Mediterranean Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Coralline algae are one of the most important constructors of biogenic habitats. In the Mediterranean Sea, the dominant coralline algae species form crusts comprising formations known as coralligène, considered as very important fishing... more

Coralline algae are one of the most important constructors of biogenic habitats. In the Mediterranean Sea, the dominant coralline algae species form crusts comprising formations known as coralligène, considered as very important fishing grounds by fishermen. Due to the destructive effect of fishing gear activities over coralligène, these formations were recently protected from the use of active benthic gears by the EU 1967/2006 Mediterranean fisheries management Regulation. However, the lack of maps and information on their distribution makes the effective application of these measures impossible. The present publication contributes to the mapping of coralligène in the southern Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean), and to the study of coralline algae formation morphology, distribution, development conditions and relation to fisheries using a combination of single-beam echo sounder, sidescan sonar, sub-bottom profiler recordings and biological and sedimentological ground-truthing techniques. The coralligène formations were recognized as two distinct acoustic signatures of localized backscatter facies distinguishable from other hard substrate reflectors at depths ranging from 55.9 to 114.0 m, but mainly between 70 and 90 m. Two types of formations were identified: minute reefs 0.5-2.5 m in height and superficial layer formations no more than 0.2 m thick over the substrate. The seismic profiles revealed a cavernous internal structure of the minute reefs and recorded their development on both hard and soft substrates. The distribution of formations was contagious, creating aggregations. The finding of superficial layer formations and coralline shreds around minute coralligène reefs indicated that the former could be an intermediate development type between isolated small coralline pebbles, rhodoliths, and minute reefs. Regarding the development conditions, sidescan sonar imagery indicated that the optimal conditions for the establishment and development of coralligène formations are medium intensity currents. Concerning human activity over coralligène, trawl traces were recorded near but not over minute reefs and both near and crossing superficial layer type aggregations, while a submarine cable was also recorded among minute reefs. The mapping of coralligène aggregation areas is essential for the application of the EU Regulation and the protection of this important marine habitat.

In this chapter we consider the afterlife of the remains of unidentified migrants who have died while attempting to cross the Mediterranean from Albania and North Africa to Italy. Drawing on insights from long-term, multi-sited field... more

In this chapter we consider the afterlife of the remains of unidentified migrants who have died while attempting to cross the Mediterranean from Albania and North Africa to Italy. Drawing on insights from long-term, multi-sited field research, we outline paths taken by human remains and consider their multiple agencies and distributed personhood through the relational modalities with which they are symbolically and materially engaged at different scales of significance. The rising number of migrant deaths related to international crossings worldwide, especially in the Mediterranean, has stimulated a large body of scholarship, which generally

Two shipwrecks discovered by Odyssey Marine Exploration in the English Channel in 2008 are embedded in the history of the War of the Austrian Succession (1739-48) and specifically the year 1744. The First Rate Royal Navy warship HMS... more

Two shipwrecks discovered by Odyssey Marine Exploration in the English Channel in 2008 are embedded in the history of the War of the Austrian Succession (1739-48) and specifically the year 1744. The First Rate Royal Navy warship HMS Victory was lost in the western English Channel on 5 October that year, while returning from escorting to sea one outgoing commercial convoy and liberating another blockaded down the River Tagus in Lisbon.

Powerful historical artefacts vitalize their potential agencies in specific historical moments and cause fractures in our perspectives. In this thesis, I argue that objects' power can be examined by looking at their supernatural,... more

Powerful historical artefacts vitalize their potential agencies in specific historical moments and cause fractures in our perspectives. In this thesis, I argue that objects' power can be examined by looking at their supernatural, political, cultural, practical, and economic agencies. The thesis is based on a case study of looting in Turkey and archival research on nineteenth-century travelogues of Asia Minor. Rituals of looting attest to the supernatural agency. Rituals challenge the common perception of time and space. The contradictions between European travelers' approach to and the Ottoman locals' interpretations of historical artefacts signify objects' cultural agency. Locals' multitemporal framing of antiquities and travelers' perception of time as linear has resulted in an epistemic antinomy that defined the Ottoman experience of modernity from below. Such encounters in the Mediterranean conjuncture often necessitated the Ottoman state to fill in the power gap. I argue that this involvement sutured the antiquities' political agency in designing the Ottoman's modern statecraft and perception of cultural heritage. Besides these three agencies, antiquities have a practical agency that locals attached to their everyday lives. The economic agency of antiquities is relevant in the global market of the illicit antiquities trade. In the sphere of the antiquities market, the exchange value subsumes the antiquities' other agencies. Through in-depth case studies from Laodicea in Turkey to Heraklion in Crete, the thesis demonstrates how artefacts' times have undergone singularization. As their historical and social context unfolded, the shared sense of space within eclectic temporality has come to a halt. I contend that attempts to singularize the past narrow the culturally effective possibilities of conviviality between diverse social groups. The thesis argues that archaeologists, heritage scholars, and policymakers can contribute to the culturally viable and socially equitable ways to organize cultural heritage, should a holistic analysis, involving all the five types of agencies, be applied to the cases of looting of antiquities.

Öz: Avrupa Birliği ve Çin arasında temelleri 2003 yılında atılan Stratejik Ortaklık, ikili ilişkilerin birçok alanda hızla gelişmesini sağlamıştır. Buna karşın, tarafların bölgesel ve küresel politikalara, temel değerlere ve normlara... more

Öz: Avrupa Birliği ve Çin arasında temelleri 2003 yılında atılan Stratejik Ortaklık, ikili ilişkilerin birçok alanda hızla gelişmesini sağlamıştır. Buna karşın, tarafların bölgesel ve küresel politikalara, temel değerlere ve normlara yönelik yaklaşım farklılıkları, Avrupa Birliği'nin Çin'i zaman içerisinde 'stratejik ortak' yerine 'sistemik rakip' olarak tanımlamasına yol açmıştır. Bu makale, Çin'in Bir Kuşak Bir Yol projesi kapsamında Akdeniz'e yönelik politikalarına ve Avrupa Birliği'nin bu politikaları nasıl değerlendirdiğine odaklanmaktadır. Makalenin temel iddiası, Çin'in Avrupa Birliği'nin bütünleşememiş yapısından faydalanarak Birliğin Akdenizli üyeleriyle bireysel ortaklıklar geliştirdiği ve Avrupa Birliği'ni Akdeniz politikaları kapsamında bölgesel etkin bir aktör olarak değerlendirmediğidir. Bu bağlamda makalede Avrupa Birliği-Çin ilişkileri ortaklıktan rekabete dönüşen seyirde incelenmekte, Akdeniz, Birlik açısından bir mücadele alanı olarak ele alınmaktadır. Ayrıca, Çin'in Akdeniz'e yönelik politikaları ve Akdenizli üyeler ile kurduğu bireysel ikili ilişkilere odaklanılmakta; Çin'in Akdeniz'de artan etkinliğinin yarattığı endişeler ele alınarak, Avrupa Birliği açısından yansımaları değerlendirilmektedir.

Based on long term archaeological ethnography on the border island of Lesvos situated on Europe's margins, this article explores the regimes of eating and the role of food practices in the refugee camp/processing centre of Moria. Starting... more

Based on long term archaeological ethnography on the border island of Lesvos situated on Europe's margins, this article explores the regimes of eating and the role of food practices in the refugee camp/processing centre of Moria. Starting from the double liminality of eating and border-crossing, it outlines and juxtaposes two regimes of corporeal life. The first is the biopolitical arena of official food provision as produced by the border apparatus and the logic of humanitarian governmentality. This regulates border-crosser's time and daily routines and renders them 'people of concern', tress-passers or victimized individuals with no agency. The second is the affective, trans-corporeal, multisensorial field of cooking, eating, making kin, making community. It is produced through the agency of border-crossers themselves, when they take charge of their own eating. In doing so, they constitute eating in these liminal conditions as affirmative biopolitics, as the affirmative politics of life and hope.

In Interpreting Ancient Egyptian Narratives, Martin Pehal applies structural analysis to four New Kingdom narrative compositions. The study explains the strong configurational character of ancient Egyptian (mythological) thought which has... more

In Interpreting Ancient Egyptian Narratives, Martin Pehal applies structural analysis to four New Kingdom narrative compositions. The study explains the strong configurational character of ancient Egyptian (mythological) thought which has the ability to connect various ontological levels of human experience with the surrounding world into complex synchronic structures. These symbolical systems are shown to be mediating between the various cultural paradoxes which were inherent to ancient Egyptian society. Axial role in this process is attributed to the institution of positional kingship represented by the Pharaoh. Its transformative function is also put into relation to the special status of female characters who are shown to play the part of the “powerful powerless ones” further personifying the aspects of the mediating function of myth. Gradually, the study outlines a genuinely Egyptian “structural net” of basic mythemes and explains in what way it was possible for such a system to change and incorporate foreign mythological motifs especially from the Near East.

Assyrian State, one of the imperial powers of Ancient Mesopotamia, organized numerous military campaign over the different region due to the limited conditions brought by its geographical location. In this context, the said voyages to... more

Assyrian State, one of the imperial powers of Ancient Mesopotamia, organized numerous military campaign over the different region due to the limited conditions brought by its geographical location. In this context, the said voyages to Anatolia, where raw material sand mineral resources are abundant, to today's Syria and Palestinian lands, where there is sufficient human potential in terms of providing free labor, and to the Eastern Mediterranean ports where commercial activities are carried out clearly show that a largepart of the country's economy is based on the military economy. As a result of the imperial policies carried out in this context, the Assyrian State provided the source of the development and construction activities in the country, and as a result, it achieved many agricultural and economic gains. The Assyrian State, which organized many military campaigns against potential enemies that would endanger these gains, thus aimed to protect its economic interests. In this study, it will be examined about the economic gains achieved by the Assyrian State as a result of the military expeditions and the activities carried out for the protection of these gains by using the information in the Assyrian king's annals.

in Capineri C. Celata F., de Vincenzo D., Dini F., Randelli F. e Romei P. (a cura di), Oltre la Globalizzazione: Resilienza/Resilience, Memorie Geografiche, pp. 289-202

The need to define and implement adaptation solutions has emerged since the early 1990s when the IPCC started assessing the changes, causes, potential impacts and responses to climate change. Yet, limited information exists on the... more

The need to define and implement adaptation solutions has emerged since the early 1990s when the IPCC started assessing the changes, causes, potential impacts and responses to climate change. Yet, limited information exists on the context-specific effectiveness of local adaptation of agronomic practices. The Near East and North Africa (NENA) region is one of the world’s regions with the lowest per capita natural resources availability and one of the most vulnerable to climate change. For these reasons, there is an urgent need to improve the development and implementation of adaptation plans and actions to cope with climate change. This research implements the systematic review (SR) methodology to assess the scientific literature in adopting climate change adaptation practices for agriculture at the farm level in the NENA region. Results highlight a significant knowledge gap in adaptation in the region and recommend intensifying targeted research and funding to cope with urgent regional climate risks to rural and agricultural livelihoods.

La mancanza di una definizione univoca di "rifugiato ambientale"ha portato ad una estrema discordanza dei relativi dati disponibili e alla conseguente impossibilità di ricavarne tendenze comprensibili di carattere geografico e temporale.... more

La mancanza di una definizione univoca di "rifugiato ambientale"ha portato ad una estrema discordanza dei relativi dati disponibili e alla conseguente impossibilità di ricavarne tendenze comprensibili di carattere geografico e temporale. Si manifesta, inoltre, un" evidente lacuna normativa a livello del diritto internazionale con una conseguente mancanza di tutela verso individui meritevoli comunque di protezione, questione che complica ulteriormente non solo la gestione dei flussi ma rende anche difficile una conoscenza effettiva del fenomeno. Cfr. Nespor S., I Rifugiati ambientali,, Rivista di diritto pubblico italiano, comunitario e comparato, n.4/2007.

Land-use/land-cover change is the most important factor in causing biodiversity loss. The Mediterranean region has been affected by antropic disturbance for thousands of years, and is, nowadays, one of the most significantly altered... more

Land-use/land-cover change is the most important factor in causing biodiversity loss. The Mediterranean region has been affected by antropic disturbance for thousands of years, and is, nowadays, one of the most significantly altered hotspots in the world. However, in the last years a significant increase in forest cover has been measured. These new patterns are independent from planned conservation strategies and appear to have a substantial impact on landscapes and biodiversity. We used three land-use/land-cover maps (from 1960 to 2000) covering the Italian peninsula to analyze the pattern of land-use/land-cover change. We measured an increase in forests, especially in mountains, an increase in artificial areas, especially in coastal zones, and a decrease in pastures. Intensively cultivated areas showed a limited decrease while extensively cultivated ones showed a marked decrease. In the same period mammal and bird species followed a similar pattern, with forest birds, ungulates and carnivores increasing, and typically Mediterranean species decreasing. We suggest that our results may provide important information, which could be useful for conservation planning in the entire Mediterranean hotspot. We suggest that an increasing conservation effort should be made to protect the Mediterranean-type forests and scrublands, as well as traditional agricultural practices. Moreover, future conservation efforts should consider the broad socio-political and ecological processes that are most likely to occur across the whole hotspot, especially along coastal areas, and the network of protected areas should be functionally integrated in a conservation strategy that includes the human-dominated landscape.

The revision of the ENP has been carried out in a critical year for migration management in the Mediterranean. Three elements are connected to current debates linking migration management and the ENP review. First debate is the need to... more

The revision of the ENP has been carried out in a critical year for migration management in the Mediterranean. Three elements are connected to current debates linking migration management and the ENP review. First debate is the need to clearly and effectively integrate the ENP “in the overall migration architecture of the EU, linking Home and Foreign Affairs.” Second debate is related to taking into consideration the regions adjacent to the southern neighbourhood. Finally the third debate is closely linked to the latter, is about the effective action on the primary causes of migrations and how to influence them.

Designing a fuel-sampling program that accurately and efficiently assesses fuel load at relevant spatial scales requires knowledge of each sample method’s strengths and weaknesses. We obtained loading values for six fuel components using... more

Designing a fuel-sampling program that accurately and efficiently assesses fuel load at relevant spatial scales requires knowledge of each sample method’s strengths and weaknesses. We obtained loading values for six fuel components using five fuel load sampling techniques at five locations in western Montana, USA. The techniques included fixed-area plots, planar intersect, photoloads, a photoload macroplot, and a photo series. For each of the six fuels, we compared (1) the relative differences in load values among techniques and (2) the differences in load between each method and a reference sample. Totals from each method were rated for how much they deviated from totals for the reference in each fuel category. The planar-intersect method, which used 2.50 km of transects, was rated best overall for assessing the six fuels. Bootstrapping showed that at least 1.50 km of transect were needed to obtain estimates that approximate the reference sample. A newly developed photoload method,...

Elisée Reclus fut géographe et libertaire, indissociablement. Lié un temps à Michel Bakounine, ami de Louise Michel, engagé physiquement dans la défense de la Commune de Paris puis banni du territoire français, il acquit de son vivant une... more

Elisée Reclus fut géographe et libertaire, indissociablement. Lié un temps à Michel Bakounine, ami de Louise Michel, engagé physiquement dans la défense de la Commune de Paris puis banni du territoire français, il acquit de son vivant une renommée internationale par l'ampleur et l'acuité de ses écrits sur la Terre et les sociétés qui l'habitent. Florence Deprest propose de porter un éclairage nouveau sur le chapitre qu'Elisée Reclus a consacré à l'Algérie en 1886 dans sa monumentale Nouvelle Géographie Universelle. En situant cette œuvre dans le contexte idéologique et scientifique de la société coloniale à l'âge de l'empire, elle montre en quoi certaines interprétations de Reclus sur l'Algérie sont tout à fait représentatives des courants progressistes du moment, et participent de ce que l'on a coutume d'appeler l'humanisme colonial. L'auteure met alors au jour la dialectique de cette description géographique où l'Algérie colonisée incarne un possible renouveau de l'antique Méditerranée, imaginée comme un espace de mouvements et de métissages, mais également un lieu de l'arbitraire colonial, de la perte d'indépendance politique et de la légitime résistance indigène.

Keywords: triple oxygen isotopes gypsum hydration water relative humidity lake sediments Younger Dryas Late Glacial–Holocene transition Atmospheric relative humidity is an important parameter affecting vegetation yet paleo-humidity... more

Keywords: triple oxygen isotopes gypsum hydration water relative humidity lake sediments Younger Dryas Late Glacial–Holocene transition Atmospheric relative humidity is an important parameter affecting vegetation yet paleo-humidity proxies are scarce and difficult to calibrate. Here we use triple oxygen (δ 17 O and δ 18 O) and hydrogen (δD) isotopes of structurally-bound gypsum hydration water (GHW) extracted from lacustrine gypsum to quantify past changes in atmospheric relative humidity. An evaporation isotope-mass-balance model is used together with Monte Carlo simulations to determine the range of climatological conditions that simultaneously satisfy the stable isotope results of GHW, and with statistically robust estimates of uncertainty. We apply this method to reconstruct the isotopic composition of paleo-waters of Lake Estanya (NE Spain) and changes in normalized atmospheric relative humidity (RH n) over the last glacial termination and Holocene (from ∼15 to 0.6 cal. kyrs BP...

Invasive species pose threats to either human health or inflict ecological and/or economic damage. The silver-cheeked toadfish (Lagocephalus sceleratus), a Lessepsian species, is one of the most harmful species in the Mediterranean Sea,... more

Invasive species pose threats to either human health or inflict ecological and/or economic damage. The silver-cheeked toadfish (Lagocephalus sceleratus), a Lessepsian species, is one of the most harmful species in the Mediterranean Sea, because of its potent neurotoxin, impacts on marine biodiversity, and the increased costs and labor they inflict on fishers. Since the catch and consumption of this pufferfish is prohibited by almost all countries bordering the Mediterranean, they have now expanded into the entire Mediterranean and Black Sea. We performed a comprehensive study of L. sceleratus covering ecological aspects, growth, reproduction, diet and trophic level based on samples from southwestern coasts of Turkey. The estimated growth parameters were L∞ = 88.7 cm, K = 0.27 year-1, C = 0.6 and WP = 0.1. Their sex-ratio was M/F = 1:0.69. Lagocephalus sceleratus appears to be a batch spawner with discontinuous oocyte recruitment and has different spawning seasons in the Eastern Medi...

In March 2019, Italy signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in support of PRC President Xi Jinping’s flagship infrastructure and connectivity project, the Belt and Road Initiative. The MoU was... more

In March 2019, Italy signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in support of PRC President Xi Jinping’s flagship infrastructure and connectivity project, the Belt and Road Initiative. The MoU was accompanied by a series of commercial agreements, including two between the ports of Genoa and Trieste and the state-owned enterprise China Communications Construction Company (CCCC). The European Union and the United States expressed concerns about the agreements as they feared that CCCC would eventually obtain a controlling share of the ports, not unlike that recently secured by the China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) with Greece’s Port of Piraeus. However, existing legal constraints, an open international and national debate, and the vague nature of the agreements concerned have so far kept these fears from materialising.

The species composition, abundance and diversity of demersal fish assemblages has been investigated in an oligotrophic coastal bay in the Aegean Sea which is a designated zone for the development of aquaculture. Samples were collected... more

The species composition, abundance and diversity of demersal fish assemblages has been investigated in an oligotrophic coastal bay in the Aegean Sea which is a designated zone for the development of aquaculture. Samples were collected using experimental trawling, before the establishment of fish cages in the area during early June 1987 and after attaining the maximal production of the aquaculture zone in late May 2001. The overall abundance of the fish assemblage increased by a factor of 4 and the average trophic level of the fish community increased from 3.59 to 3.79. Traditional diversity indices showed an increase in dominance but the distinctness measures of biodiversity showed that the overall structure obtained after the establishment of fish farming was not phylogenetically impoverished. Multivariate analysis showed that the community differences between the two periods are quantitative rather than qualitative. Comparisons in length frequencies between the two periods indicated that specimens of the species compared were either similar or larger in the second period. The species favoured by the presence of aquaculture were not the ones normally feeding on the food pellets under the cages but those normally occurring in the fishing grounds of the study. It is concluded that the release of nutrients from fish farming in nutrient-poor systems can have a positive effect on local fisheries with no visible negative change in species composition or biodiversity.

The parameter terms (second column) for log (Aerial shrub cover + 1) × scale and log (Aerial tree cover + 1) × scale were incorrectly given positive rather than negative values. The correct values are: log (Aerial shrub cover + 1) × scale... more

The parameter terms (second column) for log (Aerial shrub cover + 1) × scale and log (Aerial tree cover + 1) × scale were incorrectly given positive rather than negative values. The correct values are: log (Aerial shrub cover + 1) × scale = −0.005 (0.002) log (Aerial tree cover + 1) × scale = −0.002 (0.001)

In the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, leaf bases remaining attached to the rhizomes after leaf fall (''scales'') constitute more than 50% of total belowground biomass. The role of such organs was explored to assess... more

In the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, leaf bases remaining attached to the rhizomes after leaf fall (''scales'') constitute more than 50% of total belowground biomass. The role of such organs was explored to assess their contribution to the plant and ecosystem metabolism. Significant oxygen uptake associated with these scales was found (up to 0.6 mg O 2

Peri-urban agriculture is a pivotal issue in the debate on sustainable management of land in metropolitan regions worldwide. Multiple socioeconomic and environmental solutions introduced by new models of peri-urban agriculture are playing... more

Peri-urban agriculture is a pivotal issue in the debate on sustainable management of land in metropolitan regions worldwide. Multiple socioeconomic and environmental solutions introduced by new models of peri-urban agriculture are playing an important role in planning and management of fringe land. The recent development of peri-urban agriculture in Southern European cities was supposed to reflect latent, crisis-driven processes of 'coming back to land': new land has been extensively cultivated, and new relations have been created between farmers, communities and territories within peri-urban areas. This study describes some relevant experiences of peri-urban farming in 6 metropolitan regions (Lisbon, Barcelona, Marseille, Rome, Athens, Istanbul) representative of different socioeconomic contexts in Southern Europe, outlining strengths and weaknesses in the use of fringe land for cropping, and evidencing relevant implications for urban sustainability.

Forty years after the image of the Mediterranean transformed into a giant salty lake was first conceived, the fascinating history of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) still arouses great interest across a large and diverse scientific... more

Forty years after the image of the Mediterranean transformed into a giant salty lake was first conceived, the fascinating history of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) still arouses great interest across a large and diverse scientific community. Early outcrop studies which identified severe palaeoenvironmental changes affecting the circum-Mediterranean at the end of the Miocene, were followed by investigations of the marine geology during the 1950s to 1970s. These were fundamental to understanding the true scale and importance of the Messinian event. Now, after a long period of debate over several entrenched but largely untested hypotheses, a unifying stratigraphic framework of MSC events has been constructed. This scenario is derived mainly from onshore data and observations, but incorporates different perspectives for the offshore and provides hypotheses that can be tested by drilling the deep Mediterranean basins. The MSC was an ecological crisis, induced by a powerful combination of geodynamic and climatic drivers, which had a great impact on the subsequent geological history of the Mediterranean area, and on the salinity of the global oceans. These changed the Mediterranean's connections with both the Atlantic Ocean and the freshwater Paratethyan basins, causing high-amplitude fluctuations in the hydrology of the Mediterranean. The MSC developed in three main stages, each of them characterized by different palaeoenvironmental conditions. During the first stage, evaporites precipitated in shallow sub-basins; the MSC peaked in the second stage, when evaporite precipitation shifted to the deepest depocentres; and the third stage was characterized by large-scale environmental fluctuations in a Mediterranean transformed into a brackish water lake. The very high-resolution timescale available for some Late Miocene intervals in the Mediterranean makes it possible to consider environmental variability on extremely short time scales including, in some places, annual changes. Despite this, fundamental questions remain, some of which could be answered through new cores from the deepest Mediterranean basins. Improvements in seismic imaging and drilling techniques over the last few decades make it possible to plan to core the entire basinal Messinian succession for the first time. The resulting data would allow us to decipher the causes of this extreme environmental change and its globalscale consequences.

Written by a diverse team of Midwesterners, this little book is an exploration of the Mediterranean diet - its associated history, agriculture, biology, philosophy, botany, ingredients, and lifestyle - and how this diet can be adapted and... more

Communiqué de presse relations presse : Atlas des migrations en Méditerranée de l'antiquité à nous jours Cet ouvrage propose un panorama original des migrations en Méditerranée depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours. Plus de 70... more

Communiqué de presse relations presse : Atlas des migrations en Méditerranée de l'antiquité à nous jours
Cet ouvrage propose un panorama original des migrations en Méditerranée depuis l’Antiquité jusqu’à nos jours.
Plus de 70 spécialistes, historiens, géographes, anthropologues, politologues, se sont donné comme objectif de montrer comment les migrations ont façonné les sociétés et les cultures méditerranéennes au cours de l’histoire. Ils rendent accessibles grâce à des textes courts, des phénomènes complexes, en mettant en lumière leurs particularités ou leur banalité ou en remettant en perspective les conditions de leur émergence. En regard, des extraits de sources historiques et des illustrations permettent de saisir les espoirs, les inquiétudes, parfois les drames qui accompagnent les mobilités d’hommes et de femmes de tous horizons.
Les 200 cartes produites jouent sur les échelles de représentation et varient les angles d’approche thématique : de l’observation des mouvements dans un port aux mobilités qui sillonnent l’ensemble des rivages méditerranéens, jusqu’aux projections mondiales des diasporas méditerranéennes, ou les mutations d’une métropole cosmopolite sous l’effet des arrivées successives de migrants.
L’atlas se structure en trois parties composées chacune de chapitres au sein desquels se succèdent, après une introduction, des doubles- pages thématiques, laissant ainsi le choix d’une lecture continue ou fractionnée. Il évoque d’abord les structures qui encadrent, contrôlent ou accompagnent les migrations (routes, frontières, lieux d’accueil, cadres politiques et juridiques, puis les différents acteurs (marchands, travailleurs, esclaves, religieux, intellectuels ou artistes) avant de porter attention aux modalités de contacts entre les migrants et les sociétés d’accueil (invasions, colonisations, transferts, cosmopolitisme, xénophobie).
Cet atlas s’adresse à un lectorat qui cherche à mieux connaître et comprendre une question qui, sous les feux de l’actualité, suscite des discours aux formules lapidaires et parfois outrancières.
ISBN : 978-2-330-14501-9
Prix indicatif : 35.00€

In Provence, in the Southeastern France, Marseille's water supply has always been problematic. Constrained by a mountainous topography within a rocky and dry landscape its inhabitants have often coped with acute water shortages. Up until... more

In Provence, in the Southeastern France, Marseille's water supply has always been problematic. Constrained by a mountainous topography within a rocky and dry landscape its inhabitants have often coped with acute water shortages. Up until the mid-19th century, water resources consisted of an old medieval aqueduct, some karstic springs and many public and private wells. And, in order to overcome the chronic lack of freshwater, solutions were always temporary and ineffective. However, this issue became so pressing in the first half of the nineteenth century, thus forcing municipal officials to quickly deal with this problem. Indeed, the combination of a growing population, a booming industry, but above all severe recurring winter and summer hydrological droughts for about 35 years, such as in 1817/18 and 1833/34 (associated with the apogee of the Little Ice Age in Western Mediterranean), drastically reduced the available volume of water for both citizens and local factories. Consequences on the economy and the urban environment were quick enough but the lack of water mainly resulted in significant sanitary problems. We propose to explore policy answers and socioeconomic options that have solved the supply problems thanks to the construction of a new aqueduct to carry potable water from the Durance River to the city. First, after describing the hydro-climatic context of the Provence area (especially during the second half of the LIA) and the state of water resources of Marseille at this time, we'll present major social, sanitary as well as economic crises due to the lack of water which impacted the city together with their effects on the urban dynamic. Then, we'll analyze public policy and challenging technical choices made by the municipality to deal with chronic water shortages.

This third piece in our series on the Mediterranean migration crisis, ‘Transit points and enduring struggles,’ takes a look at the Lampedusa hotspot, the first of the 11 hotspots along the Greek and Italian frontline of the EU, which is... more

This third piece in our series on the Mediterranean migration crisis, ‘Transit points and enduring struggles,’ takes a look at the Lampedusa hotspot, the first of the 11 hotspots along the Greek and Italian frontline of the EU, which is meant to function as a model for all others. Almost five months into its operation, the Lampedusa hotspot full-fingerprinting policy is mainly resulting in illegalisation and destitution paths for migrants and refugees.

Performance evaluations are a critical tool in evaluating tourism development of countries where the tourism industry provides a significant share of the GDP. One of the measures used in performance evaluation of the financial... more

Performance evaluations are a critical tool in evaluating tourism development of countries where the tourism industry provides a significant share of the GDP. One of the measures used in performance evaluation of the financial decision-making units is economic efficiency. This study aims at measuring tourism-related technical efficiency performance of six European countries: Spain, Greece, Turkey, France, Italy, and Portugal. Tourism revenue and visitor numbers are referenced as output variables. Within the model, the natural and sociocultural index and substructure index were formed. Data envelopment analysis was applied for these datasets. Considering tourism revenues, Spain, Italy and Greece managed to use their natural and cultural resources efficiently. In contrast to these countries, inefficiency level scores were measured for Turkey, Portugal and France. In the model based upon the number of visitors, all other countries apart from Turkey and Portugal achieved the most efficient score. As for substructure index, the score of decreasing returns to scale for the countries of Italy and Spain in terms of tourist numbers is noteworthy. The implementation of efficient tourism policies and strategies hold great importance in terms of tourism efficiency. Even though Portugal and Turkey are rich in both natural and cultural assets, low scores seem to stem from failure to realize their potentials. Strategies should be developed to diversify tourist products. This study differs from other studies in the literature with regard to the composition of the wide input components.

In interstate and international interaction, norm breaking is a frequent occurrence and cause of conflict. This article discusses how to deal with such behavior when it occurs in maritime space. The particularities of distinct maritime... more

In interstate and international interaction, norm breaking is a frequent occurrence and cause of conflict. This article discusses how to deal with such behavior when it occurs in maritime space. The particularities of distinct maritime spaces and their level of regulation provide distinct opportunities. States may then take a hybrid approach by taking into account international law in more regulated areas, but seeking alternatives in less regulated ones. To discourage norm breaking and to promote cooperative approaches toward shared challenges in maritime space, stronger ocean governance that considers hybridity seems important. The article discusses these aspects in the three cases of the Arctic, the Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean and derives first lessons for strengthened ocean governance.

ur on-going project, "Traces of the Past for Contemporary Creativity: Urban Archaeology and Küçükyalı ArkeoPark", supported by Istanbul Development Agency, is in progress at the Küçükyalı ArkeoPark, continues at full steam. Besides... more

ur on-going project, "Traces of the Past for Contemporary Creativity: Urban Archaeology and Küçükyalı ArkeoPark", supported by Istanbul Development Agency, is in progress at the Küçükyalı ArkeoPark, continues at full steam. Besides focusing our undergoing work on archaeology, restoration, architecture, drawing, photography, cultural routes and public archaeology, we have also organized free training workshops for university students at our site last month. Participants coming from various universities had the chance to attend two-day training workshops on marbling art and industrial and graphic design. During our very first free training program, we welcomed Asst. Prof. Dr. Seher Aşıcı, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevim Arslan, Asst. Prof. Dr. Şehnaz Biçer Özcan and their students from Marmara University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Traditional Turkish Handicrafts. On the first day of their visit, after getting information on the on-going research and excavations at our site, students made drawings inspired by the archaeological finds and photos of the flora of our site. On the second day, a marbling art workshop held at our Visitors Center and our project team participated to this pleasant activity as well. The guests of our second free training program were Asst. Prof. Dr. Asım Evren Yantaç, Asst. Prof. Dr. Aykut Coşkun and their students from Koç University, Media and Visual Arts Department. The major goals of such training workshops were to emphasize the importance of the Küçükyalı ArkeoPark from the point of view of archaeology, architectural history and art history, to raise awareness on the sustainability of cultural heritage, to establish bonds with urban memory of Çınar neighborhood, where our site is located, to meet the needs of our site in terms of tourism, presentation and visibility and to produce 2D and 3D products by using traditional methods. Following the documentary screening and guided tour at the site, students focused on design work on the first day of the workshop and presented their sketches and ideas to the group at the end of the day. On the second day of the training, students continued working on the prototypes of their sketches. As the Küçükyalı ArkeoPark team, we sincerely would like to thank faculty members and their students for their active participation and interest in our workshops. O 15 April

Cymodocea nodosa is a relatively small seagrass species which is common in the Mediterranean. An intensive survey on its growth and production was carried out in a dense, monospecific stand located in a semi-estuarine embayment. Data on... more

Cymodocea nodosa is a relatively small seagrass species which is common in the Mediterranean. An intensive survey on its growth and production was carried out in a dense, monospecific stand located in a semi-estuarine embayment. Data on leaf appearance and growth, shoot recruitment and death, rhizome growth, above-and belowground biomass, and nutrient content in the different parts of the plant were obtained over 2 years. All these variables showed a clear seasonality. In general, maximum growth and production occurred in early summer (July), and maximum biomass was reached between July and September. Biomass, shoot density, growth and production showed clear minima in winter.

"From BOOKLIST: "This volume introduces a new series patterned after Gale's popular American Decades and American Eras series. Volume 1, The European Renaissance and Reformation, and volume 2, Roman Republic and Empire, will be published... more

"From BOOKLIST: "This volume introduces a new series patterned after Gale's popular American Decades and American Eras series. Volume 1, The European Renaissance and Reformation, and volume 2, Roman Republic and Empire, will be published later this year. The goal of the series "is to enrich the traditional historical study of 'kings and battles' with a resource that promotes understanding of daily life and the cultural institutions that affect people's beliefs and behaviors."
Following a time line and a lengthy introduction, the volume is divided into 10 topical chapters, among them "The Arts," "Social Class System and the Economy," "The Family and Social Trends," and "Religion and Philosophy." These divisions will be standard throughout the series. Except for chapter one, "World Events," which provides context with a list of events outside Greece, each chapter follows the same general plan. A chronology and an overview precede a series of articles on various topics. Among the 13 topics treated in chapter 2, "The Arts," are architecture, sculpture, and tragedy. Chapter 7, "Leisure, Recreation, and Daily Life," covers seven topics, including food and housing. These articles generally range in length from two to four pages and are followed by biographical profiles. "The Arts" has the fullest biographical content, with 17 profiles; some chapters have only 1 profile, and others have none. Each chapter concludes with a discussion of documentary sources.
The text is supported by numerous black-and-white illustrations, as well as sidebars and maps. Sidebars provide extra information on selected topics, such as coinage or travel, and often excerpt primary source material. Following the main text are a glossary and a general bibliography. This bibliography, which for the most part cites titles that might be found in an academic library, is in addition to the lists of sources appended to the articles.
For a similar audience, Greenwood's Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks (1998), part of its useful Daily Life through History series, delivers information in a straight narrative. Gale's accessible reference format makes this first entry in the World Eras series a good choice for high-school and undergraduate libraries, especially where American Eras and American Decades are popular." — RBB (American Library Association)"

Hydrogeoethics is an emergent transdisciplinary field in geosciences focused on ethical research and best practices related to responsible groundwater science and engineering, creating conditions for sustainable water resources management... more

Hydrogeoethics is an emergent transdisciplinary field in geosciences focused on ethical research and best practices related to responsible groundwater science and engineering, creating conditions for sustainable water resources management while respecting human needs and environmental dynamics.

Wildland fuelbeds are exceptionally complex, consisting of diverse particles of many sizes, types and shapes with abundances and properties that are highly variable in time and space. This complexity makes it difficult to accurately... more

Wildland fuelbeds are exceptionally complex, consisting of diverse particles of many sizes, types and shapes with abundances and properties that are highly variable in time and space. This complexity makes it difficult to accurately describe, classify, sample and map fuels for wildland fire research and management. As a result, many fire behaviour and effects software prediction systems use a generalised description of fuels to simplify data collection and entry into various computer programs. There are several major fuel description systems currently used in the United States, Canada and Australia, and this is a source of confusion for many in fire management. This paper (1) summarises the challenges of describing fuels, (2) contrasts approaches (association, classification and abstraction) for developing fuel description systems and (3) discusses possible future directions in wildland fuel description and science to transition to a universal fuel description system. Most discussio...

We examined the occurrence of marine debris in the gastrointestinal tract of 54 loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) found stranded or incidentally captured dead by fisheries in the Adriatic Sea, with a curved carapace length of... more

We examined the occurrence of marine debris in the gastrointestinal tract of 54 loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) found stranded or incidentally captured dead by fisheries in the Adriatic Sea, with a curved carapace length of 25.0–79.2 cm. Marine debris was present in 35.2% of turtles and included soft plastic, ropes, Styrofoam and monofilament lines found in 68.4%, 42.1%, 15.8% and 5.3% of loggerheads that have ingested debris, respectively. The dry mass of debris per turtle was low, ranging from <0.01 to 0.71 g, and the ingestion was not significantly affected by sex or body size (all p > 0.05). Marine debris averaged 2.2 ± 8.0% of dry mass of gut content, with a maximum of 35% found in a juvenile turtle that most likely died due to debris ingestion. Considering the relatively high occurrence of debris intake and possible sub-lethal effects of even small quantities of marine debris, this can be an additional factor of concern for loggerheads in the Adriatic Sea.► Marine debris was ingested by 35.2% loggerheads foraging in neritic habitats of the Adriatic. ► Soft plastic was the most frequent type of debris found in digestive tract. ► Debris ingestion was not significantly affected by sex or body size of turtles. ► High occurrence of debris intake represents a factor of concern for loggerheads in the Adriatic Sea.

Sommaire du dossier thématique publié par les Cahiers de la Méditerranée, n°89, décembre 2014. Présentation du dossier par Pierre-Yves Beaurepaire. Dossier coordonné avec Jean-Pierre Darnis, Joseph Martinetti avec la collaboration... more

Sommaire du dossier thématique publié par les Cahiers de la Méditerranée, n°89, décembre 2014. Présentation du dossier par Pierre-Yves Beaurepaire. Dossier coordonné avec Jean-Pierre Darnis, Joseph Martinetti avec la collaboration d'Anthony Jones

Notre équipe d'enseignant et de chercheur participe à un programme de recherche sur l'impact du changement climatique sur le littoral méditerranéen. Notre démarche s'articule entre enseignement du projet et séminaire d'initiation à la... more

Notre équipe d'enseignant et de chercheur participe à un programme de recherche sur l'impact du changement climatique sur le littoral méditerranéen. Notre démarche s'articule entre enseignement du projet et séminaire d'initiation à la recherche en cycle Master et recherche doctorale. Notre envisageons l'espace littoral de manière diachronique selon trois axes. Premièrement l'histoire de l'évolution de l'urbanisation de la frange littorale, ensuite la connaissance cartographique de la situation présente du littoral et de son épaisseur, et enfin l'exploration par le projet d'échelle urbaine et territoriale. Nous proposons dans cette communication de présenter cette démarche, à partir de la cartographie exploratoire. Nous avons développé un savoir-faire technique, méthodologique et pédagogique sur les questions de la représentation cartographique du territoire de l'échelle métropolitaine à l'échelle régionale. Ces travaux sont autant des outils de représentation que de questionnement problématiques, de production de connaissance et d'aide au projet. Ils permettent sur le littoral de notre région, de faire émerger et de prendre la mesure de phénomènes tant génériques que spécifiques (épaisseur, usages et pratiques, évolution du trait de côte, desserte, etc.). Les objectifs sont de réintégrer les cycles longs de la nature dans la pensée sur les territoires littoraux, et de recomposer le littoral autour d'une certaine épaisseur variable. L'atelier de projet ambitionne de répondre à ces problématiques littorales en constituant une connaissance «par le projet».
ENGLISH Abstract : Our teaching and research team is participating in a research programme on the impact of climate change on the Mediterranean coast. Our approach is a combination between teaching the project (design process) and a series of seminars focused on research at Masters and doctoral level. We envisage the coastal area in a diachronic way based on three themes. Firstly, the history of the evolution of urbanisation of the coastal fringe, secondly, the cartographic knowledge of the present situation of the coastline and its depth, and thirdly, the exploration through design according to the urban and territorial scale. In this paper, we are presenting this approach, based on exploratory mapping. We have developed the technical, methodological and pedagogical know-how on the issues of cartographic representation of the territory from the metropolitan to the regional scale. This work is as much a tool for representation as for identifying problems, knowledge production and project support. They allow both generic and specific phenomena to emerge and be measured on the coastline of our region (depth, uses and practices, evolution of the coastline, services, etc.). The objectives are to reintegrate the long cycles of nature into the way we think about coastal territories, and to recompose the coastline around a certain variable depth. The project workshop aims to respond to these coastal issues by building up knowledge "by design".