Maldives Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Author is Peter Budgen, UK

Changing weather patterns, increasing frequency and intensity of natural hazards, and rising sea levels associated with global climate change have the potential to threaten cultural heritage sites worldwide. This is especially the case... more

Changing weather patterns, increasing frequency and intensity of natural hazards, and rising sea levels associated with global climate change have the potential to threaten cultural heritage sites worldwide. This is especially the case for maritime heritage sites located in the low-lying coastal and delta regions of Asia. Maritime heritage can reflect both highly localized cultural products based on the coupling of people and maritime environments and the historic footprints of complex maritime networks that connect people, ideas, and material over vast distances, creating unique cultural spheres. Furthermore, maritime heritage sites potentially serve as or contain records of how past societies have been impacted by and adapted to past environmental stress. Therefore, their degradation threatens local/regional/global cultural patrimony as well as evidence of human resilience and fragility in the face of environmental change. This makes a strong case for urgent preservation. However, the possible damage caused by climate change and the scale of vulnerable maritime heritage pose seemingly insurmountable challenges. In this paper, we present the ways in which maritime heritage sites across Asia are vulnerable to environmental stresses, such as changing sea levels, coastal erosion, flooding, and storm surges. Our objective is to draw upon our experience documenting endangered cultural heritage across South and Southeast Asia to illustrate that there are unique conceptual and practical characteristics of maritime heritage that complicate effective management and conservation efforts on the scale required to prevent massive loss by climate change. We conclude by stressing the need to reconceptualize debates about the custody and stewardship of maritime heritage and the urgency of employing a wide range of innovative preservation solutions to ensure maritime patrimony is not lost to the rising tides.

Drawing sample illustrating tuna life cycle

Analyses the proposed BBIN Motor Vehicle Agreement

Discusses the India-Pakistan Relations in the wake of Kartarpur Corridor Initiative

Divehi Akuru (Ancient Maldivian Script). Volume One. The second volume was never published.

This report assesses and prioritizes commercial opportunities for agriculture in the Maldives as part of the Technical Assistance (TA) Project on Commercialization of Agriculture. Work on the TA began in September 2004, with the Inception... more

This report assesses and prioritizes commercial opportunities for agriculture in the Maldives as part of the Technical Assistance (TA) Project on Commercialization of Agriculture. Work on the TA began in September 2004, with the Inception Report completed in October 2004 and the Interim Report submitted in January 2005. Data and other information collected for the analysis of the agriculture subsector, however, preceded the 26 December 2004 tsunamis that devastated many of the islands, including those involved in agricultural activities. As a result, much of the subsequent work has focused on assessing the damage and its impact on the country’s agricultural commercialization potential. The findings in this report indicate that most of the effects of the tsunami will manifest themselves over the next 6-12 months in terms of a general economic slowdown in the country but that the potential for agricultural commercialization remains strong.
The Tsunami has underscored the need to promote economic diversification in the Maldives to lessen its vulnerability to external shocks from tourism and fisheries, which together account for almost 40 percent of GDP. Agriculture has a large potential, especially on the islands with large landmasses, once the tsunami-related reconstruction has been completed. The damage to the sector is estimated at about $11 million in terms of its effect on field crops, agricultural infrastructure, and fruit and timber trees. There is also damage to groundwater resources in 26 agricultural islands, and saline water intrusion has affected 112 inhabited islands. The reestablishment of the agricultural crops will involve improvement of soil, forestry, and water resources, importation of planting material, and provision of extension services.

This paper explores the political system of an ancient archipelagic kingdom - The Maldive Islands. The origin of the early settlers, their belief system and the physical geography of the archipelago had a role in determining the shape... more

This paper explores the political system of an ancient archipelagic kingdom - The Maldive Islands. The origin of the early settlers, their belief system and the physical geography of the archipelago had a role in determining the shape and nature of the political system of the ancient Maldives.

The 2009 global economic crisis has significantly impacted international tourism, causing a decline in international tourist arrivals and international tourism revenues. This study looks into the effects of the decrease in international... more

The 2009 global economic crisis has significantly impacted international tourism, causing a decline in international tourist arrivals and international tourism revenues. This study looks into the effects of the decrease in international tourism demand on the employment, income opportunities and the livelihood of poor and vulnerable groups, as well as on the capacity of households to cope with such shocks. The report combines a comparative large-N macro-economic analysis with case studies on the Maldives, Costa Rica and Tanzania.

The paper aims to find out: i) what problems/ challenges are facing micro-scale women entrepreneurs in the Maldives; ii) in what industries are these small-scale women entrepreneurs engaged in; iii) what measures have been put in place by... more

The paper aims to find out: i) what problems/ challenges are facing micro-scale women entrepreneurs in the Maldives; ii) in what industries are these small-scale women entrepreneurs engaged in; iii) what measures have been put in place by the Maldivian government and other institutions to assist such micro-scale women entrepreneurs; and iv) what can be recommended in future for micro-scale women entrepreneurs in the Maldives. The study employs 24 case studies , Key Informant Interviews and Focus group Discussions. The main challenge that women and youth MSMEs face is adequate and timely financing on competitive terms particularly longer terms and limited human resource availability for scaling up their businesses. The policy and regulatory issues, institutional weaknesses in the absence of credit appraisal and risk management / monitoring tools affect the aspiring and existing entrepreneur to enter the MSME arena. Most MSMEs have limited access to larger markets in terms of market linkages, transport, telecommunications information exchange which seriously undermine the demand for their products.

This book explores the Principles of Islamic Law of Evidence and the extent of Its Application in the Maldives.

There were hardly any references to the Maldives in academic works after HCP Bell’s visit to the country at the beginning of the 20th century. Bell’s work was not widely circulated and the country was ignored by scholars until the last... more

There were hardly any references to the Maldives in academic works after HCP Bell’s visit to the country at the beginning of the 20th century. Bell’s work was not widely circulated and the country was ignored by scholars until the last quarter of the century. I was curious to know about the reasons that made someone go to the Maldives during the years of obscurity. Clarence Maloney, an anthropologist from the USA and the writer of People of the Maldive Islands, is one of the few researchers of Maldivian culture who broke the long academic silence that weighed on the archipelago. He made three visits to the Maldives between 1974 and 1976.

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Over the past two decades the Maldives has seen significant improvements in access to education; however, there are still many challenges impeding quality education in the Maldives. This paper provides insight into the issues within the... more

Over the past two decades the Maldives has seen significant improvements in access to education; however, there are still many challenges impeding quality education in the Maldives. This paper provides insight into the issues within the education system in the Maldives and identifies the key challenges which hinder the quality of education in the Maldives. In order to gain stakeholder perspectives on the Maldivian education system, a
nation-wide education forum was organised with teachers, parents, students, Ministry of Education officials and representatives from key businesses in the Maldives. This paper
addresses issues related the national curriculum, governance and management of schools, language in education, quality control in education and on the relationship between education
and industry.

The objective of the MSME Development Project Loan is to support the Government’s efforts to (i) develop the entrepreneurial climate and support services that will facilitate growth, (ii) provide the necessary conditions for converting... more

The objective of the MSME Development Project Loan is to support the Government’s efforts to (i) develop the entrepreneurial climate and support services that will facilitate growth, (ii) provide the necessary conditions for converting existing entrepreneurial potential into innovative and successful business activities, (iii) attract entrepreneurial leadership from other regions of the country, and (iv) establish broader regional centers for SME activities that are driven by growth nodes or networked clusters for supporting activities. To achieve the aforementioned objective, the project loan focuses on the following:
 bolster human resource development by creating business development service centers that provide training programs in entrepreneurship, management, and technical skills for MSMEs and develop appropriate materials for such training, as well as help to identify commercial opportunities in specific sectors;
 improve access to finance by developing innovative financing schemes using alternative financial instruments such as equity financing, while encouraging the development of cooperatives and associations;
 promote a market-driven process through the public and private sector that in the short to medium-term will target specific types of activities in selected regions of the country; and
 enhance the catalytic role of public sector for facilitating commercial activities in the atolls and strengthening MSME activities by improving the policy and regulatory environment.

Analyses Baloch Resistance in Pakistan

Authorship has been rectified post conference to (Liew et al, 2013). Document remains unedited to reflect this change. Please contact the organizers of the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsbility Conference 2013 for... more

Authorship has been rectified post conference to (Liew et al, 2013). Document remains unedited to reflect this change. Please contact the organizers of the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsbility Conference 2013 for validation.

An abridged history of the Maldives