Destination Management Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Competition between tourism destinations on national, regional and local levels continues to intensify due to the pressure of globalization (Friedman, 2006). Accordingly, Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) have to constantly... more

Competition between tourism destinations on national, regional and local levels continues to intensify due to the pressure of globalization (Friedman, 2006). Accordingly,
Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) have to constantly reevaluate and re-engineer
existing tourism offers to reposition themselves in a highly competitive tourism market. At the same time, tourism development pressures destination areas through increased resource consumption and, land fragmentation while policy measures to promote more sustainable tourism are progressing only slowly due to local resistance. Therefore, destinations are one of the most difficult entities to manage because of diverse, often conflicting interests of different
stakeholder groups (Carmin et al., 2003). Consequently, finding the right balance between the economic development of tourism destinations, the conservation of their resources
and the well-being of the local population has become a challenging task for many DMOs (Notarstefano, 2008). The aim of this paper is to present the results of exploratory research
conducted in 2011 in seven European countries among 72 managers of Destination Management Organizations (DMOs). The research objective was to evaluate the DMOs’ efforts and
their role in the set-up and implementation of sustainable tourism principles in the management of tourist destinations by means of a quantitative and qualitative analysis. Keywords:
Destination marketing & strategy planning, destination management organization (DMO), sustainable tourism development, long-term competitiveness, new demand of XXI century.

The analysis of destination image is relatively recent. However, in almost three decades since the first studies emerged, the topic has become one of the most popular in the tourism research literature. A review of 142 destination image... more

The analysis of destination image is relatively recent. However, in almost three decades since the first studies emerged, the topic has become one of the most popular in the tourism research literature. A review of 142 destination image papers, published in the literature during the period 1973 -2000, was undertaken to provide destination image researchers with a reference guide to the context, method and focus of previous studies.

Tourism industry, one of the most dynamic industries worldwide is also one of the most vulnerable to crisis and disaster. This is mainly due to the fact that tourism is closely related and influenced by many external factors such as... more

Tourism industry, one of the most dynamic industries worldwide is also one of the most vulnerable to crisis and disaster. This is mainly due to the fact that tourism is closely related and influenced by many external factors such as exchange rates, the political and economic environment, climate, and weather conditions. Tourism success is directly linked to the ability of the destination to offer tourists a safe and enjoyable stay. In a changing globalized world where crises are affecting people’s lives, we are called not only to manage crises but also to manage every communication impact, making crisis management an integral part of effective Destination Management. Lesvos an island of the North Aegean Region in Greece is the case study area of this paper. The island has been through the economic crisis of 2009 and the refugee crisis of 2015. The purpose of this paper is to examine the perceptions of the island’s local community, tourism stakeholder’s, and tourists visiting the isl...

Sažetak. Autori su suglasni oko senzibilnosti turističke potražnje na promjene u klimi. Predviđa se da će rast temperature prouzrokovati prostornu i vremensku redistribuciju turističke potražnje. Klimatske promjene promijeniti će... more

Sažetak. Autori su suglasni oko senzibilnosti turističke potražnje na promjene u klimi. Predviđa se da će rast temperature prouzrokovati prostornu i vremensku redistribuciju turističke potražnje. Klimatske promjene promijeniti će standardiziranu sliku sezonskog poslovanja priobalnog kupališnog turizma te učiniti će popularne ljetne destinacije manje privlačnim. Očekuje se da će stabilniji vremenski uvjeti u emitivnom području sa pogodnom klimom utjecati na razvoj domaćeg turizma, čime će potreba za putovanjem u inozemna područja opadati. Nadalje, očekuje se da će se klimatske promjene odraziti različitim intenzitetom među regijama. Navedene implikacije klimatskih promjena jasno projiciraju promjene u ustaljenoj slici turističkih aktivnosti. Pod direktnim utjecajem su priobalne odmorišne destinacije sa formiranom ljetnom turističkom sezonom i sezonskim poslovanjem. Zbog navedenih implikacija klimatskih promjena planiranje u turizmu neće biti zamislivo bez njihovog uvažavanja, posebice u segmentu kupališnog turizma koji je pod najvećom prijetnjom klimatskih promjena. Navedeno će izazvati nove odnose na konkurentom turističkom tržištu. Ključne riječi: klima, klimatske promjene, turistička potražnja, sezonalnost poslovanja, priobalna odmorišna destinacija

 Die Freizeit- und Tourismusgeographie der Universität Trier wurde von der Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Koblenz in Kooperation mit dem Ahrtal-Tourismus Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler e. V. und dem Ahrwein e. V. sowie in Abstimmung mit der... more

 Die Freizeit- und Tourismusgeographie der Universität Trier wurde von der Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Koblenz in Kooperation mit dem Ahrtal-Tourismus Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler e. V. und dem Ahrwein e. V. sowie in Abstimmung mit der Stadt Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler mit der Erstellung der „Tourismusstudie Ahrtal“ beauftragt.
 Der Arbeitsauftrag bestand darin, die gegenwärtig verfügbaren Daten durch zusätzliche Informationen zu ergänzen und den touristischen Akteuren Handlungsempfehlungen aufzuzeigen. Zentraler Bestandteil der durch das Projektteam durchgeführten Gästebefragungen war die Gewinnung neuer Erkenntnisse über die wichtigsten Reisemotive, das Freizeitverhalten und die Bewertung des freizeit- und tourismuswirtschaftlichen Angebotes in der Ferienregion Ahrtal.
In einem weiteren Schritt wurde der Lehrstuhl für Freizeit- und Tourismusgeographie beauftragt, die touristische Wertschöpfung innerhalb der Region zu ermitteln.
 Die Tourismusregion Ahrtal präsentiert sich aufgrund der Befunde der Angebotsanalyse, der Gästebefragung sowie der Expertengespräche als Destination, die zwar einerseits über keine spektakulären Alleinstellungsmerkmale verfügt, die eine alleinige Ausrichtung auf eine zentrale USP nahelegen würden. Andererseits weist das Ahrtal – trotz gewisser Nachholbedarfe – insgesamt gesehen eine solide Grundstruktur mit entsprechenden Weiterentwicklungsoptionen auf.
 Dies wurde auch im Rahmen der durchgeführten Wertschöpfungsanalyse deutlich, die gezeigt hat, dass der Tourismus im Ahrtal gut 100 Millionen € an regionaler Wertschöpfung generiert und damit rechnerisch rund 5.500 Vollzeitarbeitsplätze schafft.
 Aus der Angebotsanalyse, der Reisemotivation und den Hauptaktivitäten lässt sich ableiten, dass zwar keines der vorhandenen Angebotselemente für sich allein genommen als zentraler künftiger touristischer Attraktor fungieren kann. Gleichwohl stellt gerade die Vielfalt des Angebotes in den Bereichen Aktivurlaub, Gesundheit, Kulinarik und Kultur eine gute Ausgangsposition dar, die für hybride Kombinationsangebote genutzt werden kann. Das übergreifende Leitmotiv kann dabei als „Aktiver Genuss“ formuliert werden.
 Die aktuelle Hauptgästegruppe des Ahrtals wird von den sog. Best-Agern (50+) gebildet. Vor dem Hintergrund des demographischen Wandels gilt es diese Zielgruppe auch durch entsprechende Angebotsanpassungen zu halten, wenn sie sukzessive in die Altersgruppe der Hochbetagten (70+) wechselt.
 Gleichzeitig werden Optionen gesehen, partiell auch etwas jüngere Zielgruppen anzusprechen. Bei den Bemühungen um jüngere Zielgruppen (30 bis 50-jährige) werden v. a. genussorientierte und zahlungskräftige DINKs sowie die Auslandsmärkte in Belgien und den Niederlanden als adressierbar eingestuft.
 In diesem Zusammenhang erscheint eine Intensivierung der qualitätsorientierten Ansätze – insbesondere bei den Beherbergungsbetrieben an der oberen (Mittel-) Ahr – im Zuge einer Qualitätsoffensive notwendig.
 Auch die in den letzten Jahren begonnenen Ansätze zum Aufbau einer regionalen Dachmarke sind konsequent weiter zu verfolgen und zum Aufbau einer Corporate Identity weiter zu entwickeln, um die Außenwahrnehmung zu optimieren.

The phenomenon of sharing economy as a disruptor in tourism industry is already long discussed. Particularly, Airbnb is recording enormous number of listings worldwide, offering alternative lodging proposals to each possible customer... more

The phenomenon of sharing economy as a disruptor in tourism industry is already long discussed. Particularly, Airbnb is recording enormous number of listings worldwide, offering alternative lodging proposals to each possible customer profile visiting any destination, from popular city centers till exotic islands. The impact of such business remains a critical issue among tourism stakeholders. Hotels are facing a strong competitor and destination managers are trying to balance the benefits and the costs that Airbnb generates in terms of economy, society and environment. It is evident that sharing economy contributes to regional development with income potentials for property holders, often provoking externalities that affect local residents and destinations' environment. However, what should be taken under consideration is indeed the type of destination and the degree of its tourism development, that is to say, its life cycle stage. This paper aims to indicate the differences observed in three Aegean Islands and leisure destinations, when it comes to the allocation and density of Airbnb vis-à-vis Hotel beds, as a tool for destination managers to measure the spatial impact of Airbnb and adjust their strategy based on the life cycle stage of each island. The cartographic depiction of the spatial allocation of the beds per accommodation type using a geographic information system (GIS) is adding particular value to the proposed tool.

Contemporary sport is a social and economic phenomenon. These two areas require special analysis in the process of managing the development of sport by city administrations. The restructuring of the region's economy and the closure of... more

Contemporary sport is a social and economic phenomenon. These two areas require special analysis in the process of managing the development of sport by city administrations. The restructuring of the region's economy and the closure of heavy industry companies are changing the methods of financing sports. The main aim of the article is to indicate the key problems of sport management by the city governments in the time of socioeconomic changes in Poland for last years, on the example of the one of the most industrialized regions in Europe-Silesia province. To achieve this aim, the methods of analyzing the literature of the subject, reports on sport market and strategic documents of selected city administrations were used. The study focuses on cities where for many years sport was financed from the budgets of the largest companies (heavy industry companies). The author is aware of the limitations associated with this research and inference resulting from a small research sample and the dynamics of changes in the economy but the process of economic changes in the region is still strongly influencing on sport market. The involvement of public funds both from the city and the central administration seems necessary. Especially with regard to the maintenance of the existing sports infrastructure. Money for sports clubs requires clear access criteria and transparency in decision-making processes. It is important to strategically plan the development of sport. The development ought to be understood not only as a numerical / quantitative growth, but also a qualitative one. The described and analyzed factors influencing the development of the sport market, including in particular the management dilemmas during economic changes in Europe, can be used by local governments to effectively support sport development market. The article has been based on analyzing many former and still existing strategic documents which are referring to sport management in the region. Author and also has referred to the concept of the development of the sport market in the time of industrial changes in Silesia province.

The development of tourism is accompanied by rising up the role of safety in product management in the tourism market. The author is identifying and presenting key factors affecting safety as an important element in shaping tourism... more

The development of tourism is accompanied by rising up the role of safety in product management in the tourism market. The author is identifying and presenting key factors affecting safety as an important element in shaping tourism products. To achieve the aim of the work, the methods of observation and analysis were used, mainly using secondary sources. The author indicates a wide range of factors affecting safety in tourism. The article will present a three-dimensional model of analysis of these factors, useful in the management of products on the tourist market. This model takes into account three criteria for the division of these factors: the time of providing tourist services, the place and venue of tourist arrival, the role of tourism market entities in the distribution channel, along with their justification. The author is aware of the limitations associated with these studies and inference resulting from the analysis of selected factors and further development of the tourism market. The subject of safety, as an essential need in the process of preparing a tourist product for a client in the modern tourist market, seems to be interesting, and a large number of elements affecting safety in tourism require their ordering and further observation and analysis.

Cruise tourism as one of the most dynamic and fastest growing segments of tourism industry is shaping tourism activities. The growth rate of global cruise tourism has constantly increased over the last years and the number of cruise... more

Cruise tourism as one of the most dynamic and fastest growing segments of tourism industry is shaping tourism activities. The growth rate of global cruise tourism has constantly increased over the last years and the number of cruise passengers is expected to grow worldwide. Cruising as form of leisure tourism is the most expressed in the Caribbean, followed by the Mediterranean as cruising region with increasing cruise passenger rates. The demand for cruise tourism continues to grow and cruise ports will continue to develop an interest in advancing their cruise activities. The paper elaborates on the pattern of cruise port industry with regard to cruise port model of operation governance, two basic types of port operation, namely ports without private entry in port operation and ports with private entry in port operation. Research sample are cruise ports in the Mediterranean and adjoining seas. The main indicators of passenger fl ows are analysed and the intensity, structure and dynamics is identifi ed. Descriptive statistics is used to describe the basic features of the data in the study together with summaries about the sample and the measures. Along with graphics analysis, quantitative analysis of data is performed. Port governance including private entry, especially port operators, is seen as key response to global cruise industry growth, having advantage over public port governance in diverse fi elds of port operation. Research results indicate that cruise ports with private entry in port operation are not geographically concentrated. Cruise ports with private entry in port operation are dominating the market, but cruise ports without private entry are catching up as their growth rate is higher. At the same time cruise ports with private entry in port operation are turning to bigger sized cruise ships increasing overall effi ciency per call. Findings contribute to cruising tourism theory and practice. In practical terms the contribution of this paper is the understanding of current market position of cruise ports with regard to their model of port governance, more precisely the position of ports with private entry in cruise port operation versus cruise ports without private entry in cruise port operation. Sažetak Kruzing turizam, kao jedna od najdinamičnijih grana turizma koja se najbrže razvija, oblikuje aktivnosti u turizmu. Stopa rasta kruzing turizma na svjetskoj razini posljednjih godina neprekidno se povećava, a očekuje se daljnji porast broja putnika na kružnim putovanjima diljem svijeta. Kruzing kao oblik rekreacijskog turizma najizraženiji je na Karibima, a zatim slijedi Mediteran kao kruzing područje u kojemu se broj putnika sve više povećava. Potražnja za kruzing turizmom nastavlja rasti, a luke za kružna putovanja nastavit će razvijati zanimanje za unapređenje svojih kruzing aktivnosti. Ovaj rad istražuje organizaciju u kruzing destinacijama, s osvrtom na model upravljanja lukama za kružna putovanja, preciznije, na dva osnovna tipa rada u lukama-luke u kojima nije omogućen privatan ulazak u njihov rad i luke u kojima je omogućen privatan ulazak u rad. Istraživanje je provedeno u lukama za kružna putovanja na Mediteranu i susjednim morima. Analiziraju se glavni pokazatelji kretanja putnika te se utvrđuju intenzitet, struktura i dinamika. Osnovna obilježja prikupljenih podataka analiziraju se s pomoću deskriptivne statistike te se donose sažeci analize uzorka i mjerenja. Pored grafi čke analize, napravljena je i kvantitativna analiza. Upravljanje lukama u kojima je moguć privatan ulazak u rad luke, posebice operatora, pokazalo se kao ključan odgovor na globalni rast kruzing industrije te su se iskazale prednosti u odnosu na javno upravljanje lukama u brojnim domenama rada luka. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da luke za kružna putovanja u kojima je omogućen privatan ulazak u njihov rad nisu zemljopisno koncentrirane. Luke za kružna putovanja s privatnim udjelom u radu prevladavaju na tržištu, ali luke za kružna putovanja gdje nije moguće sudjelovanje privatnog sektora u radu luke sustižu ih jer ih je sve više, dok se istovremeno luke za kružna putovanja s privatnim udjelom u radu okreću većim brodovima za kružna putovanja, čime im se povećava ukupna učinkovitost po ticanju. Rezultati istraživanja pridonose teoriji i praksi kruzing turizma. U praksi, doprinos ovoga rada jest u razumijevanju sadašnje situacije luka za kružna putovanja na tržištu s obzirom na njihov model upravljanja, točnije, položaj luka s omogućenim privatnim ulaskom u rad nasuprot onim lukama gdje privatan ulazak u rad nije moguć.

The rapid development of Virtual Reality (VR) technology offers new opportunities for the promotion of tourism products and experiences. VR pro-vides potential tourists with a compelling imagery and a chance to get a first im-pression of... more

The rapid development of Virtual Reality (VR) technology offers new opportunities for the promotion of tourism products and experiences. VR pro-vides potential tourists with a compelling imagery and a chance to get a first im-pression of what it feels like to be at a destination. Previous studies have mostly focused on visual and auditory VR experiences and have rather neglected the possibility of adding additional sensory stimuli, i.e. haptic and olfactory feed-back, to a VR experience. This study is novel in that it takes a multisensory ap-proach to VR and examines its impact on the intention to recommend a destina-tion through the lens of presence. A multi-stage laboratory experiment with 64 participants was conducted. The analysis reveals that the stimulation of additional senses does not lead to a significant enhancement of the user’s sense of presence. However, a significant increase in the user’s intention to recommend a destina-tion can be observed. For destination marketers, this study proposes multisensory VR as a novel and effective tool to positively influence travel recommendations.

Technology and the growing global middle class are driving a travel revolution which is causing escalating impacts on fragile ecosystems, human health, and social systems. Unreported data on the worldwide biophysical impacts of tourism... more

Technology and the growing global middle class are driving a travel revolution which is causing escalating impacts on fragile ecosystems, human health, and social systems. Unreported data on the worldwide biophysical impacts of tourism uncovered in the new book, Sustainable Tourism on a Finite Planet, indicate that valuable destinations are on the verge of being irreparably harmed. New disciplinary approaches are needed to support the transition to lower impact tourism development worldwide. The tourism industry is one of the most dynamic industries on the planet with a global footprint that is largely unmanaged. While tourism development brings wealth and benefits to wide range of residents in economies worldwide, much stronger systems are required to lower escalating impacts on some of the most beautiful landscapes, watersheds, natural, socio-cultural and historical treasures in the world. This new book helps all those involved in international tourism develop the new skills, tools and investments required to protect irreplaceable global resources from the impacts of escalating tourism demand over the next 50 years. Each subsector of the tourism economy-hotels, tour operators, cruise lines, aviation and airports and destinations are investigated separately to provide a framework for professionals and students to undertake research and work locally to follow through with quantitative review of environmental and sustainable development needs for industry and destinations.

Obiettivo del paper: L'obiettivo principale della ricerca consiste nell'individuare gli attributi che qualificano l'immagine delle destinazioni enoturistiche ed analizzarne il ruolo nella percezione dei wine tourist. Metodologia: Facendo... more

Obiettivo del paper: L'obiettivo principale della ricerca consiste nell'individuare gli attributi che qualificano l'immagine delle destinazioni enoturistiche ed analizzarne il ruolo nella percezione dei wine tourist. Metodologia: Facendo propri i principi della letteratura manageriale in materia di Destination Management e, nello specifico, di Destination Image, si è inteso adottare a livello metodologico il modello di misurazione proposto da Echtner e Ritchie (1991). Risultati: Si è pervenuti ad una mappatura delle risorse che contribuiscono a qualificare l'immagine di una destinazione enoturistica, verificandone la rilevanza assegnata dagli enoturisti, con uno specifico focus sulle principali destinazioni enoturistiche internazionali. Implicazioni pratiche: La mappatura generale alla quale si è pervenuti può costituire, se opportunamente contestualizzata, uno strumento per valutare l'ampiezza del percorso che un'area deve intraprendere per valorizzare i prerequisiti di base fino a renderli identificabili come un sistema enoturistico dai wine tourist. Originalità e limiti della ricerca: Il principale elemento di originalità attiene alla scelta di applicare una metodologia di analisi consolidata in tema di immagine della destinazione ad un ambito, quello enoturistico, di crescente rilevanza in chiave di sviluppo turistico, ma ancora poco studiato ed approfondito, pur con il limite derivante dalla difficoltà di definire il campione secondo idonee regole statistiche che permettano una generalizzazione dei risultati.

Many developing countries depend on tourism as their main engine for economic development , but sustainability is often a concern. In the absence of inter-sectorial linkages between tourism and other industrial sectors, opportunities for... more

Many developing countries depend on tourism as their main engine for economic development , but sustainability is often a concern. In the absence of inter-sectorial linkages between tourism and other industrial sectors, opportunities for trickledown benefits to host communities are stymied. For decades, researchers have been contending with issues related to strengthening agriculture and tourism linkages as a strategy to maximize economic linkages. This service-oriented approach to the local food supply chain is posited as a new model in which agriculture and hotel linkages can be advanced. We collected data about local food hotel supply through interviews with key stakeholders. The findings from our exemplary case study confirm that strengthening inter-sectorial linkages have benefits for stakeholders. This case study suggests that there are opportunities for tourism policies that foster local food linkages with high-end accommodation properties as a strategy to spread the economic spin off from tourism and also to encourage youth involvement in sustainable tourism development.

The tourist market in Poland for last ten years has developed, both on the supply and demand side. The author indicates the key factors of attractiveness of modern sports venues in Poland as the products of any regions on the tourist... more

The tourist market in Poland for last ten years has developed, both on the supply and demand side. The author indicates the key factors of attractiveness of modern sports venues in Poland as the products of any regions on the tourist market. The methods of analysis (using secondary sources) and the synthesis of the obtained results were used to achieve the goal. The article presents the specificity of the tourist product of the region. The author shows the various aspects of the functioning and development of sports facilities as tourist attractions, meeting the needs of today's customers. The author analyzes the determinants of the internal and external functioning and development of sports facilities in the supply and the demand side of the meetings market. Described conditions for the attractiveness of sports facilities as products of the regions can be used by other destination managers as well as managers of similar sport arenas in Poland, to improve their functioning and development of services. The author is aware of the limitations associated with these studies and the conclusions resulting from the analysis of some of the factors and dynamics of changes in the tourist market in Poland as well as the further development of sports facilities. The article is a review of present concept of development of sports facilities as attractive tourist destination products.

In this paper IPA (importance–performance analysis) is used to assess location attractiveness for investments as a competitiveness factor in Serbian tourism. Based on the theory of Dunning " s eclectic paradigm, regarding locational... more

In this paper IPA (importance–performance analysis) is used to assess location attractiveness for investments as a competitiveness factor in Serbian tourism. Based on the theory of Dunning " s eclectic paradigm, regarding locational advantages as a factor for investments, twelve key indicators were selected for assessment by stakeholders in the private and public sectors. The conclusion derived from the analysis implies that Serbia is under performing in relation to the importance of the selected indicators. The largest proportion of indicators is classified as the " concentrate here " strategy type in the IPA matrix. The conclusions regarding the importance and performance of indicators allocated to other quadrants (especially " low priority " and " possible overkill ") are also significant. This paper establishes the bases for analysis that can help both the public and the private sector to develop strategies for the development of tourism and the competitiveness of Serbia as a tourist destination, referring to investments (locational advantages) as a competitiveness factor. Апстракт У овом раду коришћена је анализа важности и учинака (ИПА) у циљу оцене атрактивности локације за инвестиције као фактора конкурентности у туризму Србије. На основу теорије Дaнингове еклектичке парадигме, предностима лока-ције као фактором за инвестиције одабрано је дванаест кључних показатеља које су оцениле интересне групе у јавном и приватном сектору. Закључак изведен из анализе указује на лоше учинке Србије у оцењеним показатељима у односу на оцену важности истих показатеља. Највећи део показатеља сврстан је у ква-дрант " концентрисати се овде " као стратегијски тип ИПА матрице. Закључци

This paper aims to provide some reflections on the advisability and ways of enabling the emergence in Apulia of a Tourist Product System based on Food&Wine (henceforth, TPS “Puglia Food&Wine”). The idea of setting up a TPS Gourmet in... more

This paper aims to provide some reflections on the advisability and ways of enabling the
emergence in Apulia of a Tourist Product System based on Food&Wine (henceforth, TPS
“Puglia Food&Wine”).
The idea of setting up a TPS Gourmet in Puglia is based on the following considerations:
Apulia has a significant basic equipment in terms of specific food resources. We refer to
attractors, often of a potential nature, which could find a complete form of exploitation
through the combination of “Food&Wine-tourism”;
- the regional rules of Apulia (RR 4/ 2009) provide for the legal recognition of Tourist
Product Systems (TPS) as part of Local Tourist Systems (LTS). The guidelines for the
approval of the TPS refer to manufacturing districts, thus making it essential to define
the peculiarities of this type of tourist systems;
- the interest shown by institutions and associations of entrepreneurs.
The two research questions that we will try to answer are therefore:
1. what are the specificities of the TPS and how can they be used to increase the tourist
competitiveness of Apulia?
2. what is the conceptual model for the emergence of the TPS “Puglia Food &Wine”?
Key words: tourism product system, gourmet food, destination management

Kīlauea Volcano has attracted visitors to Hawaiʻi throughout the history of Hawaiʻi's tourism industry. From the 1870s to the 1910s, Kīlauea offered the experience of using volcanic heat and molten lava to cook food, melt postcards onto... more

Kīlauea Volcano has attracted visitors to Hawaiʻi throughout the history of Hawaiʻi's tourism industry. From the 1870s to the 1910s, Kīlauea offered the experience of using volcanic heat and molten lava to cook food, melt postcards onto cavern walls, enflame items, and obtain souvenirs including scorched postcards, rocks, olivine, and Pele's hair. Writers shared their experiences in publications, and traveling presentations showed American audiences images of visitors scorching postcards at Kīlauea. Marketing campaigns on the U.S. Mainland promoted Hawaiʻi as a tourist destination and promoted cooking with Kīlauea's heat. In 1907, U.S. Congressmen toured Kīlauea Caldera, ate dinner cooked with Kīlauea's heat, and learned about Kīlauea's geodiversity. These experiences likely influenced Congress to establish the Kīlauea, Haleakalā, and Mauna Loa Volcanoes as the Hawaii National Park (now known as the Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park). Today, the U.S. National Park Service maintains the Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, and it offers geological, biological, and cultural resources for recreation and education. For destination marketing, Kīlauea provided Hawaiʻi a comparative advantage for tourism.

Traditionally, tourism destinations have been delineated following administrative boundaries. However, it is questionable whether these boundaries are the most desirable spatial configurations to facilitate tourists' flows and the... more

Traditionally, tourism destinations have been delineated following administrative boundaries. However, it is questionable whether these boundaries are the most desirable spatial configurations to facilitate tourists' flows and the management of services within a geographical area. Several authors have argued that the way in which tourists consume a destination needs to be taken into consideration in order to improve destination planning and management. This study advocates the geographical functionality of destinations based on destination travel patterns for the geographical consumption of their attractions and services. Territoriality of aggregated travel patterns within two different rural areas are explored to propose consumer-based destinations which would be better adapted to consumer needs. Furthermore, consumer-based destinations may improve destination planning and management by providing tourism actors with information on how tourists consume the destination. This study contributes with methodological innovation by combining network and geographical analysis to explore a network of aggregated travel patterns and its geographical attachment. Thus, the main contribution of this study is the opportunity to adapt the destination to tourists by identifying consumer-based destinations boundaries and the factors that influence the specific travel patterns within the destinations. Ultimately, these travel patterns determine the size and shape of destinations from a social construction perspective, which differs from an administrative one. Secondly, the study reveals the role that certain attractions and accommodation hubs play in overlapping different destinations regions, and the opportunities this offers for improving destination planning and management.

One of the most popular topics in the tourism literature in the past 30 years has been destination image measurement. The purpose of this paper is to enhance understanding of potential limitations inherent in the development of tourism... more

One of the most popular topics in the tourism literature in the past 30 years has been destination image measurement. The purpose of this paper is to enhance understanding of potential limitations inherent in the development of tourism destination brand image questionnaires. A review of 262 studies published between 1973 and 2007 was undertaken to identify key characteristics of the measurement approaches used, for which structured questionnaires were by far the most common method. One of the outcomes of the review was the identification of five key limitations of the structured questionnaires. Rationale for consideration of these by marketing researchers is offered. The paper will be of interest to tourism practitioners and marketing researchers with a vested interest in the marketing of a destination, as well as research students and supervising academics interested in destination branding and marketing.

Kitle turizminin toplumsal fayda ve çevre korunmasına yönelik beklentileri karşılayamaması, sürdürülebilir turizm, sorumlu turizm kavramlarıyla açıklanan ve daha çok tabandan yukarıya gelişmeyi hedefleyen eko-turizm, yeşil turizm, tarım... more

Kitle turizminin toplumsal fayda ve çevre korunmasına yönelik beklentileri karşılayamaması, sürdürülebilir turizm, sorumlu turizm kavramlarıyla açıklanan ve daha çok tabandan yukarıya gelişmeyi hedefleyen eko-turizm, yeşil turizm, tarım turizmi, sosyal turizm, yoksul yanlısı turizm, toplum faydalı turizm, toplum katkılı turizm gibi alternatif turizm türlerini gündeme getirmiştir. Turizmin getirileri sektörde yatırım için sermayeye sahip sınırlı sayıda insanın elinde toplanmışken, toplumun özellikle kırsal bölgelerde yaşayan yoksul tabaka turizmin en başta ekonomik faydasından mahrum kalmaktadır. Toplumun daha geniş kesiminin turizmin gelişiminden faydalanmasını sağlayacak, turizmin getirilerinin yerel halk arasında daha eşit olarak dağılımını tesis edecek olan toplum katkılı turizm yaklaşımı geçen yüzyılın son çeyreğinden itibaren dikkatleri üzerine çekmiştir. Bu ünitede toplum katkılı turizm kavramı; toplumsal kalkınma, sürdürülebilirlik, güçlendirme, kendi kendine yeterlilik gibi dayandığı temeller çerçevesinde tanımlandıktan sonra, uygulamalarda yerel halkın turizme katılımının boyutları, toplum katkılı turizmin hedefleri, önündeki engeller destinasyon gelişim eğrisi ve yerel rahatsızlık indeksi modellemeleriyle tartışılarak ele alınmıştır.

Hosting sporting mega-events involve considerable investment in and significant engagement with local communities. This paper contributes to the burgeoning literature about sporting mega event’s socio-geographical impacts on tourism,... more

Hosting sporting mega-events involve considerable investment in and
significant engagement with local communities. This paper contributes to
the burgeoning literature about sporting mega event’s socio-geographical
impacts on tourism, employment, urban regeneration, and socio-economic
and cultural benefits. Within the context of 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil, we
assess, utilizing interview data from local communities, the impact of the
construction of the 2014 World Cup’s opening venue, ‘Arena Corinthians’
soccer stadium, in Itaquera, as well as other infrastructure developments
more widely in the East Zone of São Paulo. The results point to the diversity
of opinions among the resident community about the real legacies resulting
from this sport mega-event.

The survey involves developing a method for local tourist development of a tourist destination. Consideration has been given to the development of a methodological research framework, analysis and evaluation of tourism potential: external... more

The survey involves developing a method for local tourist development of a tourist destination. Consideration has been given to the development of a methodological research framework, analysis and evaluation of tourism potential: external and internal environmental factors, tourism resources, material resources, human resources and administrative capacity. They are all represented as subsystems of the territorial recreation and tourism system. A study of the interconnections between them, the definition of strategic goals and the priorities and the proposals for a sustainable tourism development at the local level was carried out. It has been proven that successful sustainable tourism development at the local level is related to conducting systematic marketing studies. Approbation of the proposed criteria and indicators for analysis and evaluation of tourism potential at local level also testified successfully the method. In addition the method offers a construction of thematic routes and specialized tourist infrastructure; categorization and voluntary certification of tourist sites, introduction of a regional trademark; diversification of the tourism product by additional tourist services supply, utilizing opportunities for a common regional tourism product with neighboring municipalities; creating public-private partnerships and stakeholder cooperation. It proves the research thesis that the achievement of sustainable development of a tourist destination at a local level is only possible through the systematic approach and application of criteria and indicators for the analysis and evaluation of tourism potential, clear definition and pursuit of strategic goals and priorities for the sustainable development of a tourism destination.

W literaturze przedmiotu można spotkać się z szerokim opisem wydarzeń jako nowoczesnej (współczesnej, atrakcyjnej, skutecznej) formy promocji, ale także niektórzy autorzy starają się przedstawić wydarzenie jako atrakcyjny produkt... more

W literaturze przedmiotu można spotkać się z szerokim opisem wydarzeń jako nowoczesnej (współczesnej, atrakcyjnej, skutecznej) formy promocji, ale także niektórzy autorzy starają się przedstawić wydarzenie jako atrakcyjny produkt organizatora, czy też produkt destynacji , który wymaga dobrze zorganizowanego zarządzania marketingowego i może być sukcesem rynkowym przy zwróceniu szczególnej uwagi na pewne elementy kluczowe dla osiągnięcia postawionych przed wydarzeniem celów. Autor tej publikacji przyznaje, że i jedno i drugie podejście jest właściwe, jednak z uwagi na fakt, że każdy produkt (także materialny, czy też usługowy) jest swego rodzaju nośnikiem informacji wykorzystywanej w procesie komunikacji (promocji) to dla pokazania marketingowych aspektów zarządzania wydarzeniami, wydarzenia zostaną przedstawione jako rozbudowane produkty (destynacji, obiektów, jak i przedsiębiorstw czy też organizacji-non profit) spełniające dla tych interesariuszy ważne funkcje: źródło różnych korzyści ekonomicznych, rozbudowy i/lub poprawy infrastruktury specjalnie dedykowanej dla realizacji wydarzeń jak i ogólnej (np. komunikacyjnej) w destynacji, poprawy lub utrwalenia pozytywnego wizerunku (np. miasta czy też zaangażowanych podmiotów), czy też możliwości nawiązania nowych relacji z różnymi podmiotami o podobnych zainteresowaniach i wymiany wiedzy – a zatem swego rodzaju źródło do kreowania innowacji (produktowych, procesowych, marketingowych).
Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie specyfiki zarządzania marketingowego wydarzeniami i identyfikacja krytycznych (istotnych) dla osiągniecia sukcesu rynkowego decyzji zarządczych na poszczególnych etapach tego procesu.
Zakłada się, że istnieją pewne powtarzalne elementy sukcesu wydarzeń bez względu na to, jakie wydarzenie jest przygotowywane, jak również, że znaczenie wydarzeń jako atrakcyjnego produktu (miast oraz przedsiębiorstw) i skutecznej formy promocji zaangażowanych w wydarzenie podmiotów, będzie rosło wraz rozwojem gospodarczym regionów i będzie wymagało strategicznego zarządzania marketingowego tymi wydarzeniami.
Dla przygotowania tego opracowania zastosowano metody analizy, obserwacji i syntezy z wykorzystaniem szerokiej literatury przedmiotu jak i wielu źródeł wtórnych (w tym szczególnie raportów i analiz) oraz opracowań własnych Autora przygotowanych dla wybranych miast w Polsce.
Przedstawione opracowanie składa się z wstępu, czterech rozdziałów, suplementu i zakończenia. Dodatkową wartościową częścią pracy, do której Autor odwołuje się często w treści opracowania, są załączniki.
W pierwszych dwóch rozdziałach (I i II) odniesiono się głównie do teoretycznych aspektów zarządzania marketingowego wydarzeniami jako produktem na różnych rynkach, a w dalszej części (rozdziały III i IV oraz suplement) przedstawiono, po wprowadzeniu teoretycznym, kilka przykładów kluczowych decyzji w procesie zarządzania wydarzeniami biznesowymi, sportowymi, jak i kulturalnymi i zastosowania wydarzeń w marketingu wewnętrznym jak i zewnętrznym.

Previous tourism partnership research has not made the most of opportunities to consult related literature from a broad range of disciplines and use associated theoretical developments as a basis for analysis. This technical report... more

Previous tourism partnership research has not made the most of opportunities to consult related literature from a broad range of disciplines and use associated theoretical developments as a basis for analysis. This technical report addresses this gap through a multi-disciplinary review of partnerships research to reconcile the often multifarious definitions of partnership and allied concepts, such as collaboration and cooperation, and the various meanings given to success, as well as to identify factors which might impact ...

Per la capacità di generare il 10% del PIL a livello internazionale e 1 posto di lavoro ogni 10 il turismo veniva definito fino a pochi mesi fa l’industria più importante a livello internazionale (WTTC, 2020). Oggi è uno dei settori... more

Per la capacità di generare il 10% del PIL a livello internazionale e 1 posto di lavoro ogni 10 il turismo veniva definito fino a pochi mesi fa l’industria più importante a livello internazionale (WTTC, 2020). Oggi è uno dei settori maggiormente penalizzati dagli effetti dell’emergenza sanitaria. Nella prima metà del 2020 il movimento internazionale ha registrato un decremento del 65% (UNWTO, 2020). Nel dibattito accademico (Gössling S. at al. 2020; Romagosa F., 2020; Burini F., 2020) e a livello pratico-operativo si è giunti a mettere in discussione definizioni, concetti e modalità descrittive e interpretative di manifestazioni e impatti del turismo finora usate. Ibridazione di status, tempi e luoghi rendono più fluidi schemi consolidati, spesso dicotomici . Ad esempio la classica distinzione tra turisti ed escursionisti non è più sufficiente per descrivere alcuni fenomeni in crescita come il nomadismo digitale (Hermann, I., Paris, C. M. 2020) favorito da smart working e didattica a distanza. Nel contempo, il cosiddetto fenomeno dello staycation, fare vacanza a casa o in un luogo di prossimità, sta cambiando totalmente la percezione del concetto di mobilità turistica (Rosu, A, 2020).
Componenti, relazioni e dinamiche del sistema sono mutate a seguito dell’emergenza sanitaria e le restrizioni alla mobilità e ai contatti sociali. La ripresa degli spostamenti leisure nell’estate 2020 dopo il lockdown imposto in molti stati ha fatto registrare fenomeni completamente nuovi nelle destinazioni turistiche. Si sono registrate variazioni consistenti nella domanda, sia nella composizione che nel comportamento, con quote dominanti di turismo domestico e spostamenti a breve raggio. Le località hanno manifestato reazioni diversificate da parte degli operatori del settore pubblico e privato: dal radicale ripensamento del modello di business aziendale alla messa a punto di nuovi processi per un’accoglienza sicura, dall’attivazione di procedure informatizzate per controllo di accessi e gestione di prenotazioni al tracciamento delle diverse mobilità. In particolare, destinazioni caratterizzate da alta concentrazione di flussi in determinati periodi dell’anno come le spiagge d’estate o le città d’arte in occasione di eventi, prima considerate a rischio overtourism (Doods R., Butler R, 2019), hanno evidenziato più di altre la necessità di affrontare l’emergenza sanitaria in modo serrato. Il presente articolo intende illustrare la reazione del litorale veneziano all’emergenza sanitaria descrivendo comportamenti, percezioni e opinioni di operatori e turisti/visitatori di quattro località balneari: Bibione, Cavallino, Caorle e Jesolo. In particolare, vengono evidenziati i risultati preliminari di un’indagine realizzata tra maggio e ottobre 2020 dal Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali dell’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia in collaborazione con il Master in Economia e Gestione del Turismo dello stesso ateneo coordinato da Ciset. L’approfondimento è stato realizzato nell’ambito del progetto comunitario Interreg Italia-Croazia “ECOSS” (ECOlogical observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for biodiversity) finalizzato al conservation management dei contesti costieri e marini adriatici. Il focus dell’indagine ha evidenziato, attraverso interviste in profondità effettuate a un gruppo di operatori turistici opinioni e percezioni circa il ruolo di specifiche caratteristiche delle destinazioni, loro servizi e procedure adottate contro i rischi dell’emergenza sanitaria. Parallelamente è stata realizzata un’indagine quantitativa tramite un questionario somministrato online e in presenza a 300 turisti di diversa provenienza. Le risposte hanno permesso di comprendere quali motivazioni hanno orientato la scelta della meta per la vacanza nell’estate dell’emergenza sanitaria, percezioni su elementi quali vicinanza al luogo di residenza, presenza di specifici elementi di attrattiva tra cui quelli naturalistici, possibilità di effettuare pratiche outdoor.

Sustainability has become a crucial and very widely applied concept in modern management. Although many would agree that it is necessary, it also presents a big challenge especially for the tourism industry which has a very complex... more

Sustainability has become a crucial and very widely applied concept in modern management. Although many would agree that it is necessary, it also presents a big challenge especially for the tourism industry which has a very complex structure of different stakeholders and their relationships. We think that it is necessary to use advanced methods that could help with such complexity and allow managers to foresee short-term and long-term impacts of their decisions and policies. One of the approaches that may help decision-makers with better understanding of complex systems and improve their decision-making is system dynamics – a methodology that has been developed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management. We are presenting here a generic system dynamics metamodel of regional tourism which as we argue demonstrates both the ability of system dynamics methodology use for dealing with such complex issues and also allows to develop own system dynamics models that could help to analyse different policies, their sustainability and logical outcomes for different stakeholders in a chosen regional tourism industry.

Purpose This paper aims to propose and investigate the relationships among the components of brand equity, and examining the effects of these components on overall destination brand equity in Hoi An tourism destination, Vietnam, from the... more

Purpose This paper aims to propose and investigate the relationships among the components of brand equity, and examining the effects of these components on overall destination brand equity in Hoi An tourism destination, Vietnam, from the perspective of domestic tourists. Design/methodology/approach Questionnaire data were collected from 319 domestic tourists who have visited Hoi An city. The results of empirical tests using a structural equation model support the research hypotheses. Findings The results indicate that destination brand awareness has significant, positive effects on destination brand image and destination perceived quality; destination brand image has positive influences on destination perceived quality and destination brand loyalty; destination perceived quality has significant, positive impacts on destination brand loyalty; except for destination brand image, the remaining dimensions have positive and direct impacts on overall destination brand equity. Originality/...

The survey includes a study of the modern trends and challenges in Bulgarian resorts and the opportunities for their sustainable development and destination management. The main accents are focused on their stages of development, mistakes... more

The survey includes a study of the modern trends and challenges in Bulgarian resorts and the opportunities for their sustainable development and destination management. The main accents are focused on their stages of development, mistakes made in the planning and regulations and setting guidelines for their sustainable development, in accordance with the pandemic situation and the current trends. It has been proven that successful sustainable tourism development in the national resorts is related to conducting systematic marketing studies and smart regulations in their tourist potential.

Abstract This paper is an attempt to investigate and analyze the nature, structure and compulsions of the organizational set-up of the tourism sector in the UAE. UAE is a federal state comprising of seven Emirates. The Emirate of Dubai... more

The article is devoted to the storytelling as a relatively new marketing technology for tourist destinations. Tourism storytelling is defined as an integrated marketing technology for promoting tourism destinations through narrative... more

The article is devoted to the storytelling as a relatively new marketing technology for tourist destinations. Tourism storytelling is defined as an integrated marketing technology for promoting tourism destinations through narrative information: legends, myths, fables, urban stories and tales. Tourism narrative become a self-contained attractor, supplementing or even replacing traditional objects of tourist interest. It can be realized through a variety tourist consumption tools. The most important among them are material products (souvenirs, travel guides, etc.), figurative-symbolic objects (street art, iconographic documents, multimedia formats), verbal means, online resources, etc. The authors offer the concept of a “storytelling destination” as an attractive object for tourists, in the marketing promotion of which the technology of storytelling prevails. The article defines the city storytelling tourism place and describes the phenomenon of post-travel storytelling.
The authors also accomplish a detailed review of foreign publications on the problems of storytelling and its role in the tourist destinations development, consider some cases of the world’s and Russian storytelling destinations and separate mechanisms for their operating (cases of Kaliningrad, Borovsk, St. Petersburg, etc.).
The article characterizes the tourism storytelling as a marketing technology, its and some tools. It is determined that finding out or crea ting legends and their using in the marketing tourism places is one of the most common technologies of tourism storytelling. The authors present the classification of technologies of storytelling and legend in active tourism.
Keywords: storytelling, tourism storytelling, using legends in tourism, storytelling destination, tourism technologies, marketing technology, post-travel storytelling, storytelling in active tourism.

Which Tools and Techniques were Used in Order to Develop to One of the Most Popular Destinations for Sustainable Tourism?

Nowadays, globalization has caused a market of tourist destinations where every government competes for their places to be the best positioned one, whether nationally, regionally or locally. Thus, destinations are compared, regardless of... more

Nowadays, globalization has caused a market of tourist destinations where every government competes for their places to be the best positioned one, whether nationally, regionally or locally. Thus, destinations are compared, regardless of if they are countries or cities, fighting to get a place in both the tourist market and the mind of the potential tourist. To stand out in this new market, increasingly policy worries about the strategies of destination marketing and promotion, and in most cases they culminate in the creation of territorial brands. This paper attempts to investigate the current trend of public policy about destiny marketing and branding through the analysis of different policy actions, in which the development of a brand has meant an important change according to getting a new image and increased popularity and prestige.

Abstract Purpose. The aim of this paper is to analyze growing importance of the state in the implementation of strategic solutions to stimulate holistic development in the tourism sector in Switzerland. Method. The research method is a... more

Los turistas urbanos se caracterizan por ser uno de los segmentos de mayor crecimiento en los mercados turísticos actuales. Monterrey (México), uno de los principales destinos urbanos del país, ha apostado en la actualidad por mejorar su... more

Los turistas urbanos se caracterizan por ser uno de los segmentos de mayor crecimiento en los mercados turísticos actuales. Monterrey
(México), uno de los principales destinos urbanos del país, ha apostado en la actualidad por mejorar su competitividad. Esta investigación se propuso encontrar evidencia acerca de la relación causal de la motivación de viaje sobre la imagen percibida del destino, dos variables importantes por su influencia en la satisfacción de los visitantes. Una revisión de la literatura permitió proponer constructos teóricos integrados en un instrumento para la recogida de datos vía encuesta a una muestra representativa. Por medio del método de regresión y ecuaciones estructurales por mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS), se identificaron los componentes principales de ambas variables y se obtuvo un modelo explicativo de la Imagen percibida del destino en función de la motivación de viaje. Finalmente, se emiten recomendaciones para la gestión del destino urbano en función de los resultados obtenidos.

Mabul Island is a popular diving site for divers, with its main appeal of marine life as one of the most visited islands in Malaysia. If the island is not protected from tourist activities, its image as a tourist destination may... more

Mabul Island is a popular diving site for divers, with its main appeal of marine life as one of the most visited islands in Malaysia. If the island is not protected from tourist activities, its image as a tourist destination may deteriorate. This research focuses on measuring the tourism destination competitiveness by evaluating the sustainable features of Mabul Island using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The aim is to identify the most essential features of Mabul and evaluate its performance. The survey questionnaires were distributed to tourists who visited Mabul Island between 2017 and February 2020. Six (6) attributes that represent tourism destination competitiveness (TDC); destination management, natural resources, quality service and safety, location and accessibility, E-business, and sustainable tourism were tested. Data were analysed using mean and standard deviation and later, paired t-tests were employed to examine the statistical differences between the means of importance and performance. Only two variables; locality and accessibility, and E-business indicated a statistical significance between importance and performance rated by respondents. The mean values were also plotted into the IPA matrix to visually present the results based on four (4) quadrants: Sustainable tourism is the only attribute in the 'keep up the good work' quadrant; Destination management, natural resources, and quality service and safety are in the 'low priority' quadrant; Location locality and accessibility is in 'concentrate here' quadrant; E-business is plotted in 'possible overkill' quadrant. These findings are the valuable information for Sabah Tourism and relevant authorities to enhance Mabul Island and ensure its competitiveness as a desired tourism destination in Malaysia. This study suggested tourism policymakers and destination managers to do necessary monitoring and assessment on a regular basis to preserve the island for tourism purposes.

Despite the fact of being the most prominent characteristic of tourism, tourism seasonality still remains a phenomenon. Almost all world destinations are facing seasonal concentration of tourist activities. The peaking of tourist demand... more

Despite the fact of being the most prominent characteristic of tourism, tourism seasonality still remains a phenomenon. Almost all world destinations are facing seasonal concentration of tourist activities. The peaking of tourist demand in few hectic weeks or months is resulting in inefficient use of tourism facilities and pressure on the ecological and sociocultural carrying capacity. Strategies and policies to extend the main season and develop additional seasons are needed. The assumption is good understanding of tourism seasonality. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of present tourism seasonality research findings. The research examines 64 literature sources classifying findings into four categories, namely: definition, causes, implications and strategies. The paper concludes that considerable gaps in the literature, as well as, in the understanding of tourism seasonality exist. The study contributes to the theoretical and practical knowledge of tourism seasonality.