Translation and Interpreting Research Papers (original) (raw)

This article proposes a model for teaching interpreting for tourism purposes. It shows the aims of the model, interpreting materials, training strategies, training environment and assessment techniques. The model aims to train students to... more

This article proposes a model for teaching interpreting for tourism purposes. It shows the aims of the model, interpreting materials, training strategies, training environment and assessment techniques. The model aims to train students to interpret in English with or without prior preparation or knowledge of the topic and without taking or reading form notes. The training model consists of the following exercises: (i) breathing exercises; (ii) memory training exercises; (iii) shadowing exercises; (iv) sentence paraphrasing; (v) summarizing sentences, then whole paragraphs about tourism; (vi) listening to single words, sentences, and a short paragraph about tourism and interpreting them; (vii) listening to familiar and easy tourism topics, then more difficult ones with a variety of tourism sub-topics. In a multimedia language lab, the students may listen to tourism podcasts, watch tourism documentaries or TED Talks and interpret the content from English to Arabic and vice versa. Simulations (role playing) of tourists and interpreters in teams of three or more may be conducted. Students may also visit a local tourist attraction, interpret, or give a commentary on-site. The training program objectives, types of interpreting, interpreting exercises, training materials, teaching and learning strategies and assessment techniques are described in detail.

Interpreted preaching embodies the Pentecost belief that all peoples should hear the good news in their heart language communicated through preachers empowered by the Holy Spirit. This paper argues that interpreted preaching is distinct... more

Interpreted preaching embodies the Pentecost belief that all peoples should hear the good news in their heart language communicated through preachers empowered by the Holy Spirit. This paper argues that interpreted preaching is distinct from other forms of preaching. This paper is a summary of the author’s doctoral work that is the first in theology to explore the historically overlooked event of consecutive side-by-side preaching with an interpreter. Interpreters have been of historical importance to evangelism and the global church, and continue to be utilised in churches and religious contexts. The biblical foundation of this paper is that God desires to communicate with people in their heart languages. A case study of SOMA, a short-term mission organisation that regularly uses interpreted preaching was undertaken. Qualitative interviews of preachers, interpreters, and bilingual listeners were conducted to examine the homiletic process before, during, and after the interpreted preaching event. Analysis of results demonstrates that there are significant differences in interpreted preaching from other forms of preaching. Interpreted preaching requires preachers to approach the task with a particular emphasis on nonverbal communication, establish a preaching rapport with the interpreter, as well as different methodology and praxis in preparation, delivery, and reflection. Interpreted preaching also significantly affects power dynamics and roles within the preaching space, with the interpreter considered a gatekeeper and co-preacher due to their linguistic, cultural, and theological fluency. These results confirm the hypothesis that interpreted preaching is a discrete homiletic.

Die Auswirkungen struktureller Diskriminierung in Form von Audismus werden gegenwärtig gesellschaftlich und politisch unterschätzt. Privile-gien, die sich für Menschen durch die Fähigkeit, zu hören, ergeben, bleiben tauben Menschen... more

Die Auswirkungen struktureller Diskriminierung in Form von Audismus werden gegenwärtig gesellschaftlich und politisch unterschätzt. Privile-gien, die sich für Menschen durch die Fähigkeit, zu hören, ergeben, bleiben tauben Menschen verwehrt. Es wird deshalb in der vorliegenden Arbeit an-genommen, dass die Lebensrealität hörender Menschen zu Nachteilen für taube Menschen führt. Die Diskriminierungen, die taube Menschen tagtäg-lich in vielen wichtigen Lebensbereichen innerhalb der hörenden Gesell-schaft erfahren, bleiben jedoch im Diskurs unsichtbar (Tuccoli 2008, 23 f.). Beispielhaft für die daraus anzunehmenden Spannungen zwischen der tau-ben sprachlich-kulturellen Minderheit und der hörenden Mehrheit soll im Folgenden das Phänomen der "kulturellen Aneignung" von Gebärdenspra-che und der diesbezügliche Diskurs-ausgelöst durch den Eurovision Song-contest (ESC) 2017-stehen und untersucht werden. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, eine wissenschaftliche Grundlage anzubieten, um auf deren Basis den Diskurs über "kulturelle Aneignung", Audismus und hearing privileges breiter und fundierter führen zu können. Sie greift das im Postkolonialismus geprägte Konzept der "kulturellen Aneignung" auf und beleuchtet dabei mithilfe der Kritischen Diskursanalyse nach Jäger (2015) die Reproduktion struktureller Diskriminierung. Die Analyse des Diskur-ses wirft Schlaglichter auf seine Aspekte und Argumente und versucht, die-se zu entschlüsseln. Dabei werden verschiedene Subjektpositionen sowie Diskursverschränkungen,-brüche und-verschiebungen sichtbar gemacht.

In mid-2009 at Kochi University in Japan, a Haiku-in-English Competition was held. An extra dimension of this competition was that entrants also needed to write a Japanese-language explanation of their English-language haiku in Japanese.... more

In mid-2009 at Kochi University in Japan, a Haiku-in-English Competition was held. An extra dimension of this competition was that entrants also needed to write a Japanese-language explanation of their English-language haiku in Japanese. Haiku genre was chosen because its form is a Japanese cultural artifact, and as such should already be schematically familiar to the majority of competition entrants who were Japanese. This was a spin-off from an activity in an English writing course. The focus of the research reported here is on haiku explanation texts, which are examined as introspective accounts of a haiku composition's language, content, and inspiration. In effect these were to be interpretations of discourse in one language presented in another language. Based on theme/rheme analyses of explanation texts, the utility and effectiveness of explanations were found to be partial. This can be partly explained by the novelty factor of having to explain one's haiku composition, which is better left to the controlled environment of the classroom.

Machine Translation (MT) has experienced remarkable improvements and consequently grown in popularity of late. It now functions not only as an end in itself but also as a valuable asset to be exploited by translators in the promising... more

Machine Translation (MT) has experienced remarkable improvements and consequently grown in popularity of late. It now functions not only as an end in itself but also as a valuable asset to be exploited by translators in the promising practice of post-editing the outcome of MT systems, which can yield faster and sometimes more accurate results. Most systems, however, were not originally designed having translators envisaged as potential users, which leaves a high demand for tools capable of catering for this new translation modality. With the purpose of showcasing what researchers and the industry have to offer in that respect, this study provides a review of a number of currently available translation tools from the perspective of translation post-editing. We have selected and described toolkits according to a set of criteria, highlighting main differences and similarities between them and also making mention of desirable features that have not been satisfactorily presented by any of the toolkits analysed.

This paper investigates the position of the language of conference interpreters along the written-oral cline. The use of demonstratives in a corpus comprising transcriptions of interpretation exams shows how students tend to overexploit... more

This paper investigates the position of the language of conference interpreters along the written-oral cline. The use of demonstratives in a corpus comprising transcriptions of interpretation exams shows how students tend to overexploit those morphological resources in order to ensure consistency and coherence to their texts.

Although, as Martin (2000: 207) says, community interpreting may be described as the oldest among interpreting activities, it has largely been regarded as a lower status undertaking within the profession, ie when it has not simply been... more

Although, as Martin (2000: 207) says, community interpreting may be described as the oldest among interpreting activities, it has largely been regarded as a lower status undertaking within the profession, ie when it has not simply been thrown out or frowned upon as ...

The study aims to identify the main difficulties of learning translation and how to overcome these difficulties. The researcher utilize a descriptive analytical approach. The sample of the study is consists of 30 English majors(male and... more

The study aims to identify the main difficulties of learning translation and how to overcome these difficulties. The researcher utilize a descriptive analytical approach. The sample of the study is consists of 30 English majors(male and female) who study translation at Al-Aqsa University, these subjects were randomly selected to participate in the study .To achieve the aims of the study the researcher applied a questionnaire divided into three domains: the first is content and syllabus , the second is teaching strategy and technique, the third is lecturers and instructors. Through this questionnaire a number of difficulties were revealed.
The findings of the study are as follow “Results of the study at the level of the content or syllabus by 73.6%”, “ Results of the study at the level of teaching strategy and technique by 75.1%”, “Results of the study at the level of the lecturers and instructors by 74.9%”, “The study shows that there are no differences in the averages of the research responses about the difficulties and problems of translation among English majors Al-Aqsa University due to gender", “The study shows that there are no differences in the averages of the research responses about the difficulties and problems of translation among English majors Al-Aqsa University due to academic level”.
In conclusion, the researcher recommended carrying out further researcher on the difficulties encountering students of Al-Aqsa University of all academic level in learning translation also with concentrating on the difficulties related to the content and syllabus and using effective program to overcome these difficulties.

Forensic interviews with children for suspected child sexual abuse require meeting children “where they are” in terms of their developmental level, readiness to disclose, culture, and language. The field lacks research indicating how to... more

Forensic interviews with children for suspected child sexual abuse require meeting children “where they are” in terms of their developmental level, readiness to disclose, culture, and language. The field lacks research indicating how to accommodate children's diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. This article focuses on language competence, defined here as the ability of an organization and its personnel (in this case, Child Advocacy Centers and forensic interviewers) to communicate effectively with clients regardless of their preferred language(s). In this qualitative study, 39 U.S. child forensic interviewers and child advocacy center directors discussed their experiences, practices, and opinions regarding interviews with children and families who are not native speakers of English. Topics include the importance of interviewing children in their preferred language, problems in interpreted interviews, bilingual interviews, and current and recommended procedures. Recommendations for practice and further research are included.

The availability of language services for patients with limited English proficiency has become a standard of care in the United States. Finding the resources to pay for language programs is challenging for providers, payers, and... more

The availability of language services for patients with limited English proficiency has become a standard of care in the United States. Finding the resources to pay for language programs is challenging for providers, payers, and policymakers. There is no federal payment policy and states are developing policies using different methodologies for determining costs and reimbursement rates. is paper establishes a conceptual framework that identifies program costs, can be used across health care entities, and can be understood by administrators, researchers, and policymakers to guide research and analysis and establish a common ground for informed strategic discussion of payment and reimbursement policy. Using case study methods, a framework was established to identify costs and included determining the perspective of the cost analysis as well as distinguishing between the financial accounting costs (direct, indirect, and overheard costs) and the economic opportunity and subsequent utilization costs.

This paper attempts a new categorisation of omission in simultaneous interpreting through exploring and investigating omission in the simultaneous interpreting of U.S. presidential debates from English into Arabic in order to improve the... more

This paper attempts a new categorisation of omission in simultaneous interpreting through exploring and investigating omission in the simultaneous interpreting of U.S. presidential debates from English into Arabic in order to improve the interpreter's performance. This is not an attempt, however, to answer the question why the interpreter uses omission, intentionally or impromptu, because it is not a cognitive study of the reasons why this phenomenon occurs. Instead, it aims to evaluate omission in real, professional contexts to determine how far omissions convey the functions of presidential debates. The data is collected from the second 2016 U.S. presidential debate between the two candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. An interdisciplinary approach combining between interpreting studies (especially Pym's Risk Analysis 2008) and political sciences (basically Benoit's Functional Theory of Political Campaign Discourse 2017) is employed. The paper reaches the conclusion that there is a gap in understanding omission in interpreting a discourse type as such from English into Arabic and that interpreters used omission in their renditions, a matter which affected the three functions of presidential debates. Omission should be accounted for in the light of an interdisciplinary approach combining between a multi-layered linguistic and pragmatic analysis, interpreting studies and a functional theory of political campaign discourse. The product and its potential impact(s) for the aims of communication determine the level of functionality entailed in the interpretation: 'functional', 'nonfunctional, or 'semi-functional''. If the interpreter becomes aware of the functions of this discourse type and how it behaves, then his performance should presumably be improved; and at this particular point, further empirical, experimental research is recommended.

Tenemos el placer de invitarles a participar en el Congreso Internacional sobre Traducción e Interpretación de Discursos Especializados: Aproximaciones teóricas y prácticas a la accesibilidad. Congreso virtual del 3 al 4 de diciembre de... more

Tenemos el placer de invitarles a participar en el Congreso Internacional sobre Traducción e Interpretación de Discursos Especializados: Aproximaciones teóricas y prácticas a la accesibilidad. Congreso virtual del 3 al 4 de diciembre de 2021. El congreso está organizado por el grupo de investigación HUM-855 (e-dint) de la Universidad de Málaga junto con otros compañeros de diversas facultades y pretende impulsar un encuentro interdisciplinar en torno al concepto y al hecho de la accesibilidad en la comunicación inter e intralingüística. Queremos generar un espacio de divulgación de trabajos de investigación ligados al tema de la discapacidad en el marco de los estudios de traducción e interpretación, teniendo en cuenta los enfoques interdisciplinares y los aportes de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC). Asimismo, deseamos compartir recursos, estrategias didácticas, metodológicas y prácticas así como abordajes teóricos en torno a la discapacidad. Nuestra convocatoria de ponencias está abierta hasta el 15/10/2021. Esperamos contar con vuestra participación. Un cordial saludo, El comité organizador.

The concept of ‘role of interpreter’ as a discrete rigid construct has been used historically in ways that actually inhibit (rather than facilitate) interaction amongst participants. The paper presents aspects of a new paradigm that... more

The concept of ‘role of interpreter’ as a discrete rigid construct has been used historically in ways that actually inhibit (rather than facilitate) interaction amongst participants. The paper presents aspects of a new paradigm that defines role not in a static way, but in a dynamic way that requires interpreters make active choices about managing the myriad factors that foster successful interactions.

El propósito de este estudio ha sido investigar la relación que tienen la motivación en el aprendizaje de inglés como lengua extranjera (LE) y el optimismo disposicional con el rendimiento académico en un contexto universitario. Los... more

El propósito de este estudio ha sido investigar la relación que tienen la motivación en el aprendizaje de inglés como lengua extranjera (LE) y el optimismo disposicional con el rendimiento académico en un contexto universitario. Los participantes en este estudio fueron 213 alumnos de las titulaciones de Traducción e Interpretación y de Maestro Especialista en Lengua Extranjera (inglés). Se emplearon la Escala de Motivación en Educación (EME) y el Test de Orientación Vital Revisado (LOT-R). Además, se incluyó un cuestionario demográfico para recabar información acerca del sexo, la edad, la titulación y última calificación alcanzada en la LE. Los datos obtenidos se sometieron a análisis descriptivos e inferenciales. Los resultados revelan que no hay diferencia significativa entre las medias en función del sexo en ninguna de las subescalas de motivación y de optimismo. Tan solo se aprecia una diferencia entre titulaciones en el caso de la motivación Revista de Educación, Extraordinario 2013, pp.

This paper reports on interprofessional education (IPE), a teaching and learning strategy that is widely used in healthcare training. IPE is structured and usually situation-based training that involves two or more groups of... more

This paper reports on interprofessional education (IPE), a teaching and learning strategy that is widely used in healthcare training. IPE is structured and usually situation-based training that involves two or more groups of professionals. Desired learning outcomes for practitioners or trainees of both groups include learning how the other group works and how to optimise working with them, whilst also gaining perspectives of how others see their own group's work. Learning is achieved through participation in real or simulated activities. We address three research questions in looking at the achievement of learning outcomes for both interpreting and medical students: perceived usefulness of roleplay as a component of IPE sessions, perceived increase of knowledge bases and the perceived usefulness of pre-and postinteractional (de-)briefings. Four IPE sessions were conducted involving 153 interpreting and medical students from late 2017 to early 2019 in Australia. A data sample based on 118 survey responses shows high levels of agreement that role-plays are a useful activity in IPE. Further, students record a high level of increase in their knowledge of the other professional group as well as of their own. The value of pre-interactional briefings and post-interactional exchanges is confirmed by all groups of informants.

The patient-centred model of health care, which recognises patients' autonomy, promotes their active participation in decisions concerning their own health, and strives to treat patients holistically, improves health outcomes but relies... more

The patient-centred model of health care, which recognises patients' autonomy, promotes their active participation in decisions concerning their own health, and strives to treat patients holistically, improves health outcomes but relies on effective communication between healthcare providers and patients. In a multilingual society, a major barrier to effective communication arises when healthcare providers and their patients do not share the same first language. This review aims to explore the impact of the language barrier on the effective rendering of healthcare services in South Africa, and to raise awareness that studies regarding language barriers within the South African healthcare sector are currently limited to isiXhosa in the context of English and Afrikaans, and has been conducted almost exclusively in the Western Cape. Research, therefore, needs to be extended to healthcare settings in the rest of the country, and needs to include all the languages and cultures protected under the South African Constitution. Moreover, there is an opportunity, and a need, for interdisciplinary collaboration between language practitioners and healthcare professionals to find viable solutions to communication challenges posed by linguo-cultural barriers within the multilinguistic South African population, in order to honour the right of every citizen to equitable health care.

La Fondation BBC (Building Bridges across Cultures) a été créée en janvier 2018 comme centre culturel et des formations. Il obtient son premier acte d'agrément de la part du ministère de la culture et Arts au mois de mars 2018 ouvrant... more

La Fondation BBC (Building Bridges across Cultures) a été créée en janvier 2018 comme centre culturel et des formations. Il obtient son premier acte d'agrément de la part du ministère de la culture et Arts au mois de mars 2018 ouvrant ainsi ses activités officiellement. Enrôlé sous le numéro : 230/DCA/SK/2018, le BBC a fonctionné principalement avec les activités de formation et renforcement des capacités notamment :  La spécialisation en techniques de l'interprétariat  Le recyclage et formation des traducteurs indépendants  La traduction occasionnelle des documents en freelance  La formation en langues anglaise, espagnole, chinoise et française Au mois de mai 2018, le président du tribunal de grande instance de Bukavu donne une suite favorable au dossier de demande d'agrément d'un traducteur officiel, et par son ordonnance No 089/2018, le tribunal agrée Mr Euphrem NGOY, notre Traducteur Principal, comme expert Traducteur et Interprète officiel, lui autorisant ainsi de prêter serment. Par la même occasion, le BBC est autorisé d'ouvrir le tout premier cabinet d'expertise en Traduction et Interprétariat pour la province. Des lors, nous avons géré ou participe a plusieurs projets de traduction et avons formé et envoyé nombre d'interprètes sur terrain. Notre équipe est composée de 8 interprètes et 9 traducteurs. En mai 2019, le BBC est enregistre en tant qu'établissement (moyenne entreprise)

Language interpreting serves communicative purposes. Who does it serve, how and why? At the other end of interpreting service provision, contractors, public regulators and end users have a key role in the development of interpreting as a... more

Language interpreting serves communicative purposes. Who does it serve, how and why? At the other end of interpreting service provision, contractors, public regulators and end users have a key role in the development of interpreting as a profession. Looking at the big picture and locating interpreting within it brings our attention to networks of actors, other than the interpreters themselves, with diverse – and divergent – interests. To study such actors, this chapter turns the interpreting activity inside out: it places the focus not so much on the activity itself but rather on the locus of interpreting in the social fabric.
Competing conceptions and behaviours around language and communicative needs are explored through three case studies. The first case study is one of a simple configuration of actors around the circumstances in which conference interpreting first became professionalised at the time when AIIC was born. The second case focuses on sign language interpreting and the way the need for it is conceptualised. The third and final case shows higher complexity both in terms of the variety of actors involved in the analysis and in terms of the existence of divergent interests. It explores the situation of court interpreting in the United Kingdom, Spain and Ireland.
Two analytical tools are provided to approach the study of external players in the development of the interpreting profession. Firstly, a typology of players reflecting the logic of service provision helps identify categories for analysis. Secondly, after the presentation of the case studies, a diagram maps out factors of variation in the configuration of players.
The more complex the configuration of players the more relevant it is to gain a sophisticated understanding of the map of players. ‘Ideational factors’ such as different players’ representations of the need for interpreting or their vested interests are worth particular attention.

This case study documents a pilot where situated-learning was used to train students at level 6 (final year) of the BA (hons.) BSL/English interpreting programme, in medical/healthcare interpreting. The learning experience was situated... more

This case study documents a pilot where situated-learning was used to train students at level 6 (final year) of the BA (hons.) BSL/English interpreting programme, in medical/healthcare interpreting. The learning experience was situated within the clinical simulation suite at the University of Wolverhampton and student interpreters had the opportunity to interpret for a real healthcare practitioner and a deaf patient in a series of carefully constructed roleplays, designed to provide as authentic an experience as possible.

Seit ihrem Erscheinen 2010 ist Holger Sievers Habilitationsschrift fester Bestandteil der deutschsprachigen übersetzungswissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Man trifft sie oft zitiert und in der Bibliographie neuerer Publikationen angeführt.... more

Seit ihrem Erscheinen 2010 ist Holger Sievers
Habilitationsschrift fester Bestandteil der deutschsprachigen
übersetzungswissenschaftlichen Diskussion. Man trifft sie oft zitiert
und in der Bibliographie neuerer Publikationen angeführt. Die
Quintessenz dieser Arbeit lässt sich auch anhand des Titels wie folgt
zusammenfassen: Sie bietet in einem ersten historiographischen Teil
einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Disziplin in einem Zeitraum
von 40 Jahren seit ihrer Entstehung bis zur Jahrtausendwende und
mündet im zweiten Teil in den Entwurf einer integrativen
Übersetzungstheorie auf der Grundlage der Semiotik und der

This is a study of ambiguities and tensions that occur within the role of the bilingual/bicultural researcher in an ethnographic study. This manuscript presents an analysis of three instances from two interviews in a study on the... more

This is a study of ambiguities and tensions that occur within the role of the bilingual/bicultural researcher in an ethnographic study. This manuscript presents an analysis of three instances from two interviews in a study on the acculturation of deaf students in deaf kindergarten classrooms in Japan and the US. This is an auto-ethnographic analysis of conflicts found in fluctuating between multiple roles: research assistant, interpreter, cultural mediator, and sociolinguistic consultant. In these examples my bicultural knowledge allowed me to identify “hidden” meanings overlooked by other members of the research team. However, my interpreter role at times made it awkward to contribute my insights to the research team. The findings of this study show that interpreters who are linguistically and culturally in-between the researchers and researched play a crucial but delicate role in cross-cultural studies. INTRODUCTION Removing our shoes at the edge of the tatami mat, our group of se...

Im Beitrag werden Aspekte der Metaphorik in der Metasprache als Problem der Übersetzung besprochen. Der Aufsatz ist eine Einleitung in einen Untersuchungszyklus zur Metapher in metasprachlichen Diskursen. Die Diskussion soll in weiteren,... more

Im Beitrag werden Aspekte der Metaphorik in der Metasprache als Problem der Übersetzung besprochen. Der Aufsatz ist eine Einleitung in einen Untersuchungszyklus zur Metapher in metasprachlichen Diskursen. Die Diskussion soll in weiteren, kontrastiven und translationswissenschaftlichen Studien fortgesetzt werden. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden Vorüberlegungen zu den Merkmalen der Metapher der Metasprache und zum Status der Metapher in der linguistischen Forschung präsentiert. Es werden theoretische Aspekte diskutiert, die bei der Übersetzung der Metapher behilflich sein können.

Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich mit sozialen Dynamiken pluralistischer Gesellschaften, wie mit dem ökonomischen Flexibilismus, dem demografischen Wandel und Trends bezüglich Mobilität, Migration und Bürgerrechten. Der zweite Teil... more

Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich mit sozialen Dynamiken pluralistischer Gesellschaften, wie mit dem ökonomischen Flexibilismus, dem demografischen Wandel und Trends bezüglich Mobilität, Migration und Bürgerrechten. Der zweite Teil diskutiert "flüchtige Kategorien" am Beispiel sich auflösender Begriffe wie "fremde Kulturen", "zweite Generation", "Religion" und "Behinderung". Im dritten Teil wird der Fokus auf "Ausgrenzung" durch Stigma, Menschenfeindlichkeit und Nichtanerkennung, aber auch auf Grund- und Menschenrechte gerichtet. Was transkategoriale Kompetenz in unterschiedlichen Lebensaltern, Lebenswelten und Praxisfeldern bedeutet, wird im vierten Teil des Lehrbuchs exemplarisch in Beiträgen über Mädchenbeschneidung, Traumatisierungen, Migrationskinder und Altern beschrieben. Der fünfte Teil widmet sich der Gesundheitsversorgung mit einem besonderen Fokus auf Frauen und Männer mit Migrationserfahrung, auf Menschen mit kognitiver Beeinträchtigung und psychischen Störungen und einer Migrationserfahrung sowie der Beschreibung eines Pflege- und Versorgungsprozesses für diese komplexen Kontexte. Im sechsten Teil werden diverse kommunikative Aspekte im Umgang mit Vielfalt und Verschiedenheit erläutert. Zahlreiche praxisorientierte Fallbeispiele und selbstreflexive Übungen ebnen den Weg für einen kreativen Umgang mit Diversity im Gesundheitswesen.

Présentation de la monographie "Principes, présences et structures de l'interprétation en milieu social dans les pays francophones", publiée dans la série "Monografías" (nº 4) de la revue "Çédille. Revue de Estudios Franceses". Çédille... more

Présentation de la monographie "Principes, présences et structures de l'interprétation en milieu social dans les pays francophones", publiée dans la série "Monografías" (nº 4) de la revue "Çédille. Revue de Estudios Franceses".
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Research on technology-enabled and technology-mediated interpreting to date has taken a largely product-oriented approach to understand the role of technology during interpreting. In response to calls for additional empirical research on... more

Research on technology-enabled and technology-mediated interpreting to date has taken a largely product-oriented approach to understand the role of technology during interpreting. In response to calls for additional empirical research on the intersection of interpreting, technology, and cognition, this article argues for the inclusion of processoriented research and outlines several areas of potential investigation.

Comment décrire et identifier l’ensemble des caractéristiques d’une traduction ? Comment le critique peut-il sonder tout ce qui existe au-delà et en deçà du texte traduit ? On propose ici de nouveaux outils théoriques pour distinguer les... more

Comment décrire et identifier l’ensemble des caractéristiques d’une traduction ? Comment le critique peut-il sonder tout ce qui existe au-delà et en deçà du texte traduit ? On propose ici de nouveaux outils théoriques pour distinguer les « imaginaires de la traduction » qui permettent d’envisager, d’un côté, la subjectivité de qui traduit (imaginaires des traducteurs et traductrices), de l’autre, les diverses conceptions et représentations de la traduction (imaginaires du traduire) impliquées dans le transfert et la transmission de textes d’un univers linguistique à l’autre. Dans les articles rassemblés ici, cette notion a été étudiée au prisme des langues européennes au sens large et des plus importantes théories traductologiques.
// How can one describe and identify all the characteristics of a translation? How can scholars probe all that exists beyond the translated text? This study proposes new theoretical tools in order to define the “imaginaries of translation” that allow us to understand, on the one hand, the translator’s subjectivity (the imaginaries of translators), and on the other hand, the various conceptions and representations of translation (the imaginaries of translating) involved in the circulation and transmission of texts from one linguistic reality to another. The articles in this volume examine the notion of the imaginary in different European languages and through the prism of the most important translation theories.

This chapter provides an overview of research into the implications the global spread of English as a lingua franca (ELF) has had for conference interpreting over the past decade, during which the subfield of ITELF (interpreting,... more

This chapter provides an overview of research into the implications the global spread of English as a lingua franca (ELF) has had for conference interpreting over the past decade, during which the subfield of ITELF (interpreting, translation and English as a lingua franca) has evolved. It details the complete list of empirical studies carried out so far and outlines the consequences for central topics in conference interpreting, namely interpreting quality, cognitive demands, interpreting strategies and capacity management, interpreters’ self-concept and interpreter training. It also addresses preliminary insights into how conference interpreting under ELF conditions could be rethought. It concludes with a table summarizing the changes in the parameters and premises that characterize the new paradigm of interpreting input from a majority of non-native English speakers.

Simultaneous interpreters work under pressure and time constraints. Therefore, at least two interpreters are needed in the interpreter's booth in order to overcome fatigue, cope with mistakes and help improve interpretation quality. This... more

Simultaneous interpreters work under pressure and time constraints. Therefore, at least two interpreters are needed in the interpreter's booth in order to overcome fatigue, cope with mistakes and help improve interpretation quality. This study aims to examine cooperation in simultaneous interpretation by simulated setting observation and in-depth interviews with four student interpreters. It leads to the conclusion that writing down numbers and information then passing it to boothmates is an efficient and non-disturbing way to offer assistance. Additionally, a survey was conducted among thirty-five Thai freelance interpreters of different levels of experience to find out their in-booth behaviors, expectations and needs with regard to assistance from their booth partners. The results indicate that interpreters expect their boothmates to be in the booth with them to help write down words and let them know when they make mistakes.
Keywords: 1. simultaneous interpretation 2. teamwork 3. boothmate 4. cooperation 5. Assistance

The spread of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) counts as one of the major causes for the dramatic English language prominence in specialized communication scenarios (‎Albl-Mikasa 2013:4; Nickerson 2013:445). In the literature, there is... more

The spread of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) counts as one of the major causes for the dramatic English language prominence in specialized communication scenarios (‎Albl-Mikasa 2013:4; Nickerson 2013:445). In the literature, there is some evidence that interpreting from ELF speakers is generally more demanding than interpreting from native speakers of English in terms of cognitive load during the in-conference performance (Albl-Mikasa 2010; 2013). This additional processing cost in source-text comprehension, analysis, short-term memory management and target text production when interpreting from non-native speakers deteriorates the interpreter’s performance (Gile 1999; 2005; Albl-Mikasa 2010). This is particularly true in Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) conferences where a high degree of accuracy and precision are required (cf. Nobs et al. 2011).
Since EFL and LSP appear to be intrinsically intertwined phenomena in the interpreting practice, they should not be overlooked during interpreter training. The use of authentic material, such as audiovisual material from LSP conferences in ELF scenarios can contribute to expose students to real life situations and raise their awareness about the relevant quality benchmarks. The choice of building a multimodal corpus (Straniero Sergio & Falbo 2012:31) is key to provide a comprehensive understanding of real life interpreting settings and discourse practices (Kellett Bidoli 2006). In addition to audio and video layers, captions should be manually transcribed and aligned to allow comprehensive terminology and stylistic analyses.
The project is still at its design stage and a variety of corpus building issues are being considered (cf. Knight 2011:324). The first is discourse representativity, which in turn is dependent on the ELF speakers' willingness to collaborate, as an explicit permission from conference participants is required to record, store and process any content or data in which they are involved as speakers. Second, the generalizability of subsequent quantitative and qualitative analyses relies on the creation of significant samples to fully represent the relevant conference setting and discourse. In addition, some key pragmatic aspects are still to be further refined, such as 1) practical corpus deployment with interpreting students and 2) actual corpus impact on the students’ learning curve.

In this chapter the focus of discussion will be on interpretation, that is, the means of communicating meaning, intent, and so much more, instantaneously, or almost at the same time as speech is produced, from one language to another and... more

In this chapter the focus of discussion will be on interpretation, that is, the means of communicating meaning, intent, and so much more, instantaneously, or almost at the same time as speech is produced, from one language to another and across cultures.

This article presents results of a bibliometric study of output in the area of translation studies in the Arab World, published over the period from 1960 to 2014 ; this study has two main objectives : the first consists in carrying out a... more

This article presents results of a bibliometric study of output in the area of translation studies in the Arab World, published over the period from 1960 to 2014 ; this study has two main objectives : the first consists in carrying out a bibliographical identification. In this regard, a bibliographical database will be developed. The second objective consists in an approach to output variables, transformations in authorship structure, publication structure, as well as the scope of dissemination. For this purpose, a bibliometric survey will be carried out, based on the change of output in terms of topic, language of publication, period of publication and forms of publication. In this context, the total number of publications was 2721 titles. Translation theory maintained its lion's share (30.50%), followed by literary translation (12.7%), then other topics (history of translation, scientific translation, religious translation, cultural translation and specialized translation, together with an aggregate of 30%). Authorship structure took time to develop. The 1990s generation formed the nucleus of such a structure. Output periods maintained their peculiar variables. Indeed, in the 1990s, 1223 works were published, accounting for 45% of the whole output. As for the languages of publication, Arabic comes first with 66%. Articles ranked first by 57%, followed by sections in edited books then books. As far as joint-edition is concerned, it accounts for 9% only, as against individual work with 91%.

Il tema della qualità è uno fra i più dibattuti e fecondi nel campo degli Interpreting Studies. Il volume si propone di fornire una panoramica aggiornata dello stato dell'arte e delle principali tendenze legate a questo filone di ricerca... more

Il tema della qualità è uno fra i più dibattuti e fecondi nel campo degli Interpreting Studies. Il volume si propone di fornire una panoramica aggiornata dello stato dell'arte e delle principali tendenze legate a questo filone di ricerca e di riflettere su continuità e divergenze relative alle diverse modalità e tecniche interpretative in un’ottica integrata di ricerca, pratica professionale e didattica, esplorando le sfide che pone la loro evoluzione. Approfondisce inoltre questioni fondamentali nella valutazione della qualità in interpretazione, come chi valuta che cosa, in quali contesti e situazioni comunicative e condivide riflessioni sulle prospettive metodologiche applicate alla ricerca in questo campo. L'appendice offre infine strumenti e materiali per replicare e ampliare progetti di ricerca ed elaborare materiali didattici.

El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es averiguar cómo se comunica el personal sanitario de los dos hospitales públicos de la isla de Gran Canaria con el paciente extranjero, y qué hacen para solucionar los problemas de... more

El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es averiguar cómo se comunica el personal sanitario de los dos hospitales públicos de la isla de Gran Canaria con el paciente extranjero, y qué hacen para solucionar los problemas de comunicación cuando los encuentran. A la vista de estos resultados haremos una propuesta de posibles formas de gestionar la asistencia sanitaria a extranjeros en Gran Canaria. Con este estudio pretendemos contribuir a la concienciación de que es necesario contar con un servicio de interpretación en los hospitales públicos de la isla objeto de estudio. Esta tesis doctoral se divide en tres grandes apartados. En primer lugar, el marco teórico que consta de siete capítulos que van de lo general a lo específico, en el que empezamos por explicar qué es la interpretación y enmarcamos la interpretación sanitaria. Seguidamente, abordamos la figura del intérprete sanitario, su perfil, competencias, y formación académica. Por último, concluimos los capítulos de fundamentación teórica haciendo un repaso de la interpretación en el mundo, en Europa y en el territorio español, para finalmente centrarnos en la interpretación sanitaria en Canarias y más concretamente en Gran Canaria. El segundo gran apartado está dedicado al estudio empírico. Antes de presentar los datos del estudio definitivo, comentamos el estudio preliminar que forma parte de nuestro Trabajo de Fin de Máster (TFM) realizado durante el curso 2016/2017. Nuestro estudio definitivo se desarrolló entre finales de 2018 y 2019; mediante la entrega de cuestionarios al personal sanitario, pretendíamos conocer cómo se comunica el personal sanitario con aquellos pacientes extranjeros que no hablan el idioma local. Tras analizar los datos que obtuvimos de las encuestas, presentamos y discutimos los resultados que nos guiaron para
desarrollar el tercer y último apartado de esta tesis doctoral. El último apartado de nuestra tesis se centra en el diseño de un protocolo de actuación para que el personal sanitario sepa cómo actuar cuando acude un paciente extranjero al centro sanitario. Dicho protocolo cuenta con el desarrollo de diferentes propuestas para implantar un servicio de interpretación presencial, telefónico o de videoconferencia o mixto. Del mismo modo, presentamos una propuesta siguiendo el modelo de interpretación que está implantado en Auckland, Nueva Zelanda. Además, abordamos temas como el posible salario de los intérpretes sanitarios y la financiación de este. En el último capítulo se presentan las conclusiones y posibles líneas de investigación futuras.