Land (administrative unit of Poland) (original) (raw)

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Tierra (en polaco, Ziemia, en latín, Terra), fue un tipo de división territorial histórica desde los tiempos del hasta las Particiones de Polonia.

Property Value
dbo:abstract Tierra (en polaco, Ziemia, en latín, Terra), fue un tipo de división territorial histórica desde los tiempos del hasta las Particiones de Polonia. (es) Land ist die Bezeichnung für ein Gebiet und eine historische Form von Gemeinwesen, wie sie im Mittelalter vor allem in West- und Mitteleuropa typisch war. Seine privilegierten Bewohner (meistens der Adel) bilden eine Rechtsgemeinschaft und haben (meistens) einen Landesherren an ihrer Spitze. Für die rechtliche Zugehörigkeit zum Land war zumeist der Besitz eines im betreffenden Gebiet gelegenen Allods oder Lehenguts, zumindest aber eines Freihauses notwendig. Alle derart ausgezeichneten Landeseinwohner waren persönlich frei und nur der Jurisdiktion des Landgerichts, nicht aber irgendwelchen grundherrlichen oder städtischen Gerichtsbarkeiten unterworfen. Die freien Landsassen hatten persönlich an der Verteidigung des Landes teilzunehmen, wenn der Fürst dies von ihnen verlangte. Nicht in erster Linie durch das Territorium, sondern durch den Verband seiner Mitglieder wird das Land konstituiert. Deshalb weisen die mittelalterlichen Länder häufig keine geschlossenen Grenzen auf, weil es autonome Inhaber von Herrschaftsrechten gab, die nicht wie ihre Nachbarn zum Land gehörten, sondern beispielsweise als Reichsritter exempt waren, also nur dem Kaiser unterstanden. Ähnliches gilt für eine Reihe von Städten. Ebenso wenig waren die unter der Grundherrschaft des Fürsten stehenden Güter im streng rechtlichen Sinn Teil des Landes. Zu unterscheiden ist zwischen den „Ländern“ bzw. Großterritorien im österreichisch-bayerischen Raum und den „Herrschaften“ im Binnenreich, welche die Größe der habsburgischen und wittelsbachischen Gebiete im Allgemeinen nicht erreichten, folglich auch nicht die Qualität eines „Landes“ hatten. Das spätmittelalterliche Land verstand sich dem Mediävisten Konstantin Langmaier zufolge im Südosten als ständisch-kommunale Zweckgemeinschaft (Landsgemeinde), als Nutz-, Ehr- und Friedensgemeinschaft, die sich auf Landschaftstagen versammelte, um öffentliche Angelegenheiten zu regeln. Zentral für das Identitätsempfinden im Land war der „gemeine Nutzen“, auf den die Teilnehmer der Landschaftsversammlungen vereidigt wurden und dem auch der Fürst verpflichtet war. (de) Land is a historical unit of administration in Poland and Ruthenia. In the Polish language, the term is not capitalized (ziemia chełmińska, Chelmno Land; not Ziemia Chełmińska). All ziemias are named after main urban centers (or gords) of a given area: ziemia krakowska (after Krakow), or ziemia lubelska (after Lublin). In some cases, the suffix "-szczyzna" is added to the name of a ziemia: ziemia lubelska is also called Lubelszczyzna, while ziemia opolska (named after Opole) - Opolszczyzna. The term ziemia appeared for the first time in medieval Poland (12th-13th centuries), after the fragmentation of Poland. It referred to a former princedom or duchy, which was unified with the Polish Kingdom, and lost its political sovereignty, but retained its hierarchy of officials and bureaucracy. From around the 14th century some of the former princedoms, now ziemias, were assigned to officials known as voivodes and became primary units of administration known as voivodeships (provinces). Therefore, the Duchy of Sandomierz was turned into the Land of Sandomierz, which in the early 14th century became Sandomierz Voivodeship. However, in some cases ziemias were not transformed into voivodeships. They were subordinated to a voivodeship and a certain voivode, but nevertheless retained some distinct privileges and properties, such as often having their own sejmik (regional parliament), and were still referred to as a ziemia, not a voivodeship. Some voivodeships, such as Ruthenian Voivodeship or Masovian Voivodeship, consisted of several ziemias, each divided into counties (powiat). Over subsequent centuries, ziemias became increasingly integrated into their voivodeships and lost most of their autonomy. In the Imperial Russia there was an institution of zemstvo or local council. Today they are not units of administration, and in modern Poland are only generic geographical terms referring to certain parts of Poland. Currently, the term ziemia may apply to any area, historic or not, which is located around a main town or city. In Ukraine the term was intended to be introduced by Mykhailo Hrushevskyi in Ukraine as part of the administrative reform in 1918 which was interrupted by the Pavlo Skoropadskyi coup in April of that year. Currently oblasts of Ukraine are alternatively known through adding -shchyna to the administrative center's name such as Zhytomyrshchyna for Zhytomyr Oblast. (en) Une ziemia (en latin terra) est une ancienne subdivision administrative de la Pologne. (fr) La ziemia (pronuncia polacca: [ˈʑɛmja], "terra") è una suddivisione amministrativa storica della Polonia. Nella lingua polacca, il termine non è mai scritto maiuscolo, anche quando indica uno specifico territorio (ad esempio ziemia chełmińska, Terra di Chełmno; non Ziemia Chełmińska). Tutte le ziemie prendono il nome dai principali centri urbani (o gord) di una data area: ziemia krakowska (da Cracovia), o ziemia lubelska (da Lublino). In alcuni casi, il suffisso "-szczyzna" si aggiunge al nome di una ziemia: ziemia lubelska è chiamata anche , mentre ziemia opolska (chiamata da Opole) diventa . Il termine ziemia apparve per la prima volta nella Polonia medievale (XII-XIII secolo), dopo la frammentazione della Polonia. Si riferiva a un ex principato o ducato, che era stato unificato con il Regno di Polonia e aveva perso la sua sovranità politica, ma conservava la sua gerarchia di funzionari e di burocrazia. Dal XIV secolo circa alcuni degli ex principati, ora 'ziemie, furono assegnati a funzionari noti come voivodi e divennero suddivisioni amministrative primarie note come voivodati (province). Perciò, il fu tramutato nella Terra di Sandomierz, che all'inizio del XIV secolo diventò il Voivodato di Sandomierz. Tuttavia in alcuni casi le ziemie non furono trasformate in voivodati. Esse furono subordinate a un voivodato e a un certo voivoda, ma nondimeno conservarono alcuni privilegi e proprietà distinte, come avere spesso il proprio sejmik (parlamento regionale), ed erano ancora designate come una ziemia, non come un voivodato. Alcuni voivodati, come il Voivodato di Rutenia o il Voivodato di Masovia, consistevano di parecchie ziemie, ciascuna divisa in contee. Lungo i secoli seguenti, le ziemie divennero sempre più integrate nei loro voivodati e persero la maggior parte della loro autonomia. Oggi esse non sono suddivisioni amministrative, e nella Polonia moderna sono solo termini geografici generici che si riferiscono a certe parti della Polonia. Attualmente, il termine ziemia si può applicare a qualsiasi area, storica o no, che è localizzata intorno a una cittadina o città principale. (it) Ziemia – jednostka historycznego podziału terytorialnego od czasów Zjednoczonego Królestwa Polskiego do rozbiorów. (pl) Ziemia (literalmente 'terra' em polonês), é uma unidade de administração histórica da Polônia. Este termo é freqüentemente traduzido por 'terra' no português. Note que no idioma polonês este termo não é escrito em letra maiúscula (sendo assim 'ziemia chełmińska, não Ziemia Chełmińska). Na pré-história da Polônia, este termo se referia a um território controlado por uma certa tribo. O termo ressurgiu na Polônia medieval (séculos XII e XIII), depois da fragmentação da Polônia. Ziemia se referia a um antigo principado ou ducado, que foi transformado em parte do território do Reino da Polônia e perdeu a sua soberania política, mas manteve suas hierarquia e burocracia oficiais. Por volta do século XIV alguns dos antigos principados, agora 'ziemia's, foram designados para o cargo conhecido como voivoda e tornaram-se as unidades primárias da administração conhecidas por voivodias. Contudo, algumas 'ziemia's não foram transformadas em voivodias. Na maioria dos casos elas ficaram subordinadas a uma voivodia e a um certo voivoda, mas mantiveram alguns privilégios e propriedades de uma voivodia, como elas geralmente tinham a sua própria sejmik (parlamento regional), foram chamadas de 'ziemia' e não de 'voivodia'. Durante os séculos seguintes as 'ziemia's foram cada vez mais se integrando às voivodias e perderam sua autonomia. Hoje elas não são unidades de administração e na moderna Polônia é apenas um termo genérico geográfico para se referir a determinadas regiões da Polônia. (pt) Земля — историческая административная территориальная единица в Польше. В средневековой Польше земля была основной территориальной единицей, так как образовывалась на основе княжеств, бывших независимыми во времена феодальной раздробленности. Сепарация старых территориальных единиц, и замена их новыми укрепляла власть единого короля. Деление Польши на земли одно время было альтернативой сходному делению Польши на до сих пор существующие воеводства. Основываясь на «Annales seu cronicae incliti Regni Poloniae», более известную, как «Хроники Длугоша», с высокой долей достоверности известно, что в те времена Польское королевство делилось на следующие земли: * (pl:ziemia krakowska) * (ziemia poznańska) * (ziemia sandomierska) * (pl:ziemia kaliska) * Львовская земля (pl:ziemia lwowska) * (pl:ziemia sieradzka) * (pl:ziemia lubelska) * (pl:ziemia łęczycka) * Перемышльская земля (pl:ziemia przemyska) * Белзская земля (pl:ziemia bełska) * (ziemia kujawska) * Хелмская земля (pl:ziemia chełmska) * (ziemia pomorska) * Хелминская земля (pl:ziemia chełmińska) * Михаловская земля (pl:ziemia michałowska) * Галицкая земля (pl:ziemia halicka) * Добжиньская земля (pl:ziemia dobrzyńska) * Подольская земля (ziemia podolska) * (pl:ziemia wieluńska) Идея разделить страну на земли не имеет популярности среди нынешних властей. (ru)
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Capitalization dbr:Przemyśl dbr:Sanok dbr:Przemyśl_Land dbr:Bielsk_Podlaski dbr:Pavlo_Skoropadskyi dbr:Czersk_Land dbr:Inowrocław_Voivodeship dbr:Rawa_Voivodeship dbr:Nur_Land dbr:Powiat dbr:Wschowa_Land dbr:Sieradz_Voivodeship_(1339-1793) dbr:Ruthenia dbr:Różan dbr:Chełm_Land dbr:Chełmno_Voivodeship dbr:Lublin_Voivodeship_(1474–1795) dbr:Mielnik_Land dbr:Wizna_Land dbr:Łomża_Land dbr:Zawkrze dbr:Sochaczew_Land dbr:Wyszogród_Land dbr:Ciechanów dbr:Gostynin dbr:Mykhailo_Hrushevskyi dbr:Plock_Voivodeship_(1495-1793) dbr:Liw,_Poland dbr:Lublin dbr:Lwów dbr:Lębork dbr:Sochaczew dbr:Zakroczym dbr:Zhytomyr_Oblast dbr:Łomża dbr:Łuków dbr:Łuków_County dbr:Halych_Land_(ziemia) dbr:Michałów_Land dbr:Sanok_Land dbr:Brodnica dbr:Busk,_Ukraine dbr:Bytów dbc:Subdivisions_of_Poland dbc:Subdivisions_of_Ukraine dbr:Warszawa dbr:Warszawa_Land dbr:Wieluń dbr:Drohiczyn_Land dbr:Duchy dbr:Lauenburg_and_Bütow_Land dbr:Liw_Land dbr:Zakroczym_Land dbr:Gostynin_Land dbr:Podlaskie_Voivodeship_(1513–1795) dbr:Czersk,_Masovian_Voivodeship dbr:Drohiczyn dbr:Duchy_of_Sandomierz dbr:Exclave dbr:Nur,_Poland dbr:Ciechanów_Land dbr:Gord_(archaeology) dbr:Hierarchy dbr:History_of_Poland_(966–1385) dbr:Zemstvo dbr:Chełm dbr:Chełmno dbr:Chełmno_Land dbr:Latin dbr:Bielsk_Land dbr:Dobrzyń_Land dbr:Dobrzyń_nad_Wisłą dbr:Bureaucracy dbr:Busk_Land dbr:Poland dbr:Polish_language dbr:Lubelszczyzna dbr:Krakow dbr:Mielnik dbr:Oblasts_of_Ukraine dbr:Officials dbr:Opole dbr:Rawa_Mazowiecka dbr:Wizna dbr:Wkra dbr:Wschowa dbr:Wyszogród dbr:Lwów_Land dbr:Masovian_Voivodeship_(1526–1795) dbr:Ruthenian_Voivodeship dbr:Voivode dbr:Voivodeship dbr:Chelmno_Land dbr:Sejmik dbr:Rawa_Land dbr:Wieluń_Land dbr:Różan_Land dbr:Stężyca_Land dbr:Sandomierz_Voivodeship dbr:Stezyca,_Lublin_Voivodeship dbr:Kingdom_of_Poland_(1025–1385) dbr:Pomeranian_Voivodeship_(1466-1772) dbr:Halicz dbr:Poznan_Voivodeship_(14th_century-1793) dbr:Imperial_Russia dbr:Bełz_Voivodeship dbr:Fragmentation_of_Poland dbr:Opolszczyzna dbr:Zhytomyrshchyna dbr:Princedom dbr:Unit_of_administration
dbp:bot noref (en)
dbp:date June 2019 (en)
dbp:wikiPageUsesTemplate dbt:Efn dbt:Notelist dbt:Unreferenced dbt:Merge_from dbt:Polish_terms_for_country_subdivisions
dcterms:subject dbc:Subdivisions_of_Poland dbc:Subdivisions_of_Ukraine
rdfs:comment Tierra (en polaco, Ziemia, en latín, Terra), fue un tipo de división territorial histórica desde los tiempos del hasta las Particiones de Polonia. (es) Une ziemia (en latin terra) est une ancienne subdivision administrative de la Pologne. (fr) Ziemia – jednostka historycznego podziału terytorialnego od czasów Zjednoczonego Królestwa Polskiego do rozbiorów. (pl) Land ist die Bezeichnung für ein Gebiet und eine historische Form von Gemeinwesen, wie sie im Mittelalter vor allem in West- und Mitteleuropa typisch war. Seine privilegierten Bewohner (meistens der Adel) bilden eine Rechtsgemeinschaft und haben (meistens) einen Landesherren an ihrer Spitze. Für die rechtliche Zugehörigkeit zum Land war zumeist der Besitz eines im betreffenden Gebiet gelegenen Allods oder Lehenguts, zumindest aber eines Freihauses notwendig. Alle derart ausgezeichneten Landeseinwohner waren persönlich frei und nur der Jurisdiktion des Landgerichts, nicht aber irgendwelchen grundherrlichen oder städtischen Gerichtsbarkeiten unterworfen. Die freien Landsassen hatten persönlich an der Verteidigung des Landes teilzunehmen, wenn der Fürst dies von ihnen verlangte. (de) Land is a historical unit of administration in Poland and Ruthenia. In the Polish language, the term is not capitalized (ziemia chełmińska, Chelmno Land; not Ziemia Chełmińska). All ziemias are named after main urban centers (or gords) of a given area: ziemia krakowska (after Krakow), or ziemia lubelska (after Lublin). In some cases, the suffix "-szczyzna" is added to the name of a ziemia: ziemia lubelska is also called Lubelszczyzna, while ziemia opolska (named after Opole) - Opolszczyzna. In the Imperial Russia there was an institution of zemstvo or local council. (en) La ziemia (pronuncia polacca: [ˈʑɛmja], "terra") è una suddivisione amministrativa storica della Polonia. Nella lingua polacca, il termine non è mai scritto maiuscolo, anche quando indica uno specifico territorio (ad esempio ziemia chełmińska, Terra di Chełmno; non Ziemia Chełmińska). Tutte le ziemie prendono il nome dai principali centri urbani (o gord) di una data area: ziemia krakowska (da Cracovia), o ziemia lubelska (da Lublino). In alcuni casi, il suffisso "-szczyzna" si aggiunge al nome di una ziemia: ziemia lubelska è chiamata anche , mentre ziemia opolska (chiamata da Opole) diventa . (it) Ziemia (literalmente 'terra' em polonês), é uma unidade de administração histórica da Polônia. Este termo é freqüentemente traduzido por 'terra' no português. Note que no idioma polonês este termo não é escrito em letra maiúscula (sendo assim 'ziemia chełmińska, não Ziemia Chełmińska). Durante os séculos seguintes as 'ziemia's foram cada vez mais se integrando às voivodias e perderam sua autonomia. Hoje elas não são unidades de administração e na moderna Polônia é apenas um termo genérico geográfico para se referir a determinadas regiões da Polônia. (pt) Земля — историческая административная территориальная единица в Польше. В средневековой Польше земля была основной территориальной единицей, так как образовывалась на основе княжеств, бывших независимыми во времена феодальной раздробленности. Сепарация старых территориальных единиц, и замена их новыми укрепляла власть единого короля. Деление Польши на земли одно время было альтернативой сходному делению Польши на до сих пор существующие воеводства. Идея разделить страну на земли не имеет популярности среди нынешних властей. (ru)
rdfs:label Land (historisch) (de) Tierra (administración) (es) Ziemia (it) Ziemia (fr) Land (administrative unit of Poland) (en) Ziemia (administracja) (pl) Ziemia (pt) Земля (Польша) (ru)
owl:sameAs wikidata:Land (administrative unit of Poland) dbpedia-de:Land (administrative unit of Poland) dbpedia-es:Land (administrative unit of Poland) dbpedia-fr:Land (administrative unit of Poland) dbpedia-it:Land (administrative unit of Poland) dbpedia-pl:Land (administrative unit of Poland) dbpedia-pt:Land (administrative unit of Poland) dbpedia-ru:Land (administrative unit of Poland)
prov:wasDerivedFrom wikipedia-en:Land_(administrative_unit_of_Poland)?oldid=1123936743&ns=0
foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf wikipedia-en:Land_(administrative_unit_of_Poland)
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