Juvenile Law Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

The termination of parental rights of parents with mental disabilities is a growing and crucial issue. In 2010, an estimated 45.9 million adults in the U.S. had experienced a mental illness in the past year. This represents 20% of the... more

The termination of parental rights of parents with mental disabilities is a growing and crucial issue. In 2010, an estimated 45.9 million adults in the U.S. had experienced a mental illness in the past year. This represents 20% of the adult population. More than five million children in the U.S. have a parent with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression. Courts and child welfare systems too often assume that a parent is not amenable to treatment and is a danger to his or her child when strong symptoms of mental turmoil surface. Some studies report that as many as 70 to 80% of mentally ill parents have lost custody. Public systems are overwhelmed by this matter in an era of shrinking resources for such systems. However, often parents with mental health needs are willing to accept treatment, are able to participate in programming, and are worthy of regaining custody.
• There are gaps in federal and state law on this issue. The federal Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) requires that state child welfare agencies and courts make “reasonable efforts” towards family reunification before the termination of parental rights (TPR) can take place. However, federal statutes and case law provide little guidance to states about what “reasonable efforts” means, and states have been left to interpret that concept individually. Many state statutes even enable a “bypass” of the “reasonable efforts” standard when “clear and convincing” evidence allegedly shows that a parent's mental condition cannot be changed. Many states likewise place unjust, statutory and common law time limits on family reunification efforts in TPR cases.
• Gaps in legal scholarship are also evident here. Legal scholars have begun to discuss the inadequacy of reunification services for mentally challenged parents, the tenuous link between mental health services and child welfare agency action, the need for enhanced attorney and child welfare worker preparation in this arena, and a need for cultural competence in reunification services. Others have even suggested that there be a rebuttable presumption in favor of family reunification. However, those discussions lack a sound theoretical basis and a practical application of solutions.
• As is featured in previous work of this author, a new theoretical framework of Family Systems Theory-- which is utilized in clinical behavioral health and human rights arenas-- must first be applied. Under this theoretical framework, the vague and outdated “best interests of the child” standard, which is a legal standard used exclusively in family law cases, must be replaced with a more sound standard of “holistic family wellbeing.” Vulnerability Theory can add credence to this theoretical framework.
• The discussion of reunification services for families featuring parents with mental disabilities should then be conducted utilizing Family Systems Theory and a legal standard of “holistic family wellbeing.” Under these circumstances, the “family integrity” defended by our highest courts through the “reasonable efforts” provision should be upheld through the delivery of highly effective family reunification services. The application of Family Systems Theory ultimately requires reform in the law, service delivery, and professional practice. State and federal legislators must revisit the “reasonable efforts” standard, to include specific statutory language about the types of reunification services required and the need for flexible timelines. Courts, child welfare agencies, and service providers need to deliver proven reunification services and coordinated mental health treatment. In specific court cases, attorneys for the parent(s), the child(ren), and the state should focus on “holistic family wellbeing” utilizing collaborative family law and alternative dispute resolution, while advancing the agency of their clients. Child welfare workers and practitioners likewise require training in advanced methods of conflict resolution and clinical practice. These recommendations can ensure more effective family law practice and more successful family - serving systems.

Cilj ovog rada bio je ponuditi kraći pregled supranacionalnih standarda postupanja sa maloljetnicima u sukobu sa zakonom sadrža-nim u pojedinim dokumentima Vijeća Evrope i Evropske unije, te u od-lukama Evropskog suda za ljudska prava. S... more

Cilj ovog rada bio je ponuditi kraći pregled supranacionalnih standarda postupanja sa maloljetnicima u sukobu sa zakonom sadrža-nim u pojedinim dokumentima Vijeća Evrope i Evropske unije, te u od-lukama Evropskog suda za ljudska prava. S tim u vezi, dat je prikaz najznačajnijih standarda sadržanih u Evropskim pravilima o sankcija-ma i mjerama izrečenim maloljetnim učiniteljima krivičnih djela (Rec (2008) 11) i Smjernicama o pravosuđu prilagođenom djeci (2010) Vije-ća Evrope, te Direktivi EU 2016/800 o procesnim garancijama za dje-cu koja su osumnjičena ili optužena u krivičnim postupcima. Zaključno je konstatovano kako su reginalna zakonodavstva iz predmetne oblasti u značajnom obimu usklađena sa navedenim dokumentima, ali je i uka-zano na pojedine standarde koje bi de lege ferenda trebalo impregnira-ti u regionalne zakone iz oblasti maloljetničkog krivičnog pravosuđa. Ključne riječi: maloljetni učinitelji, evropski standardi, pra-va djece i maloljetnika.

This study centres on the challenges to the effectiveness of offered rehabilitation methods at Mutare Probation Hostel and Remand Home. The aim of the study was to get a better understanding of how those in direct contact with the system... more

This study centres on the challenges to the effectiveness of offered rehabilitation methods at Mutare Probation Hostel and Remand Home. The aim of the study was to get a better understanding of how those in direct contact with the system feel and their views on the challenges that hinder effectiveness of the methods being used at the probation hostel and remand home. The researcher employed the qualitative research methods and used in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and observation to collect data. The study population selected through purposive sampling came up to a total of 22 and were more than 60% of the total population. The probation hostel also being a rehabilitation centre means their main objective is to reform the young offenders’ delinquent behaviour and impart socially acceptable morals. Education and vocational training are the main methods used to achieve the needed results. Lack of resources does not only affect them in the learning arena but also has a noticeable impact on their living conditions and their dressing as they cannot bring anything from home. They wait on the government to provide for them through the Department of Social Welfare and in some areas they still lack the basics like stationery, furnisher and uniforms. The institute being for boys only means their female counterparts have to go to Harare or as far as Bulawayo after a custodial sentence by the court after being detained in Mutare during the court hearing. The cultural shock maybe too much for the girl and will hinder their progress in behavioural adjustment. Recidivism will remain a dark figure as it is difficult to measure as there is no national database of juvenile offenders. These are some of the challenges that the findings of the study revealed. The researcher went on to recommend policy change in respect to the methods employed by the training institutes and allow for a holistic approach to rehabilitation.

ISBN 978-9958-27-298-1 COBISS.BH-ID 22991622

This paper discusses at length the analysis of the Juvenile justice system in Tanzanian providing in depth analysis between the law and practice of the juvenile court system in Tanzania and its jurisdiction but also the establishment of... more

This paper discusses at length the analysis of the Juvenile justice system in Tanzanian providing in depth analysis between the law and practice of the juvenile court system in Tanzania and its jurisdiction but also the establishment of the juvenile system in Tanzania. There is further discussion within the paper on the principle rights of the child, pre-trial, trial and post trial proceedings; and both nature and categorization of juvenile offences in Tanzania.
The paper analyses the meaning of a juvenile and operation of Juvenile Court as established under the Law of the Child Act No. 21 of 2009. It also gives the definition of the juvenile court, the procedures of conducting Juvenile Court and the competency and compellability of Juvenile witnesses in the Court system in Tanzania as provided in the Act.

Juvenile delinquency as it is considered as a negative and destructive social phenomena have stormed countries with declining morality and exasperating poverty one particular nation is the nation we step on. So learning the perils of... more

Juvenile delinquency as it is considered as a negative and destructive social phenomena have stormed countries with declining morality and exasperating poverty one particular nation is the nation we step on. So learning the perils of this social issue to our posterity we were urged to dive in the sea of information to pick up the puzzle pieces in order for us to complete the puzzle about juvenile delinquency and its complications in the various communities around the globe to raise awareness from among our ranks.

In recent years, court system in Tanzania has been challenged by the increasing of juvenile witnesses within court system of which this made it not only a very serious problem on our society but also has put the court system under... more

In recent years, court system in Tanzania has been challenged by the increasing of juvenile witnesses within court system of which this made it not only a very serious problem on our society but also has put the court system under spotlight as to the way on how its handling these juvenile witnesses.
The question is whether section 127(1) of the law of evidence act provided that, “Every person shall be competent to testify unless the court considers that he is incapable of understanding the questions put to him or of giving rational answers to those questions by reason of tender age, extreme old age, disease (whether of body or mind) or any other similar cause” is observed. Under this section it provides the competent of a person to testify before the court of law which is our key of our discussion basing on juvenile witnesses and this is the aim and purposes of the discussion.
This discussion examines the nature and scope of administration of juvenile witnesses, competency and compellability in justice in Tanzania by identifying the gap between the law and practice. In so doing, this paper will be confined the admissibility of it surveying appropriate local and international legal standards in the administration of juvenile justice and how they are implemented in Tanzania.

The chapter discusses the doctrine of parens patriae and delves into jurisprudential accounts of the application of this doctrine. With an examination of the scope of state’s inherent powers over children under the doctrine and it’s... more

The chapter discusses the doctrine of parens patriae and delves into jurisprudential accounts of the application of this doctrine. With an examination of the scope of state’s inherent powers over children under the doctrine and it’s influence on Juvenile Justice law, the chapter highlights the reflections of the doctrine in the legal system in India especially juvenile justice law. It examines the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015 in the light of this doctrine and stresses on the role of juvenile justice functionaries as parens patriae. The chapter concludes by underscoring critical issues in the intersection of the doctrine with the juvenile justice law in India and advocates for the adoption of a rights-based model of juvenile justice in India, with due recognition of the constitutional and natural rights of children to ensure fair trial and effective rehabilitation of children in conflict with law.

Juvenile criminal law provides many types of juvenile criminal sanctions, depending of the state, in this study are exposed differences and similarities across countries. Countries have found themselves under unprecedented pressure over... more

Juvenile criminal law provides many types of juvenile criminal sanctions, depending of the state, in this study are exposed differences and similarities across countries. Countries have found themselves under unprecedented pressure over the past generation to develop their youth justice policies and practices in accordance with agreed principles and minimum standards. This has been played out through diplomatic efforts, legal rulings, and through academic comparisons, as this publication attests. Considering that the most severe criminal sanction is punishment of deprivation of liberty, international documents related to juveniles in conflict with the law proclaim standards that this sanction has to be imposed only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest period. Issues like possible duration of subject sanction and scope of its imposition, represents some of the basic features of the legal and judicial policy of sanctioning of juveniles. In order to prevent and protect the society from crime, certain authorities may impose these measures of social reactions to juvenile perpetrators. Unlike juvenile imprisonment as the ultimate measure of reaction, there are also educational measures as a one more type of juvenile criminal sanctions. In this paper, the author analyzes how these issues are regulated by comparative law, and how aforementioned standards are applied in practice. Applying the comparative analysis it was determined that there are certain indicators that the aforementioned international standards are consistently accepted and that in the most of the countries have in its heritage " humane " sanctioning policy of juvenile offenderes. Overall, the study has several key areas of interest, at both the system wide and individual case levels.

The word of child is a general meaning of baby, infant, adolescent, youth, minor, teenagers. Also, juvenile is using for the child who breaks the law (ex. Juvenile Criminal Law). There is some rules that protect the children’s rights more... more

The word of child is a general meaning of baby, infant, adolescent, youth, minor, teenagers. Also, juvenile is using for the child who breaks the law (ex. Juvenile Criminal Law). There is some rules that protect the children’s rights more than grown people. For example, in Turkey there is a law for children named “Custody of Children Law” and, there are some rules in Turkish Criminal Law such as when there is a crime of deliberate killing, if the victim is a child, the punishment is increased by judge ex officio.

Communication to United Nations Human Rights Committee re the violation by the Philippine government of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, pursuant to the committee's individual complaint mechanism. Filed on the... more

Communication to United Nations Human Rights Committee re the violation by the Philippine government of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, pursuant to the committee's individual complaint mechanism. Filed on the occasion of International Human Rights Day on 10 December 2005, as a culmination of struggle by Filipino street children and child prisoners, who originally sued then Philippine president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo before the Ombudsman on 10 December 2003 for human rights violations stated in this communication to the UN Human Rights Committee. Identity and identifying information of the children prisoner petitioners had been deleted.

La sociedad es un ente en continuo movimiento. La ideología, la tecnología, la moda, el arte, los valores morales, etc... todo cambia, se transforma, evoluciona. De igual forma, las drogas y la delincuencia sufren transformaciones y... more

La sociedad es un ente en continuo movimiento. La ideología, la tecnología, la moda, el arte, los valores morales, etc... todo cambia, se transforma, evoluciona. De igual forma, las drogas y la delincuencia sufren transformaciones y actualizaciones con el paso del tiempo. Ello provoca que exista la necesidad de que al mismo paso las leyes y ordenamientos legales que rigen y norman la conducta de la sociedad se transformen, evolucionen, se modifiquen para adecuarse a las nuevas corrientes ideológicas y tecnológicas con las que la sociedad interactúa.
La Ley del Consejo Tutelar para Menores Infractores del Estado de Quintana Roo fue creada desde el 22 de enero de 1976. Hasta la presente fecha no ha tenido ninguna modificación o adición sustancial, salvo la que cambia la edad de 18 a 16 años. Se encuentra, por ende, a todas luces obsoleta. Existe entonces una gran discrepancia entre lo que la misma dispone y los problemas sociales de la actualidad. Además, carece de disposiciones específicas para su desarrollo y aplicación.
Quintana Roo es un estado joven y, por sobre todo, activo. Los menores y adolescentes son atraídos e involucrados, cada vez más, en las actividades que la sociedad realiza. Desde luego, no siempre dichas actividades son buenas para ellos, como se puede observar del índice delictivo cometido por menores infractores y adolescentes, que cada vez es mas alto. La delincuencia en la que actualmente se ve involucrada la juventud ha sobrepasado la ley, a lo cual no se le da la debida importancia considerando que los jóvenes de hoy son los futuros líderes del mañana.
De lo anterior se deriva que es importante analizar las necesidades que en materia de legislación para menores infractores existe. A llenar esta laguna cognoscitiva, se orienta la presente propuesta.

Людську гідність дитини як її суб’єктивне право інституціоналізовано шляхом нормативного закріплення міжнародними конвенціями, національним законодавством та практикою судового захисту на національному та наддержавному рівні. Утім... more

Людську гідність дитини як її суб’єктивне право інституціоналізовано шляхом нормативного закріплення міжнародними конвенціями, національним законодавством та
практикою судового захисту на національному та наддержавному рівні. Утім розуміння людської гідності дитини, а відтак, види посягання на неї та способи протидії цим посяганням, суттєво різняться у різних правових порядках. Якщо для європейської дитини посяганням на гідність є тілесні покарання, неправдиве звинувачення у вчиненні злочину, залякування, то для гідності африканської дитини основними загрозами є каліцтво внаслідок
ініціації або інших традиційних практик, ранні шлюби та неписьменність внаслідок недопуску до отримання освіти.
Розуміння людської гідності не лише як суб’єктивного права, але й як морально зумовленої загальнолюдської властивості, що притаманна не тільки дорослим, але й дитині має, на нашу думку,
знайти своє втілення і в національних законодавствах, і найголовніше – у практиці як держави, такі і
усіх інституцій та осіб, покликаних опікуватися дітьми (школа, батьки тощо).

Incarceration practice has been a recurring theme in every corner of the world, that implemented toward adults or children. The practice itself has been viewed as an effective way deterrentto get a full “cooperation” from the perpetrator.... more

Incarceration practice has been a recurring theme in every corner of the world, that implemented toward adults or children. The practice itself has been viewed as an effective way deterrentto get a full “cooperation” from the perpetrator. It’s an alarming situation, especially when it occurs to children in conflict with the law. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (“CRC”) in its preamble has considered that a child should be prepared to live an individual life in society and be brought up particularly in the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity. Moreover, article 37 (b) of CRC clearly stated states that any form of incarceration toward children shall be used as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time. Indonesia as a state party to CRC, has legislated a new Child Criminal Justice System through Law No. 11/2012 (“the Law”) which governs the non-incarceration principle, as stated in pursuant to Article 2 & 3. However, in this relatively “new” law, the implementation of non-incarceration principle, required requires: Firstly, massive mind-set transformation among Indonesian law enforcement actors and stakeholders, in order to tear down the “thick wall” of bureaucracy which has been proven to be a barrier and certainly not in favour with the principle of “best interest of the children”. Secondly, Indonesian society that who has been exposed to retributive justice for so long, must also wholeheartedly implements the restorative justice practice pursuant to article 5 (1) of the Law for the best interest of children, by diverting child related cases to be solved outside the criminal offence proceedings, thus to decrease the number of child in conflict with the law to be incarcerated. Thirdly, on the condition where the children in conflict with the law must endure incarceration, Indonesian government has also set a time frame of 4 years since the entry into force of the Law No. 11/2012, to transform existing children correctional facilities throughout Indonesia to become a child-friendly facilities. Focusing on these three themes, the presentation will explore and extrapolate as to how the law enforcement actors, government, stakeholders, and the society cope with the alarming situation and the possibilities ahead.

Проаналізовано історичні факти залучення дітей до військової справи та участі дітей у збройних конфліктах. Зроблено висновки про відсутність норм щодо запобігання участі дітей у збройних конфліктах у докласичному міжнародному праві та... more

Проаналізовано історичні факти залучення дітей до військової справи та участі дітей у збройних конфліктах. Зроблено висновки про відсутність норм щодо запобігання участі дітей у збройних конфліктах у докласичному міжнародному праві та надання захисту дітям лише в контексті захисту усіх некомбатантів у класичному міжнародному праві. В роки Першої та Другої світових війн виник феномен - дітей-солдат. Декларація прав дитини 1924 р. не створила дієвого механізму запобігання залученню дітей до збройного конфлікту. Ця мета була лише частково досягнута лише з прийняттям Четвертої Женевської конвенції 1949 р. та Додаткового протоколу № 1 до неї. Конвенція про права дитини та Факультативний протокол до неї щодо участі дітей у збройних конфліктах, Конвенція МОП № 182 та Римський Статут Міжнародного кримінального суду сьогодні становлять механізм запобігання залученню дітей у збройний конфлікт. Запропоновано на національному рівні криміналізувати втягнення дітей у збройний конфлікт та ратифікувати Римський Статут Міжнародного кримінального суду задля притягнення до відповідальності осіб, винуватих у втягненні дітей у збройний конфлікт.

O činjenici da je učinilac krivičnog djela dijete ili maloljetnik, vodila se briga još od starih Grka i Rimljana. Ovaj rad koncipiran je na način da položaj maloljetnika u zakonodavstvu Engleske i Velsa ilustrira kroz osnovne... more

O činjenici da je učinilac krivičnog djela dijete ili maloljetnik, vodila se briga još od starih Grka i Rimljana. Ovaj rad koncipiran je na način da položaj maloljetnika u zakonodavstvu Engleske i Velsa ilustrira kroz osnovne karakteristike sistema, od kratkog historijskog osvrta, nekih specifičnosti, postupajućih organa i sankcija koje se mogu izreći maloljetnom učiniocu krivičnog djela, bez namjere da se pristupi i pravila klasificiraju kao bolja ili gora, samo zato što su inostrana, nego da se potakne razmjena ideja, bilo u duhu čiste naučne radoznalosti, bilo u duhu preispitivanja domaćeg zakonodavstva i iznalaženja odgovarajućih i u našem sistemu funkcionalnih rješenja kako ne bismo bili u situaciji da se preispitujemo zašto "pravni transplanti" ne funkcionišu. Engleska i Vels predstavljaju primjer kako jedno nacionalno pravosuđe slijedi uputstva relevantnih međunarodnih instrumenata da uvijek kada je moguće treba obezbjediti skretanje sa klasične krivične procedure, tzv. "diversion" i rasterećuje sudstvo.

The United States Supreme Court has enumerated a constitutionally protected parental right to control the upbringing of one’s child that includes the right to direct the child’s education. The states, meanwhile, have differed in their... more

The United States Supreme Court has enumerated a constitutionally protected parental right to control the upbringing of one’s child that includes the right to direct the child’s education. The states, meanwhile, have differed in their interpretation and application of this principle when foster children’s educational interests conflict with their biological parents’ wishes. Specifically, although some states permit the judicial limitation of parental rights over children’s education during foster care placement, others do not. This Article is among the first to consider the benefits and consequences of each approach in the context of parents’ rights and children’s best interests.

A Lecture-Presentation for the Japan Legal Aid Association (JLAA)

RESUMEN En este artículo el análisis se centra en la adolescencia como un espacio particularizado de control socio-penal a través de los dispositivos que históricamente han constituido al sistema penal juvenil uruguayo. Las prácticas de... more

RESUMEN En este artículo el análisis se centra en la adolescencia como un espacio particularizado de control socio-penal a través de los dispositivos que históricamente han constituido al sistema penal juvenil uruguayo. Las prácticas de control socio-penal componen un campo heterogéneo compuesto por una multiplicidad de vectores, que muestran las formas que tienen las personas de ser juzgadas y/o tratadas en función de sus desvíos a la normativa penal imperante en un determinado contexto socio-histórico. Configuran así, prácticas sociales concretas en términos de daño, responsabilidad, castigo y/o pena (Foucault, 1991). Los debates actuales han puesto en tela de juicio las concepciones sobre crimen y criminal que encierran los sistemas penales juveniles, coincidiendo en la necesaria inclusión de un plano social más amplio que intente desplegar las racionalidades políticas y sociales que se derivan en los procesos de criminalización de los y las adolescentes. Las nociones de responsabilidad penal y peligrosidad son claves para comprender la hibridación de paradigmas vigente en el sistema penal juvenil uruguayo.

У статті розглядаються питання спеціалізації зі здійснення кримінального провадження у судах щодо неповнолітніх відповідно до положень нового КПК України. Робиться висновок про доцільність створення ювенальних судів.... more

... Additional Files. Herring Abstract.pdf (24 kB) Abstract of talk by David Herring, "Kinship Foster Care: Implications of Behavioral Biology Research" Perea Abstract.pdf (24 kB) Abstract of talk by Juan Perea,... more

... Additional Files. Herring Abstract.pdf (24 kB) Abstract of talk by David Herring, "Kinship Foster Care: Implications of Behavioral Biology Research" Perea Abstract.pdf (24 kB) Abstract of talk by Juan Perea, "On the Ideology of Constitutional Law Casebooks" Coughlin Abstract.pdf ...

The methodology of comparative historical and legal research is extremely complex, as each stage puts forward a number of specific requirements for the qualification of a historian, as well as for the procedure for working with historical... more

The methodology of comparative historical and legal research is extremely
complex, as each stage puts forward a number of specific requirements for the
qualification of a historian, as well as for the procedure for working with historical and
legal material. However, despite the importance of comparative analysis, which consists
of comparing historical and legal objects, the stage of interpreting and evaluating the results of
comparative research remains the priority in the context of heuristic knowledge. However, there
are still no clear algorithms by which the comparative historian can perform this task, nor is
there a general understanding of the direction in which the data obtained during the historicallegal comparison should be explained. Particular difficulties arise in interpreting the results of the
comparison of specific historical and legal objects such as the court and the judiciary. In this article,
we try to overcome this discrepancy between the theory and practice of the comparative historical
and legal method using the comparative analysis of juvenile justice in Ukraine and Poland in the
1920s, recreating the sequence of actions of a comparative historian, which lead to important
scientific results. The structure of the article is determined by its main task and therefore begins
with the coverage of theoretical and methodological principles of interpretation and evaluation
of the results of comparative historical and legal analysis. In particular, this part deals with the
main approaches to the explanation of the data obtained during the comparison of historical and
legal objects, as well as the primary rules and principles of their interpretation. The next part of
the article is devoted to a specific example comparing juvenile commissions of the Ukrainian SSR
and juvenile courts and probation officers of Poland in the 1920s and further explanation of the
information obtained. Finally, the last part of the article explores the possibilities and prospects of
historical and legal forecasting at the stage of evaluating the results of a comparative study.

Singapore's juvenile recidivism rate has climbed by around 5% since 2013, putting the country at risk of increased youth crime. With several mandatory rehabilitative programmes classified into two categories, Community-Based... more

Singapore's juvenile recidivism rate has climbed by around 5% since 2013, putting the country at risk of increased youth crime. With several mandatory rehabilitative programmes classified into two categories, Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) and Institutional-Based Rehabilitation (IBR), it is unclear whether the mandatory individual rehabilitative programmes for offenders were actually effective in achieving their corrective goals. This proposal would undertake a regression analysis to compare the effectiveness of CBR and IBR programmes utilizing secondary data gathered by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF) and primary data from a survey. The survey will provide previously unstudied insights into the offender's profile, conviction, rehabilitation path, recidivism, and attitudes toward the programmes' effectiveness for a sample of approximately 7,150 Singaporean juveniles who have participated in or are currently participating in MSF's mandatory r...