Human Behaviour Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more

Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind seems problematic. What the consequences of the criticism mean for Law and Economics’ tenability depends largely on the questions whether (1) some elements are unassailable to the alternative’s objections and (2) the alternative is a systematic whole. It is argued that Law and Economics may be salvaged, if it is minimized and its ambitions are tempered. This means focusing on the stable, a priori, elements inherent to it.

This study examined the effect of the You Can Do It! Education (YCDI) cognitive-behavioural intervention program on the emotional resilience of students in grades 4 to 6 who were identified with achievement, behavioural, social and/or... more

This study examined the effect of the You Can Do It! Education (YCDI) cognitive-behavioural intervention program on the emotional resilience of students in grades 4 to 6 who were identified with achievement, behavioural, social and/or emotional challenges. 61 students were randomly assigned to either small groups receiving an eight week YCDI cognitivebehavioural intervention or small groups receiving “eclectic” counselling other than cognitivebehavioural. Results indicated a positive impact of the YCDI program on the resilience items contained in the ACER Social and Emotional Well-Being Surveys (student self-report; teacher survey) with no positive impact found for students receiving “eclectic” counselling. Results are discussed in terms of the need for social and emotional learning programs that explicitly teach emotional resilience skills. Children of all ages face situations on a daily basis that can evoke negative feelings of anger, anxiety and sadness. The failure to develop ag...

The correct functioning of interactive computer systems depends on both the faultless operation of the device and correct human actions. In this paper, we focus on system malfunctions due to human actions. We present abstract principles... more

The correct functioning of interactive computer systems depends on both the faultless operation of the device and correct human actions. In this paper, we focus on system malfunctions due to human actions. We present abstract principles that generate cognitively plausible human behaviour. These principles are then formalised in a higher-order logic as a generic , and so retargetable, cognitive architecture, based on results from cognitive psychology. We instantiate the generic cognitive architecture to obtain specific user models. These are then used in a series of case studies on the formal verification of simple interactive systems. By doing this, we demonstrate that our verification methodology can detect a variety of realistic, potentially erroneous actions, which emerge from the combination of a poorly designed device and cognitively plausible human behaviour.

To complement physical measures or indices of river health a social benchmarking instrument has been developed to measure community dispositions and behaviour regarding river health. This instrument seeks to achieve three outcomes. First,... more

To complement physical measures or indices of river health a social benchmarking instrument has been developed to measure community dispositions and behaviour regarding river health. This instrument seeks to achieve three outcomes. First, to provide a benchmark of the social condition of…

I claim that explanations of human behaviour by Edward O. Wilsonand Charles Lumsden are constituted by a religiously functioningmetaphysics: emergent materialism. The constitutive effects areidentified using six criteria, beginning with a... more

I claim that explanations of human behaviour by Edward O. Wilsonand Charles Lumsden are constituted by a religiously functioningmetaphysics: emergent materialism. The constitutive effects areidentified using six criteria, beginning with a metaphorical re-description of dissimilarities between levels of organization interms of the lower level, and consist of conceptual andexplanatory reductions (CER). Wilson and Lumsden practice CER,even though CER is not

The study of human behaviour ultimately requires the documentation of human movement. In some instances movements can be recorded through a simple button press on a computer input device. In other situations responses can be captured... more

The study of human behaviour ultimately requires the documentation of human movement. In some instances movements can be recorded through a simple button press on a computer input device. In other situations responses can be captured through questionnaire surveys. Nevertheless, there is a need within many neuroscience settings to capture how complex movements unfold over time (human kinematics). Current methods of measuring human kinematics range from accurate but multifarious laboratory configurations to ...

Examination of real-fire data has indicated that, globally, the elderly, particularly elderly males are those most at risk of becoming a dwelling fire fatality. This paper presents an analysis of the circumstances surrounding elderly... more

Examination of real-fire data has indicated that, globally, the elderly, particularly elderly males are those most at risk of becoming a dwelling fire fatality. This paper presents an analysis of the circumstances surrounding elderly dwelling fire fatalities gleaned from coronial reports. The analysis indicated that many elderly fatalities were involved in ignition and had existing health conditions that played a role in the fire. The most common fire scenario (which started in home furnishing located in the living room by carelessly discarded smokers’ materials) accounted for a quarter of elderly fatalities. The risk factors associated with elderly fatalities were similar to other adult fatalities. However, there were some statistically significant differences. The elderly were less likely to have alcohol play a role in their death, more likely to be involved in fires where their clothing was the seat of the fire, have physical illness play a role, and have burn injuries as their p...

Evacuation planners and government organisations that deal with large scale disasters can benefit from a tool that allows them to simulate the pedestrian evacuation of an ongoing and evolving event. The work outlined here describes a... more

Evacuation planners and government organisations that deal with large scale disasters can benefit from a tool that allows them to simulate the pedestrian evacuation of an ongoing and evolving event. The work outlined here describes a pragmatic approach taken to semi-automate the process of using vector map data from an Open Data GIS system, namely OpenStreetMap, and generating a pedestrian network which can be utilised by the urban evacuation model urbanEXODUS. A novel hybrid approach is used to model space and therefore the movement of people which combines a coarse region flow rate model with an individual agent based system.

R. Inglehart (1990, 2005) considers values to be one's reactions to changes in the environment. According to his approach values develop in the socialisation process. Values can be divided into traditional, modernist and... more

R. Inglehart (1990, 2005) considers values to be one's reactions to changes in the environment. According to his approach values develop in the socialisation process. Values can be divided into traditional, modernist and postmodernist. According to Rokeach (1973), values are an element of culture, an image of the desirable that might not be directly expressed in human behaviour. Kalmus and Vihalemm (2004) found, based on Rokeach's and Schwartz's (1992) questionnaires, that Estonians consider most important values to be health, strong family ties, peace in the world, clean environment, happiness and state security. Also, the results of the study "infants' and toddlers' intelligence and the impact of the growth environment" financed by Estonian Science Foundation, allow to conclude that parents consider most important that children are healthy, happy and smart (Veisson, 2001). In the framework of the state financed project of Tallinn University "scho...

Historically, there has been a perceived association between the moon and human biology and behaviour that can be traced back to at least Roman times. The idea that the moon can in some way influence human biology or behaviour is a... more

Historically, there has been a perceived association between the moon and human biology and behaviour that can be traced back to at least Roman times. The idea that the moon can in some way influence human biology or behaviour is a phenomena that has now come to known ...

As in the previous bibliographies, this update includes references to biomedical, clinical, epidemiological, psychosocial, socio-economic, cultural, behavioral, impact, intervention, and evaluation studies on HIV/AIDS and relevant... more

As in the previous bibliographies, this update includes references to biomedical, clinical, epidemiological, psychosocial, socio-economic, cultural, behavioral, impact, intervention, and evaluation studies on HIV/AIDS and relevant research on sexually transmitted infections ( ...

Doping use is an ongoing problem in contemporary sports. Despite efforts to detect and control doping, research on its etiology is limited, especially among elite-level athletes. The present study used an integrated social cognition model... more

Doping use is an ongoing problem in contemporary sports. Despite efforts to detect and control doping, research on its etiology is limited, especially among elite-level athletes. The present study used an integrated social cognition model to examine the predictors of doping intentions. Structured anonymous questionnaires were completed by 1075 Greek adult elite-level athletes (M age = 25 years, SD = 5.89, 36.1% females) from both team and individual sports. Multiple regression and mediation analyses showed that attitudes, normative beliefs, situational temptation, and behavioral control significantly predicted doping intentions. A normative process was identified whereby situational temptation mediated the effects of normative beliefs on intentions. The findings provide the basis for future social cognition research in doping use, and set the framework for the development of evidence-based preventive interventions.

Human Brain is very complicated in nature. It has several parts. It has been divided into two major parts namely Cerebrum and Cerebellum. The first large part of Brain is known as Cerebrum; while on the back of the Brain there is a... more

Human Brain is very complicated in nature. It has several parts. It has been divided into two major parts namely Cerebrum and Cerebellum. The first large part of Brain is known as Cerebrum; while on the back of the Brain there is a complex structure called Cerebellum. The small part residing behind the Cerebrum is known as Cerebellum. It resides in the back of the brain. In Latin it is known as " little brain ". This structure receives sensory and other inputs from Spinal Cord, Brain Stem and Forebrain. It actually processes these inputs and after that sends outputs to major parts of the brain to help to make our movements precise, coordinate and smooth.

This paper presents a description of Human System Audit (HSA), as an integrated proposal for the assessment of intangibles, for quality assessment in excellence models and, in general, for diagnosis and intervention in the human system in... more

This paper presents a description of Human System Audit (HSA), as an integrated proposal for the assessment of intangibles, for quality assessment in excellence models and, in general, for diagnosis and intervention in the human system in organizations, as well as for research on organizational human behaviour. The HSA consists of a theoretical model, a battery of instruments, and a system for management control. The article also describes some applications of HSA to human resource

The urban street network forms the basis for the pattern of movement in any built environment The pattern of movement has imminent effects on the built environment notably on land-use, land values, crime pattern, spatial expansion, etc.... more

The urban street network forms the basis for the pattern of movement in any built environment The pattern of movement has imminent effects on the built environment notably on land-use, land values, crime pattern, spatial expansion, etc. Analysing the urban street network by using space syntax techniques, helps in understanding the effects of the spatial network on the built environment, as these techniques use the language of graphs and data to represent the spatial relationships. Similarly, analysing the street network of newly planned cities genuinely helps in anticipating the pattern of movement on the street network, which is desirable for urban planners to understand the effects of their design. In this paper, an attempt has been made to analyse and understand the effects of the street network of Amaravati (the new Capital City for the State of Andhra Pradesh) on its pattern of mobility, land-use, land values and spatial expansion.

More and more video games are part of the everydays lives of most kids, teenagers, youth and human beings in general. Although many of these can be considered violent or inappropriate for some people, the truth is that they all have... more

More and more video games are part of the everydays lives of most kids, teenagers,
youth and human beings in general. Although many of these can be considered
violent or inappropriate for some people, the truth is that they all have something to
teach, something that is not completely visible to the eye of the ordinary human
This work was then carried out in order to understand and comprehend video
games, and more importantly, study their influence on human behavior as well as in
To achieve that, it was necessary to understand the part of psychology involved in
this relationship, and equally important, investigate its consequences (good and
bad), the cognitive processes involved and, of course, conduct some tests on a
sample of population.

Our study examines the association between the disease characteristics of inflammatory arthritis and patients' self-perception of mental health, parenting disability, parenting stress and child behaviour in early inflammatory... more

Our study examines the association between the disease characteristics of inflammatory arthritis and patients' self-perception of mental health, parenting disability, parenting stress and child behaviour in early inflammatory arthritis (EIA). Patients in the early phase (more than 6 weeks, less than 18 months) of inflammatory arthritis were recruited from a larger EIA registry that recorded sociodemographic data and measures of pain, physical functioning and disease activity. Patient-perceived parenting disability, parenting stress, depression and children's behaviour problems were assessed using the Parenting Disability Index, Parenting Stress Index, Center for Epidemiologic Studies--Depression Mood Scale and Child Behavior Checklist, respectively. Pain, physical dysfunction, number of tender joints and physician global assessment of disease activity were associated with parenting disability. Self-report measures of parenting disability were associated with those of depress...

The election about mate preferences studies, determine if the characteristics desirable and selected are universal, or if the difference sexual preferences are influenced by the culture as a modulator factor in the evolutionary... more

The election about mate preferences studies, determine if the characteristics desirable and selected are
universal, or if the difference sexual preferences are influenced by the culture as a modulator factor in
the evolutionary preferences that could exist. So that it’s the reason we compared the results with other
surveys made in different times and cultures. The main object the study goal is to verify if some more
evident evolutionary predictions stay on the sexual differences in the stable mate relationships preferences
differentiating the stable relations from the fleeting ones. The students answers show that, the
characteristics that are valued to have a stable pair are the commitment, the amiability, sincerity and the
understanding in general. When comparing the sex preferences based on sex, are observed statically
significant differences with respect to the attractive physicist, more valued by the men, and the social
position by the women. When they choose for a fleeting mate they selected physical attractiveness more
than, later the affection and the amiability. There are statistically significant differences between which
they value both sexes in the precise relations, the women, the affection and the social position and the
men, the physical attractiveness and the enigmatic personality.
Key words: mate preferences, variation in the mate preferences, students survey.

Design consists of generating ideas and adapting them to users. Cognitive research can give insights into each of these processes. Here, we describe two projects involving sketches. Sketches are cognitive tools; they have many uses, among... more

Design consists of generating ideas and adapting them to users. Cognitive research can give insights into each of these processes. Here, we describe two projects involving sketches. Sketches are cognitive tools; they have many uses, among them: to promote inferences and new ideas; to organize and convey information. For the former, ambiguity is productive; for the latter, clarity is necessary. From ambiguous sketches, experienced designers are more adept than novices at reorganizing parts to generate new ideas. This raises the possibility of teaching this skill of constructive perception. The sketches people spontaneously produce for clear directions, such as route maps and assembly instructions, omit some information and highlight, even distort, other information. The omissions and distortions are systematic and so useful that they can serve as cognitive design principles for computer algorithms that automatically generate individualized visualizations. Research into how people use...

Men and women living in New Zealand and California completed five studies regarding human physique and sexual attractiveness. In Studies 1–3, women rated images of male stimuli and, in Studies 4–5, men rated female stimuli. In Study 1,... more

Men and women living in New Zealand and California completed five studies regarding human physique and sexual attractiveness. In Studies 1–3, women rated images of male stimuli and, in Studies 4–5, men rated female stimuli. In Study 1, women in both countries rated mesomorphic (muscular) and average male somatotypes as most attractive, followed by ectomorphic (slim) and endomorphic (heavily built) figures. In Study 2, amount and distribution of masculine trunk hair (chest and abdominal) was altered progressively in a series of front-posed male figures. In both countries, the image lacking any trunk hair was rated as the most attractive, with a steady decline in attractiveness as hirsutism became more pronounced. Study 3 assessed attractiveness of front-posed male figures that varied only in the length of the non-erect penis. Five lengths were presented: The smallest penile size was rated as less attractive than three intermediate sizes. The largest penile size was not the most attractive, but received higher scores than the unaltered and smallest penile size. In Study 4, men rated the attractiveness of back-posed female images varying in waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) (from 0.5 to 1.0). The 0.7 WHR figure was rated more attractive in New Zealand and the 0.6 WHR in California. Study 5 measured the attractiveness of female skin color; men expressed preferences for lighter skinned female figures in New Zealand and California. Results indicate very similar preferences for sexually dimorphic physical traits among men and women of European extraction, living in two culturally and geographically different environments.