Airline Industry Research Papers - (original) (raw)
This purpose of this study is to determine level of employees’ job satisfaction and to investigate effect of gender on employees’ job satisfaction. Important factors that have an impact on job satisfaction are supervision, relationship... more
This purpose of this study is to determine level of employees’ job satisfaction and to investigate effect of gender on employees’ job satisfaction. Important factors that have an impact on job satisfaction are supervision, relationship with co-workers, present pay, nature of work, and opportunities for promotion. Data for this study was collected from employees of three private airline companies in Iran. Descriptive analysis performed to determine level of employees’ job satisfaction. In addition, independent-sample t-test was utilized to empirically test relationship between employees’ job satisfaction and their gender. Findings suggest that employees are moderately satisfied with their job and there is no significant difference between male and female employees’ job satisfaction.
Harmonising Regulatory and Antitrust Regimes for International Air Transport addresses the timely and problematic issue of lack of uniformity in legal standards for international civil aviation. First, it focuses on discrepancies within... more
Harmonising Regulatory and Antitrust Regimes for International Air Transport addresses the timely and problematic issue of lack of uniformity in legal standards for international civil aviation.
First, it focuses on discrepancies within the regulatory and antitrust framework and possible solutions thereto. Possible strategies for multilateralisation and defragmentation of air law are discussed, including those within the ICAO and WTO systems, as well as privatisation, trans-national cooperation and consolidation between airlines.
This is followed by a debate on international harmonisation of air policy and economic regulation with competition law and policy. This part deliberates on the peculiarities of the latter framework, such as ‘extraterritorial’ application (effects doctrine) and antitrust immunities. Specific legal problems concerning airline alliance activities are also addressed, such as code-sharing, leasing, franchising and common branding, as well as metal-neutral joint ventures and real air carrier mergers.
The discussion extends to competition and possible conflicts between air transport law and other legal regimes, including space law, environmental law (carbon offsetting schemes) and labour law, which are relevant to aviation and growing aerospace activities. The study also contributes to some specific regulatory problems, such as possible regulation of space tourism under air law, airline ownership and control, balance between aviation safety and airline liberalisation, development of regional liberalisation initiatives and solutions to eliminate air connectivity gaps.
The unique feature of the book is that it reconciles distinct perspectives on these issues presented by renowned aviation and aerospace experts who represent world’s key air transport markets and air law academic centres.
Using newly collected firm-level data, this paper analyzes the effect of mergers on the earnings and employment of pilots, flight attendants, and mechanics in the US airline industry between 1971 and 1990. The results show that mergers... more
Using newly collected firm-level data, this paper analyzes the effect of mergers on the earnings and employment of pilots, flight attendants, and mechanics in the US airline industry between 1971 and 1990. The results show that mergers had a significant and largely negative impact on flight attendants' earnings but have a limited impact on mechanics' and none on pilots' earnings. Mergers have no significant direct impact on employment for pilots or mechanics but affected flight attendants' employment negatively. The indirect impact of reduced activity following mergers did lead to an overall negative impact on employment for pilots and significantly increased the magnitude of the effect for flight attendants.
An increasing use of technology in service delivery presents challenges for businesses, in particular in relation to how customers perceive specific technology-enabled services (TESs) and which TESs they embrace. This study investigates... more
An increasing use of technology in service delivery presents challenges for businesses, in particular in relation to how customers perceive specific technology-enabled services (TESs) and which TESs they embrace. This study investigates the influence of technology readiness (TR) on travelers’ perceived importance of various airline TESs. Results reveal three categories of TESs: Established, Network Access, and New. Two dimensions of TR—Optimism and Innovativeness—were significantly associated with the perceived importance of TESs. Respondents who reported higher levels of Optimism rated Established TESs as particularly important. In contrast, respondents high on Innovativeness rated Network Access and New TESs as more important. The association between TR dimensions and perceived importance of TESs was more evident in customers of low-cost carriers than in customers of full-service airlines. This study contributes to the TES and TR literature by explaining why a TES may be more (or less) important to different customers through the association of the TR construct.
This study measures and compares the efficiency and productivity of European and U.S. airlines, over the period from 2001 to 2008. We measure efficiency by estimating a Bayesian distance frontier model subject to regularity constraints.... more
This study measures and compares the efficiency and productivity of European and U.S. airlines, over the period from 2001 to 2008. We measure efficiency by estimating a Bayesian distance frontier model subject to regularity constraints. Productivity estimates are also derived parametrically, based on the estimates of the distance frontier model. We estimate both a constrained (i.e. subject to regularity conditions) and an unconstrained model and we show the importance of imposing the monotonicity and curvature conditions on the distance function. The efficiency and productivity results based on the constrained model indicate that European airlines have slightly higher efficiency and productivity growth than U.S. airlines. A comparison based on the type of airlines indicates that low-cost airlines are on average more productive and efficient than full-service airlines. The decomposition of productivity growth and related market discussions are also provided.
The US airline industry was deregulated in 1978 and has undergone significant changes in industry structure, profitability, employment, passenger volume, and patterns of service and fares, among other characteristics. This paper sets out... more
The US airline industry was deregulated in 1978 and has undergone significant changes in industry structure, profitability, employment, passenger volume, and patterns of service and fares, among other characteristics. This paper sets out to make three contributions to the literature as related to the story of airline deregulation. First, discussion of economic theory will provide the context for an updated overview of the positive, negative, and really negative results of US airline deregulation, summarized in the form of ''the good", ''the bad", and ''the ugly". Second, this paper provides a periodization of the 30-year history of US airline deregulation that is important in understanding the cycles of change as reflected in the industry's financial performance and other relevant data. Third, this paper contributes to the renewed debate about the efficacy of deregulation and liberalization policies, particularly at a time when the global financial crisis has cast a harsh spotlight on the (un)desirability of these policies. Some of the good results during the 30 years of airline deregulation, from the industry and consumer perspective, include higher passenger volumes, more service to the most popular destinations, and lower fares on average. Bad results include financial and employment instability, diminution in the quality of airline service overall, and fewer flights and higher fares to smaller places. The recent 2000-2005 period has been particularly ugly, as the airline industry has lost over $30 billion, and several high-profile carriers, such as United, Delta, Northwest, and US Airways, were forced into bankruptcy.
In the ever increasing competitive environment of the airline industry, efficient personnel's planning is among the most challenging tasks and solely responsible for the largest impact on an airline's cost structure. The problem is... more
In the ever increasing competitive environment of the airline industry, efficient personnel's planning is among the most challenging tasks and solely responsible for the largest impact on an airline's cost structure. The problem is theoretically appealing because it is computationally difficult due to the huge number of possibilities, and the amount of rules that determine crew planning. This work proposes a methodology to determine the most efficient and least costly way to serve the flights in an airline schedule during a weekly planning horizon considering layovers and deadheads. The strategy is composed of three optimization models: a binary programming model, a model based on the set partitioning problem, and a third model based on the set covering problem, the two latter solved via column generation. Computational results for the three models are presented using test instances built from a mid-sized Colombian airline.
After the Airline Deregulation Act was enacted in 1978, the airline industry had many changes. More specifically, the hub and spoke system has emerged. This system is used as an air transportation network, which consists of hub and spoke... more
After the Airline Deregulation Act was enacted in 1978, the airline industry had many changes. More specifically, the hub and spoke system has emerged. This system is used as an air transportation network, which consists of hub and spoke airports. In particular, there is a key airport, which is called "hub", and many small regional airports, which are called "spoke". Every spokes connect to at least one hub as a center but usually not spoke to spoke. In this model, travelers need to change the aircraft at hub airport, and take another flight to the destination. Normally, there are only few airlines which serve a direct flight from spoke to spoke. Although Zwier (2010) believed that the hub and spoke system causes many problems, the advantages of this system outweigh greatly the disadvantages. This is because this system provides lower fare, more alternative routes, and shopping facilities.
As cost of search for consumers decreases with the spread of the internet; researchers question whether this trend will lead to lower price or higher product differentiation. This paper examines a sample of offered fares to see if an... more
As cost of search for consumers decreases with the spread of the internet; researchers question whether this trend will lead to lower price or higher product differentiation. This paper examines a sample of offered fares to see if an airline choosing not to distribute its tickets via a channel where competitors' offers are directly observable may attempt taking advantage of potential customers. We find this to be the case. Our study suggests that the US airline industry appears to be evolving toward more product differentiation in the internet age.
Many recent studies document that, although frequent flyer programmes (FFPs ) appear to be an excellent example of relationship marketing designed to build customer loyalty, frequent flyer miles rarely act as a primary reason for choosing... more
Many recent studies document that, although frequent flyer programmes (FFPs ) appear to be an excellent example of relationship marketing designed to build customer loyalty, frequent flyer miles rarely act as a primary reason for choosing one carrier over another. A case study of China Airlines (CAL ) was undertaken to understand how FFPs have become an integral part of airline marketing and to examine the reasons why airlines have been using FFPs despite research results that indicate their ineffectiveness. The findings of this study indicate that FFPs are shown to be a significant and effective marketing technique in the airline industry with positive implications for the financial performance of both the carriers involved and their partners. The study also reveals the different dimensions and the complex nature of FFPs, including issues related to market mix, market share and regulations.
The term corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSER) is gaining popularity with some studies attempting to escape narrow definitions of corporate responsibility. This paper aims to develop a model that illustrates how various... more
The term corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSER) is gaining popularity with some studies attempting to escape narrow definitions of corporate responsibility. This paper aims to develop a model that illustrates how various external, sector-specific and internal influences for CSER are interpreted, and then shaped into action at the level of the firm. Using an in-depth case study approach, this model is then applied to one firm-Scandinavian Airlines (SAS). Developing an understanding of the figurative black box of SAS's motivations contributes to unlocking the reasons why corporations are choosing (or not) to commit to CSER. If these reasons are known, they can be used to develop appropriate mechanisms to ensure that CSER is an important aspect of a company's decision-making regime. Findings of the case study provide further evidence that motivations cannot be looked at in isolation of sectoral and cultural contexts. Secondly, it was seen how catalyststhe lens through which a firm sees and interprets motivationscan have an important impact in its level of commitment to CSER.
Integrated Marketing Communication plan for Aerolineas Argentinas Airline
subvention for airline industry was only availiable for Turkish Airlines which led to unfair competition. That was a barrier preventing private airline companies from entering into market. After the amendments regulated by Ministry of... more
subvention for airline industry was only availiable for Turkish Airlines which led to unfair competition. That was a barrier preventing private airline companies from entering into market. After the amendments regulated by Ministry of Transportation in 2003, competition in domestic flights was allowed and the barriers that inhibited private airline companies from entering into market was removed. Not only the market was liberalized but also some additional taxes were cancelled and some airport service charges were reduced. The cost of arilines reduced which led to noticeable reduction of ticket prices. Afterwards total number of passengers increased year by year.
This study examines the relationship between international tourism and COVID-19 cases and associated deaths in more than 90 nations. We use a crosscountry regression analysis and find a positive correlation between international tourism... more
This study examines the relationship between international tourism and COVID-19 cases and associated deaths in more than 90 nations. We use a crosscountry regression analysis and find a positive correlation between international tourism and the cumulated level of COVID-19 confirmed cases and death by 30 April 2020. Our regression analyses show that countries exposed to high flows of international tourism are more prone to cases and deaths caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. This association is robust even after controlling of other socioeconomic determinants of COVID-19 outbreak and regional dummies. Based on our estimations, a one percent higher level of inbound and outbound tourism is associated with 1.2% and 1.4% higher levels of confirmed COVID-19 cases and death respectively, controlling for other factors. When we normalize the number of cases and death by size of population, the statistical significance remains robust, especially for the COVID-19 deaths, while the effect size reduces.
There isn't any standard performance assessment system which is especially accepted for cabin crew by all airlines. Different performance criteria and performance assessment methods are being used in practice. The main reason of... more
There isn't any standard performance assessment system which is especially accepted for cabin crew by all airlines. Different performance criteria and performance assessment methods are being used in practice. The main reason of reflection on performance systems stems from adopting of different business models due to different strategies by Traditional Airlines, Low Cost Carriers and Regional Airlines. The number of cabin crews and demand to cabin crews are increasing in parallel with the development of Airline Industry in Turkey and in the World. The duration and cost of training which is given to inexperienced cabin crews to meet the cabin crew requirement in airlines, is higher than the transfer of experienced cabin crews. Moreover, the orientation process of the newly started cabin crew is a problem to be ensured the sustainability of service quality. The transfer of experienced cabin crew by Airlines is also preferred in terms of protecting the quality of service besides providing advantages in terms of cost and duration. Cabin crew members can work in different positions from bottom to up respectively as a cabin attendant, cabin chief, check purser, instructor and administrator etc in cabin crew department. The increasing competition among the airlines due to rapid growth in airline industry contributes to improve of cabin crew salaries and social rights. To be started to work with a lower seniority and position than their experience due to lack of information about past performance levels of cabin crew who is being transferred to another airline which operates in same country or different country for better salary and social rights etc. is a problem that needs to be solved. The common and work-specific main and sub performance criteria should be determined in the sustainable performance assessment system which is intended cabin crews in different airlines. Common performance criteria for all airlines can be defined as Corporate Awareness, Team spirit and Collaboration, Analysis and Problem solving, Continuous Learning and Personal Development, Effective Communication and Customer Focus. Sub criteria of these common main criteria should also be determined. For example, the Effective Communication main criteria should consist from Right Communication with the Team and Passengers, Welcoming with a Smiling Face and Serving the Passengers with a Smiling Face all the entire flight. In addition, main and sub criteria related with business model should be determined such as in-flight sale of catering products. It is very important that determination of weight ratios of main and sub performance criteria for both common and work-specific in the sustainable performance assessment system model. Sustainable Performance Assessment System Model will eliminate the problem of the achieving different performance scores among the cabin crew who works in same performance level in different airlines due to different performance criteria and different weight ratios of performance criteria. The support and use of the Sustainable Performance Assessment System by airlines with coordination of IATA, will solve the problem of the cabin crew starting to work with lower seniority and position compared to their experience. An identity number which is given by IATA and uploading the personal performance score with weight ratios of related Airline's main and sub performance criteria with this identity number to the data base established in IATA and can be avaliable to monitor by the airlines which is being transferred and cabin crew themselves is necessary to provide an effective and efficient Sustainable Performance Assessment System. In addition, the Sustainable Performance Assessment System Model can be used for the recruitment of the cabin crew as well as appointing to the most appropriate position.
- by Dr. Teoman Erdağ and +1
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- Performance Measurement, Airline Industry, Cabin Crew
This study addresses two issues relating to the pricing behaviour of European airlines: 1) whether an airline's dominant position at the origin airport, at the route and the city-pair level affects the airlines' market power; 2) whether... more
This study addresses two issues relating to the pricing behaviour of European airlines: 1) whether an airline's dominant position at the origin airport, at the route and the city-pair level affects the airlines' market power; 2) whether fares follow a monotonic time path consistent with the pursuing of an inter-temporal price discrimination strategy. Our estimates reveal that enjoying a dominant position within a route is conducive to higher fares. On the contrary, dominance within a city-pair does not seem to facilitate the exercise of market power. We find robust support to the assumption that fares follow a monotonic time path. [JEL Classification: L11, L13, L93] Questo studio affronta due aspetti riguardanti le strategie di prezzo delle compagnie aeree europee: 1) se la posizione dominante di una compagnia su l'aeroporto d'origine, sulla rotta e sul mercato influenza il potere di mercato delle compagnie stesse; 2) se le tariffe seguano un profilo temporale monotonico in linea con una strategia di discriminazione di prezzo inter-temporale. Troviamo che il godere di una posizione dominante sulla rotta sembrerebbe condurre a tariffe più elevate, mentre non si registra lo stesso effetto per quanto riguarda la dominanza di un mercato. L'evidenza empirica supporta l'ipotesi che le tariffe seguono un profilo temporale monotonico.
Paper ini membahas Isu Globalisasi yang terjadi dalam Bidang Penerbangan. Kemajuan tekhnologi diberbagai bidang termasuk di bidang transportasi udara telah membawa dampak tersendiri bagi dunia global, termasuk Indonesia. Kemudahan akses,... more
Paper ini membahas Isu Globalisasi yang terjadi dalam Bidang Penerbangan. Kemajuan tekhnologi diberbagai bidang termasuk di bidang transportasi udara telah membawa dampak tersendiri bagi dunia global, termasuk Indonesia. Kemudahan akses, efisiensi waktu dan fasilitas yang baik menjadikan transportasi udara sebagai pilihan utama dalam berpergian. Namun, bukan tanpa resiko. Transportasi udara seringkali juga mengalami insiden kecelakaan. Bahkan dibanding dengan transportasi lainnya, kemungkinan resiko terburuk jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan transportasi yang ada di darat maupun laut.
The air transport liberalization in the European Union (E.U); preannounced the change of how the airline transport industry will operate in the 21 st century. This article emphasizes the need of reforming airlines' contemporary strategic... more
The air transport liberalization in the European Union (E.U); preannounced the change of how the airline transport industry will operate in the 21 st century. This article emphasizes the need of reforming airlines' contemporary strategic thinking, structure and processes. The airline companies should be proactive and apply several alternative strategic actions towards survival and success and be competitive in the current fierce airline arena.
This report will attempt to analyse the Financial Performance of easyJet over the last 5 years (2008-2012). The report starts by introducing the sub-industry of the LCCs (Low Cost Carriers) as well as the chosen company, easyJet. From... more
This report will attempt to analyse the Financial Performance of easyJet over the last 5 years (2008-2012). The report starts by introducing the sub-industry of the LCCs (Low Cost Carriers) as well as the chosen company, easyJet. From there, we immediately dig into the financial analysis of the company. We are approaching this analysis from, predominantly, an Investor’s angle. Even though Company Valuation and, possibly, other areas are out of the scope of this report and they would have been useful in completing the picture, we will try and shed some light on the financial health of easyJet and whether it can be seen as a potentially good investment.
easyJet’s accounts are published on the 30th of September of the respective year. We will generally be using easyJet’s Annual Reports as a source of data unless otherwise noted. In that case, the Osiris database (BvD, 2013), OneSource (OneSource, 2013) or other sources will be used. This data will act as the catalyst to different financial ratios used.
A novel technology-enabled and cost-effective face shield has been designed to protect the user’s face and mucus membrane area from infectious, biohazardous, or pathological COVID-19 aerosols by creating a protective Dynamic Ingress... more
A novel technology-enabled and cost-effective face shield has been designed to protect the user’s face and mucus membrane area from infectious, biohazardous, or pathological COVID-19 aerosols by creating a protective Dynamic Ingress Barrier which blocks and transports aerosols away from the often breached and problematic periphery of mask/respirator protective zones. Additionally, this new PPE technology is designed to enhance air particle's flocculant properties by disrupting the structural integrity of the coronavirus electrostatic double layer and reducing its electrokinetic potential before accelerating it into the airspace. Thereby increasing its ability to flocculate with active viral aerosols, and subsequently, settle out of the airspace for cleaning, or capture via a filter. Finally, this enabled PPE technology facilitates contact tracing which, combined with other features, will prove to significantly reduce COVID-19 R(0) by minimizing a specific mode of transmission and addressing the OSHA Hierarchy of Controls on multiple levels.
- by Tarique J Rashaud and +1
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- Healthcare, Airline Industry, K-12 Education, Meat Production
Sustainability reporting (SR) has become a standard practice for many organisations worldwide. The purpose of this paper is to explore and develop our understanding of the global airline industry's SR practices. Content analysis was... more
Sustainability reporting (SR) has become a standard practice for many organisations worldwide. The purpose of this paper is to explore and develop our understanding of the global airline industry's SR practices. Content analysis was employed to map which reporting frameworks the global commercial airline industry has recently used to report their nonfinancial impacts. Additionally, comparisons were made in the application of SR between geographical regions. The results indicate that two-thirds of the global airline companies had not published sustainability reports online (reporting period 2019). The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) was the most widely used reporting instrument from the five major non-financial reporting organisations' frameworks. Also, over two-thirds of the reports had used the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a reference framework or referenced SDGs in other ways. This paper provides one of the broadest overviews of global airline SR practices. It is expected that the results will be of interest to practitioners and scholars in aviation SR.
4804 words, including abstract) Abstract. In the United States, most airports do not place any limitations on airline schedules. At a few major airports, the current scheduling restrictions (mostly administrative measures) have not been... more
4804 words, including abstract) Abstract. In the United States, most airports do not place any limitations on airline schedules. At a few major airports, the current scheduling restrictions (mostly administrative measures) have not been sufficiently strict to avoid consistent delays and have raised debates about both the efficiency and the fairness of the allocations. With a forecast 1.1 billion yearly air travelers within the U.S. by 2015, airport expansion and technology enhancement alone are not enough to cope with the competition-driven scheduling practices of the airline industry. The policy legacy needs to change to be consistent with airport capacities.
Multi-airport systems are growing in number and size globally, despite being afflicted by known inefficiencies due to the interferences between the flows of neighbouring airports. A macroscopic empirical approach is proposed in this paper... more
Multi-airport systems are growing in number and size globally, despite being afflicted by known inefficiencies due to the interferences between the flows of neighbouring airports. A macroscopic empirical approach is proposed in this paper to estimate the capacity penalties and demonstrated by a numerical case study for Beijing, which is projected to become one of the busiest metroplexes in Asia. The Pareto envelopes of the theoretical and observed peak hour capacities are statistically analysed to quantify the penalties in a comparable metroplex and are subsequently modulated by a sigmoid correlation function. The analysis predicts the practical capacity of Daxing, the penalty incurred by the pre-existing Capital airport and by the total multi-airport system. Various findings are drawn and discussed, highlighting the needs for further research.
Oman Air is the airline managed by the Sultanate of Oman. The Sultanate of Oman after getting disjoined from Gulf Air bought major share in Oman Air and made it under its governance. Oman Air is famous for its quality, achievements and... more
Oman Air is the airline managed by the Sultanate of Oman. The Sultanate of Oman after getting disjoined from Gulf Air bought major share in Oman Air and made it under its governance. Oman Air is famous for its quality, achievements and its services. But it is unable to produce profit for Oman as its financial performance is not in systematic manner. In addition, many non-financial problems are apparent like technical problems and customer dissatisfaction. Albeit, there is scope for Oman Air still to make profitability in near future. It has positive trend and higher customers for it tourist destinations. Tourism and the related hotel establishments are the optimistic strategies by which Oman Air can get its destination. In addition, customer dissatisfaction can be healed through adopting professional ones in the area by which it is possible to make adequate influence on the finical performance of Oman Air.This study on Oman Air is based on quantitative and qualitative research. It uses the former one to analyse the financial problems and the latter to assess the non-financial problems.
Diligence and humility can, most often, help a person in moving up a corporate ladder.
Key service elements combine to create the service concept and its value proposition for customers. During service operations failures, employee interactions with customers are a critical service element in restoring customer... more
Key service elements combine to create the service concept and its value proposition for customers. During service operations failures, employee interactions with customers are a critical service element in restoring customer satisfaction. However, research in consumer psychology shows that customers seek reasons for service failures and their attributions of blame moderate the effects of the failure on the level of customer satisfaction. This paper extends research on services operations failures by hypothesizing that attributions of blame also affect what matters to the customer during service failures. Specifically, we hypothesize that the relative weights that customers assign to the key elements of the service in reaching an overall assessment of customer satisfaction are affected by customer attributions of blame for service failures. We use the U.S. airline industry as a quasi-experimental research setting to investigate the components of customer satisfaction for three samples of customers who experience: 1) routine service, 2) flight delays of external (i.e., weather) origin, and 3) flight delays of internal origin. Although the level of customer satisfaction is lower for all service failures, we find that the key components of satisfaction differ between delayed and routine flights only when customers blame the service provider for the failure. Specifically, when delays are of external original, satisfaction is lower than for routine flights, but there is virtually no difference in the weight that customers assign to the components of customer satisfaction (including employee interactions). In contrast, when delays are of internal origin, satisfaction is lower than for either routine flights or flights delayed by external factors and employee interactions have a significantly diminished role in customer satisfaction evaluations. Contrary to the popular view that employee interactions take on a greater role in determining customer satisfaction during service failures, we find that the opposite is true if the customer attributes blame to the service provider. The results highlight the important role of customer attributions during service failures and present more nuanced evidence on the role of employee-customer interactions in mitigating the effects of service failures on customer satisfaction. Data Availability: Data for replicating the results of this study are available online at: [insert web site address]. Included in an online appendix and as electronic data files are: the LISREL program code for the basic model and data files containing the variable means, standard deviations and covariance matrices for each of the three treatment groups. In addition to replicating the results of the study, the reader may explore any model that is nested within our model by making changes to the original program code to reflect constraints of a nested model. Confidentiality and nondisclosure agreements with the data provider preclude us from redistributing the raw survey data or reporting results that may be used to identify the customer satisfaction performance of any air carrier.
— This research was conducted at PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Branch Office, Jakarta. This study aims to determine the effect of variable placement and motivation of employees working on the performance of employees. The independent... more
— This research was conducted at PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Branch Office, Jakarta. This study aims to determine the effect of variable placement and motivation of employees working on the performance of employees. The independent variables in this study consisted of educational background (X1), the suitability of skills with job motivation (X2) and long working experience or (X3). While the dependent variable is employee job performance (Y). This research is a descriptive correlational. There are 248 persons of research population, and using random sampling approach. Research instrument used was a questionnaire. Data analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis and using SPSS for Windows version 13.0. With this research will illustrate the correlation between educational background (X1), the suitability of skills with job motivation (X2) and long working experience or (X3) as a variable in the placement of employees in PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Branch Office in Jakarta on employee job performance (Y).
The aviation industry is one of the most vulnerable industrial sectors to the crisis. Failure to manage the crisis they face, it can threaten their lives. Therefore, managers of airline companies are required to have the ability to manage... more
The aviation industry is one of the most vulnerable industrial sectors to the crisis. Failure to manage the crisis they face, it can threaten their lives. Therefore, managers of airline companies are required to have the ability to manage crisis and communicate in crisis situations. Crisis communication strategy becomes an important part in crisis management. This study uses content analysis of the crisis communication strategies used by AirAsia and Malaysia Airlines in their respective aircraft accidents on December 28, 2014 and March 8, 2014. This research found that both companies are fast enough to respond to crises, despite they use different strategies in response of the crisis. AirAsia emphasizes the use of apology without ignoring compensating, while Malaysia Airlines emphasizes compensation without ignoring apology. Abstrak Dunia penerbangan merupakan salah satu sektor industri yang sangat rentan terserang krisis. Kegagalan dalam mengelola krisis yang mereka hadapi dapat mengancam kehidupan mereka. Oleh karena itu, para manajer pengelola perusahaan penerbangan dituntut untuk memiliki kemampuan dalam mengelola krisis dan berkomunikasi dalam situasi krisis. Strategi komunikasi krisis menjadi bagian penting yang dalam pengelolaan krisis. Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan analisis isi terhadap strategi komunikasi krisis yang digunakan AirAsia dan Malaysia Airlines dalam kecelakaan pesawat mereka yang terjadi masing-masing pada 28 Desember 2014 dan 8 Maret 2014. Riset ini menemukan bahwa kedua perusahaan cukup cepat dalam merespon krisis walau terdapat perbedaan dalam strategi mereka dalam merespon krisis. AirAsia lebih menekankan pada penggunan apologi tanpa mengabaikan kompensasi, sementara Malaysia Airlines lebih menekankan kompensasi tanpa mengabaikan apologi.
The coronavirus pandemic has turned the aviation industry on its head, transforming the passenger experience drastically. The airlines have faced significant challenges due to both the Covid-19 pandemic, the sequence of lockdowns and the... more
The coronavirus pandemic has turned the aviation industry on its head, transforming the passenger experience drastically. The airlines have faced significant challenges due to both the Covid-19 pandemic, the sequence of lockdowns and the provisions of safety and security legislation. There is more concern about the growing feeling that passengers are aware of the level of service. Airlines not only need to focus on service quality in today's highly competitive air transport environment, but also need to focus more on safety and security issues, especially at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic. The research related to these dimensional studies becomes more important in the COVID-19 scenario. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the impact of service quality dimensions on the overall quality of service of domestic airlines in Nepal in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. A quantitative methodology with a descriptive and explanatory research design was adopted in the...
Although the performance of a lot of carriers in the airline industry over the last decades is alarming, the carriers from the Gulf States manage to grow. Of this Gulf airlines Emirates from Dubai is the most successful one, making... more
Although the performance of a lot of carriers in the airline industry over the last decades is alarming, the carriers from the Gulf States manage to grow. Of this Gulf airlines Emirates from Dubai is the most successful one, making profits for more than
20 consecutive years. CEO’s from major European airlines claim that this success is only possible because of the government support, while Emirate states that it is its business
model that makes the difference. This thesis examines if the government of Dubai creates an unlevel playing field by studying the different factors that underlie the
difference in performance between Emirates and its European competitors. The findings show that the government of Dubai only to a limited extent creates an unlevel playing field, and that Emirates’ business model, the geographic position of Dubai and European aviation regulations contribute at least as much to the difference in performance.
Recently, the customer structure and their expectations are changed in the airline industry same as the other service industries with changed conditions by technology, quality of living etc. Due to changing expectations for service... more
Recently, the customer structure and their expectations are changed in the airline industry same as the other service industries with changed conditions by technology, quality of living etc. Due to changing expectations for service quality and new market structure, airline companies will be able to provide a competitive advantage through meeting customers' expectations with high satisfaction and understanding the changing market. In this context, the aim of this study is identifying the determinants of airline service quality perceived by customers; reveal the effects of perceived service quality on customer satisfaction, and effects of customer satisfaction on behavioral intentions of customers, simultaneously by using a conceptual model. Perceived service quality dimensions used in this research are developed on the basis of the AIRQUAL and SERVPERF models. Unlike existing studies, the study also posits perceived service quality, customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions in a single model. The sample of this research comprises the passengers who had flown on any of the national airlines of Turkey in the recent year and they are selected using non-probability judgmental sampling technique. Structural equation modeling is performed to confirm reliability and validity of the measures and examine the structural relationships between constructs. According to obtained results, image that is one of the dimensions of perceived service quality is the strongest significant determinant of customer satisfaction. Also, word-of-mouth and repurchase intention are significantly and positively influenced by customer satisfaction. However, the relationship between customer satisfaction and negative feedbacks of the customers is found positive contrary to proposed hypothesis. As well as the supportive findings of previous research, this study raises a critical question regarding the relationship between customer satisfaction and negative feedbacks for further research to focus on.
Nowadays, we cannot imagine the world without the airline industry, because of its fast services and huge benefits, which offers for many other industries and societies. Also, its role is critical in term of the creation of the new global... more
The chapter gives a comprehensive overview of the particularities of the business model of low cost airlines in contrast to established airlines. For this purpose, safety aspects and the different cost structures of established and low... more
The chapter gives a comprehensive overview of the particularities of the business model of low cost airlines in contrast to established airlines. For this purpose, safety aspects and the different cost structures of established and low cost airlines are demonstrated and a general business model is developed. On this basis, the different com-ponents of the low cost airlines’ business model are categorized and analyzed with the fo-cus on procurement and process management as well as on the marketing mix approach including price, product, distribution and communication policy.
This paper explores the development of the Deutsche Lufthansa South American Airmail Service during 1933-1939. Using original source documents from the Lufthansa archives and postal history artifacts in the author's possession, we examine... more
This paper explores the development of the Deutsche Lufthansa South American Airmail Service during 1933-1939. Using original source documents from the Lufthansa archives and postal history artifacts in the author's possession, we examine route development, competition and cooperation with the French service, methods of multimodal transportation, equipment evolution and the overall pursuit of postal expedience. Particular emphasis is placed upon the contract negotiations among German and British authorities; Colonial authorities in Bathurst, Gambia; and the German and UK post offices.
This chapter focuses on the effects of regulation, deregulation, and competition in the Turkish airline industry that has long been dominated by Turkey’s state-owned airline company, Turkish airlines (THY). Before 2003, the industry was... more
This chapter focuses on the effects of regulation, deregulation, and competition in the Turkish airline industry that has long been dominated by Turkey’s state-owned airline company, Turkish airlines (THY). Before 2003, the industry was not yet open to competition. The necessary legal environment has not yet been established to ensure that private airline firms other than THY could also operate especially in the scheduled domestic flights and cargo transport. Thirteen firms along with THY that operated in the unscheduled flights were inadequate to trigger competition, to increase demand, and to attract investments in the entire industry. The airline deregulation movement in 2003 opened the market to competition. The movement released entry to the industry. Fares are beginning to be determined by competition. This chapter analyzes the pre- and postreform structure of the industry. Accordingly, we deal with this to reveal the effects of deregulation over industry structure and quality of service. Besides, by analyzing the developments in the industry, we aim to present how the postreform structure of the industry is reshaped.
Un ciclo operativo, fundamentalmente, se enfoca en la satisfacción de cliente, mediante procesos de una cadena de servicios que, al obtener resultados óptimos, definirán si el cliente queda satisfecho o no. El presente escrito define el... more
Un ciclo operativo, fundamentalmente, se enfoca en la satisfacción de cliente, mediante procesos de una cadena de servicios que, al obtener resultados óptimos, definirán si el cliente queda satisfecho o no. El presente escrito define el ciclo operativo de los usuarios del transporte aéreo de pasajeros y sus momentos de la verdad.
A well-designed mission statement is essential for formulating, implementing, and evaluating business strategy. Yet the role of the mission statement in the strategic management of business firms has not been sufficiently highlighted in... more
A well-designed mission statement is essential for formulating, implementing, and evaluating business strategy. Yet the role of the mission statement in the strategic management of business firms has not been sufficiently highlighted in the research literature. It is not surprising that minimal attention has been paid to the role of mission statements in the strategic management of tourism and hospitality organisations. This paper attempts to remedy this apparent neglect. It focuses on the international airline industry by selecting 50 mission statements from corporate websites. 1 The mission statements are then analysed to determine the extent to which they conform to commonly accepted views of the 'ideal' mission statement. Variations from the stated 'ideal' are highlighted and discussed. Conclusions are drawn regarding the role of mission statements in the strategic management of tourism and hospitality organisations. r (L. Dwyer). 1 The authors recognise that since this research was conducted a number of airlines included in the research have restructured, downsized or faced financial collapse (for example, Ansett Airlines). The airline industry is dynamic and often faced with turbulent conditions in their external environment. 0261-5177/03/$ -see front matter r
This paper discusses the evolution of airline industry in the Philippines. This traces the Liberalization Policy in 1995 to the practices of acting oligarchs--Cebu Pacific and Philippine Airlines.
Starting from an analysis of the freedoms of the air and Article 6 of the Chicago Convention, this paper questions the legal admissibility of the inclusion of code-sharing authorization clauses in Air Service Agreements. The main finding... more
Starting from an analysis of the freedoms of the air and Article 6 of the Chicago Convention, this paper questions the legal admissibility of the inclusion of code-sharing authorization clauses in Air Service Agreements. The main finding is that such clauses are in breach of the Chicago Convention, as code-sharing falls outside the scope of application of Article 6 of the Chicago Convention.
This article addresses the insolvencies of Alitalia, Air Berlin and Monarch against the backdrop of their respective national legal regimes. After a brief reconstruction of the main relevant facts leading to the procedures, the normative... more
This article addresses the insolvencies of Alitalia, Air Berlin and Monarch against the backdrop of their respective national legal regimes. After a brief reconstruction of the main relevant facts leading to the procedures, the normative backgrounds are analysed. In the three cases, the interplay between the distinctive features of each airline insolvency and the applicable bankruptcy laws displays some characteristics that are unique to the national legal system. It follows that differences in laws, procedures and outcomes ultimately highlight the absence of a much needed EU-wide coordination in dealing with airline insolvencies.
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to investigate the strategies and competitive advantages of Emirate Airlines that have led to exceptional performance while the overall airline industry globally has faced multibillion-dollar losses... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to investigate the strategies and competitive advantages of Emirate Airlines that have led to exceptional performance while the overall airline industry globally has faced multibillion-dollar losses in 2009. Design/methodology/approach -The authors' professional experience, extensive literature review, and personal communications with selected personnel of Emirate Airlines on the subject provided the foundation for this research. Findings -As the global business environment becomes increasingly competitive, the airline industry has also had to respond to the current business scenario, while facing devastating falling demands, shattered consumer confidence, and collapsing yields. However, in 2009, Emirate Airlines reported phenomenal growth and astounding profits while their rivals faced agonizing losses. This paper explores and examines the competitive advantage of Emirate Airlines. The major finding is that the formulation and implementation of appropriate strategies has led to the exceptional performance, profitability, and success of Emirate Airlines. Practical implications -The competitive strategies -such as operational strategies, generic strategies, intensive strategies, and diversification strategies -can be helpful for firms to gain a competitive advantage over their rivals. Also, the ability to leverage, innovate, and pioneer new ideas, as well as a visionary management team, are essential for exceptional performance of an organization. Originality/value -The paper provides a model for strategically managing the performance of an aspiring firm, even though the entire industry is facing distressing circumstances.
Although the application of segmentation is a topic of central importance in marketing literature and practice, managers tend to rely on intuition and on traditional segmentation techniques based on socio-demographic variables. In the... more
Although the application of segmentation is a topic of central importance in marketing literature and practice, managers tend to rely on intuition and on traditional segmentation techniques based on socio-demographic variables. In the airline industry, it is regarded as common sense to separate between business and economy passengers. However, the simplicity of this segmentation logic no longer matches the ever more complex and heterogeneous choices made by customers. Airline companies relying solely on flight class as the segmentation criterion may not be able to customize their product offerings and marketing policies to an appropriate degree in order to respond to the shifting importance and growing complexity of customer choice drivers, e.g. flexibility and price as a result of liberalization in the airline industry. Thus, there is a need to re-evaluate the traditional market segmentation criterion.