Legal History Research Papers - (original) (raw)
ed. by Goran Proot, David McKitterick, Angela Nuovo and Paul F. Gehl. With a preface by David McKitterick. Mechelen: Flanders Book Historical Society, 2018, ISBN 9789082927603, pp. 1-15. This paper aims to show how a family of... more
ed. by Goran Proot, David McKitterick, Angela Nuovo and Paul F. Gehl. With a preface by David McKitterick. Mechelen: Flanders Book Historical Society, 2018, ISBN 9789082927603, pp. 1-15.
This paper aims to show how a family of stationers, who had long supplied parchment, paper and possibly manuscript books to the academic and professional market in Perugia, reinvented itself by starting a business to address all areas of the new print world. The focus is on the role played by Francesco Cartolari and the strategies he adopted in leading a transformation which ended up with the reintroduction of printing activity in Perugia and the foundation of a publishing house
[special edition issued in 20 copies in September 2018; the definitive version was printed in December s.a.].
This essay is based on material collected for my PhD in History (2012) but it was written during my Postdoc at Oxford, as team member of the 15cBOOKTRADE Project funded by the European Research Council (ERC 2014-2019).
The expanding sugar trade linking Portugal, Brazil, and the Netherlands in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries required enforcement mechanisms to guarantee that overseas agents would act honestly and diligently. While the recent... more
The expanding sugar trade linking Portugal, Brazil, and the Netherlands in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries required enforcement mechanisms to guarantee that overseas agents would act honestly and diligently. While the recent literature emphasizes that multiple mechanisms were substitutes in addressing this problem, this article highlights that merchants chose different mechanisms to govern distinct types of transactions and explains why. A reputational mechanism relying on social and economic constraints within an ethnic diaspora governed more complex and higher-value arrangements. A different mechanism linking economic incentives to professional reputations across the diasporas plying this trade route predominated in simpler and smaller transactions. Finally, long-distance and transnational judicial enforcement supplemented these two reputational mechanisms. Capable of matching the value and complexity of transactions with the attributes of governing mechanisms, merchants were able to diversify their transactions, expand the market for agents, better allocate agents to tasks, and stimulate competition among them. The resulting decrease in agency costs was critical in such a significantly competitive market as the sugar trade. Evolving institutional choice thus reinforced the expansion of trade. These hypotheses are corroborated by data from a prosopography of merchants of Jewish origin, derived from notarial records from Oporto and Amsterdam, and from Inquisition files. A t the turn of the sixteenth century, Europe experienced rapidly growing urban populations and dependence on trade for supplies of staple products, while overseas possessions contributed to a surging output of marketable commodities, including sugar. Brazil was turned into the first large-scale plantation economy and became the world's main sugar producer, with Amsterdam emerging as its main distribution and refining centre. Most of the Brazilian sugar trade was intermediated by merchants in Portugal, and traders of Jewish origin scattered along this trade route played a prominent role in the sugar trade. The rapid expansion, growing complexity, and increasing integration of these markets required traders to be confident that the parties with whom they were considering working would not cheat, renege on, or neglect their commitments.
PLANO DE ENSINO I -IDENTIFICAÇÃO DA DISCIPLINA Nome HISTÓRIA DO DIREITO Curso BACHARELADO EM DIREITO Código DIR 5106 N° horas-aula 72 Ano 2017 Período 1º semestre letivo. Dias e horários Diurno -2ª 10:10, 3ª 08:20
Incontro di studio dedicato all'importante figura di Jacques Cujas, di cui ricorre il centenario e di cui tratterà Xavier Prévost, uno dei suoi principali studiosi viventi. Alla presentazione di Cujas, che fu anche docente a Torino seppur... more
Incontro di studio dedicato all'importante figura di Jacques Cujas, di cui ricorre il centenario e di cui tratterà Xavier Prévost, uno dei suoi principali studiosi viventi. Alla presentazione di Cujas, che fu anche docente a Torino seppur brevemente, si associa la discussione di una interessante edizione torinese di Responsa (pareri autorevoli dei principali giuristi) apparsa nel 1589 e voluta probabilmente dallo stesso duca Carlo Emanuele per giustificare la recente annessione del marchesato di Saluzzo. Lo sta studiando e ne tratterà Dante Fedele.
- by Alessandra Panzanelli and +1
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- Book History, Legal History
This article is not a mere introduction to the dossier of the Revista Brasileira de Direito Processual Penal on “History of Criminal Procedure in Modernity” (composed of 13 contributions on Belgium, Brazil, Finland, France, Italy and The... more
This article is not a mere introduction to the dossier of the Revista Brasileira de Direito Processual Penal on “History of Criminal Procedure in Modernity” (composed of 13 contributions on Belgium, Brazil, Finland, France, Italy and The Netherlands), but it also touches upon three methodological questions of comparative legal history. The first one relates to the proper concept of “modernity”, which can be understood differently, not only in various scientific areas (sociology, 1 Professor of Legal History at the Faculty of Law and Criminology, Ghent University (Flanders, Belgium). Co-director of the Ghent Legal History Institute. Honorary member of the Ghent Bar and substitute justice of the peace at Kortrijk. 2 Professor of Legal History at the Faculty of Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil). Coordinator of the Studium Iuris – Research Group on the History of Legal Culture (CNPq/UFMG). PhD in Teoria e Storia del Diritto, University of Flo...
After describing the academic career of Professor Antonio Pérez Martín, this article describes his main lines of research. In doing so, it starts with his Proles aegediana, and then gives an account of the critical edition of several... more
After describing the academic career of Professor Antonio Pérez Martín, this article describes his main lines of research. In doing so, it starts with his Proles aegediana, and then gives an account of the critical edition of several legal sources of different Spanish traditions (particularly from Aragón, Castile and Catalonia), as well as the ius commune and its reception in the Iberian Peninsula. It also explains the current projects on which Prof. Pérez Martín is working. The paper ends up with a deserved tribute of gratitude for his scholarly contribution to the Spanish and European legal historiography.
Nel rigido quadro sistematico implicato dal principio di legalità durante i secoli XIX e XX, molteplici sono stati gli itinerari teorici svolti intorno al problema del rapporto tra diritto e società e sul come concepire, tramite la... more
Nel rigido quadro sistematico implicato dal principio di legalità durante i secoli XIX e XX, molteplici sono stati gli itinerari teorici svolti intorno al problema del rapporto tra diritto e società e sul come concepire, tramite la giurisprudenza, dinamiche di manifestazione del diritto autonome dalla mediazione del potere politico. Il saggio si propone di considerare percezioni della questione su due terreni chiave. Il primo è quello rappresentato dal dibattito sull’interpretazione del diritto, che, soprattutto nel periodo a cavallo dei due secoli, esprime una varietà di orientamenti favorevoli rivalutazione del ruolo del giurista. Il secondo terreno è quello dei profili sistematici della giurisdizione che, in diverse realtà nazionali (qui vengono considerati i casi della Francia, della Germania e dell’Italia), tendono ad essere ripensati per favorire una valorizzazione del momento giurisprudenziale. Anche su questi terreni però le declinazioni del discorso sembrano restare condizionate dal persistere di un orizzonte precomprensivo di tipo monistico. Le pagine conclusive del saggio, nel seguire la parabola di tale impostazione, portano l’attenzione sui caratteri del diritto giurisprudenziale nella fase attuale; si intende con ciò valutare se, in uno scenario europeo ormai connotato da un quadro ordinamentale pluralistico, può essere rinvenuta nell’autonomia del diritto una nuova prospettiva di senso.
Volume 19, issue 2 of Theoretical Inquiries in Law, edited by Carol M. Rose and David B. Schorr
For individual articles, follow the link.
In this article, the author analyses the activity of colonial institutions in the Philippines during the Spanish period with references to its ethnic particularities. In this sense, the “Consultas y resoluciones varias, teológicas,... more
In this article, the author analyses the activity
of colonial institutions in the Philippines during
the Spanish period with references to its ethnic
particularities. In this sense, the “Consultas y
resoluciones varias, teológicas, jurídicas, regulares
y morales” (1687) was an illustrative example of
work about the judicial and extrajudicial resolution
of conflicts in the Philippines under the Habsburgs.
In its pages reflects the academic and colonial
career of its author, named Juan de Paz. The
casuistry and the projection of Thomist thought
are two important characteristics of his juridical
dissertation. The purpose of this paper is the study
of the “Consultas” in regard to his legal, doctrinal
and social considerations about women.
Pandemia, caso fortuito e imprevisão The Covid-19 pandemic, acts of God and hardship (under a Brazilian Private Law perspective
Storytelling pervades almost every aspect of the law. Many narrativistic legal elements, however, have in fact been little more than historically transitory. Given the precarious status of narrative at law, I argue we should focus instead... more
Storytelling pervades almost every aspect of the law. Many narrativistic legal elements, however, have in fact been little more than historically transitory. Given the precarious status of narrative at law, I argue we should focus instead on one of the most historically consistent acts of legal storytelling: the judicial opinion. Here I examine in particular the invocation of precedent in legal opinions, what I call “judicial emplotment,” as an almost archetypal act of formalized storytelling. As I go on to argue, the courts justify legal outcomes by invoking precedent, thereby placing decisions within a specific and heavily formalized legal-narrative structure.
Esta pesquisa investiga o período de formação do direito administrativo brasileiro, procurando compreender o modo como ele se desenvolve e as funções que cumpre no país, em comparação com as sociedades européias onde ele foi construído... more
Esta pesquisa investiga o período de formação do direito administrativo brasileiro, procurando compreender o modo como ele se desenvolve e as funções que cumpre no país, em comparação com as sociedades européias onde ele foi construído originariamente. Parte-se da premissa de que, surgindo na Europa como racionalização a posteriori de uma realidade já existente, a lógica de formação do direito administrativo em seu continente natal é presidida por uma racionalidade disciplinar/normalizadora, que exprime as novas formas de organização do governo dos homens que surgem com a consolidação do Estado Administrativo moderno no ocidente. Pretende-se, então, compreender de que maneira se desenvolve um direito administrativo brasileiro, diante das especificidades do dispositivo de poder vigente no país durante todo o período Imperial, e especialmente no Segundo Reinado. Para isso, será investigada a hipótese de que a ciência do direito administrativo, no Brasil, não cumpriu a função de fortalecimento do Estado que cumpriu na Europa do século XIX; importado principalmente da França, o conjunto de conceitos, teorias e vocabulários do discurso jurídico administrativista, ao ser recebido no Brasil é reterritorializado, passando a desempenhar uma função diversa: em vez de regular o exercício das funções executivas visando ao fortalecimento de um Estado já existente, fundar a legitimidade de um Estado inexistente e ainda por ser construído. Para testar essa hipótese será necessário compreender o processo que deu origem à formação de um discurso científico sobre o direito administrativo no Brasil, examinar o conteúdo desse discurso, e verificar de que maneira as características próprias da realidade brasileira aparecem em seus interstícios.
Como o direito reage à ativação de sua própria memória? Como estabelecer uma nova narrativa das operações que o direito possibilitou em tempos de opressão? São essas as indagações que permeiam a releitura do regime militar que se iniciou... more
Como o direito reage à ativação de sua própria memória? Como estabelecer uma nova narrativa das operações que o direito possibilitou em tempos de opressão? São essas as indagações que permeiam a releitura do regime militar que se iniciou em 1964 e terminou em 1985. Ao contrário do que poderia parecer, não se trata de um tema a ser discutido, com exclusividade, pelas formas de criação artística (cinema, teatro, música, literatura, dança) ou pelos centros de pesquisa. A memória do regime militar também é a memória do direito. E essa memória mal começou a ser escrita.
The essay deals with the judicial activity of a criminal court of the Regno Lombardo-Veneto in the firs half of nineteenth century. It is particularly analysed the legal reasoning of the judges in front of crimes which were submitted to... more
The essay deals with the judicial activity of a criminal court of the Regno Lombardo-Veneto in the firs half of nineteenth century. It is particularly analysed the legal reasoning of the judges in front of crimes which were submitted to their jurisdiction. Their discussions were about the codex foresight, but also of clues and evidences.
I denne boken tar Audun Kjus oss til 1200-tallet og til innføringen av dødsstraff og strafferett i Norge. Boken handler om lovgivning, henrettelsesmåter og kongelig benådning. Samtidig får vi et innblikk i middelalderens ideologi og... more
I denne boken tar Audun Kjus oss til 1200-tallet og til innføringen
av dødsstraff og strafferett i Norge. Boken handler om lovgivning,
henrettelsesmåter og kongelig benådning. Samtidig får vi
et innblikk i middelalderens ideologi og forestillingsverden.
Originaltekster og sentrale illustrasjoner bidrar til å levendegjøre
denne delen av norsk historie.
When the Greeks and surviving Armenians of present-day Turkey were forced to leave their homeland in 1922, the movable and immovable property they had to leave behind became known as „abandoned property“(emval-i metruke). In theory, this... more
When the Greeks and surviving Armenians of present-day Turkey were forced to leave their homeland in 1922, the movable and immovable property they had to leave behind became known as „abandoned property“(emval-i metruke). In theory, this legal term implied that the absent owners continued to enjoy their property rights and were represented by the state. In practice, however, their houses, fields and belongings were stolen. They were used for the immediate housing needs of the remaining population, distributed among the rich and powerful and sold in public auctions. Initially, only a small part of abandoned property was under control of the new Ankara government, which was eager to use it as a source of revenue for the empty state coffers. Before it could do so, however, the government had to deal with various forms of active and passive resistance: homeless people and refugees squatted „abandoned“ homes and fields, and members of parliament initially refused to pass laws that would have legalized government administration of „abandoned“ property. From 1924 onwards, the property compensation for among incoming migrants from Greece (the so-called exchangees) threatened the financial interests of the state and pitted the newcomers against the existing population. By focusing on all these aspects of the „abandoned property“ question and the multiple forms of resistance against its administration by the state, this book offers unique insights into the social and political history of early republican Turkey.zeige weniger
Historia del Derecho moderno occidental.
Through a close textual reading and contextual analysis of a short series of early fourteenth-century manorial court roll entries, this paper draws larger conclusions about the interplay between law and equity in a medieval English manor... more
Through a close textual reading and contextual analysis of a short series of early fourteenth-century manorial court roll entries, this paper draws larger conclusions about the interplay between law and equity in a medieval English manor court. It follows a narrative thread focused on a single tenement, which was forfeited by a villein in 1317 due to his fugitive status. The forfeiture was described as permanent in the Great Horwood court roll, and the tenement was transferred by the lord to a new tenant immediately. However, over a decade later the villein’s widow successfully claimed dower in the tenement, and shortly thereafter her son succeeded in regaining the family’s possession of the purportedly forfeited land. The paper reveals the presence of competing interests among various members of the Great Horwood community; the selective marshaling of written evidence, manorial custom, and common law rules; and the exercise of equitable discretion in selecting the “rightful” tenant, possibly guided by extra-legal factors, such as the exigencies of famine. The paper also makes a methodological claim, arguing that a combined textual and contextual analysis of fragmentary evidence can reveal insights that might not come to light through other analytical approaches.
This paper argues that the Treaties of Rome and the process of European integration they heralded had a lasting impact on the development of international law. However, their significance is usually misattributed. While European law has... more
This paper argues that the Treaties of Rome and the process of European integration they heralded had a lasting impact on the development of international law. However, their significance
is usually misattributed. While European law has had little impact on international legal doctrine, and while European integration has remained unique as a political project, European law and the process of European integration have served international law as an important progress narrative. In this respect, they have had an influence on important background understandings characterizing international law since the postwar era, including on the perception of international law as universal, autonomous, pluralistic, and economically liberal. The progress narrative culminates in the view that international law is in a normatively ambitious process of constitutionalization, an idea imported from European law. This progress narrative is now under threat as European integration faces existential difficulties. The crisis of European integration might therefore anticipate a crisis of international law.
Pakistani Criminal Justice System is base on adversarial system, as adopted from British Rule. there are certain inefficiencies and flaws in it. Here it is tried to dig out a few of them and recommended its solution.
- by liaqat Ali
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- Legal History
The chapter offers an historical overview of Roman law as an object of legal historical research. The forms of contemporary research on Roman law are more diverse than they have ever been. This is true regarding its varied national... more