How to address a Councilman (original) (raw)

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Abbess, Christian Orthodox Abbot, Christian Orthodox Accountant Acting Official Adjutant General Admiral, Rear Alderman Archbishop, Catholic Archbishop, Christian Orthodox Archdeacon, Episcopal Archimandrite Architect Archpriest Ambassador to the U.S. from a foreign country Ambassador of the U.S. American Indian Chief Assemblyman U.S., State / or Assemblywoman Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice of a State Supreme Court Attorney Attorney General Australian Officials Baron, Baroness British Officials, Royalty, Nobility Brother, Catholic Brother, Christian Orthodox Bishop, Catholic Bishop, Christian Orthodox Bishop, Episcopal Board Member Boy Brigadier General Canadian Officials Candidate Captain, USA, USAF, USMC Cardinal Chairman Federal Reserve Chaplain in the Armed Services Chaplain of Congress Chargé d’Affaires Chief Executive Officer Chief Judge Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, of a State Supreme Court Chief of Police Chief of Staff Chief Operating Officer Child Clergy & Religious Officials Colonel, Kentucky Colonel, USA, USAF, or USMC Congressman, U.S. Congresswoman, U.S. Consul and or Consul General Commissioner Corporate Executive Councilman Councilwoman Counselor (Diplomat) Countess Couples Curator Dalai Lama Deacon Dean, academic Dean, clergy Deceased Persons Delegate, U.S., State Dentist Deputy Chief of Mission Deputy Marshal Designate, Elect, Pro Tempore Diplomats District Attorney Doctor of Dentistry Doctor of Medicine Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Doctor of Osteopathy Doctor, Other Disciplines Doctorate Earl Elect, Designate Pro Tempore Eminence Etiquette Excellency First, Second, Third_, etc._ First Lady, Spouse of the President of the United States First Lady, Member of Her White House Staff First Lady, Spouse of a Governor or Lt. Gov. First Lieutenant Flag Protocol Former Officials Geshe General USA, USAF, USMC Girl Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Lt., Spouse Governor, Tribal Council Governor, U.S. State Governor, U.S. State Spouse of Governor's Staff, Member of Governors, Board of Honorable, The Honourable, The Indian Chief Introductions Invitations Writing & Addressing Invitations Military: Writing & Addressing Judge of US City or US Count Judge, US Federal Junior, Senior, I, II, III, etc. Justice, Associate Federal Supreme Court Justice, Associate State Supreme Court King Knight Late, The (deceased persons) Lawyer Lieutenant Lieutenant Colonel, USA, USAF, USMC Lieutenant General, USA, USAF, USMC Lieutenant Governor Major USA, USAF, USMC Major General, USA, USAF, USMC Man, business Man, social Marquess or Marchioness Married Women Marshal for a Judicial District, U.S. Mayor of a U.S. City Medic Minister, Protestant Clergy Miss Monk, Christian Orthodox Monsignor Most Reverend, The Mother Superior Mr. Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. / Couples Ms. Name Tags Nobility, British Nobility, Other Nun, Catholic Nun, Orthodox Nurse Officer, Police Pastor, Christian Clergy Patriarch, Christian Orthodox Patriarch, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople People with Two Titles Petty Officer Physician PhD Place Cards Police Chief Police Officer Pope, Catholic Pope, Coptic Postmaster General Post-Nominal Abbreviations Presbyter, Orthodox President, corporate President of College or University President of a US State Assembly President of the U.S.A. President of the U.S.A., former (President of the U.S.) Member of The White House Staff President of the U.S., spouse of President-elect of the U.S. Priest, Catholic Priest, Christian Orthodox Prime Minister Professionals & Academics Professor Pro Tempore, Elect, Designate Queen Rabbi Ranger, Texas Representative, U.S., Federal Representative, U.S., State Resident Commissioner Retired Officers Armed Servicese Reverend, The Right Reverend, The School Board Member Second Lieutenant Secretary, U.S. Department, Member of the Cabinet Secretary of Defense, U.S. Secretary General of the U.N. Senator, U.S., Federal Senator, U.S., State Senator, Canadian Senior, Junior, I, II, III, etc. Senior Judge Sergeant Sergeant at Arms Sheriff Sister, Catholic Solicitor General Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Specialist Spouse of the President of the U.S. Spouse of the Vice President of the U.S. Surgeon General Texas Ranger The Honorable Tribal Officials US Federal Officials US State Officials US Municipal Officials Venerable, The Veterinarian Very Reverend, The Vice President of the U.S. Spouse of the Vice President of the U.S. Vice President-elect of the U.S. Viscount and/or Viscountess Warrant Officer Widow White House Staff Woman, business Woman, social
How to Address a Member of a City or County -- Council or Board_Councilmen_ and councilwomen are members of a council such as a city or county council. The position can be either elected or appointed. Counselor, counsellor, councilor or councillor are spelling used variously in Great Britain, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and other parts of the Commonwealth, and sometimes in the United States, since they are gender neutral.Not all members of local councils in the United States are addressed as The Honorable, but many that are elected to their office are so addressed: Check for the local tradition.In the United States most members of councils and boards are most formally addresses as Mr./Ms. Name. Councilman and councilwoman are not most formally used as honorifics in the United States. However, the staff of a member of a council may use the terms as honorifics for clarity, as when answering the phone “Councilman (surname)’s office” rather than “Mr./Ms. (surname)’s office” or when referring to the member in the third person as "the Councilman will be returning in ten minutes." All that said, while Councilman (surname) may not be traditional, it is sometimes the preferred honorific of a particular member, so follow the preference of the bearer.Envelope, official: See note above regarding use of The Honorable. The Honorable (full name) (Title of position held), (Elected Body) (Address) for example The Honorable Richard Trotter Member, Montgomery County Board (Address) or The Honorable (full name) (Elected body) of (jurisdiction) (Address) for example The Honorable Harriet Winslow Board of Supervisors, Culpeper County (Address) Letter salutation: Dear Mr./Ms. (surname): or if the preference of the bearer Dear Councilman/Councilwoman (surname): FYI, here is what's come in to the Blog that relates to this office/rank. For recent questions sent in, check out Robert Hickey's Blog. For specific offices/ranks, check out Robert Hickey's On-Line Guide. How to Write the Name of a City Councilmanand His or Her Spouse on a Donor List? I am President of our Friends of the Library and are engraving some bricks for a new sidewalk path being installed. We are including our Council Members and their wives, but are unsure the proper way of titling them. We are given 3 rows of 16 characters or spaces each. Would you please provide us some guidance? Would we list them as: Council Member Drexel and Kate Douglas Council Member Drexel & Kate Douglas Council Member Pam and Adam Steel Council Member Pam & Adam Steel Or some other variation? We are trying to make this a surprise so have not approached any of them or City Hall. -- Jack Scott Dear Mr. Scott, Hummmm. The options you suggest are awkward because you are combining official and social forms of address ... including an official's elected office ... with .... the couple's names in an social way. Members of city councils are typically addressed on an envelope or in the letter by whatever honorific they are entitled to (Mr./Ms./Dr./etc.), and identified as a member of a council: Mr. Drexel Douglas, Member, Hudson County Council You would never see Senator Evan and Susan Bayh in Washington. Formally when someone holds an office they get their name as a unit ... so .... Senator Evan Bayh and Mrs. Bayh ... is correct ... and is how an invitation would be better addressed to them. If you are limited for space and must include spouses, include the names and leave off the Council Member. Bricks are permanent, membership on the city council is fleeting. -- Robert Hickey How to Address A City Council Meeting? As president of a non-profit organization, I'm going to be making a presentation before my local city council requesting funding for a community service project. The seven member council sits on a raised platform at the front of the council chamber. The mayor and clerk-treasurer attend the meetings and are seated at a table to the right of the council members at floor level. The council president is the presiding official. When I get up to address the council, what should be my salutation? Should it be to all members of the council? Or should it be just to the council president? And should it include reference to the mayor and clerk-treasurer whose roles are mainly to comment and advise. We are a small Hoosier town and I don't want to sound too highfalutin in my opening. Is Dear Members of City Council acceptable instead of Honorable Members of City Council? I would really like to show honor, respect and decorum in the way I conduct myself. Thanks for taking the time to read and answer this email. -- Bob In Ohio Dear BIO.: If your oral comments are to all of present ... let's start with how to address each person and then work on their order. For the president and members of the city council President (surname) Members of the the City Council The Honorable always precedes a full name ... never an office: So a person is honorable, not an office. I am not completely clear whether the mayor & clerk/treasurer are part of "the official team" at the board meeting. But if included the mayor would be: Mr. Mayor or Mayor (surname) Normally clerks and treasurers are NOT most formally addressed as "Clerk (surname)" or "Treasurer (surname)." So he or she would be: Mr./Ms. (surname) There is no need to mention his/her office: in this context everyone will know who he/she is. Now, about the order to mention them: I would want to know MORE to be certain who had the highest precedence at this event. But... based on the officials you mention... here is where I would start: 1. A mayor in his own city (Was elected by all voters) 2. A President of the council as presiding official at his own event (Represents all voters, and probably would succeed the mayor if they mayor died or stepped down ... like The Speaker of the House of Representatives succeeds the Vice President if both the VP and the President die or step down...) 3. The clerk/treasurer if he/she was elected in a general election? (Was elected by all voters) 4. The members of the council (Were elected by only their district's voters) That would result in the following: Mayor (surname), President (surname), Mr./Ms. (surname), and members of the city council. But it could be that the Mayor and Clerk/Treasurer are not "officially attending" but simply get excellent seats … in which case they would not be addressed. Then your opening would be: President (surname) and members of the city council. You should ask someone … perhaps the City Council's secretary -- before the meeting -- which is better. -- Robert Hickey How to Address a Committeeman? How would you address (letter and envelope) to a Union NJ Committeeman? ~ Kathleen P. McK. Dear Ms. McK.: Adapt the form I give in my book on page 200 for a member of a city or county council or board. In the salutation Mr./Ms. (Surname): would be the most formal .... but it would not be incorrect to use Dear Committeeman (Surname): -- Robert Hickey

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