Übersetzung Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Diese Anthologie versammelt dreizehn ausgewählte Kurzgeschichten bekannter Autoren aus Japan, die erstmals auf Deutsch erscheinen und die Vielfältigkeit japanischer Prosa der letzten Jahrzehnte repräsentieren. Vertreten sind Werke von... more

Diese Anthologie versammelt dreizehn ausgewählte Kurzgeschichten bekannter Autoren aus Japan, die erstmals auf Deutsch erscheinen und die Vielfältigkeit japanischer Prosa der letzten Jahrzehnte repräsentieren. Vertreten sind Werke von Chigira Yuko, Enjoe Toh, Hirano Keiichirō, Horie Toshiyuki, Ishii Shinji, Itō Hiromi, Kawakami Hiromi, Nakahara Masaya, Nakajima Ramo, Tsutsui Yasutaka und Suga Atsuko. Die Spannbreite der Texte reicht von realistischen Schilderungen über surrealistische Popliteratur bis hin zu absurd-grotesker Science Fiction. Die Geschichten bieten intime Einblicke in das Denken und Fühlen zeitgenössischer Japanischer Literaten.

Übersetzung Latein-Deutsch von Marcus Tullius Cicero "LAELIUS - DE AMICITIA" - "Über die Freundschaft" für Titus Pomponius Atticus

The study deals with possible strategies in coping with a less researched area in Translation Studies, namely the problem of translating neologisms. The first chapter gives an overview about the scholars who have investigated the problem... more

The study deals with possible strategies in coping with a less researched area in Translation Studies, namely the problem of translating neologisms. The first chapter gives an overview about the scholars who have investigated the problem (or at least a part of it) in one way or the other, e. g.

This study attempted to examine the emerging security risks brought about by the e-hail taxi mode of transportation. It argues that despite the fact that the security risks associated with traditional taxi transportation still apply to... more

This study attempted to examine the emerging security risks brought about by the e-hail taxi mode of transportation. It argues that despite the fact that the security risks associated with traditional taxi transportation still apply to e-hail taxi services, there are emergent risks that are unique to the app-based taxi hailing services. It further contends that as evidenced by the reactionary way of addressing security issues arising form usage of the service, it is clear that security was not a factor during conceptualisations, development and operation of the app-based taxi service. The study conducted a survey of uber customers and drivers in Nairobi County Kenya, and data was collected from 400 respondents with 85% response rate. Majority of the respondents indicated that they somewhat often (32.23%), agreed that Uber is more convenient (58.76%), indicated that Uber offers more business and job opportunities (86.46%). Despite the positive opinions by the respondents, 65.31% opined that Uber portend security risks. Majority indicated that the following risks are likely; abductions (40.82%), carjacking (40.82%), sexual harassment (38.14%), murders (35.71%), robbery (41.84%) and burglaries (34.69%). However, a majority of 28.57% thought that hackings into sensitive customer and company data was less likely. Furthermore, 57.14% of the respondents felt that the regulatory framework for appbased taxi hailing system were not sufficient to guarantee safety and security while 75.51% were optimistic that the e-hail transport industry will take meaningful security mitigation measures from the lessons they have learned. Finally, 92.93% of the respondents felt that government authorities should do more in regulating app-based services such Uber while 85.86% opined that founders and managers of ehail taxi services should be held responsible for security lapses. The study recommends that a review of existing traffic laws and criminal laws be done to take care of the emerging security risks associated by app-based service providers.

This paper will present an overview of the field of song translation, focusing mainly on the translation strategies used to produce a singable target text. The discussion will be based on a variety of Italian pop songs translated and... more

This paper will present an overview of the field of song translation, focusing mainly on the translation strategies used to produce a singable target text. The discussion will be based on a variety of Italian pop songs translated and performed in German. The results of the analysis suggest that, to handle the form of a singable song, translators must not only operate on the verbal text but also focus their attention on the non-linguistic systems (music and perspective performance) that contribute to the overall effect of the translated song on the target audience. This entails that, in many cases, the lexical, structural, and poetic characteristics of the source text are subject to changes.

This paper discusses how theories of definition and probabilistic theories of categorization could help distinguish between translation and (literary film) adaptation, and eventually between translation (TS) and (literary film) adaptation... more

This paper discusses how theories of definition and probabilistic theories of categorization could help distinguish between translation and (literary film) adaptation, and eventually between translation (TS) and (literary film) adaptation studies (LFAS). Part I suggests readopting the common parlance definition of “translation” as the accurate rendition of the meaning of a verbal expression in another natural language, and “adaptation” as change that leads to better fit. Readopting these common parlance definitions entails categorical implications. The author discusses three parameters: whereas “translation” represents an invariance-oriented, semiotically invested, cross-lingual phenomenon, “adaptation” refers to a variance-oriented phenomenon, which is not semiotically invested, and entails better fit. Part II discusses how theories of categorization could help distinguish between TS and LFAS. The study of the disciplinarization of knowledge involves epistemic and socio-political conditioners. This section concludes that medium specificity, i.e., the linguistic versus lit-film paradigm, plays a major role in separating TS from LFAS. Another player that deserves more attention is the Romantic as opposed to the Classicist value system.

This review was published in Fremdsprachen 4/1990

Song Translation: Lyrics in Contexts grew out of a project dedicated to the translation of song lyrics. The book aligns itself with the tradition of descriptive translation studies. Its authors, scholars from Finland, Great Britain,... more

EN 15038 (DIN EN 15038 in Germany) was developed in 2006 to ensure the consistent quality of translation providers. Seven years after the initial (albeit also critical) interest within the translating community EN 15038 is still far from... more

EN 15038 (DIN EN 15038 in Germany) was developed in 2006 to ensure the consistent quality of translation providers. Seven years after the initial (albeit also critical) interest within the translating community EN 15038 is still far from being accepted by translators and remains largely unrecognized by clients. The publication by a German to Russian and English to Russian translator is an attempt to analyze both the intrinsic flaws of the standard (especially the controversial “Four Eyes” principle) and the flawed practices of certain LSPs especially in view of the recent developments in the translation industry. Can a translation agency using a machine translation system and a post-editor claim to comply with the “Four Eyes Principle”? Is the standard still relevant and required? These and other questions are addressed in the article first published in the magazine of the German Translators Association BDÜ in 2012 (in German).

Esta publicación reúne, en dos volúmenes, los textos de los trabajos expuestos en el XIII Congreso de Estudios Germanísticos que se realizó en Córdoba entre el 21 y el 25 de Setiembre de 2009. El congreso fue organizado por la Asociación... more

Esta publicación reúne, en dos volúmenes, los textos de los trabajos expuestos en el XIII Congreso de Estudios Germanísticos que se realizó en Córdoba entre el 21 y el 25
de Setiembre de 2009. El congreso fue organizado por la Asociación Latinoamericana de·Estudios Germanísticos (ALEG), contó con los auspicios de la Facultad de Filosofía
y Humanidades y la Facultad de Lenguas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y el apoyo del DAAD (Servico Alemán de Intercambio Académico) y el Goethe-Institut Cordoba.

Johannes Scheffler, también conocido como Angelus Silesius, nació el 25 de diciembre de 1624 en Breslavia, antigua Silesia alemana (hoy, parte de Polonia). Entre 1643 y 1648 estudió teología luterana y medicina en las universidades de... more

Johannes Scheffler, también conocido como Angelus Silesius, nació el 25 de diciembre de 1624 en Breslavia, antigua Silesia alemana (hoy, parte de Polonia). Entre 1643 y 1648 estudió teología luterana y medicina en las universidades de Leiden y Padua; se convirtió al catolicismo alrededor de 1653 y pasó sus últimos años como mayordomo del obispo Sebastian von Rostock y como médico de los pobres en su ciudad natal, donde murió el 9 de julio de 1677. Los textos aquí traducidos fueron tomados de «El peregrino querúbico», publicado en 1657 y considerado como una de las obras fundamentales de la literatura barroca en lengua alemana.

Die vorliegende Arbeit soll das Problem der Definition des Begriffs „Übersetzung“ bzw. „Translation“ analysieren und darstellen. Im Fokus der Untersuchung steht die Polemik des 20. Jahrhunderts um den Gegenstand des Übersetzens. Als... more

Die vorliegende Arbeit soll das Problem der Definition des Begriffs „Übersetzung“ bzw. „Translation“ analysieren und darstellen. Im Fokus der Untersuchung steht die Polemik des 20. Jahrhunderts um den Gegenstand des Übersetzens. Als Material für die Analyse dient das theoretische Werk von Friedmar Apel „Literarische Übersetzung“. Außerdem werden in dieser Arbeit die unterschiedlichen sprachwissenschaftlichen empirisch-theoretischen Thesen bedeutender Sprach- und Übersetzungswissenschaftler des letzten Jahrhunderts wie Oettinger, Mounin, Wills, Nida, Kade u. a. betrachtet, die den Begriff „Translation“, der in dieser Arbeit sowohl für das Übersetzen als auch für das Dolmetschen steht, prägen.

Diese Arbeit soll das Problem des Übersetzens von Titeln am Material der russischen und deutschen Überschriften analysieren und darstellen. Das vorzustellende Thema wird in der übersetzungswissenschaftlichen Literatur nicht ausführlich... more

Diese Arbeit soll das Problem des Übersetzens von Titeln am Material der russischen und deutschen Überschriften analysieren und darstellen. Das vorzustellende Thema wird in der übersetzungswissenschaftlichen Literatur nicht ausführlich behandelt. Im Fokus der Untersuchung stehen translatorische (übersetzerische) Techniken und Ansätze, die beim Titelübersetzen angewandt werden. Außerdem setzen wir uns mit der Ontologie und Phänomenologie des Titels auseinander, das aus der unsererseits angenommenen Sicht des funktionalen Übersetzens als Text betrachtet wird. Schließlich werden am Beispiel der aus dem Russischen ins Deutsche übersetzten Titeln die wichtigsten Strategien und Taktiken des Titelübersetzens beschrieben. Es wird ebenfalls auf ihre Wirkung auf den Leser hingewiesen, die für die Übersetzung auschlaggebend sein soll.

Call for papers / Appel à contributions T&R 7: Tradurre, scrivere, semplificare / Translate, Write, Simplify / Traduire, écrire, simplifier / Übersetzen, Schreiben, Vereinfachen.
Udine, 24-25/11/2022
Abstracts: 28/02/2022

Rainer Maria Rilke: poeta, cuentista, novelista, ensayista y traductor, nació en Praga el cuatro de diciembre de 1875. Tras una estricta educación en una academia militar, Rilke estudió Historia del Arte y Filosofía en Praga y Múnich, se... more

Rainer Maria Rilke: poeta, cuentista, novelista, ensayista y traductor, nació en Praga el cuatro de diciembre de 1875. Tras una estricta educación en una academia militar, Rilke estudió Historia del Arte y Filosofía en Praga y Múnich, se entrevistó dos veces con León Tolstoi en Rusia, fue asistente de Auguste Rodin en París y murió de leucemia el 29 de diciembre de 1926 en Val-Mont, Suiza. Las traducciones que se presentan a continuación fueron tomadas de «Para festejarme» y del «Libro de las horas».

George Steiner was a peerless scholar of literature and, with "After Babel", first published in 1975, he made an enormously significant contribution to the study of translation. The present volume assembles a dozen distinguished scholars... more

George Steiner was a peerless scholar of literature and, with "After Babel", first published in 1975, he made an enormously significant contribution to the study of translation. The present volume assembles a dozen distinguished scholars of translation, all of whom offer distinctive engagements with Steiner’s work. In doing so, they demonstrate that "After Babel" has not lost its power to galvanise contemporary research in translation and interpretation studies even today. It is to be hoped that Steiner, who sadly passed away in February 2020, would have appreciated this new collection of essays and received them as a sincere homage to his work. The present volume can also be considered as a celebration of his last birthday in 2019, as well as a celebration of the 45th anniversary of "After Babel"’s publication. Published under the auspices of the "Hermeneutik und Kreativität" Research Centre based at the University of Leipzig, "Engaging with Translation. New Readings of George Steiner’s After Babel" commemorates the intellectual creativity and hermeneutic dexterity of George Steiner, an unrivalled figure in the field of literary interpretation and translation studies.

Il film Invictus (2009), con la sceneggiatura di Anthony Peckham e la regia di Clint Eastwood ispirata al romanzo di John Carlin (2009), The Human Factor: Nelson Mandela and the Game that Changed the World, ha determinato una forte... more

Il film Invictus (2009), con la sceneggiatura di Anthony Peckham e la regia di Clint Eastwood ispirata al romanzo di John Carlin (2009), The Human Factor: Nelson Mandela and the Game that Changed the World, ha determinato una forte attenzione del pubblico alla poesia Invictus di William Ernest Henley. Ciò si è tradotto in una proliferazione di traduzioni spontanee del componimento poetico citato in una scena chiave del film: la poesia viene, infatti, fatta propria da Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman nel film) prima per rafforzare il proprio morale negli anni della prigionia durante l'apartheid e successivamente per incoraggiare il capitano della squadra sudafricana di rugby, François Pienaar (interpretato da Matt Damon), quando nel corso dei mondiali del 1995 sulla scena internazionale ritornano gli Springboks, la nazionale sudafricana di rugby, dagli anni Ottanta esclusa dai campi di tutto il mondo a causa dell'apartheid.

Az ELTE BTK Fordító-és Tolmácsképző Tanszékén a korábbi egyéves, posztgraduális képzési formát követően 2009-től már négy féléves MA-szintű képzés keretében zajlik a szakfordítók és tolmácsok képzése, társadalomtudományi és gazdasági... more

Az ELTE BTK Fordító-és Tolmácsképző Tanszékén a korábbi egyéves, posztgraduális képzési formát követően 2009-től már négy féléves MA-szintű képzés keretében zajlik a szakfordítók és tolmácsok képzése, társadalomtudományi és gazdasági szakiránnyal. A szakra angol, német és francia nyelvből lehet jelentkezni angol-német, német-angol, angol-francia és francia-angol kombinációkban.

ENTI is an open encyclopedia on translation and interpreting studies (TIS), fostered by AIETI. This innovative project is open-access, international, multilingual, multimedia, rigorous, scalable and constantly in-the-making, as explained... more

Based on a new governance theory as regulatory governance, this article analyzes how a new economy creates new transaction costs at the local level due to the lack of legal coordination based on diversity and competition. The literature... more

Based on a new governance theory as regulatory governance, this article analyzes how a new economy creates new transaction costs at the local level due to the lack of legal coordination based on diversity and competition. The literature focuses on how new platform technologies have decreased existing transaction costs (i.e., online platforms). Surrounded by uncertainties in today’s diverse, complex, competitive, and a fast market environment, the lack of legal coordination has created new transaction
costs for digital platform companies. There is limited research on new digital platform company experiences with high transaction costs. There is also limited information on how to overcome these costs, especially due to the lack of legal coordination. This article documents ways to understand how transaction costs are revealed through new technologies. It compares diverse regulatory impacts of the new economy on different localities, including San Francisco and Istanbul. Analyzing Uber as the case company, as well as its relationship with other stakeholders, this article adopts the governance model of regulation to identify the constitutive dynamics of the regulatory challenges. It reveals that local and global e-hail firms in the same country acquired different acceptance and responses in the local market. Thus, the level of transaction costs varied. Local communication based on diversity and competition was derived from the vested interests of lobbying powers, which led to the rising transaction costs. Comparing the local governance in two cities reveals the extent to which transaction
costs affect the raison d’etre of companies to perform activities.

Call for chapters Since the publication of Lawrence Venuti's much quoted The translator's invisibility in 1995-in which he critically approaches the issue of invisibility as the age-old, unspoken translation norm-"invisibility" became a... more

Call for chapters Since the publication of Lawrence Venuti's much quoted The translator's invisibility in 1995-in which he critically approaches the issue of invisibility as the age-old, unspoken translation norm-"invisibility" became a buzzword in the area, with its negative prefix pointing simultaneously to the unfortunate status of translations and translators in society and to the need to counteract this state of affairs, as Venuti himself suggests: "The concept of the translator's 'invisibility' is already a cultural critique, a diagnosis that opposes the situation it represents" (1995: 13). Venuti's "call to action" yielded, either directly or indirectly, numerous and multifaceted approaches, focussing on the study of, for example, translator style (Baker 2000), the translator's ideological embedment (Tymoczko 2003), the history of translation (Pym 2009), the translator's psyche and cognition (Hubscher-Davidson 2009, Halverson 2014), translators' and interpreters' agency from a sociographical perspective (Guzmán 2010), the translator's voice expressed in paratexts (Hagemann / Neu 2012), the biographically-oriented "discovery of translators" (Kelletat / Tashinskiy 2014), translators as protagonists in the translation process through the perspective of hermeneutics (Stolze 2003, Gil 2015), translators' literary estate in archives from a genetic point of view (Hersant 2020), among many other elements.

Wie wichtig kulturelles Hintergrundwissen für einen Übersetzer ist, zeigt sich in der Forderung, ein Zieltext solle möglichst so klingen, ais hätte ihn ein "native speaker" in der Zielsprache geschrieben, und dass er - mit Vermeers Worten... more

Wie wichtig kulturelles Hintergrundwissen für einen Übersetzer ist, zeigt sich in der Forderung, ein Zieltext solle möglichst so klingen, ais hätte ihn ein "native speaker" in der Zielsprache geschrieben, und dass er - mit Vermeers Worten - «möglichst große Nähe zur... eingeschätzten kulturellen und aktuellen Situation der Zielrezipienten» ausdrückt.
Die Kenntnisse in Landeskunde werden von diesem Autor so hoch bewertet, dass er die Sprachkenntnisse des Übersetzers quasi ais Folge dieses kulturellen Wissens betrachtet und von ihm ais «Kulturmittler» spricht.
«Übersetzen ist eine Antwort auf den Text einer Ausgangssprache. Es kann nur gelingen, wenn dem Übersetzer die extraverbalen Zusammenhänge der Textvorlage hinreichend vertraut sind», unterstreicht Paepcke. Solche Zusammenhänge, die außerhalb
des Textes liegen, aber mit ihrem Inhalt verbunden sind, besitzen jedoch soziokulturellen Charakter. Hieraus folgt, dass die Übersetzung jedes Textes kulturpaarspezifische Überlegungen mit sich bringt, was für den Übersetzungsunterricht, der juristische Texte behandelt, konkrete Auswirkungen hat.
Dieses Referat gibt Beispiele von Übersetzungsproblemen, die mit kulturspezifíschen Elementen zusammenhängen. Hierunter sollen im wesentlichen «Ausdrücke und Namen für Sachverhalte politischer, institutioneller, sozio-kultureller und geographischer
Art... die spezifisch für bestimmte Länder sind» (Koller) verstanden werden. Im Anschluss folgen Übungsvorschläge zu diesen Schwierigkeiten.

Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo è un libro nato dalle interviste che i giornalisti Kai Hermann e Horst Rieck sostennero con Christiane Felscherinow, imputata e testimone in un processo conclusosi con la condanna per detenzione di droga e... more

Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo è un libro nato dalle interviste che i giornalisti Kai Hermann e Horst Rieck sostennero con Christiane Felscherinow, imputata e testimone in un processo conclusosi con la condanna per detenzione di droga e ricettazione. La ragazza aveva soli 16 anni. Profondamente coinvolti dalle vicende della giovane eroinomane, i due giornalisti decisero di far conoscere la sua storia, traendo dalle interviste che le fecero dei racconti. Questi vennero pubblicati dapprima a puntate sulla rivista Stern e poi raccolti in un unico libro, uscito nel 1979 sotto la casa editrice Gruner und Jahr. La prima edizione italiana venne pubblicata nel 1981 da Rizzoli con la traduzione a cura della giornalista Roberta Tatafiore. L'edizione consultata per questa tesina è la seconda edizione Rizzoli Vintage uscita nel 2014.

Das Konzept der 'Weltliteratur' im Kontext der Entwicklungsphasen Goethes und des Übersetzungs-Booms; die weltbürgerliche Dimension der deutschen Klassik; Goethes Strategien nach Pascale Casanova; das der literaturkriitische Blick von... more

Das Konzept der 'Weltliteratur' im Kontext der Entwicklungsphasen Goethes und des Übersetzungs-Booms; die weltbürgerliche Dimension der deutschen Klassik; Goethes Strategien nach Pascale Casanova; das der literaturkriitische Blick von aussen; die transnationale Kommunikation der Schriftsteller;

Thomas Murner’s translation of Virgil’s Aeneid into German (Strasbourg: Johann Grüninger 1515) is accompanied by a selection of 112 of the 143 Aeneid woodcuts from the complete edition of Virgil’s works edited by Sebastian Brant. The... more

Thomas Murner’s translation of Virgil’s Aeneid into German (Strasbourg: Johann Grüninger 1515) is accompanied by a selection of 112 of the 143 Aeneid woodcuts from the complete edition of Virgil’s works edited by Sebastian Brant. The latter had been published by Johann Grüninger in Strasbourg in 1502, thirteen years before Murner’s translation. Research has demonstrated that Brant was involved in the production of the woodcuts as a “concepteur”: the extremely detailed interpretation of the text by means of images implies a thorough knowledge of Virgil’s text, while the resulting visual narrative, in addition to the textual understanding supplied by the Latin writing, creates a striking and absorbing display. It can be demonstrated that Thomas Murner knew Brant’s edition and this raises the question of whether Murner was influenced by the familiar woodcuts in his translation of the Aeneid. He, just like Brant, attributed great value not only to the illustrative and mnemonic function of the image, but also to the close relationship between the text and the image. Indeed, the influence of the Aeneid illustrations on Murner’s understanding of the Latin text can be observed in
some places in his translation, demonstrating a dual translation process: the transposition of the Latin text into a pictorial form, which was then translated back into the German language.

Übersetzung Latein-Deutsch von Marcus Tullius Cicero "In Catilinam Orationes quattuor" - Vier Reden gegen Catilina