Mixed Methods Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

What are the legacies of violence on gendered patterns of political representation? We examine the long-term effects of a watershed conflict of the twentieth century: the Khmer Rouge genocide, during which 50–70% of Cambodia’s working-age... more

What are the legacies of violence on gendered patterns of political representation? We examine the long-term effects of a watershed conflict of the twentieth century: the Khmer Rouge genocide, during which 50–70% of Cambodia’s working-age men were killed. Using original data on mass killings and economic and political conditions in Cambodian communes, we find that genocide exposure is positively associated with women’s economic advancement and present-day indicators of women’s representation in local-level elected office. We conduct in-depth, ethnographic interviews with genocide survivors to explore the mechanisms by which violence spurred women into elected office. A crucial finding emerges: In areas that suffered the genocide’s worst killings, widows obtained economic autonomy, providing a template for the economic advancement of women in households maintaining conventional gender roles. The shift in norms regarding the sexual division of labor created intra-communal and intergen...

Leadership research has a long history of a quantitative approach, and it remains the most commonly used approach among leadership researchers. Researchers in a variety of fields have been applying mixed methods designs to their research... more

Leadership research has a long history of a quantitative approach, and it remains the most commonly used approach among leadership researchers. Researchers in a variety of fields have been applying mixed methods designs to their research as a way to advance theory. Mixed methods designs are used for collecting, analyzing, and mixing both quantitative and qualitative data in a single study or series of studies to both explain and explore specific research questions. This article provides a review of the basic characteristics of mixed methods designs. A broad series of leadership approaches is offered to help emphasize how the application of mixed methods designs have already been applied and where they might be directed in future research. Our review of articles published in the Leadership Quarterly between 1990 and June 2012 revealed a slight occurrence of existing application of mixed methods designs to leadership research. Of the articles reviewed, only 15 studies were found to represent mixed methods research, according to our conceptual framework. The overall intent of this article is to highlight the value of purposeful application of mixed methods designs toward advancing leadership theory and/or theoretical thinking about leadership phenomena.

This article explores how researchers for library and information science (LIS) journals in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) blended both qualitative and quantitative methods into their articles between the period 2002 and 2010. The mixed methods... more

This article explores how researchers for library and information science (LIS) journals in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) blended both qualitative and quantitative methods into their articles between the period 2002 and 2010. The mixed methods research framework provided in methodological literature was used to determine how the LIS scientific community in SSA blended qualitative and qualitative methodological approaches. Content analysis and semi-structured telephonic interviews with editors and members of the editorial boards were used for collecting data. Seven hundred and ninety-three (793) articles published in nine peer-reviewed LIS journals in SAA were reviewed, finding the dominant research methods to be survey designs and historical research. Fifty out of 793 articles integrated research methods. The study concluded that the blending of different research methods was limited in SSA. It is recommended that LIS researchers in SSA blend methods to inform each other to obtain a comprehensive picture of a phenomenon under investigation and to achieve their research purpose more effectively.

—Despite the wealth of literature generated over the past three decades on requests and apologies as a speech act, cross-cultural requests and apologies have been neglected as a research topic in the international press. This... more

—Despite the wealth of literature generated over the past three decades on requests and apologies as a speech act, cross-cultural requests and apologies have been neglected as a research topic in the international press. This cross-sectional mixed method study was designed to examine requests and apologies with the long-term goal of designing a valid teaching application for the ESL and EFL teachers. There were 80 participants that included male and female students within the first through seventh grade population of the International School of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (ISC). Data was collected within the Modified Cartoon Oral Production Tools (MCOPT), which includes 16 cartoon drawings depicting situations in which two characters interact. The research data was gathered in a heterogeneous and a typical setting within north western Romania. The resulting analysis is that the sophistication of speech acts increases with age more than with length of study.

Research Methods in the Social Sciences is a comprehensive yet compact A-Z for undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking qualitative and quantitative research across the social sciences, featuring 71 entries that cover a wide... more

Research Methods in the Social Sciences is a comprehensive yet compact A-Z for undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking qualitative and quantitative research across the social sciences, featuring 71 entries that cover a wide range of concepts, methods, and theories.

This paper analyzes the design, implementation, and challenges associated with mixing methods within a baseline study involving the collaboration of rural women smallholders and their families in three regions of Papua New Guinea. We... more

This paper analyzes the design, implementation, and challenges associated with mixing methods within a baseline study involving the collaboration of rural women smallholders and their families in three regions of Papua New Guinea. We first describe the context of the research and how the baseline study was conceptualized as part of a participatory research and development project designed to provide a rich collaborative learning exchange between participants and researchers. We explain how three qualitative participatory techniques used alongside a small-scale quantitative livelihoods survey to gain an understanding of the social, economic, and agricultural factors impacting upon the lives women smallholders and their families. We follow this with a critical discussion of the challenges and benefits of utilizing mixed methods in an international development context

Introduction: In-house comprehensive examinations for preclinical students from various Thai medical schools were provided. However, their quality has never been evaluated with a score correlation with NLE as the gold standard. This study... more

Introduction: In-house comprehensive examinations for preclinical students from various Thai medical schools were provided. However, their quality has never been evaluated with a score correlation with NLE as the gold standard. This study aimed to assess the correlation of the scores as determined by three different comprehensive examinations and national license examination 1 (NLE step I) and to identify the positive learning strategies. Method: A mixed methods sequential explanatory study was done to investigate the performances amongst four tests and to identify the potential factors affecting those scores using semistructured interviews and focus groups with content analysis. Result: All (n = 48) third-year medical students participated in our study. The majority were females (64.6%). Significantly positive correlations of NLE scores were: test A scores (r = 0.86), test B scores (r = 0.85), and WU test scores (r = 0.78). The highest accuracy index (AI = 0.87) was the WU test, wh...

The purpose of this study was to test and evaluate the feasibility and clinical acceptability of the use of an infant feeding data collection tool during the scheduled childhood immunisation consultation, and to explore the... more

The purpose of this study was to test and evaluate the feasibility and clinical acceptability of the use of an infant feeding data collection tool during the scheduled childhood immunisation consultation, and to explore the appropriateness of this consultation as a site for a future intervention aiming to increase exclusive breastfeeding through the provision of advice and support to mothers. This descriptive exploratory (quantitative and qualitative) study used purposeful sampling to enrol five general practices in Hobart, Tasmania. General practitioners (GPs) and practice nurses (PNs) trialled and evaluated a paper-based data collection tool over a 6-week period from May through to June 2011. Twenty-two (13 GPs; 2 GP registrars and 7 PNs) participants trialled and evaluated the data collection tool (n = 54). From the evaluation questionnaire, field notes and informal interviews (n = 7), six conceptual headings emerged: setting; time pressures; resources and collaboration; mothers ...

Within the broader context of the global nutritional transition, in this article we examine local dietary practices in the northern highlands of Ecuador drawing on ethnographic research. The results of this study demonstrate that the... more

Within the broader context of the global nutritional transition, in this article we examine local dietary practices in the northern highlands of Ecuador drawing on ethnographic research. The results of this study demonstrate that the communities studied continue to prepare whole foods for the most part. However, processed foods are also desired and consumed in some households in the area. Finally, we discuss two discourses that motivate dietary choices in this region: nostalgia and cosmopolitanism.

Geographers have been slow to address issues about abstinence, drinking and drunkenness, but the importance of alcohol on the social and political agenda has underpinned recent growth in this field. Explorations of the gendered... more

Geographers have been slow to address issues about abstinence, drinking and drunkenness, but the importance of alcohol on the social and political agenda has underpinned recent growth in this field. Explorations of the gendered geographies of drinking are one important strand in this emerging field, but there is currently a paucity of research on women and gender (as opposed to men), and a dearth of research which looks beyond a rather narrowly specified range of public drinking environments. This paper addressed these short-comings through a quantitative and qualitative examination of different men's and women's alcohol consumption in private as well as diverse public drinking environments in 21st Century Britain. The paper emphasises the importance of gendered moralities in shaping gender and intra-gender differences in drinking levels, locations and motivations, and explores the connections between apparently separate public and private drinking environments.

The purpose of this paper is to describe a pedagogical collaboration between two research methods instructors in a Faculty of Education in Canada. Both instructors represent different paradigms in the classic quantitative vs. qualitative... more

The purpose of this paper is to describe a pedagogical collaboration between two research methods instructors in a Faculty of Education in Canada. Both instructors represent different paradigms in the classic quantitative vs. qualitative dichotomy in that they were trained in vastly different ways and have tended to approach their research along these same lines. However, despite these differences the paper explores how they each viewed this as a potential limitation in their methods teaching and how through crossing over to each other's classrooms were able to both expand their own understanding as well as offer a more balanced and useful learning experience for the learners in their classrooms.

Bu araştırmanın amacı, 2018-2019 eğitim ve öğretim yılında Bolu il merkezindeki okul türlerinin tümünde görev yapan öğretmenlerin öznel kariyer başarılarına ilişkin algılarını ortaya çıkarmak ve bu algıları çeşitli değişkenler açısından... more

Bu araştırmanın amacı, 2018-2019 eğitim ve öğretim yılında Bolu il merkezindeki okul türlerinin tümünde görev yapan öğretmenlerin öznel kariyer başarılarına ilişkin algılarını ortaya çıkarmak ve bu algıları çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelemektir. Karma yöntem desenlerinden biri olan sıralı açıklayıcı desenin kullanıldığı araştırmada nicel veriler, Öznel Kariyer Başarısı Ölçeği (Budak & Gürbüz, 2017) kullanılarak toplanılmıştır. Bolu merkez ilçedeki 94 resmî okulda görev yapan 3127 öğretmenden oluşan araştırma evreni içerisinden tesadüfî örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilen 24 resmî okulda görev yapan 512 öğretmenden elde edilen nicel veriler, öncelikle güvenirlik analizine tabi tutulmuş olup Cronbach's alpha iç tutarlılık katsayıları (α=.808 ile α=.945 arasında) nicel verilerin analiz için güvenilir olduğunu göstermiştir. Non-parametrik testler kullanılarak yapılan nicel analizlerin sonuçlarına göre; öğretmenlerin öznel kariyer başarılarına ilişkin görüşleri "kısmen katılıyorum" düzeyindedir. Ölçeğin boyutları arasında en yüksek aritmetik ortalamanın İşin Anlamlılığı boyutunda, en düşük aritmetik ortalamanın Tatmin boyutunda olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Öğretmenlerin medeni durum değişkeninde anlamlı bir fark ortaya çıkmazken; cinsiyet, görev yapılan okul türü, mesleki kıdem ve öğrenim durumu değişkenlerinde anlamlı bir fark ortaya çıkmıştır. Nicel analiz sonucunda ortaya çıkan anlamlı farkları derinlemesine incelemek için araştırmada nitel yöntem kullanılmıştır. Durum çalışması deseninde devam eden araştırmada, nitel veri toplama aracı olarak araştırmacılar tarafından ölçme aracının içeriğine uygun olarak hazırlanan yarı yapılandırılmış "Öğretmen Görüşme Formu" kullanılmıştır. Nitel veriler, amaçlı örneklem yöntemiyle seçilen 32 öğretmenden elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen nitel veriler, betimsel analiz yöntemiyle analiz edilmiş ve bu yöntemle nicel sonuçların altında yatan gerekçelere ulaşılmaya çalışılmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Öğretmen, kariyer, öznel kariyer başarısı, karma yöntem çalışması

L'objectif de cet article est celui d'illustrer quelques résultats obtenus au cours d’une recherche doctorale, réalisée entre 2008 et 2010 à l'Université de Turin, qui visait à décrire et analyser les comportements quotidiens,... more

L'objectif de cet article est celui d'illustrer quelques résultats obtenus au cours d’une recherche doctorale, réalisée entre 2008 et 2010 à l'Université de Turin, qui visait à décrire et analyser les comportements quotidiens, l'imaginaire et les attitudes liées à la construction du Soi corporel sexué, dans une phase de vie qui est constamment en évolution. Grace à une stratégie de recherche intégrée (Porrovecchio, 2011, 2012a), au centre de laquelle j’ai inséré une ethnographie appliquée aux communautés virtuelles, j’ai pu faire prendre la parole (De Certeau, 1994) aux ados, en essayant de surmonter le filtre du regard des adultes. Grâce à cette stratégie, j’ai pu reconstruire l’aspect évolutif de la construction du Soi corporel sexué, objet d’un livre (Porrovecchio, 2012b) dont je propose ici quelques conclusions.

In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird die subjektive Wahrnehmung und Bewältigung von Armut im Kontext der strukturellen Einbindung der Betroffenen konzeptualisiert und erfasst. In einer reichen Gesellschaft arm zu sein, bedeutet nicht nur ein... more

In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird die subjektive Wahrnehmung und Bewältigung von Armut im Kontext der strukturellen Einbindung der Betroffenen konzeptualisiert und erfasst. In einer reichen Gesellschaft arm zu sein, bedeutet nicht nur ein materielles Problem, sondern auch die Infragestellung der sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Zugehörigkeit der Betroffenen. Um dem zu entgehen, sind die Akteure auf voneinander abgrenzbare Kontexte in ihrem Netzwerk angewiesen, in denen sie Anerkennung und Teilhabe generieren können. Wer in dieser Lage auf sich selbst zurückgeworfen ist, erfährt Armut als die Zerstörung seiner bzw. ihrer Identität als respektables Mitglied der Gesellschaft. Der Kampf gegen die Armut darf daher nicht gegen die Armen geführt werden, sondern muss ein Kampf um Orte und Gelegenheiten sein, an denen wir zeigen können, dass es (auch) auf uns ankommt. Es zeigt sich, dass materielle Knappheit in Abhängigkeit der sozialen Einbindung unterschiedlich wahrgenommen wird. Die Bewältigungschancen verschlechtern sich, je weniger Gelegenheitsstrukturen zur Erreichung von Anerkennung und Teilhabe den Befragten in ihrem sozial-räumlichen Umfeld zur Verfügung stehen.

Paradigms serve as metaphysical frameworks that guide researchers in the identification and clarification of their beliefs with regard to ethics, reality, knowledge, and methodology. The transformative paradigm is explained and... more

Paradigms serve as metaphysical frameworks that guide researchers in the identification and clarification of their beliefs with regard to ethics, reality, knowledge, and methodology. The transformative paradigm is explained and illustrated as a framework for researchers who place a priority on social justice and the furtherance of human rights. The basic belief systems associated with this paradigm are explained and illustrated by examples of research that is commensurate with the transformative paradigm.

The paper focuses on the solution business. Here we argue that the strategy can only lead a company to perform better if it encompasses a direct and positive effect on satisfaction with a supplier's consulting capabilities. Hence we... more

The paper focuses on the solution business. Here we argue that the strategy can only lead a company to perform better if it encompasses a direct and positive effect on satisfaction with a supplier's consulting capabilities. Hence we introduce the concept of consulting satisfaction, identify antecedents and analyze its consequences. To do so, we apply a mixed-methods approach. Content analysis from open interviews with company professionals yields a list of antecedents of consulting satisfaction used to devise a set of hypotheses. The latter was translated into a questionnaire based measurement instrument in order to first collect and then analyze data from a larger sample survey. Since three of the antecedents could not be supported by our study, possible explanations are presented. With our approach we tap new dimensions of solutions research. First, we inaugurate research on buying behavior within the field of solutions. Second, we stress the role of capabilities in this field and extend service-profit chain thinking. And third, we present consulting satisfaction as a lever to translate the S-D logic of marketing into more practical applications. To our knowledge this is a novel insight and can help industry decision makers better prepare for the solution business.

To explore causal explanations of obesity among African-American women of diverse weight across the life spectrum. Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted with adult African-American women of healthy weight (N = 10), overweight (N =... more

To explore causal explanations of obesity among African-American women of diverse weight across the life spectrum. Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted with adult African-American women of healthy weight (N = 10), overweight (N = 10), and obese weight (N = 20) to evaluate the relationship between causal explanations of obesity and weight. Results: Generally overlooked dimensions of health definitions were discovered. Differences in weight definitions were detected between women of different weights. Terminology, symptoms, and solutions to obesity were detected between the women of different weights and public health recommendations. Conclusion: Identified causal discrepancies will help bridge the disconnection between public health recommendations and African-American women's perceptions with tailored interventions.

In this document, distributed to phd students and researchers during a research seminar at the University of Oxford on the 28th of Feb. 2019, an overview of different kinds of Triangualtion and Mixed Methods designs is presented. This... more

In this document, distributed to phd students and researchers during a research seminar at the University of Oxford on the 28th of Feb. 2019, an overview of different kinds of Triangualtion and Mixed Methods designs is presented. This overview shall help researchers to quickly sort out the different terminology in this area.

This article explores the group dynamics of mixed methods health sciences research teams. The authors conceptualize mixed methods research teams as "representational groups," in which members bring both their organizational and... more

This article explores the group dynamics of mixed methods health sciences research teams. The authors conceptualize mixed methods research teams as "representational groups," in which members bring both their organizational and professional groups (e.g., organizational affiliations, methodological expertise) and their identity groups, such as gender or race, to the work of research. Although diversity and complementarity are intrinsic to mixed methods teams, these qualities also present particular challenges. Such challenges include (a) dealing with differences, (b) trusting the "other," (c) creating a meaningful group, (d) handling essential conflicts and tensions, and (e) enacting effective leadership roles. The authors describe these challenges and, drawing from intergroup relations theory, propose guiding principles that may be useful to mixed methods health sciences research teams.

Work in historical sociolinguistics can broadly be divided into quantitative work which examines population-level trends in past language use, and qualitative work which documents and explains the usage of individuals or within particular... more

Work in historical sociolinguistics can broadly be divided into quantitative work which examines population-level trends in past language use, and qualitative work which documents and explains the usage of individuals or within particular texts. In this paper, we argue for an approach which combines both of these. Using mixed methods we can achieve all the advantages of both qualitative and quantitative approaches, revealing the complexity of language use in real social contexts but situating it in a well-described view of the historical processes at play. We demonstrate our approach with an exploration of the rise of 'broken' forms of the first person singular nominative pronoun in the history of Norwegian. We chart the overall progression and social patterning of the change using kernel density estimation, regression and geographically weighted regression. We then explore the wealth of fascinating local and ephemeral patterns by examining usage of particular individuals and texts.

Creative choice is an individual act. As in other fields such as filmmaking, dance creation is based on a cognItive dualism that considers the choreographer as the creative decision-maker, while the dancer is objectified. The dancer’s... more

Creative choice is an individual act. As in other fields such as filmmaking, dance creation is based on a cognItive dualism that considers the choreographer as the creative decision-maker, while the dancer is objectified. The dancer’s body is an instrument for exploration of the choreographer’s imagery. We claim that the products of creativity are minute but crucial modifications of transitory stages of a dance rehearsal. On the one hand, attention is given to a dance company as a distributed cognitive system. The choreographer communicates in diverse modalities, which carry specific information, physical as well as symbolic. Through the analysis of an audiovisual and cognitive ethnography with ELAN software we find differences in decision-making patterns across multimodal instructions. On the other hand, we apply Social Network Analysis and UCINET software as a methodological innovation in order to formalize data from observed rehearsal settings. In all, the choice of modalities in the chorographical instruction shapes movement production, which is based on dyads, triads and other forms of creative interaction.

Das Buch "Qualitative Evaluation" zeigt Schritt für Schritt die Vorgehensweise und stellt damit in sehr anwendungsorientierter Form das Handwerkszeug für eine qualitative Evaluation zur Verfügung. So werden Lesende in die Lage... more

Das Buch "Qualitative Evaluation" zeigt Schritt für Schritt die Vorgehensweise und stellt damit in sehr anwendungsorientierter Form das Handwerkszeug für eine qualitative Evaluation zur Verfügung. So werden Lesende in die Lage versetzt, eine solche Evaluation auch bei geringen Vorkenntnissen durchzuführen, wobei damit das Risiko verbunden sein kann, dass bei der Interpretation der Befunde wichtige Voraussetzungen für das Gelingen einer qualitativen Studie wie Verwurzelung der Interpretation im tatsächlich aufgezeichneten Text vernachlässigt werden. This book provides a step-by-step guide on how to undertake a qualitative evaluation project, allowing the researcher to apply the methods and tools described. The purpose is for the reader to subsequently be able to undertake a qualitative evaluation irrespective of any significant research experience. However, relying solely on this guide the reader runs the risk of underrating significant qualitative research principles—such ...

Extreme rituals entail excessive costs without apparent benefits, which raises an evolutionary cost problem (Irons, 2001). It is argued that such intense rituals enhance social cohesion and promote cooperative behaviors (Atran & Henrich,... more

Extreme rituals entail excessive costs without apparent benefits, which raises an evolutionary cost problem (Irons, 2001). It is argued that such intense rituals enhance social cohesion and promote cooperative behaviors (Atran & Henrich, 2010; Durkheim, 1912). However, direct evidence for the relation between ritual intensity and prosociality is lacking. Using economic measures of generosity and contextually relevant indicators of group identity in a real-world setting, we evaluated pro- social effects from naturally occurring rituals that varied in severity.

Background: More than 20 years ago the Institute of Medicine advocated for integration of physical and behavioral health care. Today, practices are integrating care in response to recent policy initiatives. However, few studies describe... more

Background: More than 20 years ago the Institute of Medicine advocated for integration of physical and behavioral health care. Today, practices are integrating care in response to recent policy initiatives. However, few studies describe how integration is accomplished in real-world practices without the financial or research support available for most randomized controlled trials. Methods: To study how practices integrate care, we are conducting a cross-case comparative, mixedmethods study of 11 practices participating in Advancing Care Together (ACT). Using a grounded theory approach, we analyzed multiple sources of data (eg, documents, practice surveys, field notes from observation visits, semistructured interviews, online diaries) collected from each ACT innovator. Results: Integration requires making changes in organization and interpersonal relationships. During early integration efforts, challenges related to workflow and access, leadership and culture change, and tracking and using data to evaluate patient-and practice-level improvement emerged for ACT innovators. We describe the strategies innovators are developing to address these challenges. Conclusion: Integrating care is a fundamental and difficult change for practices and health care professionals. Research identifying common challenges that manifest in early efforts can help others attempting integration and inform state, local, and federal policies aimed at achieving widespread implementation. (

Mixed methods is a youthful but increasingly robust methodological movement characterised by: a growing body of trans-disciplinary literature; prominent research methodologists/authorities; the emergence of mixed method specific journals,... more

Mixed methods is a youthful but increasingly robust methodological movement characterised by: a growing body of trans-disciplinary literature; prominent research methodologists/authorities; the emergence of mixed method specific journals, research texts, and courses; a growth in popularity amongst research funding bodies. Mixed methods is being utilised and reported within business and management fields, despite the quantitative traditions attached to certain business and management disciplines. This paper has utilised a multistrand conversion mixed model research design to undertake a retrospective content analysis of refereed papers (n = 281) from the 21st Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference 2007. The aim of the study is to provide a methodological map of the management research reported at the conference, and in particular the use, quality and acceptance level of mixed methods research within business and management fields. Implications for further...

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the existing Flemish institutional framework of sustainable forest management (SFM). The evaluation was performed using criteria and indicators that were based on the four-dimensional structure... more

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the existing Flemish institutional framework of sustainable forest management (SFM). The evaluation was performed using criteria and indicators that were based on the four-dimensional structure (discourse, rules, power and actors) of the policy arrangement approach. The data collection and analysis were done using a single representative case. The conclusions of the evaluation are mixed. The introduction of sustainable forest management is hampered by different perspectives on SFM and a fragmented network of many different owners with a clear asymmetrical distribution of trust and power. It is, however, enabled by the way that the most powerful and trusted actors in the networkthe forest group and the forest service -have the same perspective on SFM perspective as the government. We expect that SFM can be achieved in the near future, although it remains a vulnerable situation.

OBJECTIvE: Obesity rates in Nova Scotia exceed the national average. Evidence suggests that the causes, nature and treatments for obesity are complex and multisectorial. This study recruited a broad range of obesity professionals and used... more

OBJECTIvE: Obesity rates in Nova Scotia exceed the national average. Evidence suggests that the causes, nature and treatments for obesity are complex and multisectorial. This study recruited a broad range of obesity professionals and used a mixed-methods approach to identify effective current treatments, current gaps and potential opportunities. The goal of this paper is to organize current expert opinion into a framework that will serve as a guide to future work, so that limited resources can be directed in an efficient and integrated manner.

In this article, I compare the origins and early development of the Occupy movement with that of the Spanish 15M, the Indignados or ‘outraged,’ movement. How movements are integrated into longer-lived global networks has been... more

In this article, I compare the origins and early development of the Occupy movement with that of the Spanish 15M, the Indignados or ‘outraged,’ movement. How movements are integrated into longer-lived global networks has been insufficiently studied. The ‘hyperlink’ can serve as a material representation of more durable affiliations between entities with a shared collective identity, in this case activist websites, reflecting underlying network structures. Combining qualitative analysis of movement identities and narratives with analysis of hyperlinking patterns provides a more holistic understanding of the interrelations between the 15M and Occupy movements. I argue that similarities in the structural hyperlinked network properties of the 15M and Occupy movements, and their transnational interlinkages can be explained in part by commonalities in the two movements’ collective identities and dominant narratives.

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore how rating mechanisms encourage emotional labor norms among sharing economy consumers. Design/methodology/approach This study follows a mixed-methods research design. Survey data from 207... more

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore how rating mechanisms encourage emotional labor norms among sharing economy consumers. Design/methodology/approach This study follows a mixed-methods research design. Survey data from 207 consumers were used to quantify the impact of three distinct rating dimensions on a consumer behavioral outcome (emotional labor). In the second step, 18 focus groups with 94 participants were used to investigate the conditioning functions of ratings in more depth. Findings Rating mechanisms condition consumers toward performing socially desirable behaviors during sharing transactions. While consumers accept the necessity of bilateral rating mechanisms, they also recognize their coercive nature. Furthermore, the presence of bilateral rating mechanisms leads to negative outcomes such as annoyance and frustration. Originality/value This study contributes to sharing economy literature by examining bilateral rating mechanisms as a means of behavioral cond...

Slides from the first day of two-day workshop on methods in migration research. Selecting methods and mixing methods

This chapter focuses on Twitter and the unique challenges associated with data collection and analysis on this microblogging platform. Specifically, many big data approaches that are popular for studying tweets are tremendously useful,... more

This chapter focuses on Twitter and the unique challenges associated with data collection and analysis on this microblogging platform. Specifically, many big data approaches that are popular for studying tweets are tremendously useful, but are often ill-suited to more in-depth contextualized analysis of tweets. The chapter speaks to this issue and proposes alternative approaches to create a more balanced means of analysis. Further, the chapter proposes a framework to categorize tweets, addressing issues of ontology and coding. It draws on qualitative approaches, such as grounded theory, to demonstrate the value of a solid coding scheme for the qualitative analysis of tweets. To illustrate the value of this approach, the chapter draws on a case study, the Twitter response to the controversial song Accidental Racist, and shows examples of how this emergent coding of Twitter corpora can be done in practice. This case study illustrates how the proposed approaches offer ways to tackle themes such as racism or sarcasm, which have been traditionally difficult to interpret. Finally, the chapter draws some conclusions around a) Twitter as a platform for mixed methods approaches, and b) the value of relying on established approaches, like grounded theory, to inform Twitter analysis.

L’articolo, mirato a evidenziare i vantaggi di un approccio mixed-methods con specifico riferimento a dati testuali, presenta alcuni dei principali risultati di un’indagine empirica relativa alla campagna elettorale condotta su Facebook... more

L’articolo, mirato a evidenziare i vantaggi di un approccio mixed-methods con specifico riferimento a dati testuali, presenta alcuni dei principali risultati di un’indagine empirica relativa alla campagna elettorale condotta su Facebook dai candidati sindaco delle elezioni amministrative romane del 2016. Gli autori sottolineano alcuni aspetti critici emersi sul piano metodologico rispetto all’uso di Big Data testuali, mettendoli in Connessione con la ricostruzione delle modalità di svolgimento della campagna elettorale, con la definizione del ruolo di Facebook, con lo studio dei toni, dei contenuti, dello stile comunicativo dei leader scesi in campo e con l’analisi delle reazioni, dei commenti e delle interazioni-relazioni online degli internauti maggiormente presenti sul web. L’obiettivo è quello di mostrare i limiti delle tecniche di rilevazione su big e small data, ma anche gli aspetti virtuosi che si generano dalla fusione e dalla complementarietà tra i due.

This study examines Chinese immigrant parents' perceptions of filial piety. The concept of filial piety is introduced and we discuss the impacts of modernization and immigration experience on the challenges faced by contemporary Chinese... more

This study examines Chinese immigrant parents' perceptions of filial piety. The concept of filial piety is introduced and we discuss the impacts of modernization and immigration experience on the challenges faced by contemporary Chinese immigrants as they reconcile traditional values with the demands of sociohistorical change and child rearing in the United States. Factor analysis of a commonly applied scale demonstrates multiple aspects of filial piety and reflects modifications from traditional views. Interview results point to aspects of filial piety not fully represented in the quantitative scale and expose specific challenges in child rearing related to filial values. These findings suggest the evolution of expectations and strategies related to a cultural adaptation of filial piety. One key demand is for strategies consistent with parental values while maintaining respect for children's unique point of view. The conclusions focus on the development of approaches to understanding the evolving conceptualization and meaning of filial piety for contemporary immigrant Chinese. [Chinese, immigrants, parents, filial piety, cultural values, cultural models] People of my generation believe that taking care of our parents in the future is a universal truth, but I don't know if our children will have this sense of responsibility. I believe they won't have this sense of responsibility, but maybe if they really love us, they will want to take care of us. .. if they feel close to their parents. When the time comes, then

This mixed-methods study investigated the vocabulary-related strategic behaviour of n=241 mixed-L1, adult study abroad learners of English in informal (i.e. out-of-class) second language (L2) contact. A questionnaire was administered to... more

This mixed-methods study investigated the vocabulary-related strategic behaviour of n=241 mixed-L1, adult study abroad learners of English in informal (i.e. out-of-class) second language (L2) contact. A questionnaire was administered to determine to what extent the sample identified with 28 vocabulary-related strategies. The Opportunities With Language Simulator (OWLS), an innovative research tool comprising computer-based simulations of common informal L2 contact scenarios, was used as a stimulus in semi-structured interviews with a subsample of n=36 participants. Analysis of the questionnaire data revealed that the sample most identified with strategies that pertain to the use of a new word/phrase. These strategies were applicable to a range of different scenarios and were available to a range of different learners. The interview data exposed a wealth of contextual factors (e.g. the physical features of a given scenario) and learner-specific features (e.g. perceptions of the L2 cultural context) that were influencing whether and how vocabulary-related strategic behaviour was manifest in informal L2 contact. A conceptual model of influencing factors in strategic behaviour in informal L2 contact is posited, and recommendations are made for future research.

Introducing 30 Essential Skills for Qualitative Researchers (2nd ed.) If you are wondering where you can read about the importance and scope of skills required for qualitative research, we highly recommend this second edition (first... more

Introducing 30 Essential Skills for Qualitative Researchers (2nd ed.) If you are wondering where you can read about the importance and scope of skills required for qualitative research, we highly recommend this second edition (first edition published 2016). John Creswell is well known as a prolific contributor of more than 30 user-friendly research methods books. This text is like a detailed map offering practical how-to advice that facilitates the progressive development of the thinking and skills required for qualitative research. With a new coauthor, Johanna Creswell Báez, who brings a social work perspective, this second edition delivers a credible guide for embarking on or continuing a learning journey in qualitative research. This text stands out for its conversational tone and even the most experienced researchers will discover new insights they can quickly adopt and will want to share with others.

This study focuses on an innovative teaching project entitled Doblaje creativo (Creative Dubbing), which was conducted at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid during the 2019-2020 academic year. Its main goal was to explore the use of... more

This study focuses on an innovative teaching project entitled Doblaje creativo (Creative Dubbing), which was conducted at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid during the 2019-2020 academic year. Its main goal was to explore the use of creative dubbing as an innovative tool for improving oral production skills in the business English classroom, as well as for other language skills. To this end, twenty students from the Degree in Commerce practised their speaking skills (a measured and dependent variable) in business English through creative dubbing activities (a manipulated and independent variable)-a recent application of didactic audiovisual translation (AVT). Several lecturers from public universities took part in this project, which employed a mixed methods study involving an experimental group (N=20) and a control group (N=20). Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered. The former involved student tasks designed to assess three videorecorded presentations carried out by both groups, serving as pre-and postlanguage tests. The latter involved questionnaires filled in by the students. The results obtained indicate that creative dubbing is indeed a tool that can enhance students' oral skills, motivating them regarding the use of a non-traditional educational methodology, which can be applied in any other English for specific purposes (ESP) context.

The rapid growth in consumption of bottled water across the globe has drawn attention of policy makers and academicians alike. However, its consumption practices have been examined primarily in the context of industrialized countries.... more

The rapid growth in consumption of bottled water across the globe has drawn attention of policy makers and academicians alike. However, its consumption practices have been examined primarily in the context of industrialized countries. Drawing on studies of Science, Technology and Society, Public Understanding of Science, and institutions, this article explores the nuances of the consumption conundrum of bottled water in India. This mixed method study relies on data collected through surveys and ethnography of consumption practices at selected sites in Delhi. We find reasons for bottled water consumption to vary with the site of consumption. Although the notions of “purity” and “scarcity” drive consumption behavior, these attributes are far from being objective. Rather, they are shaped by a complex mix of sociocultural factors, public understanding of science, and trust on various institutional mechanisms of water provisioning.

This article uses a critical race theory framework to conceptualize a Critical Race Transformative Convergent Mixed Methods (CRTCMM) in education. CRTCMM is a methodology that challenges normative educational research practices by... more

This article uses a critical race theory framework to conceptualize a Critical Race Transformative Convergent Mixed Methods (CRTCMM) in education. CRTCMM is a methodology that challenges normative educational research practices by acknowledging that racism permeates educational institutions and marginalizes Communities of Color. The focus of this article is to examine the quantitative component of the mixed methods to interrogate ‘objective’ and ‘scientific’ assumptions of the statistical practices used in analyzing secondary datasets. To demonstrate this method, we analyze the ways in which race and ethnicity are treated as a variable in a secondary higher education dataset, and highlight how the conflation of both can influence how a sample is taken. We argue that it is imperative that theoretical frameworks used in research are not only applied to the research questions, analysis or interpretation, but also the secondary datasets being used.