Pierre Bourdieu Y La Educacion Research Papers (original) (raw)

Pääongelmani on yrittää ymmärtää, mitä minulle tapahtui. Elämänkulkuni voidaan kuvata ihmeeksi -nousemiseksi asemaan, mihin en kuulu. Ja jotta kykenen elämään minulle kuulumattomassa maailmassa, minun on yritettävä ymmärtää sekä... more

Pääongelmani on yrittää ymmärtää, mitä minulle tapahtui. Elämänkulkuni voidaan kuvata ihmeeksi -nousemiseksi asemaan, mihin en kuulu. Ja jotta kykenen elämään minulle kuulumattomassa maailmassa, minun on yritettävä ymmärtää sekä akateemista elämääni -miten se on syntynyt -että sitä, mitä menetin luodessani sitä. -Pierre Bourdieu Kasvatussosiologian klassinen kysymys koulutuksen ja yhteiskuntaluokan suhteesta tai yhteiskuntaluokan merkityksestä kasvatukselle ja sosialisaatiolle nousi uuden kiinnostuksen kohteeksi vuosituhannen taitteen tienoilla (esim.

Tesis de la Maestría en Humanidades LFD (Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas) mediante la que se aborda la contribución de la educación formal a las dinámicas de reproducción social y desigualdad en México, y las particulares... more

Tesis de la Maestría en Humanidades LFD (Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas) mediante la que se aborda la contribución de la educación formal a las dinámicas de reproducción social y desigualdad en México, y las particulares configuraciones de clase social en el nivel alto de la función pública de los estados de Aguascalientes, Durango y Zacatecas.

Bourdieu e Passeron (1982) assinam juntos uma das obras mais importantes para a sociologia da educação. A Reprodução (publicado originalmente em 1970), tem sido um importante marco para o pensamento sociológico, não só por tentar fazer... more

Bourdieu e Passeron (1982) assinam juntos uma das obras mais importantes para a sociologia da educação. A Reprodução (publicado originalmente em 1970), tem sido um importante marco para o pensamento sociológico, não só por tentar fazer uma síntese teórica das várias abordagens sociológicas: Durkheim com seu objetivismo, Weber com seu subjetivismo e Marx como expressão do pensamento dialético, segundo distinção epistemológica feita por Pereira (1970), mas principalmente por, partindo desta síntese realizar uma análise complexa do fenômeno educacional. Veremos abaixo como Bourdieu e Passeron analisam o sistema de ensino, quais as contribuições presentes em A Reprodução e outras obras e principalmente quais as implicações desta teoria do sistema de ensino na sociedade moderna, bem como a questão da mudança no interior do campo educacional. O ponto de partida destes autores é a afirmação de que toda ação pedagógica é uma violência simbólica, pois é uma imposição arbitrária de uma cultura de um grupo ou classe a outro grupo ou classe e esta imposição oculta, mascara, as relações de força que estão na base de seu poder. Sendo assim, "as ações sociais são concretamente realizadas pelos indivíduos, mas as chances de efetivá-las se encontram objetivamente estruturadas no interior da sociedade global" (Ortiz, 1994:15). A ação pedagógica é uma ação objetivamente estruturada e é uma violência simbólica porque impõe um arbitrário cultural, ou seja, impõe uma concepção cultural

Ancien prof de lycée dans le « 9-3 » devenu sociologue, Fabien Truong a pendant dix ans – des émeutes de 2005 aux attentats de janvier 2015 – suivi et accompagné une vingtaine d’anciens élèves, du bac jusqu’à la fi n de leurs études. Tour... more

Ancien prof de lycée dans le « 9-3 » devenu sociologue, Fabien Truong a pendant dix ans – des émeutes de 2005 aux attentats de janvier 2015 – suivi et accompagné une vingtaine d’anciens élèves, du bac jusqu’à la fi n de leurs études. Tour à tour prof, enquêteur, témoin, conseiller et confi dent, il dresse ici le portrait tout en finesse d’une certaine jeunesse française, celle des banlieues populaires issues de l’immigration.
Loin des clichés médiatiques, du fatalisme politique ambiant et des prophéties catastrophistes de la « désintégration sociale », ce livre observe la dilution quotidienne de cette jeunesse dans la société française. De la fac aux grandes écoles, en passant par les cycles plus courts, ces jeunes incarnent la face cachée d’une passion nationale : sortir de sa condition par l’école. Confrontés au stigmate des origines, à l’impératif de rentabilité assigné aux études longues et à la précarité massive, ils mènent un combat ordinaire pour gagner l’estime de soi et apprendre à naviguer entre les multiples frontières du monde social.
En offrant une véritable plongée dans l’intimité de ces jeunes étudiants en quête d’échappée, ce livre peut se lire aussi comme un récit initiatique, déroulant dans le temps long leurs rêves d’ascension sociale, leurs questionnements identitaires, les peines et les joies de l’apprentissage intellectuel, leur rapport à la religion ou leurs histoires d’amour. Car, dans ces territoires de la République, rien n’est jamais gagné ni perdu d’avance.

O artigo aborda as contribuições de Pierre Bourdieu para a discussão sobre classes sociais e educação. Para tanto, em um primeiro momento discorremos sobre os conceitos de habitus, capital cultural e campos. Após a elucidação desses... more

O artigo aborda as contribuições de Pierre Bourdieu para a discussão sobre classes sociais e educação. Para tanto, em um primeiro momento discorremos sobre os conceitos de habitus, capital cultural e campos. Após a elucidação desses conceitos, é analisada a teoria de Bourdieu sobre o sistema de ensino e as relações deste com a estratificação social, a herança familiar e as diferentes estratégias de investimento escolar. Por fim, apontamos os limites da teoria bourdiesiana sobre educação e as críticas construídas sobre a sua teoria que buscam avançar na análise de classes sociais e educação.
Palavras-chave: Educação e classes sociais; capital cultural; Bourdieu; desempenho escolar

idées I n° 160 I juin 2010 72 VIE DE LA DISCIpLINE I


Despite the fact that Ethiopia has a long and rich tradition of indigenous philosophy and education that could have been a solid foundation for its development and modern education like for example, the case in East Asia, however, it had... more

Despite the fact that Ethiopia has a long and rich tradition of indigenous philosophy and education that could have been a solid foundation for its development and modern education like for example, the case in East Asia, however, it had simply assimilated the Western system of education instead of integrating the important cultural and philosophical values with the new education system. At least to me, therefore, there seem cultural metamorphoses caused by Western-oriented modern education and a consequent emerging confusion of the Ethiopian youth as far as identity formation is concerned.

Nowhere does the need to appreciate a diverse range of different intercultural experiences appear more obvious than in the context of intercultural education. Yet, in times of neoliberal hegemony over educational politics and policies,... more

Nowhere does the need to appreciate a diverse range of different intercultural
experiences appear more obvious than in the context of intercultural education.
Yet, in times of neoliberal hegemony over educational politics and policies, less socioculturally
dominant and often more colloquial funds of intercultural knowledge risk to
suffer continued institutional marginalization and curricular obliteration. To counter
such forms of symbolic violence and to create learning environments that value a
wide range of processes of intercultural capital realization, intercultural education
needs to overcome ideas of “bad habitus” and “good reflexivity”, for they prematurely
discredit the value of people’s practical sense, while failing to problematize
the sociocultural contingency of their reflexive capacities. In a critical appropriation
of Bourdieu’s conceptualization of human agency, the present article highlights the
reconcilability of reflexivity and habitus, with a particular interest in processes of intercultural
capital realization and the (unfulfilled) potential of intercultural education

This work aims to introduce the reader to Pierre Bourdieu's theory of fields, to evaluate it critically and, through case studies, to test its implementation in the analysis of new objects. While the use of Bourdieu's concept of the... more

This work aims to introduce the reader to Pierre Bourdieu's theory of fields, to evaluate it critically and, through case studies, to test its implementation in the analysis of new objects. While the use of Bourdieu's concept of the habitus has given rise to countless discussions, the literature strangely remains more silent on the theory of fields, although it lies at the heart of his work. A series published by Editions du Seuil, started and initially edited by Bourdieu, includes a number of monographs that apply the theory of fields;r some journals have devoted whole issues to explicitly mobilizing the theory in order to study specific areas, and a growing number of works make use of it. However, critical discussions that seek to give an account of this theory both in general terms and in particular areas remain rare. The aim of this work is to fill that gap. One of the hypotheses put forward in this book is that the theory of fields constitutes an adequate tool for explaining and understanding the social world but that its use must be rigorously circumscribed and correspond to certain methodological principles.

Bourdieu’s critique of aesthetic value has had significant intellectual purchase in its controversial assertion that critical judgments regarding culture and aesthetics necessarily occur in an arena of social inequality and symbolic... more

Bourdieu’s critique of aesthetic value has had significant intellectual purchase in its controversial assertion that critical judgments regarding culture and aesthetics necessarily occur in an arena of social inequality and symbolic distinction. I explore a specific set of problems in Bourdieu’s theory of aesthetics through the work of Stanley Cavell, drawing on the latter’s investigation of the natural/conventional binary and what I describe as a theory of action (as opposed to a theory of meaning) based upon his reading of Ludwig Wittgenstein. The comparison of Bourdieu and Cavell provides the groundwork for an account of aesthetic judgments, the politics of criticism, and the theory of value based in ordinary language philosophy.

El título, una clara metáfora del libro “Esquisse d'une théorie de la pratique” de Pierre Bourdieu, bosqueja la intención principal de este texto: reflexionar acerca de la educación del cuerpo observando el problema con el prisma que... more

El título, una clara metáfora del libro “Esquisse d'une théorie de la pratique” de Pierre Bourdieu, bosqueja la intención principal de este texto: reflexionar acerca de la educación del cuerpo observando el problema con el prisma que ofrece la epistemología bourdieuana. Para ello se realiza un continuo diálogo entre los principales conceptos del autor con aquello que se entiende son los efectos de la educación en los sentidos prácticos del cuerpo. Esto es, el propósito de este escrito es llevar a cabo un análisis de cómo influye lo social en la educación en el cuerpo –y la educación del cuerpo en lo social–, y de sus efectos –la ética, la política y la estética de lo corporal–, a partir de una lectura crítica del problema con herramientas teóricas de Bourdieu. La idea, en resumen, es pensar al cuerpo como capital simbólico social, que se aprende y aprehende dentro de todo un conjunto de esquemas de clasificación y de estrategias de socialización, y que se manifiestan de manera práctica en la (di)visión del mundo.

of Thinking in terms of fields requires a conversion of one's entire usual vision of the social world, a vision interested only in those things which are visible ... In fact, just as the Newtonian theory of gravitation could be developed... more

of Thinking in terms of fields requires a conversion of one's entire usual vision of the social world, a vision interested only in those things which are visible ... In fact, just as the Newtonian theory of gravitation could be developed only by breakin g away from Cartesian realism, which refused to reco gnize any mode of physical action other than impact, direct contact, in the same wày, the notion of the field presupposes that one break away from the realist representation which leads one to reduce the effect of the milieu to the effect of the direct action that takes place in any interaction. It is the structure of the relations constitutive of the space of the field which determines the forms that can be assumed by the visible relations of interaction and the very content of the experience that agents may have of them. (Bourdieu, 1982:-4l; Bourdieu 1990c: 192) This work aims to introduce the reader to Pierre Bourdieu's theory of fields, to evaluate it critically and, through case studies, to test its implementation in the analysis of new objects. While the use of Bourdieu's concept of the habitus has given rise to countless discussions, the literature strangely remains more silent on the theory of fields, although it lies at the heart of his work. A series published by Editions du Seuil, started and initially edited by Bourdieu, includes a number of monographs that apply the theory of fields;r some journals have devoted whole issues to explicitly mobilizing the theory in order to study specific areas, and a growing number of works make use of it.

El sistema escolar no se explica por su funcionalidad para la integración social o para las clases dominantes: es un campo de luchas al que constantemente se le atribuyen funciones que es incapaz de cumplir. Tanto la confianza ilimitada... more

El sistema escolar no se explica por su funcionalidad para la integración social o para las clases dominantes: es un campo de luchas al que constantemente se le atribuyen funciones que es incapaz de cumplir. Tanto la confianza ilimitada en la escuela como su incapacidad para satisfacer las expectativas depositadas en ella son efectos de las dinámicas y tensiones de los campos escolares. Éstos no son instrumentos de las clases dominantes. Primero, porque son el lugar de múltiples luchas y presiones. Segundo, porque son las clases medias las que han afianzado su poder mediante el cierre social que aseguran los títulos escolares, al tiempo que elaboraban un discurso que convertía la cultura en el principal bien de salvación de individuos y sociedades –discurso que han reproducido los sociólogos de la educación, tanto funcionalistas como críticos.
Este libro critica los supuestos del pensamiento dominante sobre la escuela; analiza la constitución histórica de los campos escolares y las principales dinámicas y tensiones que los estructuran, para finalizar abordando algunos de los temas más controvertidos en educación: el periódico fracaso de las reformas escolares, la reproducción de las desigualdades sociales y la contribución de la escuela a producir nuevas realidades sociales.

Pedagogie des Orishas - Dissertation de Maîtrise- Rénaissance Africaine

Los museos de arte reciben diariamente visitantes de diversa índole: parejas, estudiantes, turistas, chicos y chicas, grupos de amigos, familias, lo que los unifica en ese momento es compartir el espacio de interacción con las obras.... more

Los museos de arte reciben diariamente visitantes de diversa índole: parejas, estudiantes, turistas, chicos y chicas, grupos de amigos, familias, lo que los unifica en ese momento es compartir el espacio de interacción con las obras. ¿Cómo se produce este diálogo? ¿Es igual para todos? ¿Qué papel juegan la corporeidad y la expresividad?
Cada uno de los visitantes realizará su propio recorrido a partir de sus vivencias y experiencias con la pintura. El gusto por el arte no es una cuestión innata, sino que es una cuestión de capitales adquiridos a lo largo de las trayectorias de vida. Las clases más cultivadas, debido a su disposición culta, serán quienes podrán aprovechar más de las exposiciones, así como también realizarán un recorrido más amplio; pues pueden producir mayor cantidad de significaciones con las obras. La obra de arte es un bien simbólico, sólo existe para aquel que posee los medios para apropiársela y poder descifrarla. Mientras que quienes no recibieron la misma educación, basarán su observación en las experiencias de la vida cotidiana, en el simple reconocimiento del objeto presentado. Siguiendo a Pierre Bourdieu y Alain Darbel, el nivel educativo tiene una influencia directa en la duración del recorrido y la frecuentación de los museos.
El objetivo del presente escrito es dar cuenta de cómo se establece un diálogo entre las obras de arte expuestas en los museos y sus visitantes, poniendo particular acento en la relación que se da con la corporeidad y la expresividad. Creemos que esta dimensión se puede reconstruir a partir del siguiente juego de oposiciones: obra intocable-tocable, el ruido-silencio retraído, exploración rápida y desordenada-procesión lenta y regulada. Cada una de las cuales nos puede aportar información relevante respecto a la actitud del público con respecto a las obras de arte y al recorrido que estos hacen.

Elmer Restrepo, Abreojos a secas. Collage, 2011 "Poblado de silencios, oculto en una proliferación de discursos, inaprensible, omnipresente, el cuerpo está siendo paulatinamente alejado, reducido, mediante todo tipo de procedimientos.

Background: The field of physical education (PE), overlapping as it does with the field of sport, has been critiqued for marginalizing those positioned as 'different'. This difference is typically conceptualized in regard to a white,... more

Background: The field of physical education (PE), overlapping as it does with the field of sport, has been critiqued for marginalizing those positioned as 'different'. This difference is typically conceptualized in regard to a white, masculine, heterosexual, and able-bodied norm. Students who do not identify as white are not represented in any significant way in physical education discourses, culture, or the demographics of PE teachers in many international contexts. Purpose: This article explores links between the literature in critical leadership and physical education. Drawing on the theoretical foundations of transformational leadership, critical pedagogy, and critical race theory, we draw links between the field of PE and applied critical leadership. Design and analyses: Drawing on the theoretical tools of Bourdieu, we argue that physical education can be conceptualized as a field of practice. As such, the field values contain certain practices and norms. We argue that disrupting these norms relies on leadership in the field and may require insights from other fields, in this case applied critical leadership. Conclusion: We conclude that leaders (both teachers and teacher educators) in the field of PE have a responsibility to take up practices which work against racialization and challenge current norms. This is both a theoretical and pedagogical challenge but can begin in classrooms.

This article is about the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and its actors. It analyses the development and role of PISA as a ‘cultural product’ from the perspective of Bourdieu’s field theory. The authors attempt to... more

This article is about the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and its actors. It analyses the development and role of PISA as a ‘cultural product’ from the perspective of Bourdieu’s field theory. The authors attempt to answer the following questions: Of which field is PISA the product? In which field and by whom is PISA used and ‘consumed’? The authors argue that the development of PISA is part of a broader transformation of equilibria within the field of (education) knowledge – i.e. a move away from its autonomous pole towards its heteronomous pole. Such a move transforms the very form and shape of the field of knowledge: it has expanded and attracts a growing number of internal and external actors around its heteronomous pole. This (cor)responds to a transformation of the equilibrium within the general field of power, where the intellectual bourgeoisie (artists, professors, academics, writers) is increasingly subordinated to – indeed, sometimes working for – economic and political interests. The authors further argue that the incorporation of PISA at the level of education policy fields also transforms their form and shape in two main ways. Within policy fields, the diffusion and reception of PISA reinforces a heteronomous understanding of education which is defined mostly in terms of its contribution to external interests. The diffusion of PISA also extends and, in a sense, dissolves the very boundaries of (national) education policy fields. Specifically, the authors underline that such an internationalisation of the education policy fields progresses mainly at their heteronomous poles and through a heteronomous definition of education.

Alternative education provides learners, teachers, schools, and communities with disengaged young people with a rare opportunity to rethink, reimagine and reform the way that learners can own and manage the ecosystem that leads to their... more

Alternative education provides learners, teachers, schools, and communities with disengaged young people with a rare opportunity to rethink, reimagine and reform the way that learners can own and manage the ecosystem that leads to their success (context, process, time, and people - including themselves at the center). When educators make curriculum decisions it is beneficial to have a guiding set of pillars, as Tipu Whare does, to ensure the time and funding available is directed towards learning experiences that support the pillars of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity. When schools and communities appoint teachers to work with disengaged young people, the educators must be passionate individuals who have a history of being crazy about their students, willing to be engaging and committed to a student-first perspective. This is not an easy path, but as demonstrated by Nga Tamaiti Rangatira (Children of Chiefs) it is a worthwhile endeavor.

¿Qué líneas de fuerza atraviesan una escuela? ¿Qué nuevos desafíos se presentan cuando el rígido sistema disciplinario se distiende? ¿A qué nuevos órdenes responde la educación cuando se vincula con la industria cultural? ¿Qué vínculos... more

¿Qué líneas de fuerza atraviesan una escuela? ¿Qué nuevos desafíos se presentan cuando el rígido sistema disciplinario se distiende? ¿A qué nuevos órdenes responde la educación cuando se vincula con la industria cultural? ¿Qué vínculos establecen las sociedades de control con la educación institucionalizada? ¿Cómo dar lugar a una educación que no forme para la servidumbre voluntaria?Del encierro al control reflexiona sobre las encrucijadas en que se encuentra la educación formal contemporánea, utilizando como marco la filosofía de Deleuze y Guattari. El texto revisa las principales transformaciones que la escuela ha realizado desde su inicial esquema disciplinario a un nuevo formato en gestación, que la conecta con una sociedad signada por las máquinas culturales. Para ello se analizan las tendencias contemporáneas al trabajo por proyectos y a la personalización de la enseñanza. En el recorrido, inquiere acerca del rol actual de los esquemas clásicos para pensar la enseñanza, la importancia que adquieren los sistemas de evaluación mundializados, los vínculos entre educación y trabajo, las nociones de interculturalidad y “escuela centrada en el niño”.

While remote learning is arguably effective as a substitute for the face-to-face model of learning and teaching in higher education, it raises multiple psychological and social implications for the learners. In this paper, we introduce... more

While remote learning is arguably effective as a substitute for the face-to-face model of learning and teaching in higher education, it raises multiple psychological and social implications for the learners. In this paper, we introduce the term “digidemic” (digital pandemic) to emphasize the impact of online learning on students’ mental wellbeing. As an objective structure that is beyond individual control, we note that students encounter digidemic in the form of disruption and challenges to the learning process at home. These disruptions include slow Internet connections that must be shared them with siblings or other family members and loss of a private learning space. Furthermore, students experience a sense of social isolation, perceived distress, and ambivalence in determining appropriate strategies to adapt to the negative effects of the disruptions. These phenomena precipitate in many individuals an inability to adapt to emerging objective structures, which sociologists refer to as hysteresis. Conceptually, hysteresis is described as the result of a gap between the objective structure (in this case, imposed online learning) and the capacity of the individual to cope with changes in their external environment. This article presents a preliminary study of the conceptual alignment between digidemic and hysteresis, which is applicable to future research into spatial transitions that students experience and the various personal strategies they undertake.

A pesquisa em educação em ciências expôs a dificuldade na implementação de controvérsias sócio-científicas em sala de aula, particularmente em relação à infraestrutura e à formação de professores para lidar com atividades que vão além dos... more

A pesquisa em educação em ciências expôs a dificuldade na implementação de controvérsias sócio-científicas em sala de aula, particularmente em relação à infraestrutura e à formação de professores para lidar com atividades que vão além dos conceitos científicos. Vários fatores desestimulam os professores atuais e futuros a trabalharem na educação básica (fundamental e secundária) quando enfrentam o desafio de incluir tópicos não consensuais em suas aulas de ciências. Tendo em conta a situação política brasileira, esta pesquisa ilustra como os futuros professores compreendem suas ações e desafios, ao implementar controvérsias sócio-científicas. No contexto, apresentamos uma fração do trabalho desenvolvido no projeto “We Act”, no qual pretendíamos pesquisar as percepções das relações de poder através das interpretações de Pierre Bourdieu e Paulo Freire. As concepções dos participantes sobre as relações de poder nas escolas, e como práticas políticas, surgem como particularmente relevan...

Bourdieu claimed that a mental revolution is required to grasp ‘field theory’. Maton asks why few scholars using Bourdieu’s ideas have his relational way of thinking and offers a way forward. The chapter identifies the source of this... more

Bourdieu claimed that a mental revolution is required to grasp ‘field theory’. Maton asks why few scholars using Bourdieu’s ideas have his relational way of thinking and offers a way forward. The chapter identifies the source of this problem in Bourdieu’s concepts themselves: they are not fully relational. The chapter shows how ‘Legitimation Code Theory’ or ‘LCT’ – a conceptual framework that is rapidly growing in education, sociology and linguistics – can augment Bourdieu’s framework to implement a fully relational analysis. Using a study of Chinese students in Australia as an example, ‘Thinking like Bourdieu’ illustrates how LCT reveals the principles underlying habituses, positions, capitals and practices. This, it is argued, enables a fully relational analysis and so offers a way of achieving Bourdieu’s mental revolution.

This article is contributing to form a link between the fashion and textile industries, educational institutions and the society. Through this article we throw light on how problems of developing nations could be solved by institutions... more

This article is contributing to form a link between the fashion and textile industries, educational institutions and the society. Through this article we throw light on how problems of developing nations could be solved by institutions offering fashion education by bringing them close to the concept of social and cultural capital. More than economic benefits this knowledge is also a vast exploration of social and cultural aspects which is quite a requirement for an individual. The purpose of study is theoretical foundation, development goals, content, and methods of preparation of the fashion designers in the emerging economies to address the socio-cultural problems. Its significance is to establish a global humanitarian and socio-cultural influence of fashion education in the processes taking place in emerging economies. Potential Impact of conducting this research is to implement a model of fashion education in existing educational systems to serve the respective societies better. The basic problems of training designers with economies in transition in terms of their impact on the socio-cultural processes in these countries are solved in this paper. The relationship of the processes taking place in the fashion industry and education is considered. This paper investigates and clarifies the nature and features of socio-cultural issues in fashion education on the basis of psycho-pedagogical, historical, methodological literature and vocational training practices in emerging economies. The model of training future designers is developed and theoretically grounded to solve socio cultural issues in professional activity and it links targeted semantic, procedural and efficient analytical components.

Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology invites us to aim to understand everything in relation to its social conditions of production, circulation and use – in short, to understand everything in relation to its social conditions of possibility. Can... more

Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology invites us to aim to understand everything in relation to its social conditions of production, circulation and use – in short, to understand everything in relation to its social conditions of possibility. Can the same principle be applied to the concept of the field itself? Does the concept of the field still function in the same way (and as effectively) when translated into a context other than that of French society? Is it equally pertinent in all contexts marked by a form of differentiation of spheres of activity? To answer these questions, we examine the problematic of the relative autonomy of fields in the Belgian context, focussing on the relationship between the field of power and different specific fields. Studying this context requires us to consider not only the process of functional differentiation that gives rise to fields but also a process of cultural fragmentation from which emerge what Belgian and Dutch intellectuals habitually call the “pillars” (Dobbelaere & Voyé, 1990; Seiler 1997; De Munck 2002 & 2009; Vanderstraeten 2002) or “segments” of society (Lijphart 1979, 1985).

Detendo-se na articulação envolvendo o subjetivo e o objetivo, o estruturalismo construtivista de Bourdieu propõe a superação da oposição entre objetivismo e subjetivismo através de uma relação dialética que converge para uma prática que... more

Detendo-se na articulação envolvendo o subjetivo e o objetivo, o estruturalismo construtivista de Bourdieu propõe a superação da oposição entre objetivismo e subjetivismo através de uma relação dialética que converge para uma prática que consiste no produto da conjunção que implica as disposições estruturadas (habitus) e as estruturas objetivas e circunscreve-se a um campo socialmente predeterminado que, transcendendo os agentes e as suas interações, emerge como campo de forças e campo de lutas em função da sua conservação ou da sua transformação em um processo que depende das correlações que encerram as posições sociais, as disposições e as tomadas de posição. Dessa forma, analisando o sistema escolar, o artigo assinala que, se a intermediação das disposições impõe-se à relação envolvendo as posições sociais e as tomadas de posição em um sistema baseado na dominação simbólica que tende à reprodução, a transformação do espaço social consiste em um movimento cujas possibilidades estão inscritas no princípio da estruturação dos habitus.

La necesidad de apreciar una amplia gama de diferentes experiencias interculturales parece ser más que obvia en el contexto de la educación intercultural. Sin embargo, en esta época, caracterizada por la hegemonía de políticas educativas... more

La necesidad de apreciar una amplia gama de diferentes experiencias interculturales parece ser más que obvia en el contexto de la educación intercultural. Sin embargo, en esta época, caracterizada por la hegemonía de políticas educativas neoliberales, los conocimientos interculturales socio-culturalmente menos dominantes y a menudo más coloquiales corren el riesgo de sufrir una continua marginación institucional y curricular. Para contrarrestar tales formas de violencia simbólica y para crear ambientes de enseñanza que valoren un amplio rango de procesos de realización de capital intercultural, la educación intercultural necesita superar las nociones de “mal habitus” y “buena reflexividad”, ya que estas desacreditan prematuramente el valor del sentido práctico de la gente, y al mismo tiempo fracasan en problematizar la contingencia sociocultural de sus capacidades reflexivas. En una apropiación crítica de la conceptualización de la agencia humana de Bourdieu, el presente artículo subraya la reconciliación entre la reflexividad y el habitus, con particular interés en los procesos de realización de capital intercultural y el potencial (no aprovechado) de la educación intercultural.

Medienbildungsprozesse sind komplex vernetzte Phänomene, die, wie Bildung überhaupt, nicht nur von Determinanten und intervenierenden Variablen abhängen, sondern zugleich das Produkt der freien Eigentätigkeit des sich bildenden... more

Medienbildungsprozesse sind komplex vernetzte Phänomene, die, wie Bildung überhaupt, nicht nur von Determinanten und intervenierenden Variablen abhängen, sondern zugleich das Produkt der freien Eigentätigkeit des sich bildenden Individuums sind. Dies hat normative Folgen für das wissenschaftstheoretische Konzept von pädagogischer Forschung und Praxis. Qualitative wie quantitative Forschungspraxis stehen vor dem Problem, diese Praxis in Anerkennung des forschenden und beforschten Subjekts zu gestalten und zugleich das normative Prinzip der Bildungsförderung nicht nur nicht zu behindern, sondern im Forschungsprozess zu fördern. Bezug nehmend auf Pierre Bourdieu, Grounded Theory und die lange Zeit in Vergessenheit geratene Action Research werden Intervention und Forschung als die verkoppelten Aspekte eines Bildungsnetzwerks charakterisiert, in dem die verschiedenen Bildungs- und Forschungspartner/innen gemeinsam Medienbildung gestalten. Der Aufsatz umreißt ein solches, hier als Grounded Practice bezeichnetes Forschungsparadigma am Beispiel eines mehrjährigen Forschungs- und Interventionsprojekts, in dem auf der Basis eines solchen Bildungsnetzwerks aus Kommune, Universität, Kindertagesstätten und Familien mit Wissenschaftler/innen, Erzieher/innen, Studierenden, Kindern und Eltern die Medienkompetenz von Kindern und Erzieher/innen erhoben, entwickelt und metakognitiv reflektiert wurden.