Manuscript Fragments Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Identificació del manuscrit més antic fins ara conegut de la Vita et passio sancti Desiderii de Sisebut, conservada en un passioner copiat a final del segle X pel sacerdot Isarn per a ús de la catedral de Vic i actualment servat només en... more

The article deals with the fragmentary remains of the library of the Augustinian house at Halsnøy in Western Norway, founded in i 1163/1164. Close to forty fragmentary manuscripts have been identified from this library dating from c.... more

The article deals with the fragmentary remains of the library of the Augustinian house at Halsnøy in Western Norway, founded in i 1163/1164. Close to forty fragmentary manuscripts have been identified from this library dating from c. 1100-1500, most of them in Latin and a few in the Nordic vernaculars. These are the most substantial physical remains of any medieval monastic library in Norway.

This article will address what one can know today about books and archives from medieval Oslo. First comes an introduction about the establishment of Latin script in Norway. It will give an impression of the Norwegian source material up... more

This article will address what one can know today about books and archives from medieval Oslo. First comes an introduction about the establishment of Latin script in Norway. It will give an impression of the Norwegian source material up to c. 1200. This is followed by an overview of book-owning institutions and of preserved book material from Oslo. It is now possible to identify slightly more than sixty Latin books that can be linked to Oslo with a high degree of certainty. These books are documented as fragments, used as covers for account books after the Reformation or as reinforcements in the back when binding them. There is no earlier published overview of this material. The overview is based on recent results regarding the provenance of the fragmented books. The article will provide an overview of scope, genre and chronology without going into individual books in detail.
After this overview comes a sketch of what is known about archives in medieval Oslo, royal and ecclesiastical. In connection with the discussion of archives, there is an excursus on accounting in the late Middle Ages and its prehistory.

Os fragmentos de pergaminho medievais e modernos foram desprezados e ignorados por séculos e só começaram a ser revalorizados a partir do século XX, fruto de iniciativas individuais de alguns investigadores. Fragmentos de pergaminhos... more

Os fragmentos de pergaminho medievais e modernos foram desprezados e ignorados por séculos e só começaram a ser revalorizados a partir do século XX, fruto de iniciativas individuais de alguns investigadores. Fragmentos de pergaminhos usados como folhas de guarda ou de encadernação improvisada em manuscritos (códices e documentos avulsos) e impressos abundam em todos os arquivos europeus e nos mais diversos fundos e colecções, bem como em bibliotecas. Nesta comunicação, detalha-se o conteúdo dos fragmentos portugueses encontrados no Arquivo Municipal de Loulé e
apresenta-se a sua transcrição integral.
Transcription of four medieval parchmins reused as bindings in Loulé's archive.

Η "Κριτική Κειμένου" είναι ο κλάδος της φιλολογικής επιστήμης που μελετά τα κείμενα της αρχαιοελληνικής και λατινικής γραμματείας υπό ένα συγκεκριμένο πρίσμα και με έναν σαφώς προσδιορισμένο στόχο: την αναγωγή των κειμένων αυτών στην... more

Η "Κριτική Κειμένου" είναι ο κλάδος της φιλολογικής επιστήμης που μελετά τα κείμενα της αρχαιοελληνικής και λατινικής γραμματείας υπό ένα συγκεκριμένο πρίσμα και με έναν σαφώς προσδιορισμένο στόχο: την αναγωγή των κειμένων αυτών στην αρχική μορφή τους (ή όσο πιο κοντά γίνεται σε αυτήν). Η διαδικασία αυτή της ανασυγκρότησης του κάθε κειμένου συνίσταται σε μια σειρά κριτικές ενέργειες· μελέτη των χειρογράφων, εξέταση της γνησιότητας του κειμένου, διόρθωση σφαλμάτων, εντοπισμός νόθων παρεισφρήσεων.
Το παρόν εγχειρίδιο καλειδοσκοπικά εστιάζει σε συγκεκριμένες πτυχές τεχνικής και λειτουργικής φύσεως της Κριτικής Κειμένου· αφενός παρέχει έναν συγκεντρωτικό κατάλογο, όπου αναγράφονται και ερμηνεύονται οι βασικές συντομογραφίες, οι τεχνικοί όροι και τα λοιπά κριτικά σύμβολα της Κριτικής επιστήμης, και αφετέρου παρουσιάζει δειγματικές αναγνώσεις (με συνοδευτικά επεξηγηματικά σχόλια) για τα τρία είδη υπομνημάτων που παρατίθενται σε κριτικές εκδόσεις κειμένων, δηλ. Υπόμνημα Πηγών, Κριτικό Υπόμνημα και Υπόμνημα Παραλλήλων Χωρίων. Ωσαύτως, στο εγχειρίδιο παρατίθεται μια σύντομη ιστορική ανασκόπηση της Κριτικής Κειμένου (με αναφορές στη στεμματική θεωρία και το στέμμα κωδίκων), καθώς και ενδεικτική περαιτέρω βιβλιογραφία.
Συναφώς, στόχος του εγχειριδίου αυτού είναι να προσφέρει ένα συμπαγές υπόβαθρο από τεχνικές γνώσεις, οι οποίες συνιστούν απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση τόσο για την κατανόηση της διαδικασίας της παράδοσης των κειμένων και του συνακόλουθου πλέγματος διεργασιών της Κριτικής επιστήμης, όσο και για τη σφαιρική προσέγγιση του αρχαίου ελληνικού και λατινικού γραπτού λόγου.
Εν κατακλείδι, το εγχειρίδιο αυτό φιλοδοξεί να καλύψει το έως τώρα βιβλιογραφικό κενό και να καταστεί ένα χρήσιμο εργαλείο έρευνας για φιλολόγους, φοιτητές φιλολογίας αλλά και κάθε είδους μελετητές των αρχαίων κειμένων.

This thesis is focused on a previously unpublished collage comprised of two manuscript fragments from Safavid Iran. One fragment contains a painting that depicts an enthronement scene featuring King Solomon, which, as I argue, was taken... more

This thesis is focused on a previously unpublished collage comprised of two manuscript fragments from Safavid Iran. One fragment contains a painting that depicts an enthronement scene featuring King Solomon, which, as I argue, was taken from a copy of the Majalis al-Ushshaq by Kamal al-Din Gazurgahi. The other fragment contains verses from the Divan of Hafez. The fragment from the Divan has been gutted and overlaps the painting of Solomon, effectively framing the image. Through visual and textual analysis, I argue that both fragments come from manuscripts that were produced in Shiraz. I further argue that the painting of Solomon was executed at the asitana of Maulana Husam al-Din Ibrahim in the second quarter of the sixteenth century. My argument about the fragments’ origins is followed by an exploration of the painting’s symbolism in which I focus on a broken branch, an integral component of Solomon’s iconography in Persian painting. Finally, I explore the object’s afterlife and consider how the physical reconfiguration of these fragments causes them to take on new meaning. I read the fragments as a single folio and bring to light correlations between the text and image, which, were only realized because of their uncanny union. I conclude with the collage’s collection history and a hypothesis regarding the fragments’ transatlantic route.

A short history of medieval fragments reused as wrappers or sold on ebay.

This article deals with production, use and trade of parchment in Norway through a discussion of medieval end early modern sources. We have also used biomolecular tools to extend our knowledge of the actual biological narrative of the... more

This article deals with production, use and trade of parchment in Norway through a discussion of medieval end early modern sources. We have also used biomolecular tools to extend our knowledge of the actual biological narrative of the parchment itself. Analyses of ancient proteins (eZooMS) enables us to reveal which species of animals were used for parchment production. As source material we have used documents for which a Norwegian origin is certain or likely. This is the first study in Norway to use biomolecular methods on what we believe is Norwegian produced parchment.

Digitizing archival material is by now a standard part of archival practice. However, accurately describing and representing this material in textual descriptions is a challenge that cannot be addressed using the Rules for Archival... more

Digitizing archival material is by now a standard part of archival practice. However, accurately describing and representing this material in textual descriptions is a challenge that cannot be addressed using the Rules for Archival Description, the current Canadian archival description standard. This thesis makes the case for collaborating with textual studies and digital humanities scholars to improve the framework within which descriptions are written, as well as for reaching out to members of the public and improving archival representation through crowdsourcing. The thesis also includes a case study examining the ways medieval manuscript fragments could be best represented in online description.

De nombreux grands manuscrits ont été la proie de marchands qui les ont dépecés en feuillets séparés pour offrir aux amateurs la possibilité d'acquérir de belles miniatures isolées. Les recherches de divers historiens d'art ont permis... more

De nombreux grands manuscrits ont été la proie de marchands qui les ont dépecés en feuillets séparés pour offrir aux amateurs la possibilité d'acquérir de belles miniatures isolées. Les recherches de divers historiens d'art ont permis d'identifier un ensemble de folios provenant tous d'un même remarquable manuscrit juridique du XIVe siècle, composé et décoré à Toulouse, qui comportait des illustrations originales de haute qualité.

A Journal for the Study of Medieval Manuscript Fragments Fragmentology is an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal, dedicated to publishing scholarly articles and reviews concerning medieval manuscript fragments. Fragmentology... more

A Journal for the Study of Medieval Manuscript Fragments Fragmentology is an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal, dedicated to publishing scholarly articles and reviews concerning medieval manuscript fragments. Fragmentology welcomes submissions, both articles and research notes, on any aspect pertaining to Latin and Greek manuscript fragments in the Middle Ages. Founded in 2018 as part of Fragmentarium, an international research project at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), and the Zeno-Karl-Schindler Foundation, Fragmentology is published by the University of Fribourg and controlled by the Editorial Board in service to the scholarly community. Authors of articles, research notes, and reviews published in Fragmentology retain copyright over their works and have agreed to publish them in open access under a Creative Commons Attribution license; images may be subject to other licenses. Submissions are free, and Fragmentology does not require payment or membership from authors or institutions.

A CREATIVE translation from the best English source, notably faithful to thought but not character.

Study of medieval fragments with music found at Loulé (Algarve) in the town archives. Two of them, in particular, open new perspectives on the liturgical influence of Seville and the identity of the local custom (Silves). Connection of... more

Study of medieval fragments with music found at Loulé (Algarve) in the town archives. Two of them, in particular, open new perspectives on the liturgical influence of Seville and the identity of the local custom (Silves). Connection of other fragments with the liturgies of Évora, Braga and Toledo, and the presence in the region of the Order of Santiago, are also disclosed.

Hebrew fragments found in Moravian libraries and archives expand the corpus of evidence of medieval Jewish intellectual life in the region to a considerable degree. Most of the fragments probably got into Christian hands at the time of... more

Hebrew fragments found in Moravian libraries and archives expand the corpus of evidence of medieval Jewish intellectual life in the region to a considerable degree. Most of the fragments probably got into Christian hands at the time of persecutions or wars: Fifteenth-century host volumes preserved remains of Hebrew codices that were confiscated in 1425 or 1454; seventeenth-century archival documents can be associated with the calamities in Moravia due to the Bocskay uprising in 1605 and the Thirty Years’ War in 1618-1624.
The paper includes a catalog of Hebrew fragments in Moravian libraries that were known in 2012.

Descrizione e analisi dei manoscritti liturgici-musicali della Biblioteca Guarneriana di San Daniele del Friuli. Nella prima parte si ricostruisce la vicenda del Guarn. Col. CLVI (XIV sec.) e si presenta un frammento, finora ignoto, di un... more

Descrizione e analisi dei manoscritti liturgici-musicali della Biblioteca Guarneriana di San Daniele del Friuli. Nella prima parte si ricostruisce la vicenda del Guarn. Col. CLVI (XIV sec.) e si presenta un frammento, finora ignoto, di un Breviario friulano più antico (XIII sec.); nella seconda, invece, si prendono nuovamente in considerazione finalità e caratteristiche della collezione libraria di mons. Giusto Fontanini (XVIII sec.), dedicando particolare attenzione ai codici liturgici-musicali. Contributo agli atti del convegno 'Salve Sancta parens. I manoscritti con contenuto musicale della Civica Biblioteca Guarneriana', San Daniele, Biblioteca Civica Guarneriana, 18 maggio 2019.

Many of the 24 articles (in English, German and French) gathered in this book were provided in honour of the 60th birthday of Professor Erich Renhart, founder of the Vestigia Manuscript Research Centre of the University of Graz. Other... more

Many of the 24 articles (in English, German and French) gathered in this book were provided in honour of the 60th birthday of Professor Erich Renhart, founder of the Vestigia Manuscript Research Centre of the University of Graz. Other articles were written in connection with the diverse researches conducted at Vestigia on the traces of the cultural heritage represented by Armenian, Syriac, Arabic, Greek, Latin, and Croatian Glagolitic manuscript traditions, scattered in libraries around the world. Organized according to these main sections – Text Editions, Manuscript Cataloguing, Manuscript Studies, Digital Humanities, Varia Studia – the volume provides new approaches and results to the study of written heritage in different cultures, as well as digital solutions to preserve and study this heritage codicologically and paleographically. The book is concluded by a final chapter Ad personam, presenting the personal words and a Laudatio addressed to Erich Renhart on the occasion of his 60th birthday celebration (23–24, May 2019) at the University of Graz. Many illustrations and images facilitate the understanding and altogether contribute to the high aesthetic standard of the work – corresponding to its subject matter.

Il libro è incentrato sull’analisi storica e storico-artistica dei manoscritti realizzati ad uso della Curia Papale e del Laterano dal VI al XIII secolo. La ricerca percorre tre direttrici principali: la delineazione delle modalità che,... more

Il libro è incentrato sull’analisi storica e storico-artistica dei manoscritti realizzati ad uso della Curia Papale e del Laterano dal VI al XIII secolo. La ricerca percorre tre direttrici principali: la delineazione delle modalità che, nei secoli centrali del Medioevo, hanno portato all’istituzione e allo sviluppo di un’attività scrittoria e di conservazione libraria in ambito papale; l’individuazione sistematica degli esemplari manoscritti superstiti, testimoni di tale attività; l’analisi degli esemplari medesimi, condotta mediante diversi approcci metodologici (storico-artistico, paleografico, codicologico, filologico, liturgico, ecc.). Si restituisce, in questo modo, un aspetto molto significativo, e finora poco esplorato nel suo insieme, della storia della miniatura medievale, grazie anche alla riunificazione, condotta in quest’opera per la prima volta, di quanto sopravvive della produzione manoscritta, in particolare miniata, legata al Laterano e alla Curia Papale.

The study of manuscript fragments has a history as old as the study of manuscript codices, and previous generations of scholars have been content to lump fragments together into the subject-matter of codicology. On this reading, the... more

The study of manuscript fragments has a history as old as the study of manuscript codices, and previous generations of scholars have been content to lump fragments together into the subject-matter of codicology. On this reading, the manuscript leaves that we find in the bindings of books, the illuminated initials pasted onto pages, the leaves from broken books for sale on the internet, all represent imperfect manuscript codices books, and, as such, can be investigated, although at greater expense of time and for less reward. Digital technologies and practices in the digital humanities have vastly changed the landscape, enabling approaches to fragmentary material to achieve new and exciting results. In particular, imaging technologies permit access to unreadable texts and the rapid reconstruction of pages, online databases facilitate the rapid location of fragments and their identification, and the networking effects of interoperability and virtual communities allow for the reconstruction of books, libraries and literary cultures, and the rapid dissemination of results. The sum total of these developments is the birth of a discipline, Fragmentology, that moves beyond just codicology to include diplomatics, early print, and the full range of historical sciences.

(with Sebastian Bosch, Oliver Hahn, and Ivan Shevchuk) - This paper reports the outcome of an interdisciplinary team’s application of multispectral imaging techniques and material analysis to a music fragment from the first decades of the... more

(with Sebastian Bosch, Oliver Hahn, and Ivan Shevchuk) - This paper reports the outcome of an interdisciplinary team’s application of multispectral imaging techniques and material analysis to a music fragment from the first decades of the fifteenth century: Atri, Archivio Capitolare, Museo della Basilica Cattedrale, Biblioteca del Capitolo della Cattedrale, Frammento 17. This important parchment leaf has rarely been investigated since its discovery 45 years ago. Thanks to the applied techniques and methods (such as the evaluation of the data using the fingerprint model), it is now possible to discuss new evidence supporting conclusions regarding the fragment’s origin and afterlife.

This study covers the identification of one half of a folio recently discovered at Jaca's Cathedral as a part of a manuscript that transmits Gregory's Moralia in Iob in visigothic script from the first half of the 9th century. The... more

This study covers the identification of one half of a folio recently discovered at Jaca's Cathedral as a part of a manuscript that transmits Gregory's Moralia in Iob in visigothic script from the first half of the 9th century. The codicographic and paleographic features, the textual variants and the historical and cultural context is central to afirm the possible Aragonese origin of this copy which could be the earliest known codex surviving today in visigothic writing, produced in Aragon.

CORRIGENDA S. 41 Anm. 1: German Historical Institute London statt German Historical London S. 43 Z. 16-17: In seinem Textabdruck gibt Holder-Egger Zählungen, die jedoch Pergamentstreifen als fol. 3-4 rechnen statt In seinem Textabdruck... more

S. 41 Anm. 1: German Historical Institute London statt German Historical London
S. 43 Z. 16-17: In seinem Textabdruck gibt Holder-Egger Zählungen, die jedoch Pergamentstreifen als fol. 3-4 rechnen statt In seinem Textabdruck gibt Holder-Egger beide Zählungen wieder.
S. 43 Z. 28: 5r statt 3r
S. 44 Z. 4-5: Der erhaltene Text enthält auf fol. 1r-3v und fol. 5v-6v Teile von zwei Briefen Gregors VII. (JL 4999 und 5034). Die Blätter 4r-5v ... statt Der erhaltene Text beginnt fol. 1r–3v mit zwei Briefen Gregors VII. (JL 4999 und 5034). Die Blätter 4r-6v ...
S. 44 Z. 8: 5v statt 3v (= S. 6)
S. 44 Anm. 24: 5v statt 3v

A binding fragment of Midrash Bereshit Rabba from Jena

La scheda presenta per la prima volta due nuovi fogli miniati provenienti dal Laudario della Compagnia di Sant'Agnese (Firenze 1335-1340). Ad essi si aggiunge un'iniziale ritagliata verosimilmente asportata dallo stesso volume o da un... more

La scheda presenta per la prima volta due nuovi fogli miniati provenienti dal Laudario della Compagnia di Sant'Agnese (Firenze 1335-1340). Ad essi si aggiunge un'iniziale ritagliata verosimilmente asportata dallo stesso volume o da un codice di contenuto affine. Le miniature sono qui attribuite al pittore e illustratore fiorentino Pacino di Bonaguida.

This article presents the recent discovery of one bifolio removed from an illuminated manuscript and reused in the binding of another ancient book. This fragment has been written and illuminated in the first half of the fourteenth century... more

This article presents the recent discovery of one bifolio removed from an illuminated manuscript and reused in the binding of another ancient book. This fragment has been written and illuminated in the first half of the fourteenth century in Southern France, in Languedoc region, and it contains capitula of the juridical text of the Liber Sextus of pope Boniface VIII (1235-1303): De aetate et qualitative et ordine preficiendorum, De filiis presbiterorum, De bigamis, De officio Vicarii with glosses of Giovanni d’Andrea (c. 1270-1348). This fragment is stylistically similar to a group of manuscripts illuminated by the circle of artists responsible for the Missal of Auger de Cogeux (London, British Library, ms. Additional 17006). This group can be probably located in Languedoc, between Toulouse and Narbonne: its closest parallels are a number of manuscripts with legal content, dating from the first half of the fourteenth century, such as the Decretals of Clement V in Brescia (Biblioteca Civica Queriniana, ms. B I 1) and some folia of a dismembered manuscript containing Gratian’s Decretals, recently reassembled, usually regarded as having been produced between Toulouse and Narbonne. The illuminators of this circle, while clearly influenced by Parisian illumination, exhibit a number of distinctive features, in particular the range of grotesque figures which are typical of south-western French production.

The author, a member of the HAS‒NSZL Res Libraria Hungariae Research Group, while working on the database of codex fragments, which is being prepared for the Manuscripts Collection of the National Széchényi Library, became aware of a... more

The author, a member of the HAS‒NSZL Res Libraria Hungariae Research Group, while working on the database of codex fragments, which is being prepared for the Manuscripts Collection of the National Széchényi Library, became aware of a dozen parchment leaves of different ages, content and size. These all had been marked with a mysterious inscription: “PAZL 1671”, an abbreviation for Placidus Abt zu Lambach, Placidus Hieber, Abbot of Lambach (1640‒1678). The library of the Benedictine Abbey in Lambach was enriched with books and manuscripts over the centuries. However, by the 20th century, the troubled historical circumstances and the financial difficulties of the Abbey had made it necessary for them to sell the majority of their books. A significant amount of these was acquired by the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Yale University, where they came to be studied by Robert G. Babcock and Lisa Fagin Davis and became the subject of two monographs. A dozen Lambach fragments w...

The author of this article conclusively traces the source of the two Aesopic fables retold in the prologue to Adonias saga to the medieval collection of Latin fables known as Anonymus Neveleti (alias Romulus elegiacus), fragments of which... more

The author of this article conclusively traces the source of the two Aesopic fables retold in the prologue to Adonias saga to the medieval collection of Latin fables known as Anonymus Neveleti (alias Romulus elegiacus), fragments of which are preserved in two Icelandic vellum bifolia (Þjms frag 103 and 104) that probably originate from the Benedictines monastic houses of North Iceland. In a review of various ancient and medieval collections of Aesop’s fables, the author concludes that the unknown Icelandic author of Adonias saga must have been familiar with the two fables in this particular Latin version, even though his Icelandic rendering of them is free and likely based on memory. A parallel to a Latin couplet cited in the prologue is furthermore identified in a bilingual encyclopædic manuscript, AM 732 b 4to, also associated with the northern Benedictines. The author of the article suggests the possibility that the incorporation of two Aesopic fables in the prologue to Adonias saga, a riddarasaga, is an indication that such sagas ought to be interpreted like fables, that is not only read as entertainment but also as ethical instruction.

This study seeks to shed light on a fragment of the Ordo iudiciarius (1214-1216) by Tancredus Bononiensis, written in medieval Portuguese. It complements the study of another fragment which has already been published. These two fragments... more

This study seeks to shed light on a fragment of the Ordo iudiciarius (1214-1216) by Tancredus
Bononiensis, written in medieval Portuguese. It complements the study of another fragment which has
already been published. These two fragments were part of two different codices which have been
dismantled in the meantime. These vestiges written in the vernacular corroborate the hegemony of this
text by the grandmaster from Bologna. His work had a vast impact throughout Western Europe, reflected
in various manuscripts in Latin and translations in French, German and Portuguese. Hence, this study
simultaneously aims to further our knowledge about the Ius commune movement in a Romance language,
which developed alongside the movement in Latin. In Portugal, this juridical current reached its zenith
during the early years of the Avis dynasty’s reign, under King João I. These fragments of the Ordo, the
only evidence known to exist in Portuguese, constitute yet another invaluable element for studying how
the Ius commune was received in Portugal during the Late Middle Ages.