Morphometric Analysis Research Papers - (original) (raw)
A new species ofOryzomysis described for the coastal Atlantic region of Brazil.Oryzomys seuanezisp. nov.was collected in eight localities throughout the Atlantic Forest from the south of the State of Bahia to the State of the Rio de... more
A new species ofOryzomysis described for the coastal Atlantic region of Brazil.Oryzomys seuanezisp. nov.was collected in eight localities throughout the Atlantic Forest from the south of the State of Bahia to the State of the Rio de Janeiro, mostly in lowlands. Belonging to theO. capitospecies group,O. seuanezidiffers from the other species by its karyotype equal 2n=48, FN=60. A morphometric analysis
The representation of the two eyes in striate cortex (V1) ofCebus monkeys was studied by electrophysiological single-unit recordings in normal animals and by morphometric analysis of the pattern of ocular dominance (OD) stripes, as... more
The representation of the two eyes in striate cortex (V1) ofCebus monkeys was studied by electrophysiological single-unit recordings in normal animals and by morphometric analysis of the pattern of ocular dominance (OD) stripes, as revealed by cytochrome oxidase histochemistry in V1 flat-mounts of enucleated animals. Single-unit recordings revealed that the large majority of V1 neurons respond to the stimulation of either eye but are more strongly activated by one of them. As in other species of monkey, neurons with preference for the stimulation of the same eye are grouped in columns 300–400 µm wide, spanning all cortical layers. Monocular neurons are clustered in layer IVc, specially in its deeper half (IVc-beta), and constitute less than 10% of the population of other layers. Neurons with equal responses to each eye are more commonly found in layer V than elsewhere in V1. In the supragranular layers and in granular layer IVc-alpha neurons strongly dominated by one of the eyes tend to be broadly tuned for orientation, while binocularly balanced neurons tend to be sharply tuned for this parameter. No such correlation was detected in the infragranular layers, and most neurons in layer IVc-beta responded regardless of stimulus orientation. Ocular dominance stripes are present throughout most of V1 as long, parallel or bifurcating bands alternately dominated by the ipsi- or the contralateral eye. They are absent from the cortical representations of the blind spot and the monocular crescent. The domains of each eye occupy nearly equal portions of the surface of binocular V1, except for the representation of the periphery, where the contralateral eye has a larger domain, and a narrow strip along the border of V1 with V2, where either eye may predominate. The orderliness of the pattern of stripes and the relationship between stripe arrangement and the representation of the visual meridians vary with eccentricity and polar angle but follow the same rules in different animals. These results demonstrate that the laminar, columnar and topographic distribution of neurons with different degrees of OD in V1 is qualitatively similar in New- and Old World monkeys of similar sizes and suggest that common ancestry, rather than parallel evolution, may account for the OD phenotypes of contemporaneous simians.
This research was about morphometric analysis of macroalgae, density and diversity, located in marine waters of Dara Mara, Anarae Village, Ndao Nuse Sub District, Rote Ndao Regency. This study aims to identify and measure the... more
This research was about morphometric analysis of macroalgae, density and diversity, located in marine waters of Dara Mara, Anarae Village, Ndao Nuse Sub District, Rote Ndao Regency. This study aims to identify and measure the morphometric, density and diversity of macroalgae. Transect line method using quadrants were used in this study. The results showed that there were 21 macroalgae species consisting of 11 species of Cholorophyta, 3 species of Phaeophyta and 7 species of Rhodophyta. The highest species and relative density of macroalgae were found in Caulerpa species which were 6.8 individuals/m 2 and 51.127%, while the lowest were Codiumedule, Halimeda opuntia, Monostroma nitidum, Dictyota cervicornis, and Padina japonica, which were 0.033 individuals/m 2 and 0.250%. The diversity index were low with the value of H '0.76, while the morphometric analysis of each species showed significant differences in each type of algae, presumably due to differences of environmental factors.
The development of image analysis systems has facilitated progress and diversification of morphometric methods and expands the potential for using morphometry as a tool for stock identification. Identifying intraspecific groups with... more
The development of image analysis systems has facilitated progress and diversification of morphometric methods and expands the potential for using morphometry as a tool for stock identification. Identifying intraspecific groups with different life histories according to shape variation has become more powerful, based on a review of published studies and our experiences with American lobster and Atlantic salmon. Traditional multivariate
Gandaki province has the good potentiality of hydroelectricity generation with existing twenty-nine hydroelectricity projects. Since the Province is rich in water resources, analysis of watersheds needs to be done for management, planning... more
Gandaki province has the good potentiality of hydroelectricity generation with existing twenty-nine hydroelectricity projects. Since the Province is rich in water resources, analysis of watersheds needs to be done for management, planning and identification of water as well as natural resources. GIS offers integration of spatial and no spatial data to understand and analyze the watershed processes and helps in drawing a plan for integrated watershed development and management. The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) available on the NASA-Earth data has been taken as a primary data for morphometric analysis of watershed in Gandaki Province using QGIS. Delineation of watershed was conducted from a DEM by computing the flow direction and using it in the Watershed tool. Necessary fill sink correction was made before proceeding to delineation. A raster representing the direction of flow was created using Flow Direction tool to determine contributing area. Flow accumulation raster was created f...
The study area, Hesaraghatta watershed is located between 77° 20′ to 77° 42′ E longitude and 13° 10′ to 13° 24′ N latitude with an area of 600.01 km2. Thematic layers such as Land Use/Land Cover, drainage, soil and hydrological soil group... more
The study area, Hesaraghatta watershed is located between 77° 20′ to 77° 42′ E longitude and 13° 10′ to 13° 24′ N latitude with an area of 600.01 km2. Thematic layers such as Land Use/Land Cover, drainage, soil and hydrological soil group were generated from IRS–1D LISS III satellite data (FCC). An attempt was made to estimate runoff using Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number model and it was estimated to be 1960, 2066, 1870 and 1810 mm for sub-watersheds 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Quantitative morphometric analysis was carried out for the entire watershed and the four sub-watersheds independently by estimating their (a) linear aspects like stream order, stream length, stream length ratio, bifurcation ratio, length of overland flow, drainage pattern (b) aerial aspects like shape factor, circulatory ratio, elongation ratio and drainage density and (c) relief aspects like basin relief, relief ratio, relative relief and ruggedness number. Drainage density was estimated to be 1.23 km/km2 designating the study area as a very coarse textured watershed.
Geographical information system (GIS) has emerged as an efficient tool in delineation of drainage pattern and ground water potential and its planning. GIS and image processing techniques can be employed for the identification of... more
Geographical information system (GIS) has emerged as an efficient tool in delineation of drainage pattern and ground water potential and its planning. GIS and image processing techniques can be employed for the identification of morphological features and analyzing properties of basin. The morphometric parameters of basin can address linear, areal and relief aspects. The review related to 'Morphometric analysis of drainage basin using remote sensing and GIS techniques' is discussed in the present paper.
Türkiye’nin güneyinde yer alan ve Amanos Dağlarının doğu yamaçları ile Kurt Dağlarının batı yamaçları arasında, Doğu Afrika rift vadisinin kuzey segmentine karşılık gelen Karasu Çayı Havzasının ele alındığı bu çalışmada, Türkiye ve Suriye... more
Türkiye’nin güneyinde yer alan ve Amanos Dağlarının doğu yamaçları ile Kurt Dağlarının batı yamaçları arasında, Doğu Afrika rift vadisinin kuzey segmentine karşılık gelen Karasu Çayı Havzasının ele alındığı bu çalışmada, Türkiye ve Suriye topraklarından oluşan havzanın hidrografik açıdan planlaması yapılmıştır. Coğrafi bakış açısı ve bütüncül yaklaşım, insan ve doğal çevre temelli olarak sürdürülebilirlik ilkesine uygun bir şekilde çalışmanın her aşamasına yayılmış ve entegre havza yönetiminden farklı olarak en ekonomik değil, hem doğal ortamın hem de insanın en yüksek faydayı temin edebileceği en doğru kullanımın ne şekilde olacağı üzerinde yoğunlaşılmıştır. Üç bölüm üzerine kurgulanan çalışmanın ilk iki bölümü ağırlıklı olarak verilerin sistematize edilmeleri ile ölçüm ve analizler ekseninde veri tabanının güçlü kılınmasına, üçüncü bölümü ise güçlendirilen bu veri tabanına dayanarak havzanın hidrografik açıdan planlamasının yapılmasına ayrılmıştır.
Giriş bölümünde amaç, kapsam ve metot ortaya konularak, Karasu Çayı Havzasının hidrografik özelliklerinin şekillenmesinde etkili olan genel coğrafi faktörler üzerinde durulmuştur. Sırasıyla fiziki coğrafya unsurları ile beşeri ve ekonomik coğrafya unsurları alt başlıklarıyla birlikte ayrı ayrı ele alınmıştır. İlgili haritaların oluşturularak gereken kısımlara iliştirilmesi ile anlatım güçlendirilmiş ve ifade zenginliğinin ortaya çıkması sağlanmıştır.
Havzanın hidrolojik ve hidrometrik özelliklerinin incelendiği birinci bölümde havzadaki su potansiyeli belirlenmiş, yeraltı ve yerüstü sularının durumu gözden geçirilerek, akarsu şebekesinin oluşum ve gelişimi üzerinde durulmuştur. Ayrıca havzanın hidrolik ve hidrolojik özelliklerinin daha iyi kavranması için gerek mevcut literatürde yer alan, gerekse bu çalışmaya özgü bir takım yeni yöntemlere göre analiz ve hesaplamalar yapılmıştır. Sonuçta havzanın ortalama akış dağılışı, su kalitesi, yük ve sedimantasyon durumu, taşkın özellikleri ve kullanılabilir su potansiyeli hakkında somut verilere ulaşılmıştır. Böylelikle herhangi bir ölçüm ve rasadın bulunmadığı birçok alt Havza hakkında tümdengelim mantığı ile verilere ulaşılmış, bu veriler sayesinde de her alt havza kendi dinamikleri içerisinde değerlendirilmiştir.
Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde Karasu Çayı Havzasının morfometrik karakteristikleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Morfometrik özellikler alansal (areal), çizgisel (linear) ve yüzeysel (relief/superficial) parametreler olmak üzere üç gruba ayrılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Böylelikle havzanın jeomorfolojik ve hidrografik yapısına analitik yolla somut bir görünüm kazandırılmıştır. İzlenen yolu ve elde edilen sonuçları daha anlaşılır kılmak için morfometrik analizlerin dayandırıldığı formüller, analiz sonuçlarını görsel hale getiren haritalar, grafikler ve şekillerden faydalanılmıştır. Bu şekilde elde edilen havzanın alansal, çizgisel ve yüzeysel bileşenlerine dair veriler Karasu Çayı Havzası ile alt havzaları ölçeğinde yorumlanmıştır.
Çalışmanın son bölümü, önceki iki bölümün hülasası konumundadır. Burada daha önceki veriler ışığında öncelikle havzanın su bilançosu çıkarılmıştır. Ardından da güncel durum ile 10, 25, 50 ve 100 yıl sonranın muhtemel şartlarına göre su bütçesi oluşturulmuştur. Bu kapsamda katastrofik, ekonomik, sosyo-kültürel değerlendirmeler ile jeo-stratejik ve hidro-politik durum tespiti yapılarak, en uygun fiziki ve beşeri şartların tesis edilmesine ön ayak olacak planlama önerileri geliştirilmiştir.
Sonuç itibariyle, ideal havza planlamasına bir adım daha yaklaşma gayesiyle ortaya çıkan bu çalışmada, multi-disipliner karaktere sahip olan havza yönetimi meselesine coğrafi bakış açısı ile yeni ve daha kuşatıcı bir perspektif kazandırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Zaten doğası gereği değişken ve çok bileşenli olan su kaynaklarının yorumlanıp planlanması da ancak doğal çevrenin bütün unsurlarını ve bu unsurlar arasındaki ilişkileri aynı pota içerisinde harmanlayıp muhasebe edebilecek olan coğrafi bakış açısıyla bihakkın yapılabilecektir.
In this paper, an attempt has been made to study the detailed morphometric characteristics of Vincharna watershed, tributary of the Sina river basin in Ahmednagar district, Maharashtra. The drainage patterns are dendritic and parallel,... more
In this paper, an attempt has been made to study the detailed morphometric characteristics of Vincharna watershed, tributary of the Sina river basin in Ahmednagar district, Maharashtra. The drainage patterns are dendritic and parallel, covering 390 sq. km. Morphometric analysis was done to determine the drainage characteristics of Vincharna watershed using topographic maps, ASTER and SRTM DEM (30 m Resolution). For detailed study, ASTER and SRTM data was used for preparing Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The relief data was derived from SOI toposheets and GIS-RS techniques were used to evaluate Linear, Areal and Relief aspects of morphometric parameters. Watershed boundary, flow accumulation, flow direction, flow length, stream ordering were prepared using Hydrology Tool; and contour, Slope, Aspect, Hillshade have been prepared using Surface Tool in ArcGIS-10 software. Different thematic maps like Stream Network, Slope, Relief, Aspect and Hillshade were prepared by using ArcGIS software. Based on all morphometric parameters achieved, it can be concluded that the development in erosive processes of the area by the river has been progressed beyond the maturity which indicates the lithology had an influence on the drainage development. These studies are very useful for planning rainwater harvesting and watershed management.
The morphometric analysis of the drainage basin and stream network deals with the measurement and geometrical analysis of the different aspects of a drainage basin. In the present study, morphometric analysis has been carried out using... more
The morphometric analysis of the drainage basin and stream network deals with the measurement and geometrical analysis of the different aspects of a drainage basin. In the present study, morphometric analysis has been carried out using Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques to evaluate the different morphometric characteristics by considering three parameters: linear, areal and relief aspects. The basin is characterized by dendritic drainage pattern. The bifurcation ratio (Rb) between different successive orders varies revealing the geo structural control. The shape parameters (Rf = 0.37, Rc = 0.31, Fr = 0.18, Re = 0.52 and Wb = 11.88) indicate the elongated shape of the basin in association with areal (D = 0.99 km 2 , Dt = 1.66 km 2 etc.) and relief (H, S b etc.) parameters express that the basin has low discharge of runoff with permeable basement rock condition, high infiltration capacity and good groundwater storage and a flatter peak of flow of longer duration.
Geomorphic models such as the glacial buzz saw and denudational unloading and understanding the significance of active tectonics on geomorphic systems can be elucidated by quantitatively defining rates of erosion and sediment transfer in... more
Geomorphic models such as the glacial buzz saw and denudational unloading and understanding the significance of active tectonics on geomorphic systems can be elucidated by quantitatively defining rates of erosion and sediment transfer in active mountain systems. To this end, we examine the topographically and morphometrically asymmetrical Ladakh Range to quantify the significance of tectonic influence on geomorphic systems. Morphometric analysis and10Be cosmogenic radionuclide dating of 13 fluvial sediment samples from active channels was undertaken in 6 catchments to define erosion rates. North facing catchments of the central Ladakh Range have erosion rates of 0.056±0.012 mm/yr and 0.074±0.011 mm/yr, while south facing catchments have rates of 0.020±0.003 mm/yr, 0.020±0.003 mm/yr, and 0.039±0.008 mm/yr. Rates of erosion in north facing catchments are approximately two times higher than rates of erosion in south facing catchments. This data confirms that the tectonic tilting of the Ladakh Range and active rock uplift (~ 1 mm/yr) on the northern side of the range has had a significant impact on the rate of erosive geomorphic processes. However, the increased erosion on the northern side of the range is not keeping pace with rock uplift on the northern side of the range. Morphometric analysis shows that the maximum and average elevations increase at nearly the same rate across the Ladakh Range with higher elevation on the northern side. This precludes the possibility of long-term denudational unloading from having a significant feedback into the tectonic tilting of the range.
In this work we investigate the self-organized critical (SOC) properties of palaeosurfaces with the aim of distinguishing regions with a different Quaternary tectonic activity. Palaeosurface reconstruction provides information on... more
In this work we investigate the self-organized critical (SOC) properties of palaeosurfaces with the aim of distinguishing regions with a different Quaternary tectonic activity. Palaeosurface reconstruction provides information on palaeo-environments and a method of assessing neotectonic effects. Techniques such as remote sensing and GIS can give a useful means for the rapid and insightfull quantification of spatial data properties. The
ÖZET Son yıllarda önemi artan morfometrik çalışmalar yani yüzeyin şekillenmesi ve etkili olan nedenlerin belirlenmesi, coğrafyanın bilim dallarından jeomorfolojinin içerisinde önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu anlamda farklı araştırmacılar... more
ÖZET Son yıllarda önemi artan morfometrik çalışmalar yani yüzeyin şekillenmesi ve etkili olan nedenlerin belirlenmesi, coğrafyanın bilim dallarından jeomorfolojinin içerisinde önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu anlamda farklı araştırmacılar tarafından birçok morfometrik indis geliştirilmiş ve yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Hiç şüphesiz bu indisler sonucunda elde edilen sayılar tek başına bir anlam ifade etmez. Bu değerlerin yorumlanması gerekir. Bu çalışmada yaygın olarak kullanılan jeomorfometrik analizlerden; Akarsu Uzunluk Oranı (Rl), Drenaj Yoğunluğu (Dd), Akarsu Sıklığı (Fs), Havza Rölyefi (Bh), Engebelilik Değeri (Rn), Tekstür Oranı (Rt), Vadi Genişlik-Yükseklik Oranı (V), Hipsometrik Eğri, Hipsometrik İntegral (Hi) analizleri kullanılarak Beyazçay Havzası değerlendirilmektedir. Çalışmada 1/25000 ölçekli topoğrafya paftaları Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) ortamına aktarılarak Sayısal Yükseklik Modeli, Eğim, Bakı ve Kabartma katmanları üretilmiştir. Beyazçay Havzasında Litolojik birimlerde görülen farklılık drenaj yapısına yansımaktadır. Farklı litolojik birimler üzerinde gelişen drenaj ağı ile hesaplanan indis değerleri farklı sonuçlar vermektedir. ABSTRACT In recent years, a considerable increase in morphometric studies (i.e. surface features and their identified reasons) occupy an important place in geomorphology which is a dicipline of geography. For this reason, different researchers have improved a lot of morphometric indices and this indices are used commonly. Undoubtely, numbers obtained from indices does not mean singly. This values should be interpreted. In this study, the commonly used geomorphological analysis (River Length Ratio (Rl), Drainage Density (Dd) , Frequency of River (Fs), Basin Relief (Bh), Ruggedness Number (Rn), Texture Ratio (Rt), Valley's Wideness vs Height Ratio (V), Hypsometric Curve (Hc), Hypsometric Integral(Hi)) are appliyed for evaluating the Beyazçay Basin. By transferring the 1/25000 scaled topography map sheets into Geographic Information System (GIS) ,Digital Elevation Model, slope, aspect and hillshade layers are produced. In Beyazçay Basin, the differences in Lithologic units affect drainage structure. Indices values which are calculated from drainage network from different Lithologic units gives different results.
The importance of drainage basin as a planning unit for water resources development and management cannot be overemphasized and this requires accurate characterization of the drainage basin. This study takes a closer look at the Osun... more
The importance of drainage basin as a planning unit for water resources development and management cannot be overemphasized and this requires accurate characterization of the drainage basin. This study takes a closer look at the Osun drainage basin with a view to updating the existing records, estimate the morphometric features and make hydrological inferences. The data used in this study include a 30m resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) acquired from the United State Geological Survey (USGS), geology map of Nigeria acquired from Nigeria Geological Survey Agency (NGSA), Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD) prepared by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), and the 1991 locality population data of Nigeria acquired from National Population Commission (NPC). Remote sensing and GIS techniques were adopted in the analysis of the data using ArcGIS 10.2. The acquired DEM was used to delineate Osun drainage basin and 21 morphometric parameters were estimated. The results revealed that Osun drainage basin is a 4th order drainage basin, with an area of 9926.22km 2 , and a length of 213.08km. The area covered by the two geology types and the four soil types were quantified and it revealed that 93.28% of the basin is underlain by the Basement Complex rocks, while 50.89% of the basin is covered by sandy clay loam soil. All these will influence the basin discharge rate, chances of flood occurrence, peak flow, infiltration rate and recharging of the Osun basin groundwater system among others. Based on these results, this study serves as a scientific database for further detailed hydrological investigation of Osun drainage basin while benefiting the sustainable drainage basin management and development programmes of the Ogun-Osun Rivers Basins Development Authority.
- by Ingrid Leguerney and +1
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- Engineering, Anisotropy, Biological Sciences, Humans
Geo-visualization concept has been used for positioning water harvesting structures in Varekhadi watershed consisting of 26 mini watersheds, falling in Lower Tapi Basin (LTB), Surat district, Gujarat state. For prioritization of the mini... more
Geo-visualization concept has been used for positioning water harvesting structures in Varekhadi watershed consisting of 26 mini watersheds, falling in Lower Tapi Basin (LTB), Surat district, Gujarat state. For prioritization of the mini watersheds, morphometric analysis was utilized by using the linear parameters such as bifurcation ratio (Rb), drainage density (Dd), stream frequency (Fu), texture ratio (T), length of overland flow (Lo) and the shape parameter such as form factor (Rf), shape factor (Bs), elongation ratio (Re), compactness constant (Cc) and circularity ratio (Rc). The different prioritization ranks were assigned after evaluation of the compound factor. 3 Dimensional (3D) Elevation Model (DEM) from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) and DEM from topo contour were analyzed in ArcScene 9.1 and the fly tool was utilized for the Geo-visualization of Varekhadi mini watersheds as per the priority ranks. Combining this with soil map and slope map, the best feasibility of positioning check dams in mini-watershed no. 1, 5 and 24 has been proposed, after validation of the sites.
La microcuenca de drenaje de la quebrada Curucutí se ubica en la vertiente norte del Macizo del Ávila (10º33’08”-10º36’23” LN y 66º57’38”-66º59’14” LO), en el sector centro occidental del estado Vargas (Venezuela). Este pequeño sistema... more
La microcuenca de drenaje de la quebrada Curucutí se ubica en la vertiente norte del Macizo del Ávila (10º33’08”-10º36’23” LN y 66º57’38”-66º59’14” LO), en el sector centro occidental del estado Vargas (Venezuela). Este pequeño sistema fue una de las más de veinte cuencas que se activaron hidromorfodinámicamente, como respuesta a las excepcionales precipitaciones ocurridas en Diciembre de 1999, en el Litoral Central de Venezuela. Es por ello que el propósito de este trabajo es, analizar e interpretar la dinámica hidrogeomorfológica de la microcuenca de drenaje de la quebrada Curucutí, en términos del control que ejercen sus parámetros morfométricos en las características de la respuesta hidrológica. La metodología comprendió: (a) Cálculos y mediciones de parámetros morfométricos de la microcuenca y de su red de drenaje, con apoyo en cartas topográficas del área a escalas 1:5.000 y 1:10.000, y ortofotomapa a escala 1:25.000; (b) cálculo del tiempo de concentración de la microcuenca, y de la velocidad media del flujo; y (c) estimación de los hidrogramas unitarios y caudales pico de crecientes. También se realizó un trabajo de campo, para medir el ancho de la sección hidráulica de interés (ápice del abanico). La microcuenca de drenaje de la quebrada Curucutí, es un sistema hidrogeomorfológico cuya respuesta hidrológica está determinada por la pequeña área del mismo, fuertes pendientes en las vertientes y cauces del sector montañoso, la densidad de drenaje media, el orden 5 de la microcuenca, una relación de bifurcación media de 3,73, alta torrencialidad, las dimensiones de las tormentas y la intensidad y duración de las lluvias. En breves palabras, la respuesta hidrológica de la microcuenca, es condicionada y controlada por las características morfométricas del sistema y de su red de drenaje. Los cortos tiempos de concentración, así como las magnitudes estimadas de los caudales pico de crecientes y los picos y tiempos al pico de los hidrogramas unitarios obtenidos, corroboran la influencia que ejercen las características fisiográficas de la microcuenca y la estructura de la red de drenaje, en las respuestas rápidas y violentas del sistema. Ello definen escenarios críticos de inundaciones, para eventos de períodos de retorno de 50, 100 y 500 años principalmente, y en el peor de los casos de 1000 años. Este trabajo aporta elementos de gran importancia para la concepción y/o reevaluación de ser el caso, del diseño hidráulico e hidrológico de estructuras para el control de crecientes y de sedimentos, así como para el análisis, evaluación y zonificación de la amenaza por inundaciones, y el diseño de sistemas de alertas tempranas.
Sediment Yield Index (SYI) model and results of morphometric analysis have been used to prioritize watersheds and to locate sites for checkdam positioning in Tarafeni watershed in Midnapur district. West Bengal. Various thematic maps such... more
Sediment Yield Index (SYI) model and results of morphometric analysis have been used to prioritize watersheds and to locate sites for checkdam positioning in Tarafeni watershed in Midnapur district. West Bengal. Various thematic maps such as land use/land cover, slope, drainage, soil etc. were prepared from 1RS ID LISS III digital data, SOI toposheets of 1:50,000 scale and other reference maps. Morphometric parameters such as bifurcation ratio (Rb). drainage density (Dd), texture ratio (T), length of overland flow (Lo), stream frequency (Fu), compactness coefficient (Cc), circularity ratio (Rc), elongation ratio (Er), shape factor (Bs) and form factor (Rf) were computed. Automated demarcation of prioritization of micro-watersheds was done by using GIS overlaying technique by assigning weight factors to all the identified features in each thematic map and ranks were assigned to the morphometric parameters. Five categories of priority viz., very high, high, medium, low and very low, were given to all the watersheds in both the methods. Sixty-two micro-watersheds using SYI method and twenty-three micro-watersheds using morphometric have been prioritized as very high priority. Final priority map was prepared by considering the commonly occurred very high-prioritized micro-watersheds in both SYI model and morphometric analysis. Twenty-four suitable sites were identified for check dam construction in 21 highly prioritized watersheds. It is proved that integrated study of SYI model and morphometric analysis yield good result in prioritization of watersheds.
Brandoni, Ferrero, Brunetto (2010, JVP)
Sexing individuals in a population is important in many ecological and life‐history studies. Since many bird species are monomorphic, non‐invasive tools are necessary for sex determination. In this study we utilized flow cytometry to sex... more
Sexing individuals in a population is important in many ecological and life‐history studies. Since many bird species are monomorphic, non‐invasive tools are necessary for sex determination. In this study we utilized flow cytometry to sex individuals in a moorhen population of northern Italy. By improving previous laboratory protocols, we were able to obtain clear and repeatable measures of DNA content
Die morphologische Variabilität dentaler Strukturen, bei Haien der Familie der Carcharhinidae, ist sowohl innerhalb als auch zwischen den Arten unzureichend erforscht. Ohne Kenntnis der artspezifischen Parameter ist eine genaue... more
Die morphologische Variabilität dentaler Strukturen, bei Haien der Familie der Carcharhinidae, ist
sowohl innerhalb als auch zwischen den Arten unzureichend erforscht. Ohne Kenntnis der artspezifischen
Parameter ist eine genaue taxonomische Klassifizierung von fossilen Haien anhand der Zähne
jedoch unmöglich. Die umfassende Analyse der dentalen Strukturen rezenter carcharhinider Haie nach
artspezifischen Merkmalen wurde genutzt, um die Ergebnisse auf die nächsten fossilen Verwandten zu
übertragen. Besonderes Augenmerk galt darüber hinaus dem morphologischen Vergleich fossiler Zähne
westatlantischer und zentralasiatischer Herkunft. Es wurde ein morphometrisches Analyseverfahren
entwickelt, dass entgegen bestehender Methoden, gänzlich auf manuelle Datengewinnung verzichtet. Für
die neue Methode der automatisierten algorithmischen Morphometrie (AAM) wurden erstmals, anhand
von 2340 Einzelzähnen von 112 Individuen aus 41 Arten rezenter Carcharhinidae, die wesentlichen artspezifischen
Merkmalskomplexe definiert und in ein Analyseprogramm samt Datenbank übertragen. Die
Einzeluntersuchung der einzelnen Spezies nach Gesichtspunkten ontogenetischer, sexueller bzw. mono-/
dignather Heterodontie sowie intra- und interspezifischer Varianz der Zahnmorphologie zeigte, dass carcharhinide
Haie allein mit Hilfe zahnmorphologischer Merkmale identifiziert werden können und diese
Merkmale für systematische Zwecke geeignet sind. Der Erfolg der systematischen Zuordnung steht aber
in direkter Abhängigkeit zur Zahnposition und zur betrachteten Spezies. Der Einfluss der Heterodontie
auf die taxonomische Aussagekraft ist mitunter enorm, so dass die Eindeutigkeit der taxonomischen
Klassifizierung stark begrenzt wird. Es existiert eine enorme Bandbreite an morphologischen Überschneidungen
und Durchdringungen, sowohl innerhalb der Arten als auch art- bzw. gattungsübergreifend.
Beim Vergleich allein anhand einzelner Zähne, sowohl fossiler als auch rezenter Herkunft, ist es in vielen
Fällen nicht feststellbar, ob noch innerartliche Varianz oder bereits artliche Differenz vorliegt. Aus den
Erkenntnissen der morphometrischen Analyse und deren Übertragung auf die fossilen Belege, ergab sich
die Notwendigkeit, fossile Zähne carcharhinider Haie zukünftig, neben dem bestehenden deskriptiven
Verfahren der Taxonomie, zusätzlich funktionsmorphologisch zu beurteilen. Dazu wurden erstmals sechs
funktionsmorphologische Gruppen definiert, mit deren Hilfe vor allem ökologische Schlussfolgerungen
bei der Bewertung fossiler Zähne möglich sind.
... Researchers have dealt with geology ([Pasini, 1960], [Skrivanek, 1964] and [Casoli, 1973]), hydrology (Piccini, 2002), geomorphology ([Piccini, 1994] and [Piccini et al ... has 14 entrances, the highest of which opens at 1637 m asl,... more
... Researchers have dealt with geology ([Pasini, 1960], [Skrivanek, 1964] and [Casoli, 1973]), hydrology (Piccini, 2002), geomorphology ([Piccini, 1994] and [Piccini et al ... has 14 entrances, the highest of which opens at 1637 m asl, just 40 meters below the summit of Monte Corchia. ...