Rain forest Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Greater bamboo lemurs (Prolemur simus) are endemic to Madagascar and are the only recognized species within their genus. The IUCN lists the species as critically endangered, with very few confirmed distribution records and <200... more

Greater bamboo lemurs (Prolemur simus) are endemic to Madagascar and are the only recognized species within their genus. The IUCN lists the species as critically endangered, with very few confirmed distribution records and <200 individuals known in the wild. With the aim of contributing to its conservation, we attempted to find previously unknown sites containing the species. Working closely with local communities, and basing our methodology on the gathering of local knowledge, we surveyed 44 sites in and around the Ankeniheny-Zahamena Corridor. We found evidence of the presence of Prolemur simus at 18 sites. We made direct sightings at 6 sites, of a total of 65 confirmed individuals, and identified their characteristic feeding remains at the other sites. Twelve of the sites are located in midaltitude rain forest within the corridor, and 6 lie in isolated and degraded lowland areas outside the corridor. These discoveries more than double the number of sites where the species is known to occur, and extend its known range 85 km further north. We identified numerous threats to the newly discovered sites, including hunting pressure, habitat destruction, habitat disturbance, and habitat fragmentation. Demographic factors related to small population sizes and population isolation may also impact the viability of the populations. Our results illustrate the benefits of systematic gathering of local knowledge when searching for rare or secretive primates.

... We have linked these results in a proposal for the species' sustainable management and conservation. RESUMO Euterpe edulis Martius (Palmiteiro) é uma palmeira neotropical do sub-bosque que ocorre em alta freqüência e abundância... more

... We have linked these results in a proposal for the species' sustainable management and conservation. RESUMO Euterpe edulis Martius (Palmiteiro) é uma palmeira neotropical do sub-bosque que ocorre em alta freqüência e abundância na Floresta Atlântica. ...

... Atilaxpaludinosus (G. Cuvier) S N omn Herpestes sanguineus Ruppell S N omn Aonyx congica Lonnberg S N cam Aonyx capensis (Schinzi) S N cam Artiodactyla Hippotamus amphibius L L Cr herb Syncerus caffer nanus (Boddaert) L D & N herb... more

... Atilaxpaludinosus (G. Cuvier) S N omn Herpestes sanguineus Ruppell S N omn Aonyx congica Lonnberg S N cam Aonyx capensis (Schinzi) S N cam Artiodactyla Hippotamus amphibius L L Cr herb Syncerus caffer nanus (Boddaert) L D & N herb Tragelaphus scriptus (Pallas) ...

Distribution patterns of vascular plants with diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥ 2.5 cm were studied on the basis of compositional data from 30 small plots located in a rain-forest area in Colombian Amazonia. The research questions were:... more

Distribution patterns of vascular plants with diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥ 2.5 cm were studied on the basis of compositional data from 30 small plots located in a rain-forest area in Colombian Amazonia. The research questions were: How are distribution patterns of species in relation to local abundance in plots? Do understorey species (defined as species with individuals that never attained dbh ≥ 10 cm anywhere) show better correlations with soils and environment than canopy species (defined as species with individuals that attained dbh ≥ 10 cm)? Are patterns found in the entire range of landscape units comparable to those found in well-drained uplands alone? Species that occurred in more than one plot showed higher local abundances. This pattern was consistent among environmental generalists and specialists. Locally rare species (with only one individual in a plot) occurred mostly in well-drained uplands. Considering all landscape units, Mantel tests showed substantial correla...

In the last 10 years the Sri Lankan government has changed its policy regarding its remaining rain forest from one that promoted commercial exploitation to one of conservation. The growing importance of uplands as catchments for water... more

In the last 10 years the Sri Lankan government has changed its policy regarding its remaining rain forest from one that promoted commercial exploitation to one of conservation. The growing importance of uplands as catchments for water production, biodiversity conservation and other downstream services has been recognized by the Sri Lankan government. It is therefore timely that we review 15

Seedling production from wildlings and early field performance of planted wildlings of four ecologically and commercially important Shorea species were studied in rainforest conditions of South Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo). We report... more

Seedling production from wildlings and early field performance of planted wildlings of four ecologically and commercially important Shorea species were studied in rainforest conditions of South Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo). We report results from eight trials on Shorea johorensis, S. leprosula, S. faguetiana and S. parvifolia. Five trials were conducted in the nursery and three in the field. Growth medium, container type, wildling size or duration of shading period did not have significant effects on survival or growth of wildlings in the nursery. Keeping the potted wildlings in the greenhouse resulted in significantly higher survival than keeping them under shading net. Duration of greenhouse period had a significant effect on the survival of wildlings, with three weeks being the minimum period resulting in acceptable survival. Early field performance of hardened wildlings was better than that of seedlings raised from seed. Wildlings of 10–40 cm can be grown successfully in the nursery in several growth media and container types. A greenhouse period of 3–5 weeks is necessary for rooting and high survival. Use of wildlings is recommended as a supplementary method for producing dipterocarp planting stock. The techniques tested in the study are simple and appropriate for seedling production in conditions where skilled labor and advanced technology are not available.

Due to their permeable skin few amphibians are able to tolerate dry or salty conditions, a characteristic that has prevented most species from colonising oceanic islands. The most diverse oceanic island amphibian fauna is found in the... more

Due to their permeable skin few amphibians are able to tolerate dry or salty conditions, a characteristic that has prevented most species from colonising oceanic islands. The most diverse oceanic island amphibian fauna is found in the Seychelles, an archipelago of about 115 granitic and coralline islands in the Indian Ocean, some 1,600km east of mainland Africa, and northeast of

BURTON K. LIM ∗ and MARK D. ENGSTROM Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C6, Canada; ∗Author for correspondence (e-mail: burtonl@rom.on.ca; fax:... more

BURTON K. LIM ∗ and MARK D. ENGSTROM Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C6, Canada; ∗Author for correspondence (e-mail: burtonl@rom.on.ca; fax: +1-416-586-5863)