Media analysis Research Papers - (original) (raw)
علی دهباشی از پیگیرترین ناشران و سردبیران ما ست. در طول مدتی که او کلک و بخارا را منتشر می کرده دهها مجله دیگر آمده اند و رفته اند. اما او مانده است و منتشر کرده است. روش و منش او در خود نشانگر ماندگاری او هم هست. حالا می شود چهره دهباشی... more
علی دهباشی از پیگیرترین ناشران و سردبیران ما ست. در طول مدتی که او کلک و بخارا را منتشر می کرده دهها مجله دیگر آمده اند و رفته اند. اما او مانده است و منتشر کرده است. روش و منش او در خود نشانگر ماندگاری او هم هست. حالا می شود چهره دهباشی را بهتر دید. این یادداشت مروری است بر مهمترین ویژگیهای کار دهباشی و بخارای او.
The article is based on the theoretical framework of the ethics of care while examining the media narratives of sex education that emerged in connection with one of the questions in the Slovak Referendum on the Family in 2015. The fi rst... more
The article is based on the theoretical framework of the ethics of care while examining the media narratives of sex education that emerged in connection with one of the questions in the Slovak Referendum on the Family in 2015. The fi rst part of the article describes the approach of the ethics of care inspired by the work of Joan Tronto and other scholars as an analytic framework for the study of public policies. By means of critical frame analysis, the article also examines the subjectivity of children and young people in narrative interviews and looks at how these dominant actors defi ne the provision of this education as a form of care. The article explores what needs, problems, and risks political actors ascribe to children and young people within the frame of these narratives and what features of argumentation are shared by these discursive frameworks. The article's objective is to analyse media representations around the time of the referendum in order to identify new issues for public education policy, in which sex education plays an important but problematic role.
- by Ľubica Libáková and +1
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- Care Ethics, Sex Education, Media analysis, Framework Analysis
The ways in which depression is represented by the media can affect how the public makes sense of the condition, as well as how it reacts to people diagnosed with depression. At the same time, media representations can affect policies on... more
The ways in which depression is represented by the media can affect how the public makes sense of the condition, as well as how it reacts to people diagnosed with depression. At the same time, media representations can affect policies on the subject matter. Hence, studying the ways in which depression is portrayed by the media is an important research goal. The following case study will examine the challenges we faced while coding newspaper articles retrieved from the Greek-Cypriot press, in an attempt to explore the ways in which depression is represented in this medium. Specifically, the case will provide a detailed description of all the steps involved in the coding process followed in qualitative thematic analysis, including choosing between inductive and deductive coding procedures, developing a coding scheme, refining the coding scheme, assessing intercoder reliability and coding the data, and the challenges faced at each step. Using examples from our project, practical recommendations about how to address these challenges are discussed. We conclude by stressing the importance coding has for a good quality of analysis.
- by Maria Orphanidou and +1
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- Qualitative methodology, Media analysis
La investigación se enfoca en la crítica del poder de la televisión como una muestra de imperialismo cultural y violencia simbólica en la sociedad contemporánea de América Latina. El género televisivo talk show ha permitido que... more
La investigación se enfoca en la crítica del poder de la televisión como una
muestra de imperialismo cultural y violencia simbólica en la sociedad
contemporánea de América Latina. El género televisivo talk show ha permitido que “periodistas televisivos” participen en una tecnocracia cultivando y reforzando conductas en los individuos de la sociedad. Bajo las posturas teóricoepistemológicas de la sociología y de los medios de comunicación de Pierre Bordieu, la teoría de la disfunción narcotizante de Paul Lazarsfeld, y la teoría del cultivo de George Gerbner; se plantea el estudio sobre la televisión como un medio dominante política y económicamente hablando, y dominado intelectual y simbólicamente. Analizando variables tales como “campos sociales” y, “hábito” en
el contenido de 15 capítulos que componen la primera temporada de “Laura”; se definió este talk show como un programa construido en la búsqueda de lo sensacional y de lo espectacular cayendo en la banalidad de los mensajes, donde se muestra la violencia simbólica que ejercen los medios a través de significaciones definidas por el contexto social. Estos significados son aceptados por el receptor quien se convierte en cómplice del medio donde lo invisible y simbólico del poder mediático, es lo más perjudicial, ya que de manera inconsciente, el televidente recibe contenidos de mensajes parciales y falseados.
El estudio, identifica victimarios, víctimas, actores que detonan la violencia, y estímulos comunicativos que emanan de esos programas generando respuestas no reflexivas sino más bien aletargadas y pasivas; muestra de un rompimiento de la construcción simbólica de la sociedad.
- by Ligia Garcia-Bejar and +1
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- Media analysis
Исследование основано на систематическом мониторинге материалов русскоязычной веб-страницы Sputnik Беларусь в 2019 году, который включал в себя около 5000 новостных публикаций на общественно-политическую и международную тематику, около... more
Исследование основано на систематическом мониторинге материалов русскоязычной веб-страницы Sputnik Беларусь в 2019 году, который включал в себя около 5000 новостных публикаций на общественно-политическую и международную тематику, около 140 видеопередач Sputnik Беларусь и более 100 комментариев для радио Sputnik.
- by Robert Pettit
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- Gender, Racism, Race, Disney
Przełom 2017 i 2018 roku minął pod znakiem reformacyjnych przeobrażeń polskich mediów - w styczniu zapoczątkowała je nowelizacja ustawy o radiofonii i telewizji, w grudniu zamknęły organizowane w polskich miastach pikiety pod hasłem... more
Przełom 2017 i 2018 roku minął pod znakiem reformacyjnych przeobrażeń polskich mediów - w styczniu zapoczątkowała je nowelizacja ustawy o radiofonii i telewizji, w grudniu zamknęły organizowane w polskich miastach pikiety pod hasłem 'Wolne Media w Sejmie'. Wydarzenia te spowodowały, że media i dziennikarstwo stały się częstym tematem przewodnim polskich tygodników społeczno-politycznych, odgrywających ważną rolę w dyskursie i w budowaniu relacji między rzeczywistością a ideologią. Wychodząc z założenia, że okładki czasopism stanowią odrębne teksty multimedialne – przeprowadzona w badaniu ilościowa i analiza treści i jakościowa analiza wizualna ma na celu zrozumienie jakie kody językowe i obrazowe wykorzystywali wydawcy tygodników opinii do stworzenia synergicznego i komplementarnego przekazu poświęconego analizowanemu tematowi.
The paper deals with ethnically mixed marriages in the postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina primarily focusing on their representation in the current political system and the media, as well as their social status and discriminatory treatment... more
The paper deals with ethnically mixed marriages in the postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina primarily focusing on their representation in the current political system and the media, as well as their social status and discriminatory treatment they are facing. By refusing to reduce their identities to ethno-confessional grounds and tending to identify themselves as citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, majority of mixed marriages including their children belong to the category of “Others” as defined by the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina .
The social pressure applied through hiring policies in public institutions, political and public participation and official statistics systematically requiring declaration of ethnic identity has clear consequences on everyday lives of this marginalized community members. The nature of their experience is what we call socially and politically imposed “reduced identity”, meaning that the complexity of their multilayered identity is limited by external factors.
In which way and to what extent the described external discrimination impact the privacy of the mixed unions? How do they manage this identity issue in such an exclusive political and social environment? What is their own perception of mixedness and what kind of discourse do they have about it?
Is there more to qualitative data collection than face-to-face interviews? Answering with a resounding 'yes', this book introduces the reader to a wide array of exciting and novel techniques for collecting qualitative data in the social... more
Is there more to qualitative data collection than face-to-face interviews? Answering with a resounding 'yes', this book introduces the reader to a wide array of exciting and novel techniques for collecting qualitative data in the social and health sciences. Collecting Qualitative Data offers a practical and accessible guide to textual, media and virtual methods currently under-utilised within qualitative research. Contributors from a range of disciplines share their experiences of implementing a particular technique, provide step-by-step guidance to using that approach, and highlight both the potential and pitfalls. From gathering blog data to the story completion method to conducting focus groups online, the methods and data types featured in this book are ideally suited to student projects and other time- and resource-limited research. In presenting several innovative ways that data can be collected, new modes of scholarship and new research orientations are opened up to student researchers and established scholars alike.
Das Augenmerk der Masterarbeit wurde auf die ukrainische und russische Berichterstattung über das Krim-Referendum in ausgewählten Online-Zeitungen gerichtet. Diskursive Dekonstruktion von sozialen Akteurinnen und Akteuren, welche Russland... more
Das Augenmerk der Masterarbeit wurde auf die ukrainische und russische Berichterstattung über das Krim-Referendum in ausgewählten Online-Zeitungen gerichtet. Diskursive Dekonstruktion von sozialen Akteurinnen und Akteuren, welche Russland und die Ukraine repräsentieren, Ereignisse, Objekte und Handlungen, die mit der Krim-Annexion in Verbindung gebracht werden, wurden anhand des Diskurs-Historischen Ansatzes der Kritischen Diskursanalyse und der quantitativen Methoden der Korpuslinguistik durchgeführt.
Zwei Diskurse über das Krim-Referendum kreieren zwei antagonistische Realitäten, die nicht miteinander vereinbar sind. Die untersuchten Artikel werden einerseits durch Diffamierungen des „bösen Anderen“ und andererseits durch die Viktimisierungen des „guten Selbst“ geprägt. Sowohl dem russischen als auch dem ukrainischen Diskurs über das Referendum auf der Krim liegen eine argumentativ schwache, undifferenzierte und einseitige Berichterstattung zugrunde. Dies begünstigt die Festigung der Feindbilder und vertieft die Gräben zwischen den Staaten.
Eine solche Medienberichterstattung trägt zur Verschärfung des Konfliktes bei. Mit dem Ausschluss und der Unterdrückung einer kritischen Berichterstattung und der gleichzeitigen Begünstigung eines nationalistischen Diskurses wird die Aufmerksamkeit der Bürger_innen von grundlegenden wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und politischen Problemen im Staat abgelenkt. Die Änderung des Fokus dient dem Schutz der jeweiligen Regierung und der Diskreditierung des Gegners, womit jede Verantwortung abgeschoben werden kann.
This course provides an introduction to U.S. and global feminisms and its applications to media and cultural analysis. From the representation of gender onscreen to the value of unpacking gender's role in contemporary politics, we will... more
This course provides an introduction to U.S. and global feminisms and its applications to media and cultural analysis. From the representation of gender onscreen to the value of unpacking gender's role in contemporary politics, we will use feminist frameworks to examine identity, aesthetics, and ideology through film culture. This course is introductory and does not presume familiarity with feminist politics, critical theory, or film studies.
This study explores benefits and challenges of combining media analysis and media production in media and gender classes. I use ethnographically informed case study to focus on one educational activity that had students create collages... more
This study explores benefits and challenges of combining media analysis and media production in media and gender classes. I use ethnographically informed case study to focus on one educational activity that had students create collages out of images found in glossy magazines in order to expose problematic ideologies embedded in these media texts. Through interviews with students and teachers, classroom observations, and analysis of collages produced by young people I explore whether media analysis/media production activities helps students produce oppositional readings of media texts. I argue that, although combining media analysis with media production makes media and gender classes more engaging, teachers using this approach may inadvertently reinforce problematic stereotypes or leave them unexamined.
Collection of works by several authors about Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina published in Slovenia in 2010.
Recently, much has been written in the mass media about the novel and film Fifty Shades of Grey. It was widely portrayed as an example of BDSM (a common abbreviation for the terms bondage, discipline, dominance, submissivity, sadism and... more
Recently, much has been written in the mass media about the novel and film Fifty Shades of Grey. It was widely portrayed as an example of BDSM (a common abbreviation for the terms bondage, discipline, dominance, submissivity, sadism and masochism) subculture and used as a symbol of sadomasochistic identity. But is this public view based on the self image of BDSM subcultural members or is it a figment of the imagination of writers and journalists? This article presents the voice of BDSM activists, who are silenced and excluded from the public debate. Using a virtual ethnographic method, we analyse the BDSM blogosphere as a platform for subcultural expressions of opinion. We combine this with a documentary analysis. In doing so, we examine how BDSM subculture members perceive themselves in contrast to the mainstream view of them pictured in the book Fifty Shades of Grey. This article investigates to what extent the subcultural conception of BDSM corresponds to the book's depiction and where it differs fundamentally.
In this paper we explore popular television talk show debates about lesbian and gay parents. We show that the heterosexist framing of these debates compels lesbian and gay parents and their supporters to produce defensive and apologetic... more
In this paper we explore popular television talk show debates about lesbian and gay parents. We show that the heterosexist framing of these debates compels lesbian and gay parents and their supporters to produce defensive and apologetic arguments that normalize lesbian and gay families. Lesbian and gay parents end up reinforcing the legitimacy of anti-lesbian/gay fears in the very act of demonstrating that they are groundless. We identify six themes in pro-lesbian/gay discourse on talk shows: i) ‘I'm not a lesbian/gay parent’; ii) ‘we're just the family next door’ iii) ‘love makes a family’ iv) ‘god made Adam and Steve’; v) children as ‘proof’ and vi) the benefits of growing up in a lesbian/gay family. Our analysis focuses on the broad, ideological functions and effects of these themes. We conclude the paper by outlining an alternative agenda for talk show debates about lesbian and gay issues.
Социалистическият проект за равенство между индивидите е успешно постигнат на равнището на идентичностите, които индивидите придобиват по пътя към превръщането им в субекти. Освен биополитически, социалистическият проект се оказва и... more
Социалистическият проект за равенство между индивидите е успешно постигнат на равнището на идентичностите, които индивидите придобиват по пътя към превръщането им в субекти. Освен биополитически, социалистическият проект се оказва и физиогномичен, тъй като личностни характеристики и идентичностни качества са вписани и изразявани посредством дискурси на телесно визуализиране. Социализмът се визуализира като една епоха, която успява да отчлени и гарантира нови източници на идентичност за жените. Оттам пък се появяват сфери на доминация на жената според нейните идентичности, което реципрочно води и до появата на такива сфери и при мъжкия пол.
This article critically reflects upon media coverage of the 2012 London Olympic Games and the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games, scrutinising the emergent discursive constructions of ‘Britishness’ and ‘Scottishness’ through an examination... more
This article critically reflects upon media coverage of the 2012 London Olympic Games and the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games, scrutinising the emergent discursive constructions of ‘Britishness’ and ‘Scottishness’ through an examination of both London-based (English) and Scotland-based publications. Drawing upon Dayan and Katz’s (1992) portrayal of ‘media events’, the article explores how both events presented competing sites of symbolic struggle during a period of constitutional and political turmoil. Consideration is given to the existence of a ‘hegemonic Britishness’ in print media narratives of these events, as evident in the emergent connotations associated with ‘British nationalism’ and ‘Scottish separatism’.
- by Jack Black and +1
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- Media Studies, Media and Cultural Studies, Nationalism, English
Myths and metaphors that occur in media frames play an important role in influencing public perceptions of an issue in times of war, political conflict, crisis and disaster. This, in turn, influences policy makers and (inter)national... more
Myths and metaphors that occur in media frames play an important role in influencing public perceptions of an issue in times of war, political conflict, crisis and disaster. This, in turn, influences policy makers and (inter)national assistance and aid programmes. We investigated whether a metaphoric spill-over of frames used in connection with political events could explain the misrepresentation in the framing of wildlife conservation. Zimbabwe experienced a severe political conflict and economic downturn in 2000 when land reforms took place. We analysed newspaper articles on Zimbabwe’s wildlife conservation published between 1989 and 2010 from newspapers in Zimbabwe, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. We selected three issues about wildlife conservation in Zimbabwe in the local and international media, namely, the ivory ban, rhino protection, and Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources to investigate the spill-over effect. Our results show that in the 1990s, the majority of newspaper articles highlighted that wildlife conservation in Zimbabwe was largely successful. However, two major changes occurred after 2000 following the land reforms in Zimbabwe. First, the international media showed little interest in wildlife conservation in Zimbabwe as evidenced by a sharp decline in published articles and second, the frames changed in the international media with the “political unrest and land reform” blame frame becoming more dominant. This transition in reporting, frames, and low frame parity shows that there was a spill-over effect of political frames into wildlife conservation following Zimbabwe’s land reforms in 2000. Metaphoric spill-over effects may thus create myths in the readership, in turn influencing policy-derived actions in a sector that is not or poorly related to the actual disaster.
Scripted reality shows oscillate between fiction and nonfiction because based on a script they use amateur actors but also adopt the aesthetics of documentary-style reality television. Perception studies have proven that many viewers... more
Scripted reality shows oscillate between fiction and nonfiction because based on a script they use amateur actors but also adopt the aesthetics of documentary-style reality television. Perception studies have proven that many viewers mistake the contents of such programs as everyday reality. An adequate framework to reveal these ambiguous relations needs to combine the product analysis with the additional analysis of the production aspects. That includes developing a categorization for (scripted) reality television, a combined analysis of the product and its production, and an analysis of the perception of scripted reality on television and through corresponding social media sites.
Neoliberalism has grown to become the dominant political and economic agenda of our time. Its supporters hold influential positions across governments, education, the media and corporate and financial institutions, yet its effects have... more
Neoliberalism has grown to become the dominant political and economic agenda of our time. Its supporters hold influential positions across governments, education, the media and corporate and financial institutions, yet its effects have been largely negative for populations around the world: declining economic growth, together with most social indicators (life expectancy, mortality among infants, children, and adults, literacy, and education); increasing social and economic inequality; skewing of political power in the favour of wealthy interests; and an increase in financial activities leading to more frequent crises in which the costs are socialised. This research endeavoured to examine whether the BBC, an organisation dedicated to serving the public interest with impartial news reporting, could be said to support neoliberal interests. To do this it analysed how BBC2’s Newsnight reported the January 2015 election of the Greek political party Syriza. Syriza’s policies were markedly anti-neoliberal and thus represented a threat to the dominant economic interests of much of Europe, including the British Government. Utilising a mixed methods approach, the analysis found that through a combination of negative framing and the absence of any critical analysis or discussion of neoliberalism, BBC Newsnight’s overall reporting did in fact serve to support neoliberal interests.
How does the current state of the field of feminist qualitative psychological research reflect and enact the methodological characteristics and values of feminist research-principally, the values of reflexivity, methodological diversity... more
How does the current state of the field of feminist qualitative psychological research reflect and enact the methodological characteristics and values of feminist research-principally, the values of reflexivity, methodological diversity and innovation, and the prioritisation of feminist political goals over procedural, epistemological and disciplinary orthodoxy? Using a review of the methods and methodologies used in qualitative research published in two key feminist psychology journals (Feminism & Psychology; Psychology of Women Quarterly) from 2005 to 2016 as our starting point, we reflect on practices, trends, and apparent norms in feminist qualitative researching. Despite methodological development, the absence of a fully realised feminist methodological vision raises important questions. We suggest a need to query and push back at canons or orthodoxies within the discipline, and advocate looking backward to go forwards: Innovation does not have to be radical, and many of our methodological feminist foremothers have a lot to offer the present and the future of our discipline. Is there anything new under the [feminist] methodological sun? (Crawford & Kimmel, 1999, p2) The field [of feminist psychology] has grown and developed very substantially. It is much more varied and sophisticated in its range of theories and methods (Wilkinson, 1996, p1). W HAT DOES contemporary (quali-tative) feminist psychology look like? Is it marked by feminist research values? In this paper, we explore whether and how recent qualitative feminist psychology embodies claimed key characteristics and values of feminist research-reflexivity, methodological diversity and innovation, the prioritisation of feminist political goals over procedural, epistemological and disciplinary orthodoxy, and, more recently, 'a turn to difference' and concepts and frameworks like intersectionality (there is too much scholarship to fully reference, but, for example, Collins