Latin Research Papers - (original) (raw)
The particular circumstances concerning the survival of the Latin kingdom and the pivotal importance of military matters determined the priorities of its ruler. Above all, he needed to ensure effective and complete feudal service as well... more
The particular circumstances concerning the survival of the Latin kingdom and the pivotal importance of military matters determined the priorities of its ruler. Above all, he needed to ensure effective and complete feudal service as well as the loyalty of all his vassals. This article reveals the originality of some of the clauses found in the Livre au Roi, a custumal on feudal law composed around 1200, demonstrating that its compiler did not shrink from innovating in this area in his intention of giving the monarchy the juridical basis necessary for political centralisation. By examining closely four specific examples from the Livre, which deal with noblewomen (the service of marriage of unmarried heiresses; the remarriage of widows; the rights of wives of heretical and apostate knights; and the fate of wives of knights suffering from leprosy), this analysis of the Livre au Roi shows how the monarchy of Outremer sought to strengthen its domination over noble families by manipulating the fragile status of vassals in the Latin kingdom. As the discussion sheds light on the notion of symbolic violence against women, it can also reveal much about perceptions and representations of women and of their bodies in the middle ages, as well as how male domination was, as a consequence, reinforced.
par Alain Meurant et Anne-Marie Boxus. — Ce manuel s’adresse à un public qui voudrait s’initier aux fondements de la langue latine ou à en redécouvrir le contenu après les avoir approchés à l’occasion d’études antérieures. Déployé sur 20... more
In this article, we assess the value of VRoma for Latin language learning. In particular, we discuss three exercises that we developed which combine Latin language and Roman culture in order to help students reinforce their Latin skills... more
In this article, we assess the value of VRoma for Latin language learning. In particular, we discuss three exercises that we developed which combine Latin language and Roman culture in order to help students reinforce their Latin skills and gain a more in-depth understanding of ancient Roman society. Daily journals and evaluations of the assignments provided an assessment of student motivation and gave us information concerning students' perceptions of the benefits and challenges of working in the VRoma MOO. Transcripts and e-mail responses, both composed in Latin, allowed us to assess both the quality of students' interaction in the target language and their understanding of cultural and linguistic structures. Our studies have shown that by combining visual arts and cultural data with the capacity for real time communication in Latin, VRoma provides a unique opportunity for students to be immersed in language and culture simultaneously. Such an opportunity is not only useful for developing students' language skills but also for giving them a more sophisticated understanding of the ways that language and culture are integrated.
The present volume is an edition of medieval liturgical tropes to the most extensive chants of the Roman Mass, Gloria in excelsis Deo. Following the editions of tropes to the Agnus Dei and Sanctus by the same editor in the series Corpus... more
The present volume is an edition of medieval liturgical tropes to the most extensive chants of the Roman Mass, Gloria in excelsis Deo. Following the editions of tropes to the Agnus Dei and Sanctus by the same editor in the series Corpus Troporum, this is the third part dedicated to Ordinary tropes. It is based on 137 manuscripts dating from the ninth through the thirteenth centuries. Volume 1 contains an introduction presenting the Gloria chant, its history and its interpretation by medieval commentators. Iversen presents the various compositional methods used by medieval compilers, who, combining 'wandering' verses, could vary the form of the troped chant in almost unlimited ways. The innovative aspect of this edition is to present for the reader as much material from this extensive poetic tradition while keeping faithful to the manuscript witnesses. Thus the main part of the first volume contains the critical edition of 152 tropes and prosulas amounting to thousands of verses, in various ways and at various points inserted into the Gloria chanted in the medieval Mass. Volume 2 publishes 32 plates from the manuscripts used in the edition. It then provides an overview of the entire Gloria repertory, listing all the manuscripts by place of provenance (coinciding with the order of collation) and detailing information on the place of insertion of each verse in the tropes and prosulas, including liturgical rubrics and melodies. French musicologist Marie Noël Colette contributes to this volume with musical transcriptions and annotations of a selection of troped Gloria chants. Indices and bibliography conclude the volume.
- by Gunilla Iversen
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- Latin
Evoluzione e progresso in Lucrezio 11.00 discussione 11.00 Isabella TONDO (Liceo Scientifico "B. Croce" -Università di Palermo) Proposta didattica: la scienza dell'uomo da Lombroso ai Romani 11.20 discussione 15.30 Marco FORMISANO... more
Evoluzione e progresso in Lucrezio 11.00 discussione 11.00 Isabella TONDO (Liceo Scientifico "B. Croce" -Università di Palermo) Proposta didattica: la scienza dell'uomo da Lombroso ai Romani 11.20 discussione 15.30 Marco FORMISANO (Humboldt-Universität, Berlino) L'architetto, il medico e il generale a Roma: tra sapere tecnico e letteratura 16.00 discussione 16.30 Luigi MENNA (Università di Palermo) Proposta didattica: un percorso sulla matematica medievale 16.50 discussione 16.50 Antonino GRILLONE (Università di Palermo) Informazioni tecniche e linguaggio nel De metatione castrorum dello ps. Igino 17.10 discussione Parteciperanno al Convegno i Docenti: VALENTINA MANGIAFORTE -MANLIO SCHIAVO
Tra i numerosi e complessi problemi suscitati dall' ed. 6 di Virgilio, non pochi ne pone l'interpretazione dei versi 64-73, dominati dalla figura di Cornelio Gallo, che spezza il contesto mitologico del canto di Sileno: condotto da una... more
Tra i numerosi e complessi problemi suscitati dall' ed. 6 di Virgilio, non pochi ne pone l'interpretazione dei versi 64-73, dominati dalla figura di Cornelio Gallo, che spezza il contesto mitologico del canto di Sileno: condotto da una delle Muse sui monti Aonii, Gallo viene incoronato poeta dal mitico Lino, alla presenza di Febo e del suo corteggio, con la consegna dei calami appartenuti ad Esiodo, dotati del potere orfico di smuovere gli alberi'. Con essi il poeta dovrà cantare (o ha già cantato) la Grynei nemoris ... origo, tema che Servio ci informa essere stato effettivamente trattato da Gallo nella scia di un' analoga composizione di Euforione di Calcide'. Una predilezione, quella di Gallo per la poesia euforionea, peraltro confermata dall'accenno di ed. lO, 50 al Chalcidicus uersus fino allora impiegato dal poeta di Licoride nelle sue composizioni). Non è questa la sede per discutere delle numerose questioni sollevate dalla notizia serviana", né dell'antipatia di Virgilio per la poesia, ecl VERG.,ed. 6, 64-73 turn canit (sci!. Silenus) errantem Permessi ad flumina Gallum / Aonas in montes ut duxerit una sororum, / utque viro Phoebi chorus adsurrexerit omnis;l ut Linus haec illi divino carmine pastor,/ floribus atque apio crines ornatus amaro, / dixerit: "bos tibi dant calamos, en accipe, Musae, / Ascraeo quos ante seni, quibus ille solebat / cantando rigidas deducere montibus ornos. / his tibi Grynei nemoris dicatur erigo, / ne quis sit lucus, quo se plus iactet Apollo". 2 Cfr. SERV., ad Bue. 6, 72: hoc (se. il poernetto sul bosco Grineo) autem Euphorionis continet carmina quae Gallus transtulit in sermonem latinum. Una delle difficoltà maggiori, nella decifrazione di questa notizia, risiede nell'impossibilità di stabilire il grado di dipendenza dell'opera di Gallo dal suo modello, stante l'ambiguità di transtulit, interpretabile tanto nel senso di una 'traduzione' vera e propria quanto di una più originale 'trasposizione', o rielaborazione, in versi latini. 3 Cfr. VERG.,ed. 10, 50 s. ibo et Chalcidico quae sunt mihi condita uersu / carmina, pastoris Siculi modulabor avena. È Quintiliano, Inst. X 1, 56 a far fede che con l'espressione Chalcidico versu Virgilio alludesse ad Euforione. Per ipotesi diverse d'identificazione del poeta di Calcide, cfr. M.J. EDWARDS, «Chalcidico uersu», in Ant. Class. LIX (1990), p. 203 e note. 4 Prima fra tutte quella dei generi letterari trattati da Gallo e da Euforione, dato che 238 Paola Gagliardi
Studentský manuál, který obsahuje pokyny doprovázející každou kapitolu učebnice FAMILIA ROMANA. Tyto instrukce mají být studovány až po pozorném přečtení (ať už tak někdo učiní s pomocí učitele, nebo sám) příslušných kapitol. Poskytují... more
Studentský manuál, který obsahuje pokyny doprovázející každou kapitolu učebnice FAMILIA ROMANA. Tyto instrukce mají být studovány až po pozorném přečtení (ať už tak někdo učiní s pomocí učitele, nebo sám) příslušných kapitol. Poskytují studentovi nejen užitečné shrnutí historické látky i zvyků objevujících se ve vyprávění o Juliovi a jeho rodině, ale také a především pojednání o morfologii, syntaxi a slovech, s nimiž se setkává kapitolu po kapitole.
R. González Salinero (ed.), Marginados sociales y religiosos en la Hispania tardorromana y visigoda, Signifer Libros, Madrid/Salamanca, 2013 [ISBN: 978-84-938991-6-5], pp. 171-191 ¿El éxito de un desterrado arriano?: la evangelización del... more
R. González Salinero (ed.), Marginados sociales y religiosos en la Hispania tardorromana y visigoda, Signifer Libros, Madrid/Salamanca, 2013 [ISBN: 978-84-938991-6-5], pp. 171-191 ¿El éxito de un desterrado arriano?: la evangelización del obispo Sunna en Mauritania * Margarita VALLEJO GIRVÉS Universidad de Alcalá
Providing a comprehensive and accessible orientation to the field of medieval manuscript studies, this lavishly illustrated book by Raymond Clemens and Timothy Graham is unique among handbooks on paleography, codicology, and manuscript... more
Providing a comprehensive and accessible orientation to the field of medieval manuscript studies, this lavishly illustrated book by Raymond Clemens and Timothy Graham is unique among handbooks on paleography, codicology, and manuscript illumination in its scope and level of detail. It will be of immeasurable help to students in history, art history, literature, and religious studies who are encountering medieval manuscripts for the first time, while also appealing to advanced scholars and general readers interested in the history of the book before the age of print.
Introduction to Manuscript Studies features three sections:
• Part 1, "Making the Medieval Manuscript," offers an in-depth examination of the process of manuscript production, from the preparation of the writing surface through the stages of copying the text, rubrication, decoration, glossing, and annotation to the binding and storage of the completed codex.
• Part 2, "Reading the Medieval Manuscript," focuses on the skills necessary for the successful study of manuscripts, with chapters on transcribing and editing; reading texts damaged by fire, water, insects, and other factors; assessing evidence for origin and provenance; and describing and cataloguing manuscripts. This part ends with a survey of sixteen medieval scripts dating from the eighth to the fifteenth century.
• Part 3, "Some Manuscript Genres," provides an analysis of several of the most frequently encountered types of medieval manuscripts, including Bibles and biblical concordances, liturgical service books, Books of Hours, charters and cartularies, maps, and rolls and scrolls. The book concludes with an extensive glossary, a guide to dictionaries of medieval Latin, and a bibliography subdivided and keyed to the subsections of the volume's chapters.
Every chapter in this magisterial guidebook features numerous color plates that exemplify each aspect described in the text and are drawn primarily from the collections of the Newberry Library in Chicago and the Parker Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
- by Raymond Clemens
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- Medieval, Latin
Rafael Landívar is the best known of all the poets from the Americas to write in Latin. In the Rusticatio Mexicana (1782), his masterpiece of didactic poetry, he drew extensively from Greek and Roman literature to describe in vivid epic... more
Rafael Landívar is the best known of all the poets from the Americas to write in Latin. In the Rusticatio Mexicana (1782), his masterpiece of didactic poetry, he drew extensively from Greek and Roman literature to describe in vivid epic verse the natural wonders, livelihoods and popular traditions of Mexico and his native Guatemala.
This book begins with a detailed account of Mexico's unique classical heritage, showing how humanists in colonial New Spain applied indigenous forms of knowledge and a multicultural perspective to their reading of ancient authors. Further information about Landívar's life and exile to Italy helps to illuminate the allegorical character of his work - and its important political dimension. This accessible study of 'the American Virgil' will encourage readers to discover for themselves the astonishing quality and sophistication of the Latin literature of Latin America. The present volume incorporates a complete text of the Rusticatio Mexicana (with Regenos' translation). Landívar's shorter works have also been collected and translated into English for the first time.
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the ancient necropolis by the Damascene Gate in Jerusalem; it was discovered in 1901 by H. Vincent.
The author proposes a new interpretation of the iconographic program of the Orpheus myth used by wealthy Christians in a sepulchral context (see Olszewski M.T. «Orphée endeuillé de la mosaïque funéraire de Jérusalem», in Rey Mimoso-Ruiz, B. ed., Actes du colloque «Orphée entre Soleil et ombre», à l’Institut Catholique de Toulouse du 16 au 17 novembre 2007, Inter Lignes, numéros spécial – mars 2008, pp. 205-214, 226). He also proposes a new interpretation of the role Orpheus played in Roman funerary art, concentrating on the importance of the play on words and the visual and textual punning that was popular in ancient art and especially in funerary art. He rejects the popular interpretation of Orpheus as Christ in the Roman catacombs and proposes to interpret the image as that of Orpheus, bard of the departed souls, without any ahistorical connection with Christ. The program of the mosaic from Jerusalem is thus explained as a play on the words Orpheus-orphanos and Chiron (Chi-Rho) and Pan [Παν(τοκράτωρ)].The frequently used Christian funerary formula of resting in peace, Christ or the Lord corresponds
perfectly with the mood created around the mythical bard.
Orpheus’ universal role as singer and musician moving even the most stony of hearts, extolling the beloved departed, is absolutely justified in the context of a 6th-century Christian tomb. Orpheus is a popular and neutral figure, meaning that in effect it does not constitute a threat to Christian theology and can be tolerated by the educated Christians of Jerusalem.
Tantamne, Deus Immortalis, calamitoso huic Boëmiae regno plagam infligere statuisti? adeone iustissima tua in nos exarsit ira, atque indignatio? Těmito slovy uvedl v roce 1597 Filip Fabricius pohřební řeč, kterou pronesl ve svatovítské... more
Tantamne, Deus Immortalis, calamitoso huic Boëmiae regno plagam infligere statuisti? adeone iustissima tua in nos exarsit ira, atque indignatio? Těmito slovy uvedl v roce 1597 Filip Fabricius pohřební řeč, kterou pronesl ve svatovítské katedrále. 17 Dnes bych dodal: quid est causae, cur lingua litteraeque Latinae apud nos labi, pessum ire, ad interitum vergere videantur? Mým úkolem však není zkoumat, proč je výuka latiny u nás i v zahraničí vytlačována stále více na okraj. 18 Chtěl bych pokračovat v řadě zajímavých referátů o nových i znovuobjevených léčebných prostředcích na její neutěšený stav.
- by Kate Burridge
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- Religion, Censorship, Spanish, Terrorism
Before the great Italian poet Giovanni Pascoli (1855-1912) was appointed University Professor of Latin and later of Italian, he taught in several Italian high schools. In 1893, the Secretary for Education, the journalist and writer... more
Before the great Italian poet Giovanni Pascoli (1855-1912) was appointed University Professor of Latin and later of Italian, he taught in several Italian high schools. In 1893, the Secretary for Education, the journalist and writer Ferdinando Martini, wishing to improve the teaching of ...
The grammatical feminine gender was developed by Indo-European in relatively recent times, and was superimposed on an older system of two genders (animate / inanimate). The virtual totality of Indo-Europeanists would agree with this... more
The grammatical feminine gender was developed by Indo-European in relatively recent times, and was superimposed on an older system of two genders (animate / inanimate). The virtual totality of Indo-Europeanists would agree with this affirmation; but there is no agreement between researchers over the factors which led to the emergence of this new gender.
By analyzing the diverse uses of the suffix * eH2 , Karl Brugmann managed to explain why the feminine grammatical gender includes many words which are not semantically feminine. Brugmann’s perspective is still substantially correct, but, in the exact terms in which he formulated this theory (more than a hundred years ago), it cannot give a satisfactory explanation to three important questions: (1) How did the diversity of uses of the suffix * (e)H2 originate? (2) How did some adjectives develop specific forms for feminine agreement? (3) Why are the ā stems and the thematic declension in complementary distribution?
The different theories that have been proposed since Brugmann can some-times answer one or (at best) two of these questions, but there is not a theory which can resolve the three questions simultaneously. Such a theory is, precisely, the object of the present study.
Dag Norberg's analysis and interpretation of Medieval Latin versification, which was published in French in 1958 and remains the standard work on the subject, appears here for the first time in English with a detailed, scholarly... more
Dag Norberg's analysis and interpretation of Medieval Latin versification, which was published in French in 1958 and remains the standard work on the subject, appears here for the first time in English with a detailed, scholarly introduction by Jan Ziolkowski that reviews the developments of the past fifty years.
This Word List is a study tool created to quickly increase a student's Latin vocabulary. The list was created for the Centre for Medieval Studies Latin Committee to prepare MA students for the CMS Level One Latin Examination at the... more
This Word List is a study tool created to quickly increase a student's Latin vocabulary. The list was created for the Centre for Medieval Studies Latin Committee to prepare MA students for the CMS Level One Latin Examination at the University of Toronto. The list is based on a collation of all words used in Level One Exams administered from 1990-2014 (see CMS Level One Latin Glossary). Words are organized around root forms. This organizational scheme both facilitates vocabulary memorization and teaches Latin word formation in order to prepare students for encountering additional, unfamiliar vocabulary.
Lo studio traccia le linee dello sviluppo della superficie in diritto romano. L’istituto sorse tra secondo e primo secolo a.C., in conseguenza di rilevanti mutamenti demografici e urbanistici e fu probabilmente modellato sulle concessioni... more
Lo studio traccia le linee dello sviluppo della superficie in diritto romano. L’istituto sorse tra secondo e primo secolo a.C., in conseguenza di rilevanti mutamenti demografici e urbanistici e fu probabilmente modellato sulle concessioni vettigali. Inizialmente, la superficie fu basata sul contratto di locazione a tempo determinato e poi anche su quello a tempo indeterminato (ovvero in perpetuum) e i superficiari conduttori furono tutelati mediante l’interdictum de superficiebus, modellato su quello de loco publico fruendo. Poiché nel corso del tempo, sul finire del primo secolo a.C., si ammise nella prassi la possibilità di costituire diritti di superficie mediante compravendita, legato e donazione, la tutela interdittale non fu più sufficiente e così, forse tra primo e secondo secolo d.C., il pretore inserì nell’editto la tutela reale per via di azione, a vantaggio di tutti i superficiari, con l’eccezione di quelli che fossero meri conductores ad modicum tempus. Si esaminano tutti i tipi di azioni decretali in factum che il diritto romano conobbe a vantaggio dei superficiari.
Fonti particolarmente esaminate: Ulp. 16 ad ed. D.; Ulp. 70 ad ed. D. 43.18.1; Ulp. 68 ad ed. D. 43.9.1pr.; Paul. 29 ad ed. D.; Ulp. 17 ad ed. D.; Paul. 21 ad ed. D. 6.1.74; Ulp. 16 ad ed. D. 6.1.75; Ulp. 71 ad ed. D.; Paul. 19 ad ed. D.; Ulp. 16 ad ed. D.
Celui-là me parait être l'égal d'un Dieu...". Ce début de poème écrit pas la poetesse grecque Sapho à vu de n'ombreux auteuRs s'attaquer à sa traduction Au total, plus d'une centaine de traductions, imitations, adaptations en ont depuis... more
Celui-là me parait être l'égal d'un Dieu...". Ce début de poème écrit pas la poetesse grecque Sapho à vu de n'ombreux auteuRs s'attaquer à sa traduction Au total, plus d'une centaine de traductions, imitations, adaptations en ont depuis la Renaissance été faites en français32 : Belleau, Ronsard, Amyot, Malherbe… Boileau , Racine s'inspire du poème dans Phèdre (acte I, scène 3) en 1677. Sappho était une poète originaire de l'île de Lesbos ayant vécu aux VIIe siècle et VIe siècle av. J.-C. Elle était, un plus d'être poète, enseigne à un groupe de jeunes filles l'art et la poésie. Comme pour la plupart des poètes antiques, son oeuvre ne nous est parvenue que de façon très fragmentaire. Catulle était un poète romain ayent vécu au 1er siècle av JC. Il mène une vie d'homme oisif, cultivé et fortuné en contact régulier avec des grands de son époque tels que Jules César ou Cicéron. Il écrivit de nombreux poèmes en Latin, 116, sans leur donner de titre. C'est pourquoi, le poème étudié s'appelle "poème 51".
- by Joanne Trabaud
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- Greek Literature, Poetry, Latin, Sappho
Cum Euryali matrem Vergilius describat, Homeri Andromacham in Iliados libro XXII delineatam imitatur. Sed in imitatione sua praesertim matris perturbationem et inopinati doloris novitatem, ad augendam erga mulierem miserationem, exprimit.... more
Cum Euryali matrem Vergilius describat, Homeri Andromacham in Iliados libro XXII delineatam imitatur. Sed in imitatione sua praesertim matris perturbationem et inopinati doloris novitatem, ad augendam erga mulierem miserationem, exprimit. Euryali mater etiam Vergilii Andromacham in Aeneidos libro III depictam imitatur propter communem fatum, dolorem et perenem suorum amissorum memoriam. Matris lamentum, denique, Euryali et Nisi gestorum narrationem omnino concludit, ut magis infirmorum dolor quam heroum gloria emineat.
Alicia Satué: EL LATÍN DE IRUÑA-VELEIA. otro tipo está representado por las inscripciones honoríficas destinadas a honrar la memoria de un personaje distinguido; y, finalmente, las inscripciones funerarias o sepulcrales o los epitafios... more
Alicia Satué: EL LATÍN DE IRUÑA-VELEIA. otro tipo está representado por las inscripciones honoríficas destinadas a honrar la memoria de un personaje distinguido; y, finalmente, las inscripciones funerarias o sepulcrales o los epitafios grabados sobre una lápida. ! Por otro lado existen las inscripciones llamadas menores o instrumenta domestica, que son las realizadas sobre objetos de uso común como cerámica, vidrio, marfil, hueso..., y que a su vez se clasifican en mecánicas o estampilladas (como los sellos sobre las ánforas o la vajilla de mesa) o espontáneas (grafitos, letreros pintados, etc.). ! Es este último género de material epigráfico el que nos encontramos en Iruña-Veleia, a saber, inscripciones domésticas y espontáneas realizadas sobre trozos de cerámica en su mayor parte, y sobre hueso o vidrio en una mucho menor medida. En tales inscripciones, que no son realizadas por un grabador profesional sino por la gente común, como es comprensible hay cabida para los errores ortográficos, las palabras inventadas, las abreviaciones, los hipocorísticos...; y es en este contexto en el que deben ser estudiados estos grafitos que bien han sido llamados excepcionales, y no en ninguno de los anteriormente enumerados contextos. ! El equipo arqueológico 2 responsable de los hallazgos estaba liderado por Eliseo Gil e Idoia Filloy, director y codirectora respectivamente de la empresa Lurmen S.L., quienes desde 1994 habían realizado campañas de verano y en 2001 redactaron el citado Proyecto Iruña-Veleia III. Milenio suscribiendo un convenio de diez años con la empresa pública Euskotren, la cual quedaría dividida más tarde entre ésta y Eusko Trenbide Sarea, actuando ambas desde entonces como patrocinadoras. A partir de 2002 y hasta el cierre del yacimiento en 2008, un equipo de unas diez personas que se veía incrementado en las campañas de verano por decenas de cooperantes trabajó a plena dedicación en el proyecto. Además, durante los años 2005 a 2007 tuvo lugar un estudio adicional en el yacimiento con motivo del desarrollo del Estudio Histórico-Arqueológico del yacimiento de Alicia Satué: EL LATÍN DE IRUÑA-VELEIA. 5 Iruña-Veleia, financiado por el Gobierno Vasco y con la colaboración del Ayuntamiento de Iruña de Oca. Durante el mismo se llevaron a cabo unos 300 sondeos estratigráficos fuera del recinto amurallado, bajo la dirección de Lurmen y con un equipo de arqueólogos adicional contratado al efecto. Vista aérea del oppidum o ciudad amurallada de Iruña-Veleia (Imagen de Paisajes Españoles). ! Algunos grafitos constan solamente de dibujos que reflejan escenas de la vida cotidiana, retratos, figuras humanas y animales o paisajes además de motivos religiosos como cruces o crismones; otros grafitos contienen textos acompañando a los dibujos, y, finalmente, otros sólo presentan textos. La mayor parte de ellos están escritos en lo que podría ser latín vulgar y hacen referencia al mundo grecorromano, pero también son abundantes los de temática paleocristiana. Por otra parte se encuentran los óstraca de textos en euskera, de los cuales algunos son asimismo de contenido cristiano y otros de temática común, siendo en total unos 50 los grafitos aparentemente eusquéricos. Otros pocos grafitos presentan supuestos jeroglíficos egipcios decorativos sin aparente significado y nombres de personajes, divinidades y ciudades del Antiguo Egipto escritos en caracteres latinos; hay asimismo algunas palabras -pocas-escritas en caracteres griegos y, finalmente, existen algunas palabras de dudosa interpretación que podrían ser entendidas desde la lengua celta 3 . Alicia Satué: EL LATÍN DE IRUÑA-VELEIA. 6 3 vid. informes de Lurmen: Informe arqueológico de mayo 2007 presentado a la comisión el 16 de enero de 2008, Informe arqueológico de Iruña-Veleia, sector 5, recinto 59 presentado el 26/06/08. Informe arqueológico de Iruña-Veleia, Sector 5, recinto 59, presentado el 26/06/08.
Latinsko-český kapesní slovník obsahuje slovní zásobu ve světě velmi oblíbené učebnice "Lingua Latina per se illustrata" dánského autora H. H. Ørberga, která se už 8 let používá i na českých školách. Obsahuje 1800 nejfrekventovanějších... more
Latinsko-český kapesní slovník obsahuje slovní zásobu ve světě velmi oblíbené učebnice "Lingua Latina per se illustrata" dánského autora H. H. Ørberga, která se už 8 let používá i na českých školách. Obsahuje 1800 nejfrekventovanějších latinských slov a slovních spojení. Slovníček je vhodný jak pro studenty latiny, tak pro všechny zájemce o latinský jazyk.
Lo studio esamina due apostrofi virgiliane dedicate a giovani morti in guerra e seguite dai lamenti dei loro genitori. In tal modo il poeta esprime un duplice punto di vista su questi eventi, quello della gloria e quello del dolore... more
Lo studio esamina due apostrofi virgiliane dedicate a giovani morti in guerra e seguite dai lamenti dei loro genitori. In tal modo il poeta esprime un duplice punto di vista su questi eventi, quello della gloria e quello del dolore incolmabile della perdita.
1 8 . Sin embargo, es en Roma donde los venenos y los envenenamientos se multiplican, hasta el punto de que incluso se tuvieron que aprobar leyes al respecto, como la Lex Cornelia de sicariis et ueneficiis, de época de Sila (81 aC), que... more
1 8 . Sin embargo, es en Roma donde los venenos y los envenenamientos se multiplican, hasta el punto de que incluso se tuvieron que aprobar leyes al respecto, como la Lex Cornelia de sicariis et ueneficiis, de época de Sila (81 aC), que castigaba los casos de envenenamiento, tanto a quienes habían fabricado la sustancia como a los que la 3 De ahí la etimología del término θάξκαθoλ, que en origen significaba veneno más que medicamento, y que a raíz de esta doble acción pasó a designar a los remedios medicinales. 4 Ya Diocles de Caristo, en el siglo IV aC, escribió un tratado sobre plantas (Rhizotomikón), en el que se hacía una descripción de las mismas y se mencionaban sus efectos (Paniagua Aguilar, 2006). Hipócrates, Iusiurandum, 1: δηαηηήκαζί ηε ρξήζνκαη ἐπ᾽ ὠθειείῃ θακλόλησλ θαηὰ δύλακηλ θαὶ θξίζηλ ἐκήλ, ἐπὶ δειήζεη δὲ θαὶ ἀδηθίῃ εἴξμεηλ. νὐ δώζσ δὲ νὐδὲ θάξκαθνλ νὐδελὶ αἰηεζεὶο ζαλάζηκνλ, νὐδὲ ὑθεγήζνκαη ζπκ 2 βνπιίελ ηνηήλδε: ὁκνίσο δὲ νὐδὲ γπλαηθὶ πεζζὸλ θζόξηνλ δώζσ. 6 Apolodoro, Biblioteca Mitológica, II, 5, 2.11: […] ηὸ δὲ ζῶκα ηῆο ὕδξαο ἀλαζρίζαο ηῇ ρνιῇ ηνὺο ὀηζηνὺο ἔβαςελ.
who prophesied destruction of Troy, image and name on mirror DM AECAI DM-6 aegis, shield, L. aegis-idis, See also EGIS (EbIS) AEKiS Z-46 bronze, metal, L. aes, aeris, AES XA-36, XB-35 Jason, leader of the Argonauts, shown in mirror DF-3,... more
who prophesied destruction of Troy, image and name on mirror DM AECAI DM-6 aegis, shield, L. aegis-idis, See also EGIS (EbIS) AEKiS Z-46 bronze, metal, L. aes, aeris, AES XA-36, XB-35 Jason, leader of the Argonauts, shown in mirror DF-3, where Orestes is pictured murdering his mother. (See NATHOM) AEITHEON (AEIΘVN), DF-4 age, a lifetime, time of life, age, persons of a particular age, L. aetas-atis, as in "aetas puerilis," puerilis, boys, AETOS (AETVS) CCH-4 age, lifetime, L. aetas-atis; It. agio; Fr. Âge, to go, AGE (AbE) R248, R334 age, lifetime (L. aetas-atis; It. agio; Fr. Âge
- by Giulio Mauro Facchetti
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- Hittite, Etruscan, Latin, Slavic
Che Seneca occupi un posto di tutto rilievo nella storia della prosa latina, è un fatto del tutto scontato. Il suo stile «drammatico»', fatto di ripetizioni, di antitesi, di minutissimae sententiae' che incalzano un concetto da... more
Che Seneca occupi un posto di tutto rilievo nella storia della prosa latina, è un fatto del tutto scontato. Il suo stile «drammatico»', fatto di ripetizioni, di antitesi, di minutissimae sententiae' che incalzano un concetto da angolazioni diverse, lo frantumano e lo riassumono con la brevità di un epigramma, lo rende forse il più affascinante degli scrittori latini, certamente il più vicino alla nostra sensibilità.
Virgil's opinion about love is influenced by the rising Gallus' love elegy and by the literary dialogue with that poet, as is revealed by some 'elegiac' characters in ecll. 2, 8 and -of course- 10. Love is also in the Georgics a painful... more
Virgil's opinion about love is influenced by the rising Gallus' love elegy and by the literary dialogue with that poet, as is revealed by some 'elegiac' characters in ecll. 2, 8 and -of course- 10. Love is also in the Georgics a painful passion, in the excursus at III, 209-283 and in the tragic Orpheus' story. In the Aeneid it is even more ruinous, because is a self-centered feeling and diverts from duties to the community.
Celui-là me parait être l'égal d'un Dieu...". Ce début de poème écrit pas la poetesse grecque Sapho à vu de n'ombreux auteuRs s'attaquer à sa traduction Au total, plus d'une centaine de traductions, imitations, adaptations en ont depuis... more
Celui-là me parait être l'égal d'un Dieu...". Ce début de poème écrit pas la poetesse grecque Sapho à vu de n'ombreux auteuRs s'attaquer à sa traduction Au total, plus d'une centaine de traductions, imitations, adaptations en ont depuis la Renaissance été faites en français32 : Belleau, Ronsard, Amyot, Malherbe… Boileau , Racine s'inspire du poème dans Phèdre (acte I, scène 3) en 1677. Sappho était une poète originaire de l'île de Lesbos ayant vécu aux VIIe siècle et VIe siècle av. J.-C. Elle était, un plus d'être poète, enseigne à un groupe de jeunes filles l'art et la poésie. Comme pour la plupart des poètes antiques, son oeuvre ne nous est parvenue que de façon très fragmentaire. Catulle était un poète romain ayent vécu au 1er siècle av JC. Il mène une vie d'homme oisif, cultivé et fortuné en contact régulier avec des grands de son époque tels que Jules César ou Cicéron. Il écrivit de nombreux poèmes en Latin, 116, sans leur donner de titre. C'est pourquoi, le poème étudié s'appelle "poème 51".
Non mi pare sia mai stata approfondita, nello sterminato panorama critico fiorito attorno all'Orfeo delle Georgiche, un'ipotesi di lettura che metta la figura del cantore in relazione con Lucrezio. Eppure spesso lo sfortunato personaggio... more
Non mi pare sia mai stata approfondita, nello sterminato panorama critico fiorito attorno all'Orfeo delle Georgiche, un'ipotesi di lettura che metta la figura del cantore in relazione con Lucrezio. Eppure spesso lo sfortunato personaggio virgiliano è stato collocato, a vario titolo, in àmbito epicureo, ora come simbolo dello stultus, lontano dalla tXTCXpaçia del Giardino e dominato da una passione cieca, fonte della sua rovina; ora invece come personificazione del saggio teorizzato dal filosofo di Gargetto, o perlorneno del poeta ideale ipotizzato dai suoi seguaci, capace di usare la sua arte in funzione rasserenatrice e purificatrice.'. Tali e tante differenze di valutazione, segno sì della poliedricità di questa creazione virgiliana, ma anche della confusione degli studiosi, originata non di rado dall'intento di incasellare il personaggio in un àrnbito filosofico rigidamente scolastico, restituiscono un'immagine piuttosto incerta di Orfeo e del suo significato simbolico, fondamentale per la comprensione dell'intero poema, di cui insieme con Aristeo costituisce la sintesi.
Nel novembre del 63 a.c., Cicerone, console in carica, dopo aver smascherato Catilina in Senato con la prima orazione contro di lui, si trova a dover difendere in un processo penale uno dei consoli designati per l'anno successivo, Lucio... more
Nel novembre del 63 a.c., Cicerone, console in carica, dopo aver smascherato Catilina in Senato con la prima orazione contro di lui, si trova a dover difendere in un processo penale uno dei consoli designati per l'anno successivo, Lucio Licinio Murena. L'accusa, mossagli da personaggi illustri quali il giurista Servio Sulpicio, candidato battuto nelle elezioni consolari, e soprattutto Catone, eletto tribuno per l'anno seguente, è quella di ambitus nelle elezioni appena vinte da Murena.
The following are preliminary declension tables of the Etruscan language. As the glossary, grammar and declension tables are studied they will be corrected. For reference purposes we have included the Latin cases which may or may not... more
The following are preliminary declension tables of the Etruscan language. As the glossary, grammar and declension tables are studied they will be corrected. For reference purposes we have included the Latin cases which may or may not apply. This document is to be used in connection with "Etruscan Phrases" spreadsheet Etruscan_GlossaryA.xls, which is our working document that most easily displays the data we need to examine and refine. Women's names from mirrors or paintings are highlighted in blue; men's names are red. The name TARKONOS is quite revealing, since it refers to Tarquin, a king from Tarquinia. The suffix, "os," is also in the name of Tarquin's wife, THANIKOILOS. Her name is in a short text, Script A, indicating the place of her tomb. His name is on a mirror, Script DL, that shows several people examining a liver. The script refers both to Tarkonos and the Tarquins (TA RKIE) -a plural suffix. The suffix, "ei," is common to other words that probably are of feminine gender, such as Helen of Troy's name, ELENEI and the name of Persephone (Etr. PERSIPHNEI) The suffix "os or us" is neuter singular, whereas "ei" appears to be feminine singular. "os" and "on" are suffixes that mark the Second Declension of Greek; and "us" marks the Second and Fourth Declensions, nominative and genitive singular, in Latin.
- by Gerard Cohen
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- Latin
Esta Sintaxis latina, reflejo de la labor docente e investigadora de sus autores en distintas universidades españolas (UCM, UAM, Oviedo, Salamanca y Santiago), es el resultado final de una profunda revisión, actualización y ampliación... more
Esta Sintaxis latina, reflejo de la labor docente e investigadora de sus autores en distintas universidades españolas (UCM, UAM, Oviedo, Salamanca y Santiago), es el resultado final de una profunda revisión, actualización y ampliación de la Sintaxis del latín clásico (2009). Junto con el desarrollo de los contenidos fundamentales de este campo de la lingüística, la obra ofrece una actualización científica y bibliográfica que da cuenta de hasta qué punto se han renovado y enriquecido las perspectivas de análisis de la sintaxis latina en las últimas décadas: las mil quinientas referencias bibliográficas comentadas son buena muestra del alcance de esta actualización, para la que han sido fundamentales, entre otras obras de referencia, los dos volúmenes de la monumental Oxford Latin Syntax (2015, 2021) de H. Pinkster. Una actualización y ampliación de contenidos que se reflejan, además de en el millar largo de notas a pie de página, en la inclusión de nuevos apartados en algunos capítulos, en la reformulación de ideas y conceptos básicos, en la adición de nuevos ejemplos o en un mayor énfasis en las consideraciones diacrónicas.
Lo que no ha variado, y da coherencia y unidad a la obra, son sus fundamentos metodológicos: el marco teórico de esta Sintaxis es funcional, enriquecido, entre otros, con conceptos básicos de la lingüística cognitiva, lo que se refleja en muy diversos aspectos: en todos los capítulos, allí donde es pertinente, se establece una distinción entre semántica, sintaxis y pragmática; la oración —y el análisis de sus constituyentes— se estructura en distintos niveles (argumentos, adjuntos, disjuntos); las categorías y funciones se entienden en sentido prototípico y no de forma discreta, etc. Por último, pero no menos importante, un valor objetivo de esta obra es la riqueza, y en muchos casos originalidad, de los textos que ilustran cada construcción, cada análisis. Porque al final, también en sintaxis, un buen ejemplo vale más que mil palabras.