Valency Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Portlex is a multilingual Portal with Information about the valency of the nominal phrase in German, Galician, Spanish, Italian and French, and in the nearly future with English and other word classes.
- by and +1
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- Lexicography, Valency, Didáctica lenguaje, Diccionario
Herzlich willkommen zum thematischen Screencast „Snychrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“. Der Screencast ist an die thematische Ausgestaltung des gleichnamigen Seminars im Bereich der Germanistik an der CAU zu Kiel gebunden – das... more
Herzlich willkommen zum thematischen Screencast „Snychrone Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache“. Der Screencast ist an die thematische Ausgestaltung des gleichnamigen Seminars im Bereich der Germanistik an der CAU zu Kiel gebunden – das soll dazu gesagt sein, da man sich sonst möglicherweise etwas über die Themenauswahl wunderte, die sich aber aus dem Curriculum des BA-Studiums der Germanistik in Kiel ergibt. Der Screencast ist, auch wenn er thematisch zugeschnitten und für das Curriculum in Kiel angepasst ist, Open Educational Resource und kann in anderen Kontexten verwendet werden. Er steht und der Creative Commons Lizenz. Das Seminar ist im Wesentlichen thematisch in zwei zentrale Bereiche aufgeteilt: Die Modellierung syntaktischer Strukturen und Sprache im Gebrauch. Das Thema Modellierung syntaktischer Strukturen fasst genauer die Vorstellung des Konzeptes der Valenz und darauf aufbauend der Dependenzgrammatik und der Konstituentenstrukturgrammatik. Mit Sprache im Gebrauch beschäftigt man sich dann, wenn man neben verschiedenen Modellen zur Bestimmung der Bedeutung sprachlicher Einheiten in der Semantik sich vor allem auf pragmatische Ansätze ausgehend von der Sprechakttheorie stützt. Im Seminar werden das in der Anwendung auf geschriebene und gesprochene Sprache die Textlinguistik und Gesprächsanalyse sein. Ebenso wären die Themen Varietätenlinguistik und Diskurslinguistik hier anzusiedeln, die aber Gegenstand anderer Seminare sind. Der Screencast zur "Synchronen Beschreibung der deutschen Sprache" geht regelmäßig ab 2015 mit neuen Folgen parallel zum Seminar online.
- by Alexander Lasch
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- Semantics, Podcasting, Syntax, Valency
This new dictionary (henceforth 'VDE') sets out to provide a scholarly and comprehensive account of the complementation patterns found alongside 511 common English verbs, 274 common nouns and 544 common adjectives. It is obvious from... more
This new dictionary (henceforth 'VDE') sets out to provide a scholarly and comprehensive account of the complementation patterns found alongside 511 common English verbs, 274 common nouns and 544 common adjectives. It is obvious from these figures that the compilers have aimed for depth rather than breadth of coverage and have chosen to focus on high-frequency lexical items whose complex patterning calls for lengthy treatment or may create difficulties for advanced learners of English. Potential buyers will therefore have to weigh up considerations of price and usefulness. It is a moot point whether the desire of advanced learners for precise detail is so great as to induce them to buy a dictionary with such a small number of entries when the competition offers far broader, though admittedly less thorough coverage. As it stands, the dictionary seems destined to be used by scholars only. Since it is the compilers' stated aim to describe common words that exhibit complex and varied complementation patterns, it is somewhat surprising to find that some less frequent adjectives such as remarkable, memorable and notable have been recorded, while the more common synonym interesting, which has similar patterning, is missing. The treatment of the three recorded adjectives is also slightly unsystematic. Only memorable is cited as occurring with the preposition as (+ N), although this use is fairly well attested for all these adjectives and other synonymic items besides. No mention is made of the related obsolescent pattern whereby these adjectives are associated with the participle construction of characterization:
C-suite executives are regularly dismissed in case of Private Equity1 (PE) investors taking over companies. Especially Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and, even more, Chief Financial Officers (CFOs): up to 4 out of 5 will have to leave... more
C-suite executives are regularly dismissed in case of Private Equity1 (PE) investors taking over
companies. Especially Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and, even more, Chief Financial
Officers (CFOs): up to 4 out of 5 will have to leave shortly after the buy-out (Deloitte 2014 &
2019; Leopard, Jain & Bhatia, 2018). Such often abrupt changes can lead to Enterprise Value
(EV)2 destruction, as much as 0.5 to 1 times EBITDA3 according to market specialists
Little research is available on the role of the CFOs, their personal experience and why they are
dismissed so often in this PE-setting.
The present thesis suggests that there is a lot more going on than “just” technical inability to
the PE context - which however is still the most spontaneously cited reason for dismissals after
ownership change, especially by PE sponsors.
Such dismissals are not an independent phenomenon, but seem to be the consequence of a
deeper-rooted, systemic issue about the balance in the relationship between the CFO, the CEO
and the PE fund (the “System”) - the CFO being the pivotal balancing agent.
Using Organizational Role Analysis (ORA, Borwick, 2006), work-groups and valencies (Bion,
1961), three categories of CFOs in the PE-setting are identified and assumptions are being made
that a high awareness about their personal valencies and a clear distinction between the person,
the role and the System will help the CFOs to become true Leading Balancing Officers.
- by Siniša Runjaić
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- Valency
- by Marco Caboara
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- Anaphora, Valency, Negation
- by Sergey Say and +2
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- Syntax, Quantitative Methods, Argument Structure, Linguistic Typology
This book presents a comprehensive description and analysis of verbal derivation in Citumbuka (N21), a Bantu language spoken in northern Malawi and north eastern Zambia, with an estimated population of more than 2,000,000 speakers. The... more
This book presents a comprehensive description and analysis of verbal derivation in Citumbuka (N21), a Bantu language spoken in northern Malawi and north eastern Zambia, with an estimated population of more than 2,000,000 speakers. The book consists of 10 chapters and is based on a corpus generated by the Centre for Language Studies under the MaLEX Citumbuka dictionary project supplemented by data from Citumbuka literature and consultations with native speaker. This work describes functions of common Citumbuka extension suffixes: passive, reciprocal, applicative, causative. Verbal suffixes are typical of Bantu languages, and basic information about the use of these extensions can be found in most grammars of Bantu languages. The analysis of the more common functions is a central topic of Bantu linguistics. What sets this thesis apart is that both Bantuist and general typological literature has informed the study of each suffix. An exceptionally wide range of semantic functions is di...
- by Alan Pona and +1
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- Valency, Linguistica italiana, Glottodidattica, Scuola
A Grammar of Spoken and Written French offers a new and authentic approach to French grammar. Based on a representative collection of texts (usually called a 'corpus') it covers the full breadth and depth of present-day French. This means... more
A Grammar of Spoken and Written French offers a new and authentic approach to French grammar. Based on a representative collection of texts (usually called a 'corpus') it covers the full breadth and depth of present-day French. This means that it never considers grammatical phenomena in isolation, but rather takes full account of the ways in which they combine with lexical items and are used in real text. Special attention is paid to the questions of which forms speakers use with particular frequency and how these forms are distributed across the spoken and the written language or across a variety of genres. A Grammar of Spoken and Written French is a stand-alone grammar for learning, reference and practice and is intended for students whose command of the language has reached level B1 of the Common European Framework. It takes the tried and tested model of a grammar that provides examples and rules and supplements it with a lexical component. For most grammar patterns, it starts by covering the set(s) of lexical items found in each pattern, sometimes grouping items by topic; this is usually followed by examples illustrating the interplay of vocabulary and grammar; finally, where appropriate, a rule is formulated that follows logically from the examples given.
The Grammar is available from Amazon.
(En): This work deals with valency, a key syntactic notion whose chemistry-inspired label was established by Lucien Tesnière (1959), one of the most well-known contributors to the Prague Linguistic Circle. We will concentrate on two... more
(En): This work deals with valency, a key syntactic notion whose chemistry-inspired label was established by Lucien Tesnière (1959), one of the most well-known contributors to the Prague Linguistic Circle. We will concentrate on two questions: (a) to what extent does valency play a role in Second Language Learning (SLL)?; and (b) what role should the use of valency play in language teaching practices? This paper will provide answers to these questions and propose reasons for motivating the use of valency in SLL.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy czasowników z się z punktu widzenia ich miejsca w opisie walencyjnym czasownika. Należało więc rozstrzygnąć, czy czasowniki z się należy rozpatrywać w ramach słownika, czy w ramach gramatyki. Z... more
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy czasowników z się z punktu widzenia ich miejsca w opisie walencyjnym czasownika. Należało więc rozstrzygnąć, czy czasowniki z się należy rozpatrywać w ramach słownika, czy w ramach gramatyki. Z punktu widzenia opisu walencyjnego istotne jest określenie ich stosunku do odpowiadających im w leksykonie jednostek bez się.
Questa bibliografia di riferimento vuole fornire consigli di lettura mirati per chi, docente o facilitatore/facilitatrice linguistica e degli apprendimenti, con approccio riflessivo e guidato, voglia sperimentare la grammatica valenziale nella propria didattica.
Sono tante ormai le pubblicazioni italiane che trattano di grammatica valenziale o che offrono percorsi di analisi dei fatti linguistici attraverso la grammatica valenziale. Proprio per questo motivo, la personalissima selezione della presente bibliografia vuole fornire una bussola per chi voglia portare la grammatica valenziale all’interno dei diversi contesti di insegnamento/apprendimento dell’italiano e delle altre lingue.
All’interno della Bibliografia sono stati tendenzialmente selezionati titoli facilmente reperibili in commercio o nelle biblioteche e articoli o materiali didattici scaricabili gratuitamente dalla rete. Dove possibile si è indicato il link per il reperimento del materiale.
The applicative, along with the causative, is one of the mechanisms of increasing actant derivation. Unlike some other languages, Abkhaz applicatives can be used with both transitive and intransitive verbs. In addition, they are possible... more
The applicative, along with the causative, is one of the mechanisms of increasing actant derivation. Unlike some other languages, Abkhaz applicatives can be used with both transitive and intransitive verbs. In addition, they are possible with dynamic and static verbs. In Abkhaz applicatives increase the valency of the verb by introducing into the structure of the verbal complex with the help of special prefixes of the first, or, in addition to the existing one, the second indirect object. Unlike the causative, which transforms the structure of an intransitive verb, turning it into a transitive one, in Abkhaz applicatives do not affect the transitivity of the verb and do not change its syntactic type.
Вопреки названию, работа посвящена не тому, как у предлогов русского языка появляются новые значения, а тому, каким образом они утрачиваются и в каких контекстах дольше сохраняются. Диахроническое исследование ряда моделей управления с... more
Вопреки названию, работа посвящена не тому, как у предлогов русского языка появляются новые значения, а тому, каким образом они утрачиваются и в каких контекстах дольше сохраняются.
Диахроническое исследование ряда моделей управления с предлогами показывает, что идиоматическое сочетание предлога с управляющим словом является результатом сохранения при некоторых лексемах предлога в значении, в котором данный предлог больше не употребляется свободно (например, преимущество перед, защищать от). Рассматривается постепенное сужение круга лексем, с которыми употребляется определенный предлог в определенном значении, с одной стороны, и увеличение связанности предлога с отдельными лексемами, с другой стороны.
The topic of this PhD thesis is a classification and description of one-argument intransitive verbs in Georgian in a typological perspective. The analysis consists of two steps: firstly, the classification of the various types of verbs... more
The topic of this PhD thesis is a classification and description of one-argument intransitive verbs in Georgian in a typological perspective. The analysis consists of two steps: firstly, the classification of the various types of verbs and secondly, a critical investigation of the complexity of the system under study and on the concept of intransitivity in general. The proposed classification begins by separating verbs not derived from other verbs (‘primary intransitives’) from those whose morphology indicates a process of de-transitive derivation (‘derived intransitives’). Primary one-argument verbs, in turn, are divided into two classes, each consisting of verbs with the same morphological, as well as semantic properties: telic verbs (such as “to die”) and atelic verbs (e.g. “to live”). Two-argument verbs are briefly described according to a transitivity scale. Discussed next are derived one-argument verbs which may have up to four readings: passive, decausative, autocausative and antipassive, and finally, verb pairs whose members, one transitive and one intransitive, are both morphologically marked. One-argument intransitivity in Georgian has not yet been investigated thoroughly; this particularly applies to some of its aspects such as the antipassive, of which a detailed study is offered here. The present work is intended to contribute to Kartvelian studies and at the same time, to recent discussion in general linguistics on the concepts of transitivity, valency and voice. Indeed, owing to its large number of verb classes and the close connection between morphosyntax and semantics, Georgian offers excellent data for the study of these concepts.
This article presents the notions of predicate and predication from the viewpoint of Functional Grammar (FG). Although these are traditionally semantic notions, FG regards them as being above all instrumental in verbal interaction, on the... more
This article presents the notions of predicate and predication from the viewpoint of Functional Grammar (FG). Although these are traditionally semantic notions, FG regards them as being above all instrumental in verbal interaction, on the basis of the conviction that pragmatics is the all-encompassing framework within which semantics and syntax must be studied. Recent work in FG has given substance to this programmatic statement, leading to the elaboration of a Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG). This revised model seeks to capture the specific contributions made by pragmatics, semantics and syntax to the form of utterances in communication.
This chapter discusses the main tenets of Construction Grammar (CxG) and shows that HPSG adheres to them. The discussion includes surface orientation, language acquisition without UG, and inheritance networks and shows how HPSG (and other... more
This chapter discusses the main tenets of Construction Grammar (CxG) and shows that HPSG adheres to them. The discussion includes surface orientation, language acquisition without UG, and inheritance networks and shows how HPSG (and other frameworks) are positioned along these dimensions. Formal variants of CxG will be briefly discussed and their relation to HPSG will be pointed out. It is argued that lexical representations of valence are more appropriate than phrasal approaches, which are assumed in most variants of CxG. Other areas of grammar seem to require headless phrasal constructions (e.g. the NPN construction and certain extraction constructions) and it is shown how HPSG handles these. Derivational morphology is discussed as a further example of an early constructionist analysis in HPSG.
The aim of this paper is to discuss valency dictionaries and their main defining features. In order to describe this dictionary type, the analysis takes the inventory of valency dictionaries as a starting point. A set of criteria are then... more
The aim of this paper is to discuss valency dictionaries and their main defining features. In order to describe this dictionary type, the analysis takes the inventory of valency dictionaries as a starting point. A set of criteria are then discussed as possible characteristic properties of this type of dictionaries. That is, the intention is to find out what makes valency dictionaries the way they are.-The overarching goal is to achieve not only a more accurate description of the current situation of valency lexicography, but also to provide a clearer definition of this class of syntagmatic dictionaries. Furthermore, some open questions are addressed and new developments suggested. Finally, their suitability for their target users' needs is also discussed.
A HO of an invited talk at the MPI EVA in November, 2014.
An updated version of November, 2016.
Languages provide taken-for-granted encoding of sociopolitically "appropriate" values, but different linguistic registers encode different values. Colloquial Malay, marked by condensed, insider-orientated and event-salient modes of... more
Languages provide taken-for-granted encoding of sociopolitically "appropriate" values, but different linguistic registers encode different values. Colloquial Malay, marked by condensed, insider-orientated and event-salient modes of expression, exerts less control over speakers than formal Malay, marked by articulated, outsider-orientated and participant-salient modes. The Malay verbal affixes are optional elements that demand different grammatical analyses according to the speech-register under study. In colloquial Malay, the affixes indicate Aktionsart-like meanings; in Standard Malaysian and Indonesian they have been reshaped into a set of contrastive Voice-like meanings concerned with the marking of transitivity. The affixes are thus inherently socio-linguistic features, which relate the development of socio-cultural Malayness to that of the Malay language.
This paper shows that there are two synchronically distinct i- markers in Ainu, viz. the derivational antipassive i- and inflectional ‘fourth’ person object i- with the functions of first person plural inclusive, second person honorific,... more
This paper shows that there are two synchronically distinct i- markers in Ainu,
viz. the derivational antipassive i- and inflectional ‘fourth’ person object i- with
the functions of first person plural inclusive, second person honorific, and logophoric.
The derivational antipassive marker i- ‘person/thing’ can be regarded as
an antipassive marker per se based on its syntactic (eliminating a patient/theme/
recipient argument), semantic (denoting an unspecified generic participant or
lexicalizing it to a single or subset of objects) and discourse (patient-defocusing)
properties. Contrary to the accepted view, I adduce the ‘antipassive to 1PL.INCL.O’’
scenario based on extensive cross-linguistic and Ainu-internal evidence. The antipassive i-, in its turn, originated in the incorporation of a generic noun *i ‘thing/
place/time’, which is not unusual in languages without overt expression of the
demoted O participant in the antipassive. The extended use of the antipassive i- is
attested on obligatorily possessed nouns to enable their use without possessive affixes. Finally, my corpus-based study of semantic classes of verbs with a predilection for antipassive derivation revealed that the antipassive in Ainu is most likely to apply to a ‘middle section’ of the semantic transitivity hierarchy since it belongs to the lower individuation of patients (LIP) type, which is assumed to be more
typical of antipassives in non-ergative languages.
Descriptions of antipassive constructions in individual languages show that these constructions are often compatible with only a subset of transitive verbs. There are significant typological similarities between the sets of verbs that... more
Descriptions of antipassive constructions in individual languages show that these constructions are often compatible with only a subset of transitive verbs. There are significant typological similarities between the sets of verbs that allow antipassivization. The following properties are typical of these verbs: i) agentive A, ii) specification of the manner component in the verb meaning, iii) lack of inherent telicity (the transitive use can be compositionally transitive, but this is cancelled under antipassivization), iv) narrow class of potential Ps, and v) affectedness of A. Verbs with all of the properties in i)-v), such as 'eat', constitute the core of " natural antipassives " , whereas verbs with only some of these properties are at the periphery of this class. Apart from being especially prone to enter antipassive constructions, the fuzzy class of natural antipassives is relevant for a number of phenomena. i) Polyfunctional valency-related markers or constructions tend to yield antipassive reading when applied to natural antipassives. ii) Natural antipassives tend to choose the less marked construction in languages with two antipassive constructions. iii) Lexicalization of antipassives is more likely for verbs that lack natural antipassive properties, and a typical scenario of lexicalization involves coercion of some of these properties. Ultimately, I conjecture that it is the relevance of the P-argument for the meaning of the verb which accounts for the rarity of fully productive and semantically uniform antipassive constructions in the world's languages.
ABSTRACT The semantics of Ẹdo verbs has received some treatment in the extant literature.However, there exist certain research gaps in the semantics/morphosemantics of Ẹdo verbs such as the classification of Ẹdo verbs and its valence... more
The semantics of Ẹdo verbs has received some treatment in the extant literature.However, there exist certain research gaps in the semantics/morphosemantics of Ẹdo verbs such as the classification of Ẹdo verbs and its valence patterns, the readings of the -lv and -rV suffixes and the licensing conditions imposed by Ẹdo verbs on the -lv suffix. The study accounted for aspects of the semantics and morphosemantics of Ẹdo verbs by employing the aktionsart classification in classifying Ẹdo verbs and accounting for the valence patterns of Ẹdo verbs in terms of aktionsart, logical structures and the Actor-Undergoer Hierarchy (AUH). It also provided a unified reading for the -lv extension and highlighted the co-occurrence constraints imposed by Ẹdo verbs on the -lv suffix. The -rV suffix which has been considered the most controversial phenomenon in Ẹdo grammar was also analyzed.
The study utilized primary data in the form of elicited, verified and validated Ẹdo sentences from competent Ẹdo native speakers. Secondary sources of data used in the study include Ẹdo sentences extracted from the extant Ẹdo literature and the Ẹdo translation of the English Bible. Two theoretical frameworks were used in the analysis of
data collated for the study - Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) and Lexeme Morpheme Based Morphology (LMBM). The study found that Ẹdo verbs can be classified based on their inherent temporal properties (aktionsart), that this classification is very productive in that it can account for the valence patterns of Ẹdo verbs and the collocation patterns between Ẹdo verbs and the lv suffix. The Ẹdo language exhibits an intricate agreement relationship between verbs and arguments (internal and external) on one hand and between arguments (i.e. coargument relations) on the other hand. The study found that the Ẹdo -lv suffix generally serves to extend events temporally and must obey certain licensing conditions imposed by the Ẹdo verb. These conditions span all levels of linguistic analyses- phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics and that the -rV suffix is a marker of present perfect aspect contrary to previous analyses which argued for a simple past tense/perfective aspect reading of the-rV suffix.
This paper offers a discussion of basic valency orientation in Latin, based on the typology laid out by Nichols et. al (2004). The data analyzed shows that Latin does not feature a strong orientation in its basic valency, since in this... more
This paper offers a discussion of basic valency orientation in Latin, based on the typology laid out by Nichols et. al (2004). The data analyzed shows that Latin does not feature a strong orientation in its basic valency, since in this language suppletion plays a major role. Only with inanimate verbs can one detect a certain tendency for intransitivization via either verbal voice or the use of the reflexive pronoun se. Other more marginal strategies include the use of causative verbal ‘compound’ with -facio ‘make’ and lability. In this respect, the Latin data sharply contrasts with current reconstructions of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) as a highly transitivizing language, as well as with modern Romance languages, which make extensive use of intransitivization and lability instead. Such an intermediate position of Latin can be historically explained as reflecting the convergence of different factors, chiefly the loss of the PIE causative morphology and the functional extension of the inherited middle voice. Once put in a diachronic perspective, the Latin data provides unique insights on the dynamics, the direction, and the timing of the drift from transitivization to intransitivization that notoriously characterizes the Indo-European languages of Europe (Comrie 2006).
Given that the existence of a productive causative affix in Classic Mayan inscriptions has recently been questioned (Hopkins and Josserand 2010:54; Law and Stuart 2017:147), the purpose of this paper is to revisit some of the evidence... more
Given that the existence of a productive causative affix in Classic Mayan inscriptions has recently been questioned (Hopkins and Josserand 2010:54; Law and Stuart 2017:147), the purpose of this paper is to revisit some of the evidence previously presented in favor of this identification (Zender 1999:78 n. 48, 2004a:195, 2005:7 n. 5, 2010a:84), as well as to update those studies with several additional contexts which have only come to light in recent years. As will be seen, the evidence in favor of the original identification is considerable. Nonetheless, it can readily be admitted that of the seven uncontroversial contexts presently known, the causative appears without further derivation in only three of them: a state of affairs which has certainly impeded the recognition and acceptance of its identification more than might otherwise have been the case.
This paper investigates Gothic valency patterns and alternations applying the methodology of the ValPaL project. Our data consists of 87 verb meanings based on those in the ValPaL corpus, which we supplemented due to gaps in coverage.... more
This paper investigates Gothic valency patterns and alternations applying the methodology of the ValPaL project. Our data consists of 87 verb meanings based on those in the ValPaL corpus, which we supplemented due to gaps in coverage. Valency alternations are divided into uncoded and coded patterns. The uncoded group includes partitive, null object, external possessor, cognate/kindred object, applicative, (marginally) causal : non causal, and (marginally) reflexive alternations. The coded group comprises the applicative, passive, causal : noncausal, reflexive, and reciprocal alternations. The nature of the Gothic corpus (extension, genre, and nature of the text) influenced the results: some constructions were less frequently attested than expected; genre influenced the frequency of some verbal usages; some marginally attested constructions are owed to the Greek translational source. Most remarkably, we showed that: (i) in respect to the debated issue regarding the interpretation of Gothic passives, these can be employed to express noncausal situations; (ii) within the causal : noncausal alternation, whereas the causal domain is tied to ja-suffixation, the noncausal domain can be expressed by a variety of means, including na-verbs. Our results confirmed Ottósson's (2013) view that the noncausal domain was systematized at a later stage than the causal one.
- by Matteo Tarsi and +1
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- Languages and Linguistics, Syntax, Valency, Gothic
Özet Dil bilimin önemli çalışma alanlarından biri olan istem, dil olguları arasındaki ilişkileri açıklayan teoriye sahip tarihî, çağdaş lehçe ve dillerde karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenen bir yaklaşımdır. Bazı çalışmalarda ise farklı... more
Özet Dil bilimin önemli çalışma alanlarından biri olan istem, dil olguları arasındaki ilişkileri açıklayan teoriye sahip tarihî, çağdaş lehçe ve dillerde karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenen bir yaklaşımdır. Bazı çalışmalarda ise farklı diller arasında istem bakımından karşılaştırmalar yapılarak dil evrensellikleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Eski Türkçe fiilleri istem bakımından incelerken yalnız biçim bilgisel değil, bağımsal dil bilgisi, evrensel dil bilgisi, yönetim ve bağlama teorileri açısından da açıklamak gerekir. Bildirimiz sahamızda henüz yapılmamış bir konu olan Eski Türkçe fiillerin istem sözlüğü nasıl olmalıdır sorusu üzerine temellendirilmiştir. Bu konu üzerine devam eden bir sözlük çalışmamız bulunmaktadır. Eski Türkçe fiillerin istem sözlüğünün yöntem çerçevesinde bulunması gerekli olan veriler için öncelikle konuyla ilgili dil olgularının tanımı yapılmıştır. Böylece istemle ilgili sahada kullanılan terminoloji tanımları yapılmıştır. Eski Türkçe fiillerin istemi kapsamında aldıkları durum ekli tamlayıcıları biçim birimsel, söz dizimsel ve anlamsal rollerine göre tespit etmek gerekir. Bunun için evrensel dil bilgisi, yönetim ve bağlama teorisi vb. uyarınca öncelikle bir fiilin anlamında kodlu olarak bulunan zorunlu istemlerin, anlamsal rollerin ve araştırılan fiille ilgili ek bilgi veren seçimlik istemlerin tespit edilmesi gerekir. Bu şekilde bir cümle söz dizimsel olarak incelenebilir ve fiillerin istemi belirlenebilir. Araştırmamızda Eski Türkçe fillerin etrafında açtıkları boşlukları nasıl doldurdukları istem bilgisine göre incelenip belirlendikten sonra istem sözlüğünün madde başları belirlenmeye ve açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Veriler uygulamalı dil bilim kullanılarak isteme uygun bazı örneklerle açıklanmaya ve işlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Eski Türkçe fiillerden istem bilgisine göre çok anlamlılık gösterenler ve kullanım sıklığı nicel olarak fazla olanlar yeterli veri sağladıklarından dolayı örnek olarak alınmaya daha uygundur. Bu fiiller sahanın temel ve çağdaş eserlerinde tespit edildikten sonra fiillerin anlamlarına ve bazı köken bilgisi açıklamalarına da yer verilmelidir. Sonra da uygulamada zorunlu istemler, seçimlik istemler, eklentiler ve anlamsal rollere yer verilmelidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Eski Türkçe sözlük, fiil istemi, dil bilim, anlam bilim.