Procedures Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Jako niezgodne z zasadą prawdy materialnej należy uznać działania organu podatkowego, który a priori, a więc bez przeprowadzenia postępowania dowodowego, przyjmuje np. kwalifikację danego obiektu jako budynku mieszkalno-letniskowego,... more

The requirements of ISO 15189:2003 are discussed in the context of a process and outcome based quality management model in which the user?s needs are the central focus. The requirements of ISO 15189:2003 are examined in terms of... more

The requirements of ISO 15189:2003 are discussed in the context of a process and outcome based quality management model in which the user?s needs are the central focus. The requirements of ISO 15189:2003 are examined in terms of organization and a quality management system and stress the importance of evidence, document control and control of records and clinical material. Examples are provided from the areas of resource management, pre examination, examination and post examination processes. In the final section the importance of evaluation and continual improvement is presented in relation to internal audit and external assessment, non-conformity, corrective and preventative action and management review.

Title: A Primer on the Barangay Justice with ADR Law Author: Judge Eliza B. Yu, LLM, DCL Publisher: Central Book Supply, Inc. ISBN: 978-971-011-204-3 No. Of Pages: 180 Size: 6"x9" Binding: Softbound Price: ₱ 395 Description: We belong... more

Title: A Primer on the Barangay Justice with ADR Law
Author: Judge Eliza B. Yu, LLM, DCL
Publisher: Central Book Supply, Inc.
ISBN: 978-971-011-204-3
No. Of Pages: 180
Size: 6"x9"
Binding: Softbound
Price: ₱ 395
Description: We belong to a country where our government spent huge amount of money for adversarial litigations that generate hostile feelings between the parties who are involved in expensive and protracted law suits. In 2009, the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) Accomplishment Report and Executive Summary reported a total of 4, 154, 587 pauper clients assisted and a total of 591, 358 cases handled. In 2008, the National Prosecution Service (NPS) handled a total of 417,000 cases for preliminary investigation and a total of more or less 750,000 cases in the first and level courts averaging to 1 prosecutor for every 406 court cases. In 2007, the case load of First Level Courts totalled to 546, 314 while the case load of Second Level courts totalled to 546, 033. With these high figures, we have congested court dockets, a perennial problem since time immemorial, that hamper access to justice by the poor, a right enshrined in our Constitution. Part of the solution to this problem is to resort to Katarungang Pambarangay, known also as Barangay Justice as an alternative way of settling disputes in a cheaper and faster way. To realize this better dispute resolution, there must be an information campaign to the public, and so out of this imposing purpose, this book A PRIMER ON THE BARANGAY JUSTICE WITH ADR LAW was made upon the suggestion of a former UP College of Law Dean Froilan M. Bacungan, who was a member of Presidential Decree No. 1293 that created a presidential commission tasked with a duty of studying the feasibility of instituting a system of settling disputes among the members in the barangay without going to the courts. The author, Judge Eliza B. Yu, LLM was a former Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Chairman and an Ex Officio member of the Sangguniang Barangay in 1992. As SK Chairman, among others, she was exposed to the legislative works in the Barangay ; She exercised the duties and responsibilities of a Barangay official; and she gained experience on simple matters dealing with the Barangay Justice System. She finished her pre-law degree from the University of the Philippines in the Visayas without paying any tuition fees as a Department of Interior and Local Government Scholar because of her position as SK Chairman. In a way, this book is her humble way of thanking the Barangay and the DILG for the free education from 1993 to 1996. She earned the distinction as the only SK Chairman from the province (Western Samar) who became a National Capital Region (Pasay City) Metropolitan Trial Court Judge in the country.

Este artigo sustenta que a efetividade das sentenças de reforma estrutural está condicionada a dois tipos de dificuldades. Em primeiro lugar, pela suposta interferência que seu cumprimento sugere em relação aos poderes discricionários de... more

Este artigo sustenta que a efetividade das sentenças de reforma estrutural está condicionada a dois tipos de dificuldades. Em primeiro lugar, pela suposta interferência que seu cumprimento sugere em relação aos poderes discricionários de outros ramos (poderes ou funções) do governo. Denominarei essa condicionante “dificuldade política”. Em segundo lugar, pela ausência de regulamentação adequada para trabalhar, em sede judicial, com conflitos coletivos que requerem esse tipo de remédio para sua adequada solução. Denominarei essa segunda condicionante “dificuldade procedimental”. Ambas as dificuldades são apresentadas e analisadas à luz dos dois casos de reforma estrutural mais importantes decididos pela CSJN argentina: “Mendoza” e “Verbitsky”. Além disso, este trabalho postula e afirma dois pontos. Por um lado, a legitimidade democrática do Poder Judiciário para proferir sentenças de reforma estrutural. Por outro, a urgente necessidade de sancionar normas adequadas na matéria, com o fim de permitir que tais decisões sejam eficazes e possam produzir resultados concretos para os seus beneficiários (muitas vezes, grupos Desfavorecidos e relegados da discussão institucional).

Project management information systems have changed considerably over the last decade. They no longer focus on scheduling and resource management alone. Instead, they have become comprehensive systems that support the entire life-cycle of... more

Project management information systems have changed considerably over the last decade. They no longer focus on scheduling and resource management alone. Instead, they have become comprehensive systems that support the entire life-cycle of projects, project programs, and project portfolios. In this context, project-oriented organizations are facing a new challenge: the design, implementation, and operation of project management information systems have

Who should prove the existence or nonexistence of some fact in a judicial proceeding? Should the Claimant help the Defendant to prove asserts of truth of particular facts or vice versa? Is there a new rule within all the rules governing... more

Who should prove the existence or nonexistence of some fact in a judicial proceeding? Should the Claimant help the Defendant to prove asserts of truth of particular facts or vice versa? Is there a new rule within all the rules governing the presentation of facts and proof in proceedings before courts? Those are issues of a great importance studied by scholars and courts in the last years relating to the law of evidence and this essay which provides a framework for further research gives a particularly and critic point of view influenced by a vision of the process as an instrument of freedom or as a right that point to protect freedoms.

Postępowanie podatkowe uznać należy za wadliwe, jeśli pominięto w nim, objęty żądaniem strony, dowód ze świadka wskazanego przez stronę, na tej jedynie podstawie, iż według opinii administracji podatkowej zeznanie świadka byłoby z... more

Postępowanie podatkowe uznać należy za wadliwe, jeśli pominięto w nim, objęty żądaniem strony, dowód ze świadka wskazanego przez stronę, na tej jedynie podstawie, iż według opinii administracji podatkowej zeznanie świadka byłoby z pewnością tendencyjne. Pogląd ten nie dotyczy jednak sytuacji, w których okoliczności objęte przedmiotem postępowania stwierdzone zostały w sposób wystarczający innym dowodem.
Negatywnie z punktu widzenia realizacji zasady swobodnej oceny dowodów należy odnieść się do przypadków, w których stronę pozbawia się udziału w postępowaniu podatkowym, np. z uzasadnieniem, że jej uczestnictwo w przeprowadzeniu dowodu nie jest konieczne. Jest to niezgodne z dyspozycją art. 190 § 2 O.p. Strona musi mieć, w myśl art. 192 Ordynacji, zagwarantowaną możliwość wypowiedzenia się co do przeprowadzonych dowodów. Natomiast skutkiem procesowym niezachowania tego rodzaju wymogów jest fakt, iż żadna okoliczność faktyczna ustalona bez udziału strony nie może być uznana za udowodnioną. Dlatego naruszenie zasady wyrażonej w art. 192 może być podstawą wznowienia zakończonego ostateczną decyzją postępowania podatkowego.

Podstawa faktyczna decyzji podatkowej zawiera okoliczności, które w poszukiwaniu i rekonstrukcji podatkowego stanu faktycznego organ podatkowy uznał za udowodnione i w oparciu o nie dokonał rozstrzygnięcia, wydając stosowne orzeczenie.... more

Podstawa faktyczna decyzji podatkowej zawiera okoliczności, które w poszukiwaniu i rekonstrukcji podatkowego stanu faktycznego organ podatkowy uznał za udowodnione i w oparciu o nie dokonał rozstrzygnięcia, wydając stosowne orzeczenie. Jest ona więc końcowym, a zarazem głównym efektem oceny dowodów dokonanej w całym postępowaniu podatkowym.

Lo que quiero subrayar es que el sistema judicial que nosotros tenemos y el rol del juez dentro de ese sistema judicial fue pensado para atender otro tipo de conflictos, y muchas de las preguntas que intento plantear hoy no tienen que ver... more

Lo que quiero subrayar es que el sistema judicial que nosotros tenemos y el rol del juez dentro de ese sistema judicial fue pensado para atender otro tipo de conflictos, y muchas de las preguntas que intento plantear hoy no tienen que ver justamente con conflictos de tipo individual, con conflictos de tipo privado, sino con conflictos de interés público. Desde esta perspectiva, creo que el rol de los jueces en la actualidad es un rol político, tal vez más político que nunca en la historia. Cuando hablo de rol político, valga la aclaración —aunque creo que es sobreabundante—, no estoy hablando de política partidaria. La palabra política tiene numerosas acepciones, pero básicamente tiene que ver con lo que es la ciencia de la organización del gobierno. Si queremos tener algunas respuestas y empezar a mejorar alguna de las cosas que están pasando con nuestro sistema de administración de justicia, sobre todo en el contexto de estos casos de interés público, tenemos que hacernos cargo de una idea que me parece que es básica y evidente: los jueces están haciendo política. Lo están haciendo a través de sus decisiones. No lo están haciendo como lo hace el Poder Ejecutivo o el Legislativo, sino a través de decisiones tomadas en el contexto de casos, causas o controversias, lo cual —insisto— es su misión esencial y fundamental. Pero también es una función política que no existía cuando esas causas eran puramente individuales, privadas. Pasa a ser una función política cuando esas causas involucran a millones de personas

Newmark, contemporary linguist theorist, is dividing cultural elements to five categories, and he proposed 17 methods for translating of this elements. He tries to give better solutions to translators. The authors at this paper try with... more

Newmark, contemporary linguist theorist, is dividing cultural elements to five categories, and he proposed 17 methods for translating of this elements. He tries to give better solutions to translators. The authors at this paper try with analytical-description method specifying the role at the cultural elements with emphasis of framework Newmark theory. They express, with presentation the schemes of these elements translation and with presentation the samples of those in translations Arabic to Persian, the role of the “organisations, customs, activities, procedures, concepts element” for Iranian translators. Thus, it is found that the Iranian translators used which schemes for transferring this element in their translations, and to what extend success in translation this element and correct transferring to destination language. The results show that despite of the “organisations, customs, activities, procedures and concept elements” encounter with political, religious, historical and artistic phrases and interpretations, but Iranian translators could transfer well using with “cultural equivalent”. Nevertheless using less important methods like “couplet” and “notes, additions and glosses” schemes cause ambiguity and weakness in their translations.

This essay presents the concepts of structural problem, structural process and structural decision, as a development of the structural injunctions doctrine, proposes a classification of the essential characteristics and typical, but... more

This essay presents the concepts of structural problem, structural process and
structural decision, as a development of the structural injunctions doctrine, proposes a
classification of the essential characteristics and typical, but non-essential, characteristics of the structural process, and deals with its procedure, with a proposal to apply to these proceedings the common procedure provided for the 2015 Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure.

Podstawa faktyczna rozstrzygnięcia podatkowego pomimo ustanowienia domniemania wiarygodności dokumentów urzędowych może być zbudowana z uwzględnieniem prawdy materialnej. Postępowanie podatkowe prowadzone z wykorzystaniem dokumentów... more

Podstawa faktyczna rozstrzygnięcia podatkowego pomimo ustanowienia domniemania wiarygodności dokumentów urzędowych może być zbudowana z uwzględnieniem prawdy materialnej. Postępowanie podatkowe prowadzone z wykorzystaniem dokumentów urzędowych nie zawsze musi prowadzić do naruszenia zasady swobodnej oceny dowodów i zasady prawdy materialnej.

Diante da constatação de que certos litígios, caracterizados pela alta complexidade e pela presença de interesses multipolares, não se adequam bem aos modelos de processo ditos "tradicionais", intenciona-se o delineamento de um método... more

Diante da constatação de que certos litígios, caracterizados pela alta complexidade e pela presença de interesses multipolares, não se adequam bem aos modelos de processo ditos "tradicionais", intenciona-se o delineamento de um método processual ancorado em pressupostos e fundamentos próprios. Este ensaio tem por objetivo elaborar um primeiro rascunho do que seriam os pressupostos e fundamentos dos processos estruturais, elementos em razão dos quais se impõe a releitura de alguns institutos clássicos do direito processual a bem da efetividade dos direitos tratados pela via do processo.

تبسيط الاجراءات وتطوير اساليب نظم العمل Simplification of Procedures and the Development of Work Systems Techniques إعداد: د. وسام محمد إبراهيم Dr. Wessam Mohamed Ibrahim , PHD مدرس المناهج وتقنيات التعليم بكلية التربية-جامعة... more

Trata-se de coletânea com artigos sobre processo coletivo.

Apprenticeship Business Administration - Unit 24 – Store and Retrieve Information: Understand information storage and retrieval : Describe systems and procedures for storing and retrieving information Outline legal and organisational... more

Apprenticeship Business Administration - Unit 24 – Store and Retrieve Information:
Understand information storage and retrieval :
Describe systems and procedures for storing and retrieving information
Outline legal and organisational requirements for information security and retention
Explain how to create filing systems to facilitate information identification and retrieval
Explain how to use different search techniques to locate and retrieve information
Describe what to do when problems arise when storing or retrieving information

El principal objetivo de la obra es de orden didáctico. Desde esta perspectiva, pretende presentar a jueces, abogados y hacedores de políticas públicas de la región los lineamientos generales, principios e instituciones que gobiernan el... more

El principal objetivo de la obra es de orden didáctico. Desde esta perspectiva, pretende presentar a jueces, abogados y hacedores de políticas públicas de la región los lineamientos generales, principios e instituciones que gobiernan el campo de la tutela colectiva de derechos en clave representativa. Esto es, aquellos procesos judiciales llevados adelante en beneficio de grupos de personas por ciertos atípicos representantes de derechos ajenos (individuos, organizaciones del tercer sector y organismos públicos), cuya actuación judicial impactará con cualidad de cosa juzgada –con diversos alcances– incluso sobre quienes no han sido parte formal en el debate

T his paper examines organisational work procedures as an important efficiency driver in the public sector. Using expositions in literature and drawing from some of the findings from a recent organisational policy and procedures review... more

T his paper examines organisational work procedures as an important efficiency driver in the public sector. Using expositions in literature and drawing from some of the findings from a recent organisational policy and procedures review project, the paper examines the potential role that organ-isational procedures can play in service efficiency. The paper begins with an assessment of the scientific management concepts of work and efficiency against issues of equity and public value. The aim is to first, investigate the influence of these views in public administration as practiced in South Africa today; second, encourage greater interest in organisational work procedures as a credible research and practice area of Public Administration and third, engage the importance of an efficiency focused service delivery given the growing demands for services in South Africa. Literature and the review project findings indicate that organisational work procedures or processes in the public sector tend to be treated more as compliance tools than practical efficiency drivers. In a state with limited resources and intense public demands for services, the paper highlights the potential of work procedures as a tool for driving efficiency. The paper is envisioned as a foundation for future research on the utilisation of work procedures by South African public employees towards better efficiency.

Guidance on standard operating procedure writing within a regulated environment.

Work procedures are rarely researched and taught in the area of Public Administration, yet they are immutable elements of organisations and their operations. As a refl ection on the subject, this article presents a framework for theory... more

Work procedures are rarely researched and taught in the area of Public Administration, yet they are immutable elements of organisations and their operations. As a refl ection on the subject, this article presents a
framework for theory and practice applications using two main scholarship approaches. Approaches from grand debate perspectives (management/ administration and New Public Management debates); and approaches from middle range or institutional perspectives (scientifi c management, behavioural and organisational studies). Drawing additionally from the fragmented evidence in literature regarding work procedures, the article attempts to provide some clarity on the concept in terms of definition,
uses, types, characteristics and design of work procedures.
The article finds that although underrepresented in Public Administration studies, work procedures are wide ranging in application and as such have far reaching implications for organisational performance. The article concludes that work procedures represents an untapped potential in the drive to cultivate innovation and insights on how to improve effectiveness and efficiency in the South African public sector.

Civil Procedure Review, v. 10, n. 3, 2019

This study aims to explore the barriers that students encounter while translating proper nouns and to identify the procedures used by the students in the translation process. The researchers have developed a translation test in which... more

This study aims to explore the barriers that students encounter while translating proper nouns and to identify the procedures used by the students in the translation process. The researchers have developed a translation test in which twenty students were asked to translate twenty-nine underlined proper nouns which were subdivided into three categories: personal names, geographical places, and institutions and organizations. Findings show that students encounter many barriers such as (1) lacking specialized knowledge in religious, historical and political proper nouns; (2) having to choose from more than one equivalent for the same noun, and (3) not having enough dictionary equivalents for proper nouns. Findings also suggest that there is no single formula for translating proper nouns. Different procedures are applied in translating them such as using recognized translations and couplets especially for translating geographical places. Recognized methods of translation also meet with several challenges when translating names of organizations and institutions.

One particular topic in the literature on Frege’s conception of sense relates to two apparently contradictory theses held by Frege: the isomorphism of thought and language on one hand and the expressibility of a thought by different... more

One particular topic in the literature on Frege’s conception of sense relates to two apparently contradictory theses held by Frege: the isomorphism of thought and language on one hand and the expressibility of a thought by different sentences on the other. I will divide the paper into five sections. In (1) I introduce the problem of the tension in Frege’s thought. In (2) I discuss the main attempts to resolve the conflict between Frege’s two contradictory claims, showing what is wrong with some of them. In (3), I analyze where, in Frege’s writings and discussions on sense identity, one can find grounds for two different conceptions of sense. In (4) I show how the two contradictory theses held by Frege are connected with different concerns, compelling Frege to a constant oscillation in terminology. In (5) I summarize two further reasons that prevented Frege from making the distinction between two conceptions of sense clear: (i) the antipsychologism problem and (ii) the overlap of traditions in German literature contemporary to Frege about the concept of value. I conclude with a hint for a reconstruction of the Fregean notion of ‘thought’ which resolves the contradiction between his two theses