Metabolic regulation of kisspeptin — the link between energy balance and reproduction (original) (raw)

1. Manfredi-Lozano M, Roa J & Tena-Sempere MConnecting metabolism and gonadal function: novel central neuropeptide pathways involved in the metabolic control of puberty and fertility. Front. Neuroendocrinol. 48, 37–49 (2018). [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
This study is important in demonstrating the interaction between the melanocortin system and the reproductive axis, indicating that the reproductive action of melanocortins is kisspeptin-dependent.

2. Navarro VM & Tena-Sempere MNeuroendocrine control by kisspeptins: role in metabolic regulation of fertility. Nat. Rev. Endocrinol. 8, 40–53 (2011). [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

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The first study demonstrating the concept of kisspeptinARC neurons as the GnRH pulse generator.

5. Clarkson J et al. Definition of the hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator in mice. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 114, E10216–E10223 (2017). [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
This study demonstrates through a series of optogenetic approaches that kisspeptinARC neurons are indeed the GnRH pulse generator.

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This study is important in demonstrating the effect of perinatal metabolic alterations in the function of kisspeptin neurons in adulthood, probably due to epigenetic changes.

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This study demonstrates the role of AMPK in kisspeptin neurons as an essential regulatory pathway in the release of kisspeptin.

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This study demonstrates the role of mTOR in kisspeptin neurons of rodents in the context of reproduction.

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This study demonstrates the epigenetic modifications in the kisspeptin system that determine the timing of puberty onset.

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This study is important in demonstrating the action of SIRT1 in the epigenetic regulation of kisspeptin neurons.

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This study demonstrates the critical role of miRNAs in the control of metabolic function.

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This study provides important information on the role of a newly describes miRNA (miR-30) in the control of Kiss1 expression via Mkrn3.

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This study demostrates that AgRP neurons contact both populations of kisspeptin neurons directly and regulate their activity through AgRP and GABA release.

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This is an important study in demonstrating for the first time that kisspeptin neurons might regulate the activity of POMC and AgRP neurons through glutamate. This finding might have critical implications in the bidirectional regulation of energy balance and reproduction.

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This is a seminal study that demonstrates the increase in body weight in mice after ablation of kisspeptinARC neurons and the disruption of the circadian feeding behaviour and activity, uncovering a novel role for kisspeptinARC neurons.

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This study is critical to understanding the part of the metabolic phenotype in Kiss1r KO mice that is due to the direct action of kisspeptin versus the absence of sex steroids (hypogonadism) induced by the absence of kisspeptin.

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This study demonstrates the role of kisspeptin neurons in thermorregulation through the projections to the medial preoptic area and the release of neurokinin B.

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This is an important study investigating the characteristics of the neurons in the preoptic area that receive direct contact from kisspeptinARC neurons in the context of thermoregulation.

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