Neolatin Literature Research Papers - (original) (raw)
John Skelton is a central literary figure and the leading poet during the first thirty years of Tudor rule. Nevertheless, he remains challenging and even contradictory for modern audiences. This book aims to provide an authoritative... more
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- Religion, Christianity, History, Law
This detailed entry provides descriptive information for the manuscript Itinerarium of Jakub Římař (1682–1755) and its significance for the history of Christian-Muslim relations. It was published in the series Christian-Muslim Relations:... more
This detailed entry provides descriptive information for the manuscript Itinerarium of Jakub Římař (1682–1755) and its significance for the history of Christian-Muslim relations. It was published in the series Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History, vol. 14 (Leiden: Brill, 2020), pp. 159–164.
The full Latin title of Římař’s Itinerarium is Itinerarium missionum apostolicarum orientalium Aegypti, Aethiopiae, seu Abyssiniae, aliarumque regionum adjacentium, manu propria conscriptum a R(everendo) P(atre) Jacobo Ržimarž de Cremsirio, which translates as "The travels undertaken on behalf of the Oriental apostolic missions in Egypt, Ethiopia or Abyssinia, and other neighbouring countries, written down by the Reverend Father Jakub Římař of Kroměříž"
Dat de Romeinse oudheid heel wat Latijnse gedichten heeft voortgebracht die de mannenliefde tot onderwerp nemen, zal nog maar weinig lezers van dit tijdschrift verbazen. Dat die Latijnse traditie daarna nog verderloopt, tot in de... more
Dat de Romeinse oudheid heel wat Latijnse gedichten heeft voortgebracht die de mannenliefde tot onderwerp nemen, zal nog maar weinig lezers van dit tijdschrift verbazen. Dat die Latijnse traditie daarna nog verderloopt, tot in de vroegmoderne tijd, is wellicht minder bekend...
Az SZTE Klasszika-Filológiai és Neolatin Tanszéke, a Tiszántúli Református Egyházkerület Levéltára, valamint az MTA-ELTE Humanizmus Kelet-Közép-Euró pában Lendület Kutatócsoport és az MTA BTK Irodalomtudományi Intézet szervezésében 2017.... more
Az SZTE Klasszika-Filológiai és Neolatin Tanszéke, a Tiszántúli Református Egyházkerület Levéltára, valamint az MTA-ELTE Humanizmus Kelet-Közép-Euró pában Lendület Kutatócsoport és az MTA BTK Irodalomtudományi Intézet szervezésében 2017. december 7-9. között Debrecenben került sor a III. Neolatin Konferenciára. A tanácskozást a két korábbihoz hasonlóan jelentős szakmai érdek-lődés övezte, amit az is jelez, hogy a konferencia két és fél napja alatt több mint harminc előadás hangzott el a reformáció és a katolikus megújulás latin nyelvű irodalmának tárgykörében. A kötetben, mely a Convivia Neolatina Hungarica-sorozat harmadik darabja, az előadások alapján készült tanulmányok szerkesztett változata olvasható. A konfe-rencia szekcióinak logikáját követve csoportosított tanulmányok több aspektusból vizsgálják a protestáns vagy katolikus szellemiségű latin nyelvű kultúra világát. Ol-vashatók a kötetben tanulmányok a konfesszionalizálódás történetírásra gyakorolt hatásáról, több tanulmány foglalkozik a latin nyelvű biblikus költészettel, vagy ép-pen az antik tradíciók tovább élésével a protestáns poézisben. Nem marad említés nélkül Pázmány és a jezsuiták latin nyelvű irodalmi hagyatéka sem, a gazdag anya-got pedig továbbszínesítik a latin nyelven megszólaló egyházkritikának, illetve a heterodox gondolkodásnak szentelt izgalmas tanulmányok. A szerkesztők azzal a reménnyel bocsátják útjára a kötetet, hogy még a 2017-es reformációs emlékév különösen gazdag tudományos termésének ellenére is tud újat mondani és értékes információkkal szolgálni a téma iránt érdeklődő közönségnek. A 20. század közepétől Európa-szerte a latin gyökerekhez kap-csolódó, közös műveltségbeli alapok megállapítására irányuló törekvések magukkal hozták a neolatin kutatások általános ki-bontakozását és elterjedését. E stúdiumok az utóbbi években Magyarországon is örvendetes lendületet vettek, egyre többen és egyre szélesebb tárgykörben foglalkoznak idehaza a neolatin irodalomhoz tartozó szövegek-kel. Ezt felismerve a Hungaria Latina Magyar Neolatin Egyesü-let a szorosabb és főleg rendsze-resebb szakmai együttműködés előse gí té se érdekében 2013 őszén a neo latin tanulmányoknak szen-telt konferenciasorozatot indított. A kétévente megrendezendő ta-nácskozások a szervezőbizottság tervei szerint minden alkalommal egy-két meghatározott témát állí-tanak a középpontba, és az eddigi eredmények számbavételén túl hozzájárulnak új kutatási irányok kijelöléséhez, fontos és kevéssé kutatott források, forráscsopor-tok feldolgozásához. Jelen kötet a fentiek szelle-mében 2017. december 7-9. kö-zött Debrecenben megrendezett A reformáció és a katolikus megújulás latin nyelvű irodalma című konferen-cián elhangzott előadások szer-kesztett változatát tartalmazza. A konferencia szervezői az SZTE Klasszika-Filológiai és Neolatin Tanszéke, a Tiszántúli Reformá-tus Egyházkerület Levéltára, va-lamint az MTA-ELTE Huma-nizmus Kelet-Közép-Európában Lendület Kutatócsoport és az MTA BTK Irodalomtudományi Intézet voltak. A REfORmáCIó és A kATOLIkUs mEGújULás latin nyelvű irodalma A borítón Gönczi György, De Disciplina Ecclesiastica… című nyomtatvány címlapja (Debrecen, 1591), részlet CONVIVIA NEOLATINA HUNGARICA 3.
Il Coniurationis commentarium, l’unica opera storica composta da Angelo Poliziano, è la prima e la più importante fonte sulla Congiura dei Pazzi, il sanguinoso colpo di stato perpetrato contro i Medici a Firenze il 26 aprile 1478, che... more
Il Coniurationis commentarium, l’unica opera storica composta da Angelo Poliziano, è la prima e la più importante fonte sulla Congiura dei Pazzi, il sanguinoso colpo di stato perpetrato contro i Medici a Firenze il 26 aprile 1478, che causò la morte del giovane Giuliano e il ferimento di Lorenzo il Magnifico. Poliziano, già intellettuale di primo piano della Firenze medicea e presente al tragico attentato in Santa Maria del Fiore, compose il suo racconto nel burrascoso scenario politico scaturito dal fallimento della cospirazione: una testimonianza storica autoptica, concepita come rapida e necessaria risposta sull’onda del clamore suscitato dal crimine e realizzata con le armi della più raffinata cultura umanistica, un ritratto intenso e coinvolgente degli eventi, che si distingue per la brevitas sallustiana e per la limpida potenza delle sue immagini. Da subito fatta circolare grazie ai nuovissimi mezzi della stampa, l’opera divenne uno dei pilastri più robusti su cui si edificò l’articolata propaganda medicea all’indomani della congiura.
Questa nuova edizione del Coniurationis commentarium, dopo l’edizione critica pionieristica curata da Alessandro Perosa nel 1958, si propone di offrire uno strumento di lettura più completo e aggiornato dell’opera, grazie a nuove indagini condotte in ambito filologico, storico e critico. Nuove acquisizioni sul Commentarium presentate in questo volume riguardano inoltre i modelli classici ai quali Poliziano si ispirò e le implicazioni e le prospettive storico-politiche dell’opera nel contesto della congiura. Il testo latino dell’edizione Perosa, riproposto qui con alcuni emendamenti scaturiti da un vaglio più completo della tradizione, è corredato di una nuova traduzione italiana e di puntuali note di commento, aggiornato ai più recenti studi e finalizzato all’illustrazione di personaggi ed eventi storici menzionati e della fitta trama di fonti classiche che sottendono l’opera.
Abstract: While the distinction between the calm and violent passions has been treated by Hume scholars from a number of perspectives relevant to the Scottish philosopher’s thought more generally, little scholarly attention has been paid... more
Abstract: While the distinction between the calm and violent passions has been treated by Hume scholars from a number of perspectives relevant to the Scottish philosopher’s thought more generally, little scholarly attention has been paid to this distinction either in the works of Hume’s non-English contemporaries (e.g., the French Jesuit Pierre Brumoy) or in the long rhetorical and literary tradition which often categorized the emotions as either calm or violent. This article examines the long history of the distinction between calm and violent, or mild and vehement, emotions from the classical Roman rhetorical tradition through the Renaissance and into the modern period. In doing so, it provides a partial but substantial genealogy of an important heuristic taxonomy in the history of emotions, while suggesting that the philosophical import of the distinction in the eighteenth century owes something to rhetorical and poetic traditions which are often not considered by historians of philosophy.
- by Yasmin Haskell and +1
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- Erasmus, Jesuit history, David Hume, Latin Didactic Poetry
Il diritto di cittadinanza che il mondo della scuola ha nella satira è probabilmente tanto antico quanto la satira. Essendo la scuola del tardo Seicento e del Settecento quasi interamente basata sul latino, ed essendo la satira di... more
Il diritto di cittadinanza che il mondo della scuola ha nella satira è
probabilmente tanto antico quanto la satira. Essendo la scuola del tardo
Seicento e del Settecento quasi interamente basata sul latino, ed essendo
la satira di questo periodo un genere ancora significativamente latino, non
stupisce che la satira diventi a più riprese uno spazio in cui il latino sembra
riflettere su se stesso, ovvero sui fondamenti del proprio impero linguistico
e culturale. Comincerò dalla fine, chiamando in causa un personaggio
che ha quattro quarti di nobiltà scientifica e didattica. Essendo nato nel
e morto nel , Stefano Antonio Morcelli è uno dei non molti
gesuiti che riuscirono a vivere la soppressione dell’ordine nel e la
rifondazione nel . Nella prima metà degli anni ottanta pubblicò le sue
grandi opere epigrafiche, ovvero i tre libri De stilo inscriptionum Latinarum
() e le Inscriptiones commentariis subiectis (). Nel proemio della
prima, indirizzato cultoribus antiquitatis, si era detto sicuro che i suoi
lettori avrebbero ritenuto giusta la scelta di scrivere di epigrafi latine in
latino, in primo luogo perché l’uso della lingua volgare avrebbe a poco a
poco portato ad uno svilimento della scienza epigrafica, che sarebbe stata
spogliata del proprio fascino arcano, in secondo luogo perché così anche i
non latinisti avrebbero capito che per scrivere epigrafi latine sarebbe stato
necessario diventare antiquitatis cultores, o almeno dotarsi degli strumenti
di costoro. In realtà lo spazio che Morcelli prevedeva per la lingua vernacola
nell’ambito della sua disciplina d’elezione era semplicemente nullo ...
Jak se díval barokní učenec na přírodu, jak se liší Čechy na počátku baroka od těch dnešních a obstojí tehdejší přírodovědné poznatky ve světle moderní vědy? Odpovědi na tyto otázky může čtenář hledat v první knize Rozmanitostí z historie... more
Jak se díval barokní učenec na přírodu, jak se liší Čechy na počátku baroka od těch dnešních a obstojí tehdejší přírodovědné poznatky ve světle moderní vědy? Odpovědi na tyto otázky může čtenář hledat v první knize Rozmanitostí z historie Království českého, která vůbec poprvé vychází jak s původním latinským textem, tak i s úplným českým překladem a odborným komentářem. Český barokní autor a jezuita Bohuslav Balbín (1621−1688), veřejnosti známý spíše jako dějepisec a obhájce českého jazyka, v tomto spisu poutavě líčí polohu Čech, jejich povrch, vodní toky, léčivé prameny, nerostné bohatství, nejrůznější kuriozity, ale také rostliny a živočichy. Dílo je cenné také tím, že jeho autor nečerpal pouze z dostupné literatury, nýbrž i z dobového vyprávění a často i z vlastních pozorování. Přeložil Jiří A. Čepelák a edičně připravil Stanislav Komárek.
Text je doplněn o postřehy k přírodopisu Moravy, jejichž autorem je Balbínův současník a přítel Tomáš Pešina z Čechorodu (1629-1680) (překlad 5. kapitoly "O poloze a přednostech Moravy" z jeho díla "Moravský Mars").
Ouvrage issu de la thèse de doctorat, accepté par les éditions Honoré Champion, coll. "Convergences (Antiquité-XXIe siècle)", à paraître en 2025. En PJ : position de thèse. Résumé (français) : Au seuil de ses Fables, La Fontaine affirme... more
Ouvrage issu de la thèse de doctorat, accepté par les éditions Honoré Champion, coll. "Convergences (Antiquité-XXIe siècle)", à paraître en 2025.
En PJ : position de thèse.
Résumé (français) : Au seuil de ses Fables, La Fontaine affirme qu’il «chante les héros dont Ésope est le Père». Souvent prise pour argent comptant, cette généalogie affichée a conduit la critique à envisager la composition des Fables dans le cadre d’un face-à-face schématique entre le « Père » supposé du genre et son Fils incarné dans la France du Grand Siècle. Cette thèse se propose de reprendre sur nouveaux frais la question des sources de l’inspiration « ésopique » de La Fontaine : « chante[r] les héros dont Ésope est le père », qu’est-ce à dire exactement ? À quelle figure auctoriale et à quels ouvrages le nom d’Ésope pouvait-il être associé dans l’esprit d’un poète du XVIIe siècle ? Au travers de quels filtres la « matière ésopique » était-elle passée avant que La Fontaine ne se l’approprie ? Après un examen approfondi de l’origine et de la nature du corpus des fables dites d’Ésope et de la biographie fictive du fabuliste grec (Vie d’Ésope), l’enquête se porte sur la réception et la transmission de ces textes aux XVe, XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Elle révèle que la filiation apparemment directe, évidente et sans médiation entre l’inventeur légendaire de l’apologue et son héritier majeur demande une révision de nos préjugés critiques, à la lumière de l’archéologie d’un modèle, d’un genre et d’une tradition qui s’avèrent d’une complexité et d’une diversité que La Fontaine lui-même ne soupçonnait peut-être pas, mais qui promet à l’analyste moderne la révélation d’un mode d’invention et de réception du genre fable beaucoup plus ouvert, fluide, voire confus, que ne le laisserait supposer l’annotation des éditions du fabuliste français.
Summary : At the beginning of his Fables, La Fontaine claims that he « sings the heroes whose father is Æsop ». Because it was often accepted at face value, this self-styled genealogy leds the critics to consider the composition of the Fables as a « tête-à-tête » between the so-called « father » of the genre and his spiritual son. In this dissertation, I try to renew the study of the Æsopic sources of La Fontaine. What does « singing the heroes whose father is Æsop » really mean ? Which books could be related to the name of Æsop in the mind of a 17th-century French poet ? After a carefull examination of the origin and nature of the so-called Æsop’s fables as well as the fictionnal biography of the Greek fabulist, the present investigation analyses the reception and the transmission of both Æsop’s life and fables in Early Modernity (15th, 16th and 17th centuries). In the light of this archeological research, the belief in an obvious and direct relationship without any mediation between the legendary inventor of the fable and his most gifted heir turns out to be completely deceptive. The Æsopic tradition proves to be far more various and complex than one might think after reading the comments and footnotes of the critical editions of La Fontaine’s Fables choisies mises en vers.
In our 10-volume series, we have undertaken to publish, in a critical edition, with detailed prefaces and content summaries, the county descriptions of Mátyás Bél's (1684–1749) Notitia, which have been preserved in the form of... more
In our 10-volume series, we have undertaken to publish, in a critical edition, with detailed prefaces and content summaries, the county descriptions of Mátyás Bél's (1684–1749) Notitia, which have been preserved in the form of manuscripts. The present volume, the fourth in the series, contains the descriptions of Fejér, Tolna, Somogy and Baranya counties, thus completing the descriptions of the Transdanubian counties. We would like to express our hope that, like the earlier volumes in the series, this volume will also promote local historical research and provide a useful contribution to the work of historians, archaeologists, art historians and other researchers.
This article examines two Dutch diplomatic missions, in 1627-28 and 1635, by which the United Provinces intervened in a Polish-Swedish armed conflict in Prussia. The focus is on 'diplomatic poetics': the ways in which literature... more
This article examines two Dutch diplomatic missions, in 1627-28 and 1635, by which the United Provinces intervened in a Polish-Swedish armed conflict in Prussia. The focus is on 'diplomatic poetics': the ways in which literature functioned within diplomatic practice, and how that practice (or the 'diplomatic moment') was in turn envisioned in literature. The Polish-Swedish conflict was of great interest to the United Provinces, and was elaborately discussed in various Dutch media, as well as in the correspondences of merchants and politicians. The Dutch embassies to Polish territories themselves, meanwhile, inspired a number of literary works, published mostly in the Republic, but also in for example Danzig and Königsberg. These sources demonstrate how early modern literary and diplomatic practices in Europe overlapped and influenced each other. Firstly, German, French and Dutch poems by Johannes Plavius, Simon van Beaumont and Joost van den Vondel illustrate the blurring of the lines between the realms of diplomacy and literature. Poems could function as diplomatic gifts, enabling both personal, intellectual communication and the widespread transmission of political messages. Moreover, Latin and German plays by Johannes Narssius and Simon Dach, and more importantly Latin poems by Simon van Beaumont and Caspar Barlaeus, as well as an illustrated Dutch account of the first mission by Abraham Booth, reveal that the Dutch envoys featured in literary narratives as both wise peace bringers and travelling poets, and their missions to Poland as both arduous ordeals and epic adventures. Much like poetic gifts, these literary reflections on 'the diplomatic moment' had public diplomatic agency, simultaneously voicing political opinions and crafting artistic images of the diplomats themselves.
Presented here for the first time are the letters of a young, little-known American woman, Alethea Stiles (1745-1784), to her learned cousin Ezra Stiles (1727-1795), the seventh president of Yale College. Brief and no doubt modest though... more
Presented here for the first time are the letters of a young, little-known American woman, Alethea Stiles (1745-1784), to her learned cousin Ezra Stiles (1727-1795), the seventh president of Yale College. Brief and no doubt modest though these two English and one Latin letter may be, they provide an important point of entry into the women's world of classical education in early America. Increasingly, American classical receptionists are trying to look beyond the "founding fathers" and consider what the classics meant in early America for men and women alike. We might do well, however, to reconsider one of the long-standing premises of reception research: that women interacted with the classical past largely outside of Latin and Greek texts and wrote little in the ancient languages. Leveraging both her knowledge of Roman history and the Latin language itself, Alethea advocated for admissions into Yale College over two centuries before the institution would welcome women. Though this attempt would not succeed, the presence of Alethea in the historical record demonstrates that even institutions that explicitly excluded precocious young women still include them in the archives.
Sex and Gender concludes with Holt Parker's "Latin and Greek Poetry by Five Renaissance Italian Woman Humanists," an exciting introduction to female literary figures eclipsed by a masculinist heritage, including Angela Nogarola, Isotta... more
Sex and Gender concludes with Holt Parker's "Latin and Greek Poetry by Five Renaissance Italian Woman Humanists," an exciting introduction to female literary figures eclipsed by a masculinist heritage, including Angela Nogarola, Isotta Nogarola, Costanza Varano, Alessandra Scala, and Fulvia Olympia Morata. With brief introductions to the women and their works, Parker brings a wide array of forgotten and obscured poets into critical focus. Indeed, any graduate student interested in the Latin Renaissance and in need of a dissertation topic should immediately consult Parker's "Directions for Future Research" for fertile suggestions of necessary scholarship. The essay is a fitting conclusion to a collection which is at its best when it faithfully adheres to its declared mission: to reclaim lesser-known texts obscured by a sexist scholarly tradition and to explore how these texts participate in or resist anti-feminist patriarchal codes.
Review: Tison Pugh, William White. "Barbara K. Gold, Sex and Gender in Medieval and Renaissance Texts: The Latin Tradition. State University of New York Press, 1997 ." Medieval Feminist Forum 28, no. 1 (1999) 59-61.
The author is trying to retrace the structural pattern responsible for the coherence of Jan Kochanowski's "Elegiarum libri quattuor", a collection of 46 Latin elegies by Polish most prominent Renaissance poet. In order to achieve this he... more
The author is trying to retrace the structural pattern responsible for the coherence of Jan Kochanowski's "Elegiarum libri quattuor", a collection of 46 Latin elegies by Polish most prominent Renaissance poet. In order to achieve this he takes into account the characters hailing from the Trojan myth (Paris, Hector, Ifigenia, Ulysse...) as they apparently play a serious role in the poetic expression of different stages of the collection' s protagonist's emotional journey he takes as Lydia's infortunate lover but, more importantly, an adolescent becoming a grown man
Este trabalho consiste no estudo do corpus novilatino anchietano, especificamente, no estabelecimento de texto, tradução e comentários do IV Livro do poema épico De Gestis Mendi de Saa de José de Anchieta, S. I, a partir da divisão em... more
Este trabalho consiste no estudo do corpus novilatino anchietano, especificamente, no estabelecimento de texto, tradução e comentários do IV Livro do poema épico De Gestis Mendi de Saa de José de Anchieta, S. I, a partir da divisão em quatro livros do Pe. Armando
Cardoso, S. I. Para tanto, utilizou-se a editio de 1563 do poema, intitulada Excellentissimo, singularisque fidei ac pietatis Viro Mendo de Saa, australis, seu Brasillicae Indiae Praesidi praestantissimo. Conimbricae. Apud Ioannem Aluarum Typographum regium. MDLXIII.
Para contextualização histórica, utilizou-se, igualmente, entre outras, a obra de Jean de Léry: Historia nauigationis in Brasiliam, quae et America dicitur. Qua describitur auctoris nauigatio, quaeque in mari uidit memoriae prodenda: Villagagnonis in America gesta: Brasiliensium uictus et mores, a nostris admodum alieni, cum eorum linguae dialogo:
animalia etiam, arbores, atque herbae, reliquaque singularia et nobis penitus incognita. A Ioanne Lerio Burgundo. Gallice scripta. Nunc uero primum Latinitate donata, et uariis figuris illustrata. Excudebat Eustathius Vignon, anno MDLXXXVI.
Innsbruck, LBI Neo-Latin Studies, Wednesday, 15.02.2017, 18:00
Zentrum für Alte Kulturen („Atrium“)
Mancava sia in Italia che in Francia una moderna edizione della Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem che segnalasse le varianti tra le due stampe parigine del 1566 e del 1572. Questo volume presenta ora l’edizione comparata del... more
Mancava sia in Italia che in Francia una moderna edizione della Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem che segnalasse le varianti tra le due stampe parigine del 1566 e del 1572. Questo volume presenta ora l’edizione comparata del testo corredato dall’apparato delle fonti e da un ampio commento, affiancati dalla traduzione italiana. Il lettore ha così a disposizione un’opera che, da un lato, raccoglie la tradizione critica e storiografica precedente a Bodin, dall’altro individua e comincia a sviluppare temi essenziali del pensiero e della cultura dell’Europa moderna.
Today it is relatively unquestioned that Sulpicia, the elegiac woman of [Tib.] 3.8-18, was a historical woman of the same name who lived and wrote Latin elegies in Augustan Rome, and that the poems attributed to her are autobiographical... more
Today it is relatively unquestioned that Sulpicia, the elegiac woman of [Tib.] 3.8-18, was a historical woman of the same name who lived and wrote Latin elegies in Augustan Rome, and that the poems attributed to her are autobiographical records of love, thereby making Sulpicia a Roman version of Sappho. However, if the extant evidence is given a closer look, a different picture emerges. Specifically, if one recognizes the generic conventions at play in the poems, there is no longer reason to date them to the Augustan period, nor to read the figure of Sulpicia as different than any other constructed elegiac woman, nor to read the poems as disconnected from the rest of the genre of Latin love elegy. Rather, the poems quite likely date to after the heyday of the genre, and thus they appear to be pseudepigrapha or chronological fakes, written to recall and respond to the work of the canonical elegists and the Greek roots of the genre. And, if this is their correct context, it follows that the figure of Sulpicia was specifically chosen by the unknown author to provide a particular interpretation and/or comment on the genre, not unlike the fictional figure of Diotima in Plato’s Symposium. The Sulpicia that then emerges is not a Roman Sappho in the sense that we would like her to be, but rather a purely literary figure such as she is portrayed in the first known post-classical construction of her by the humanist Giovanni Pontano. Though such a reading may result in the loss of what was previously thought to be the only extant work of a female Roman poet, this justifiably renewed line of research into male authorship for the poems brings with it much potential.
This cum laude doctoral thesis presents the Latin verse autobiography of Constantijn Huygens in a scholarly text edition with translation, annotation and commentary. A full view on a full Dutch Golden Age life as a poet, secretary to the... more
This cum laude doctoral thesis presents the Latin verse autobiography of Constantijn Huygens in a scholarly text edition with translation, annotation and commentary. A full view on a full Dutch Golden Age life as a poet, secretary to the Princes of Orange, courtier, musician, connoisseur of arts, Lord Zuylichem, decoder of enemy secret codes, husband and widower to Sterre, father of the discoverer of Saturn's ring, young daredevil with fear of heights on the top of Strasbourg's cathedral, Sir Huggins who fell from his horse, teetotaler but not entirely sober, slave in golden chains, frequent follower of dead authors, superb skater who could not swim, defender of a most corrupt son, mountaineer in the Alps, support to the rising William III, pilgrim to Petrarch's Vaucluse, friend of Drebbel and Descartes, composer of William the Silent's epitaph, Erasmus adept, graffiti vandal in Woodstock, a dedicated tutor, and autobiographer.
At the age of 82, Huygens wrote a detailed account of his life and days in an autobiography of more than 2.000 Latin verses. The poem remained unpublished until well after his death.
This Latin-Dutch edition offers a full view on one of the most impressive autobiographies in early modern literature.
Contents: Introduction: Seeing Through Texts; Stephen Harrison, "Serial Similes in the Battle-Narrative of Virgil’s Aeneid"; Sergios Paschalis, "The Constant Helmsman: Acoetes, Palinurus, and the Homeric Hymn to Dionysus"; Jesús... more
Introduction: Seeing Through Texts; Stephen Harrison,
"Serial Similes in the Battle-Narrative of Virgil’s Aeneid"; Sergios Paschalis, "The Constant Helmsman: Acoetes, Palinurus, and the Homeric Hymn to Dionysus"; Jesús Hernández Lobato, "Fisher of Men: A New Reading of Ausonius’ Catalogue of Fish"; Ioannis Doukas, "The Works of the Sea: Mapping the Itineraries of Imitation in Late Antique Epic"; Martin Stöckinger, "Transgressing Pastoral: Mediated Responses to Aeneid 6 in Calpurnius, Nemesianus, and the Carmina Einsiedlensia"; Justin Stover, "Window Reference in Latin Bucolic: The Case of Martius Valerius"; Michael Paschalis, "The Chain of Imitations in Petrarch’s Africa"; Philip Hardie, "Multiple Allusivity in Girolamo Vida’s De Arte Poetica"; Sheldon Brammall, "Virgo laetissima: The Art of Allusion in Sannazaro’s De partu Virginis"; David McOmish, "Windows on the World: The Literary Revolutions of Adam King’s Genethliacon Iesu Christi"; Marta Celati, "Imitation and Allusion in Machiavelli’s Istorie fiorentine: Between Contemporary Sources and Classical Models"; Luke O’Sullivan, "‘Un traict à la comparaison de ces couples’: Seneca’s Poets and Epicurean Senecanisms in Montaigne’s Essais"; João R. Figueiredo, "Reading through the Sound of Trumpets: Camões’s Political Opinions and the Pattern of Allusion in Os Lusíadas"; William T. Rossiter, "Allusion and Horror: The Afterlives of Polydorus"; Emily Mayne, "‘An huge great stone’: Two Types of Allusion in The Faerie Queene"; Lindsay Ann Reid, "What’s in a Blush? Constellating Aeneid 12.64–9 and Amores 2.5.33–40 in Spenser’s Legend of Chastity"; Editors’ Afterword on Window Reference; Richard F. Thomas, "Window on the Eighties".
Pascasius Justus Turcq was born in the Flemish town of Eeklo. As a young man, he travelled through Spain before devoting himself to the study of philosophy and medicine in Italy. On gaining his doctorate, he returned north and settled in... more
Pascasius Justus Turcq was born in the Flemish town of Eeklo. As a young man, he travelled through Spain before devoting himself to the study of philosophy and medicine in Italy. On gaining his doctorate, he returned north and settled in Bergen-op-Zoom, where he worked as a physician and eventually became the city’s mayor. He attended to William the Silent as one of the physicians who worked to save the Prince’s life after the assassination attempt of 1582.
Alongside tales of gambling princes and perceptive accounts of the mental suffering experienced by problem gamblers, Pascasius’ De alea is remarkable for its singular insights into 16th-century medical science.
Basing himself on the authority of the ancient, late-antique and mediaeval traditions, Pascasius first fuses discrete theoretical systems into an innovative framework, allowing him to propose a novel description of compulsive gambling as a psychological disorder. Secondly, Pascasius articulates a series of pioneering cures. He describes this therapy in cognitive terms reminiscent of approaches to non-substance addiction in use today.
On Gambling was routinely referenced in scholarship on gambling into the 18th century before disappearing almost entirely from view. Newly available here, with a critical Latin text and English translation, On Gambling epitomises the creative potential of 16th-century medical humanism.
Standard Arabic is directly derived from the language of the Quran. The Arabic language of the holy book of Islam is seen as the prescriptive benchmark of correctness for the use and standardization of Arabic. As such, this standard... more
Standard Arabic is directly derived from the language of the Quran. The Arabic language of the holy book of Islam is seen as the prescriptive benchmark of correctness for the use and standardization of Arabic. As such, this standard language is removed from the vernaculars over a millennium years, which Arabic-speakers employ nowadays in everyday life. Furthermore, standard Arabic is used for written purposes but very rarely spoken, which implies that there are no native speakers of this language. As a result, no speech community of standard Arabic exists. Depending on the region or state, Arabs (understood here as Arabic speakers) belong to over 20 different vernacular speech communities centered around Arabic dialects. This feature is unique among the so-called " large languages " of the modern world. However, from a historical perspective, it can be likened to the functioning of Latin as the sole (written) language in Western Europe until the Reformation and in Central Europe until the mid-19th century. After the seventh to ninth century, there was no Latin-speaking community, while in day-today life, people who employed Latin for written use spoke vernaculars. Afterward these vernaculars replaced Latin in written use also, so that now each recognized European language corresponds to a speech community. In future, faced with the demands of globalization, the diglossic nature of Arabic may yet yield a ternary poly-glossia (triglossia): with the vernacular for everyday life; standard Arabic for formal texts, politics, and religion; and a western language (English, French, or Spanish) for science, business technology, and the perusal of belles-lettres. I thank Peter Polak-Springer (Qatar University) and the three anonymous reviewers for their advice and useful suggestions.These corrections and suggestions for improvement are the more important, given the fact that I have no command of Arabic. Hence, necessarily, my reflection is based on secondary literature. This is the usual problem of large-scale comparisons through time and space. A scholar attempting such a feat is always bound to overlook some important details, because she or he will never be able to master all the skills and gather all the information to be able to deal adequately with each single nuance. Hopefully, other researchers interested in the subject may come to succor, correcting errors, and misconceptions that may remain in this text for the sake of either improving such a comparison or falsifying it on the way to working out a better model for analyzing a phenomenon at hand. As mentioned in the article's title, I propose that on the general plane the sociolinguistic situation of today's Arabic-speakers is similar to that of the speakers of vernaculars who employed Latin for written purposes in medieval and early modern (western and central) Europe, usually prior to the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation. A reflection on such a comparison may usefully bring together for the sake of deepened dialog medievalists, sociolinguists, historians, neolatinists, arabists, sociologists, and political scientists, whose research paths would not have crossed otherwise. The alluded interdisciplinary dialog may yet yield a better understanding of both Europe's Latin past and the Arabicphone present of the Middle East and North Africa.
- by Tom Kamusella and +1
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- History, Sociology, Comparative Politics, Languages and Linguistics