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Bu yazıda Yapı Bilgi Modellemesi ile ilgili tüm sorulara cevap bulabilir, sistem hakkında detaylı bilgiye ulaşabilirsiniz.

The term Building Information Modelling (BIM) refers to an expansive knowledge domain within the design, construction and operation (DCO) industry. The voluminous possibilities attributed to BIM represent an array of challenges that can... more

The term Building Information Modelling (BIM) refers to an expansive knowledge domain within the design, construction and operation (DCO) industry. The voluminous possibilities attributed to BIM represent an array of challenges that can be met through a systematic research and delivery framework spawning a set of performance assessment and improvement metrics. This article identifies five complementary components specifically developed to enable such assessment: (i) BIM capability stages representing transformational milestones along the implementation continuum; (ii) BIM maturity levels representing the quality, predictability and variability within BIM stages; (iii) BIM competencies representing incremental progressions towards and improvements within BIM stages; (iv) Organizational Scales representing the diversity of markets, disciplines and company sizes; and (v) Granularity Levels enabling highly targeted yet flexible performance analyses ranging from informal self-assessment to high-detail, formal organizational audits. This article explores these complementary components and positions them as a systematic method to understand BIM performance and to enable its assessment and improvement. A flowchart of the contents of this article is provided.

Understand the concept of Revit detailing drawings. As generating a good set of construction, drawings play an essential factor for making the excellent model of BIM (Building Information Modeling)

En el diseño en terrenos inclinados por lo general son en lugares asimétricos, con laderas o cerca de montañas, de modo que la estructura debe acomodarse a su entorno, tratando de intervenir lo mínimo posible y aprovechando cada elemento... more

En el diseño en terrenos inclinados por lo general son en lugares asimétricos, con laderas o cerca de montañas, de modo que la estructura debe acomodarse a su entorno, tratando de intervenir lo mínimo posible y aprovechando cada elemento que tiene. Tip 1 Movimiento de Tierra Cuando un proyecto esta por empezar a construirse, se tiene que hacer la limpieza del terreno, así como el movimiento de tierras. Esto es un costo extra, por lo que se recomienda trabajar en estos tipos de terrenos con superficies aterrizadas, haciendo que se mueva la menor cantidad de tierra posible como también no se usará mucho relleno, reduciendo los costos de la obra considerablemente.

Στο αρχείο εμφανίζονται τα περιεχόμενα του βιβλίου "Autodesk Revit Architecture – Οδηγός Εκμάθησης" με ISBN: 978-618-5007-00-3. Το βιβλίο μπορείτε να το προμηθευτείτε από την εταιρεία ΕΕΣ Λουλάκης Πολυχρόνης & Συν. Τηλ. 2103832800 web:... more

Στο αρχείο εμφανίζονται τα περιεχόμενα του βιβλίου "Autodesk Revit Architecture – Οδηγός Εκμάθησης" με ISBN: 978-618-5007-00-3. Το βιβλίο μπορείτε να το προμηθευτείτε από την εταιρεία ΕΕΣ Λουλάκης Πολυχρόνης & Συν. Τηλ. 2103832800 web:

BIM Revit, Arsitek,Struktur dan MEP adalah sebuah software yang sangat powerfull meningkatkan kinerja dan produktifitas anda dalam berbagai aktifitas perencanaan serta modelling 3D bentuk bangunan Gedung, Jembatan, Girder, PIer, Abutment,... more

BIM Revit, Arsitek,Struktur dan MEP adalah sebuah software yang sangat powerfull meningkatkan kinerja dan produktifitas anda dalam berbagai aktifitas perencanaan serta modelling 3D bentuk bangunan Gedung, Jembatan, Girder, PIer, Abutment, Baja, Perpipaan dan beberapa kustom spesifik bangunan lainnya, dari modelling 3D secara otomatis drag ke dalam kop yang sudah secara langsung jadi gambar teknis 2D, keunggulan lainya perhitungan volume pembesian juga otomatis langsung keluar tabel pembesian. MAsih banyak lagi keunggulan lainya.

This report probes the Building Information Modelling (BIM) for its perception in AEC industry and examines various definitions developed by the professionals involved in this field. It mainly concentrates on the Construction Management... more

This report probes the Building Information Modelling (BIM) for its perception in AEC industry and examines various definitions developed by the professionals involved in this field. It mainly concentrates on the Construction Management aspect of the industry, and what role BIM has to play within different procurement systems. The report examines major BIM applications with deep analysis on the usability and interoperability of the services. It further studies the methods of implementation of BIM and integration of standards covering a wide spectrum of services within AEC industry. The analysis is supported by the application of BIM technology on a live commercial project. The report concludes itself with the study on future uses of BIM.

There exists a lack of 'off the shelf' and user-friendly computational tools that allow architects and other design consultants to quickly analyse and simulate circulation patterns of buildings. Other developments of such tools have... more

There exists a lack of 'off the shelf' and user-friendly
computational tools that allow architects and other design
consultants to quickly analyse and simulate circulation
patterns of buildings. Other developments of such tools
have so far failed to penetrate the mainstream market for
architectural design software. The research presented in this
paper focuses on the development of a graph-based building
navigation and distance measurement tool; the Spatial
Analysis and Query Tool (SQ&AT), that plugs into the most
common design documentation software (Autodesk Revit)
with the ability for extension into other tools.
The resulting software allows users to test point-to-point
shortest distances, produces several grid based metrics and
allows scenarios to be built. These results may expose areas
where the designer’s intuition and bias has led them to make
inaccurate assumptions about quantitative design aspects.

Across the world, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is transforming architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. Its contributions have motivated many countries to systematically implement it in all construction projects.... more

Across the world, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is transforming architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. Its contributions have motivated many countries to systematically implement it in all construction projects. In sub-Saharan Africa, BIM is just beginning and its spreading requires a strong involvement of institutions dedicated to training and research in civil engineering. In this context, this article proposes an approach for automatic evaluation of cost and environmental impacts of buildings in Cameroon using BIM objects of LOD 300. The proposed approach is applied to implement, on Revit 2018 platform, BIM objects that integrate their cost and environmental impacts (namely energy consumption, water consumption, contribution to global warming, photochemical ozone formation, atmospheric acidification, eutrophization, aquatic ecotoxicity, production of ultimate waste). The design of a classroom on Revit 2018 platform shows that these BIM objects enable cost and environmental impacts evaluation of the whole construction process with a maximum deviation of 0.3%, compared to classical manual evaluation.

As the usage of BIM increased in the construction industry, some construction owners started exploring the use of BIM for maintaining their facilities. Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBIE), a spreadsheet data... more

As the usage of BIM increased in the construction industry, some construction owners started exploring the use of BIM for maintaining their facilities. Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBIE), a spreadsheet data format suggested in 2007 to manipulate building information, is considered as one of the solutions that would facilitate the process of transferring information from BIM to applications for facilities management. Several BIM and Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) applications offer functions to export or import the COBIE data. To facilitate the process of generating the COBIE data out of Building Information Model, some add-in applications, such as COBIE Toolkit for Revit, also were developed. However, most of these applications handle a limited amount of COBIE data. Professionals using these add-in applications therefore sometimes end up spending a significant amount of time to add additional data manually to the COBIE data file. To automatically get a data-rich COBIE file, we developed a prototype application that extracts information from Revit, which is one of the BIM authoring tools, stores them in an external database, and then produces the COBIE file using information stored in the database. We applied our application to a pilot project and produced 8 COBIE worksheets automatically, which demonstrated a significant amount of time saving. This paper presents how our prototype application produces 8 COBIE data sets automatically. It also addresses our attempt to handle more COBIE data sets.

Professional, organisational and educational institutions have started to adopt BIM software tools and adapt their existing delivery systems to satisfy evolving market requirements. To enable individuals within these organisations to... more

Professional, organisational and educational institutions have started to adopt BIM software tools and adapt their existing delivery systems to satisfy evolving market requirements. To enable individuals within these organisations to develop their BIM abilities, it is important to identify the BIM competencies that need to be learned, applied on the job, and measured for the purposes of performance improvement. Expanding upon previous research, this paper focuses on individual BIM competencies, the building blocks of organisational capability. The paper first introduces several taxonomies and conceptual models to clarify how individual competencies may be filtered, classified, and aggregated into a seed competency inventory. Competency items are then fed into a specialised knowledge engine to generate flexible assessment tools, learning modules and process workflows. Finally, the paper discusses the many benefits this competency-based approach brings to industry and academia, and explores future conceptual and tool development efforts to enable industry-wide BIM performance assessment and improvement.

Use project templates as a starting point for new projects. Use the default templates, or define custom templates to enforce office standards. A project template provides a starting point for a new project, including view templates,... more

Building information modeling (BIM) is a powerful collaboration and project delivery concept which is becoming popular in the architectural and engineering practice. Software developers are constantly extending the boundaries by... more

Building information modeling (BIM) is a powerful collaboration and project delivery concept which is becoming popular in the architectural and engineering practice. Software developers are constantly extending the boundaries by introducing new features into their programs, such as support for an integrated workflow, thus inviting different specialists to participate in the project at earlier design stages. These type of contributions highlight the importance of decisions concerning the most effective method to export information, invariant of the chosen data model, be it IFC or gbXML. Extensions to existing software are also considered, i.e. plugins. Export of simple geometries is tested within three BIM platforms: ArchiCAD, Allplan and Revit. The main focus of the presented test is exporting of the building materials data and its preservation in the IFC and gbXML format, specifically for import into thermal simulation tools. The application and capabilities of EnergyPlus and ArchiPHYSIK are explored. We summarize our results as a sequence at guidelines and recommendations suggesting optimal workflows for each BIM platform, as well as design for -Customizer-application, which assists in mapping of the needed data, on a per application basis, from IFC or gbXML to the IDF files usable to ArchiPHYSIK and EnergyPlus.

Materi Training yang disajikan dengan dengan detail pekerjaan BIM Modelling untuk Arsitek, yang berkesinambunagn dengan Struktur dan MEP, Jadwal Training Reguler tersedia di Depok, dan Seluruh Kota Di Indonesia. Jadwal Reguler tersedia di... more

Materi Training yang disajikan dengan dengan detail pekerjaan BIM Modelling untuk Arsitek, yang berkesinambunagn dengan Struktur dan MEP, Jadwal Training Reguler tersedia di Depok, dan Seluruh Kota Di Indonesia.
Jadwal Reguler tersedia di
Inhouse Training, call/wa 081287040414 - 081617781646

Elmi redaktor: ADNSU-mm "Neft emalı və neft-kimya sahələrinin iqtisadiyyatı və menecment" kafedrasının müdiri, i.e.d., professor Qənimət Səfərov Rəyçilər: AMEA-mn "Elmi İnnovasiya Mərkəzinin" direktor müavini, i.e.d., professor Təbriz... more

Elmi redaktor: ADNSU-mm "Neft emalı və neft-kimya sahələrinin iqtisadiyyatı və menecment" kafedrasının müdiri, i.e.d., professor Qənimət Səfərov Rəyçilər: AMEA-mn "Elmi İnnovasiya Mərkəzinin" direktor müavini, i.e.d., professor Təbriz Əliyev. Elm və Tədris Mərkəzi "Təfəkkür" Universitetinin rektoru, i.e.d, professor Müşviq Atakişiyev ATU-nıtn "Sənaye iqtisadiyyatı və menecment" kafedrasının müdiri, i.e d., professor Ramiz İsgəndərov M.Ə. Əliyev, A.G. Hüseynov, K.S. Kərimov, Ü.Y. Hüseynova Neft-qaz sənayesinin iqtisadiyyatı və idarə edilməsi. Ali məktəblər iıçün dərslik. Bakı. «Letterpress» Nəşriyyat evi. 2016. səh. 553. Dərslik tədris planında nəzərdə tutulmuş "Neft-qaz sənayesinin iqtisadiyyatı və idarə edilməsi" fənninin proqramına uyğun yazılmışdır. Dərslikdə Azərbaycanda neftqazçıxarma və neft emalı sənayesi sahələrinin inkişaf tarixinin mərhələri, bu sənaye sahələrinin ölkənin iqtisadiyyatında rolu və əhəmiyyəti, neft-qaz sektorunun milli təhlükəsizliyin təminatında mahiyyəti izah olunmuşdur. Neftqazçıxarma sənayesində aparılan iqtisadi islaharlar, köhnə yataqlarda yaranmış böhranlı vəziyyətin aradan qaldınirnası yollan, neft strategiyasının məqsədi və formalaşdırılması amilləri məntiqi ardıcıllıqla verilmişdir. Neftqazçıxarma müəssisələrində istehsal proseslərinin mahiyyət və səciyyəvi xüsusiyyətləri, əsas istehsal fondları, dövriyyə vəsaitləri və istehsal xərclərinin formalaşmasının izah olunmasına xüsusi diqqət verilmişdir. Dərsliyin məzmununda ehtiva olunan şərhlərdə sistemli və məntiqi təhlilə üstünlük verilmişdir və sistemin elementləri arasında dialektik əlaqələr açıqlanır, ümumi və spesifik qanunauyğunluqlar nəzəri və praktik baxımdan interpre.asiya olunur. , : Ali məktəblərdə təhsil alan bakalavr və magisti, aspirant, doktoram, fənni tədris edən professor-müəllim heyəti və gündəlik həyatlarında bu sahədə məşğul olan geniş neft-qaz sənaye sahələrində çalışan mütəxəssislər üçün nəzərdə ratulmuşdur

BIM concepts and tools have now proliferated across the construction industry. This is evidenced by the comparative results of BIM adoption rates reported through a number of industry surveys. However these surveys typically cover a small... more

BIM concepts and tools have now proliferated across the construction industry. This is evidenced by the comparative results of BIM adoption rates reported through a number of industry surveys. However these surveys typically cover a small number of industry stakeholders; are intended to establish adoption rates by organizations rather than markets; and are unsupported by theoretical frameworks to guide data collection and analysis. Based on a published theoretical framework, this paper proposes three metrics to augment survey data and help establish the overall BIM maturity of countries. These metrics apply to noteworthy BIM publications (NBP)s and assess their BIM knowledge content (BKC). NBPs are publically-available industry documents intended to facilitate BIM adoption; while BKCs are specialized labels (e.g. report, manual, and contract) used to describe NBP contents. The three metrics – NBP availability, NBP content distribution, and NBP relevance - are applied in assessing the knowledge deliverables of three countries – United States, United Kingdom and Australia - chosen for their similar construction culture and active BIM scene. The paper then discusses how these complementary metrics can inform policy development and identify market-wide knowledge gaps.

In traditional claim management system, Extension of Time (EOT) claims often lead to disputes among key construction stakeholders. This necessitates shifting traditional system to a digital environment for efficient processing. This... more

In traditional claim management system, Extension of Time (EOT) claims often lead to disputes among key construction stakeholders. This necessitates shifting traditional system to a digital environment for efficient processing. This research, therefore, focuses on utilizing Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology for developing a BIM-Based Claims Management System (BIM-CMS) to manage EOT claims. Twenty-nine problematic issues in prevalent EOT claim management process are extracted through an extensive literature review and semi-structured interviews of industry experts. Using Application Programming Interface, a plugin is developed in Autodesk Revit for managing EOT claims. The developed plugin is evaluated by industry's experts, who opined that BIM-CMS can be used to a great extent, as a tool to resolve most of the identified issues. It is also expected to proficiently mitigate potential disputes among contracting parties. The study also highlights barriers to BIM-CMS implementation and proposes corrective measures.

Materi Training yang disajikan untuk detail pekerjaan perencanaan Modelling Struktur, menghasilkan gambar 3d dan volume, Jadwal Training Reguler tersedia di Depok, dan Seluruh Kota Di Indonesia. Jadwal Reguler tersedia di... more

Materi Training yang disajikan untuk detail pekerjaan perencanaan Modelling Struktur, menghasilkan gambar 3d dan volume, Jadwal Training Reguler tersedia di Depok, dan Seluruh Kota Di Indonesia.
Jadwal Reguler tersedia di
Inhouse Training, call/wa 081287040414 - 081617781646

Esta comunicación pretende mostrar algunas aplicaciones y ejemplos realizados mediante herramientas y aplicaciones de fotogrametría aplicadas a edificios existentes, con el objetivo de obtener nubes de puntos mediante una técnica... more

Esta comunicación pretende mostrar algunas aplicaciones y ejemplos realizados mediante
herramientas y aplicaciones de fotogrametría aplicadas a edificios existentes, con el
objetivo de obtener nubes de puntos mediante una técnica alternativa a la del scanner láser
3D. Para ello se analizan diferentes aplicaciones informáticas que mediante la realización de
una serie de fotografías desde diferentes puntos de vista, permiten obtener de forma
relativamente económica y fiable, conjuntos de datos que pueden ser importados y utilizados
en aplicaciones BIM. Concretamente se utiliza el programa Agisoft PhotoScan para la
reconstrucción del modelo y la generación de nubes de puntos, que posteriormente se
insertan en Revit para la elaboración de modelos tridimensionales con los que poder
documentar un proyecto arquitectónico. Se analizan a su vez otras aplicaciones o
complementos, como Autodesk ReCap, que facilitan el proceso de análisis y revisión de la
geometría del modelo, agilizando el procedimiento y reduciendo el tiempo necesario para
obtener la planimetría del elemento de estudio.

In this paper the Open Source IFC model server project is introduced. A brief overview of existing IFC toolkits and model servers both as commercial applications as well as research prototypes is given. An... more

In this paper the Open Source IFC model server project is introduced. A brief overview of existing
IFC toolkits and model servers both as commercial applications as well as research prototypes is given. An
implementation-independent meta-model from current IFC STEP EXPRESS schemas is generated and used as a
venture point for a database persistency framework. A model server application is introduced that is based on this
framework which enables the storage, maintenance and query of IFC based building information models for the
collaboration among different stakeholders

This study has assessed the implementation level of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the construction industry of Malaysia. It also investigated several computer software packages facilitating BIM and challenges affecting its... more

This study has assessed the implementation level of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the construction industry of Malaysia. It also investigated several computer software packages facilitating BIM and challenges affecting its implementation. Data collection for this study was carried out using questionnaire survey among the construction practitioners. 95 completed forms of questionnaire received against 150 distributed questionnaire sets from consultant, contractor and client organizations were analyzed statistically. Analysis findings indicated that the level of implementation of BIM in the construction industry of Malaysia is very low. Average index method employed to assess the effectiveness of various software packages of BIM highlighted that Bentley construction, AutoCAD and ArchiCAD are three most popular and effective software packages. Major challenges to BIM implementation are it requires enhanced collaboration, add work to a designer, interoperability and needs enhanced collaboration. For improving the level of implementing BIM in Malaysian industry, it is recommended that a flexible training program of BIM for all practitioners must be created.

Buckling of thin-walled and load-bearing elements of a structure can have devastating consequences. Hence, buckling checks are an integral part of strength analysis of structures. The buckling problem of thin rectangular plates subjected... more

Buckling of thin-walled and load-bearing elements of a structure can have devastating consequences. Hence, buckling checks are an integral part of strength analysis of structures. The buckling problem of thin rectangular plates subjected to in-plane com-pressive and/or shear loading is of great importance in building, bridge, aerospace, marine, and shipbuilding industries. When buckling occurs, thin plates undergo large out-of-plane deflections, which in turn results in the development of large bending stresses and eventually complete failure of the structure. This paper deals with the buckling stability assessment of uniaxially-compressed plates with different support conditions within the framework of classical plate theory. The main objective of this research is to explore some uncovered aspects of buckling stability of plates by considering the effects of support conditions, aspect ratio, and slenderness ratio, which will consequently result in efficient design of such thin-walled structures. To this end, in addition to validation of the numerical simulation, some case studies have been performed in order to gain a better understanding of different aspects of buckling stability of such thin-walled structures.

In Building information modeling, Revit Structure is a tool; just Revit is technology. By using Revit Basic Structure tool, it can collect all information in a single click like Elevation, Section, Schedule, Quantity etc. It’s also easy... more

In Building information modeling, Revit Structure is a tool; just Revit is technology. By using Revit Basic Structure tool, it can collect all information in a single click like Elevation, Section, Schedule, Quantity etc. It’s also easy to create Rendering, Animation and Walkthrough Etc.

Building information modeling (BIM) is a powerful collaboration and project delivery concept which is becoming popular in the architectural and engineering practise. Software developers are constantly extending the boundaries by... more

Building information modeling (BIM) is a powerful collaboration and project delivery concept which is becoming popular in the architectural and engineering practise. Software developers are constantly extending the boundaries by introducing new features into their programs to support the integrated workflow and invite different specialists to participate in the project on the early design stage. This contribution further expands the discussion about the most effective method to export the information whether by IFC or gbXML data model; with or without the assistance of additional plugins. Export of the simple geometry is tested within three BIM platforms: ArchiCAD, Allplan and Revit. The main focus of presented test runs is set on exporting the building materials data and its preservation in the IFC and gbXML for the further import to the thermal simulation tools. For the purpose of the present contribution the application and capabilities of Energy plus and Archiphysik are explored. As a conclusion, the guidelines and recommendations about the best workflow for each BIM platform are suggested, as well as the design for the “Customizer” application, which assists the mapping of the necessary data from IFC or gbXML to the IDF files usable to Archiphysik and Energy plus.