School Social Work Research Papers (original) (raw)

The school-based prevention and intervention research has infl uenced models to guide academic and behavior support services in schools. The Response to Intervention (RTI) and the related positive behavior supports (PBS) models are... more

The school-based prevention and intervention research has infl uenced models to guide academic and behavior support services in schools. The Response to Intervention (RTI) and the related
positive behavior supports (PBS) models are particularly relevant to understanding the changing landscape in delivering instructional support to students, teachers, and families in American schools today.

School social workers frequently face ethical quandaries about which student disclosures to keep confidential and which ones to divulge for the student's or the school's best interests. A seven-step process is recommended for working... more

School social workers frequently face ethical quandaries about which student disclosures to keep confidential and which ones to divulge for the student's or the school's best interests. A seven-step process is recommended for working through this decision. These steps include: knowing yourself, analyzing the dilemma, seeking consultation, identifying courses of action, managing clinical concerns, enacting the decision, and reflecting on the process. The boundaries between ethics and the law is also clarified as well as issues in recordkeeping. A checklist for confidentiality is included.

School social workers often conduct their business behind closed doors because much of their work is confidential. Even when they are not working in their offices, school social workers often blend into the fabric of the school culture,... more

School social workers often conduct their business behind closed doors because much of their work is confidential. Even when they are not working in their offices, school social workers often blend into the fabric of the school culture, typically working behind the scenes and rarely taking credit for the valuable work they perform. However, if school social workers are going to survive and even thrive in this new age of school reform, they must come from behind the scenes and get others to recognize their worth. Social marketing theory and the sociology of professions literature can help school social workers view their roles in schools as educational intervention entrepreneurs, designing programs and interventions as products that they can market to their schools to help improve their schools and solidify their roles within their schools' leadership structures.

Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit einem multiplen Methodikzugang speziell mit der Frage, welche Wirkungen die Schulsozoalarbeit in der Steiermark erbringt. Dafür wurden SchülerInnen, LehrerInnen und Eltern befragt, Interviews mit... more

Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit einem multiplen Methodikzugang speziell mit der Frage, welche Wirkungen die Schulsozoalarbeit in der Steiermark erbringt. Dafür wurden SchülerInnen, LehrerInnen und Eltern befragt, Interviews mit SchulsozialarbeiterInnen und LeiterInnen anlässlich von ethnografischen Vor-Ort-Besuchen geführt, die Rahmenbedingungen bewertet, Dokumentationen der Einzelfallhilfe mit einem Resümeebogen analysiert, Feedback-Bögen zu den Gruppenaktivitäten ausgewertet, deskriptive Indikatoren von Vorfällen in den Schulen eingeholt sowie eine ökonomische Betrachtung vorgenommen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen ein detailliertes Wirkungsbild der Schulsozialarbeit in der Steiermark und bringen dies in Zusammenhang mit den Prinzipien und den Rahmenbedingungen. Die Studie wurde vom Land Steiermark (Bildung und Gesellschaft) in Auftrag gegeben und von der Fachabteilung A6 Gesellschaft begleitet. Die Durchfühung der Studie erfolgte in einer Kooperation von x-sample (Sozialforschung, Marktforschung, Evaluation) und der Sozialpädagogik der Universität Graz.

Editorial about the new national school social work practice model developed for the School Social Work Association of America.

Social workers provide social, emotional and physical development services to children and also strive to modify the environment for the best interest of child. To do this effectively, social workers work with parents, teachers, schools... more

Social workers provide social, emotional and physical development services to children and also strive to modify the environment for the best interest of child. To do this effectively, social workers work with parents, teachers, schools and communities. The general public consider the social workers who work in schools as a stand in educator, psychotherapist, social planner, and liaison between school and home (Wang 2003). In India mainly social organizations are performing various child development activities in school. Again for the school children, teachers are not only educator and motivators but also play an important role to shape their lives. In order to understand the scope and challenges of social work in school in Indian context, research study had included both teachers and representatives of social organization, working for schools. Focused group discussions (with three to four teachers in each group) were conducted in fourteen government schools of Mysore city and responds from four social organisations, working in different schools in Mysore city, were taken using interview schedule. The study intends to present their views about child and school development areas. It also aims to understand the challenges faced by social organisations while working in schools and scope of social work in schools. It captures the understanding of educators on various terms like discipline, punishment, social work, community work, life skills etc. to suggest indirect social work intervention scopes for child development.

RES, Revista de Educación Social, es una publicación digital editada por el Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Educadoras y Educadores Sociales (CGCEES). La Revista RES forma parte del proyecto EDUSO y se integra en el Portal de la... more

RES, Revista de Educación Social, es una publicación digital editada por el Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Educadoras y Educadores Sociales (CGCEES). La Revista RES forma parte del proyecto EDUSO y se integra en el Portal de la Educación Social, Correo electrónico: ISSN: 1698-9007. 174 Se permiten la reproducción, distribución y la comunicación pública, siempre que se cite el título, el autor y el editor; y que no se haga con fines comerciales. Educación social y profesorado: la escuela como espacio común de intervención Social education and teachers: the school as common space of intervention Resumen La incorporación de los profesionales de la educación social a los centros escolares abre el debate sobre cómo tiene que ser la cooperación con los equipos docentes. Para una cooperación eficaz, más importante que establecer un catálogo de funciones es determinar cuál debe ser el paradigma de intervención. El debate que subyace es el de qué modelo de escuela queremos construir y cuál es el papel asignado a la educación social en este propósito. Profesorado y educadores sociales deben remar en una misma dirección: la construcción de una escuela más equitativa, democrática y abierta a la comunidad, y a partir de ahí definir las actividades y funciones de la educación social ad hoc para ese centro, en función de necesidades, competencias profesionales e idiosincrasia de cada comunidad educativa. Sin embargo, encontramos ejemplos de formulación de los equipos de trabajo que sitúan al profesional de la educación social en una posición no favorable para desenvolver su actividad de acuerdo a su ética profesional y a sus competencias. Basándonos en diferentes proyectos, textos e investigaciones, haremos una propuesta de funciones distintivas y a compartir por ambos profesionales. Palabras clave: educación social, profesorado, cooperación, enseñanza, igualdad de oportunidades. Summary The incorporation of social educators in schools raises the question how the cooperation with the teachers should be organized. Establishing an intervention paradigm is more important to achieving effective cooperation than establishing exhaustive areas of responsibilities. In the end, it comes down to what school model we want to build and what role is assigned to social education in it. Teachers and social educators need to work together to achieve a more equitable school open to its community. They need to define the activities and functions of social education in the school ad hoc according to needs, professional competences, and idiosyncrasies of each educational community. However, the empirical data show that the social educators are often placed in unfavorable positions to perform their tasks according to their professional ethics and competences. Based on different projects, texts, and research

Eğitim, yaşam boyu süregelen bir olgudur. Eğitimin, çocukluk dönemini içeren ve formel olarak sunulan basamağı okullarda yürütülmektedir. Okul çağı çocuklarının akademik başarısını ve psikososyal iyilik hallerini olumsuz etkileyen... more

Eğitim, yaşam boyu süregelen bir olgudur. Eğitimin, çocukluk dönemini içeren ve formel olarak sunulan basamağı okullarda yürütülmektedir. Okul çağı çocuklarının akademik başarısını ve psikososyal iyilik hallerini olumsuz etkileyen sorunlar, öğrenci problemleri olarak vuku bulmaktadır. Söz konusu çalışmada; içe dönük, dışa dönük ve sosyal olarak kategorize edilen bu sorunlara değinilmiştir. Öğrenci sorunlarıyla baş etmede sosyal hizmet mesleğine ve onun uygulama alanı olan okul sosyal hizmetinin rolüne yer verilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, sorun-gereksinim ekseninde, Türkiye’de, okullarda sosyal hizmet müdahale ve uygulamalarının önemi ve gerekliliği belirtilmiştir. Okul sosyal hizmeti, Türkiye’de halihazırda uygulanmamakla birlikte öğrenciyi sosyal çevre ile birlikte ele alan “çevresi içinde birey” yaklaşımından hareketle, öğrencilerin yaşadıkları güçlüklere karşı müdahaleleri içeren bir mesleğin (sosyal hizmetin) önemli bir uygulama alanıdır. ABD ve İngiltere’de yaklaşık yüz yıllık bir geçmişe sahip olan okul sosyal hizmeti, okul sistemi içerisinde öğrencinin akademik başarısını ve sosyal gelişimini hedefleyerek, sorun-gereksinim ekseninde öğrencinin iyilik hali üzerine odaklanır. Ülkemizin pek çok farklı ilinden okullarda, özellikle son zamanlarda basına da yansıyan şiddet, intihar gibi toplumsal olaylar, okul sosyal hizmetine duyulan ihtiyacı açık bir biçimde göstermektedir. Dolayısıyla, okul sosyal hizmetinin kavramsal temelini, önemini ve gerekliliğini ortaya koyacak olan bu çalışmanın literatüre katkı sağlayacağı düşü-nülmektedir.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Eğitim; Öğrenci Problemleri; Okul Sosyal Hizmeti; Çevresi İçinde Birey

Bireylerin gerek sağlığını gerekse refahını ilke edinen, nihai hedefi toplumun iyilik hali olan sosyal hizmet mesleğinin uygulama alanlarından birisi okul sosyal hizmetidir. Dünya genelinde neredeyse bir yüzyılı geride bırakan okul sosyal... more

Bireylerin gerek sağlığını gerekse refahını ilke edinen, nihai hedefi toplumun iyilik hali olan sosyal hizmet mesleğinin uygulama alanlarından birisi okul sosyal hizmetidir. Dünya genelinde neredeyse bir yüzyılı geride bırakan okul sosyal hizmeti, ülkemizde birtakım girişimler ve Eylem Planı'ndan ibarettir. Bu çalışmada, okul sosyal hizmetinin ne olduğu açıklanmış; konusu ve amaçlarına yer verilmiş; kronolojisine ve dünyadaki durumuna kısaca değinilmiş; ülkemizde bu alana yönelik girişimler ortay konmuş; teorik zemininden kısaca bahsedilmiş ve kurgusal bir vaka üzerinden okul sosyal hizmeti ile okul sosyal hizmet uzmanlarının rolleri tartışılmaya çalışılmıştır.

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) initiated sweeping changes to the U.S. educational system. However, many have argued that NCLB is not accomplishing its stated purposes of improving education for disadvantaged students and... more

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) initiated sweeping changes to the U.S. educational system. However, many have argued that NCLB is not accomplishing its stated purposes of improving education for disadvantaged students and closing the achievement
gap. This policy analysis sheds light on the social and emotional risk factors that prevent students from succeeding in school but are missing from NCLB and contributing to its lack of effectiveness. Moreover, this article suggests that school social workers can alleviate
these barriers to academic success by implementing school-based interventions to address the psychosocial factors that underlie differential achieve merit in school. School social workers can also advocate for changes in education policy to ensure that vulnerable students are not left behind.

okullarda uygulanan sosyal hizmet pratiği üzerine bir örnek.

Bullying is the most common form of violence in schools and has been shown to disrupt the emotional and social development of both the targets and the perpetrators of bullying (Raskauskas & Stoltz, 2007). Bullying can be physical,... more

Bullying is the most common form of violence in schools and has been shown to disrupt the emotional and social development of both the targets and the perpetrators of bullying (Raskauskas & Stoltz, 2007). Bullying can be physical, verbal, relational, and direct or indirect. There are well-established age and sex trends (Olweus, 1993; Smith, Madsen, & Moody, 1999). There has been considerable research on bullying-prevention programs and scholarship on best-practice guidelines for school social workers (Dupper, 2013). An emerging concern is with the use of electronic and Internet devices in bullying, referred to as “cyberbullying.” In this article we define bullying and cyberbullying; discuss risk factors associated with being a bully, a victim, and a bully-victim; describe prevention and intervention programs; and discuss emerging trends in both bullying and cyberbullying.

Bu çalışmada; çağdaş Amerikan eğitimine ve okul sosyal hizmetine etki eden demografik, politik ve sosyal eğilimlere yer verilmiştir. Bu bağlamda; ABD’de çocuk ve gençlerin karşılaştıkları problemler ele alınacak olup ABD’de eğitimin genel... more

Bu çalışmada; çağdaş Amerikan eğitimine ve okul sosyal hizmetine etki eden demografik, politik ve sosyal eğilimlere yer verilmiştir. Bu bağlamda; ABD’de çocuk ve gençlerin karşılaştıkları problemler ele alınacak olup ABD’de eğitimin genel yapısı hakkında kısaca bilgi verilecektir. Okul sosyal hizmetinin ABD’deki tarihsel gelişiminden bahsedilecek ve ABD’deki okul sosyal hizmet uygulamalarına değinilecektir.

Animal-assisted Therapy (A-AT) is becoming a popular therapeutic treatment for both children and adults. The author has used A-AT in a school setting with students with emotional disturbances. A review of the literature regarding A-AT... more

Animal-assisted Therapy (A-AT) is becoming a popular therapeutic treatment for both children and adults. The author has used A-AT in a school setting with students with emotional disturbances. A review of the literature regarding A-AT reveals a lack of a unified theoretical framework. This paper proposes a conceptual framework that incorporates a physiological, psychological, and cognitive model to depict the functional deficits that challenge students with emotional disturbances. Attachment Theory is then used to describe why A-AT may be effective in improving the socio-emotional and behavioral functioning of students with emotional disturbances.

1 | PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY 1.1 | The review in brief Despite growing support and increased rate of which trauma-informed approaches are being promoted and implemented in schools, evidence to support this approach is lacking. 1.2 | What is... more

1 | PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY 1.1 | The review in brief Despite growing support and increased rate of which trauma-informed approaches are being promoted and implemented in schools, evidence to support this approach is lacking. 1.2 | What is this review about? Exposure to different types of trauma have been associated with varying types and complexity of adverse outcomes, including adverse effects on cognitive functioning, attention, memory, academic performance, and school-related behaviors. Given the growing research on trauma and increased knowledge about the prevalence, consequences and costs associated with trauma, there have been increased efforts at the local, state and federal levels to make systems "trauma-informed" (Lang, Campbell, & Vanerploeg, 2015). While the intent of creating trauma-informed approaches in schools is a noble one, relatively little is known about the benefits, costs, and how trauma-informed approaches are being defined and evaluated (Berliner & Kolko, 2016). Adopting a trauma-informed approach in a complex system such as a school building or district is a time consuming and potentially costly endeavor and thus it is important to assess the effects of this approach to inform policy and practice. This aim of this review was to assess trauma-informed approaches in schools on trauma symptoms/mental health, academic performance, behavior, and socioemotional functioning. Trauma-informed approaches include programs, organizations, or systems that realize the impact of trauma, recognize the symptoms of trauma, respond by integrating knowledge about trauma policies and practices, and seeks to reduce retraumatization. At least two of the three key elements of a trauma-informed approach must have been present: Workforce development, trauma-focused services, and organizational environment and practices, which differ from trauma-specific interventions designed to treat or otherwise address the impact/symptoms of trauma and facilitate healing. What is the aim of this review? This Campbell systematic review sought to examine the effects trauma-informed schools on trauma symptoms/ mental health, academic performance, behavior, and socioemotional functioning. Although we conducted a comprehensive search to find studies testing trauma-informed approaches in schools, no studies met the inclusion criteria.

AIM: To study the social problems and coping strategies during menstruation among early adolescent schoolgirls in rural areas of Udupi District, Karnataka. METHODS: Girls studying in Class VIII (n=61) were selected using census method... more

AIM: To study the social problems and coping strategies during menstruation among early adolescent schoolgirls in rural areas of Udupi District, Karnataka. METHODS: Girls studying in Class VIII (n=61) were selected using census method from government high school, Udupi rural district, Karnataka. RESULTS: More than one-third (36%) correctly reported average age at onset of menarche was 12 years, one-fourth (25%) reported 13 years. Nearly half of them (49%) reported that normal duration of menstrual bleeding was 7 days. One-third (34%) were obtained knowledge about menarche before onset. Almost all of them agreed that menstruation was normal phenomenon. Majority (72%) use sanitary pad. More than half of them (58%) ‘burn the used pad’ for disposal. Three-fourth did not face any restriction during menstruation. One-third used to cope with menstrual problems by taking bed rest. CONCLUSION: Three-fourth of the adolescents had poor knowledge with regard to mean age at onset of menarche. Half of them had poor knowledge about normal duration of menstrual bleeding. School Social Worker play vital role in imparting health education related to menstrual hygiene and practices.

This research aims to explore the opportunities and obstacles of the school social worker, as part of the multidisiplinary team, in addressing child abuse and to make evident the Albanian practice of treatment and prevention of child... more

This research aims to explore the opportunities and obstacles of the school social worker, as part of the multidisiplinary team, in addressing child abuse and to make evident the Albanian practice of treatment and prevention of child abuse in the school setting. The study uses a multidisciplinary approach in addressing the problem, where the role of the school social worker is seen as interrelated with those of the other actors of the multidisciplinary team. The qualitative method is used, including secondary data review, such as existing literature on international practices and secondary data on Albania, and also primary data gathering, through semistructured interviews of the employees of the existing school service and the focusgrup interview, conducted with professionals of nongovernmental organisations which work on child protection issues, in collaboration with the school system. The main findings inform the field professionals of the opportunities and challenges of the school social worker, in addressing child abuse, the potential of the specialist of child protection in the school and the limitations of this position in the present.

The present study uses a national sample (N = 3769) and a latent profile framework to examine profiles of school social workers who engage in various levels of ecologically oriented practices at school and in the home and community. Three... more

The present study uses a national sample (N = 3769) and a latent profile framework to examine profiles of school social workers who engage in various levels of ecologically oriented practices at school and in the home and community. Three profiles emerged from the data that consisted of school social workers who reported engaging in low, medium and high levels of ecological practice behaviors across school, family, and community domains. Further examination revealed that school social workers fitting into the profile marked by high levels of self-reported practices at school, with families, and to facilitate community-school linkages were more likely to have a graduate degree, work in a state with certification standards, and have 10 or fewer years of experience compared to school social workers in the other two profiles. Additionally, school social workers who reported high levels of ecological practices were more likely to use evidence-based assessments, programs/practices, and engage in universal school-level prevention efforts more frequently compared to those in the low and medium profiles. Practical implications include the need for pre-service and targeted in-service training as well as policies that support minimum—if not lofty—competencies and state or national certification standards for school social work professionals.

This field work carried out at Opebi Junior Grammar School, Ikeja, Nigeria, is aimed at opening the understanding of Bachelor of Social Work students at The University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria to the practice of social work. It provides... more

This field work carried out at Opebi Junior Grammar School, Ikeja, Nigeria, is aimed at opening the understanding of Bachelor of Social Work students at The University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria to the practice of social work. It provides the opportunity the student needs to work in a school setting and thus develop and demonstrate skills, theories and practices of social work learnt in the classroom. It helps the student see how social work is applied in a school setting and observe knowledge about the application of theories to client situations in the school setting.
This practicum helps the student social worker develop a sense of commitment, understanding and respect for the social work profession. It exposes to the student the value of a social worker in the world setting and helps the student develop professional relationship within the society to better understand the resources available in the community.

School social work practice decisions have been the focus of local and national surveys for several decades, most recently in 2014. The need to better understand these findings, particularly school social workers' practice decisions that... more

School social work practice decisions have been the focus of local and national surveys for several decades, most recently in 2014. The need to better understand these findings, particularly school social workers' practice decisions that appear counter to what the field's evidence base indicates is sound practice, led to the current qualitative study. Our inquiry focused on developing a deeper understanding of the impact of professional models (particularly the multitiered systems of support), training, and school context on practice. Data from 16 focus groups (N = 60) revealed that practitioners struggled with contextual constraints upon their work and encountered limited learning opportunities and support, to the extent that they could not consistently implement contemporary practice models. Implications for school social work policy, training, and practice are considered.

The Second National School Social Work Survey in 2014 aimed to update knowledge of school social work practice by examining how practitioner characteristics, practice context, and practice choices have evolved since the last national... more

The Second National School Social Work Survey in 2014 aimed to update knowledge of school social work practice by examining how practitioner characteristics, practice context, and practice choices have evolved since the last national survey in 2008. This second survey was also developed to assess how the new national school social work practice model created
by the School Social Work Association of America aligns with early 21st century school social work practice realities. The second survey was conducted from February through April 2014 (3,769 total responses were collected) and represents the largest sample of American school social workers surveyed in two decades. Data from the Second National School Social Work Survey showed a field that still has not fully responded to calls to implement evidenceinformed and data-driven practices. This article notes the need to better integrate pre- and post-service training in data-driven practices and provides recommendations for ways to overcome barriers that school social workers report facing.

This chapter will describe how many school social workers are often the first (and sometimes only) point of contact for youth and families with mental health problems, making it essential that school social workers develop strong mental... more

This chapter will describe how many school social workers are often the first (and sometimes only) point of contact for youth and families with mental health problems, making it essential that school social workers develop strong mental health assessment, referral, and evidence-informed practice skills in this domain. This chapter will provide an overview of mental health issues and mental health services typically delivered in the schools. It reviews mental health policy at the federal level, specifically focusing on major changes in the last 10 years that are impacting how school social workers deliver mental health interventions in school settings. Additional content in the chapter will cover the ways that school social workers can assess students for specific disorders identified in the DSM-5V, as well as possible interventions to address students with those mental health problems. Throughout this chapter as well as the entire book, special attention will be given to an evidence-informed practice (EIP) process that can empower school social workers and clients to use the best available evidence to address common children’s mental health problems.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the perception of visually impaired students, their peers without disabilities, and teachers about inclusive education, focusing on a second cycle educational institution in the Eastern region... more

The purpose of this study is to investigate the perception of visually impaired students, their peers without disabilities,
and teachers about inclusive education, focusing on a second cycle educational institution in the Eastern region of Ghana
implementing inclusive education for the visually impaired. In this study, we collected data from 23 visually impaired students,
27 students without disabilities, and 19 teachers in the inclusive school. Data were collected through semistructured in-depth
interviews. This study followed a phenomenological approach, reporting findings from participants’ own words. The study
findings revealed that visually impaired students and some teachers supported inclusion while a number of students without
disabilities disliked the practice. Some teachers indicated that the idea of inclusive education is a good way to ensure equal
educational opportunities. The study concludes that Ghanaian teachers in inclusive schools should be equipped with training
to teach students with disabilities.

School mental health practitioners, including social workers, are mandated through federal, state, and professional entities to provide evidence-based practices to students. Nevertheless, rates of use of evidence-based practices among... more

School mental health practitioners, including social workers, are mandated through federal, state, and professional entities to provide evidence-based practices to students. Nevertheless, rates of use of evidence-based practices among mental health professionals in schools remain low, even as knowledge about effective practices increases. This study aimed to further knowledge about how to promote and support the use of evidence-based practices among school practitioners using online technology. School social workers attending a summer professional development event took part in focus groups exploring (a) their current perceptions of evidence-based practices, (b) their experiences finding evidence-based
practice information online, and (c) their preferences for the formatting and content of online resources. Participants described a willingness to use evidence-based practice, efforts to find information, and difficulties encountered with online sources. Preferences for readily available, searchable, brief, and understandable online information were expressed. Implications for meeting the needs of school social workers with online resources are discussed.

Το Ινστιτούτο Μελετών και Ερευνών Γενικής και Ειδικής Εκπαίδευσης (Ι.Μ.Ε.Γ.Ε.Ε.), ως επιστημονικός φορέας της Π.Ο.Σ.Ε.Ε.Π.Ε.Α., αναλαμβάνει πρωτοβουλία για την ενημέρωση και υποστήριξη των Εκπαιδευτικών, του Ειδικού Εκπαιδευτικού και... more

Το Ινστιτούτο Μελετών και Ερευνών Γενικής και Ειδικής Εκπαίδευσης (Ι.Μ.Ε.Γ.Ε.Ε.), ως επιστημονικός φορέας της Π.Ο.Σ.Ε.Ε.Π.Ε.Α., αναλαμβάνει πρωτοβουλία για την ενημέρωση και υποστήριξη των Εκπαιδευτικών, του Ειδικού Εκπαιδευτικού και Ειδικού Βοηθητικού Προσωπικού που εργάζονται στο χώρο τόσο της Γενικής όσο και της Ειδικής Εκπαίδευσης, καταρτίζοντας έναν οδηγό με σημαντικό υλικό για την αντιμετώπιση των κρίσιμων καταστάσεων που βιώνει η χώρα λόγω COVID-19.
O οδηγός αυτός περιλαμβάνει σημαντικές πληροφορίες, υπουργικές αποφάσεις και εγκυκλίους, τηλεφωνικές γραμμές βοήθειας, υποστηρικτικό ψυχοπαιδαγωγικό υλικό και χρήσιμους συνδέσμους για άμεση χρήση ιδιαίτερα από τους συναδέλφους που εργάζονται στις ΣΜΕΑΕ και τα ΚΕΣΥ, αλλά και όλους τους εκπαιδευτικούς, μαθητές και γονείς.
Στόχος της ενέργειας αυτής είναι να αποτελέσει ο συγκεκριμένος κατάλογος μια μικρή συμβολή στην κατεύθυνση της ενημέρωσης των συναδέλφων, αλλά και της ενίσχυσής τους στο εκπαιδευτικό και υποστηρικτικό έργο που καλούνται να φέρουν σε πέρας σε πολύ αντίξοες συνθήκες.

For over 100 years, school social workers have been a critical link between school, home and the community, facilitating and promoting growth in academic achievement and overall well-being. School social workers’ function in schools is... more

For over 100 years, school social workers have been a critical link between school, home and the community, facilitating and promoting growth in academic achievement and overall well-being. School social workers’ function in schools is multifaceted and complex, especially in New York City where the student body population is a cultural mosaic growing exponentially. This article will highlight the evolvement of the school social work profession and discuss Columbia School of Social Work’s (CSSW)
response to some of the challenges school social workers face in New York City.

The purpose of this paper is to report the results of the 2nd National School Social Work Survey. Here, we review the responses of 3,769 school social workers using descriptive and bivariate statistics to better understand the current... more

The purpose of this paper is to report the results of the 2nd National School Social Work Survey. Here, we review the responses of 3,769 school social workers using descriptive and bivariate statistics to better understand the current state of school social work in the United States. We also describe the characteristics and utilization patterns of students accessing school social work services, summarize the level (primary prevention versus secondary/tertiary) of practice focus of school social workers, and review practitioner responses to items summarizing their utilization of resources to identify, implement, and evaluate evidence-based practices. In addition to these descriptive analyses, we report bivariate analyses that aim to examine the relationship between prevention orientation and caseload, grade level, community setting, geographic region, and licensure status. Results suggest the workforce characteristics and service provision trends of school social workers remain largely unchanged from 2008, and that students accessing school social work services are exposed to many factors placing them at increased risk for school failure. Pre and post service training recommendations arise from our assessment of the state of school social work in America to better serve children and youth who struggle with mental and behavioral health issues.

This article was written for the 40th Anniversary of the Midwest School Social Work Council. It traces the beginning of school social work in the United States from its early beginnings as visiting teachers, through professional... more

This article was written for the 40th Anniversary of the Midwest School Social Work Council. It traces the beginning of school social work in the United States from its early beginnings as visiting teachers, through professional organization, formation of the National Association of Social Workers, and eventual founding of the School Social Work Association of America.

Elementary School Social Workers’ Perspectives on the Development of Resilience in Early Childhood by Danny John Podraza MA, Northeastern Illinois University, 1973 BS, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1970 Dissertation Submitted in... more

Elementary School Social Workers’ Perspectives on the Development of Resilience in Early Childhood by Danny John Podraza MA, Northeastern Illinois University, 1973 BS, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1970 Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education Walden University April 2017 Abstract Researchers have stressed the importance of addressing the social/emotional needs of early childhood (EC) children, including the development of resilience; however, some U.S. school personnel focus more on academics than on these needs. When young children possess these skills, they can handle social/emotional challenges later in life. The purpose of this qualitative bounded case study was to explore school social workers’ (SWs) perspectives about resilience in EC settings. Research questions focused on knowledge of existing programs, participants’ perceptions of the successes and challenges of working with EC students, and their recommend...