Impulse response Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Deep-seated tumors can be treated by minimally invasive interstitial ultrasound thermal therapy. A miniature transducer emitting high-intensity acoustic waves is placed in contact with the targeted area to induce local thermal necrosis.... more

Deep-seated tumors can be treated by minimally invasive interstitial ultrasound thermal therapy. A miniature transducer emitting high-intensity acoustic waves is placed in contact with the targeted area to induce local thermal necrosis. Accurate positioning of the probe and treatment monitoring must be achieved for the technique to be effective. A piezocomposite technology was used for obtaining both high-quality imaging and effective treatment with the same transducer. Prototypes were designed and built to be compatible with an endoscopic approach for treating cholangiocarcinomas in the biliary ducts. The transducer had dimensions of 2.5 x 7.5 mm(2), it was cylindrically focused at 10 mm and it was operated at a center frequency of 11 MHz. Transducer efficiency was measured at 71%, and the impulse response corresponded to an axial resolution of 0.2 mm. In-vitro tests were conducted on samples of pig liver in which lesions up to 10 mm in depth were induced. B-mode images were obtain...

An identical two-sector productivity shock causes Rybczynski (1955) and Stolper and Samuelson (1941) effects that release leisure time and initially raise the relative price of human capital investment so as to favor it over goods... more

An identical two-sector productivity shock causes Rybczynski (1955) and Stolper and Samuelson (1941) effects that release leisure time and initially raise the relative price of human capital investment so as to favor it over goods production. Modified by having the household sector produce human capital investment sector, the RBC model follows the international approach of Maffezzoli (2000) and so adds a second sector relative to Jones et al. (2005). This captures key major US RBC data: output growth persistence, with hump-shaped impulse responses; hump-shaped physical capital investment impulse responses; Gali's (1999) negative impulse response of labour supply; and hours volatility.

We present an adaptive echo cancellation algorithm for sparse echo path impulse responses. This new approach ex- ploits both the robustness of the improved proportionate nor- malized least-mean-square (IPNLMS) algorithm and the effi-... more

We present an adaptive echo cancellation algorithm for sparse echo path impulse responses. This new approach ex- ploits both the robustness of the improved proportionate nor- malized least-mean-square (IPNLMS) algorithm and the effi- cient implementation of the multi-delay (MDF) adaptive fil- tering algorithm inheriting the beneficial properties of both. Evaluation results are presented and the computational com- plexity is also

This paper evaluates whether Nigeria is ready to adopt inflation targeting (IT), a monetary policy framework that several emerging markets have adopted over the last one decade. The paper reviews literature on selected conditions for... more

This paper evaluates whether Nigeria is ready to adopt inflation targeting (IT), a monetary policy framework that several emerging markets have adopted over the last one decade. The paper reviews literature on selected conditions for successful implementation of IT and then ...

Measurements of acoustic input impedance of wind instruments using two different approaches are presented. In the first approach, c ommonly referred to as the two-microphone transfer function method, a tube is connected to the instrument... more

Measurements of acoustic input impedance of wind instruments using two different approaches are presented. In the first approach, c ommonly referred to as the two-microphone transfer function method, a tube is connected to the instrument and excited with broad-band noise. Signals recorded at microphone pairs placed along the tube are then analyzed to estimate the instrument input impedance. A calibration step is described, wherein the position of each microphone pair is determined from the measurement of a rigid termination. The second technique, a novel variant of pulse reflectometry, ma kes use of a long tube with a single microphone located at its midpoint. Using a long-duration broad-band stimulus, the impulse response is measured for the tube, first with a rigid termination, and then with the system to be characterized attached. The system reflectance, and therefore its impedance, is found by comparing the first reflection from the tube end for both measurements. The d esign of...

The acoustics of churches is a cultural heritage to be preserved as carefully as the artistic and architectural aspects of this particular category of buildings. The acoustic characteristics of an environment could be measured according... more

The acoustics of churches is a cultural heritage to be preserved as carefully as the artistic and architectural aspects of this particular category of buildings. The acoustic characteristics of an environment could be measured according to different techniques varying from the numerical quantification, by means of acoustical parameters, to the recording of the binaural or ambisonic impulse responses of several combinations of source–receiver locations. The complexity of this kind of buildings can lead different researchers to choose dissimilar ...

A unified, analysis is presented for the spatial and the spectral sensitivity of speckle (the rapid spatial variations which occur in an image when illumination of narrow spectral width is used) in a space-invariant linear system. In... more

A unified, analysis is presented for the spatial and the spectral sensitivity of speckle (the rapid spatial variations which occur in an image when illumination of narrow spectral width is used) in a space-invariant linear system. In prior work considering speckle size, others have shown that its spatial variation is functionally dependent primarily on the autocorrelation function of the system's impulse response, but effects of varying the wavelength were largely ignored. In the present paper we treat the general problem in which a diffuse object, illuminated by a collimated, monochromatic beam, is imaged by a system whose amplitude impulse response isz(x, η), wherex and η are space and normalized (temporal) frequency coordinates, respectively. An expression is derived for the multidimensional autocorrelation functionR u (Δx,η 1,η 2) of the intensityu(x,η) in the image plane. Functionally, it depends upon a convolution of the system autocorrelation functionR u (Δx,η 1,η 2) with the characteristic function of the distribution function for heights, which is used to model the input object's surface. Examples are presented; and, it is shown that one can infer valuable information about the variation of heights for points on the surface of the input diffuse object, which are separated by much less than the classical resolution limit.

This paper examines how short-term and long-term interest rates react to supply, demand and monetary policy shocks in South Africa. Use is made of the impulse response functions obtained from the structural vector autoregressive model... more

This paper examines how short-term and long-term interest rates react to supply, demand and monetary policy shocks in South Africa. Use is made of the impulse response functions obtained from the structural vector autoregressive model with long-term restrictions. We find a positive correlation between the two interest rates after a monetary and demand shock and a negative correlation after a supply shock. The finding of this paper is that the operation of the monetary transmission mechanism should be effective in South Africa. Furthermore, this paper provides an approach to identify supply shocks in the South African business cycle.

This article describes the design, implementation, and experiences with AcMus, an open and integrated software platform for room acoustics research, which comprises tools for measurement, analysis, and simulation of rooms for music... more

This article describes the design, implementation, and experiences with AcMus, an open and integrated software platform for room acoustics research, which comprises tools for measurement, analysis, and simulation of rooms for music listening and production. Through use of affordable hardware, such as laptops, consumer audio interfaces and microphones, the software allows evaluation of relevant acoustical parameters with stable and consistent results, thus providing valuable information in the diagnosis of acoustical problems, as well as the possibility of simulating modifications in the room through analytical models. The system is open-source and based on a flexible and extensible Java plug-in framework, allowing for cross-platform portability, accessibility and experimentation, thus fostering collaboration of users, developers and researchers in the field of room acoustics.

The exchange rate channel of the monetary transmission mechanism has gained importance through widespread use of the floating exchange rate regime with increased globalization. In this context, this study aims to explore the... more

The exchange rate channel of the monetary transmission mechanism has gained
importance through widespread use of the floating exchange rate regime with
increased globalization. In this context, this study aims to explore the
effectiveness of the exchange rate channel on net exports and thereby total
output and price level using vector auto-regression (VAR) models. The
sample countries are Turkey and Argentina, which have employed a floating
exchange rate regime since 22 February 2001 and 11 February 2002,
respectively. The monthly data set consists of five macro-economic
variables, which are short-term interest rates, the real effective exchange
rate, net exports, the consumer price index, and the industrial production
index for the period 2003 to 2010. The impulse-response function outcomes
indicate that the operation of the exchange rate channel is effective, both
in Turkey and in Argentina.

My first year task. sorry if it bad..