Yakutia Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Findings and traces of early metallurgical production in the Far Northeast of Asia and Alaska show that the spread of bronze and iron metallurgy took place mainly along the Lena River towards of the Far Northeast, as well as to Taimyr.... more

Findings and traces of early metallurgical production in the Far Northeast of Asia and Alaska show that the spread of bronze and iron metallurgy took place mainly along the Lena River towards of the Far Northeast, as well as to Taimyr. Spread of metallurgical technology is confirmed by the casting mould for a burin or awl, which was discovered in Eastern Chukotka on the Amguema River. However, metals in Chukotka were obviously too rare to trade until the first millennium AD. An eastward decline in emphasis on metals is evidenced. Across the Bering Strait, into Alaska, iron appeared nearly two thousand years later than it existed within the the Far Northeast of Asia. Traces of metallurgy production were not found in Alaska. The spread of metals across Northeast Asia to Alaska indicates the existence of lasting and persistent connections between the Lena River Basin, the Far Northeast and Chukotka.

Based on 92 radiocarbon dates (some unpublished) obtained from 30 sites subjected to dendrochronological calibration, previous chronologies of the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age cultures of Yakutia are revised and a new “calendar... more

Based on 92 radiocarbon dates (some unpublished) obtained from 30 sites subjected to dendrochronological calibration, previous chronologies of the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age cultures of Yakutia are revised and a new “calendar chronology” proposed. During the Bronze Age, two newly described cultures existed in addition to the Ust-Mil culture: Ulakhan Segelennyakh and Sugunnakh, the latter being a derivative of Ymyiakhtakh. In the 2nd millennium BC, the Ulakhan Segelennyakh culture became distributed throughout southern, southwestern, and southeastern Yakutia. The distinctive feature of this culture is perceived as being its ceramics which are decorated with punched nodes, stamp, and impressed designs. According to radiocarbon dating, the Sugunnakh culture existed in the transpolar regions of Yakutia from the 1st millennium BC at least until the first centuries AD. All the three Bronze Age cultures of Yakutia evidently originated from the Late Neolithic Ymyiakhtakh culture.

Russian energy law and policy Energy megaprojects Indigenous peoples of the Arctic a b s t r a c t For the past three decades, risk has occupied center stage in the energy discourse. Systemic risks have proven particularly challenging for... more

Russian energy law and policy Energy megaprojects Indigenous peoples of the Arctic a b s t r a c t For the past three decades, risk has occupied center stage in the energy discourse. Systemic risks have proven particularly challenging for government energy planners and corporate executives, as they are characterized by their complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity, and ability to causing ripple effects throughout economic, social, and political structures. In this article we analyze two approaches to governing systemic risks arising out of energy megaprojects, one mandated under the Russian legal and regulatory regime and one employed by the largely indigenous hunters, fishermen, and reindeer herders residing in the Sakha Republic. Our study focuses on the 4000-km-long natural gas transmission system " Power of Siberia " to be constructed in the sub-Arctic part of the region. We employ a complimentary and cor-roborative analysis of legal texts, fieldwork observations, semi-structured interviews, and transcripts of official meetings. We establish that the approach to risk taken by the people who occupy the land that the Power of Siberia traverses could provide a useful insight for handling systemic risks in connection with pipeline transportation systems. We also determine that the current Russian legal and regulatory regime fails to provide an adequate basis for governing such risks. We conclude the article by identifying four pathways for integrating valuable elements of the indigenous approach into the current legal and regulatory framework.

In article, the ceramics of the Bronze Age of Yakutia decorated with “pearls” in a combination with pressures and stamps is described. This ceramics on many parameters (manufacturing techniques, an ornament, the form of vessels, etc.)... more

In article, the ceramics of the Bronze Age of Yakutia decorated with “pearls” in a combination with pressures and stamps is described. This ceramics on many parameters (manufacturing techniques, an ornament, the form of vessels, etc.) differs from ceramics of the Ust’-Mil’ Culture of the Bronze Age of Yakutia. This ceramics is the basic determining attribute of sites of the Ulakhan-Segelennyakh Culture that were spread in Southern, Southwest and the Western Yakutia, down to its central areas, in IInd millennium B.C. The ceramics of the Ulakhan-Segelennyakh type has features of come cultures and maternal for it the Ymyyakhtakh Culture. Spreading of sites with such ceramics in Yakutia, apparently, was not total, but covered considerable taiga zone of the Aldan, Olekma, Viluy and Middle Lena. A basis of come component in the Ulakhan-Segelennyakh Culture was, apparently, tribes of the Glazkov Culture penetrating to Yakutia through the Upper Lena, Viluy, Olekma and Aldan Rivers.

Новые радиоуглеродные даты позволили существенно скорректировать хронологию ымыяхтахской культуры позднего неолита Восточной Сибири и сугуннахской пережиточно-ымыяхтахской культуры бронзового века сибирского Заполярья. Ключевые даты для... more

Новые радиоуглеродные даты позволили существенно скорректировать хронологию ымыяхтахской культуры позднего неолита Восточной Сибири и сугуннахской пережиточно-ымыяхтахской культуры бронзового века сибирского Заполярья. Ключевые даты для ымыяхтахской культуры были получены в последние годы для нижних культурных горизонтов многослойной стоянки Улахан Сегеленнях (Южная Якутия), а для сугуннахской культуры – на памятниках Нижней Индигирки, в том числе на стоянке Сугуннах. Согласно новым данным, ымыяхтахская культура относится к календарному промежутку 2960±60 – 1185±185 гг. до н.э., а сугуннахская пережиточно-ымыяхтахская культура – к 955±125 г. до н.э. – 335±205 г. н.э. Продолжительность ымыяхтахской культуры составляет около 1775 лет, сугуннахской – около 1290 лет.

The work is devoted to describing of the complex of horse equipment of Yakuts. The research sources became archaeological and ethnographic collections of museums. Equipment a rideable horse of Yakuts consists of two main parts – the... more

The work is devoted to describing of the complex of horse equipment of Yakuts. The research sources became archaeological and ethnographic collections of museums. Equipment a rideable horse of Yakuts consists of two main parts – the headband (reins) and the saddle with stirrups. The horse equipment of Yakuts has close analogies in forms and manufacturing technology, in terminology to the peoples of South Siberia and Central Asia. Parallels for elements of horse harness of Early Yakut burials XIV–XVII centuries ВС was found in Ust-Talkin culture of the nomadic herders of the South Angara region and the Upper Lena in XII–XIV centuries ВС. However, Yakut complex of horse harness has specific characteristics that clearly show his identity.
Работа посвящена описанию комплекса конского снаряжения у якутов. Источниками исследования стали археологические и этнографические коллекции музеев. Снаряжение верхового коня у якутов, состоящее из двух основных частей – оголовья (узды) и седла со стременами, имеет близкие аналогии в формах, технологии изготовления и терминологии у народов Южной Сибири и Центральной Азии. Параллели элементам конной упряжи раннеякутских погребений XIV–XVII вв. обнаруживаются в усть-талькинской культуре кочевников-скотоводов Южного Приангарья и Верхней Лены XII–XIV вв. Вместе с тем в якутском комплексе конского убранства, безусловно, есть и специфические черты, ярко показывающие его самобытность.

The article examines burials in a flexed position among the Late Middle Age population of Central Yakutia. We provide information on the general features and dating of the burials, medical and anatomical descriptions of the corpse... more

The article examines burials in a flexed position among the Late Middle Age population of Central Yakutia. We provide information on the general features and dating of the burials, medical and anatomical descriptions of the corpse placement, as well as available ethnographic and folklore evidences. The comparison of various historical and cultural parallels makes it possible to argue that in the Middle Age archaeological cultures of the Baikal area, there are burials that are analogous to the flexed position burials of the Yakut. The data obtained as a result of this research make important contributions to our knowledge of the early ethnic history of the Yakut.

Lehçelerde şeklen aynı olan kelimelerin anlamca farklı olması şeklinde izah edilen “yalancı eşdeğerlik” metin aktarmalarındaki temel sorunların başında gelmektedir. Bu terim araştırmacılarca “sahte karşılıklar”, “sözde denkteşler”, “tam... more

Lehçelerde şeklen aynı olan kelimelerin anlamca farklı olması şeklinde izah edilen “yalancı eşdeğerlik” metin aktarmalarındaki temel sorunların başında gelmektedir. Bu terim araştırmacılarca “sahte karşılıklar”, “sözde denkteşler”, “tam yalancı eş değer kelimeler” ve “aldatıcı kelimeler” gibi isimlerle de karşılanmıştır. Türkiye Türkçesine en uzak lehçelerden biri olan ve bünyesinde Ana Türkçeye ait birçok özellikler bulunduran Saha Türkçesi ile Türkiye Türkçesi arasındaki yalancı eşdeğerliğin tespitinin, bu lehçe arası yapılacak olan metin çevirilerinde meydana gelebilecek sorunların giderilmesinde faydalı olacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu bağlamda ele alınan çalışmanın bu alandaki boşluğu kısmen de olsa dolduracağı umulmaktadır.

This paper describes and analyzes Chinese objects found in Yakutia, such as coins, bronze mirrors, bells, etc. In the vast majority of cases they are accidental finds by individuals and are not widely known to researchers. The goals of... more

This paper describes and analyzes Chinese objects found in Yakutia, such as coins, bronze mirrors, bells, etc. In the vast majority of cases they are accidental finds by individuals and are not widely known to researchers. The goals of this paper are: the attribution of artifacts of Chinese origin, the identification of the place and time of their production, and possible pathways to Yakutia, understanding the ways and methods of their adaptation to the traditional culture of the Yakuts of 17th — beginning of 20th century. Taking as an example religious paraphernalia which have Chinese origins, the authors try to address the problem of cultural borrowings, which were carried out in the territory of Yakutia, in the context of the formation of local cultural traditions, as well as their subsequent simulation in the ritual practice of Yakuts.
Judging by the form, ornamental decor and semantics of Yakut metal discs (kün), the Yakuts have inherited in their culture ancient Chinese traditions, probably taken over by their ancestors long before the development of the Lena area. This is also confirmed by studies of the history of the origin of the Yakut choron ritual vessels, which are similar in shape to Chinese Bronze Age tripods known in the archaeological literature as li. The northern area was not merely a consumer of imported goods, and did not blindly copy ready-made models, but creatively reworked them, filling them with new religious and mythological content, according to their ancestral traditions. This can be well illustrated by the example of Chinese coins, the so-called dom coins, which were used in the magic-ritual actions of Yakut shamans.
The penetration of Chinese imported goods to Yakutia increased due to the opening of the fair at Nerchinsk (1689) and trade settlement at Kyakhta (1728), as is evidenced by the grave goods accompanying Yakut burials of the 18th century.

Saha Türkçesi, Ana Türkçeden erken dönemde ayrılan lehçelerden biridir. Bünyesinde eski Türkçeye has çeşitli özellikler bulundurmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra Saha Türkçesi, çeşitli araştırmacılar tarafından Oğuzca olduğu belirtilen unsurları... more

Saha Türkçesi, Ana Türkçeden erken dönemde ayrılan lehçelerden biridir. Bünyesinde eski Türkçeye has çeşitli özellikler bulundurmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra Saha Türkçesi, çeşitli araştırmacılar tarafından Oğuzca olduğu belirtilen unsurları da içerisinde barındırmaktadır. Saha Türkçesi ile Oğuz grubu lehçeleri arasında bugün ciddi bir mesafe farkı vardır. Bu mesafe geçmişte de -bugünkü kadar olmasa bile- pek farklı değildi. Bu durum karşılıklı münasebetleri kısıtladığı gibi her iki grup arasındaki dil ilişkilerini zora sokmaktadır. Buradan hareketle, Saha Türkçesinde tespit edilen Oğuzca unsurların, Eski Türkçeden Saha Türkçesine yadigâr olduğunu düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, daha önceki araştırmalarda Oğuzca olarak belirtilen unsurların Saha Türkçesindeki durumu tespit edilmeye çalışıldı. Daha önceki çalışmalarda Oğuzca olarak belirtilen “gece, bulmak, yoğurt, û, ürün, el, kizlee-, de-, yağ, inek” kelimelerinin Saha Türkçesi söz varlığındaki karşılıkları, diğer Türk lehçelerindeki karşılıkları ile birlikte verilmiştir. Bu kelimelerin haricinde, Ahmet B. Ercilasun ve Ziyat Akkoyunlu’nun Kâşgarlı Mahmud Dîvânu Lugâti’t-Türk, Robert Dankoff ve James Kelly’in Compendium of The TurkicDialects, (Dīwān Luγāt at-Turk) ve Akartürk Karahan’ın Dīvānu Luġāti’t-Türk’e Göre XI. Yüzyıl Türk Lehçe Bilgisi isimli eserde, Dîvânu Luġâti’t-Türk’te tespit edilen yaklaşık 350 Oğuzca kelimenin Saha Türkçesinde yer alıp almadığı Saha Türkçesine ait Edouard Pekarskiy’in Yakut Dili Sözlüğü, P. A. Sleptsov’un Yakutsko - Russkiy Slovar ve Sahaca - Sahaca olarak hazırlanmış ve /s/ sesine kadar 8 cildi yayınlanmış olan Saxa Tılın Bıhaarıılaax Ulaxan Tılcıta isimli sözlükleri taranarak tespit edilmeye çalışıldı. Çalışmada söz varlığı incelemelerinin yanı sıra ses ve şekil bilgisi unsurları da incelendi. Bu kısımda asli uzun ünlülerin, t- > d- ve ḳ- > ġ- // k- > g- seslerinin durumu ve duyulan geçmiş zaman eki -mIş (> Saha Türkçesi -BIt)’ın Saha Türkçesindeki durumları ele alındı. Çalışmanın sonuç bölümünde ise Saha Türkçesindeki Oğuzca olan ve olmayan unsurlara göre genel bir değerlendirme yapıldı.

The Polish origin of the Yakut word for 'snuff' was suggested some years ago but a closer look at this word nest reveals new and rather unclear aspects. The other word to be discussed here is that for 'thousand'; its Russian origin is... more

The Polish origin of the Yakut word for 'snuff' was suggested some years ago but a closer look at this word nest reveals new and rather unclear aspects. The other word to be discussed here is that for 'thousand'; its Russian origin is doubted by this author because of phonetic inaccuracies which can be well removed once a Polish etymon of the Yakut word is accepted.

The principal diagnostic feature of the Bronze Age (2nd millennium BC) Ulakhan-Segelennyakh culture of southern, southwestern, and western Yakutia, which was first described by the present author, is pottery decorated with punched nodes... more

The principal diagnostic feature of the Bronze Age (2nd millennium BC) Ulakhan-Segelennyakh culture of southern, southwestern, and western Yakutia, which was first described by the present author, is pottery decorated with punched nodes in combination with dentate impressions and stamp imprints. This type of pottery differs from Ust-Mil pottery and resembles both ancestral Ymyiakhtakh ceramics and ceramics made by immigrants. The Ulakhan-Segelennyakh culture did not spread across all Yakutia, but occupied vast taiga regions in the basins of the Aldan, Olekma, Vilyui, and Middle Lena. Most immigrants were descendants of the Glazkovo people, and entered Yakutia along the upper reaches of these rivers.

Verbs are one of the word groups in Turkish; and, what we call as sentence, which is a complete statement expressing an aim, can only be formed with verbs or the words used instead of verbs. In this regard, the role of verbs in language... more

Verbs are one of the word groups in Turkish; and, what we call as sentence, which is a complete statement expressing an aim, can only be formed with verbs or the words used instead of verbs. In this regard, the role of verbs in language is very significant. Verbs are categorized into three groups in accordance with their structures, as being simple verbs, derived verbs, and conjunctive verbs. Simple verbs do not originate from any other word and not conjugate to any words: söyle- (tell), gül- (laugh), yaz- (write), çalış- (work), etc. Derived verbs are derived from the base or body of a word: ses-le- (call-ing), düz-el- (correct-ing), hay-kır (shout-ing), kes-il (being cut), süs-len- (garnish-ing), tanı-ş- (meet-ing) etc. Conjunctive verbs consist of more than one word. Conjunctive verbs are created either with the conjugation of a noun and auxiliary verb or with the conjugation of a verb and auxiliary verb. In this study, mainly conjunctive verbs created in Sakha language with the conjugation of a noun and auxiliary verb will be identified. With this aim, besides various grammar sources and other sources, Edouard Pekarskiy’s Yakut Dili Sözlüğü (Yakut Language Dictionary), P. A. Sleptsov’s Yakutsko - Russkiy Slovar, and Sakha-Sakha dictionary Saxa Tılın Bıhaarıılaax Ulaxan Tılcıta will be scanned. In the end of the study, the frequency of occurrence of the auxiliary verbs used in the creation of conjunctive verbs will be identified through the presented materials.
Keywords: Sakha language, conjunctive verb, noun, verb, auxiliary verb.

The article sums up the results of the archaeological studies of the Lensky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The great contribution to the archaeological study of the region was made by the Lenskaya Historical and... more

The article sums up the results of the archaeological studies of the Lensky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The great contribution to the archaeological study of the region was made by the Lenskaya Historical and Archaeological Expedition, the Prilenskaya archaeological expedition of the Yakutsk Branch SB AS USSR, the archaeological expedition of the Yakutsk State University and the archaeological expedition of the Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of the SB RAS. As a result of many years of works, about 50 various archaeological objects (sites, burials, petroglyphs, sanctuaries) of various chronological ranges from the Paleolithic to ethnographic modernity were discovered here. All objects of archeology are confi ned to the banks of the rivers Lena, Vitim, Peleduy, Nuya, Djerba, Jampa. Industrial development of the South-West of the Republic, associated with the development of the oil and gas complex, creates prospects for intensifying of archaeological research in the region.

This article presents a complex study of the female burial of the XVII century in Central Yakutia. The burial rite (traces of ritual roasting of the coffin, orientation to the North) and composition of the accompanying inventory (a knife... more

This article presents a complex study of the female burial of the XVII century in Central Yakutia. The burial rite (traces of ritual roasting of the coffin, orientation to the North) and composition of the accompanying inventory (a knife of the non-Yakut origin, a sphero-conical top part of a headdress with a support for a plume, twin overlaid decorative details of the headdress’s crown, a composite pectoral panel picture of sewn-on patches, an earring in the form of a question mark with a biconical bead) determine the peculiarity of the burial, and their nearest parallels can be traced to the Medieval cultures of the Eurasian steppe and forest-steppe nomads, as well as to the population of the Siberian forest and tundra zones of the XVI–XIX centuries. Craniological characteristics of the buried woman draw her closer to the populations of Central Asian and Baikal anthropological types of the North Asian formation.

Однослойная стоянка Ферменное Озеро находится в среднеленской долине Туймаада в Центральной Якутии. В ходе ее исследований было выяснено, что она содержит чистый несмешанный комплекс сумнагинской мезолитической культуры IX–V тыс. до н.э.... more

Однослойная стоянка Ферменное Озеро находится в среднеленской долине Туймаада в Центральной Якутии. В ходе ее исследований было выяснено, что она содержит чистый несмешанный комплекс сумнагинской мезолитической культуры IX–V тыс. до н.э. В коллекции памятника имеется 53 каменных орудия, 530 заготовок, 11 осколков мелких костей и 10 кусочков глины. Орудийный набор представлен четырьмя основными видами: вкладышами, резцами, скребками, резчиками. Каменные заготовки представлены нуклеусами, отщепами, осколками, пластинами, пластинчатыми сколами и расколотыми гальками. Нуклеусы делятся на торцовые, призматические и конические. Описываемый объект представляется ценным с археологической точки зрения в плане изучения мезолита Средней Лены и Центральной Якутии, где подавляющее большинство памятников имеют смешанные культурные слои. Стоянка Ферменное Озеро является опорным памятником сумнагинской мезолитической культуры в Центральной Якутии.

"This article relates to the studies of roads and engages with the experience of driving in Sakha (Yakutia), Siberia. The article intends to contribute to the broad corpus of literature on mobility and argues that an alternative... more

"This article relates to the studies of roads and engages with the experience of driving
in Sakha (Yakutia), Siberia. The article intends to contribute to the broad corpus
of literature on mobility and argues that an alternative perspective on roads
and road-users from a geographical area beyond the West might better inform and
add another dimension to our understanding of roads and movement along them.
The article examines the fluid nature of roads in Siberia and the social significance
the roads carry by focusing on truck drivers and their perception of and engagement
with the so-called winter roads through their sensory experiences. The article
analyses narratives of the truckers who frame their experiences of the road with
close reference to time and money and where notions of agency of the road become
Key words: roads • roadlessness • truckers • winter roads • Siberia

ÖZ: Saha Türkçesinde fiillerin zaman ve kip eklerinin olumsuz çekimlerinde kullanılan olumsuzluk ekleri, diğer Türk lehçelerine göre çeşitlilik arz etmektedir. Bu durum, hâlihazırda ek varyantlaşmasıyla oldukça zengin bir ek sistemine... more

ÖZ: Saha Türkçesinde fiillerin zaman ve kip eklerinin olumsuz çekimlerinde kullanılan olumsuzluk ekleri, diğer Türk lehçelerine göre çeşitlilik arz etmektedir. Bu durum, hâlihazırda ek varyantlaşmasıyla oldukça zengin bir ek sistemine sahip olan Saha Türkçesini öğrenmeyi ve bu alanda çalışanların işini zora sokmaktadır. Gelecek zaman ve olumluluk kipinin çekiminde kullanılan olumsuzluk ekinin şahıslara göre farklılık göstermesi yapının ne kadar karmaşık olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Saha Türkçesinde fiillerin olumsuz formu 7 şekilde yapılmaktadır: 1.-BA: görülen geçmiş zaman, şart kipinin I. tipinde; 2.-BAtAx: duyulan geçmiş zaman, kesin geçmiş zaman, ara sıra olan geçmiş zamanın I. tipi, şart kipinin II. tipi ile tahmin kipinde; 3.-BAt: şimdiki (geniş) zaman, şimdiki zaman gereklilik ve istek kipi III. tipinde; 4.-(I)mInA;-BAkkA: yakın geçmiş zaman, ara sıra olan geçmiş zamanın II. tipinde; 5. suox (yok, değil): ara sıra olan geçmiş zamanın III. tipi, gelecek zaman, gelecek zaman gerekliliğin I. tipi, gelecek zaman gereklilik II. tipi, olumluluk kipi I. tipi, alışılmışlık kipinin I. ve II. tipi ile istek kipi I. ve II. tipinde; 6.-(I)mA: gelecek zaman, gelecek zaman gerekliliğinin I. ve II tipi, yakın gelecek zaman emir kipi, uzak gelecek zaman emir kipinin I. tipinin I. ve II. türü ile II. tipinin I. ve II. türü, korku/endişe kipi, olumluluk kipinin I. ve II. tipinde; 7. ilik: olumsuzluk kipinde kullanılmaktadır. Adından da anlaşılacağı üzere olumsuz bir anlam ifade eder ve tek çekimi vardır. Bu çekimde de ilik "henüz, henüz yok, daha yok" kelimesi vasıtasıyla yapılmaktadır. Bunların haricinde, yakın gelecek zaman emir kipinin olumsuz çekiminde, teklik ve çokluk I. ve II. şahıs çekimlerinde-(I)mA olumsuzluk ekinin; teklik ve çokluk III. şahıs çekimlerinde ise-BA olumsuzluk ekinin kullanılması bakımından, diğer zaman ve kip çekimlerinden ayrı bir özellik göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada yukarıdaki olumsuzluk ekleri, yapı ve fonksiyonları bakımından örneklerle birlikte değerlendirilecektir.

The principal diagnostic feature of the Bronze Age (2nd millennium BC) Ulakhan-Segelennyakh culture of southern, southwestern, and western Yakutia, which was first described by the present author, is pottery decorated with punched nodes... more

The principal diagnostic feature of the Bronze Age (2nd millennium BC) Ulakhan-Segelennyakh culture of southern, southwestern, and western Yakutia, which was first described by the present author, is pottery decorated with punched nodes in combination with dentate impressions and stamp imprints. This type of pottery differs from Ust-Mil pottery and resembles both ancestral Ymyiakhtakh ceramics and ceramics made by immigrants. The Ulakhan-Segelennyakh culture did not spread across all Yakutia, but occupied vast taiga regions in the basins of the Aldan, Olekma, Vilyui, and Middle Lena. Most immigrants were descendants of the Glazkovo people, and entered Yakutia along the upper reaches of these rivers.

In this article we present the results of a study of the fragments of 60 vessels found at 23 sites in the Tuymaada Valley by an archeological expedition of Yakutsk State University. Cogged and figured stamping characterizes the decoration... more

In this article we present the results of a study of the fragments of 60 vessels found at 23 sites in the Tuymaada Valley by an archeological expedition of Yakutsk State University. Cogged and figured stamping characterizes the decoration of the Early Iron Age ceramics in Yakutia. The preliminary classification is based on 31 decorative elements created by stamping and incising. The elements are divided into four main groups: 1) cogged; 2) figured; 3) incised; and 4) stick-impressing to imitate a twisted cord. Regarding techniques of decoration, three types of ceramics are defined: waffle, ribbed, and plain. In addition, two main groups of stylistic decoration are defined: ridge and non-ridge. Horizontal rows of similar decorative elements are the main motifs. In turn, the decorations form compositions of several (2 - 4 and more) rows of stamps.
Analysis of the paste was conducted using a number of vessels and a number of sites where these pots were found. The structure of decorative compositions and statistical analyses of the paste composition show very slight differences in the groups of smooth and toothed stamped decoration, and also between waffle, ribbed, and smooth-sided ceramics. This may reflect a unity of traditions in ceramic production (in fact, this impies cultural unity) or at least a succession of traditions or cultures.
The analyses conducted show that the ceramics of the Iron Age in the Tuymaada Valley are quite homogenous. This clearly implies a monolithic culture. The studies of the Early Iron Age of the Tuymaada Valley have just begun.

На протяжении нескольких столетий Российская империя использовала северо-восток в качестве "тюрьмы без стен" – пространства для штрафной и политической ссылки. Некоторые политические ссыльные способствовали развитию статистических,... more

На протяжении нескольких столетий Российская империя использовала северо-восток в качестве "тюрьмы без стен" – пространства для штрафной и политической ссылки. Некоторые политические ссыльные способствовали развитию статистических, географических и этнографических исследований для применения в имперских проектах и локальных (в том числе и личных) целях. Экспедиция И.М. Сибирякова 1894–1896 гг. стала значимым событием в общественной жизни региона. С одной стороны, локальные знания и социальное сотрудничество привели к пониманию самосознания якутов, что приблизило якутский регион к его собственному автономному будущему. С другой стороны, это способствовало более сложному видению политики управления этническим и ресурсным разнообразием, которое стало еще более заметным в ходе имперских революционных преобразований и формирования советского режима.

В сообщении приводятся данные об археологических разведках археологической экспедиции Института гуманитарных исследований и проблем малочисленных народов Севера СО РАН, проведенных в полевой сезон 2014 г. на территориях городского округа... more

В сообщении приводятся данные об археологических разведках археологической экспедиции Института гуманитарных исследований и проблем малочисленных народов Севера СО РАН, проведенных в полевой сезон 2014 г. на территориях городского округа «Город Якутск», Томпонского, Оймяконского, Вилюйского, Верхневилюйского, Нюрбинского, Сунтарского районов Республики Саха (Якутия). В ходе работ было открыто 6 погребений позднего средневековья и нового времени, 21 стоянка и поселение, датируемые от мезолита до позднего средневековья и нового времени, а также заново обследовано 17 стоянок и поселений этих же периодов.

Flaked-tool technology can provide insights into social and cultural changes and interregional connections. This study of changing tool production covers the Upper Palaeolithic to the Late Neolithic in the Yakutia region of eastern... more

Flaked-tool technology can provide insights into social and cultural changes and interregional connections. This study of changing tool production covers the Upper Palaeolithic to the Late Neolithic in the Yakutia region of eastern Siberia. This region is home to the Palaeolithic Dyuktai complex, the Mesolithic Sumnagin complex and Neolithic traditions; it thus enables a better understanding of the material culture of these societies in Siberia and improves our knowledge of the complex migration processes towards the New World.

В монографии представлены результаты социологического исследования социального самочувствия молодежи арктических районов Якутии, выполненного при поддержке гранта Президента РФ МК-3393.2013.6 «Арктика молодая: идентичности и жизненные... more

В монографии представлены результаты социологического исследования социального самочувствия молодежи арктических районов Якутии, выполненного при поддержке гранта Президента РФ МК-3393.2013.6 «Арктика молодая: идентичности и жизненные стратегии молодежи северной Якутии». Рассматриваются различные аспекты социализации молодежи и воспроизводства социальной структуры общества через две социологические категории − идентичность, жизненная стратегия. Исследование заинтересует социологов, культурных антропологов, представителей других гуманитарных дисциплин.

My draft notes for the Environmental Audit Committee's oral discussions on 5th April 2017 at the Houses of Parliament without references given here. The oral session draft was published on 28th April 2017 with the final text still in... more

My draft notes for the Environmental Audit Committee's oral discussions on 5th April 2017 at the Houses of Parliament without references given here. The oral session draft was published on 28th April 2017 with the final text still in reviews to include important additional items omitted on the draft text. The full text will have soon all the necessary references. Due to this text being a draft the text and images appear unaligned with the text due to it being draft for the session on 5th April. However, the Parliament decided nevertheless to publish this semi-complete version. More up-to-date text (.docx format) is on Drafts section. It has been receiving reviews and I will publish the final text separately once all the external input has been duly received and processed.

Abstract: The Polish origin of the Yakut word for 'snuff' was suggested some years ago but a closer look at this word nest reveals new and rather unclear aspects. The other word to be discussed here is that for 'thousand'. Its Russian... more

Abstract: The Polish origin of the Yakut word for 'snuff' was suggested some years ago but a closer look at this word nest reveals new and rather unclear aspects. The other word to be discussed here is that for 'thousand'. Its Russian origin is doubted by this author because of phonetic inaccuracies which can be well removed once a Polish etymon of the Yakut word is accepted.

Wie die Existenz der persischen, so erschien auch die der arabischen Lehnwörter im Jakutischen zuerst wegen der geographischen Entfernung dieser Völker ausgeschlossen. Das große jakutische Wörterbuch von E. Piekarski ermöglichte jedoch... more

Wie die Existenz der persischen, so erschien auch die der arabischen Lehnwörter im Jakutischen zuerst wegen der geographischen Entfernung dieser Völker ausgeschlossen. Das große jakutische Wörterbuch von E. Piekarski ermöglichte jedoch einen tieferen Einblick in den jakutischen Wortschatz und seit
dieser Zeit begegnen uns in der turkologischen Literatur verstreute Hinweise auf die persische bzw. arabische Herkunft des einen oder anderen Wortes. Diese zu sammeln und zu sichten, schien eine dankbare Aufgabe zu sein.

Özet Sahalar zengin bir halk edebiyatına sahiptir. Bilmeceler de Saha edebiyatında önemli bir yer teşkil eder ve halk arasında yaygın bir kullanıma sahiptir. Türkiye’de Saha bilmeceleri üzerine müstakil bir çalışma yapılmamıştır. Bu... more

Sahalar zengin bir halk edebiyatına sahiptir. Bilmeceler de Saha edebiyatında önemli bir yer teşkil eder ve halk arasında yaygın bir kullanıma sahiptir. Türkiye’de Saha bilmeceleri üzerine müstakil bir çalışma yapılmamıştır. Bu çalışmamızda daha önce Türkiye’de yayınlanmış Saha bilmecelerle birlikte ilk defa tarafımızdan Saha Türkçesinden Türkiye Türkçesine aktarılan bilmeceler konuları bakımından sınıflandırılmıştır. Ayrıca bilmeceler şekil ve içerikleri bakımından değerlendirilmiştir.
The Sakhas have a rich folk literature. The Riddles also have an important place in Sakha literature and widespread use among the people. There has not been a specific study on Sakha riddles in Turkey before. Along with those previously published in Turkey, the riddles, classified according to topics, have been transferred to Turkish in Turkey from Sakha Turkish for the first time by us. Riddles are evaluated in terms of form and content.

The chapter examines procedures for social impact assessment in industrial projects in the Russian Federation (later referred to as Russia), focusing on assessment of impact on 'small-numbered indigenous peoples of the North' in the... more

The chapter examines procedures for social impact assessment in industrial projects in the Russian Federation (later referred to as Russia), focusing on assessment of impact on 'small-numbered indigenous peoples of the North' in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (later referred to as Yakutia), a region in the northeast of Russia. In April 2010, a regional law on 'ethnological expert review' was adopted in the region of Yakutia, which is implemented during industrial projects that are initiated on the territories of indigenous peoples of the North. This law was developed under pressure from regional non-governmental organizations, following public debates about potential impacts during

The article is devoted to the specific types of inventory of archaeological sites of Yakutia – needle cases and needles, which ancient people made of bone and metal. The reason for the work was the discovery of a bone needle case with two... more

The article is devoted to the specific types of inventory of archaeological sites of Yakutia – needle cases and needles, which ancient people made of bone and metal. The reason for the work was the discovery of a bone needle case with two bone needles at the Neolithic site of Vladimirovka III («Shaman Mountain») in Central Yakutia. The descriptions of this archaeological site and conditions of detection of the above mentioned artifacts are provided; analogies are analyzed, for which purpose the needle cases and needles found at archaeological sites of Yakutia and adjacent regions of North and Northeast Asia, and published up to date are maximally used. Variants of using needle cases, and methods of manufacturing sewing threads, taken from ethnology and archeology are considered. We propose the term «persistence», which explains the phenomenon of preserving the traditions of production and use, the stability and immutability of certain forms of inventory invented by man in the Stone Age.

Данная статья посвящена результатам петрографического анализа светлоокрашенных нефритов из трёх неолитических местонахождений Якутии: Джикимдинского погребения, стоянок Вилюйское Шоссе и Владимировка II. Доказывается, что данный вид... more

Данная статья посвящена результатам петрографического анализа светлоокрашенных нефритов из трёх неолитических местонахождений Якутии: Джикимдинского погребения, стоянок Вилюйское Шоссе и Владимировка II. Доказывается, что данный вид экзотического сырья экспортировался в Якутию из месторождений среднего Витима. Предполагается, что белые нефриты распространялись из Витимской горной страны как на юго-запад – на побережье оз. Байкал, так и на северо-восток – в Якутию.

This study purposes to reveal the functions of stone tools from archaeological sites in Yakutia. Stone tools were the most important implement for human beings from the Paleolithic to the Bronze Age because almost all tool for cutting,... more

This study purposes to reveal the functions of stone tools from archaeological sites in Yakutia. Stone tools were the most important implement for human beings from the Paleolithic to the Bronze Age because almost all tool for cutting, tanning, curving, boring, and planing various materials were made of stone throughout these periods in this region. Given we could clarify uses and functions of stone tools, the history of human resource use would be revealed. It enables us to examine the relationship between the environmental change and human activities. Although some researchers, such as V. Mikhalyov and E. Girya, have conducted functional studies of stone tools from Yakutia, a systematic and large-scale study has not yet been addressed in this region. Here, we present results of a trial study of the lithic use-wear analysis for a full-scale analysis in the near future.

ndustry in the twenty-first century advances to ever-remoter regions, seen as ‘periphery’ from the point of view of headquarters and capital cities, while for local people these areas are the core of their world. This article investigates... more

ndustry in the twenty-first century advances to ever-remoter regions, seen as ‘periphery’ from the point of view of headquarters and capital cities, while for local people these areas are the core of their world. This article investigates the encounter between communities, regulatory authorities and industry in the Russian Arctic. Using cases from Sakha (Yakutiya), we analyse how communities organise for coexistence of traditional livelihoods with big industrial projects in what we call state-led resource development. Our analysis shows the surprising room for agency that development agendas in a centralised state nonetheless leave for local people so far.

Ceydric MARTIN, Dariya NIKOLAEVA, Mikhail PRISIAZHNYI Atlas photographique de la Yakoutie Expédition scientifique sur la route de Magadan entre Yakutsk et Oust-Nera Photographic Atlas of Yakutia Scientific expedition on the Kolyma... more

In the Bronze Age of Yakutia three cultures were allocated. Besides the Ust'-Mil' culture (mid-2nd-1st millennia B. C.), which roller ceramics was characteristic of, the culture of ceramics decorated with «pearls» existed in Southern... more

In the Bronze Age of Yakutia three cultures were allocated. Besides the Ust'-Mil' culture (mid-2nd-1st millennia B. C.), which roller ceramics was characteristic of, the culture of ceramics decorated with «pearls» existed in Southern Yakutia in the 2nd millennium B. C. The «Survival-Ymy'yakhtakh» culture with advanced bronze-casting business existed in Northern Yakutia in the 1st millennium B. C. and up to the mid-1st millennium A. D.
В бронзовом веке Якутии выделяется три культуры. Помимо усть-мильской культуры (середина II-I тыс. до н.э.), для которой была характерна валиковая керамика, в Южной Якутии во II тыс. до н.э. существовала культура керамики, украшенной «жемчужинами». В Северной Якутии в I тыс. до н.э. и до середины I тыс. н.э. существовала пережиточно-ымыяхтахская культура с развитым бронзолитейным делом.

In this article the technique of classification of the Early Holocene microblade industries on sites with mixed cultural layers of Central Yakutia (Tuymaada valley) is discussed. This technique is based on classification in the complexes... more

In this article the technique of classification of the Early Holocene microblade industries on sites with mixed cultural layers of Central Yakutia (Tuymaada valley) is discussed. This technique is based on classification in the complexes on stone artifacts of microliths, as a characteristic for the Sumnagin culture.
Materials from sites are associated with the Mesolithic on the basis of the technical-typological and statistical analysis of materials from precisely stratified sites of the Sumnagin Culture of the Aldan and Olekma river basins. The stone inventory of the Sumnagin culture is based on the maximal use of blades from which practically all stone tool industrial products were produced, except for large cutting instruments. The presence of microblade tools in the common statistics of tool types is supported by a big amount of blades and the tools made of them. Prevailing amount of blades in relation to the flake tools, absence of ceramics or its small amount, in some cases, also testifies in favour of early dating. On the basis of analysis, the Sumnagin cultural complex on 11 sites of Tuymaada Valley is established: Kapitonovka, Kil’dyamtsy III, Severo-Zapadnaya II, Fermennoe Ozero, Syrdakh VI, Zernovaya II, Us’-Khatyng I, V, Vladimirovka IV, and Horo I, III. On about 25 sites where the microblades industries are excavated, at expansion of works the assumption of presence the Mesolithic stone assemblage in cultural layers can prove to be true.