotspot Tumbes – Chocó – Magdalena, en la cuenca del río Cayapas en los años 1982, 2002 y a un futuro proyectado en el año 2022. Para ello se proyectó el uso de suelo al año 2022 mediante el uso del software TERRSET y se utilizó como información base las coberturas de uso de suelo del año 1982 y 2002. Los efectos en el paisaje se evaluaron mediante la obtención de los índices del paisaje como son: área total, índice del parche más grande, número de parches, densidad de borde. Los resultados muestran que el bosque nativo registró una pérdida del 27.53% entre el periodo de 1982 -2002 y para el año 2022 presentó una regeneración natural de 2.7%. El efecto inmediato de esta transición en el bosque húmedo fue la fragmentación debido al incremento en el número de parches de 3 a 1 276 entre el periodo de 1982 – 2022. En consecuencia, los parches de bosque nativo se encuentran alejados entre sí, lo cual dificulta la conectividad y los diferentes procesos ecológicos que se desarrollan en este tipo de ecosistemas.

El objetivo fue identificar componentes psicosociales y demográficos en las víctimas y victimarios en las ciudades de Medellín, Cartagena y Bogotá, que pueden precipitar el ilícito. Se planteó una investigación exploratoria descriptiva... more

El objetivo fue identificar componentes psicosociales y demográficos en las víctimas y victimarios en las ciudades de Medellín, Cartagena y Bogotá, que pueden precipitar el ilícito. Se planteó una investigación exploratoria descriptiva con enfoque mixto, aplicando entrevistas semiestructuradas a víctimas, victimarios e investigadores judiciales, para generar un modelo de ciclos causales a través de la lógica del pensamiento sistémico. Los resultados indicaron que, en promedio, los victimarios suelen ser jóvenes entre 18 y 25 años, son vulnerables a la influencia de terceros, tienen niveles mínimos de escolaridad, están ubicados en sectores con condiciones sociales desfavorables, escasa ocupación laboral y remuneración exigua, en entornos familiares disfuncionales, para quienes la microextorsión es el primer delito que cometen. Las víctimas, en promedio, tienen un rango de edad entre los 42 y los 49 años, son laboralmente productivas, tienen familias funcionales y estables, a quienes los victimarios utilizan para direccionar la amenaza, están ubicadas en estrato socioeconómico medio-bajo, cuentan con niveles de educación intermedia y estilos de vida rutinarios, con valores y relaciones sociales apropiados. Finalmente, el componente económico es la variable que media en la iteración sistémica, y el mantenimiento de la microextorsión por largo tiempo conforma un juego entre el victimario y la víctima, en donde el primero identifica la amenaza como un mecanismo efectivo para constreñir a la víctima, lo cual constituye un ciclo que se refuerza por el pago periódico, que impulsa una nueva amenaza. Este juego se sostiene debido al bajo riesgo percibido por el victimario para su captura y la facilidad del ilícito en cuanto al esfuerzo requerida.

The present study assesses the impact of oil spillage in the Southwestern Niger Delta of Nigeria over the past fifty (50) years. It further sought to find out the driving forces and implications of oil spillage on vegetation, livelihoods... more

The present study assesses the impact of oil spillage in the Southwestern Niger Delta of Nigeria over the past fifty (50) years. It further sought to find out the driving forces and implications of oil spillage on vegetation, livelihoods and other key parameters. The study employed geospatial techniques and a secondary source of data to achieve the objectives set out in this study. The Global Moran I statistical tool was used to determine the spatial autocorrelation based on feature locations and attribute values. We observed built-up areas, bare land, and less dense vegetation had an overall increment of 1975.98 km2, 1370 km2 and 23805 km2, respectively. Dense vegetation had declension of 22058.33 km2 over the past five decades. Findings depict a declining trend in Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, attributed to oil spillage as the key contributory factor. Occasioned by anthropogenic activities, the driving forces were traced to attacks on oil pipelines during conflicts and i...