How to Address a Commissioner FYI, here is what's come in to the Blog that relates to this office/rank. For recent questions sent in, check out Robert Hickey's Blog. For specific offices/ranks, check out Robert Hickey's On-Line Guide. How to Address a Member of a Commission? How would one address an appointed member of a city commission (in this case, amember of the city arts commission)? Would he be The Honorable Wilson Harding or Mr. Commissioner? -- MickeyDear Mickey:Appointed officials are not The Honorable unless they are very high, for example, someone appointed by the President of the United States and approved by the Senate. Mr. Commissioner or Commissioner (Name) are forms normally used by a singular official who is a commissioner as the Commissioner of Baseball, the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue, or the Commissioner for Patents at the United States Patent and Trademark Office .... not someone serving as a member of a city commission. Use Mr.: Mr. Wilson Harding Arlington County Arts Commission 3456 78th Street Arlington, Virginia 22201 and in a salutation or in conversation use: Dear Mr. Harding,-- RobertHow to Address a Commissioner and His or Her Spouse? Please tell me how to address an envelope to our state's commissioner of taxation and finance and his/her spouse? -- Karen S. in Fort Pierce, Florida Dear Karen: On pages 145-146 in my chapter on Joint Forms of Address I answer this question. If the commissioner is elected in a general election ... he or she is addressed as "The Honorable" If he is the honorable and you are inviting a couple, an invitation is social correspondence ... and the social form would be: The Honorable William Smithand Mrs. SmithAddressThe Honorable Jane Smithand Mr. William SmithAddress Men using the same last name as their spouse get their full name. Women don't .... so she is just Mrs. Smith and he is Mr. William Smith. Not fair perhaps ... but that's the tradition. If he's an appointed commissioner ... well .... appointed officials are not generally addressed as "The Honorable" but to be certain -- check with his office. If he is not "the honorable ... then: Commissioner William Smithand Mrs. SmithAddressCommissioner Jane Smithand Mr. William SmithAddress-- Robert Hickey